Final Exam Review

Final Exam Review Stephanie Talbot

Transcript of Final Exam Review

Stephanie Talbot

Diabetic Ketoacidosis- caused by lack of insulin in body causing severe hyperglycemiaAcute Complications: s/s: 1. Dehydration 2. Kussmals bx 3. Acetone breath 4. Glucose, ketones, protein in urine 5. Tachycardia ,hypotension 6. Weight loss and anorexia 7. Glucose>300mg/dL, pH1.5 8. Hyperkalemia 9. Abdominal pain 10. N& V

Hyperglycemia increases serum osmolalitypolyuria

Treatment: 1. Maintain patent airway 2. O2 therapy 3. IV bolus insulin, then cont infusion 4. Fluid resuscitation 0.9% NaCl infusion 1L/hr until BP stable and blood glucose approaches 250 mg/dL 5% dextrose added to prevent hypogylcemia 5. Regular insulin via bolus then drip 0.1U/Kg/hr 6. Monitor K+- cause initially high but as add insulin, pushes K+ into cells resulting in vascular depletion K+

Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndromecharacterized by hyperglycemia, osmolar diuresis, and dehydration Acute Complications: S/S: 1. Dehydration 2. Tachycardia, hypotension 3. Hemiparesis 4. Somulance, decreased LOC 5. Hypernatremia & hypokalemia 6. Blood glucose>600mg/dL 7. Osmolality >330mOsm 8. Lactic acidosis, Azetemia (kidney), Lack ketones 9. Aplasia 10. E-lytes- hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia, increased BUN, creatinine HCT & HgB

Treatment: -treat cause- infection,stress, surgery, TPN, tube feeds or conditions like MI, sepsis, pancreatitis, stroke, drugs, like diuretics, glucocorticoids, Ca2+ channel blockers, propanolol

Maintain patent airway O2 therapy IV access Immediate Fluid resucitation 0.9%/.45% NaCl infusion 1L/hr until BP stable 5. Regular insulin via bolus, then by infusion 0.1U/Kg/hr. When glucose 250mg/dL dextrose added 6. Monitor VS, I/O, heart and elytes1. 2. 3. 4.

EO 1.1: Define The Following Terms


Originates SA node Rate 900mOsm/Kg, post-renal =N, intra-renal failure 3.4ng/mL 3. Icnrease serum acid phosphtase 4. Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) of prostate 5. Prostate tissue biopsy 6. Lymph node biopsy 7. CT & MRI

INT: 1. Watchful waitin w/ PSA & DREs to monitor progress 2. Surgery for those w/ stage AB: radical prostectomy- TURP to promote urination, bilateral orchiectomy(removal testicles) to slow spread cancer by removing source testosterone, laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP) for those w/ PSA500mg/mL HF probable

s/s: 1. HTN 2. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea 3. Wheezing & crackles 4. hypoxia, resp. Acidosis 5. Cough w/ pink frothy sputum, pulmonary edema 6. S3/4 heart sounds 7. Palpitations 8. Dysrhythmias

right sided HF leads to core pulmonaleCause: 1. Athlerosclerosis 2. L. Sided HF 3. Lung dx- core pulmonale, r. Ventriculare dilation & hypertrophy due to pulmonary dx ABS: 1. CXR-congestion, cardiomegaly 2. Echo- cardiomegaly, decreased fxn 3. EKG: L. & R Ventricular hypertrophy

s/s: Weakness, fatigue, synchope Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly Ascites depedent pitting edema Jugular vein distention Hepatojugular reflex Oligura Dysrhythmias Elevate central venous/right atrial pressure 10. Nausia, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal distension 11. Weight gain1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

R.L sided HF interventions1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Diet therapy O2, bed rest, semifowlers Assessemntscardiovascular, VS Foley catheter Morphine Diuretics: Lasix Cardiac glycosieds: Digoxin Cardiac stimulants: dopamine (Intropin), dobutamine (Dobutrex) Nitrates vasodilators

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Fluid restriction Diet theapy teaching Daily weights Medication administration, teaching Measure abdominal girths Assess peripheral edema Cardiovasculare assessments CVP readings Rest periods Monitor e-lytes, I/O Skin care

R.L sided HF interventionsDischarge planning: 1. Stop smoking 2. Maintain ideal body weight 3. Activity restrictions/care 4. rehab

Digitalis preparations- not used new MIAction: increase force contraction, slows HR, kkpromotes diuresis, decreases heart size Tx: CHF, atrial fibrilation or other tachyarhythmias NSG: monitor client response, check apical pulse: do not give