Final career

Go to the following Website: Exploring Career Information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- 2010-11 Edition Choose the career that you would like to pursue for your major. Also choose one other career similar to the one you would like to pursue and compare the differences and similarities. For each career you are interested in select it to find answers to the following questions: What is this job like? 1: Paralegals, or legal assistants, help lawyers in their work. They perform some of the same tasks as lawyers. Paralegals investigate cases to make sure that lawyers know all of the important facts. Paralegals also do legal research. They look up laws and past cases in books and on computers. Then, they write reports that lawyers use to help prepare their cases. They also keep track of the documents related to the case. What paralegals do depends on where they work. For example, some paralegals help to write contracts and mortgages. Some help to prepare income tax returns and other financial documents. Most paralegals work a typical 40-hour week. Most work year round, but some are only employed during busy times of the year. In law firms, some paralegals work very long hours. Most of their work is done at desks in offices and law libraries. 2: Lawyers give people and companies advice and tell them what they can and can't do under the law. Sometimes, they hire lawyers to take their side in court against other people or companies, or against the government. Lawyers spend a lot of time doing research. To be a good lawyer, a person must be good at finding facts in books, on computers, and in other places. Lawyers also interview people to get information. After doing research, lawyers make arguments to show that the people they work for should win in court. Some lawyers speak in court, but many lawyers don't. Lawyers also write legal documents like contracts and wills. They need to be very specific and well-written.

Transcript of Final career

Page 1: Final career

Go to the following Website: Exploring Career Information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- 2010-11 Edition Choose the career that you would like to pursue for your major. Also choose one other career similar to the one you would like to pursue and compare the differences and similarities.

For each career you are interested in select it to find answers to the following questions:

What is this job like? 1: Paralegals, or legal assistants, help lawyers in their work. They perform some of the same tasks as lawyers. Paralegals investigate cases to make sure that lawyers know all of the important facts.

Paralegals also do legal research. They look up laws and past cases in books and on computers. Then, they write reports that lawyers use to help prepare their cases. They also keep track of the documents related to the case.

What paralegals do depends on where they work. For example, some paralegals help to write contracts and mortgages. Some help to prepare income tax returns and other financial documents.

Most paralegals work a typical 40-hour week. Most work year round, but some are only employed during busy times of the year. In law firms, some paralegals work very long hours. Most of their work is done at desks in offices and law libraries.

2: Lawyers give people and companies advice and tell them what they can and can't do under the law. Sometimes, they hire lawyers to take their side in court against other people or companies, or against the government.

Lawyers spend a lot of time doing research. To be a good lawyer, a person must be good at finding facts in books, on computers, and in other places. Lawyers also interview people to get information.

After doing research, lawyers make arguments to show that the people they work for should win in court. Some lawyers speak in court, but many lawyers don't.

Lawyers also write legal documents like contracts and wills. They need to be very specific and well-written.

Lawyers do most of their work in offices, law libraries, and courtrooms. They sometimes meet in clients' homes or businesses. Some lawyers meet clients in hospitals or prisons. Lawyers often work long hours, especially during a trial in court.

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How do you get ready? 1: There are several ways to become a paralegal. Most people go to a community college for a 2-year degree. Some colleges offer more advanced degrees in paralegal studies.

Some people learn on the job. Sometimes, legal secretaries become paralegals.

Paralegals need good research and writing skills. They should also be able to use computers. Paralegals often deal with the public, so they should be polite. They also have to be honest and ethical.

To start getting ready for this job, students can take English classes to learn how to write and do research. Social studies classes teach about research and the law. People who want to be paralegals need strong reading skills.

2: All lawyers need a license from the State in which they want to work. To get a license, people need to get a college degree and then go to law school for 3 years. Finally, lawyers must pass a test called the bar examination.

Even after they start working, lawyers need to keep on learning about changes in the law. Most States make lawyers take classes from time to time.

To start getting ready for this job, students can take English classes to learn how to write, do research, and make presentations. Social studies classes teach about research and the law. People who want to be lawyers also need strong reading skills.

How much does this job pay? 1: In May 2008, paralegals had average yearly wages of $48,790. However, earnings of paralegals vary greatly. People who work for large law firms or in big cities earn more.

2: Lawyers are some of the highest paid workers. Although some lawyers work for themselves, many other lawyers work for governments, law firms, and corporations. In May 2008, the average yearly wages for lawyers were $124,750.

How many jobs are there? 1: Paralegals held about 263,800 jobs in 2008. Most worked for law firms. Others worked for private companies and governments.

2: Lawyers held about 759,200 jobs in 2008. Most lawyers worked for themselves or in law firms. Some lawyers worked for other businesses or for government.

What about the future? 1: The number of jobs for paralegals is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations through 2018. Law firms will hire more paralegals to help lawyers prepare their cases. More people and businesses will need legal help. Many people like these jobs, so new workers are expected to face competition. 2: Employment of lawyers is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through 2018. Many people want to be lawyers, so there will be competition for good jobs.

Are there other jobs like this? 1: Law clerks

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Title examiners, abstractors, and searchers

2: Court reporters Judges

Law clerks



Where can you find more information? 1: More BLS information about paralegals and legal assistants can be found in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. The Handbook also shows where to find out even more about this job.

2: More BLS information about lawyers can be found in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. The Handbook also shows where to find out even more about this job.

Write a detailed summary explaining how these two careers are alike and how they differ. Also choose another career that you haven’t considered but would like to find out more about. After reading the information on this career explain if you might consider this career as an option to your present choice.

Lawyers and Paralegals have a lot in common they both work in the law force, but Paralegal are more of a secretary for lawyers, the reason I chose this two careers is because I am going for my AAS on Legal Assistant/ Paralegal and eventually want to become a lawyer I have always been fascinated with the law and how it works having someone come for help and me being able to helped them is the greatest feelings in the whole world.

Another career I would consider would have to be Musicians compose, sing, or play music. They might perform solo or as part of a group. They perform in sound studios and on stage. They also perform on television and in movies. One of my hobbies are singing and I pretty good at it with more work I know I can become great the reason why I would only considerate and not persuaded is because is not my dream, although it would be great to sing and dance which I love is very hard and takes a lot of determination that I wouldn’t put for that particular career I rather focus on something more realistic like LAW.