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2016 年年年年年年年年年年年年年 年年年年年年年年年 年年年年年 年 一、( 5年年年 20年 年年年年年 8 年年年年年年年 年年年年年年年年年 年年年年年年年 年年年年 ,)(一),, A B C 年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年 1 .( 1分 .A Yes we do B Yes we are C Yes we can 分分分 【】 分分分分 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 2 .( 1分 .A At the school gate B Sounds great C In the afternoon 分分分 【】 分分分分 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 3 .( 1分 .A Have a good time B Sorry to hear that C Congratulations 分分分 【】 分分分分 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 4 .( 1分 .A In May B On Sunday C Since last month 分分分 【】 分分分分 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 5 .( 1分 .A I agree B I’m sure C I hope not 分分分 【】 分分分分 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 分分分 【】 年年 年年年年年年年年年年年年年年 年年年年年年年年年年 年年年年 (),, A B C 年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年年 6 .( 1分 .what do people do when they meet in the giri’s country

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Page 1:  · Web view2016年山东省滨州市中考英语试卷. 参考答案与试题解析 一、听力选择(共. 5.


 一、听力选择(共 5小题,计 20 分.每小题约有 8秒钟的答题时间,)(一)录音中有五个句子,听句子两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C三个选项中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语.1.(1 分) .A.Yes,we do.B.Yes,we are.C.Yes,we can.【考点】情景反应. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 2.(1 分) .A.At the school gate.B.Sounds great.C.In the afternoon.【考点】情景反应. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 3.(1 分) .A.Have a good t ime.B.Sorry to hear that.C.Congratulat ions.【考点】情景反应. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 4.(1 分) .A.In May.B.On Sunday.C.Since last month.【考点】情景反应. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 5.(1 分) .A.I agree.B.I’m sure.C.I hope not.【考点】情景反应. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 (二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案.6.(1 分) .what do people do when they meet in the gir i’s country ?

Page 2:  · Web view2016年山东省滨州市中考英语试卷. 参考答案与试题解析 一、听力选择(共. 5.

【考点】听录音选图. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 7.(1 分) .Which program does Jenny l ike best ?

【考点】听录音选图. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 8.(1 分) .What would the gi r l l ike?A.Some juice.B.Some fruit.C.Some snacks.【考点】短对话理解. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 9.(1 分) .How did the boy l ike the party ?A.Great.B.Boring.C.Noisy.【考点】短对话理解. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 10.(1 分) .Who wil l help the gir l ?A.Jack.B.Nobody.C.Mr.Liu.【考点】短对话理解. .


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(三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案.11.(1 分) .Where may Cathy work ?A.At a radio stat ion .B.At a TV stat ion.C.At a middle scho.【考点】短对话理解. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 12.(1 分) .What t ime is i t now ?A.6o’clock.B.7o’clock.C.8o’clock.【考点】短对话理解. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 13.(1 分) .What’s the problem between David and his mom ?A.They don’t care for each other .B.They often argue with each other .C.They have no talk with each other .【考点】短对话理解. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 14.(1 分) .According to the conversation ,what can’t David decide by himself?A.What to wear on weekends .B.Which after school lesson to have﹣ .C.When to come back home on weekends .【考点】短对话理解. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 15.(1 分) .What does Cathy advise David to do ?A.To ask his fa ther for help .B.To take a tr ip with his mom .C.To talk about his feel ings with his mom .【考点】短对话理解. .

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【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 (四)录音中有一篇短文和五个问题,听短文和问题两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案.16.(5 分) .16.Whom does Li Lei write the let ter to ?A.His fr iend.B.His father.C.His classmate.17.Why does Li Lei wri te the le t ter ?A.He wants to relax himself .B.He wants to ask his fa ther for some pocket money .C.He wants to make his pocket money by himself .18.How do western students get their pocket money ?A.By asking parents for i t .B.They make i t by themselves .C.By working in factories .19.Is i t easy for many western students to get their jobs ?A.Yes, i t i s.B.No, i t i sn’t.C.We don’t know.20.Where does Li Lei want to get a part t ime job﹣ ?A.In his mother ’s s tore .B.In his aunt’s restaurant .C.In his fa ther ’s supermarket .【考点】短文理解. .

【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略 二、选择填空(共 15 小题,计 15 分)从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案.21.(1 分) . In Chinese,date 5 20has a s imilar pronunciat ion to“I love ﹣you”,making i t______lucky and romant ic day .(  )A.a; the B. /; a C. the; a D.a; /【考点】定冠词( the);不定冠词(a,an). .

