Film budgets


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Transcript of Film budgets

Page 1: Film budgets

A P R E S E N T A T I O N B Y T O M C A R T W R I G H T , D A L E L U C K , M A R C U S L A A D I K A N D S A M R E E D E R


Page 2: Film budgets


• Film directors have very varying costs depending on their reputation within the industry.• In order to keep within the £40 million budget,

we’ve decided that we will buy a reasonably well known director in order to increase the likelihood of the film being a success.

• We would go for an A List director who costs…

£ 10 million£30 million left

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• After some research, we found that Bruce Willis, the star of the previous Die Hard films, costs around £20-25 million just to hire – we don’t have that kind of cash to throw around. Instead, we’ve decided to get a relatively unknown C-List actor who can act up to the role Bruce Willis moulded so well.

• This actor will, of course, play a different character within the movie, for which the actual storyline will have to be changed to follow him rather than John McClaine.

• The C-List actor we will hire, along with various random extras that we’ll probably hire from nearby, will probably want to be paid around… £ 3 million

£27 million left

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• We’ll be wanting to set the film somewhere in Europe, in order to have a valid plot reason for not coming across the character of John McClaine.

• This will likely mean the price to shoot the film at this location will be…

£ 9 million£18 million left

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• For all the cameras, tripods, etcetera., the final price of the equipment will probably, at most, come to a total of…

£ 1 million£17 million left

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• For props and the like – this includes a few cars that will probably be destroyed, actual sets, etcetera. – the price will probably come to around…

£ 3 million£14 million left

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• We’ll need a reasonably good screenwriter in order to increase the chance that the film will be a commercial success.

• The price of a good screenwriter will probably come to around…

£ 3 million£11 million left

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• Over recent years, the price of television advertising has decreased dramatically – also, as a personal thought that many more people see television advertisements than billboards, we’ve decided to pay for only adverts, in order to save money in the budget for other things.

• The price of advertising for the television on a relatively well known set of channels would come to around 50-100,000 each, so main channels (E4, BBC1, ITV, Dave and Sky One) were chosen and the final price for that would come to around...

£ 500,000£11.5 million left

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• Whilst we couldn’t find an exact amount, the rights to make a Die Hard film would most likely be rather expensive due to how famous the film itself is. We couldn’t seem to find general prices for anything other than books, and they were around $10 million – we don’t have that kind of cash to spare (but still plenty more than Hannah), so I’m hoping this is about right.

• We estimated the price for these rights to be...

£ 2,500,000£8 million left

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• The film would be set in one area, so not much will need to be spent on transport. In fact, it won’t come to much at all, because auditions will probably be set in the area that we would film the majority of the movie in, so at the very most we’d be looking at about...

£ 500,000£7.5 million left

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• Having looked at various sites prices, generally people charge by the hour. The best one we came across was £100 per hour, with £50 extra for DVD/CD production – the prices for 2D/3D animation (which may or may not be needed at some point) wasn’t listed. With the quality needed to create a high-profile film such as Die Hard (BOOM!), it would likely require a lot of time and effort to make.

• I don’t know if this would be an exaggeration or not, but we’d be willing to pay around...

£ 300,000£7.2 million left

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• Not much shall be spent on costume – not many designer labels, if any. In order to keep with the level of grimy realism of the past Die Hard films, we thought it would be better than the crew were simply asked to not doll themselves up in the morning, and we’d throw some clothes on them when they got there. However, the sheer amount of extras and the like will make the price for clothing sore (sp?).

• With the low price of clothes, and the lack of make up and the like, we’d estimate this to be around...

£ 100,000£7.1 million left

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• The hotels will probably need to be relatively good, though somewhat cheap. The production would probably take over around 24 months, after everything else had been sorted out, which at average prices of ~100 pounds a night would be around...

£ 72,000£6.38 million left

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• With over 6 million left in the budget, the remaining funds could be spread equally between the different sections to boost production in specific ways – for example, advertising could probably do with billboards, the cast could now include stuntmen, the props could have LOTSA SPLODEY CARS and the costume department could perhaps be dolled up a tad.

• This entire presentation is probably wrong. Oh well.