Final Programme 21 Annual Meeting Swiss Stroke Trialists ... · Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting...

Final Programme Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting 12.01.2018 Lausanne University Hospital Symposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network 12.01.2018 Lausanne University Hospital 21 st Annual Meeting Swiss Stroke Society SSS 11.01.2018 Lausanne University Hospital Schweizerische Hirnschlaggesellschaft – Société Cérébrovasculaire Suisse – Società Cerebrovascolare Svizzera – Swiss Stroke Society – SHG – SCS – SSS NEW!

Transcript of Final Programme 21 Annual Meeting Swiss Stroke Trialists ... · Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting...

Page 1: Final Programme 21 Annual Meeting Swiss Stroke Trialists ... · Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting 12.01.2018 Lausanne University Hospital ... (Krea-Cl 15-29ml/min) od. NI in Komb.

Final Programme

Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting12.01.2018

Lausanne University Hospital

Symposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network12.01.2018

Lausanne University Hospital

21st Annual MeetingSwiss Stroke Society SSS


Lausanne University Hospital

Schweizerische Hirnschlaggesellschaft – neurovasc.chSociété Cérébrovasculaire Suisse – neurovasc.chSocietà Cerebrovascolare Svizzera – neurovasc.chSwiss Stroke Society – neurovasc.chSHG – SCS – SSS


Page 2: Final Programme 21 Annual Meeting Swiss Stroke Trialists ... · Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting 12.01.2018 Lausanne University Hospital ... (Krea-Cl 15-29ml/min) od. NI in Komb.


Xarelto® – Erfahrung und Vertrauen7


fürs echte

Referenzen: 1. Patel et al. Rivaroxaban versus warfarin in nonvalvular atrial fi brillation. N Engl J Med 2011; 365:883–91. 2. Camm et al. XANTUS: a real-world, prospective, observational study of patients treated with rivaroxaban for stroke prevention in atrial fi brilation. Eur Heart J. 2016 Apr 7;37(14):1145-53. 3. Prins et al. Oral Rivaroxaban versus Standard Therapy for the Treatment of Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism: a pooled analysis of the EINSTEIN-DVT and PE randomized studies. Thrombosis Journal 2013;11:21. 4. Ageno et al. Safety and effectiveness of oral rivaroxaban versus standard anticoagulation for the treatment of symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis (XALIA): an international, prospective, non-interventional study. Lancet Haematol. 2016 Jan;3(1):e12–21. 5. Turpie et al.: Rivaroxaban for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after hip or knee arthroplasty. Pooled analysis of four studies. Thromb Haemost. 2011;105(3):444–453. 6. Turpie et al.: A non-interventional comparison of rivaroxaban with standard of care for thromboprophylaxis after major orthopaedic surgery in 17,701 patients with propensity score adjustment. Thromb Haemost. 2014;111(1):94–102. 7. IMS Health MIDAS, Database: Monthly Sales February 2016.Gekürzte Fachinformation Xarelto® (Rivaroxaban): Direkter Faktor Xa-Inhibitor Z: Filmtabl. zu 10, 15 und 20mg Rivaroxaban I: a) Thromboseprophylaxe bei grösseren orthopädischen Eingriffen a. d. unteren Extremitäten wie Hüft- und Knieprothesen. b) Behandlung von Lungenembolie (LE) und tiefer Venenthrombose (TVT) sowie Prophylaxe rezidivieren-der TVT und LE. c) Schlaganfallprophylaxe und Prophylaxe system. Embolien bei nicht-valvulärem Vorhoffl immern. D: a)1x/Tag 10mg. b)2x/Tag 15mg für die ersten 21 Tage, gefolgt von 20mg 1x/Tag c)1x/Tag 20mg; bei Krea-Cl 15-49ml/min: 1x/Tag 15mg. 15mg und 20mg mit Mahlzeit einnehmen. KI: Überempfi ndlichkeit auf Inhaltsstoffe, akute bakt. Endokarditis, klin. sign. aktive Blutungen, schw. Lebererkrankung/ Leberinsuffi zienz (LI) mit relev. erhöhtem Blutungsrisiko; leichte LI in Komb. mit Koagulopathie, dialysepfl . Niereninsuffi zienz (NI), akute gastrointestinale (GI) Ulzera oder GI ulzerative Erkrankungen, Schwangerschaft, Stillzeit. W: Komedikation (siehe «IA»); <18 Jahre; künstl. Herzklappen; d. Hämostase beeinfl . Arzneimittel. VM: NI (Krea-Cl 15-29ml/min) od. NI in Komb. mit Arzneimittel, die den Xarelto®-Plasmaspiegel erhöhen, erhöhtes Risiko unkontrollierter Blutungen und hämorrhag. Diathese, kurz zurück-liegender hämorrhag. Schlaganfall, intrakran. o. intrazerebr. Hämorrhagie, kürzlich aufgetretene GI Ulzera/ulzerative Erkrankungen, schwere unkontrollierte Hypertonie, vask. Retinopathie, intraspinale o. intrazerebr. Gefässanomalien, kurz zurückliegende Hirn-, Spinal-, Augen-OP, Bronchiektasie oder pulmonale Blutung in der Anamnese, Spinalanästhesie und -punktion, mind. 24 Stunden vor invasiven Verfahren/ chirurgischen Eingriffen absetzen, gleichzeitige Gabe von d. Hämostase beeinfl . Arzneimitteln. Einzelfälle von Agranulozytose und SJS wurden berich-tet. Häufi ge UAW: Blutungen, Anämie, Schwindel, Kopfschmerz, Augenblutungen, Hämatome, Epistaxis, Hämoptysis, Nausea, Obstipation, Durchfall, Leberenzymerhöhungen (ASAT, ALAT), Pruritus, Rash, Schmerzen i. d. Extrem., Fieber, periph. Ödem, Asthenie. IA: Starke CYP 3A4 + P-gp -Inhib. (Ritonavir, Ketoconazol), starke CYP 3A4 + P-gp -Induk. (Rifampicin, Carbamazepin, Phenobarbital, Johanniskraut), d. Hämostase beeinfl . Arzneimittel. Packg.: 10mg à 10 und 30; 15mg und 20mg à je 14, 28 o. 98 Filmtabl.; jew. Spitalpackung 10x1 Film-tabl. (B), kassenzulässig. Für weitere Informationen siehe Vertrieb: Bayer (Schweiz) AG, Grubenstr. 6, 8045 Zürich. L.CH.MKT.HC.02.2017.1074-DE/FR/IT L.