【分析】汉语中,5 月 20 这个日期与我爱你的发音相似,使它成为一个幸运且浪漫的日子.【解答】答案:C 根据 date 5 20has a s imilar pronunciat ion to“I love you﹣ 可知,此句特指 5 月 20 日这个日子,应用定冠词 the,表示特指.又根据 making i t______lucky and romantic day 可知,此处属于泛指一个幸运且浪漫的日子,故要用不定冠词 a/an,表示“一个”的意思,a/an 的区别是 a 用于辅音音素前,an 用于元音音素前, lucky 是以辅音音素 / l /开头,所以要用 a.故答案应选 C.【点评】此题考查冠词的用法.做题时,先要判断句子要用的是不定冠词还是定冠词,然后根据句意筛选答案. 

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22.(1 分) . Do you know about the scientis t Tu Youyou﹣ ?Yes﹣ ,she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great .

(  )A.surprise B.achievement C .education D.satisfaction【考点】名词的词义辨析. .

【分析】﹣你知道科学家屠呦呦吗?﹣是的,由于她的伟大成就她嬴得了 2015 年的诺贝尔医学奖.【解答】答案:Bsurprise 惊讶;achievement 成就;education 教育;satisfaction 满意;赢得诺贝尔奖的人一定是有巨大成就的,故选 B.【点评】本题考查名词词义辨析,先弄清所给词的词义,再根据情景选择正确答案. 23.(1 分) . Don' t be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake ﹣again,will you?

No﹣ ,I won' t.I know thatof us are perfect af ter al l .(  )A.none B.neither C.each l【考点】不定代词. .

【分析】﹣当你的孩子再犯错时,不要生他的气,好吗?﹣好的,我不会生气的,毕竟我知道我们没有人是完美的.【解答】答案:A 根据 of us 和选项,可知描述范围是 us(三者以上).根据No,I won' t.和 perfect af ter a l l.可知我不会对他犯的错误生气,因为毕竟我们没有人是完美的.none 没有人(三者或三者以上),常与 of 连用;neither 两者都不,each 每一个,al l 所有的.故选 A.【点评】本题考查不定代词的辨析.四个选项的描述范围不同. none 与 al l 为三者或三者以上.neither 两者都不.each 强调每一个. 24.(1 分) .The“teacher free exam”means that s tudents take their ﹣examsteachers.Students must be more honest .(  )A.without B.against C. through【考点】方式介词. .

【分析】“ teacher free exam”﹣ 意思是学生们在没有老师的情况下参加考试.学生必须更加诚实.【解答】答案:A 根据句中的关键词 teacher free exam﹣ 中的 free 一词及第二个句子 Students must be more honest .我们可以基本判断出考试时应该是学生自己,没有老师监考,所以我们应选择一个否定意义的方式介词,结合选项 against 为反对; through 为穿过;只有 without 意为没有,表否定,符合句意,故选 A.【点评】此题考查方式介词的用法.做题时联系前后句,抓住关键词和关键句子,把握好句意,结合选项根据介词本身的含义是否符合句意去选择. 25.(1 分) . What do you think of the environment here﹣ ?

Wonderful!of the landcovered with trees and grass﹣ .(  )A.Two fif ths; is B.Two fif th; isC.Two fif ths; are D.Two fif th; are【考点】分数表达法;谓语. .

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【分析】﹣﹣﹣你认为这里的环境怎么样? [ 来 源 : Z x x k . C o m ]

﹣﹣﹣很棒!五分之二的陆地被树木和草所覆盖.【解答】答案:A 根据选项可知,第一个空所缺为分数;又知分数的表达法为分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于一,分母加 s,所以五分之二的表达方法为 two f if ths.又根据分数作主语时,其后的谓语动词的单复数取决于它所修饰的名词,即此处的 land.又知 land 意为陆地,土地,为不可数名词,所以第二个空缺处应用 is.故选 A.【点评】此题考查分数的用法.做题时,要根据分数的用法筛选出答案. 26.(1 分) .一“Food Safety”problem is becomingthese days .

I think so﹣ .The government must do something to deal with i t .(  )A.smaller and smaller B.worse and worseC.better and better D.nicer and nicer【考点】形容词的比较级和最高级. .

【分析】﹣﹣﹣如今,“食品安全”问题变得越来越糟糕.﹣﹣﹣我也这样认为.政府必须采取措施来应对这一问题了.【解答】答案:B 根据选项可知 smaller and smaller 意为越来越小;worse and worse 意为越来越差;better and better 意为越来越好;nicer and nicer 意为越来越好.又根据 The government must do something to deal with i t 可知,希望政府采取措施应对这一问题,可推测上文意为“食品安全”问题越来越糟糕,是比较级 and 比较级的用法,表示越来越…所以此处应用 worse and worse.故选 B【点评】此题考查形容词比较级的用法.做题时,先分析选项的含义,再根据题干信息推测所需含义,最终筛选出答案. 27.(1 分) .Life is l ike a mirror .you smile at i t , i t wil l smile back .(  )A.Unless B.When C.Until D.Though【考点】从属连词. .

