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Angels Numbers Spiritual Leaders Newsletter Shop 5 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 999 – The Meaning of 999 November 11, 2016 • Willow Soul • 999 seeing-999-the-meaning-of-999

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5 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 999 – The Meaning of 999November 11, 2016 • Willow Soul • 999

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Have you been seeing 999 recently? Take heart that you were guided here to find out about the 999 meaning.

Seeing repetitive triple numbers, such as 999, is by no means a coincidence. In fact, behind every number pattern that you see regularly, there is a hidden angel message for you from the Universe.

If you’re seeing number 999 quite often, the spiritual meaning of 999 is commonly related to the end of a cycle in your life. It is a means of closure to clear away unfulfilling things so that you can prepare for a whole new cycle. It is both the end of old habits, beliefs, and relationships and the beginning of newness. When you see 999 repeatedly, it's time to release the past, learn from old issues, forgive yourself and others, and start the process of healing to become the best, most powerful version of yourself. You're heading to the next level!

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The important message is to pay more attention to beginnings than endings. Focus your energy on progressing to the next cycle of your life. Keep in mind that when you see 999 repetitively, there are multiple meanings, and it's important to use your intuition to figure out what 999 means to you.  To help guide you, here are the 5 common spiritual meanings and reasons of why you keep seeing angel number 999 everywhere.  

1st Meaning of 999: You're Ready to Make a Transition for New BeginningsThe angel number 999 is a sign to let you know that some parts of your life are coming to an end and completion. The strong urge you feel is Destiny trying to steer you to the right course. Trust that the Universe is in the process of directing you to the right path that was designed just for your life mission. When you follow your urges, you will be lead to your destined success.

Before you transition into the next chapter, sort out your ideas, plans, and goals to prepare you for the next phase. Think of all the people and projects in your life and decide if you feel they will serve your purpose in the next cycle. Focus and pursue only on what you truly want and you will find everything you seek. Then, put your plans into action when you begin the next cycle.

Whether it's an unexpected circumstance that happens in your life or something that you purposely initiate, the ending is not a sadness. The ending is a way for you to clear the path for new experiences so you can get closer to your life mission.

Thank the past for your lessons and leave it where it belongs so you can make the best of the life that's still waiting to be fulfilled by only you.

Keep in mind that your life is beginning again in a new way. It's a point in your story where you're turning the page, and you’re heading into another chapter. Your inner knowing is now stronger than ever and you just need to trust your feelings. Make an impact and create value on this planet by showing the world what you can do—by doing it. Make the world a better place for all of us. You have the spotlight shining on you as you play your unique role in this world.

Remember this: It's a blessing to be you and what matters most is what you choose to do from here.

"If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello." — Paulo Coelho, Author, The Alchemist 

2nd Meaning of 999: Accept The Universe Has a Better Plan for You

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Seeing 999 is a divine sign to release control of something in your life that must fall apart in order to make space for something new.

Sometimes, a traumatic event occurs to get your attention and show you that no matter how much you've been trying to cling to a job, relationship, or any other matter, you're really not in control.

When you can't control every detail of your life and everything else has failed and you are left on your knees with no other solution, it's time to sincerely ask the Universe to take over. That's when you let a higher power show you a better path. It's not about giving up, but in the big picture, the Universe has a better plan for you.

You might realize that it's time to let go of the job you are holding on to, because in truth, that job is not who you really are. You begin to shed all the ideas you have about yourself and all the things you want yourself to be and become.

When you let go of the need for a certain result and place yourself in the hands of a higher power, new doors start to open for you, and epiphanies emerge.

This is when you start to clearly see what's right and what needs to change in your life. For example, a romantic relationship that you were hoping for suddenly transforms into a business partnership that you didn't expect coming. The important message is to accept the reality of what's actually in front of you instead of trying to force it into something else.

So when you see 999, the meaning is to let go of everything you thought yourself to be and what you believed life was about, and to let the strength of the Universe guide you in the right direction.

In the wise words of Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, "By letting go, it all gets done..."

3rd Meaning of 999: The Power of Forgiveness Changes Your FutureSeeing the number pattern 999 is a sign that you're carrying unhealed wounds and guilt from the past. Although it is perfectly normal to feel hurt, the Universe is nudging you to move on to the next chapter of your life and this requires you to stop replaying unpleasant memories that pull you back to the past.