* Prospektive Real-Life-Studien («echtes Leben») bestätigen das in den jeweiligen Phase-III-Studien gezeigte positive Nutzen-Risiko-Profil in den zugelassenen Indikationen.

Xarelto_Inserat_2017_A5_mitBeschnitt_dt.indd 1 10.02.17 09:50

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Table of Content

Welcome to Lausanne 5

Partner companies 6

General information 7– 9

Industrial exhibition/floor plan 11

Scientific Programme 13 –18

Thursday, 11 January 2018 13 –1521st Annual Meeting of the Swiss Stroke Society

Friday, 12 January 2018 16Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting

Friday, 12 January 2018 17 –18Symposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network

Posters 19 – 23

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• Réduction forte et rapide du LDL-C stable à long terme#2,3

• Bon profil de sécurité comparable à celui du placebo2,4

• Application simple, 1 injection s. c. toutes les deux semaines2,5

1. Liste des spécialités Praluent®, mise à jour 06.2017. 2. Information professionnelle Praluent®, mise à jour 06.2017, 3. Robinson JG et al. Efficacy and Safety of Alirocumab in Reducing Lipids and Cardiovascular Events, N Engl J Med. (2015);372(16):1489-99. 4. Jones PH et al. Safety of Alirocumab (A PCSK9 Monoclonal Antibody) from 14 Randomized Trials. Am J Cardiol (2016);118(12):1805-11. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2016.08.072. 5. Roth EM et al. Patient and Physician Perspectives on Mode of Administration of the PCSK9 Monoclonal Antibody Alirocumab, an Injectable Medication to Lower LDL-C Levels. Clinical Therapeutics (2015);37(9):1945-54. 6. Kereiakes DJ et al. Efficacy and safety of the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitor alirocumab among high cardiovascular risk patients on maximally tolerated statin therapy: The ODYSSEY COMBO I study. Am Heart J 2015;169:906–15.e13.

# indépendamment des valeurs initiales et de la thérapie de base* En plus de statines à la dose maximale tolérée, avec ou sans autres hypolipémiants

Les photos des patients sont créés à des fins d’illustration et ne correspondent pas à des patients réels.Sanofi et Regeneron travaillent ensemble à l’élaboration d’un programme international de développement de produits et à la commercialisation de Praluent®.

Praluent®. PA : alirocumab. I : en complément d’un régime alimentaire et d’une statine à la dose maximale tolérée +/- autre traitement hypolipémiant chez l’adulte présentant une hypercholestérolémie hétérozygote familiale sévère ou une maladie cardiovasculaire athérosclérotique cliniquement manifeste. P : dose initiale recommandée 75 mg, dose maximale 150 mg, injection s.c. 1x toutes les 2 semaines. CI : hypersensibilité au principe actif ou à l’un des excipients. MP : réactions allergiques générales, y compris le prurit, l’hypersensibilité, l’eczéma nummulaire, l’urticaire et la vascularite d’hypersensibilité ; en cas de réactions allergiques graves arrêter le traitement. IA : pas d’effet pharmacocinétique sur d’autres médicaments. Pas d’influence sur l’efficacité par des thérapies qui accroissent PCSK9 (comme les statines et autres hypolipémiants). EI : réactions au site d’injection, symptômes des voies aériennes supérieures, myalgie, douleurs musculosquelettiques, prurit, diarrhée, infection des voies urinaires. Pr : emballage d’un mois avec 2 stylos pré-remplis à 75 ou 150 mg. Cat.rem. : B*. Tit.AMM : sanofi-aventis (suisse) sa, 1214 Vernier/GE. MàJ : juin 2017 (SACH.ALI.17.07.0418). Pour de plus amples informations, voir l’information destinée aux professionnels sous








Si les valeurs cibles de LDL-Cne sont pas encore atteintes…

Plus dedes patients à très haut risque CV

atteignent leur valeur cible de LDL-C avec Praluent® 75 mg*6

Le seul inhibiteur de PCSK9 avec deux niveaux d’efficacité2

Praluent CH F Inserat 10.8.17_bel.indd 1 10.08.17 21:43

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Dear Colleagues,

We are very happy to welcome you in Lausanne.