【分析】生活就像一面镜子,当你朝着它微笑的时候,它也会报以微笑.【解答】答案:B;根据语境以及上下文,本题考查的是连词的用法.根据设空处前后句可以推测句意是“生活就像一面镜子,当你朝着它微笑的时候,它也会报以微笑.”表示“当…的时候”用 when,引导时间状语从句.故选 B.【点评】本题主要考查连词的用法,做此类题目一定要弄清句意,明白上下文之间的关系,才能更好地判断出所要用的连词. 28.(1 分) . Jane won the f i rst prize in the Engl ish speech contest﹣ .一 big progress she has made!She used to be weak in Engl ish .(  )A.How B.How a C.What D.What a【考点】感叹句. .

【分析】﹣﹣Jane 在英语演讲比赛中得了第一名.﹣﹣她取得了多么大的进步啊!她过去英语很差.【解答】答案:C.

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根据 big progress she has made! 可知这里考查了感叹句,本句的中心词是progress,它是一个不可数名词,big 是一个形容词,在这里修饰 progress,根据What+形容词+可数名词复数 /不可数名词+主语+谓语!故选 C.【点评】本题考查了感叹句的用法.解答时需注意感叹句的基本结构:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!What+形容词+可数名词复数 /不可数名词+主语+谓语!How+形容词 /副词+主语+谓语! 29.(1 分) . Can you catch what I said﹣ ?

Sorry﹣ ,I canunderstand i t because you speak very quickly .(  )A.almost B.probably C.mostly D.hardly【考点】副词的词义辨析;程度副词. .

【分析】﹣你能领会我说的话吗?﹣对不起,我几乎听不懂因为你说得太快了.【解答】答案:Dalmost几乎;probably 可能;mostly 主要地;hardly 几乎不;根据 sorry 及because you speak very quickly 可知对方几乎没听懂,故选 D.【点评】本题考查副词词义辨析,先弄清所给词的词义,再根据情境选择正确答案. 30.(1 分) . I ’m sorry I ________ my exercise book at home this morning﹣ .

I t doesn’t matter﹣ .Don’t forget ________ i t here this af ternoon .(  )A. lef t; to take B.forgot; bringingC. lef t; to bring D.forgot; to bring【考点】实义动词的过去式;动词的固定搭配. .

【分析】﹣对不起,今天早晨我把作业本忘在家里了.﹣没关系,不要忘了今天下午带来.【解答】答案:C 本题考查动词词义的辨析,根据关键词 I’m sorry,可知是把作业本忘在家里了, leave,把某物忘在某地;forget to do sth,忘记做某事;bring,带来; take,带走;故选 C.【点评】解决本题的关键是区分动词的意义和用法,在不同的语言环境中表示的意义不同,要灵活掌握,举一反三. 31.(1 分) . Must I go to law school and be a lawyer l ike you﹣ ,Dad?

No﹣ ,you _____,son.You’re free to make your own decision .(  )A.can’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t【考点】情态动词. .

【分析】句意:﹣﹣我一定要上法律院校成为像您一样的律师吗,爸爸?﹣﹣不,不需要,儿子,你可以自由的决定.【解答】答案:D.根据 No 和 You’re free to make your own decision .可知下面为否定回答,must 的含义是必须一定,其否定形式 mustn’t 表示禁止的含义.在这里不是禁止的意思.must 的否定回答一般可借助于 needn’和 don’t have to 来构成.故选 D.【点评】本题考查了情态动词的用法.注意 must 的用法以及它的肯否定形式. 32.(1 分) . Which song do you l ike bet ter﹣ ,Maria?

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I prefer the song Manual of Youthis sung by TFBOYS﹣ .(  )A.which B.who C.whom D.where【考点】关系代词. .

【分析】﹣﹣Maria,你比较喜欢哪首歌?﹣﹣我比较喜欢由 TFBOYS 演唱的《青春修炼手册》.【解答】答案:A.首先分析句子结构,本句中的 is sung by TFBOYS 在复合句中作定语从句,其中先行词 the song Manual of Youth 指物,且在定语从句中做逻辑主语,所以关系代词用 that/which,故选 A.【点评】完成定语从句的关键是分析先行词指人还是指物及其在定语从句中做什么句子成分. 33.(1 分) . We can’tmaking a plan﹣ .Clean up Day is only two weeks from ﹣now.

Yes﹣ ,I think so.(  )A.put on B.put up C.put off D.put out【考点】动词短语. .

