Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]

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Transcript of Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    ==========================================================================================================================================================TABLE OF CONTENTS==========================================================================================================================================================

    SECTION NUMBER AND NAME WHAT IS IT ABOUT?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Walkthrough | Spoiler -free guide from start to finish!13. About items | Detailed descriptions of all 112 items!14. About key items | Key items, unlocked!15. About aeons | Shiva, I choose you...? *becomes frozen*--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------16. About overdrives | Learn everything about overdrives!17. About overdrive modes | Learn everything about overdrive modes!18. About White Magics | Which is better? Protection of white...19. About Black Magics | ... or destruction of black? It's here.20. About Specials | 22 specialists. Which to choose?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------21. About Skills | 22 skilled warriors. Which to choose?22. About Steal | Steal or not to steal... what from whom?23. About Bribe | Bribing done the 'funny' way.24. About drop items | ABC of dropped items.25. About weapons | Lionheart? Excalibur? Save The Queen?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    26. About weapon abilities | Learn everything about weapon abilities.27. About armors | This armor is heavy... what do I need?28. About armor abilities | Learn everything about armor abilities.29. About statuses | What are those two lil stars and more...30. About shops | Gone shopping? Learn what and where to!---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------31. About blitzball | Everything you need about blitzball!32. About monsters | Graaaawl! Be prepared for them.33. About sidequests | Learn everything about sidequests.34. About Monster Arena | T'is tim e to prove who's the strongest!35. About dark aeons | Exorcise dark aeons!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------36. Standard SG stat maxing | Stat max to fullest on standard grid.37. Expert SG stat maxing | Stat max to fullest on expert grid.

    38. About affection | Get the lady of your choice to like you!39. Tips and hints | Various advice I could fit only here.40. Action Replay 2 | Cheat? Be my guest (for PAL only).

    ==========================================================================================================================================================12.) WALKTHROUGH -> A9999========================================================================== ================================================================================

    *Better save than sorry!*

    *****************************************************************************701 - ZANARKANDEnemies: Sinscale, Sinspawn Ammes (BOSS)Items: 2x PotionEquipment: LongswordKey Items: None*****************************************************************************

    When you have control of main character, move to the bunch of people you'll seeon the pier. Talk with three kids, name your characte r, then talk with twogirls. Talk with left one again to hit (on) her. When done, just wait a bit.You're now on a long driveway. Go along it until the end. Talk to every personyou see for some funny responses. One of the gals (pink top, yellow tights) yo utalk to on this highway will give you 2x Potion (when asked if you have somespare tickets, say that you do). Have a laugh or two (heh), then proceed inside(if you wait long enough, Tidus will go in by himself).

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    You'll now view an amazing blitzball sequ ence. But everything that looks like aball is not friendly... Some flying 'balls' mean trouble. Your new ally willhand Tidus Longsword (no abilities) and it's battle time. As this is firstbattle of the game, it's easy - enemy doesn't attack you. BTW, yo ur item stockis currently composed of 10x Potion (12x Potion if you offered tickets to thegal on the road) and 3x Phoenix Down. I'd advise you to KO your ally for thisbattle and cripple Tidus' HP in yellow, ie below 50% MAX HP. Once you do that,continuously defend with Tidus until he learns Daredevil and Loner overdrivemodes. Once both modes are learned, use Phoenix Down on your comrade, have himKO Tidus and continuously defend as well until he too learns Daredevil andLoner modes. When done, use Phoenix Down on Tidus and kill that lonely enemy.When this battle ends, it's not over yet. Another awaits you. This time you'reattacked from both sides, 3x Sinscale in front and 2x Sinscale behind yourback. Listen to the advice of your comrade -in-arms and attack Sinscales thatblock your path forward. These five Sinscales still do not attack and this isalso a perfect opportunity for both chrs to learn Slayer mode (but make surethat you only target Sinscales behind your back; if you kill the three infront, battle will end). It may be boring a bit, but do persevere, for you'llsee that Slayer mode is among the best ones. After three Sincales in front aredefeated, you'll reach your goal: first boss!

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A501-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sinspawn Ammes | HP: 2400 -1000 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, Ac

    MP: 400 | AP: na | 1, 1, 5, 1, 9, 10, 0, 0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No items acquired!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DEA, DEM, DOO, EJE, PET, POI, SLE, THRE, ZOM-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No elemental affinities!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No equipment acquired!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Immune to SENSOR and SCAN!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) Demi - GRATT VS all chrs - mgd - tears off 25% of current HP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    STRATEGY | A boss already (with five soon -to-be-killed Sinscales) and wehaven't had a chance to save yet. Fret not, you can't die in this battle if youswing your joypad right (picks up few teeth scattered around...). Take a look:Your other party member will have an Overdrive ready. Press left in commandwindow to bring up Overdrive command. Select it, then select Dragon Fang. Ifyou accidentally mess up, Dragon Fang will take care of al l Sinscales anyway.So that leaves only Ammes. Demi, Demi, Demi. Even if you're really low on HP,you can't die. All you have to do is repeatedly attack Ammes until it bites theflies.----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

    'Zanarkand: Overpass'Yay. Save sphere. Save! Then go to right of the screen. After a bit of runningyou'll again fall into a battle against Sinscales. Yawn. Rinse and repeat thelast fight you had with them - attack the ones whose turn will come u p soonest,but make priority on the ones whose wings start to flicker. After a while yourcomrade will suggest attacking the generator which will now become a legittarget. Attack it a few times (ignore Sinscales!) and generator will take careof the rest...

    *****************************************************************************702 - SUBMERGED RUINSEnemies: Sahagin, Geosgaeno (BOSS), Klikk (BOSS)Items: 200 gil, 2x Potion, 1x Hi -Potion, 1x X-Potion, 1x Ether, 1x Hi -PotionEquipment: NoneKey Items: Flint, Withered Bouquet*****************************************************************************

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    'Submerged ruins'Where are we? Press Circle to dive until game takes over. Where are we now?Geez, swimming again. Before you exit this area in the far north exit, explorethe ruins. You'll find two treasure chests (one containing 200 Gil, the other2x Potion), and Al Bhed Compilation Sphere (useless if you're playing for thefirst time, BUT if that's your second time thru the game, do examine thatcompilation sphere and choose to pull Al Bhed Primers from your other save/sinto your current game) and a strange insignia on the pillar written in funnylanguage. Done all that? We have nothing left to do here, so swim to far northexit.

    'Ruins: Underwater h all'As you enter make left turns until you reach a chest with Hi -Potion. Backtrackand take the other path. Dive and swim in obvious direction... all this to picka fight? Three Sahagins will try to make short work of you.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A231-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Geosgaeno | HP: 32767 -32767 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 128 | AP: na | 36, 50, 40, 50, 48, 15, 0, 50-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-2x Water Gem*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, Break sk., CON, DAR, DEA | STRESIS: 95% POI

    Delay sk., DEM, DOO, EJE, PET, PRV |SIL, SLE, SLO, THR, ZOM | POI%: 10%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELEMWEAK: FIR, LIG, WAT, ICE, HOL------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------No equipment acquired!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Covered with thick scales. Vulnerable to magic.Immune to SCAN!----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------a) 'Punch' - GRATTP VS one chr - phd - tears off 50% current HP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | After two Sahagins kick the bucket, Geosgaeno shows up. It'll killremaining Sahagin and then turn on you. An intimidating amount of HP VS Tidus'

    puny amount of HP. A battle that cannot be won? Indeed it is. So what do youdo? Just exchange blows with each other. Don't use any Potions! Geo's punch isgravity based and cannot kill you, ever. After Geo hits you for the third time,battle is over.*** - Acquired with help of AR2.** - With help of cheats it is possible to defeat Geosgaeno. However, you don'tget anything for it.-------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------

    'Ruins: Corridor'Cough, cough. If I never see another fish, it'll be too soon. Drat, trappedagain. Simply go up the stairs.

    'Ruins: Hall'You've reached a big room with dead campfire in the middle. Ri ght doors can'tbe opened... but push to the right of this door to have the screen shift a bitin order to find an area with a chest containing X -Potion! Now what wouldMacGyver do? Left doors lead to a messed up room...

    'Ruins: Small Room'Examine the crushed desk where you must pick up a Flint *KEY ITEM*. Exit toprevious big room and go in the back.

    'Ruins: Stairs'When on this new screen, check the bottom of the screen for Ether. Climb thestairs and pick up Withered Bouquet *KEY ITEM*. Don't go back yet. You'll reachthe balcony of 'Ruins: Hall'. On the end is another chest with Hi -Potion.You've done all you can for now. Return to campfire and press X...

