Film pitch

Film Pitch By Will, Ben and Max

Transcript of Film pitch

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Film PitchBy Will, Ben and Max

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• The film is about two people lives and the decisions they make, the underlying message throughout this film is whether people are happy in what they do.

• Our film opening will introduce the characters and show a little bit about what they do in their day.

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Narrative .2

• The shot will split into two equal size frames that run at the same time.

• Left: He will get out of bed and have breakfast the alarm clock sound will ring followed by a close up of the alarm clock that shows a title such as actors name. The character will them get dressed and travel to work. The opening will show him cycling to the station and then a mid shot of him on a train. The worker will then walk through Canary Wharf dressed in a suit and then into a building and eventually an office. A wide variety of shots will be used such as long shots of him travelling and tracking shots. The actor will look upset and tired which will show how he isn’t the hero. This will also demonstrate the drama genre.

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Narrative .3

• Right: This character will be the person who is loved and is happy. This character will get up later than the other and look like he enjoys his life. The person will have a nice family who love him and this will be shown by his family hugging him and making breakfast. This person will work in a pub and is liked by everyone there. The person will also walk to the shop and be greeted by everyone. The shot example that one door closes and the other opens as shown in Cape Fear is effective and is a shot that will be used in both sequences.

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Target audience

• The target audience for our film opening will be aimed at adults. The reason we have decided to aim this at adults is because it revolves around an adults lifestyle. Another reason we have chosen adults as we wanted to show that you can have an unsuccessful job in terms of income however you can still be happier than someone who is earning a lot of money but doesn’t socialise with anyone.

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Film Institution

• A company that would produce our film will be ‘Big Talk’. The reason we are going to ask them to make our film is because we liked their film ‘Cape Fear’ that was filmed at a low budget and was very successful. As they made ‘Cape Fear’ on a low budget then hopefully they will be able to make our film on a low budget.

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Film Inspirations

• The DoubleThe inspiration that we collected from this film is the commute to work. The shots that are taken of the person on the train are good as they show the downside to him working in the city and looks rather miserable. The poor body language of the person on the train is mainly portrayed by the shots that make him seem small and insignificant.

• Fighting to Survive This is a prelim task that has previously been done by an other student in a past year. It shows the idea of a contrast between two different types of characters and their differences. One character has everything going for him, house, food, a bed to sleep in. The other character is not so fortunate and has to live on the streets. It shows the characters both need to do what they need to do to survive.

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• Tony is a businessman that works up in the city of London. He is very rich as he has a very prestigious job. Although he may seem like he has everything he wants, money cannot buy him happiness. The opening scene will show and portray his journey to work one morning.

• Chris is a very family orientated person. He works from home as he is a landlord in a pub. Everyone in the community knows who Chris is and welcomes him every time they see him.