The annual conference of the Swiss Stroke Society at the CHUV is dedicated to a wide range of topics including the pre-hospital phase, acute imaging, polymorbidity, vasculitis and asymptomatic aneurysms. At the same time, there will be plenty of room for discussion and research presentations. This year, the chair positions will be entrusted to our young colleagues.

We are particularly proud that following the conference, the first “Symposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network” will take place organized by the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network. This should lay the foundation for a Swiss-wide continuing education in stroke care and facilitate our interprofessional collaborations.

Welcome to Lausanne!


Prof. Dr. med. Patrik Michel Prof. Dr. med. Marcel ArnoldCongress President President Swiss Stroke Society

Swiss Stroke Society Membership

Become a member of the Swiss Stroke Society•   Enjoy unmatched networking opportunities•   Get discounted access to the annual meetings of the Swiss Stroke Society•   Benefit from a discount for the ESO Membership•   Take advantage of the exclusive access to the member section at the SSS 


Benefit from a free membership as Young Stroke Scientists and all professional groups up to 35 years!



Page 6: Final Programme 21 Annual Meeting Swiss Stroke Trialists ... · Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting 12.01.2018 Lausanne University Hospital ... (Krea-Cl 15-29ml/min) od. NI in Komb.


Partner companies

We express our special thanks and appreciation to all our sponsors, contributors and partners for their generous support.

Premium Partner 2018

Partner 2018

Supporter 2018

Contributors 2018




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Physician (non-member) 150Physician (member) 130Physician in Training (non-member) 100Physician in Training (member) 180Allied Health Personnel (non-member) 100Allied Health Personnel (member) 180Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting freeSymposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network 150


l Informa


General Information

Date and place

11 January 2018 – 21st Annual Meeting of the Swiss Stroke Society12 January 2018 – Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting12 January 2018 – Symposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network

Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)Rue du Bugnon 46,

Scientific Committee – 21st Annual Meeting of the Swiss Stroke Society Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting

L. Hirt, Lausanne – Scientific Committee ChairM. Arnold, Bern – President Swiss Stroke SocietyP. Bijlenga, GenevaT. Kahles, AarauP. Mordasini, BernG. Sirimarco, Lausanne

Organizing Committee – Symposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network

C. Barreau, LausanneA. Clement, ZürichB. Nowak, BaselD. Mösinger, Vitznau

Registration Fees (CHF)

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l Inf




General Information

Congress Secretariat

21st Annual Meeting of the Swiss Stroke SocietySwiss Stroke Trialists’ MeetingSymposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing

Congrex Switzerland Ltd, Peter Merian-Strasse 80, CH-4002 BaselT +41 61 686 77


Swiss Neurological Society – 11.01.2018 – 7 credits Swiss Society of Neurosurgery – 11.01.2018 – 8 credits

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be electronically mailed to [email protected] of registration fees will be as follows:

•   No refund on cancellations after 21 November 2017•   For any name changes, a fee of CHF 50.00 will be charged

Please note that the cancellation policy is deemed as accepted as soon as the registration has been completed.

Congress Language

The congress  language  is English. Presentations and posters have to be done in English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

Free Communications The presenting time in free communications is 10 minutes incl. discussion.

Information Please hand in your presentation at the lecturefor Speaker room via USB compatible memory stick at least in

the last break before the beginning of the session.

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l Informa


Opening Hours

Poster A0 portrait format: 118.9 cm x 84.1 cm (height x width)

Hang up posters: Thursday, 11 January 2018; 8:30 –10:00 in the poster exhibition.

Poster removal: If the poster has not been removed by the end of the allocated removal time (11 January 2018; 17:30 –18:30), it will be disposed of by congress staff.

Poster viewing Thursday, 11 January 2018; 12:30 –14:00 at the poster exhibition

Poster presenters must be present and stand by their poster from 13:45 to 14:15.

Prizes Awardees for the two best oral presentations and the “SHG Förderpreis” will be announced on Thursday, 11 January 2018; 17:15 –17:30

Swiss Stroke Society Thursday, 11 January 2018 at 18:30 Dinner University Hospital Lausanne (CHUV), 20th floor Participation in the Swiss Stroke Society Dinner

requires registration. Onsite registration at the Secretariat is possible.