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    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A288-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Klikk | HP: 1500 - 400 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 5 | AP: 5 - 7 | 14, 1, 1, 1, 4, 15, 0, 50--------------------------------- --------------------------------------------ST: 1x-2x Grenade | DR: 1x -2x; 2x-4x Ability Sp.GIL: 50 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: POI, SLE | DCOUNT: 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No elemental affinities!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No equipment acquired!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Immune to SENSOR and SCAN!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) 'Swipe' - VS one chr - phd------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------STRATEGY | Keep Potions handy. Your first boss battle where you have to be abit careful! Well, you still can't pull off any fancy moves, so you're leftwith tried-and-tested strategy of hitting Klikk and using a Potion w hen your HPis at 150. Klikk can hit you for about 100 damage. Once Klikk loses 750 HP...hmm, who's this? Reinforcements have arrived! Now you can try out a few new

    tricks. BTW, Klikk's HP is restored to 1500. (Thanks to Gestahl for this.) Newcomrade's commands include Use (allows you to use items you cannot use withItem command) and Steal (character will attempt to steal from the enemy). Haveyour comrade Use Grenades on Klikk and have Tidus attack as usual (remember toheal yourself if damaged badly). If you run out of Grenades, you can steal somefrom Klikk. And 'Give what you get!'.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    *****************************************************************************703 - SALVAGE SHIPEnemies: Piranha, Tros (BOSS)Items: 3x PotionEquipment: NoneKey Items: Primer I


    'Salvage Ship: Deck'Blah blah. It's time for you to learn how to use Sphere Grid, so pa y attention.After tutorial is over, pick up a strange small object on the deck of ship. Itturns out to be Al Bhed Primer Vol. I *KEY ITEM*. These books allow you tounderstand Al Bhed language once you have all of them. Talking with one of maleAl Bheds will net you 3x Potion. Then talk to female Al Bhed and off we go.Let's salvage something... anything.

    Hint: It's very much advisable that you teach Tidus Flee and Haste ASAP. I'mnot saying to push yourself hard right now to gain enough AP, I'm merelystating that getting these two Abilities in early stages of the game may saveyour life quite a few times.If you keep returning from 'Salvage Ship: Underwater' to the deck of SalvageShip to talk to leftmost Al Bhed, who gives you 3x Potion, you can rack up to99x Potions that way.

    'Salvage Ship: Surface'While you're in water near the ship, press Circle to dive.

    'Salvage Ship: Underwater'Keep diving.

    'Underwater Ruins'When you reach a strange room, head to what appears to be control panel andpress X. I never knew that banging on stuff would be a good thing to do...Anyway, continue on (follow the arrow in the mini -map until you reach an X mark

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    indicated in the mini -map). As you enter the room, couple from Piranhas willcharge from behind you. Defeat them, then examine the 'thing' by pressing X.Try to leave... another ambush!

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A602-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tros | HP: 2200 -600 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 10 | AP: 8 -12 | 10, 1, 1, 1, 12, 15, 0, 20-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-3x Grenade | DR: 2x-4x; 2x-4x Power Sp.GIL: 100 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DAR, DEA, DEM, DOO | POI%: 0%EJE, PET, PRV, SIL, SLE, THR, ZOM |----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------No elemental affinities!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No equipment acquired!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --SENSOR: Attacks with Nautilus Charge after backing away.SCAN: Retreats after the column after taking damage, where it cannot beattacked. Hits all targets with Nautilus Charge on the next turn, inflictinggreat damage. Use trigger commands to stop it f rom unleashing Nautilus Charge.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    a) Nautilus Charge - VS all chrs - phd, requires one turn to chargeb) 'Tentacle strike' - VS one chr - phdc) Tentacles - VS one chr - phd-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | This battle introduces Trigger commands. Follow this strategy: Tidusattacks, girl Uses Grenades (if she runs out, she can steal some from Tros),heal with Potions when nece ssary. After you deal 350 damage to Tros, it'll getout of range. You can still hit it with Grenades, hehe. If Tidus already hasCheer learned, use it a few times to increase Str and Def.You have three options now. If your health is low, use Potion to heal. Ifyou're quite healthy, use Trigger Command Stand By [restores 50 HP to user]. Orotherwise press Triangle to defend. Get ready for Nautilus Charge and take thepunishment of about 170 HP (half less if you were defending). Attack Tros forfurther 350 damage until it gets out of range again. This time new Trigger

    Command Pincer Attack [attack an enemy from two sides] becomes available. OnlyTidus is able to use it. So? Use it and Tros can't use Nautilus Charge anymore.Tidus attacks, girl grenadiers , but beware of Tros using stronger version ofphysical attack called Tentacles, heh. It takes off about 100 HP. Wave buh -byeto Tros, who'll disappear in a cloud of mist...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Go thru the hole Tros came in and then just keep following the girl. Game takesover again. Hm, I should go grab a snack before we move on. After a longsequence...

    *****************************************************************************704 - BESAID ISLANDEnemies: Piranha, Dingo, Water Flan, Condor, ???? (BOSS), GarudaItems: 200 gil, 2x Potion, 3x Potion, 1x Hi -Potion, 2x Antidote, 1x PhoenixDown, 1x Hi-Potion, 2x Antidote, 1x Phoenix Down, 2x Potion, 1x Hi -Potion, 400gil, 1x Map, 1x Remedy, 400 Gil , 1x Ether, 3x Phoenix DownEquipment: Rod of Wisdom, Brotherhood, Seeker's RingKey Items: Moon Crest, Primer II*****************************************************************************

    'Besaid: Beach'Water again. Meet the local blitz team and enjoy a bit of conversation. You'llget 200 Gil, 2x Potion, 3x Potion and 1x Hi -Potion from them. Before you followtheir leader (who introduces himself as Wakka) off the beach, explore the area.Pick up Moon Crest *KEY ITEM* at all costs from the chest lo cated on the eastin a bay. Between the houses on southwest of the beach you can find a chestwith 2x Antidote.

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    'Besaid: Crossroads'In this new area follow Wakka to the right. You've reached the end of the...

    'Besaid: Valley'...water? Follow the arrow. Don't forget to pick up chests (contain PhoenixDown, Hi-Potion and 2x Antidote) you'll pass across, as this area is one -timedeal. Wakka is obviously hiding something and you'll get to learn soon whatthat is... That's all? No problem!

    'Besaid: Village Slope'Simply go left.

    'Besaid Village'Yay, our first village, originally called Besaid village. Not a big one, Imight add. It has only 5 houses and one temple (which takes off 2/3 of thevillage). As another rule of RPGs states: Check everything, talk with everybodyand check the shops (meanwhile ducks to avoid a Rocket Propelled Grenade).There's a hard-to-see hidden path behind one of the houses on the left, thatleads to destroyed house with three chests. Loot them for 2x Potion, Hi -Potionand 400 Gil. Chest in front of item shop has Phoenix Down. Now head for thetemple, which is on far north of Besaid village. Check the statues and a priestwill explain about... nope, I said no spoilers.Return to Wakka's house and say that you want to sleep. Yawn.. . when you standup, go left, as you can't go right very far... wakey, wakey! Go to the temple

    again. Tidus decides to go on a rescue mission. Welcome to the first Cloisterof Trials. While there aren't many of them, these cloisters are annoying. Let'sstart. I also have pictures present to guide you thru the whole process, sothat you won't get lost ever. Under each step will be picture provided sowhenever you don't know what to do, copy/paste the link to your address bar andvoila.

    ********************* ********************LEVEL 1: Besaid Temple Cloister of Trials*****************************************LEVEL 1 PRIZE: Rod of Wisdom

    STEP 1: As you enter first room, game will explain what is the purpose ofCloister of Trials (it conveniently forgets to mention that their other purpose

    is to annoy the heck out of us).

    STEP 2: Approach spot A marked in previous picture and touch the glyph there.

    STEP 3: Easy, huh? Now approach spot B marked two pictures back and touchsecond glyph.

    STEP 4: Tadaah! Go down the stairs and when 'road' turns left, you'll see arecess on the wall to the right. Examine i t and remove Glyph Sphere.

    STEP 5: With Glyph Sphere in hand go down the stairs even more. A door will bein the way. What's this? Another recess. Put in Glyph Sphere... images/btemple05.jpg

    STEP 6:... and door opens. Leave Glyph Sphere where it is and proceed down thecorridor (ignore the recess you'll see on left wall between first and secondturn). After two turns you will reach a spot with small white pillar on theleft and a bunch of wall symbols on the right. Touch the symbols.

    STEP 7: Aren't you a nice little wall destroyer? Enter the newly opened area.At the end is yet another recess (better get used to those). Inside is BesaidSphere. Remove it.

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    STEP 8: With Besaid Sphere in hand turn around and stick it into the recessfound on small pillar I mentioned before. Third wall gone... Leave the pillaras it is. *Don't move* it yet.

    STEP 9: Remember the door we opened with Glyph Sphere. Return there and removeGlyph Sphere from the door.

