Fin Upgrade Tech Architecture Sample

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    M-Pathways Financial Upgrade

    Preliminary ArchitectureMay 24, 2004


    This document is intended as a summary of the preliminary plans for the M-Pathways PeopleSoft Financials 8.8upgrade. The hope is that this document will allow members of the project team to understand the technical

    environment better.

    It is almost certain that changes to the infrastructure design will occur over the course of this project. Either thisdocument will be updated accordingly, or replacement documents will be created and distributed to the projectteam to articulate any changes.


    The design of the PeopleSoft infrastructure will isolate the Financial and Higher Education (HE) environments asmuch as is practically possible. For efficiency, many of the central non-PeopleSoft specific components are


    The table below indicates which components will be shared, and which will be isolated:

    Separate Financial and HE Components Shared Components

    Production Web Servers Non-Production Web ServersProduction Report Repository Web Servers

    All Database Servers Non-Production Application Servers

    Crystal, nVision, Workflow Servers Production Application Servers

    Production Data Warehouse Server

    Non-Production Data Warehouse Server

    3rdParty Software Servers including:

    - Dazel- EDI- Adobe Output Central Pro- Unicenter

    Interface (FTP, SSH) Server

    Web Load Balancer & SSL Accelerator

    Backup & Recovery Servers

    Storage Area Network


    ITCS CoSign Servers

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    ACE Server

    Firewall Hardware

    Fileserver (J: drive)

    ITS LINC Infrastructure

    Wolverine Access Gateway JSP Pages


    The table below lists all of the PeopleSoft 8 database instances that will exist during the upgrade, and theiranticipated uses:

    Database Size Users Description of Usage

    FinDem88 Demo CPU - Validation of delivered functionality- Staging of patches and fixes- Fit/Gap Analysis- Full Compare Reports

    FinPTUp8 Demo TIO-

    PeopleTools Upgrades- Custom Compare Reports

    FinMch88 Demo CPU - Experimentation with development tools- Research on development approaches- Preliminary design of customizations

    FinDev88 Production CPU - Development of customizations- Unit testing

    FinStr88 Production TIODesignated CPU

    - Tuning of online and batch programsFinWork1 Production TIO


    - Target for first test move- QA environment after first move is complete- System testing- Definitive source for all upgrade objects

    FinWork2 Production TIO

    CPU (PRT only)

    - Target for all test moves (after test move #1)- Production Readiness Test

    After the upgrade is complete, databases will revert back to the same configurations and usage patterns as usual,except the FinQA88 and FinDev88 databases will be production-sized.

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    The following table illustrates when each PeopleSoft 8 environment will exist, and on what server the database,

    application and web servers will be located.




    2004 2005

    Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

    FinDem88 DBase: Mudhen

    AppSrv: Catbird

    WebSrv: Catbird

    FinMch88 DBase: Mudhen

    AppSrv: Catbird

    WebSrv: Catbird

    FinWork1 DBase: Thrasher

    AppSrv: Catbird

    WebSrv: Catbird



    WebSrvSeparate machine from Catbird(TBD)*

    FinWork2 DBase: New Nighthawk

    AppSrv: Catbird

    WebSrv: Catbird

    FinDev88 DBase: Thrasher, with CPUs and Ram

    from old Kingbird**

    AppSrv: Catbird

    WebSrv: Catbird

    DBase: Mudhen***

    AppSrv: Catbird

    WebSrv: Catbird

    FinStr88 DBase: Thrasher, with CPUs and Ram

    from old Kingbird**

    AppSrv: CatbirdWebSrv: Catbird

    DBase: Mudhen***

    AppSrv: Catbird

    WebSrv: Catbird

    FinQA88 DBase: Chickadee

    AppSrv: Catbird

    WebSrv: Catbird

    FinProd(88) DBase: New


    AppSrv: Stilt, Noddy

    WebSrv: Smew, Potoo

    FinODS(88) DBase: Chickadee

    AppSrv: Penguin

    WebSrv: Drongo

    = Exists = Does Not Exist

    * - In order to make the FinWork1 environment as much like production as possible for system testing, we areanticipating the need to move the Webserver for FinWork1 to a separate machine. That machine is to be


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    ** - We learned form the HE upgrade that thrasher cannot simultaneously run three production-sizedinstances without significant performance degradation. In order to mitigate this risk, we are proposing to add

    memory and processors to thrasher from old-kingbird. Amounts are to be determined.