To move forward to the next level of spiritual growth, clear away any bitter feelings that influence your way of thinking and take away your personal power to progress in your life mission.

The Law of Cause and Effect states that whatever you put out in the Universe is returned to you. This means striking back at those who have hurt you will never bring peace to you and your family's future generations. This includes disconnecting and closing your heart from the person

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who hurt you as your way of protection. Keep in mind, disconnecting is a form of punishment when the person who hurt you is in need of forgiveness and only you can give it. It is possible that you may fear going back to being powerless if you forgive. So the important message is to forgive in order to break free from the karmic cycle of resentment.

When you examine yourself, you might find that there is a part of you that is similar to the person you are trying to forgive. From this perspective, this will help you recognize that you and the other person are not very different. So before you can forgive others, you have to self-heal by releasing personal disappointment and taking responsibility for your own feelings. Then, you can bring compassion and forgiveness to yourself and others.

Above all, when people hurt you in your past, they were doing the best they could in that situation with what they’ve learned. Some people might be unkind, but bear in mind that they have not learned all their lessons yet. This means they only know how to deal with life's challenges with the "tools" that they were given so far.

In the big picture of the Universe, some of the people in your life story have small roles to play and others have much larger roles. Regardless of who was playing the "good guy who made you laugh" or the "bad guy who hurt you," understand that all the characters are necessary for your soul growth.

Most importantly, when real forgiveness happens, there is an energetic change that ignites the healing process within you and triggers a new beginning for both you and the other person. Chains are broken and you become free.

American author Jonathan Lockwood Huie said it best: "Forgiving is not a gift to someone else. Forgiving is your gift to yourself."

4th Meaning of 999: Express Who You Were Born to BeWhen you see 999, it can mean you're ready to express your true self and speak the language of your soul. This creative process is meditation in action where you act on new ideas to co-create with the Universe.

You might prefer being alone to listen to your deepest desires so you can gain access to parts of yourself that are buried. You discover that whatever you express and create is a reflection of your internal world — your thoughts, feelings, and passions.

Whether you express yourself through art forms like writing, drawing, singing, dancing, or even entrepreneurship, share your journey as it unfolds and don't be concerned with what others think of you. You earn the opportunity to be a shining light when you express your truest self . You become a leader the moment you put yourself out there.

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When you transform your unique trait into your life mission, your special talent will find its way to the specific people who are waiting for it  — exactly as it is. Remember, there is always room for improvement, so just start with what you have and refine it along the way.

When you live your passion, you express your creative side, your self-confidence emerges, life starts to move forward as you accomplish more, and other parts of your life become filled with activities that bring you joy. Ultimately, your self-expression gives birth to a new reality for both your soul and the world.

Seeing 999 is a reminder that you are living your vision of life and your purpose is to express your unique creativity to make this world a better place for all. With imagination, action brings your ideas to life, and it all begins with your intention.

Remember, expressing your truth is the greatest art form — the masterpiece of your life — because you're the only one who can do it. In the history of the Universe, there will only be one awesome you!

Let your life be a work of art. We're all waiting for you!

5th Meaning of 999: Be In Service to Something Bigger Than YourselfSeeing 999 repeatedly is a sign from the Universe that it's time to make an impact in the world by being in service to others for your own spiritual growth.

Leo Tolstoy, a Russian novelist, who is known as one of the greatest authors of all time once said, "The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity." When you accept service as the sole meaning of life, you will start to positively affect the lives of others around you, and this path will lead to incredible changes for a better future in our world.

Importantly, being in service to others or the act of giving comes in different forms. As an example, doing "your best" is an act of great service because you're offering others your "best self" with genuine kindness. Join a charitable cause or find a person that you are passionate about serving. Whether you're connecting with a homeless person on a compassionate level, assisting a colleague who feels overwhelmed at work, helping out a neighbor, caring for the elderly, or simply writing a thank-you note to someone who really impacted your life, you'll find that the "gifts" you give will come back to you tenfold.

In this regard, you are here to serve humankind that will ignite a deep sense of peace in the world. Peace is not the Creator's gift to the world. Peace is the people's gift to each other.

