Final Project

Modern Bedrooms for Everyone


Elements and Principles of Design Magazine

Transcript of Final Project

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Modern  Bedrooms  for  Everyone  

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What’s inside? Ta


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Elements: ²  Lines pgs. 6-9 ²  Texture pgs. 10-13 ²  Light pgs. 14-17 ²  Color pgs. 18-21 ²  Space pgs. 22-25 ²  Shape pgs. 26-29 ²  Form pgs. 30-33

Principles of Design: ²  Balance pg. 35-39 ²  Harmony pg. 40-46 ²  Emphasis pg. 47-49 ²  Rhythm pg. 50-53 ²  Scale pg. 54-56 ²  Massing pg. 57-59 ²  Proportion pg. 60-62

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Letter From the Editor Dear Lovely Readers,

For the past six years I have known that I wanted to be an interior designer. My first project I ever worked on was my own bedroom. It’s the place where you can truly call it ‘yours.’ It’s the last thing you see before you go to sleep and the first thing you see in the morning so I made mine beautiful. I hope this inspires you to make your bedroom truly your own. Love, Emily Pearce

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What to Focus On Time for Bed is a magazine that exemplifies modern bedroom

designs. This is a great beginner magazine that breaks down every important aspect of a bedroom, but keeps it easy to understand

and put the ideas to use.

Focus on the tips included and hundreds of ideas through out Time For Bed.

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Elements of Design

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Straight Horizontal

Lines are very dominant through out interiors and in particular horizontal lines give off a feeling of strength and solidity which are very important in an interior environment.

Bring This to Your Home: This headboard can be found as part of the Pinella Sleigh Bedroom set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

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Straight  Ver+cal  

Vertical lines give off a feeling of height and strength in an interior.

Bring This to Your Home: This footboard can be found as part of the Rayville Panel Bedroom set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

The thinner lines in the pillows to

the right show weakness, while the thicker lines

on the footboard below represent


INSIDER TIP: Use vertical lines to take a room with low ceilings to appear


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Commonly found in arches , drapery, and rounded furniture

such as the foot board pictured above, curved lies create a sense

of delicacy and gracefulness.

Bring This to Your Home: This foot board can be found as part of the Exquisite Youth Sleigh Bedroom set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

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Non Reflective

Non Reflective texture used to be considered only for “lower economic classes.” Now, in present day, this texture is now thought to be for wealthy folks.

Bring This to Your Home: This quilted headboard can be found as part of the Larimer Upholstered Bedroom set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

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e Reflective textures are used to bounce light around the room

such as in the border of the mirror pictured above.

Unlike the mirror above, this vase is a

reflective material that

bounces light without being

an actual mirror.

Bring This to Your Home: This table lamp can be found as part of the Maisie Table Lamp set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

This lamp base is reflective to bounce the light from the light bulb above, around the room.

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Surface Quality Real

Real Surface Quality brings character into a room. Not only do they appear textured, but they feel textured as well.

Bring This to Your Home: This table lamp can be found as part of the Haldis Table Lamp set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

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Floor Lamps

Bring This to Your Home: This floor lamp can be found as part of the Oakleigh Floor Lamp set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

Without light, there is no point to having other visual elements.

Floor lamps let you bring light

into a room anywhere you want without

the need for a table to

support it.

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Table Lamps

Bring This to Your Home: This table lamp can be found as part of the Rory Table Lamp set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

Table Lamps are an easy way to bring light into a room. They’re popular in bedrooms to use as light beside

the bed to prevent from always using an

overhead light.

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Track Lighting is normally used in large, open building, but has recently become popular in kitchen and living rooms.

INSIDER TIP: Track lighting always you to easily put light where you want


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Monochromatic color schemes are when only one color is used through out a design.

INSIDER TIP: Use different

shades and tints of the color you choose to keep the room from

becoming boring.

Bring This to Your Home: This monochromatic wall décor can be found as the wall art Anemone at Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Direct Complementary

Bring This to Your Home: This comforter can be found as part of the Simpson – Tangerine Youth Comforter set at Ashley Furniture Homestore.

From pg. 4: DIRECT


Direct Complementary colors are those that are directly across from each other on the color wheel, such as Orange and Blue, as well as Pink and Green.

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Neutral Palette

INSIDER TIP: If you’re struggling to find a

color scheme, visit

for help.

A Neutral Palette is most popular when designing an interior. It’s calming and makes adding décor to the room easy.

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Posi+ve  Space  

Bring This to Your Home: This table lamp can be found as part of the Rachelle Table Lamp set at Ashley Furniture Homestore.

Positive space is what you actually see of a object, such

as, the lamp to the right.

To the left, the positive space would be the metal ovals. The ovals actually take up space which is what makes them positive space.

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Negative Space

Negative Space is the space or air around the

positive space or object.

The image to the right has negative

space shown in between each slat,

also seen where the light can shine


The image from pg. 23 has negative space as well, but instead of the ovals, the space is the area around and between the ovals.

INSIDER TIP: The more negative space,

the more open a room feels.

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Crowding is self explanatory. This means there is a heavy amount of objects in one area. This

tends to create a dense, and depending on the materials used, comfy, or hard feel to the room.

Bring This to Your Home: These orange pillows can be found as part of the Penelope – Orange Pillow set at Ashley Furniture Homestore.