    *** - Mudhen does not have spare CPU cycles or memory for extra databases. Mudhen cannot be expandedany further so an alternative solution for this problem will be determined.


    Version 7.5 database instances and all accompanying infrastructure components such as application server,process schedulers, workflow servers, directory structures and configuration files will be decommissioned on

    approximately the following schedule:

    Decommission Date Database Instance Name(s)

    March 2004 FinMch75

    March 2005 (the week following go-live) FinDev75, FinQA75, FinStr75, FinODS(75)

    May 2005 FinProd(75), renamed to FinOld75

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    The diagram below depicts the main components that will make up the PeopleSoft 8 Financials Productionsystems once the upgrade is complete in March 2005. Preparation of many of the production infrastructure

    components will occur well before golive according to a detailed infrastructure rollout plan that has yet to bedeveloped.




    Smew FinProd






















    ODS RR


    Chat FinODS

























    ODS RR



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    The following table lists all of the software that is (or will be) used by the M-Pathways systems. Where known,upgrades are indicated. Minor upgrades (patches, fixes) should be expected through out the year of the upgrade.Major upgrades will be scheduled in advance, and for the most part should be indicated below.

    Software Current








    AIX 5.1 5.2 Chris Wood

    Aspen (ITSLINC) 2.3 2.3 DavidSweetman

    Business Objects 5.1.8 6x Terry Houser Upgrade is not currentlyscheduled, but anticipated

    after the upgrade.

    CheckPoint Firewall Paul Howell

    Crystal Reports 6.0 9.0 Hai Hoang Two versions of CrystalReports cannot reside on the

    same server concurrently.

    Dazel Nancy Medd

    ESS StorWarch Expert Nancy Medd

    Inovis EDI 6.1 6.1 David Nowell May change to direct FTPtransfer method

    Adobe Output Central Pro 5.3 5.5 Brian McRae Formerly Jetform

    COBOL ObjectCOBOLDeveloper

    Suite 4.1

    ServerExpress 2.0.11service pack 1

    Terry Houser

    nVision n/a n/a Hai Hoang Currently only used by Fin

    Oracle Cheryl VanKirk

    PeopleTools 7.6x 8.44 Terry Houser May change, depending onreleases from PeopleSoft

    SQLLab (Quest Central) Various 4.0 Judy Smutek

    SSH Paul Howell

    STAT 4.1.8 5.0.1 Judy Smutek


    Tivoli Storage Manager 5.1 5.2 Lisa LeeTuxedo 6.5 8.1 Brian McRae

    Unicenter 2.4 2.4 Bob Hannah

    Vista Plus 5.1 5.1 Rob Robertson

    WebLogic n/a 8.1 ServicePack 1

    Betty Simonis HE currently uses WebLogic5.1 Service Pack 12

    JRE n/a 1.4.1 Betty Simonis HE currently uses JRE 1.3.1

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    The following diagram depicts the logical design of the network which will support the M-Pathways Financialsystems. This diagram is intended to give a perspective of where each system resides in the network without theunderlying technical details of network configuration.


    The preliminary hardware proposal for the Financial 8.8 PeopleSoft infrastructure is below.

    FINPROD Database Server (Regatta 5New)

    Database ServersDatabase Servers

    Database ServersSecondary(Fail-over)

    Load Balancer




    Primary Firewall

    Secure ZoneNetwork Switch

    DMZNetwork Switch

    Load Balancers &SSL Acceleration

    Interface Server(Flamingo)

    Database Servers

    Database ServersDatabase Servers

    Database ServersApplication Servers


    2-Tier Clients

    Campus Network Campus Network





    Database ServersDatabase Servers

    Database Servers

    Crystal, nVision,Workflow Servers

    Web Servers

    Web ServersWeb Servers

    Web Servers

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    Hardware: IBM p690 LPAR with 8 1.5Ghz CPUs, 8 GB RAM, based on new Power5 architecture