【分析】﹣﹣我们 不能推迟制定计划了.清洁日离现在只剩两周了.﹣﹣是的,我也这样认为.【解答】答案:C put on,增加(体重),穿上;put up,张贴;put off,推迟;put out,扑灭.由 only two weeks from now 可知清洁日离现在仅仅只有两周了,我们不能再推迟做计划了.故选 C.【点评】本题考点是 put 短语.通过关键信息 only 来判断正确答案.而 put…on…则是指把…放在…上,put on 当穿衣讲,其反义词为 take off. 34.(1 分) . What did your father say to you just now﹣ ?

He asked me﹣ .(  )A. that I would l ike to see a movieB.where I wil l spend my holidayC. i f I enjoyed myself a t the partyD.when did I a t tend the graduation party【考点】宾语从句. .

【分析】﹣﹣你爸爸刚才和你说什么了?﹣﹣他问我在聚会上是否玩得很开心.【解答】答案:C.根据 He asked me,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项 D 是疑问句语序,排除掉.再根据 He asked me,可知这里句子使用的时态是一般过去时,那么宾语从句就要相应的用过去时,选项 B 是will,不符合时态要求,排除掉.在这里 ask 的意思是询问,后面跟的宾语从句应该有疑问的语气,所以这里使用的引导词是 i f,排除 A.故选 C.【点评】此题考查宾语从句.考生在答题时要注意“宾语从句必须采用陈述语序”,根据上下文语境确定合适的选项. 35.(1 分) .﹣.Where there is a wil l, there is a way.

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Thanks﹣ ,Mr.Li.I’ l l t ry my best to improve my English .(  )A.Best wishes B.Never give upC.Have a good tr ip D.What a pity【考点】常用日常交际用语. .

【分析】﹣﹣﹣永不放弃.有志者事竟成.﹣﹣﹣谢谢你,李先生.我会尽最大的努力来提高我的英语.【解答】答案:B 根据 Where there is a wil l , there is a way 可知,此句含义为有志者事竟成,可推测是李先生对对方的鼓励,劝其不要放弃.又知 Best wishes 意为最美好的祝愿,用于对对方的祝福;Never give up 意为不要放弃;Have a good tr ip 意为旅途愉快;What a pity 意为真可惜,真可怜.所以此处应用 Never give up,故选 B.【点评】此题考查日常口语交际.做题时,现根据题干判断所需部分的意思,再分析各选项的含义及用法,最终筛选出答案. 三、完形填空(共 1小题,计 10 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案.36.(10 分) .“If you agree with me,please Dianzan.”Do you know Dianzan is one of the most popular words on the Internet ?When you think someone’s ideas are r ight,when you think someone’s art icles are (36)  A   ,or when you are moved by what someone writes ,you cancl ick (点击) the praise s ign.Anyhow,cl icking the praise sign (37)  C   that you agree with someone or praise someone .Dianzan is a kind of Chinese Internet language .People (38)  D   use i t when they surf the Liternet .There is a function(功能)of Dianzan in the QQ space.The QQ space has had the function (39)  B   2010.I t didn’t become very popular unti l Sina blog (新浪博客)(40)  D   the function of Dianzan.In recent years, i t has become more and more popular .When the 2015New Year came,Chinese leader Xi J inping used the word Dianzan to praise and (41)  B   his thanks to the great Chinese people .Websi tes can know how many people support some ideas (42)  A   counting how many people cl ick the praise s ign .Experts can know (43)  C   teenagers are caring about through what they cl ick the sign for .That can help them solve teenagers’(44)  C   .Clicking the praise s ign is really a (n) (45)  D   thing.Have you ever cl icked the sign for anybody on the Internet ?36.A.wonderful B. terr ible C.hard D.awful37.A.offers B. takes C.means D.avoids38.A.never B. luckily C.slowly D.usually39.A.after B.since C. in D.before40.A.broke B.checked C.refused D.started41.A.accept C.create B.on D.under43.A. that B.where C.what D.when

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44.A.plans B.happiness C .problems D.fai rness45.A.diff icult B.surpris ing C .embarrassing D.easy.

【考点】议论文. .

