Final exam




Transcript of Final exam


2. WHAT IS DRAMA Drama is essentially a creative activity involving movement, language, imagination, emotion, and social interaction to represent a story, a situation, a moment or an act. Drama can also involve clothing, objects, scenery and music. When the word drama is mentioned several words come to mind: role-plays, acting, pretending, miming, performance, theatre, puppets, characters, scenes... the list is endless. In the classroom, drama activities range from simple games involving movement, to an extended project culminating in public performance. 3. DRAMATIZE COMMON SITUATIONS Show agreement, disagreement, give opinions, present excuses or apologize Face expressions and gestures showing shame, self-confidence, hate, love, conflict and despair Dont worry about costumes No papers 4. CONTENT Act (Dramatizing) 80% Script (writing) 20% 5. HOW TO START For the sake of our class Choose a topic List the characters Think of a suitable plot 6. HOW TO Sketch ideas (brainstorm) Set program (timeframe) Format the script 7. NEXT STEP: ORGANIZING IDEAS 8. ABOUT THE FORMATUNIVERSITY OF PANAMA FACULTY OF HUMANITITES ENGLISH SCHOOL ADVANCED CONVERSATION 380A FINAL WORK: DRAMA SCRIPT (Your name) JUNE 18, 2014 Presentation page Rubrics Script 9. SCRIPT SAMPLES 10. SCRIPT SAMPLES Sky Pirates FADE IN: INT. PLAYROOM - DAY MAX is at the play table, working away at a coloring book when EMMY enters, struggling with a cardboard box. Max looks up. MAX Whats in the box, Em? EMMY (straining) Old toys. She drops the box in the middle of the room with some relief. Max bursts out of his chair... MAX TOYS!! Lemme see! Max tears into the box, pulls out an old-fashioned tin airplane. He spins the propeller. It goes around a few times, then stops. Max frowns. MAX Wherere the vroom-vroom sounds? He drops the plane, searches the box for more. Emmy takes out an old- fashioned doll, pulls the string. DOLL Ma-ma! Emmy drops the doll, looks for more. Max withdraws an ordinary childs large, spinning tin top. He places it on the floor, shoves the handle down and the top spins, making a simple WHISTLING sound. Then it topples over. MAX This stuffs bor-ring. Emmy takes out a jack-in-the-box, starts to crank it, playing Pop Goes the Weasel. EMMY I wonder why Mom and Dad liked to play with them. 11. PRESENTING THE SCRIPT Youll have to bind it Must be clean and neat Remember Its the final and goes to the Colina. 12. MAKE IT SIMPLE 13. OTHER SOURCES About drama: Writing a script: Binding the script: 14. DONT TAKE THIS AS THE ONLY SOURCE GATHER DIFFERENT SAMPLES AND COME UP WITH SOMETHING ORIGINAL EVEN MORE REFERENCES: UPCONVERSATION-FINAL.BLOGSPOT.COM