    FINPROD Application Servers

    Add 10GB RAM to and share existing HEPROD Application Server LPARs (Regatta 4)Hardware: IBM p690 LPAR with 16 1.1Ghz CPUs, 26 GB (Regatta 3)

    Hardware: IBM p690 LPAR with 16 1.1Ghz CPUs, 26 GB RAM

    FINPROD Web Servers (Regatta 4)Hardware: IBM p690 LPAR with 1 1.1Ghz CPUs, 5.5 GB RAM (Regatta 4)Hardware: IBM p690 LPAR with 1 1.1Ghz CPUs, 5.5 GB RAM

    FINPROD Report Repository

    Add 2GB RAM to and share existing HEPROD/HEODS Report Repository (Regatta 4)Hardware: IBM p690 LPAR with 3 1.1Ghz CPUs, 6 GB RAM

    FINODS Database Server

    chickadee.dsc.umich.eduHardware: IBM S7A with 8 251Mhz CPUs, 10 GB RAM

    FINODS Application Server

    Add 3GB RAM to and share existing HEODS Application Server

    penguin.dsc.umich.eduHardware: IBM S80 with 12 451Mhz CPUs, 15 GB RAM

    FINODS Web Server (Regatta 4)

    Hardware: IBM p690 LPAR with 1 1.1Ghz CPUs, 2 GB RAM

    FINODS Report Repository

    Add 2GB RAM to and share existing HEPROD/HEODS Report Repository (Regatta 4)

    Hardware: IBM p690 LPAR with 3 1.1Ghz CPUs, 6 GB RAM

    Net Production Hardware Changes

    Regatta 3:

    Add 10GB RAM.

    . Add 10GB RAM to existing stilt LPAR (FINPROD Application Server #1)

    Regatta 4:

    Add 8 1.1Ghz CPUs and 32GB RAM. Add 0 CPU / 10GB RAM to noddy LPAR (FINPROD Application Server #2)

    . Add 0 CPU / 2 GB RAM to chat LPAR (FINPROD&FINODS Report Repos.)

    . New 1 CPU / 5.5GB RAM LPAR for smew (FINPROD Web Server #1)

    . New 1 CPU / 5.5GB RAM LPAR for potoo (FINPROD Web Server #2)

    . New 1 CPU / 4.5GB RAM LPAR for drongo (FINODS Web Server)

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    New Regatta with 8 ???Ghz CPUs* and 8GB RAM

    * - Would like to delay purchase until Power5 chips are available).. Add 8 CPU / 8GB RAM LPAR for nighthawk (FINPROD database server)

    Penguin:Add 3GB RAM.

    . Support addition of FINODS Application Server processes

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    Security and Network Services will evaluate the network traffic associated with each application, and determinethe appropriate firewall policies to implement to help secure the system properly. Most of the policies that are

    implemented are easily identifiable, and have no direct effect on end-users or developers.

    There are several policies that have generated discussions in the past. These include:

    Direct database access outside of the ITS Data Center is generally blocked. The main exceptions to thispolicy are the M-Pathways Data Warehouse, and the Operational Data Store, both of which areaccessible on the U-M campus network (but not on the Internet).

    Non-Production web systems are only available on the U-M campus network. File transfers to any of the servers in the Secure Zone is strictly limited. File transfers must occur to the

    Interface Server, and then files are moved from the Interface Server to the appropriate servers in the

    Secure Zone.


    Whenever possible we will be use Flamingo, the dedicated ITS file transfer interface server, as our sole point of

    contact with non-ITS servers for file transfers. This will be accomplished via remote calls/command processingand transfers of files between Nighthawk and Flamingo. When files need to be sent or retrieved from another

    server, the FTP interface script residing on Flamingo (in the DMZ) will be executed by a remote call onNighthawk (in the Secure Zone). The Interface Architecture scripts are already in place for Financials 7.5 andmore processes are beginning to use this architecture. Major changes to this architecture are not expected with the

    move to Financials 8.8

    This architecture only pertains to files and file transfer interfaces. If direct database links are required, Nighthawkwill be accessed via tightly controlled remote database access links as they are today.


    The Integration Architecture will be substantially changed to allow batch jobs to integrate more fully withPeoplesoft. In the new version, very non-override process will be initiated by the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

    This allows users to see batch reports in PeopleSoft Report Manager.

