Film Genres

Film Genres Kate Willson

Transcript of Film Genres

Page 1: Film Genres

Film Genres Kate Willson

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HorrorIn my opinion I would have to say that making a horror movie trailer, would be one of the easiest options as it doesn’t really need a lot of specialised computer effects and you can use so many things in everyday life to make a very well made horror trailer, you just need dark areas, so basically no lights on, or woods and for scary effects on the face you could just use face paint or make-up. You would need good lighting to set the scary mood/ effect and lots of different camera angles so you can capture it from different views, to choose the right one. Sound for this one is very simple as it is so easy to get your hands on horror/ scary music, as many of them are really simple as they are just noises, you could also create them on garageband. For characters it is very simple, you won’t need many and it will be easy to film with. For costume and clothing you could just wear dark coloured clothes e.g black coat. You might not need many props, some scary films are religious, so you could use a cross necklace, just like in the ‘Pact’.

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ComedyI think that a Comedy film would also be either as achievable as a horror film or just behind it, since all it really would be would be some scene in everyday life. The only downside to it would that you would have to a very exceptional script, which really was humorous, and the actors would have to act as they spoke it also in a humorous way in some parts of the script. Props and costumes would be very easy to get your hands, as all you would need is everyday things, such as casual clothes and everyday props such as cars, drinks and so on. Locations is very easy as it could be anything in everyday life. Also camera work could be pretty simple, just different angles and shots.

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Rom ComI think that Rom Com, would be one of the harder movie trailers, to actually do well in and make it seem realistic and professional. First off your going to have to have a bigger sized group of people as their tends to be more characters in Rom Coms. The actors would have to be comfortable enough with each other to actually film some romantic scenes. The costumes and props would probably one of the easier things out of anything as you could just wear everyday clothes and use everyday props. I think that location may be a bit of an issue as some scenes would be filmed in public places and this may cause a disturbance to others and people might not want to be in shots, so I think that might be a bit tricky. For music it might be okay to find some backing tracks, you would probably have to use garageband as you probably wouldn’t be able to use copy righted music without permission.

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ActionI personally think that an Action trailer maybe one of the hardest ones to pull off to make it actually work and look good and professional. First off Locations could be a hard one as in some films they are filmed in the desert or just in the middle of nowhere, so I think it would be hard to get that right. Costumes may be the only thing that might work and that is just normal casual clothes. For props though, I think that would be harder as many have guns, bombs and all sorts of different weapons and different transport, such as helicopters and so on, so I think that might be quite hard. The music on the other hand might be something that would work as they usually have fast upbeat tempos, so you could create something that would work with the adrenaline of the scenes. Camera work maybe tricky as you will need many different positions and takes of the same shots, I think it would be a challenge, but if you focused hard enough on it and got it down right, you could have yourself some very good footage.