    STEP 10: Now I'll ne ed you to remember the recess I mentioned in step 6. Maybeyou tried inserting Besaid Sphere into it before, but it didn't do squat,right? That's because you need to insert Glyph Sphere into this recess likeso... emple10.jpg

    STEP 11: Another wall gone. Enter this small room and remove Destruction Spherethat happily awaits to release its true potential.

    STEP 12: Go to the room where you got Besaid Sphere (step 7!). In the recessinsert Destruction Sphere.

    STEP 13: Unlucky me.:) And another unlucky wall gets smithened. Weee, a

    treasure chest! Nail it and Rod of Wisdom (Mag+3%, Mag+5%, Sensor) is yours.You also broke Destruction sigil! 1/6 of your work is thus done! Work for what?It's explained in one of the sections waaaay more down in this guide.

    STEP 14: I need to show you one more thing. If you look at this pic... there are two points of interest. You need to push small pillar onto squareshaped Spot D. If somehow you manage not to succeed into getting it there, steponto Spot C to reset pillar' s default position.

    STEP 15: So stand to the right of pillar like so...

    STEP 16:... and press left on directional buttons. Push it all the way down thecorridor until pillar is pushed onto Spot D. Pill ar will now sink into thefloor. Floor will also change design into this... meaning you have successfully completed first Cloister! Congratulations.

    After listening to another convo you'll be outsid e of temple. Head left and geta glimpse at what Yuna can do now. Honestly, I expected a known force and not acompletely new one. Name this 'pet'. Later when the night falls, move left andtalk with Yuna. When finished and Wakka asks you a question, answer whateveryou like. Then talk to Wakka again and say you'd like to sleep.Good morning! Wakka will hand over Brotherhood (Str+5%, 3 FS), a sword thatpreviously belonged to... oops, spoiler. Head for the Crusader's tent and nabVol. II *KEY ITEM*. No w find the girl with the dog (she's in item shop) I betyou saw earlier and talk to her until she says 'that her dog found something'.Go in the third house on the right of the village and 'talk' to the dog inside.You'll get a special item, and somebody l earns a new Overdrive. We're done inthis village, so get ready to depart. You gain 1x Map item automatically. Equipfunction is now available in the Triangle menu.

    'Besaid: Village Slope'On your way out of the village the game will now lead you by hand by teachingyou how to best utilize your new party members.

    'Besaid: Promontory'When you reach Promontory, pray or not. It doesn't affect anything later in thegame. Proceed in arrow's direction.

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    'Besaid: Ancient Road'You want some of me?

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY-----------------------------------------------------------------------------???? | HP: 750 -300 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 10 | AP: 3 -4 | 10, 15, 8, 5, 15, 15, 0, 10-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 2x -4x; 2x-4x Ability Sp.GIL: 100 |-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------STIMM: EJE, THR | DCOUNT: 3POI%: 25% |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No elemental affinities!------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 99%DWA: Sensor, PiercingDAA: Def+5%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Immune to SENSOR and SCAN!--------------------------------- --------------------------------------------a) 'Halberd' - VS one chr - phdb) Jump - VS one chr - phd

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | Why must Tidus constantly prove himself? Exchange hits (as usual bynow), taking care when your HP gets at 180 or so, which is when you shouldheal. Every three or so turns ???? will use Jump, which deals about 100 damagewhen it connects. Otherwise ???? should go down in 7 to 9 hits.----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

    Besaid's item shop now sells equipment, so you might want to check them out.

    'Besaid: Waterfall Way'Go thru another tutorial battle against Garuda. Call in Yuna, have her summonValefor and let it rip. After the battle Formation function becomes availablein Triangle menu. Another Garuda tutor battle awaits you further ahead. Whendone, you'll reach the 'Besaid: Crossroads'. Go to 'Besaid: Beach' and head


    'Besaid: Dock'Talk with people to receiv e various items, which are: Remedy, 400 Gil, Ether,Seeker's Ring (HP+10%), 3x Phoenix Down. Board S.S. Liki...

    *****************************************************************************705 - SHIP S.S. LIKIEnemies: Sinscale, Sin (BOSS), Sinspawn Echu illes (BOSS)Items: 1x Remedy, [20 - amount of Potions in your stock = amount of Potionsreceived] Potion suitcaseEquipment: NoneKey Items: Primer III*****************************************************************************

    More water? Tidus' eyesi ght sure wanders over interesting places...;) Explorethe ship (there's Vol. III *KEY ITEM* in the ship's Power Room - where twochocobos are; you can pick up a Remedy from the chest in the cabin; thenthere's a suitcase you can kick for up to twenty potions - however, if youalready have say 12 Potions, you'll get 8 of them by kicking the suitcase).For a quickie you need to: talk to Wakka, approach the crowd at end of theship, talk to Wakka, talk to Yuna, talk to... RUN!

    -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A499-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sin | HP: 2000 -1000 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, Ac

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    MP: 100 | AP: 10 -15 | 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 15, 0, 0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 1x -2x; 1x-2x Mana Sp.GIL: 100 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DAR, DEA, DOO, EJE, HAS, Nul sk., PET, POI, PRT, PRV, REF,REG, SHE, SIL, SLE, SLO, THR, ZOM-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------No elemental affinities!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 99%DWA: Icest., PiercingDAA: Fireward, Iceward, Lightningward, Waterward----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------SENSOR: Attack with magic and Wakka's ball.SCAN: Save Kilika! Hit Sin from a distance with Wakka' blitzball and Lulu'sblack magic. Valefor's attacks work well, too.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) 'Move' - simply moves to another location, no harm done to your chrs-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | Characters I reco mmend to use are Wakka, Lulu and Tidus. Let Tidustake care of Sinscales, but kill only two of them. If you waste all three, morewill come. Naturally concentrate on Sinscales whose wings start to flicker.Otherwise Spines will hit for about 220 damage. Ha ve Lulu use any offensivemagic she has on Sin, and have Wakka attack Sin as well. Once two Sinscales are

    disposed of, switch Tidus out and assign Yuna as medic. Attack and attack untilSin goes down.Liam H. wrote to me: If you feel your guys and gals are strong enough to killSinscales with one hit, keep killing them and their reinforcements. Sinscalesupply is endless. That way you can end this battle with way more AP than youever wished for.------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

    You're not out of the woods yet! You immediately fall into next boss battle!

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A502------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------Sinspawn Echuilles| HP: 2000 -400 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, Ac

    MP: 20 | AP: 12 -18 | 10, 1, 15, 1, 5, 15, 0, 15-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 2x-4x; 2x-4x Ability Sp.GIL: 115 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DEA, EJE, PET, PRV | DCOUNT: 3SLE, ZOM | POI%: 25%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No elemental affinities!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 99%DWA: Piercing, Waterst.DAA: Waterward-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Afflict it with darkness to make it miss.SCAN: Absorbs HP with its Drain Touch. Inflicting darkness is the way to go.But after two Drain Touches it will bring out the Bl ender, inflicting damage onall targets.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) Blender - NATT VS all chrs - mgd - used every three turnsb) Drain Touch - VS one chr - phd - amount of HP deducted from attacked chr isadded to Echuilles' HP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | What the heck was Tidus thinking anyway? Only Tidus and somebodyelse are available for this battle. Hope you haven't used all Potions yet.Forget about Sinscales. I know they're annoying (inflict around 65 damage), butthey come in infinite numbers, so concentrate your attacks on Echuilles.Drain Touch inflicts about 50 damage and Blender deals 120 damage to all.

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    Take heed: Blender is used ev ery three turns. However, by inflicting darkness(Dark Attack!) you can increase your odds significantly as Echuilles will havetrouble connecting Drain Touch. Also have Tidus use Cheer a few times toincrease Str and Def. I recommend counting the turns Ec huilles uses Drain Touchso you'll know when Blender will come up and use that knowledge to healyourself in time. Again, ignore Sinscales and concentrate on Echuilles only.Once you rip off 2000 HP it has, it bites the water.----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

    *****************************************************************************706 - KILIKAEnemies: Ragora, Dinonix, Yellow Element, Killer Bee, Lord Ochu (BOSS),Sinspawn Geneaux (BOSS)Items: 3x Potion, 1 x Ether, 1x Remedy, 1x Hi -Potion, 1x Luck Sphere, 2x ManaSphere, 4x Antidote, 3x Phoenix Down, 1x ElixirEquipment: Scout, NulBlaze Shield, Red ArmletKey Items: Primer IV*****************************************************************************

    As you get off the ship, go up and then left on next screen. After the movie goout of the inn, head right, talk to Wakka. There's Vol. IV *KEY ITEM* in'Kilika - Tavern'. Exit the tavern and then go left all the time (last houseyou can enter before Kilika Woods has chest with 3x Potion; also, approach thedestroyed house with little girl in it... return to tavern and open new chestwith Ether). Leave this village until you reach Kilika Woods.