    The Integration Architecture uses Unix shell scripts to call a custom-written Java program. This programconnects to a Peoplesoft Component Interface that makes requests to the Process Scheduler. Once the ProcessScheduler indicates that the job has finished, the Integration Architecture then handles Output Management of the

    generated reports & files.

    Output Management will remain essentially the same. A new option will allow Roles to be granted to reports viaoutput management. Most user reports will no longer go to Vista, but will be available in the PeopleSoft Report

    Repository instead. There will be exceptions to this where PeopleSoft functionality does not meet the needs ofour customers. In such cases, reports will be sent to both the PeopleSoft Report Repository and Vista. Complete

    analysis of reports currently being generated so these decisions can be made is yet to be done.


    Load Balancing will be accomplished in a very similar manner to the Wolverine Access system implemented withthe upgrade of HE to version 8. We plan to employ the same Cisco 11503 Content Services Switches that

    currently balances load across all 18 HEProd Java Virtual Machines (JVMs). This load is balanced using a roundrobin approach. This means that each server is sent requests in a sequential fashion, regardless of its current load

    or health status. This approach has worked well for HE and we expect nothing different for Financials.

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    The load balancers are installed as a redundant pair. If one switch fails, the other will take over in its place andmaintain the state of the web sessions connected through it.

    Finally, the load balancers employ hardware-based SSL encryption and decryption routines that greatly improve

    performance of the web systems theyre used with. Instead of the webservers executing the instructions toencrypt and decrypt web traffic, the load balancers do this much more quickly and efficiently.

    The following is a greatly simplified diagram of traffic flow through a load balancer:

    Webserver 1

    Webserver 2

    Webserver 3


    Application Server


    Database Server

    Client Load Balancerw/ SSL Acellerator




    DMZ Secure Zone

    1. Request for

    2. Load Balancer responds, terminating the HTTPS or SSL session

    3. Checks content rules for a server list4. Finds 3 servers in its list, uses Round Robin to chose first

    (Webserver 1)5. Load Balancer opens connection to Webserver 1 and retrieves


    6. Request is encrypted and returned to client HTTPS




    1 2 3 4




    Authentication to all PeopleSoft Financial 8.8 web systems will be accomplished through CoSign. CoSign is theUniversity of Michigans collaborative effort to design a single-signon web authentication system. This system is

    already in use with the ITS implementation of PeopleSoft HE. From a high-level, the Cosign authenticationmechanism is comprised of 2 parts. They include:

    1) The Cosign Authentication Filter The CoSign authentication filter currently in use for HE PeopleSoft systems was custom-developed in

    Java by ITS staff. The filter resides as code on the WebLogic webserver and is invoked each time a

    user attempts to login to protected systems behind the Wolverine Access gateway.

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    The Cosign filter currently in place for HE systems was developed specifically for the WebLogic 5.1webserver platform running version 1.3.1 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Work isunderway to redesign the filter for use with the anticipated platform for Financials 8.8 WebLogic


    The cosign filter now in place for HE systems is machine dependent. All webserver JVMs on themachine must use the same filter. The redesign of the filter will make it possible to have filters formultiple versions of webserver JVMs on the same physical machine. For instance, it will be possible

    to run a Cosign filter for a WebLogic 5.1 JVM and a WebLogic 8.1 JVM concurrently on catbird.This is not possible with the current implementation of the filter.

    2) Signon PeopleCode Signon PeopleCode was custom written by ITS staff within the PeopleTools framework. The code is

    invoked each time a user attempts to login to the PeopleSoft system.

    In the section below you will find a series of screenshots describing the flow of information with the current

    implementation of the CoSign filter. Although the filter for WebLogic 8.1 has not been developed yet, we expectgeneral behavior to be very similar.

    1) The user initially connects the Wolverine Access Gateway main page at web address (URL)

    2) The user then clicks on University Business link in the Faculty & Staff section.
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    3) The user then gets automatically redirected to with a web address (URL) similar to theone below: ;&

    At this point, the cosign filter generated a COSIGN CLIENT COOKIE(i.e cosign-wolverineaccess=ldFBqkhR9dUlqAEsGOHwGOfNnAo8ah). In addition, a COSIGN SERVERCOOKIE was assigned by the CoSign ( server.