Future congresses

24 – 25 August 2018 SFCNS Summer School – Module IIInselspital, Bern 27– 28 September 2018, SNG Annual Meeting 2018Music & convention Centre, Montreux January 2019, Zürich 22nd Annual Meeting of the Swiss Stroke Society Swiss Stroke Trialists’ Meeting 2nd Symposium of the

Swiss Stroke Nursing Network

Thursday, 11.01.2018

Friday, 12.01.2018

Secretariat 08:30 –18:30 08:00 –16:00

Industrial Exhibition 09:00 –16:00 –

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(Ézétimibe/Atorvastatine, MSD)

* 1 comprimé 1 × par jour.1 Pour la dimunition du C-LDL chez les patients atteints d’hypercholestérolémie.1

Référence: 1. Information professionnelle d’ATOZET®, mise à jour 01/2017, www.swissmedicinfo.chRésumé de l’information professionnelle ATOZET® (ézétimibe et atorvastatine): Principes actifs: ézétimibe et atorvastatine calcique trihydratée. Indications: Hypercholestérolémie primaire (familiale hétérozygote et non familiale) ou hyperlipidémie mixte: en accompagnement d’un régime alimentaire, pour baisser les taux excessifs de cholestérol total, de LDL-cholestérol, d’apolipoprotéine B, de triglycérides et de cholestérol non HDL ainsi que pour augmenter le taux de HDL-cholestérol. Hypercholestérolémie familiale homozygote: pour baisser les taux excessifs de cholestérol total et de LDL-cholestérol. Posologie: Chez les patients présentant une hypercholestérolémie primaire: définition de la dose en fonction des taux initiaux de LDL-cholestérol, des objectifs thérapeutiques recommandés et de la réponse du patient au traitement. Dose quotidienne individualisée de 10 / 10 mg à 10 / 80 mg, à prendre indépendamment de l’heure du jour et des repas. Les ajustements posologiques doivent être effectués à intervalles de 4 semaines ou plus. Contre-in-dications: Hypersensibilité à l’ézétimibe, à l’atorvastatine ou à l’un des excipients; affection hépatique active ou élévation persistante et inexpliquée des transaminases sériques; grossesse et allaitement. Mises en garde et précautions: Un dosage de la CPK doit être effectué avant le début du traitement chez les patients présentant des facteurs de risque de rhabdomyolyse (insuffisance rénale, hypothyroïdie, antécédents personnels ou familiaux de myopathie héréditaire, myopathies sous statines ou sous fibrates, hépatopathie et / ou forte consommation d’alcool, patients âgés). Le traitement doit être arrêté si le taux de CPK est > 5 x la LSN. Si la valeur basale de CPK est < 5 x LSN, le traitement ne devra pas être initié. L’arrêt du traitement doit être envisagé lorsque les symptômes musculaires sont sévères et entraînent une gêne quotidienne, même si les taux de CPK sont inférieurs à 5 fois la LSN. Les tests de la fonction hépatique ASAT, ALAT doivent être effectués avant le début du traitement et par la suite, à intervalles réguliers. Les patients à risque de developper un diabète doivent être surveillés sur le plan clinique qu’en ce qui concerne les valeurs de laboratoire importantes. Interactions: Inhibiteurs de l’isoenzyme CYP3A4 (itraconazole, kétoconazole, posaconazole, voriconazole, érythromycine, clarithromycine, télithromycine, inhibiteurs de la protéase du VIH, bocéprévir, télaprévir, néfazodone et médicaments contenant du cobicistat), inhibiteurs du transporteur OATP1B1 (p. ex. ciclosporine), danazol, médicaments hypolipémiants (niacine, gemfibrozil ou autres fibrates, colestyramine), amiodarone, amlodipine, vérapamil, diltiazem, acide fusidique, dérivés coumariniques, inhibiteurs de BCRP (breast cancer resistance protein), inducteurs du cytochrome P450, colestipol, digoxine, noréthistérone et éthinylestradiol, colchicine et sulfonylurées. Grossesse / Allaitement: Contre-indiqué. Effets indé-sirables: Fréquents: diarrhée, myalgie. Autres effets indésirable, observés fréquemment pour l’atorvastatine: rhinopharyngite, réactions allergiques, hyperglycémie, douleurs pharyngées et laryngées, épistaxis, douleurs musculo-squelettiques, crampes musculaires, gonflements des articulations, valeurs anormales des tests de la fonction hépatique, augmentation des taux sériques de créatine phosphokinase. Présentations: Ézéti-mibe / atorvastatine (mg) 30 et 90 comprimés: 10 / 10, 10 / 20, 10 / 40, 10 / 80. Catégorie de vente B. Titulaire de l’autorisation: MSD Merck Sharp & Dohme AG, Werftestrasse 4, CH-6005 Lucerne. Mise à jour de l‘information: Janvier 2017.

Avant une prescription, veuillez consulter l’information professionnelle complète publiée sur le site internet de Swissmedic ( ou sous

© MSD Merck Sharp & Dohme AG, Lucerne, Suisse. Tous droits réservés. CARD-1241652-0000, réalisé en 12/2017.