    'Kilika Woods'In this next battle you get to see how Enemy Skil l works in this game. HaveKimahri use Lancet on Ragora and he'll learn Seed Cannon, useless Ronso Rage(this is how Enemy Skill is renamed in FFX). As soon as Kimahri learns newRonso Rage from specific enemy, this will fill up his Overdrive gauge to themax immediately, so you can test out new ability.Somewhere around now it's a good idea to have Tidus learn Haste. Explore theforest, open chests, talk to folks roaming around and you'll find/receive:Remedy, Hi-Potion, Luck Sphere, Scout, 2x Mana Sphere, 4x Antidote. If youapproach Lord Ochu from the left, engage in battle, let Ochu take a swing ortwo at you, and then escape, a Crusader will come running and give you 3xPhoenix Down.Meet up with two acquaintances from Besaid village near the bridge you 'll see

    up ahead. Further ahead you will see an enemy which you will instantlyrecognize if you're a veteran to FF - yep, it's Ochu, but not just any Ochu...

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A311-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lord Ochu | HP: 4649 -800 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 39 | AP: 40 -60 | 15, 1, 23, 1, 8, 20, 0, 10-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 1x -2x MP Sp.; 1x-2x HP Sp.GIL: 420 | BR: Remedy for 46490 gil-------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DAR, POI, PRV | DCOUNT: 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELEMWEAK: FIR-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-3, 1-3, 99%DWA: Mag+5%, Piercing, Poisontouch, Str+5%DAA: Berserkward, Darkward, Poisonward, Silenceward, Sleepward, Stoneward-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Vulnerable to fire.SCAN: Its claws inflict poison. Restores lost HP by sleeping. Retaliates withEarthquake if awakened, so watch out. Being a plant, it burns easily.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) Poison Claw - VS one chr - phd + Poisonb) Water - WATT VS one chr - water d.c) 'Lord Ochu falls asleep.' - once sustaining 2500 or more damage, Ochu willgo to sleep, receiving Regen status - wake it up and it will counter with

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    Earthquaked) Earthquake - GRATT & CATT VS all chrs - tears off 50% current HP - used ifawakened-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | First boss battle where you get troubles with statuses - this timeit's Poison that'll annoy you. Get those Antidotes handy. Ochu's Poison Clawwill deal about 120 damage to single chr on top of poisoning it. It may alsocast Water for about 300 damage. Shut it up with Wakka's Silence Attack. If youdon't have that yet, casting NulTide is another solution. Also have Tidus useCheer a few times to increase Str and Def.Further fighting this guy revealed a set attack pattern: Ochu will use one ortwo Poison Claws, and then Water, again one or two Poison Claws, then Water.Lulu is nearly a must in this fight. Her Fire will deal big damage to Ochu.Tidus can also be of use by casting Haste I hope you've learned so far (you'llneed to gain 11 Sphere levels to get to Haste). Prior to the fight it is alsorecommended to equip Firestrike weapons, if you have any.I suggest not wasting Ant idotes for Poison, but instead use Yuna's Esuna.Once you knock of 2500 or more of Ochu's HP, it'll fall asleep on first turnit'll get after that and at same time getting Regen status. Wake it up ASAP -this will also negate Ochu's Regen. It'll counter wi th Earthquake, but itcannot kill you cos it's a gravity attack based on current HP. You could alsouse Valefor to strike Ochu - as Valefor is a flying bastard, Earthquake misses(thanks to Gestahl for this). Once awakened, continue to repeat the advice Igave above and you'll win. Also, if you've followed my tip from start of thisguide about Loner, use Slice and Dice on it for quick reduction of HP, hehe.


    After you kick his lor dy ass, go right from your current position and then upat next intersection. Also, one of two acquaintances I mentioned before willgive you Elixir; and if you talk to one of both captain Falcons... er, I meanCrusader captains (more specifically, the one who mentions he can't believe youwasted Ochu), you'll receive NulBlaze Shield for Tidus.

    'Kilika: Pilgrimage Road'Save and go up the stairs.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A503-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Sinspawn Geneaux | HP: 3000 -900 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 30 | AP: 48 -72 | 15, 1, 10, 1, 7, 0, 0, 100------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 2x -4x; 3x-6x Power Sp.GIL: 300 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DAR, DEA, DEM, DOO, EJE, PET, POI, PRV, SLE, THR, ZOM-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELEMWEAK: FIR | ELEMABS: WAT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 99%DWA: Darktouch, PiercingDAA: Darkward-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Vulnerable to magic.SCAN: Its shell deflects physical attacks well. Tentacles absorb magic attacks.Defeat tentacles first, then force it from its shell with fire magic. Absorbswater-based attacks.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) Sigh - NATT VS all chr - mgd - used when Geneaux is still in its shell -used every second turn boss gets while in its shellb) Venom - VS one chr - phd + Poison - always used on chr whose current HP isthe highestc) Water - WATT VS one chr - water mgdd) Staccato - VS all chrs - phd----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------


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    SUB-BOSS ENTRY ---> A504-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Geneaux's Tentacle| HP: 450 -500 | St, Df, Mg , Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 10 | AP: 5 -7 | 14, 1, 1, 1, 10, 15, 0, 20-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 1x -2x; 1x-2x Ability Sp.GIL: 30 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DAR, DEA, DOO, EJE, PET, POI, PRV, SIL, SLE, THR, ZOM-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELEMHALF: LIG, ICE | ELEMABS: WAT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No equipment acquired!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Absorbs magical attacks against Geneaux.SCAN: Absorbs magic cast against Geneaux's body. Defeat tentacles first, thenuse magic attacks on the body. Tentacles have high magic defence, so physicalattacks are the way to go.-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------a) 'Tentacles absorb magic!' - as long as tentacles live, ANY magic cast atmain body is uselessb) 'Tentacle strike' - VS one chr - phd-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | Get rid of tentacles first. Why? ANY magic cast at the body will beabsorbed by tentacles. Not only do you waste a turn, you also lose valuable MP.

    However, magic cast at tentacles themselves won't be absorbed. Element to usein this fight is fire. Body is vulnera ble to it, and tentacles take normaldamage from it. Tentacles deal about 100 damage on their turn. And there's twoof them, so be careful. Heal if you're at 250 HP or less!Now what? Body is weak to magic, but resistant to physicals. Tentacles areresistant to magic, but weak to physicals. Have Tidus use Cheer a few times toincrease Str and Def. Meanwhile attack tentacles (3 -5 hits should take themdown) and then blast away at the boss with Fire magic or Firestrike weapons.When Geneaux's HP falls is 2399 or less, it'll bust out of its shell.Alternatively summon Valefor at the start of battle (in Overdrive, if possible)and energize them to kingdom come (thanks to Gestahl for this).Geneaux uses Venom, Water and Staccato in that order. So use this big tip toplan ahead. When it breaks from shell, first attack it'll use is Venom (about100 damage to single chr). So use Antidote or Esuna on character that's

    affected. Before Geneaux's second turn comes up when it casts Water (around 90damage), cast NulTide. You can also Silence it! On third turn get ready forStaccato. Deals around 100 damage to all chrs. Either Defend or keep up your HPabove 200. Then the roulette repeats... of course, you shall prevail.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

    'Kilika Temple'You've reached the next temple. And you also reached next Cloister of Trials.'I wanna scream, I wanna jump for joy...' Yeah right. Go inside the temple.Talk to Wakka and pick whichever choice. Wow! Go thru the do or up the stairsand enter Cloister of Trials. When all others go, wait until platform comesback up. Then step on it... When down, go ahead and enter the door.

    ******************************************LEVEL 2 - Kilika Temple Cloister of Trials******************************************LEVEL 2 PRIZE: Red Armlet

    KS - Kilika SphereGS - Glyph SphereDS - Destruction Sphere

    STEP 1: What you see on this pic is the first room of Kilika's Cloister. Onepillar (marked with A) rests KS1. Take it out a nd stick it into recess found onright of the door (marked with B).

    STEP 2: Hot hot hot! Remove KS1 from the recess...

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    STEP 3:... and with KS1 in hand proceed thru now 'broken' door until you reachnext big room with four points of interest. C, D and E mark spots where thereare recesses (into which you can insert spheres) on the walls. F marks secondpillar with GS atop of it.http://splitinfinity.

    STEP 4: Approach recess marked with D (as shown in above pic) and insert KS1.

    STEP 5: A glyph will appear. Now remove KS1. 05.jpg

    STEP 6: With KS1 in hand approach recess marked with E (as shown in step 3) instick it in.

    STEP 7: Now approach the glyph you just caused to appear. Examine it and youwill be able to touch it.

    STEP 8: Access granted. Shown on this pic are two points of interest. G marksthe spot of shining glyph, which we shall use later. H marks a recess with KS2inserted in it.

    STEP 9: Take out KS2 from recess marked with H as shown above.

    STEP 10: Return to recess marked with C (step 3 pic) in insert KS2.