    4) User enters his/her uniqname and password and clicks Login.

    The Login action will trigger a POST to the CoSign server with the COSIGN CLIENT COOKIE, the COSIGNSERVER COOKIE, uniqname and password. Kerberos authentication will occur against the uniqname and


    5) If the Kerberos authentication was successful, the user will then be redirected automatically to .

    6) The authentication filter will then create a PeopleSoft cookie and redirect to the same URL again.
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    This is necessary to make the cookie available to the PeopleSoft Application Server. The PeopleSoft ApplicationServer subsequently executes the signon PeopleCode which enables authorization routines to determine what

    portions of the system as user has access to.

    7) At this point, the user has successfully authenticated and is allowed to enter the PeopleSoft system.


    The Financials 8.8 PeopleSoft Report Repository for FinProd will reside on an AIX server named Chat. Themajor components of the Report Repository include the directory structures where reports are kept as well as theWebLogic 8.1 webserver that enables users to view their reports and logs over the web. Chat is also the currentlocation for the HEProd Report Repository. Each Report Repository instance is distinct in that they have their

    own webserver Java Virtual Machine (JVM) complete with CoSign Authentication that serves the report to theusers. These webserver instances are completely separate and have no dependencies between them. There are

    however, some resources these two Report Repositories will share. These include physical disk (on the SAN),

    memory (RAM) and CPUs on the Chat server.


    With the implementation of Financials 8.8, Crystal Reports, nVision reports and Workflow processes are allexecuted on a separate, single Windows 2003 server. This Windows server has a Process Scheduler installed(PSNT) and Microsoft Excel (for nVision reports) installed. This is significant change from the current

    (Financials 7.5) architecture whereby Crystal Reports are executed on Citrix servers and are distributed directlyfrom that location either through printing or shown in windows within the Citrix session.

    When a job is submitted for execution on the PSNT server, it sits in a job queue until the PSNT Process Scheduler

    wakes up to kick initiate the job. Initially, this interval will be set to 15 seconds but will be adjusted to improveperformance if necessary. The queue of jobs can be viewed via the Process Monitor within PeopleSoft. When thejob finishes, the output and logfile (if applicable) is sent from the PSNT server to the Financials 8.8 ReportRepository webserver by the PeopleSoft Distribution Agent. The sole purpose of the Distribution Agent is totransfer log and output files, via FTP, to the Report Repository webserver. This process is known as posting.

    Once posted, users can then use the Process Monitor or Report Manager to view the log or report output.

    The following diagram is a simplified view of a transaction to view a report in the PeopleSoft Report Repository:

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    1Webserver 1

    Webserver 2





    Application Server


    Database Server

    Client Load Balancerw/ SSL Acellerator




    DMZ Secure Zone

    1. User logs into FinProd using his/her kerberos credentials viaCosign.2. The user enters the Process Monitor of Report Manager pageswithin the FinProd system.3. The FinProd database on nighthawk contains information on thelinks to the reports the user has access to.4. The user clicks on the view log/trace link and is automaticallyredirected and logged into the FinProd report repository webserverusing the same kerberos credentials.5. A new window is generated with the users requested report

    information. This window is served up by the Char ReportRepository webserver.




    1 2


    4 5


    The Wolverine Access Gateway is actually comprised of a great number of Java Server Pages (JSPs). These JSPsare the front door to the Wolverine Access system. They are designed to present link options to PeopleSoft and

    other systems in the most straightforward way possible while maintaining a consistent look and feel throughout

    the website. The function of each of these JSPs are described below:

    Page Name (jsp) Description

    alumni_secondary.jsp Links to other alumni related pages

    data_warehouse.jsp UM Data Warehouse -- No links yet

    finODS.jsp FINODS -- No Links yet

    finprod.jsp FINPROD -- No links yet

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    footer.jsp Common footer info on all pages, links to,


    frequently_asked_secondary.jsp Questions asked about WA

    header.jsp Common header info and authentication of user for

    displaying the logout button

    hours_of_op_secondary_alumni.jsp Hours of operation link to display timings for MyStudent Records, My Alumni Information

    hours_of_op_secondary_faculty_staff.jsp Hours of operation link to display timings for faulty