Aidez vos patients à atteindre leur objectif C-LDL


1 comprimé.*SIMPLE. FORTE.1

MSD1802 Atozet Inserat 2018 FR V02.indd 1 14.12.17 10:03

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Floor P

lan / List of E


List of Exhibitors

Stand No. Company

B13 1a medical agA08 Amgen Switzerland AGB12 Bayer (Schweiz) AGB15 Cerenovus – a Johnson & Johnson CompanyB08 Daiichi Sankyo (Schweiz) AGA07 Medtronic (Schweiz) AGB11 Neurolite AGA04 Pfizer AGA02 Shire Schweiz GmbH

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© 2017 Medtronic. All Rights Reserved. Medtronic, Medtronic logo with and without tagline and TM-marked brands are trademarks of a Medtronic company. AT 11/2017.


An exclusive partnership between Medtronic andFor more information, please visit us at our booth.

_ad (v Roll-up)_Rapid Software A5_mb.indd 1 05.12.2017 15:42:06

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Thursday, 11 January 2018 – 21st Annual Meeting of the Swiss Stroke SocietyAuditoire A. Yersin, 8th floor

9:25 – 9:30 Welcome, P. Michel 9:30 – 10:30 Topic 1: Vasculitis and stroke Chairs: M.L. Mono, H. Gensicke Causes, imaging and differential diagnosis G. Boulois, FR

Acute and chronic treatments M. Zuber, FR

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break in the industrial exhibition

11:00 – 12:00 Topic 2: Hyperacute stroke management Chairs: T. Kahles, G. Saliou

New prehospital models for Switzerland U. Fischer

Imaging selection criteria for late revascularisation I. Wanke

12:00 – 12:30 Free Communications - 1 Chairs: M. Katan, P. Mordasini

Long term impact of angioplasty and stenting of concomitant carotid artery stenosis and occlusion in the acute phase of tandem occlusion stroke treated with mechanical thrombectomy: a single-center retrospective cohort study

A. Alshoeabi, S.D. Hajdu, L. Veunac, F. Puccinelli, B. Bartolini, P. Michel, G. Saliou; Lausanne

Intravenous thrombolysis and platelet count H. Gensicke, A. S. Al Sultan, D. Strbian, C. Hametner,

S.M. Zinkstok, S. Moulin, O. Bill, MD; A. Zini, V. Padjen, G. Kägi, A. Pezzini, D.J. Seiffge, Ch. Traenka, S. Räty, H. Amiri, Th.P. Zonneveld, R. Lachenmeier, A. Polymeris, Y.B. Roos, Ch. Gumbinger, D.R. Jovanovic, S. Curtze, G. Sibolt, L. Vandelli, P.A. Ringleb, D. Leys, Ch. Cordonnier, P. Michel, Ph.A. Lyrer, N. Peters, T. Tatlisumak, P.J. Nederkoorn, S.T. Engelter, Basel, Lausanne, St.Gallen, Alberta/CA, Finland/FI, Heidelberg/DE, Amsterdam/NE, Lille/FR, Brescia/IT, Modena/IT, Belgrade/SR, Gothenburg/SE

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Preinterventional recanalization and change of arterial occlusion site before thrombectomy in directly admitted stroke patients: Is preinterventional tPA always helpful?

J. Kaesmacher, M. Giarrusso, M. Arnold, P. Mordasini, P. Mosimann, J. Gralla, U. Fischer; Bern

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch in the industrial exhibition & poster viewing

12:45 – 13:15 Satellite Symposium – Medtronic (Schweiz) AG

RAPID Software – The most advanced imaging software at your fingertips. Benefits for HUB and SPOKE hospitals.

13:15 – 13:45 Satellite Symposium – Bayer (Schweiz) AG

Ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage in patients taking NOACs - plasma levels and treatment challenges

D. Seiffge 13:45 – 14:15 Satellite Symposium – Amgen Switzerland AG

LDL-C treatment after stroke: are FOURIER and EBBINGHAUS the definitive answer to «The lower the better»?

Chair: P. Michel Cholesterol, stroke and neurocognition – current evidence and novel insights from PCSK9 inhibition. L. Bonati

13:45 – 14:15 Poster Session

14:15 – 15:15 Topic 3: The old and polymorbid stroke patient Chairs: C. Cereda, J. Vehoff

Old age, polymorbidity, and stroke: a new epidemy? G. Ford, UK

Acute treatment, 2° prevention G.M. De Marchis

15:15 – 15:45 Coffee break in the industrial exhibition

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15:45 – 16:15 Free Communications - 2 Chairs: G. Sirimarco, S. Wegener

Is carotid artery intraplaque haemorrhage associated with metabolic activity on FDG-PET?