To the left is an example of wall décor that creates a hard feel in a room by crowding the pieces together.

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ct Abstract

objects represent

something, but in an

indirect way.

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Bring This to Your Home: This dresser can be found as part of the Prentice Dresser and Mirror set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

Geometric shapes are simple, commonly known shapes. To the left, the lamp base is made up of squares and the dresser below is made of rectangles and squares.

INSIDER TIP: Geometric shapes and

objects stand out in rooms

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Dynamic shapes are known for

their implied


INSIDER TIP: Curtains are a great

way to liven up a room either by the color of the curtains or by the

amount of light they let into the room.

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Geometric forms are very common

and if used correctly create

interest through an object or room.

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Bring This to Your Home: This Lamp Base can be found as part of the Pallas Table Lamp set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

Natural forms are inspired by nature. Often they are directly from nature.

Above is a natural form directly from

nature used as décor. To the right

and below are natural forms

inspired by nature are now bases to


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Bring This to Your Home: This lamp base can be found as part of the Reece Table Lamp set at Ashley Furniture Homestore

Non-objective forms are forms that don’t attempt to represent anything specific, unlike abstract shapes. The lamp bases above and below represent non-

objective forms perfectly.

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Principles of Design

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Visual Symmetry

Visual Symmetry often happens in

an interior on accident. It causes

balance in bedrooms which most people find

comforting. Bring This to Your Home: This bedspread set can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Structural Symmetry

Bring This to Your Home: This photo board wall décor can be found in the home goods section at your local Kohls.

Structural symmetry is most common in master bedrooms because they allow for more furniture.

INSIDER TIP: Two bedside tables are a great way to

bring structural symmetry into a


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Bring This to Your Home: This woven wall décor can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

Visual Radial Symmetry is when everything goes back to one point in the center, such as the woven wall art to the right or even the fan below.

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Visual Asymmetry

Visual Asymmetry is most common through out a home because it is not direct symmetry, but is balanced by the weight of the objects used.

Bring This to Your Home: This Bedroom Set can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Unity through Line

Using line to unify a space is an easy and worthwhile task. By using line in both pillows above and continuing lines on the comforter itself, the bedding set below is unified very well.

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In the above image, the bedroom set uses the same curved shape of all the furniture to unify the room.

The bedding sets above and to the left use the same shape of decorative pillows to unify the space.

Bring This to Your Home: These bedding sets can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Unity through Color

A very common way of unifying a room is through color that is used through out the room.

Bring This to Your Home: This five light lamp can be found at your local Target.

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Unity through Repetition

The bedding set above uses unity through repetition by using the same pattern on the comforter and continues with that same pattern onto the pillows as well.

INSIDER TIP: Although repetitive patterns can cause unity, too much of one pattern can ruin a room. Be careful

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r Variety through color

is a way to pull a room together with different

colors you wouldn’t normally think to use

in a room.

INSIDER TIP: The use of a colorful rug is a great way to bring different colors into your room and allow for you to continue them elsewhere

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Variety through Furniture

Variety through furniture can cause an

eclectic look to a bedroom. The room

above is very eclectic in that the furniture isn’t

all the same shape, yet still meshes well


INSIDER TIP: Creating an eclectic room is easy, but remember you still need to pick and choose what goes in the room. Don’t take everything and try to make it all work together, it won’t

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l Po

int V


l Focal Points are what your eyes are drawn to when you first walk into a room. For bedrooms especially, pillows and bedding accessories are the most common focal point in a bedroom.

Bring This to Your Home: This Headboard and bedding set can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Focal Point Structural

In a bedroom, the bed is normally the

structural focal point element. Sometimes in

a master bedroom there could be a

fireplace that would serve as a structural

focal point.

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The repetitive dominant lines and shapes throughput

this particular bedroom set

creates a rhythm throughout the


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Contrast in a bedroom is when there are different

shapes and sizes of objects through out the

room. Oddly enough the different objects tend to

create a rhythm.

Bring This to Your Home: This stand alone décor can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Climatic Rhythm is when something repeats vertically and tends to draw the eye upward. Above, the candle holder wall décor repeats vertically and slowly draws your eyes upward.

The cabinet door to the left is the lowest door, but with the doors above having the same vertical lines, your eyes are drawn upward.

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Human Scale

Human scale is self explanatory. It is the size of an object in a

room or the room itself in comparison to a


Bring This to Your Home: This lounge couch can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Symbolic Scale

Symbolic scale to an interior designer is a small scaled replica of the space being designed. It’s a way for a client to see in 3D what their space will look like.

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Actual Density

Actual Density is the mass an object fully

takes up. Basically one solid object. For

example, the bed above and the pillows to the right are actual

density. Bring This to Your Home: This Bedding Set can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Optical density is

the illusion of the mass an object takes up,

but like the bookshelf to

the left, it has space inside the object just

as the vases above do.

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Object in Proportion with Space

The decorative element to the left of

the lamp is in proportion with

space. Compared to the lamp it is the

right size.

Bring This to Your Home: This decorative bedroom set can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

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Object NOT in proportion with space

Bring This to Your Home: This Dresser can be found at the Ashley Furniture Homestore.

Objects that tend not to be in proportion with the space around can cause it to be very boring or can

cause interest depending on the object.

INSIDER TIP: To keep your bedroom

proportional throughout, try buying a furniture set instead of piece by piece in

order to insure everything coexists