【分析】本文是一篇议论文,作者提到现在用的很受大众欢迎的网络用语“点赞“,当你认为某人的主意是正确的,或者认为某人的文章是美好的,或者被某个人写的东西感动的时候,你都可以点赞;并且阐述了其使用范围 QQ空间和新浪微博上都可以看到点赞的标志,并且介绍其功能:通过计算点赞的数量,专家能够知道青少年想什么,并且帮助他们解决问题;结尾作者发出倡导,你点赞了吗?【解答】36.A 考查结合语境选择恰当的形容词,联系前后句里的形容词都是褒义词,所以本句也要用褒义词 wonderful,当你认为某个人的文章是美妙的时候,但你被某个人写的东西感动的时候,你都可以敲点赞的标志.所以选 A.37.C 考查动词的含义,offer,提供; take,花费;mean 意思 /意味着…;avoid 避免;结合前后句意思,点赞的标志意味着你同意或者称赞某人,所以选 C38.D 考查副词的使用,联系句子意思:点赞是一种中国网络用语,推知人们通常在网上浏览网页时,使用它.“通常“usually.故选 D.39.B 考查介词的使用,结合句子,本句是现在完成时态,自从 2010 年 QQ空间已经有这个功能,自从…,用介词 since 和现在完成时连用,所以选 B40.D 考查动词的含义,联系前后句,直到新浪微博…这种功能,点赞才变得非常流行起来.结合选项的意思应该为开始之意,选动词 started.故选 D41.B 考查动词的含义,结合语境,当 2015 年新年来临的时候,中国领导人习近平使用点赞这词汇,推知应是表达他对伟大的中国人民的感谢之情.动词“表达“用 express.故选 B42.A 考查介词的用法,联系前后句意,互联网能知道多少人支持一些观点,是通过计算多少人使用点赞的标志得到的.“通过,凭借“方式手段,用介词 by.故选 A43.C.考查疑问词的使用,本句是一个宾语从句,此时疑问词作 caring about 的宾语,所以用 what,专家通过青少年为什么事物点赞知道他们关心什么.故选 C.44.C 考查名词含义,联系上下文,那能够帮助他们解决青少年的…,结合选项可知应是解决问题,用词组 solve one's problems .所以选 C45.D 考查形容词的含义,联系语境并结合实际可知敲击点赞的标志,真的是一件容易的事情.“容易的”用 easy.故选 D【点评】做此类题,考生注意浏览全文,概况大意,再根据句子间的提示和文章要表达的含义,选出正确的选项. 四、阅读理解(共 4小题,计 30 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案.46.(7.5 分) .Bury tr ip June 18th﹣﹣ ,2016

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We will be leaving the Perse School at 13 :45.Please be at the school gate 10minutes early.If you are la te,you may miss the bus and not be able to go!If you miss the bus,you won’t get your money back .The bus is planned to arr ive in Bury at 14:30,al though this depends on traff ic .You wil l have free t ime to walk around and we will meet a t the same location where we arr ived at 17:15to return to the Perse School by about 18 :00.Things to do Visi t the AbbeyThe Abbey is the min (废墟)of a church which was buil t more than 1,000years ago.There are many nice gardens in i t .And next to the Abbey, there is a big new church.Have a drink in the NutshellThis l i t t le bar is famous in Britain because i t is off ic ial ly (正式地) the smallest bar in the country .Good things are put in small bags ,and the Nutshell serves some of the area’s f inest beer ,as well as fascinat ing photos .Have a look at a beer shopAt the Greene King shop you can taste and buy some of the local beer ,as well as food such as potato chips .There are also clothes available to buy .Several places are l is ted,but feel free to plan your own visi t .46.If Sara wants to take part in the tr ip ,when should she arr ive at the Perse School gate?  A   A.At 13:35.B.At 13:45.C.At 14:20.D.At 14:30.47.What can we see in the Abbey ?  C   A.A big museum.B.Tall towers.C.Nice gardens.D.A new church.48.The Nutshell is famous in Brita in because of i ts   A   .A.small s izeB.good beerD. interest ing photos49.What can we buy at the Greene King shop ?  B  

beer potato chips postcards books clothes① ② ③ ④ ⑤A.①②④B.①②⑤C.②③④D.③④⑤50.The material i s probably   D   .A.a reportB.a diary

Page 12:  · Web view2016年山东省滨州市中考英语试卷. 参考答案与试题解析 一、听力选择(共. 5. introductionD.a notice.【考点】广告布告类阅读;文中细节. .

