Film analysis

Film posters, magazine and trailer analysis Curtis chalk

Transcript of Film analysis

Page 1: Film analysis

Film posters, magazine and traileranalysis

Curtis chalk

Page 2: Film analysis

Film poster analysis

Curtis chalk

Page 3: Film analysis

ActionThe dark knight

with this poster you can tell it is from the action genre because in the foreground of the photo there is a man in a armoured suit, telling you there will be a lot of action in the film.In the background there is a lot of destruction with the damaged building with the films logo burned in the middle, as well as smoke dominating most of the background. All of this type of destruction is very typical of a action movie.The film doesn't include in the poster that it is part of the batman franchise but it uses the batman bat logo burning in a building because it makes the poster more powerful image but also relies on it massive fan base to recognize it. To to the film being part of a comic book franchise you can tell that this film is a action movie.With the tag line for the poster ‘welcome to a world without rules’ creates a image of crime and violence which also makes you think of action films.All the typography in this poster is very plain and boring and doesn't stand out and blends into the background this shows us the main part of this poster is the main image of the protagonist. In the title of the film again another batman logo stands out due a bright ambient white light around the logo making it look as if it is coming out of the poster. But the name of the is the only typography that stands out because it is done in a white color against a background, but because it doesn't that much you can also tell the logo is more important than the film title. Lastly because ‘Knight’ is spelt with a k instead of a n it which creates a image of the medieval knights this makes you think there is gone to be a lot of fighting.

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ComedyStep Brothers

With the two of the stars name in bold white text against a blue background the text really stands out, and with names you can tell this will be a comedy film because the two stars and comedy actors. Also with the title of the film in a bold plain font and each word is in a different color you can tell the film doesn't take itself seriously.Bold Red and white typography are very typical in comedy films which makes link it to this the poster it tells us that this film is from the ‘guys’ that brought you ‘Talladega Nights’, this other film is also a well known comedy film which Will Ferrell is in. but how the foot line says ‘guys’ instead of producers which is typical of comedy film posters to show that they don’t take themselves seriously. The main image of the poster is a medium two shot which looks like a school photo from the mise en scene like there hair cuts, background, matching clothing, and faces and hair cuts, this makes them both look like children and their parents sorted them out. But in reality they are fully grown men. Also how the tag line says ‘they grow up so fast’ also creates a image of them being very childlike and parent dependant. All this show you that this will be a film from the comedy genre.

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Horror30 Days of Night

From the first glance of this poster you can tell straight away from the two colors used in this poster, red and black colors are generic in the horror genre to represent blood (red) and darkness (black).The persons face in the poster is half in shadows to make the person look mysterious, and with the other half of his face In focus it show that he looks non human and something from a old horror film this helps us to know what genre this is. All the text in the poster looks distressed and as if someone has carved it with there finger tips. On the poster there is no staring credits but the film finds it more important to tells us it is based on a graphic novel due to it being something ‘cool’ to see movies that are from comic books.On the poster the main image is of a peculiar person on his knees which looks like a negative photo with blood splatters around them, this would also represent a horror movie themes from the blood. With the title of the film where the persons chest should be this shows that the persons body isn't important but the head, this is due to part of the head is the only part of him that isn't in darkness.Red and black typography with the font looking estranged are very generic for the horror genre.

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Film Magazine analysis

Curtis chalk

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Total Film magazine coverIn this cover the main image is of a recognizable character from a up and coming comic book movie. The main image is in front of the masthead, this shows us that the magazine is a recognizable product and that the image is more important than the masthead. The sky line of the magazine is a text box of two well known comic book characters, with text telling us what the main feature is in this magazine. The main tagline is linked in with the skyline, the font and color of the text is in a large font and a bright color against a dark background really stands out to the audience. The color of the text is yellow which is a convention that comic book uses on their cover text.All this information and links shows us that this issue is allbased on comic book movies.The background uses the same texture from the main images outfit but in the color of black, this could show us that this will be a dark film, it could relate to a story line from the comic or just to make the main image stand out.The taglines are also all related to up and coming comic book Films to show what films are included but one film stands out more due to being a different color than the other ones, this shows us that this one is the main film there is more on. There is a pug and a puff next to the taglines telling us how many comic book movies are included in the section.The footer text is in white but but parts of the text is in yellow again to show what are the main important sections to the magazine.The bar code is small and to the mast head to not distract our attention away from the main features of the magazine. The main audience of this issue would be comic book/ films fans due to most of the issue about this subject.

