Final Proposal

ITLC Impress Through Learning LET's ITLC ;) ITLC slogan is Creating the ChangeIntroduction ITLC is a stand for International Transportation & Logistics Club. ITLC is an emerging student organization in AAST – Faculty of logistics & International transport. ITLC is under the direct supervision of AAST administration and its academic staff. ITLC is designed to reduce the professional and the interpersonal gab between the undergraduate’s qualifications and the market

Transcript of Final Proposal

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ITLCImpress Through Learning LET's ITLC ;)

ITLC slogan is “Creating the Change”


ITLC is a stand for International Transportation & Logistics

Club. ITLC is an emerging student organization in AAST –

Faculty of logistics & International transport. ITLC is

under the direct supervision of AAST administration and its

academic staff. ITLC is designed to reduce the professional

and the interpersonal gab between the undergraduate’s

qualifications and the market requirements with extreme

care to its role in the social responsibility and culture


Change is the theme of life, everything around us is

Change. Life is not a constant, it is constant Change.

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Change is more than just a word; it is more of an action

towards transformation and modification, the

transformation into a better well-being, and the alteration of

a better future.

The idea of Change is not new, and the fear of Change has

been a social phenomenon all over history. It is well known

that history repeats itself, but it is not known that history is

repeated by us.

If people believe in Change, then they would be willing to

Change who they are into much positive, affirmative and

optimistic populace. In that case, this world would ultimately

become a much better place. Reality however, had shown

that Change is one of the most difficult aspects of life, and

that it cannot be done in one step, rather, it requires a series

of steps in order to achieve the Change that any human

being is willing to reach.

It is by now apparent why we decided to start the most

valuable thing in our lives; the road map of change… the

beginning of development, achievement and progress.

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We will walk the most creative, unique and risky road

that many people have feared to take, we will start this

path of positive ness, and assertiveness, remembering that

you never know an end of a road unless you walk through it.

Its mission is mainly supported by its core Values

“Integrity, Innovation, professionalism, enthusiasm,

Teamwork, Mutual Respect, and Loyalty” depending on

its passionate highly trained members.

ITLC Vision

Building an effective, more aware and a new generation of

youth, capable of realizing their dreams, using their

potentials and aspirations in turning those dreams towards a

more developed Egypt and a better educated, optimistic and

positive populace. We also aim to be a positive force in

AAST, always seeking the best ways to benefit students in

the fields of academics, social life, and practical applications

in a fun, warm, and creative environment.

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ITLC Mission

To create Youth agents capable of developing Egypt through

comprehensive affirmative and influential sessions on social,

educational as well as Human Development aspects that

would enlighten their awareness, develop their skills, and

expand their Horizons. We believe in envisioning a global

culture of peace, solidarity, inclusiveness, shared

responsibility, harmony, cooperation, goodwill and reverence

for the sacredness of all life through our active student

engagement, linking knowledge with practice and building a

foundation of spirituality and values which are universal in


ITLC Goals

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1. To Encourage the Youth to participate more effectively in the development process through increasing development awareness and motivation.

2. To guarantee development sustainability by involving youth with their own understanding of their communities status (youth needs, community real needs and the role of each individual towards the community)

3. To introduce them to networks in the field of development through effective sessions and educational visits.

4. To enhance dialogue among different cultures through exchanging youth experiences especially those active in development.

5. Discovering the internal talents through spotting the talent out of the students and developing it.

6. To narrow the gap between the Theoretical Studies and the Real Business life

7. To create Social Responsibilities Initiatives.

ITLC Scope of Activities

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Training and Recruiting

Through working on creating Strategic Partnership with well known companies in the field of Logistics & Supply Chain.


Make Change in the world, by giving sessions, conducting seminars in Human developments, introducing workshops, in addition to Educational seminars by well-known experienced Guest Speakers.


To Ports and Manufacturing companies in coordination with the Faculty admission.


Creating and participating in charitable events. In addition to creating a bank Data Base Campaign.

Social & Cultural activities

Spotting the talent out of the students and try to develop it through creating various workshops, such as: painting, photographing, drawings, etc…

Criteria of ITLC Team:

These criteria will shorten the way to meet ITLC values

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Hard worker



Able to work in a Team



Good listener

Work under Pressure

Not Short Tempered

ITLC Organization Structure

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Academic Supervisior:

Mr. Karim Mohamed Soliman – Teacher Assisstant, Faculty of Logistics & Int. Transport.


Mansour Abu bakr


Passant Hafez


Name Registration no.

Mobile no.

1 منصور أبوبكرعثمان

7104570 014/8896998


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2 باسنت محمودحافظ

8103468 010/1012754



3 سارة يسري يوسف 8104893 011/0011298

4 غادة طه النحلة 8103314 010/6650822

5 اية شريفعبدالقوي

8104476 011/6628782

6 اية ايمن عبدالعال 8104714 010/6050301

7 محمد هشام 8104363 012/5827887

8 خالد إبراهيم 8104218 010/4497584

9 ناردين عصام 8103500 017/8661977

10 نور السيد عمر 8104699 019/8079539

11 كريم اللهمنهسامي

12 أية محمود

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Closing Thought

“No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guard a gate of change that can be opened only from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or by

emotional appeal.”

Marilyn Ferguson

So Let’s Impress Through Learning Creativity...

So Let’s ITLC

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Prof. Mohamed Ali

Dean- Faculty of Logistics and Int. Transport

A group of young students from the faculty of Logistics and Int. transport, Cairo Campus, have come to you today through their own words typed in this letter, to request your support and assistance in the initiation of a program that will influence the lives of many young people who are ambitious enough to make a change in the world that they live in today.

Yes… “Creating the Change” is the Theme of our new student development program “ITLC- Int. Transport & Logistics club”

People in the broader Middle East seek greater opportunity and experience. Thus, a growing community of reformers has emerged with new energy and ideas to make these aspirations a reality. ITLC will be one of them, structured mainly to help build up a more prosperous and successful Middle East through creating the new leaders of tomorrow.

Change is the theme of life, everything around us is change. Life is not a constant, it is constant change. If people believe in change, then they would be willing to change who they are into much positive, affirmative and optimistic populace, in that case, this world would ultimately become a much better place. Reality however, has shown that change is one of the most difficult aspects of life, and that it can not be done in one step, rather, it requires a series of steps in order

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to achieve the change that any human being is willing to reach.

Being the first representation in AAST with the title of change, we are honored to take the lead and initiate the newest program and community development of all, we are ready to make the first move and launch this life shifting experience of Change.

However, one obstacle remains, in order to turn this dream a reality; we are in need your honor acceptance to register and launch ITLC.

Best Regards,