    STEP 11: Now get near the second pillar (marked as F in step 3 pic) with GSatop of it. Remove the GS.

    STEP 12: Get moving to recess marked as H (step 8 pic) and ins ert GS into it.Wall will split, allowing access to another room, but that room doesn't

    interest us... yet.

    STEP 13: Now step on shining glyph, marked as G (step 8 pic). Pillar you sawone room back (marked as F in step 3 pic) will be magically teleported nearyour current position.

    STEP 14: Return to either of recesses marked as C or E (step 3 pic), doesn'tmatter. But for this guide I shall use recess C. Remove KS2 from that recess.

    STEP 15: Now go to the pillar you teleported before by stepping on shiningglyph. Do you have KS2? If yes, insert it in recess found on that pillar.

    STEP 16: With KS2 inserted it's time to do a bit of pushing. Remember how youpushed the pillar found in Besaid temple? Repeat the exercise for this one, butyou need to push the pillar onto shining glyph (mark G).https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0519/5aff0c53b485d/5aff0c585c15e.jpg

    STEP 17: Part of the floor will crumble, allowing access to yet another recess.From your current position go left, then down the stairs and to the right.You're now near the recess, so remove KS3.https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0519/5aff0c53b485d/5aff0c58a4b46.jpg

    STEP 18: See another set of stairs leading up not far from here? At the end isa door with a recess on the right of it. Insert KS3 you just got into it.

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    the tavern.Now we have to look for somebody else. Kimahri, Lulu and Tidus will form asearch party. You need to reach 'Luca: Nr.4 Dock'. You'll have to use the leftside.Buy Thunder Spear for Kimahri from O'aka at 'Luca: Nr.1 dock'. As you reach'Luca: Nr.2 dock', you'll get ambushed by so me weirdos. New type of enemies...remember to follow Lulu's advice! Same thing will happen on Docks 3 and 4. Kicklast few enemies into oblivion, save. Note that this is an excellentopportunity to stock up on Hi -Potions and X-Potions. How, you ask? Retur n toDock 3 and you'll engage in random battles against Workers. If you can Overkillone, you'll get 2x Hi -Potion, or 2x X-Potion for rare drop. When bored, proceedto Dock 4 and go right...

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A401-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Oblitzerator | HP: 6000 -600 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 10 | AP: 36-54 | 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 1x -2x; 2x-4x ElixirGIL: 580 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DAR, DEA, Distil sk., DOO, EJE, PET, POI, PRV, REG, SIL, SLE,THR, ZOM-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ELEMWEAK: LIG | ELEMHALF: FIR, WAT, ICE, HOL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 99%DWA: Lightningst., PiercingDAA: Def+3%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----SENSOR: Vulnerable to lightning.SCAN: Speeds up when damaged. Vulnerable to lightning, but chucks a Mute Ballat anyone casting Thunder. Use a nearby object to escape its mighty BlitzballRush.------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------a) Blind Ball - CATT VS one chr - phd + Blind for one turn - used if attackedwith physical attackb) Mute Ball - CATT VS one chr - phd + Silence for one turn - used if attacked

    with magical attackc) Blitzball Rush - STATT VS all chrs - std - 12 hits randomly distributedbetween targeted chrs-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | Tidus will make a smartass comment... which actually pays off. Asbattle starts, have Tidus use Haste on Lulu. Have Lulu cast Thunder at theCrane three times. Meanwhile have Kimahri defend or use healing items on theparty. Do whatever you wish, just leave Oblitzerator the hell alone. Also haveTidus use Cheer a few times to increase Str and Def.Thundering the crane will power it up and now Oblitzerator is doomed. HaveTidus use Trigger Command 'Use Crane' [activates crane]. Crane will move, pickup Oblitzerator and rip off its top part, dropping it in the water, at the sametime reducing boss' HP by 93,7 5% of current HP. I forgot to mention that byripping off Oblitzerator's top part it cannot attack anymore (thanks to Gestahlfor this).Why is this the best way? If attacked with magic, boss counters with Mute Ball- deals about 70 damage and inflicts Sil ence. Blind Ball is used in case ofphysical attack. Expect 90 damage and Darkness. On its regular turn it'll useBlitzball Rush, which hits twelve times, each hit dealing around 35 damage.Also, the lower its health, faster it'll become. And there's no Ha ste involved.So it's best to go with Crane technique.ADDITIONAL STRATEGY (submitted by Terminal Velocity):I managed to defeat the Oblitzerator without using the crane. How so? Insteadof wasting time on using the crane with Tidus, I had him Cheer to the pointthat there was no noticable increase in stats. Lulu shot off a Thunder every sooften, with the turns in which she was Silenced by the Mute Ball counter sheacted as healer.The biggest breakthrough came when I realized that Kimahri's Lancet would b e

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    countered by a Mute Ball, rather than a Blind Ball. This enabled me to Lancet,get Silenced, Attack, get Blinded, then Lancet until the blindness wore off,since Lancet is not afected by either status ailment.The increase in Oblitzerator's Agility wasn' t noticable due to Kimahri being inHaste for more Lancet opportunities.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    What looked impossible was just possibilized! Go to your locker room, thenenter it again. Play a bit of blitzball. You obtain 1x Strength Sp. if youmanage to win this game. If you don't win, don't sweat it... After that savewhen prompted. Sahagin Chiefs will litter the pool. Use a good cleansing onthem. After you kill 17 of them, reinforcements arrive.Someone you know from before VS Vouivre. Bam! Dead Vouivre.Wakka, Tidus and SYKFB VS Garuda. Bam! Dead Garuda (use Wakka's Dark Attackskill for easier battle).Wakka, Tidus and SYKFB VS ALOE (A Lot Of Enemies). Bam! Dead ALOE. But yourparty didn't do it... someone else did. Surprise, surprise.

    SYKFB will now start spreading rumors.:) Alright, we needed that! From No.5Dock head to 'Luca: City Limits'. After the scene talk with Yuna and then headoff by following the arrow. *Before* you do that, tho', return to Nr.5 Dock andcheck the boxes thoroughly. Between some of them is a passage that leads to twochests containing HP Sphere and Magic Sphere.


    709 - HIGHROADEnemies: Mi'ihen Fang, Bomb, Dual Horn, White Element, Floating Eye, Raldo,Thunder Flan, Ipiria, Vouivre, Chocobo Eater (BOSS)Items: 1x Hi-Potion, 2x Antidote, 1x Remedy, 3x Soft, 1x Lv.1 Key Sp., 4xAntidote, 2000 Gil, 600 Gil, Hi -Potion, 3x Eye Drops, 1x Ether, 1x Lv.1 KeySp., 2x Mega-Potion, 2x Hi-Potion, 1x Fortune SphereEquipment: Hunter's Spear, Ice Brand, Echo Ring (win vs Belgemine), Seeker'sRing (lose vs Belgemine), Red Ring, Heat Lance, Thunder Blade, Scout, Scout(donate 100 gil), Ice Lance (donate 1000 gil), Moon Ring (donate 10000 gil)Key Items: Volume VIII, Mars Crest, Volume IX*****************************************************************************

    'Highroad: South End'Welcome to the green. You'll be seeing green for a while and I'm not

    complaining. A tutor battle awaits you telling you about Auron's specialty.Talk with people you'll see walking around. Also remember to check every nookand cranny of the road.You can find/receive: Hi -Potion, Hunter's Spear, 2x Antidote, Ice Brand. You'llhave a few historical lessons, encounter a few Chocobos (they're big in thisgame), find out more about what Crusaders are up to, kill next boss... wait,that comes later... umm, oh yeah, there's a woman called Belgemine you'lleventually meet before you leave first part of Highroad. She'll challenge Yunato a game of Tetris. Jes, aj spik ruski. BTW, this isn't in Russian.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BELGEMINE'S CHALLENGE, ROUND 1------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------'Flameguy' | HP: 3500 -560 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 200 | AP: na | 18, 0, 18, 0, 13, 15, 0, 0---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------No items acquired!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: Just about everything.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELEMABS: FIR-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No equipment acquired!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Immune to SENSOR and SCAN!-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------a) 'Swipe' - VS one chr - phdb) Meteor Strike - VS one chr - mgd

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    c) Hell Fire - VS all chrs - fire mgd-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Doesn't matter if you win or not, you get something either way: for winningyou'll receive Echo Ring, for losing Seeker's Ring. Return on the main road andkeep following the arrow.

    'Highroad: South'Locate/receive: Remedy, Red Ring, 3x Soft (don't kick the blitzball!).

    'Highroad: Central'Locate/receive: Lv.1 Key Sp., 4x Antidote, 2000 Gil, 600 Gil, Hi -Potion, 3x EyeDrops. After chocobo carriage moves out of the way, there's a nervous Crusaderstanding on the left of highroad. Talk to him for 1x Ether.