J. Boto, R. Sztajzel, M. Scheffler, J.P. Willi, V. Garibotto, K.O. Lövblad, M.I. Vargas; Genève

Impact of Aneurysm Multiplicity on Treatment and Outcome following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

D. Zumofen, M. Roethlisberger, R. Achermann, Sch. Bawarjan, M.N. Stienen, Ch. Fung, D. Dalonzo, N. Maldaner, A. Ferrari, M.V. Corniola, D. Schöni, J. Goldberg, D. Valsecchi, R. Maduri, M.A. Seule, J.-K. Burkhardt, S. Marbacher, Ph. Bijlenga, K.A. Blackham, H.C. Bucher, L. Mariani, R. Guzman; Aarau, Basel, Bern, Genève, Lausanne, Lugano, St. Gallen, Zürich, Göttingen/DE, San Francisco/US

A Biodegradable Magnesium Stent for Aneurysm Healing in a Rat Sidewall Aneurysm Model

B. Grüter, F. Strange, D. Täschler, J. Rey, M. von Gunten, D. Grandgirard, S.L. Leib, L. Remonda, H.R. Widmer, E. Nevzati, J. Fandino, S. Marbacher, D. Coluccia; Aarau, Bern, Ittigen

16:15 – 17:00 Topic 4: Aneurysms, vasospasms Chairs: Ph. Bijlenga, J. Kienzler

Management of unruptured aneurysms N. Etminan, DE Cerebral vasospasms: current and future treatments D. Hänngi, DE

17:15 – 17:30 Awards and Closing remarks Chairs: M. Arnold, Ph. Lyrer, P. Michel

17:30 – 18:15 General Assembly SSS Chair: M. Arnold

18:30 Swiss Stroke Society Dinner 20th floor (CHUV)



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Friday, 12 January 2018 – Swiss Stroke Trialists’ MeetingAuditoire A. Yersin, 8th floor

9:00 – 10:30 Swiss Stroke Registry: Overview, Scientific Results Chair: L. Bonati

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 12:15 Trials & projects 1 Chair: D. Seiffge

1. TWIST J. Fladt, G.M. De Marchis, S. Engelter

2. TICH-NOAC S. Thilemanns, N. Peters, S. Engelter, Ph. Lyrer

3. TREAT-CAD S. Engelter, Ch. Tränka

4. AneuX project and AneurysmDataBank Ph. Bijlenga

12:30 – 13:15 Lunch buffet with Symposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing Network

13:15 – 14:45 Trials & projects 2 Chair: M. Heldner

1. TRIDENT U. Fischer

2. CISS W. Krammer, M. Pastore-Wapp, S. Habegger, G. Kägi, M. Arnold,

B.J. Weder, R. Wiest

3. The Léman VR Neurorehabilitation T. Suys, G. Minger, A. Ford

4. ESOTAS U. Fischer

14:45 Closing and Coffee

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Friday, 12 January 2018 – Symposium of the Swiss Stroke Nursing NetworkAuditoire A. Tissot / Salle Séminaire 2, 8th floor

Session 1 (Auditoire A. Tissot)

10:00 Welcome Chairs: C. Barreau, A. Clement

Speakers: B. Nowak, A. Clement, C. Barreau, D. Mösinger

10:00 – 12:15 Swiss Stroke Nursing Network D. Mösinger

„Update“: nursing criteria for certification of Stroke Units and Stroke Centers

D. Mösinger

„Update“: clinical practice guideline for oral hygiene of stroke patients

A. Clement

Education programme for patients after stroke D. Morin, S. Rémillard

Stroke – a determinable illness E. Steudter

12:15 – 13:15 Lunch buffet together with physicians

Session 2 (Auditoire A. Tissot) Chairs: S. Jonniaux, B. Nowak

13:15 – 14:45 Logopedic management of dysphagia in stroke patients at the CHUV

A. Crepin

Nursing secondary prophylaxis in patients after Stroke - a microtraining for the detection of stroke symptoms

B. Nowak

World Stroke Day at HUG: a learning opportunity for public and professionals

S. Jonniaux

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Session 3 (Salle Séminaire 2) Chairs: D. Mösinger, D. Morin

13:15 – 14:45 „All for one“ interprofessional collaboration in the Stroke Center USZ

C. Roesle

NIHSS: application and practical example S. Wegener

Basal stimulation – somatic dialog B. Brunner

14:45 – 15:15 Coffee break

Session 4 (Auditoire A. Tissot) Chairs: C. Barreau, E. Steudter

15:15 – 16:00 Delirium of patients with stroke – prevention, recognition and nursing management

W. Hasemann

Process optimization in the acute stroke phase C. Barreau

16:00 Closing remarks C. Barreau A. Clement B. Nowak D. Mösinger



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Hyper acute stroke management, thrombolysis, thrombectomy, prehospital phase

P01 Systematic review and meta-analysis on outcome differences among patients with TICI2b versus TICI3 reperfusions: Success revisited

J. Kaesmacher, T. Dobrocky, M.R. Heldner, S. Bellwald, P.J. Mosimann, P. Mordasini, S. Bigi, M. Arnold, J. Gralla, U. Fischer; Bern

P02 New FALCON is a simple and powerful triage score to identify large vessel occlusion in acute ischemic stroke

   T. Kahles, L. Erba, A. Coito, O. Findling, M. Diepers, L. Remonda,  K. Nedeltchev; Aarau

P03 Good collaterals are associated with core but not penumbra volumes on acute stroke CT perfusion

S. Nannoni, C.W. Cereda, G. Sirimarco, D. Lambrou, S. Davide, A. Eskandari, V. Dunet, M. Wintermark, P. Michel; Lausanne,  Lugano, Stanford/ US

P04 Penumbra salvage and infarct growth in acute ischemic stroke: better prediction for a more effective treatment?