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Total Film magazine cover

In this cover for Total Film the main image is of for the

Upcoming Captain America film. Also the main image looks

like it has been manipulated to look Posterized, this could be

because the cover is supposed to look as if it is from an old

war call up campaign, this would relate to this genre of film

due to it being based In the war.

The magazine try’s to use Captain America as the main theme

in this months issue which gives the magazine a USP. This is done

by telling the audience in the skyline that it is ‘the all-America

issue’, this tells the audience that all the contents in the magazine

will be from the US i.e. news, films etc. also there is the Captain

America’s shield in the background which uses all the colors in

the American flag. Lastly all the taglines on the cover all relate to

the US.

There is a puff on the masthead of the magazine telling the

audience that this magazine has the worlds best movie


All the tag lines are in white text, but some of the text is in

bold text to show that this these are the most important


The barcode is in the bottom right hand corner which is very

unnoticeable but it is in the way of the image in the foreground.

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Empire magazine cover

In this cover of empire there is a close up Jeff bridges. The

main image refers to the main cover line. In this issue there is a

Puff telling the audience the issue is magazine of the year under the

masthead . There is also another puff in the bottom right hand

corner to tell the audience that there is two more collectable covers

to collect which tries to make the magazine unique (and gives it a USP). The date line is

small and hard to see showing it is quite an expensive magazine but

it relies on its good name and Tron film to sell the magazine. I like

this cover due to liking the Tron franchise.

The Oscars are an important awards ceremony for films, on the

magazine cover the Oscars are mentioned along with a list of

famous actors and films who are up for awards at the ceremony. On

the opposite side of the magazine there is also a list of directors,

actors and films relating with what was released that year. This text

is used to attract the audience to the other features of the


The image of the magazine clearly shows us what the character

looks like, the sell lines show us the name of the character, but also

has a word in capitals ‘GOD’ in red, which suggests he is important

to the film, it could also mean he is a powerful, all knowing or creator.

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Film trailers

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The ThingThe things trailer starts with a reverse zoom of a graphic of the name of the film,also there is a radio recording in the background mainly repeating “found something”, this is because it is relating to the title and making the start moredramatic and to also create more tension. The intro to the trailer is very untypical ofHorror movies today and making the trailer unique. You can tell this film is from the horror genre from a couple of factors, that thisfilm is by the director ‘John Carpenter’, already by the time of the release of thisfilm he had a name for himself for making horror films. also another reason forknowing that this film is a horror film is because of the quick pace of the trailer,tense music and different camera shots (as seen in the grid bellow), this all helps to show the audience that this is from the horror genre.In the trailer it shows you that the location is in a Antarctic location, but also in ascientific cabin, this show that the characters are all alone and no where to go forhelp. With the characters they are all portrayed as shifty and suspicious due to the quick cuts and dialogue in the trailer. There are no stereotyped characters in the trailer, but

there a recognizable star in the film “ Kurt Russel” who is well known for playing a hero type character.The music in this trailer is very tense which is very typical music in horror films, but also there is a voice over which makes the trailer more dramatic but relating to the title for example about finding something or something inside you, all these makes you think of a type of body snatchers horror film. There is also dialogue used in the trailer for the second half of the trailer which also enforces the point I made before about body snatchers. Near the end of the trailer there is on screen (as shown in the grid above) which again also helps to enforce my idea of a type of body snatcher horror film. This also makes the film feel really dramatic and tense to the end of the trailer.In the trailer there are mainly close up shots mixed with over shots for example over the shoulder close up shot to show what the character is burning. A reason why they have used mainly close up shots is to show that all the characters are all equal. There is also a close up panning shot to show all the characters and to show you who the actors are in detail. The pace of the trailer is very fast and with most of the shots being close ups, it is very hard to concentrate what in every shot, but this is very typical in the horror genre but also every time you watch the trailer you find something different every time. There are also two establishing shots (shown in the grid above) to show the location of he film but also what they have found which makes the film more interesting.

