Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012

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Transcript of Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012

  • 8/11/2019 Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012


    Questions 1 2

    Read the note below and answer the questions that follow.

    1 The word pen-palmeans ________.

    A a person who has the same interest as you

    B a person who communicates with you dail

    C a person that you make friends with by writing letters or sending e-mails

    D a person that you admire

    2 Gurjit will communicate with Kirana through ________.

    A electron mail C electronic mail

    B electrostatic mail D electric mail

    Question 3

    Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.

    3 From this notice, we know that

    A rs !ngelina can choose the flowers of her choice

    B "uan #ainab can arrange and decorate her own bou$uet of flowersC rs %angeetha can get discount for any purchase

    D iss &ong can buy her own flowers

    Questions 4 5

    Study the family tree below and answer the questions that follow.

    4 From the family tree, we know that

    A Gopal is 'amachandran(s grandson

    B Kalai has two brothers

    C !njali is the eldest sister of Kalai

    D %asikala is 'amachandran(s daughter-in-law

    5 Gopal and !njali are ________.

    A father and daughter C husband and wifeB son and mother

    Dear Kirana,

    Thank you for choosing me as your pen-pal. I hope we can e-mail each other

    to keep in touch.

  • 8/11/2019 Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012


  • 8/11/2019 Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012


    A hidden things that can translate the data

    B hidden things that can reco/er the data

    C hidden things that can store the date

    D hidden things that can destroy the data

    10 This ad/ertisement is probably ad/ertised by ________ company.

    A a data

    B a system

    C a /irus

    D a computer

    Questions 11-20are ase" on the following te&t.

    ++. ! 3 +4. ! 5espite

    6 he 6 !lthough

    she 0owe/er

    5 you 5 oreo/er

    +). ! badly +7. ! hope

    6 bitterly 6 hopes

    roughly hoped

    5ear Faridah

    0ow are you8 3 hope you are doing well. 3 ha/e some wonderful news to tell you.

    9esterday, while my mother and _______________ :++; were heading to the

    market, we came across a cute little kitten. 3t was mewling _________________ :+);

    near a dumpster. y heart went _______________ :+%abun( ________________ :+?; she has clean white fur. 3 ha/e also ______________

    :+@; pictures of %abun. 9ou will _____________ :+A; like herB

    &ell, that(s all for now. 5o ____________ :)*; to me soon. 6yeB

    'our frien",

    Pei Lin

  • 8/11/2019 Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012


    5 pitifully 5 hoping


  • 8/11/2019 Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012


    Read the con!ersation below and choose the bestmeanin" for the phrases underlined.

    we in C 0i alaB !re you okay8 9ou look like you ha/e got something on

    your mind :24;

    ala C 9es, 3 failed my %cience and Geography papers. 3t(s partly my

    fault. 3 was burning the midnight oil :25; before the eEams. 3

    should ha/e re/ised my studies constantly.

    we in C 1e/er mind, put it down to eEperience :26;. 9ou can always study

    harder the neEt time.

    ala C 9ou(re right. 3 will put in more effort for the final eEam.

    )=. ha/e got something on your mind

    ! are sad

    6 are upset

    are worried

    5 are annoyed

    )4. burning the midnight oil

    ! fast asleep

    6 awake all night

    lighting the candle

    5 studying till late

    )7. put it down to eEperience! learn all o/er again

    6 learn from your failures

    learn to admit your faults

    5 learn from people(s mistake

  • 8/11/2019 Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012



  • 8/11/2019 Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012


  • 8/11/2019 Final Exam Form 2 Paper 1 2012