【分析】贝里之旅﹣2016 年 6 月 18 日 我们将在 13:45 离开博斯学校.请提前 10分钟在校门口集合.如果你迟到了,你可能会错过巴士而不能去!如果你错过了一班公车,你不会拿回你的钱.巴士计划在 14:30 抵达贝里,这取决于交通状况.你会有空闲的时间到处走走,我们会在同一地点集合返回博斯学校,巴士会在17:15 到集合地点,会在 18:00 回到学校. 要做的事情:参观修道院 修道院是一个教堂的废墟,它建于 1000 多年前.这里有许多漂亮的花园,修道院旁边,有一个新的大教堂. 在果壳酒吧喝一杯 这个小酒吧在英国很出名,这是因为它是官方承认的英国最小的酒吧.好东西都是放在小袋子里.果壳酒吧提供当地最好的啤酒,以及迷人的照片. 在啤酒店看一看 在格林尼国王店,你可以品尝和购买一些当地的啤酒以及食品,如薯片.也有衣服可买. 几个地方都列出来了,但也请享受自己的参观计划.【解答】46.答案 A 细节理解题 由文中 We will be leaving the Perse School at 13:45.Please be at the school gate 10minutes early 可知 我们将在 13:45 离开博斯学校.请提前 10 分钟在校门口集合,故选 A47.答案 C 细节理解题 由文中 The Abbey is the min (废墟)of a church which was buil t more than 1 ,000years ago.There are many nice gardens in i t 可知 修道院是一个教堂的废墟,它建于 1000 多年前.这里有许多漂亮的花园,故选 C48.答案 A 细节理解题 由文中 This l i t t le bar is famous in Britain because i t is off icial ly (正式地) the smal lest bar in the country 可知这个小酒吧在英国很出名,这是因为它是官方承认的英国最小的酒吧,故选 A49.答案 B 细节理解题 由文中 At the Greene King shop you can taste and buy some of the local beer ,as well as food such as potato chips .There are also clothes available to buy 可知 在格林尼国王店,你可以品尝和购买一些当地的啤酒以及食品,如薯片.也有衣服可买,故选 B50.答案 D 文章理解题 由文中可知,材料介绍了去短途旅行的 注意事项,包括旅行的时间、在目的地可参与的活动等.可以推断该材料是一份通知,故选 D【点评】本文并不算难,大部分题目都是细节理解题,只要理解文章意思,仔细阅读,从文中寻找答案,即可轻松解答.理解题则根据句意以及自己对文章的把握来解答. 51.(7.5 分) .China is a great country with the largest population in the world.In order to solve the populat ion problem ,our governmentcarried outone child policy ﹣ (政策)before.When i t is carr ied out for some t ime,many people not only see i ts advantages but a lso disadvantages .From 2016, two chi ld pol icy is put into effect﹣ .In my opinion, two chi ld ﹣policy is good.First of a l l, two chi ld pol icy is the gi f t for some only ﹣child.For some families,maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child.Besides the loneliness of their child ,when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry an only child gir l , the burden(负担)on their child and his wife is too heavy .Their child and his wife have to take care of two couples .Usually,a young couple looking after an old couple

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is a l i t t le diff icult.But if thei r parents have two chi ldren , they can share the burden of taking care of their parents .I t would be much better.Secondly, two chi ld pol icy can guarantee ﹣ (保证) the number of Chinese population.All in al l,one chi ld polic﹣ y has been out of date .And two chi ld policy is ﹣needed and necessary.I t can solve the problems of nowadays (现在)and the future.51.Which country has the largest populat ion in the world ?  C   A.America.B.Britain.C.China.D.Japan.52.The underl ined phrase“carried out”in Paragraph 1 means“   D   ” in Chinese.A.携带B.取消C.禁止D.实行53.Our government carr ied out one child policy before in order to﹣   A   .A.solve the population problemB. take care of two old couplesC.share the burden of taking care of their parentsD.argue that two child policy should be put into effect﹣54.According to the passage ,which of the fol lowing is NOT true ?  B   A.One child policy has i ts advantages and disadvantages﹣ .B.I t’s easy for a young couple to look after an old couple .C.China is a great country with the largest population in the world .D.For some families,maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child before 2016.55.What’s the main idea of this passage ?A.Two child policy is needed and necessary﹣ .B.Our government carr ied out one child policy﹣ .C.Two child policy is the gif t for some only child﹣ .D.Two child policy can guarantee the number of Chinese populat ion﹣ .

【考点】政治经济类阅读;内容归纳. .