G. Sirimarco, D. Strambo, S. Nannoni, C.W. Cereda, J. Labreuche, R. Meuli, A. Eskandari, M. Wintermark, P. Michel; Lausanne,  Lugano, Lille/FR, Stanford/US

P05 A single-center retrospective cohort study of stent retriever safety, first-pass efficacy and related functional outcome in acute ischemic stroke

   S.D. Hajdu, F. Puccinelli,  B. Bartolini, P. Michel, P.J. Mosimann,  G. Saliou; Lausanne

P06 Evaluating the efficacy and safety of the carotid CASPER-RX stent in mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke

   B. Bartolini, F. Puccinelli, P.J. Mosimann, S.D. Hajdu, L. Veunac,  P. Michel, G. Saliou; Lausanne

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P07 Untangling Prehospital Delay in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Hints on Increasing the Thrombolysis Rate – a Prospective Cohort Study.

G.M. De Marchis, J. Fladt, D. Seiffge, Ch. Traenka, A. Polymeris, R. Sutter, L. Bonati, St. Engelter, Ph. Lyrer; Basel

P08 Noninvasive orbital ultrasound: a first line exam in revealing central retina artery obstruction (CRAO)?

M. Messe, A. Moren, F. Perren, MD PD; Genève

P09 Characterization of the role of Caveolin-1 in a mouse MCAO stroke model: towards a general protective strategy for the neurovascular unit

C. Blochet, L. Buscemi, J. Badaut, L. Hirt; Lausanne, Bordeaux/FR

P10 Multicenter, retrospective analysis of endovascular treatment in nonagenarians with acute ischemic stroke: eligibility, outcome and safety.

   S. Nannoni, H. Janssen, A. Eskandari, O. Francois, T. Dewaele,  S. De Blauwe, G. Vanhooren, J. Ghekiere, J. Kager, A. Peeters, P. Goffette, F. Hammer, T. Duprez, J. Demeestere, R. Lemmens, S. Cornelissen, S. Heye, L. Yperzeele, I. Baar, M. Voormolen, T. Van der Zijden, H. Pottel, T. Andersson, P. Michel, P. Vanacker; Lausanne, Brugge.Oostende/BE, Kortrijk/BE, Brussels/BE,  Leuven/BE, Edegem/BE, Stockholm/SE

P11 Combined intravenous thrombolysis and endovascular treatment versus endovascular treatment alone in acute stroke

   D. Schneider, E. Dirren, R. Sztajzel, A. Kleinschmidt, K.O. Lovblad,  P. Machi, E. Carrera; Genève

P12 Balloon angioplasty and stenting versus thrombectomy alone in acute stroke associated with occlusion or stenosis of the proximal internal carotid artery and tandem downstream occlusion.

   L. Veunac, S. Hajdu, G. Saliou, F. Puccinelli, B. Bartolini, P. Michel.  G. Saliou; Lausanne

P13 Mapping neuroinflammation in an experimental mouse model of stroke

L. Buscemi, L. Hirt; Lausanne



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P14 Factors associated with ischemic core and salvageable tissue on CT Perfusion in acute middle cerebral artery occlusive stroke

   C.W. Cereda, S. Nannoni, G. Sirimarco, D. Lambrou, A. Eskandari, F. Puccinelli, V. Dunet, M. Wintermark, P. Michel; Lausanne, Lugano, Stanford/US

P15 The influence of CT perfusion on the selection of stroke patients for endovascular therapy

  J. Ospel; Basel

Stroke prevention

P16 Secular trends in procedural stroke or death risks of stenting versus endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis - a pooled analysis of randomised trials

M.D. Müller, S. von Felten, A. Algra, J.-P. Becquemin, M.M. Brown, R. Bulbulia, D. Calvet, H.-H. Eckstein, G. Fraedrich, A. Halliday,  J. Hendrikse, G. Howard, O. Jansen, G.S. Roubin, J.-L. Mas,  T.G. Brott, P.A. Ringleb, L.H. Bonati; Basel, Munich/DE,  Heidelberg/DE, Innsbruck/AU, Utrecht/NE, Paris/FR, London/UK, Oxford/UK, Birmingham/US, Jacksonville/US

P17 Association between stent design and restenosis after carotid artery stenting in the International Carotid Stenting Study (ICSS)

M.D. Müller, J. Gregson, J. Dobson, D.J.H. McCabe, P.J. Nederkoorn, H.B. van der Worp, G.J. de Borst, T. Cleveland, T. Wolff,

St. T. Engelter, Ph. A. Lyrer MD, Prof M.M. Brown, L.H. Bonati; Basel, London/UK, Sheffield/UK, Dublin/IR, Amsterdam/NE, Utrecht/NE

P18 Frequency, risk factors and long-term prognosis of TIA and ischaemic stroke patients with symptomatic disease in multiple vascular beds: population-based cohort study

  M.R. Heldner, L. Li, D.P.J. Howard, P.M. Rothwell; Bern, Oxford/UK

P19 Plasmatic changes of inflammatory biomarkers before and after endarterectomy

  I. Boukrid, A. Eger, N. Vuilleumier, P. Lalive, R. Sztajzel; Genève


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Stroke care

P20 Identification of a Novel Blood Biomarker Panel for Improved Mortality Prediction in Acute Ischemic Stroke

A. Bicvic, N. Scherrer, J. Schneider, A. Luft, M. Katan; Zürich

P21 Sex differences in consecutive acute ischemic strokes: causes, clinical presentation and outcomes.

