Files 2 (15)

Anamaria Female Human Barbarian 3 / Sailor 1 (Black Flags:Piracy in the Caribbean Sourcebook) Chaotic Neutral Strength 18 (+4) Initiative : +4 (Dex) Grapple: +8 (+4 Base,+4 Str) Dexterity 18 (+4) Fort : +7 (+3 Base,+4 Con) Constitution 15 (+2) Ref :+10 (+3 Base,+4 Dex, +3 Feat)/ +12 in Whirling Frenzy Intelligence 14 (+2) Will : +2 (+1 Base,+1 Wis) Wisdom 12 (+1) Melee : +8 (+4 base, +4 Str), Whirling Frenzy +7/+7/+7 Charisma 10 (+0) Ranged : +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dex) GEAR Boarding Axe (x2) 1d6+4,x3 Unarmed 1d4+4,x2 Folding Knife (x2) 1d4+4, 19-20,x2 One in sash, one on thong around neck Dagger 1d4+4, 19-20,x2 Range Inc:10ft Flintlock Pistol (x2) 1d10+4,17-20,x2 10 shots each, full round action to reload Powderhorn and powder 2 large belt pouches, 6 small Large satchel 10 candles, flint/steel. Blanket 20ft rope Mug Small steel mirror 2 changes clothes 10 tindertwigs 3 x "Supergreen" Healing Potion- 3 doses of 1d8+5 2 pair black jeans (+1 AC to legs) Leather vest Bag of mints, 4 lbs of triceratops jerky, Necklace from the Plains Centaur Ring of Prestidigitate Bag of Powder- 25 doses Allows rotten food to be consumed safely. Wealth 65gp (5gps,8 silver, 11 coppers spread between her pouches in coin) Total Hit Points : 39 (-1 hp rolled per level [quick trait] Speed : 50 feet [barbarian] [quick trait] Armor Class : 21 = 10 +4 [dexterity]+ 5 [class defense bonus]+2 [Tumble] Whirling Frenzy 23 Touch AC: 19 Flat-footed: 14 [uncanny dodge] Class Defense Bonus Option: +5 [no stacking with armor] Languages : Common Spanish French Feats : Lightning Reflexes- +3 to Reflex saves. Evasion/Imp. Evasion if has evasion Two-Weapon Fighting- 1 attack per hand per round and 1 AoO per hand. Whirlwind [Combat]- As full round action, hit everyone you can reach with one attack roll. +3 Balance checks



Transcript of Files 2 (15)

Anamaria Female Human Barbarian 3 / Sailor 1 (Black Flags:Piracy in the Caribbean Sourcebook)Chaotic Neutral

Strength 18(+4)Initiative: +4 (Dex)Grapple: +8 (+4 Base,+4 Str)Dexterity 18(+4)Fort: +7 (+3 Base,+4 Con)Constitution 15(+2)Ref:+10 (+3 Base,+4 Dex, +3 Feat)/ +12 in Whirling FrenzyIntelligence 14(+2)Will: +2 (+1 Base,+1 Wis)Wisdom 12(+1)Melee: +8 (+4 base, +4 Str), Whirling Frenzy +7/+7/+7Charisma 10(+0)Ranged: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dex)

GEARBoarding Axe (x2)1d6+4,x3Unarmed 1d4+4,x2Folding Knife (x2)1d4+4, 19-20,x2One in sash, one on thong around neckDagger 1d4+4, 19-20,x2Range Inc:10ftFlintlock Pistol (x2) 1d10+4,17-20,x210 shots each, full round action to reload

Powderhorn and powder2 large belt pouches, 6 smallLarge satchel10 candles, flint/steel. Blanket20ft ropeMugSmall steel mirror2 changes clothes10 tindertwigs3 x "Supergreen" Healing Potion- 3 doses of 1d8+5 2 pair black jeans (+1 AC to legs)Leather vestBag of mints, 4 lbs of triceratops jerky, Necklace from the Plains CentaurRing of PrestidigitateBag of Powder- 25 doses Allows rotten food to be consumed safely.Wealth65gp (5gps,8 silver, 11 coppers spread between her pouches in coin)

Total Hit Points: 39 (-1 hp rolled per level [quick trait]Speed: 50 feet [barbarian] [quick trait]Armor Class: 21 = 10 +4 [dexterity]+ 5 [class defense bonus]+2 [Tumble]Whirling Frenzy 23Touch AC: 19 Flat-footed: 14 [uncanny dodge]Class Defense Bonus Option: +5 [no stacking with armor]

Languages: Common Spanish FrenchFeats: Lightning Reflexes- +3 to Reflex saves. Evasion/Imp. Evasion if has evasionTwo-Weapon Fighting- 1 attack per hand per round and 1 AoO per hand.Whirlwind [Combat]- As full round action, hit everyone you can reach with one attack roll. +3 Balance checks

SkillsBalance Dex* 9 =+4+2 [tumble]+3 (balance)Climb Str* 11 = +4+7 Intimidate Cha 6 = Jump Str* 14 = +4+2 [tumble]+8 [speed 50]Stealth Dex* 11 = +4+7 Profession (Sailor)Wis 6 = +1+5 Perception Wis 8 = +1+7 Swim Str** 11 = +4+7 Tumble Dex* 11 =+4+7 Literacy* = check penalty for wearing armorBarbarian Whirling Frenzy +4 Strength, +2 dodge bonus to AC/Reflex saves. +1 attack at highest BAB/all take -1. (11th level -Strength +6, Armor Class/Reflex saves increases to +3. 20th level- Strength +8, Armor Class/Reflex saves increases to +4. 14th level. Instead, he gains evasion, but only while in a whirling frenzy) Fast Movement (already included)Sailor Proficient in all simple weapons, firearms, and cutlass Sea Legs- +2 to Dex based skill checks aboard ship or at sea.