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【分析】文章大意:本文一篇议论文.作者按照,第一段提出为了解决人口问题,施行了独生子女政策,一段时间之后人们发现它有利也有弊.第二段讲从 2016 起,二孩政策产生了影响,作者提出了两个方面的好处:第一,二孩政策减轻了一孩政策一对夫妇赡养四位老人的负担;第二,二孩政策能够保证中国人口数量.第三段,作者进行了总结,独身子女政策已经过去,二孩政策是需要和有必要的,它能够解决现在和未来的问题.【解答】51.C 细节理解题,根据文章第一段第一句 China is a great country with the largest population in the world .可知中国是在世界上人口最多的国家.故选 C.52.D 词义猜测题,根据该词组在位置,以及文章前后句,推测短语含义,我们的国家以前实行独生子女政策,carry out,实行,故选 D.53.A 细节理解题,根据文章第一段第二句 In order to solve the populat ion problem,our governmentcarried outone child policy ﹣ (政策)before 可知,实行独生子女政策是为了解决人口问题,故选 A.54.B 细节理解题,根据文章第一段最后一句和第一句可知,A,C 是正确的,根据第二段第三句 For some families,maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only chi ld.可知选项 D 是正确的;根据第二段:a young couple looking after an old couple is a l i t t le diff icult 一对年轻的夫妇照顾一对年老夫妇有点困难可知 B 错误,故选 B.55.A 归纳总结题.根据文章文章大意主要讲了二孩政策的好处,即二孩政策是需要和有必要的,所以选 A【点评】做此类题,考生注意浏览全文,概况大意,再根据考查的是细节题,推测词义题还是主旨归纳题,作出正确的判断. 56.(7.5 分) .“In this l i fe,what did you miss?”The wife asked the husband when she was 25 .Despondently (沮丧地), the husband replied,“I missed a new job chance .”When she was 35, the husband angri ly told her that he had just missed the bus.At the age of 45, the husband sadly said ,“I missed the chance seeing my close relat ive before his last breath .”At 55, the husband said disappointedly ,“I missed a good chance to ret ire (退休).”At 65, t i t le husband hurriedly replied ,“I missed visi t ing my dentis t .”At 75, the wife did not ask the husband any more ,she was very sick.Remembering the question the wife used to ask him , this t ime the husband asked the wife the same quest ion .The wife,with a smile and peaceful look,replied,“In this l i fe,I did not miss having you!”The husband was ful l of tears .He always thought that they could be together forever.He was always busy with work and other things .He had never thought of his wife .The husband gave a big hug to the wife and said ,“Over 50years,how I had al lowed myself to miss your deep love for me .”Life does not last forever ,so always l ive in the now .Don’t neglect (忽视) the loved ones who care for you .Express your grat i tude (感激) to your

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loved ones in words.Show your love with actions .Treat every day as the last day of l i fe.In this way,when you are gone,your loved ones would have nothing to feel sorry about .56.Every t ime the wife asked the husband what he missed in his l i fe , the husband never thought of   B   A.himselfB.moneyC.his jobD.his wife57.What did the husband realize at last ?  C   A.His wife was too t ired.B.His wife would die down.C.His wife loved him very much .D.He should ask his wife the same question .58.From the passage,we know the wife was  A   .A. loving and patientB.outgoing and carelessC.caring and shyD.unheal thy59.According to the passage ,which of the fol lowing is TRUE ?  D   A.The husband didn’t love his wife at a l l .B.The husbands close relat ive died when his wife was 45 .C.The husband wasn’t always busy with his work and other things .D.When people are gone, their loved ones usually have nothing to feel sorry about.60.What does the wri ter suggest us doing in the passage ?  B   A.Doing many things for our family .B.Treat ing every day as the best day of l i fe .C.Lett ing our loved ones know about our care and love .D.Asking our family the question what they missed in their l i fe .【考点】人生感悟类阅读;作者情感. .

【分析】本文通过妻子和丈夫在不同年龄段谈论错过了什么的故事,阐述了这样一个深刻的真理:生命不是永恒的,所以活在当下吧.不要忽视身边那些关爱你的人.把你对爱人的感谢说出来,用行动证明你关心他们.把每一天当作人生的最后一个篇章,只有这样,当你离开时,你爱的人们才会没有遗憾.【解答】56.答案:B;细节理解题;根据短文表述 I missed a new job chance ;he had just missed the bus ;I missed the chance seeing my close relat ive ;I missed a good chance to ret ire ;I missed visi t ing my dentis t ;可知丈夫从来没有想到过钱;故选 B;57.答案:C;细节理解题;根据短文描述,“ In this l i fe,I did not miss having you!”可知,他的妻子非常爱她;故选 C;58.答案:A;细节理解题;根据短文描述“ In this l i fe,what did you miss?”可知他的妻子是一个有耐心而且有爱心的人;故选 A;