  F. Medlin, M. Amiguet, A. Eskandari, P. Michel; Lausanne, Fribourg

Intracranial haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemorrhage & aneurysms

P23 Loss of Mural Cells Leads to Impaired Thrombus Remodeling and Prolonged Aneurysm Cicatrisation in a Rabbit Arterial Sidewall Aneurysm Model

B. Grüter, F. Strange, M. von Gunten, H.R. Widmer, J. Fandino, D. Coluccia, S. Marbacher; Aarau, Bern, Ittingen

P24 Admission Scores after Acute Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

   D.W. Zumofen, M. Roethlisberger, R. Achermann, S. Bawarjan,  M.N. Stienen, Ch. Fung, D. Dalonzo, N. Maldaner, A. Ferrari, M.V. Corniola, D. Schöni, J. Goldberg, D. Valsecchi, R. Maduri, M.A. Seule, J.-K. Burkhardt, S. Marbacher, Ph. Bijlenga,  K.A. Blackham, H.C. Bucher, L. Mariani, R. Guzman; Aarau, Basel, Bern, Genève, Lausanne, Lugano, St. Gallen, Zürich, Göttingen/DE, San Francisco/US

P25 Predictors for Occurrence and Anatomical Distribution of Multiple Aneurysms in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

   M. Roethlisberger, R. Achermann, S. Bawarjan, M.N. Stienen,  C. Fung, D. Dalonzo, N. Maldaner, A. Ferrari, M.V. Corniola, D. Schöni, J. Goldberg, D. Valsecchi, R. Maduri, M.A. Seule, J.-K. Burkhardt, S. Marbacher, Ph. Bijlenga, K.A. Blackham,  H.C. Bucher, L. Mariani, R. Guzman, D.W. Zumofen, Aarau, Basel, Bern, Genève, Lausanne, Lugano, St. Gallen, Zürich, Göttingen/DE, San Francisco/US



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P26 Intracranial Aneurysm rupture risk according to size: mislead by the unexpected?

   P. Bijlenga, B. Barcellini, M. Jaegersberg, M. Corniola, M. Stienen,  R. Gondard, S. Morel, K. Schaller; Genève

P27 Nimodipine-free management of cerebral vasospasm following aneurysmal rupture; realistic?

A. Moiraghi, T. Robert, A. Venier, Z. Kulcsar, M. Isalberti, M.M. Reinert, K. Schaller, Ph. Bijlenga, M.V. Corniola;  Genève, Lugano

P28 Fluorescence Videoangiography for Evaluation of Patency and Parent Artery Integrity in a Rat Sidewall Aneurysm Model

   B.E. Grüter, D. Täschler, J. Rey, F. Strange, E. Nevzati,  Prof. J. Fandino, S. Marbacher, D. Coluccia; Aarau, Bern

P29 Structural Characteristics of the Human Intracranial Aneurysm Wall Prone to Rupture

   S. Morel, M.R. Diagbouga, N. Dupuy, E. Sutter, M. Corniola,  R. Gondar, M. Jaegersberg, G. Pelli, N. Isidor, V. Braunersreuther, M.-L. Bochaton-Piallat, K. Schaller, Ph. Bijlenga, B.R. Kwak; Genève

P30 Intracranial aneurysms are gender-dependent   Th. Wälchli, Ph. Dammann, O. Gautschi, M. Stienen, M. Jägersberg, 

M. Corniola, R. Gondar, K. Schaller, Ph. Bijlenga; Genève, Luzern, Zürich, Essen/DE

P31 The AneuX project and AneurysmDataBank.   P. Bijlenga, S. Hirsch, I. Wanke, D. Rüfenacht; Genève, Wädenswil, 



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Advancing the art of thrombectomy

Designed with performance, speed, and universal compatibility in mind, Trevo Stroke Solutions provides physicians with a comprehensive portfolio of products to support retrieval with the Trevo Retriever.

Additional products to customize procedures

The Trevo Stroke Solutions portfolio includes products designed to enhance procedure efficiencies and adapt to multiple techniques.

AXS Catalyst™ 6 Distal Access Catheter


Balloon Guide Catheter

Trevo™ XP ProVue Retriever

Trevo™ Pro Microcatheter

Excelsior XT-27 Microcatheter

AXS Infinity LS™

Long Sheath

Synchro2™ Guidewire

AXS Offset™ Delivery Assist Catheter

AXS Universal™

Aspiration Set