Film Poster Analysis- Walking on Sunshine

The title is in big, bold, shining letters, right at the top of the poster to clearly grab the audiences attention due to it being extremely in the audiences face, this point suggests that it relates to the films content, by being happy and outgoing. The actual name ‘Walking on Sunshine’ further immediately lures the audiences attention in by it being an extremely recognisable, iconic song that the majority of people have heard about, which suggests the film is likely to get more recognition than other films. The title further, appears glamorous toward the audience, due to it being sparkly and grand, giving the film importance which compliments on the big, bold lettering of the poster, giving it extra significance. The title is bigger than the cast below it, which suggests the name will have more recognition due to the cast being slightly unrecognisable, the fact the cast is below the title also suggests the title has a more power. The image contains all the cast featured in this film, appearing happy and spontaneous, having each individual character contrasting with one another, We can see, their is an imprecise release date toward the bottom of the poster. Being in summer, would mean more people would go to see the film due to being off work/school. Also, due to the film clearly being set in a hot, summer country it would only make sense to be shown in the summer to get viewers in a happy upbeat mood. Having no specific date may also keep audiences interested in knowing more and more information about the film, staying up to date with updates. ‘Take the plunge’ is almost daring viewers to go and see it, giving an extra influence on the viewer. Having a sell line at the top of the poster, further encourages the reader to view the film, this one station that it is ‘The music event of the summer’ will not only attract film lovers attention, but also, music lovers, calling the film release s an event, creating extra buzz and significance to the film. Furthermore having ‘Greatest hits of the 80’s’ may attract an older target audience juxtaposing to the younger cast . The happy cast may promise the viewer that if they watch the film, they will be left in an amazing mood, being just as happy as them throughout the film, and after the film with the same energy as them. The institution information is at the very bottom of the poster, not detracting from the image and information on top of it, stating the basic institution information, not stating the production company in larger letters than the rest due to it perhaps not being well known. We can tell all of these characters are linked with each other in some sort of way within the film due to being


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Transcript of Film Poster Analysis- Walking on Sunshine

Page 1: Film Poster Analysis- Walking on Sunshine

The title is in big, bold, shining letters, right at the top of the poster to clearly grab the audiences attention due to it being extremely in the audiences face, this point suggests that it relates to the films content, by being happy and outgoing. The actual name ‘Walking on Sunshine’ further immediately lures the audiences attention in by it being an extremely recognisable, iconic song that the majority of people have heard about, which suggests the film is likely to get more recognition than other films. The title further, appears glamorous toward the audience, due to it being sparkly and grand, giving the film importance which compliments on the big, bold lettering of the poster, giving it extra significance. The title is bigger than the cast below it, which suggests the name will have more recognition due to the cast being slightly unrecognisable, the fact the cast is below the title also suggests the title has a more power.

The image contains all the cast featured in this film, appearing happy and spontaneous, having each individual character contrasting with one another, conveying the film is exciting, different , and also perhaps unpredictable, bursting with different personalities, from comedic to glamorous. The background clearly suggests the film is set in a foreign , exotic, beautiful country, giving the film an extra sense of happiness. The image makes the audience feel happy, and excited due to the bright colours in the poster popping out to us, giving the audience more reason to go and see the film due to the representation and vibes the characters are presented to us. We can clearly tell the film will be music based by the title and the dramatic characters.

We can see, their is an imprecise release date toward the bottom of the poster. Being in summer, would mean more people would go to see the film due to being off work/school. Also, due to the film clearly being set in a hot, summer country it would only make sense to be shown in the summer to get viewers in a happy upbeat mood. Having no specific date may also keep audiences interested in knowing more and more information about the film, staying up to date with updates. ‘Take the plunge’ is almost daring viewers to go and see it, giving an extra influence on the viewer.

Having a sell line at the top of the poster, further encourages the reader to view the film, this one station that it is ‘The music event of the summer’ will not only attract film lovers attention, but also, music lovers, calling the film release s an event, creating extra buzz and significance to the film. Furthermore having ‘Greatest hits of the 80’s’ may attract an older target audience juxtaposing to the younger cast .

The happy cast may promise the viewer that if they watch the film, they will be left in an amazing mood, being just as happy as them throughout the film, and after the film with the same energy as them.

The institution information is at the very bottom of the poster, not detracting from the image and information on top of it, stating the basic institution information, not stating the production company in larger letters than the rest due to it perhaps not being well known.

We can tell all of these characters are linked with each other in some sort of way within the film due to being close with each other, suggesting the narrative is friendly and smiley. There isn’t one sad face in this poster which suggest the sadness of scenes are extremely limited to produce a feel good, family, summer film.