    & staff business

    hours_of_op_secondary_public.jsp Hours of operation link to display timings for UMCourse Catalog

    hours_of_op_secondary_students.jsp Hours of operation link to display timings for StudentBusiness, Undergraduate Orientation

    index.jsp Homepage for Gateway Wolverine Access

    logout.jsp For logging out of WA --redirects to cosign logoutpage

    onsp_secondary.jsp Links to Under Graduate Orientation pages

    onsp_secondary_brochures.jsp Information about View Brochures

    onsp_secondary_getUniqname.jsp Link to getuniquename, pwd and computing servicesfor orientation

    reporting_secondary.jsp Link to all reporting pages

    signout.jsp Used to signout from a peoplesoft link

    university_biz_secondary.jsp Link to all University Business related pages

    vista_plus.jsp Used but no links yet


    Stat will be used for migrations between all Financial 8.8 environments. Initial migration paths will be

    established between FinMch88 and FinWork1 as well as FinDev88 (once created in July) to FinWork1.


    Oracle v9.2.0.5 running on AIX 5.1 will be the database platform of choice during the Financials 8.8 Upgrade.

    Each database server used in the upgrade, development and production architectures will have this version ofOracle installed as well as Pro*C, Pro*COBOL, and Pro*Fortran. In addition, the Oracle v9.2.0.5 client softwarewill be installed on all Application Servers for communication with databases.


    The production Financial Data Warehouse database instance will continue to reside on the Parrot server.

    The Data Delivery (DD) Team is responsible for the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Process from the On-lineTransaction Processing (OLTP) Source Servers (FinProd - Nighthawk and HEProd - Kingbird) to the Data

    Warehouse (DW) Destination Server (DWProd - Parrot).

    The DD Team uses the SQR tool to write programs that extract and transform the data contained in the OLTPserver datbases. These programs select data from the Oracle tables on the OLTP and write out fixed length data


    Extract and load jobsets are created for each DW dataset based and executed according to their refresh schedule(below). The extract jobsets contain all of the extract SQRs for a particular DW dataset and are executed on theOLTP server. The extract jobsets are set up to run on a particular schedule and normally have predecessor jobset

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    dependencies related to their corresponding OLTP modules or processes. The corresponding load jobsets containboth Unix FTP and load scripts that run on the DW server.

    Once an extract jobset has successfully completed, the load jobset will start. In the load jobset, a Unix FTPscript is invoked from the DW server to transfer the data files from the OLTP server to the DW server. Once theUnix FTP script has successfully completed, a Unix load script is invoked that uses SQL*Loader to load the

    data into the DW Oracle tables. Users can access the data in the DW using any SQL-based tool or can access thedata through the centrally supported Business Objects tool suite via Citrix.

    In version PS version 7.5, DD was able to run their extract SQRs without invoking the process scheduler. Due to

    changes in the PS version 8 batch architecture, DD will need to run all of their SQRs through the processscheduler. This will entail obtaining a generic DW batch ID and creating process definitions for every SQR.

    Currently the Financial DW tables are refreshed according to the following schedule:

    General Ledger, Budget and ProcurementEvery Sunday, the 6thworking day of the month for month end

    processing and most nights during the 2ndand 3rdweek in July for year end processing

    Asset and Space ManagementEvery Sunday

    Utilities and PlantThe last day of the month

    Significant changes will be made to the extract and load programs, but these changes have not beendesigned/developed yet.

    Below is a graphical representation of the Data Warehouse Extract Process:

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    FTP using unix shell script & '1' id


    Extract usingSQR (PSOFT id)

    $datatemp/*.dat files


    OLTP Source Server Data Warehouse Server

    Load usingSQL*Loader *.ctlfiles, unix shelllscript, and '9' id

    $datatemp/*.dat files




    mdw xx .da t md wxx .d at





    mdw xx .da t md wxx .d at


    Predefined Reports



    The centrally supported tool

    suite via CitrixHEPROD




    Users can access the DW serverusing any SQL-based tool


    Ad Hoc Queries

    Future? -OLAP -Data Mining

    Business Objects