    'Highroad: Agency, Front'You've reached first of many Rin's Agencies. Snort. Refresh your stock if youwish, then exit the Agency. Have a talk with Yuna.In the morning you'll receive Lv.1 Key Sp. Try to exit and you'll bump intoRin. He'll give you Vol. VIII *KEY ITEM* and 2x Mega -Potion. Save. Head outsideand I bet you want to ride the big bird already...

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A095-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Chocobo Eater | HP: 10000-800 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 5 | AP: 90 -135 | 25, 25, 20, 35, 12, 15, 0, 25-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 2x Lv.1 Key Sp.*GIL: 970 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DEA, DEM, DOO, EJE, | STRESIS: 50% Break sk., 40% POIPET, SIL, SLE, THR, ZOM | POI%: 5%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELEMWEAK: FIR-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 99%DWA: Mag+5%, Mag+10%, Piercing, Sensor, Str+5%, Str+10%DAA: Fireward, Iceward, Lightningward, Waterward

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Vulnerable to darkness.SCAN: Stick with piercing weapons until you knock him over. After he says'You're next!' he'll unleash a powerfu l attack. Casts Blizzard when HP is low,so stay warm with NulFrost.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) 'Rush attack' - GRATTP VS all chrs - phd - tears off 18,75% of current HPb) You're next! - charge turn for Fist of Fury attackc) Fist of Fury - VS one chr - high phd - requires one turn to charged) 'Smack' - VS one chr - phde) Blizzard - CATT & IATT VS one chr - ice mgd-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | An interesting battle. It's comprised of five 'slots'. From left toright, your party fills second slot, whilst CE fills third slot. If CE managesto push you out of first slot, you lose. If you manage to push CE out of fifthslot, you win. You also win if you defeat CE the normal way. Let's talkstrategy now. Its normal attack deals around 300 damage to single chr. However,if you see 'You're next!' appear on screen, prepare to heal or revive thatcharacter on boss' next turn, as CE will unleash Fist of Fury, which deals upto 1000 damage. If you can use Provoke already, you will never see 'You'renext!' and Fist of Fury.Having HP at about 500 is recommended, as you won't need to revive the chr whomight get hit with normal attack. Of course, if chr is g oing to be hit withFist of Fury, let that chr take it.'Rush attack' can't kill you, as it deals damage based on your current HP, butit can knock you off the cliff, so either you knock CE off the cliff or defeatit. Lastly, when CE is on its back and if it has less than 45% HP, CE can castBlizzard as a counter at one chr when attacked. For as long as CE is standing,

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    it is armored, so only Piercing weapons do full damage. For as long as it'sdecked, it takes normal damage from any chr's physical attack.As CE is vulnerable to fire, you might want to employ Lulu. Have her use Fire(or Fira, if you've already gained at least 27 Sp. L. for her). Have Tidus castHaste on the party, and Slow on CE (you'll need about 35 Sp. L. for Tidus toreach Slow, but it's w orth it, believe me). Wakka will also be useful in thisbattle. Have him use Dark Attack or Dark Buster (you need about 38 Sp. L.).Auron? Power Break is very useful.You need to deal at least 1201 damage (not necessarily in one attack) toChocobo Eater for it to fall over. Once you do that for first time, you coulduse the free turns to Cheer and Focus. Then when it's on the ground, deal atleast 501 damage (not necessarily in one attack) to it and you'll push it backone slot. Watch out for this: when CE is down and if it has 4500 or less HP,it'll counter with Blizzard whenever attacked.It's a bit funny when you manage to push CE off the cliff, but it's not worththe effort IMO. Actually, I correct that: if you push CE off the cliff, you'llreceive 2x Lv.1 Key Sp., which I cannot seem to obtain if I kill CE the normalway.It's okay if you lose the battle by being pushed off the cliff, but it's notokay if you lose the battle by having all of the party KO -ed. It'll be GameOver for you, so careful.* - You're awarded 2x Lv.1 Key Sp. only if you manage to push CE off the cliff.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    If you lose by accident, you'll continue on 'Highroad: Oldroad, South'.

    You get a free ride if you won. Ride off into the sunset with Billy the Kid onthe back...

    'Highroad: Newroad, South'Nothing at all. Just go forward.

    'Highroad: Newroad, North'Don't run all the time. Go slower and look for small yellow stripes on theground - these are chocobo feath ers. There's aren't many, but they do lead tosome treasures. There's one in this part - it leads to Heat Lance. Back on theroad look for Vol. IX *KEY ITEM* lying on the road.

    'Highroad: North End'You've reached the end of Highroad. Kick the chest for 2x Hi-Potion. Take a

    right to enter Oldroad...

    'Highroad: Oldroad, North'Look carefully for feather - it leads to Thunder Blade and Scout.

    'Highroad: Oldroad, South'Feather here leads to Fortune Sphere. At the end of Oldroad you'll find a chestwith Mars Crest *KEY ITEM*.Return all the way back to the last crossroads. Dismount Chocobo as you can'ttake it any further. Laugh at Dona's incompetence (heh, serves you right, youwitch). Approach the carriage until it goes away. You can talk to Clasko hereand he'll wonder where Elma and Lucile are. You'll be given the option ofhelping him look for them (carriage led by Gatta and Luzzu must be gone) orletting it be. I don't know yet what kind (if any at all) of consequences itmight have to help Clasko out. Talk with everybody and then try going north (asthe screen shifts, talk with person in lower left corner and decide how muchyou'd like to donate, if anything at all - depending on donation, you'll get anitem (for 100 gil Scout, for 1000 Ice Lance and f or 10000 Moon Ring). You won'tbe able to go thru as well. As you try to go back, someone will make the guardslet you thru.

    *****************************************************************************710 - MUSHROOM ROCKEnemies: Bomb, Dual Horn, Ipiria, Vouivre, Thunder Flan, Floating Eye, Raptor,Red Element, Gandarewa, Garuda, Lamashtu, Funguar, Sinspawn Gui (BOSS)Items: 1x Remedy, 1x Ether, 1x Hi -Potion, 2x Phoenix Down, 1x Hi -Potion, 10xPotion, 1000 Gil, 1x Remedy, 1x Hi -Potion, 1x X-Potion, 400 Gil, 1x Mega-Potion, 1x Mega-Potion, 1x Hi-Potion, 4x Soft (available only after completing

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    Djose temple trials - return to Mushroom Rock: Aftermath and cross to the nextscreen using the broken machine to reach this chest)Equipment: Tough Bangle, S erene Armlet, Serene BracerKey Items: Volume X*****************************************************************************

    QUICK TIP: If haven't done so already, have Lulu learn her Lv2 element spells:Fira, Blizzara, Thundara and Watera.QUICK TIP: You should train up Yuna until she learns Cura.

    'Mushroom Rock'On this road your path further north will be blocked by Clasko guy who insistsit's too dangerous to go forward. Yeah right. Talking with people will nab you:Remedy, Ether, Hi-Potion, 2x Phoenix Down. Backtrack a bit to where you enteredMushroom Rock - there will be a guy who hands over Tough Bangle (HP+20%, 1 FS).After all this you'll need to take the left path.

    'Mushroom Rock: Valley'Person here will give you Hi -Potion. Then use the platf orm. After a lot of zig -zaging (during your trip thru here find/receive: 10x Potion, 1000 Gil,Remedy, Hi-Potion). You'll reach next platform.

    'Mushroom Rock: Precipice'In new area find your way around. Find/receive: X -Potion, Serene Armlet, 400Gil. Taking a big curve you'll see on the map leads to Vol. X *KEY ITEM*.

    Take another platform up. You'll get Mega -Potion from guy closest to mechanicallift. Go past the save point for a bit of story. Then use the lift.

    'Mushroom Rock: Plateau'Nothing of interest. Proceed right.

    'Mushroom Rock: Ridge'Talk to Gatta and choose whatever you wish. Talk to him again, again choosewhatever you wish. You'll meet an old friend of Auron's. When done chatting,save. Loot two chests here for Serene Bracer and Mega -Potion. Look for theperson on extreme right and say 'Yes'.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A505

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sinspawn Gui | HP: 12000-800 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 30 | AP: 400 -600 | 29, 1, 20, 30, 10, 15, 0, 100-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | GIL: 1000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: ARM, BER, CON, DAR, DEA, Delay sk., DOO, EJE, MAG, MEN, Nul sk., PET,POI, SIL, SLE, SLO, THR, ZOM------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----No elemental affinities!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 99%DWA: Piercing, SleepstrikeDAA: Sleepproof-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Blocks attacks with both arms.SCAN: Blocks physical attacks with its toughened arms. Remove them withpiercing weapons, and then strike the body. Hit the head when it startstwitching or else it will belch Venom at you.---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------a) 'Punch' - VS one chr - phdb) Demi - GRATT VS all chrs - mgd - tears off 25% current HP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------SUB-BOSS ENTRY ---> A506-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Gui's Head | HP: 4000 -800 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, Ac

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    Take note that physically attacking Gui at any time with at least one arm stillalive will not be a good idea - arm/s will move in the way and shield Gui.Damage dealt will be done to Gui, but it won't be much. So get rid of armsfirst - either by magic or by using piercing weapons.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I thought Crusaders will do all the job, not I! Oh well, after this movie isover, you'll understand why it had to be you that did the dirt y job...