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Resident Evil after life

With the Resident Evil trailer you can tell this is from the horror genre because of many factors, one factor being that the film is based on a well known horror game franchise, and a sequel to a franchise of horror films. lastly the strong images of typical characters linked to the genre of horror films for example zombies. But in the trailer there is many scenes of high action for example gunfire and explosions, which shows now that films don’t just concentrate on one genre but might use many to try to entertain the wider audience today i.e. rom-coms, action adventure etc.In the start of the trailer there are many famous locations destroyed(as seen in grid) which shows to the audience that this film is based in the near future and are recognizable scenes in zombie and post-apocalyptic films which also reinforces that this is from the horror genre.There are two main characters both portrayed differently, the women who is named in

the trailer as Alice is showed to be alone and afraid at the start asking for help on a radio message, but to the end of the trailer she is portrayed as hero type character who looks to be well trained with weapons and combat, fearless and can take care of herself. The male character is portrayed as evil through having the typical stereotype of having black thick glasses covering up his red eyes, wearing black leather clothing i.e. drench coat, gloves. In many scenes in the trailer he is portrayed as dangerous by having two black attack dogs and wielding two desert eagles which are used in many stereotypes of evil characters, lastly how the male character is either seen as sitting down or walking both casually shows he doesn't care what is happening around him. The character who portrays ‘Alice’ is Milla Jovovich who is well known for being In the Resident Evil the start of the trailer there is a voiceover from the main actress informing the audience what has happened in the last films. After the voiceover music is heard, the music starts to pick up halfway through the trailer to make the trailer more tense.In a few scenes in the trailer this is text shown to show the audience that the film uses the most up to date technology i.e. camera equipment and special effects. The on screen text also helps the audience know when the film will be released but also who has produced and stared in the movie too. In many scenes there are camera frames with items being thrown into them which show that this trailer and film will be using the most up to date technology of 3d. Also there are mostly medium shots used in the trailer to show what is happening in that scene, also to help the audience know where the character/s are. At the start of the trailer there are a couple of establishing shots and extreme long shots to show famous locations destroyed.

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One missed callFrom the one missed trailer the genre is really obviously horror, this is shown by

the mysterious music, the horror type character/ creatures i.e. as shown in the


There are many different locations in this film, but one of the main location is a

girls bedroom, this scene is used to explain the main story of the film. In the

middle of the trailer there is an establishing shot of a old looking warehouse, this

might show the audience that this is a place of interest in the film. The rest of the

different locations are shown to the end of the film in quick cuts to show that

there are not really important locations in the trailer.

In the trailer there is one main character, she is stereotyped as a young naïve girl,

she is shown to be scared in most of the trailer (which also helps to show that the

film is fro the horror genre). But also the girl is shown be caring, this is shown by

her trying to protect one of her friends.

There is a male character who is portrayed as a detective and looks like he has a major role in the film finding out what is behind all the deaths. Lastly there is a red round object and a mobile phone which both look like the main cause of the deaths of all the people, because the round object is red the colour could represent death which helps to link in with the horror genre. The mobile is the key object in the film, this is shown because it links into the title, and in the trailer the mobile is shown to ring with it battery out. In this film there is no well known actors, so the producers hope for the trailer to interest and catch their target audience.In the trailer there are three different types of music track, two of the tracks sound like creepy ringtones which links into the title of the film, the other track is screechy violin, all the music tracks help to build up tension with the tracks getting louder for a dramatic effect. There is some dialogue in the trailer to help show the audience the story of the film.There is some onscreen text shown, in the style of a text message to get across the main information to the the audience (examples are shown in the grid above), it also shows the audience the production company of the film. In the trailer there are many close up on different mobile phones to show the audience that they are the most important object in the movie. There is also another angle on a mobile where they use a long shot, where the mobile is in the foreground and the characters are blurred in the background to help reinforce that the mobile is the main object in the film. The trailer also use close up on different horror type creatures with mouths for eyes, this also helps the audience know that the film is about mobile phones. There is a scene where you see someone being bragged across the floor, this is a very typical scene used in many films from the horror genre.