Overall, the act of giving improves the lives of the people you connect with. And because your actions speak louder than words, your kindness will be passed on to others, and it can multiply

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and touch even more human lives — ultimately, making a difference in this world and creating a better place for all of us.

Spiritually, when you're in service to others, this means your ego dissolves, and you allow yourself to become a "hollow pipe" which the Creator's energy of love flows through and out into the world. You are basically giving energy that comes from the Source of all energy. And this force that flows through you is the energy that heals mankind. In this sense, when you give to others, you are simply spreading love energy.

In the end, you'll discover that your life has true meaning when you serve mankind. Remember, we're all here to help each other. And by helping others, we rise together. This is why you are here in the first place.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others." — Mahatma Gandhi, Spiritual and Political Leader (1869 - 1948)

What Should You Do Next When You See 999?The next cycle of your life will require a new version of you.

When you see 999, you are being guided towards your "best self." To get a glimpse of who you are transforming into, look at your daily activities and habits. Are you being drawn to exploring alternative health therapies, reading personal development books, practicing meditation, or learning about the mysteries of the Universe? Remember, what you do today will create your tomorrow.

Don't forget: Whatever happened should remain in the past, and it’s up to you to create your new reality. The past is created from the present. The only moment in time that actually exists is NOW. Everything that has ever happened is just a remembering of that event at this very moment. And whenever you bring things from the past into the present, you can give a different meaning to them, and in the end, change your whole history. In this sense, you are a different individual with every second, with every NOW.

Most importantly, be patient with the process and notice the divine signs that are being sent to you from the Infinite Creator or your guides and angels. Decode the messages, listen to the voice in your heart, receive knowledge and wisdom, and take action so you can navigate where your life takes you.

In the big picture, the meaning of 999 is that you're on the path of increased spiritual awareness. You start to see yourself as being part of something bigger and recognize that all things come from the same Universal Source — God. Because you come from Source, you are God. And when you realize this truth and align yourself with this truth, you start to believe that you can do anything — there are no limits to what you can do.

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Remember: You have to make a change if you expect to see a change. Just take one step forward. It's one small step for you, but it's a giant step for mankind.

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Nadja Lalvani on September 03, 2018

Dearest Willow Soul,

You are such a beautiful, powerful, loving, and healing light. Thank you for all of your wisdom and your generosity in sharing it and uplifting all of those who seek the light.

God Bless you always, dear beautiful Willow Soul!

❤ 🙏🏾💗

Rhea on September 01, 2018

There are just a few months left in this year and 2018 has already been full of surprises for me. I started seeing 999 earlier this year and it appeared more frequently after I quit my job in February and went back to school. I’m in the process of changing careers and the 999 meanings resonate with me, especially the first and second meanings. Thank you, Willow Soul. ❤ ❤ ❤

Rosary on August 29, 2018

For the past year, I have been seeing triple digits such as 333, 444, and 777. But for the first time last week, I saw 999. I started a new job 3 months ago and it pays more than I have ever made. The supervisor is very open and willing to give constructive feedback and really cares and worries about her employees. The job is helping homeless veterans; I’m a case manager. Thus, the job I have always wanted to do.

Now, I have to say I didn’t believe or pay attention to these types of signs before but “someone” has got my attention and has answered more prayers than I can count this year. I want to be a better person now more than ever and it’s not because of the numbers but because I feel it inside — I can’t explain it.

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I need guidance to help me hear my Father, the Great Spirit. How can I start and/or how can I calm the excited voices inside long enough to hear what my next steps are? I could use some true guidance. I’m ready…

Sharon Hill on August 25, 2018

This message was right on time. Thank you so very much! I have been on my spiritual awakening journey for about two years. I am so excited. Every day I become more knowledgeable about what the universe has to offer.

Caroline on August 08, 2018

I forgot the date when I saw these numbers: 999, 555, and 777. But I saw 999 twice.

It started when I was playing an otome game in the library on a cold afternoon at my school. I’m not the type of person who pays attention to numbers, but these numbers were stuck in my head.

I don’t know what will happen next, but I know I need to be a bit more attentive and reflect on things that happened and will happen to me.

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