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS ENTRY ---> A505-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sinspawn Gui | HP: 6000 -800 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 30 | AP: 400 -600 | 15, 1, 20, 30, 10, 15, 0, 100-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 3x -6x; 3x-6x Lv.1 Key Sp.GIL: 1000 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: ARM, BER, CON, DAR, DEA, Delay sk., DOO, EJE, MAG, MEN, Nul sk., PET,POI, SIL, SLE, SLO, THR, ZOM---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------No elemental affinities!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 99%DWA: Piercing, Sleepstrike

    DAA: Sleepproof-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Blocks attacks with both arms.SCAN: Blocks physical attacks with its toughened arms. Remove them withpiercing weapons, and then strike the body. Hit the head when it startstwitching or else it will belch Venom at you.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) 'Punch' - VS one chr - phdb) Demi - GRATT VS all chrs - mgd - tears off 25% current HP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SUB-BOSS ENTRY ---> A506-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Gui's Head | HP: 1000 -800 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 200 | AP: 48 -72 | 1, 1, 1, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | GIL: 200------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------STIMM: BER, Break sk., CON, DAR, DEA, Delay sk., Distil sk., DOO, EJE, Nul sk.,PET, POI, PRV, SIL, SLE, SLO, THR, ZOM-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No elemental affinities!---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 11%DWA: Firest., Icest., Lightningst., Piercing, Waterst.DAA: Fireward, Iceward, Lightningward, Waterward----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------SENSOR: Strike the head to disable its Venom.SCAN: Blocks physical attacks with its toughened arms. Remove them withpiercing weapons, and then strike the body. Hit the head when it startstwitching or else it will belch Venom at you.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) 'The head is moving suspiciously!' - signifies a charge turn for Venomb) Venom - STATT VS one chr - std + Poisonc) 'The head stops moving!' - hit it with magic or Wakka's balld) Thunder - LATT VS one chr - lightning d.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SUB-BOSS ENTRY ---> A507---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    Gui's Arm | HP: 800 -500 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 1 | AP: 37 -55 | 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | GIL: 300-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DAR, DEA, Delay sk., Distil sk., DOO, EJE, MAG, MEN, Nul sk.,PET, POI, POW, PRV, SIL, SLE, SLO, THR, ZOM-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No elemental affinities!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-2, 1-2, 11%DWA: Firest., Icest., Lightningst., Piercing, Waterst.DAA: Fireward, Iceward, Lightningward, Waterward-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Protects the body with thick armor.SCAN: Blocks physical attacks with its toughened arms. Remove them withpiercing weapons, and then strike the body. Hit the head when it startstwitching or else it will belch Venom at you.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) 'The arms regenerated!' - after few turns in which Gui is without its armspass, they will regenerate-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STRATEGY | Same boss as before, only with lesser stats. Gui will alternatebetween 'Punch' (deals about 100 damage) and Demi. Head will go like th is:Thunder (deals about 90 damage), 'The head is moving suspiciously!' and Venom

    (200 damage, unblockable, Poison).Anytime when head starts to move, hit it with ????'s magic. Doing this willforfeit it's next turn, which would be Venom and damage dealt c an't be halvedin any way. Gui doesn't hit hard anymore. ????'s healing magic will take careof tight situations.Strategy is pretty much the same as in previous fight, only things differentare members you're using and boss' stats.Take note that physical ly attacking Gui at any time with at least one arm stillalive will not be a good idea - arm/s will move in the way and shield Gui.Damage dealt will be done to Gui, but it won't be much. So get rid of armsfirst - either by magic or by using piercing weap ons.When summing everything up, this battle isn't hard at all, esp of certain chr'sstats. So what else remains? Winning!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    'Mushroom Rock: Beach'Wake up, Tidus! Explore the are a. Find Gatta - depending on what you suggestedhim to do determines...

    'Mushroom Rock: Aftermath'On extreme left is chest with Hi -Potion. Talk with Auron, buy few Softs fromO'aka and then follow the arrow to new part of the world...

    *****************************************************************************711 - DJOSE HIGHROADEnemies: Bite Bug, Basilisk, Garm, Bunyip, Simurgh, Funguar, Snow Flan,Lamashtu, Raptor, GandarewaItems: 2x Phoenix Down, 1x Ether, 1x Hi -Potion, 1x Mega-Potion, 4x AbilitySphere, 4000 gil, 1x Ether, 1x Remedy, 1x Mega -Phoenix, 1x Magic Sphere, 2x Hi -Potion, 10x PotionEquipment: Soft Ring, Bright Bangle, Variable Steel, Switch Hitter, HalberdKey Items: Volume XI****************************************** ***********************************

    'Djose Highroad'Talk with people and loot chests to receive: Soft Ring (equip it on Yunastraight away as it has Stoneproof!), 2x Phoenix Down, Bright Bangle, Ether,Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion, Variable Steel. Be careful o f Basilisks found in thisarea. They can petrify your chrs. Check behind stone pillars - one of themhides Vol. XI *KEY ITEM*. Path is pretty straightforward. At the end go rightand you will reach another temple, another Cloister and another... well, I'msure you know what you get at the end, so I won't write that down.

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    'Djose: Pilgrimage Road'Proceed north.

    'Djose Temple'Chest behind the shop has 4x Ability Sphere. On extreme left nab 4000 Gil.Depending on what you replied to Gatta you'll find somebody to right oftemple's entrance. Enter the shop, refreshing your own stock. Enter the temple.Inside are chests with Ether, Remedy, Mega Phoenix. Finally enter the Cloister.

    ****************************************LEVEL 3: Djose Temple Cloister of Trials****************************************LEVEL 3 PRIZE: Magic Sphere

    DJS - Djose SphereGS - Glyph SphereDS - Destruction Sphere

    STEP 1: In this pic a part of first room is shown. R1 marks a recess in whichDJS1 is inserted. Remove it and stick it in left recess found on the doors(marked with X).

    STEP 2: Repeat the exercise. Remove DJS1 inserted in R2 recess and stick it in

    other recess found on the doors (again marked with X). Doors will dis engage thelock and you're now able to go thru.

    STEP 3: Lots of spheres again. R3 is a recess with DJS3 inside. R4 has DJS4. P1is a pillar atop which DJS5 rests.

    STEP 4: On this pic Tidus is standing between two recesses. Left one is R5,right one R6. Strange contraption on the ceiling (marked with CON) isactivated... ple04.jpg

    STEP 5:... by removing DJS3 from R3 and inserting it into R5. Similarly remove

    DJS4 from R4 and insert it into R6. Contraption is activated!

    STEP 6: For what purpose? For that stand on the le ft of pillar (marked as P1)and push it to the right all the way you can. Contraption will electrify DJS5.

    STEP 7: At the opposite end of contraption is shining glyph. Step on it.http://splitinfinity.5

    STEP 8: Pillar (P1) will return to original position with charged DJS5 atop.Remove DJS5 and insert it into R4. Doing this will remove the door to the left,allowing access in further depths of Djose temple.

    STEP 9: Electrifying! To get across, do the following: Remove DJS3 from R5 andinsert it in either one of recesses found on top of pillar (P1). Remove DJS4from R6 and insert it in other recess found on pillar (P1). After all of thispillar should be in such position...

    STEP 10: Stand below it and push it up until it falls in the chasm. Magicallyit'll float back up... (red X shows position of pillar, which is otherwise notto be seen in this pic)

    STEP 11: Approach the chasm and Tidus will jump across. E1 marks a device nearwhich you need to press X in order to activate it (you'll find a bunch of t hem

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    later). So do that.

    STEP 12: After this jump back across. Step on shining glyph again (look at step7 pic if you forgot its location). Pillar (P1) returns to its position. RemoveDJS3 from atop of i t and insert it into R1 (step 1 pic!). DJS4, when removedfrom pillar, must be inserted into R2 (step 2 pic!). On this pic you see Tidusstanding in corridor with two white lines (L1 and L2), one on each side. Thismeans you have successfully completed thi s exercise.

    STEP 13: Only one part of picture remains to be completed. Remove charged DJS5from R4...

    STEP 14:... and relocate it to R3. Pillar will disappear and will instead bereplaced by a lift.

    STEP 15: What's that shining on the wall? Near shining glyph you will notice aninsignia that glows every so often. Examine it and touch the glyph.https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0519/5aff0c53b485d/5aff0c5ce243d.jpg

    STEP 16: Weeee. Destruction Sphere!

    STEP 17: Once you have it, board the lift shown on step 14 pic and up you go.On this pic you have E2, E3, E4, E5 a nd E6 (E2 and E6 I wasn't able to captureonto pics... they are located behind corners - E2 on left, and E6 on right).Approach all five of them and press X to activate them. Once they shoot down,final steps will become exposed and another pillar shall al so arise (marked asP2).

    STEP 18: Approach this second pillar and make it happy with Destruction Sphere.

    STEP 19: Where wall previously existed, there's now a chest with Magic Sphere.Congrats, for you just broke another Destruction sigil... now all that is left is ascending the stairs to your left.

    You've reached the Antechamber. Talk to yo ur members until they repeatthemselves. Try to exit and Yuna pops out. Pick another name, then go to sleep.When you control Tidus again, head back to the shop. There's a chest withSwitch Hitter. Back outside talk to everybody. Now enter the temple and e nterleftmost room. Yuna is knocked out on the bed. Talking to the person next toher will prompt Yuna to wake up. Then head back to Djose Highroad. This timepeople on Pilgrimage Road will hand over items if you stick 'em up... I meantalk to them: Halber d, 2x Hi-Potion, 10x Potion. If you return all the way backto screen 'Mushroom Rock: Aftermath', you'll find a destroyed pieces of somemachine in lower left of that screen. Climb the boxes near it and walk to thenext screen. Chest you'll encounter conta ins 4x Soft.

    *****************************************************************************712 - MOONFLOWEnemies: Garm, Bunyip, Snow Flan, Ochu, Bite Bug, Gandarewa, Funguar, treasurechest, Extractor (BOSS)Items: 3x Lv.1 Key Sp., 1x X -Potion, 3x Lv.1 Key Sp., 1x Magic Def Sp., 6xSmoke Bomb (lose vs Belgemine), 2x Dragon Scale (win vs Belgemine), 2x PhoenixDown, 5000 gil, 1x Ether, 4x Antidote, 1x Mega -PotionEquipment: NoneKey Items: Summoner's Soul, Volume XII*****************************************************************************

    'Moonflow: South Bank Road'Loot the chests for: 3x Lv.1 Key Sp., X -Potion, 3x Lv.1 Key Sp., Magic Def Sp.

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    You'll again run into Belgemine for a new game of badminton... you kno w thedrill by know. It doesn't matter if you win or lose.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BELGEMINE'S CHALLENGE, ROUND 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'Thunderguy' | HP: 6000 -924 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag, Lu, Ev, AcMP: 450 | AP: na | 22, 1, 23, 1, 17, 15, 0, 0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No items acquired!----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------STIMM: Just about everything.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELEMABS: LIG-----------------------------------------------------------------------------No equipment acquired!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Immune to SENSOR and SCAN!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) 'Swipe' - VS one chr - phdb) Aerospark - VS one chr - phd + Dispel effectc) Haste - on itself - adds Hasted) Thor's Hammer - VS all chrs - lightning mgd-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    You'll receive Summoner's Soul *KEY ITEM* (in case you lose you get 6x SmokeBomb, but for winning you get 2x Dragon Scale). New tutorial will pop up,telling you how to teach aeons new abilities.

    'Moonflow: South Bank'Continue further north. Beautiful. Lol at Tidus. Go left.

    'Moonflow: South Wharf'Chest has 2x Phoenix Down. G o left. Refresh your stock, but watch out whichmerchant you buy from. Buy lots of Potions and Eye Drops. Go left again. Afterthe scene save. Nab 5000 Gil from chest. Talk to the strange driver of Shoopufand embark on a journey over water. Can you guess what'll happen next?


    BOSS ENTRY ---> A193-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Extractor | HP: 4000 -600 | St, Df, Mg, Md, Ag , Lu, Ev, AcMP: 10 | AP: 660 -990 | 23, 1, 15, 1, 15, 15, 0, 30-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ST: 1x-1x Potion | DR: 1x -2x; 2x-4x Mega PhoenixGIL: 2400 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------STIMM: BER, CON, DAR, DEA, DOO, EJE | STRESIS: 50% PRVPET, POI, REG, SIL, SLE, ZOM |---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------ELEMWEAK: LIG | ELEMHALF: FIR, WAT, ICE, HOL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------EQUIPMENT: 1-3, 1-3, 99%DWA: Firest., Icest., Lightningst., Piercing, Waterst.DAA: SOS NulBlaze, SOS NulFrost, SOS NulShock, SOS NulTide-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SENSOR: Vulnerable to lightning.SCAN: After rising, it releases Depth Charges, inflicting darkness and damageon Tidus and Wakka. Hurt it as much as you can to bring it back down.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------a) Aqua Shooter - WATT VS one chr - water mgdb) 'Readying Depth Charges' - signifies charge turn for 'Depth Charges'c) Depth Charges - STATT VS all chrs - std + Darkness (inflicted for threechr's turns)d) 'The Extractor comes back down!' - after dealing 500 damage to Extractorduring its raised state, it'll come back down------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    STRATEGY | Yay? An underwater battle again with only two characters. One ofpriorities you have to give most importance to is keeping your HP at about 500or higher. Why? Aqua Shooter deals around 200 damage. Depth Charges deal about350 damage to each character, on top of it inflicting Darkness.As the battle starts, have Tidus cast Haste on both himself and Wakka. Slowworks on boss, as do Delay skills! Extractor will use two turns for AquaShooter. On third turn it'll rise, and on fourth turn it'll release DepthCharges. During boss' third and fourth turn try your hardest to inflict atleast 500 damage to boss, as you'll bring it back down, thus disabling itschance to use Depth Charges and resetting its attack pattern to Aqua Shooter,Aqua Shooter, 'Readying Depth Charges', etc...If somehow you're too late or don't deal enough damage, use Eye Drops to healDarkness you might've been inflicted with. Otherwise use Hi -Potions you mighthave left. By Hasting your chrs and Slowing the boss (at l east Haste isrecommended to have already) your odds can increase greatly in this battle.Remember to attack as much as you can during its raised state and you will wineasily.ADDITIONAL STRATEGY:See two Aqua Shooters and allow the boss to rise - naturally, don't forget tohit the boss. Just before Extractor is about to use Depth Charges, have Tidususe Provoke on Extractor. It'll come back down and two messages will pop up.'The Extractor is provoked!' and 'Aqua Shooter damage increases!' Don't bealarmed at the latter message, this is actually better that getting hit withDepth Charges. AS' damage increases only by 50% anyway, so why worry? ProvokedExtractor will use two powered -up AS. After it has done so, first turn

    Extractor gets after that, two new messages appear. 'The Extractor cools down'and 'Aqua Shooter damage decreases'. Cool! From now on you'll see regularpattern: AS, AS, rise, Depth Charges, repeat. Just remember to use Provokebefore Depth Charges phase and you win.----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------

    'Moonflow: North Wharf'Talk to everybody and head left. On this screen pick up Vol. XII *KEY ITEM* -it's a bit hard to see. Left. Open the chest for Ether. Left again.

    'Moonflow: North Bank'Recognize this person? I bet you know what follows. Yep, a tutor battle. Openthe chest for 4x Antidote. Proceed north. I've received an excellent tip fromGamerZombie666 regarding Rikku. Once you regain her back when crossing a large

    body of water on a certain animal, you'll see that she starts very close toReflect on the standard SG - there's only a matter of Lv.2 Lock in the way.First Lv.2 Key Sp. you can obtain after getting Rikku permanently is afterbeating Spherimorph boss in Macalania woods. So save Rik ku's SLVL until afterbeating boss mentioned, then use her SLVL to move over SG toward Reflect node,use newly gained LV.2 Key Sp. to remove Lv.2 Lock and Reflect is yours. It willprove mightily useful for later battles.

    'Moonflow: North Bank Road'You're not far from next 'city'. Next chest on your way has Mega -Potion. You'renow entering city of...

    *****************************************************************************713 - GUADOSALAMEnemies: NoneItems: 1x Mega-Potion, 1x Elixir, 3000 gil, 2x Hi-Potion, 8x Lightning MarbleEquipment: NoneKey Items: Volume XIII, Venus Crest (appears in Farplane, but only after youset foot in Thunder plains ahead)*****************************************************************************

    Bla bla bla. I sure wish you could press Start to skip the sequences. Lastoption will appear in Main menu - Customize. Yep, with this command you canshape weapons and armor to your liking. A handy tutorial will show you how todo just that. I told you Rikku rocks.There're two chests you can loot for Mega -Potion and Elixir. One of the houses(with four people and 3000 gil chest) has Vol. XIII *KEY ITEM* lying on thefloor. Enter the main building. Before doing anything here, go up the stairs

  • 8/6/2019 Final Fantas X [Main Walk Through]


    and open the chest for 2x Hi -Potion. Approach the big doors, then enter them.Talk to your members, then listen to more convo.Exit the manor, and go a bit down