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59.答案:D;细节理解题;根据短文描述 when you are gone,your loved ones would have nothing to feel sorry about .可知当人们走了的时候,他们所爱的人通常没有什么可以感到遗憾的.故选 D;60.答案:B;细节理解题;根据短文内容 Treat eve ry day as the last day of l i fe.可知,我们要把每一天都作为生命中最后的一天,也就是最好的一天.故选B.【点评】要善于抓住每段的主题句,阅读时,要有较强的针对性.对于捕获到的信息,要做认真分析,仔细推敲,理解透彻,只有这样,针对题目要求,才能做到稳、准. 61.(7.5 分) .We can’t remember clearly s ince when we started to take our mobi les to a dinner table .This happens a lot ,especial ly when we eat out.Once a dish comes, instead of l i f t ing our chopsticks ,we take out our mobi les and cl ick.Later,we post the photos onto Weibo or Wechat ,wait ing to be“l iked”.Then we check our mobi les from time to t ime during the meal , to see whether we get“l iked”or not .We just cannot leave our mobiles for only a meal.Does that sound familiar to you ?Do you do that often ?If not,how do you feel when others do that when having dinner with you ?A recent s tudy suggests that what we are used to doing is not so good.Spending t ime taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant .To test this,some researchers did an experiment .Some people were asked to take photos before they could enjoy food .As a resul t, i t showed that the more photos they took,.So,why not s top taking photos and just enjoy the food in front of you?Besides the scientif ic result , there are also some other bad influences of taking photos of food before meals .After post ing the photos onto the Internet ,one will not be able to control himself and check his mobile many t imes .“Does everyone l ike my photos ?I hope a lot of people l ike them!”It seems that your mobi le secretly cal ls your name all the t ime ,even when you are with real people.So,next t ime you go out to have dinner with your family or fr iends ,how about not taking photos of food ?Let the food be delic ious as i t is and share your l ife with people around you .Trust me, i t wil l be a wonderful t ime .61.From the passage,what happens a lot a t the dinner table nowadays ?  D   A.People ta lk about their Weibo or WeChat .B.People learn from each other how to cook dishes .C.People l ike taking photos with fr iends or families .D.People take photos of food and post them before eat ing .62.Which of the following can be put in the   B   in Paragraph 3?A. the less cheerful they becameB. the less delic ious the food seemed to themC. the more interested they were in the food

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D. the more“liked”they got on Weibo or Wechat63.What does the fourth paragraph talk about ?  D   A.The reasons for checking your mobiles .B.The ways of posting the photos onto the Internet .C.The t ips (提示)of making others l ike your photos on the Weibo .D.Some other bad influences of taking photos of food before meals .64.Which of the following is the writer ’s opinion ?  C   A.We take out our mobiles and cl ick when a dish comes .B.We check our mobiles from time to t ime during the meal .C.Spending t ime taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant .D.Some people were asked to take photos before they could enjoy food .65.What can we learn from the passage ?  D   A.Take photos of food in order to have a wonderful l i fe .B.Take photos of delic ious food and share them with others .C.Remember to have dinner with our family and fr iends at home .D.Enjoy the l ife wi th people around us instead of taking photos of food .

【考点】教育文化类阅读;内容归纳;文中细节. .

【分析】本篇文章讲述了现在常见的社会现象﹣﹣在吃饭前拿手机拍照“消毒”,拍完照片放在网络上,而且不时地看手机,想着别人会不会喜欢自己的美食照片,会有多少人点赞.专家认为这种行为是不好的.一方面花时间拍照,食物变得没那么好吃;另一方面,眼前的人会忽视,因为拍照片的人就像被手机不停地“呼唤”,看有多少人点赞.专家呼吁,让食物美味如初,享受与眼前人的相聚时刻.【解答】61.D 细节理解题.从原文第一句 We can’t remember clearly s ince when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table .以及整个文章的讲述可知,指的是 D 的内容;62.B 细节理解题.As a resul t, i t showed that the more photos they took,________.从关键词 as a result 以及前面的句子 Spending t ime taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant .可知,拍过多的照片,食物变得越不好吃.所以答案为 B. the less delic ious the food seemed to them ;63.D 内容归纳题.找到本段中心句 Besides the scientif ic result , there are also some other bad influences of taking photos of food before meals .可知,全段是谈论吃饭前拍照的一些其他的坏的影响,故答案为 D;64.C 推测作者观点题.排除法.题目的关键词是 opinion(观点),而 ABD 选项都是现象的描述,并非观点,因此答案为 C.65.D 主旨归纳题.根据本文最后一句 Let the food be delic ious as i t is and share your l i fe with people around you .Trust me, i t wil l be a wonderful t ime.可知作者的写作目的﹣﹣享受与眼前人一起的生活,而不是饭前拍照.

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Enjoy the l ife wi th people around us instead of taking photos of food .故答案为D.【点评】首先浏览全文,概括主旨大意,理清写作结构,浏览题目,抓住关键词,快速得出答案. 五、口语交际(共 1小题,计 5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景(有两个多余选项).66.(5 分) .(Carla and Victor are ta lking on the way home before the f irs t day of the graduation exams .)A:Good morning,Carla!B:Good morning,Victor!We are leaving junior high school after the exams .I feel very sad.A:Me too.B:(66)  C   A:You’re welcome.B:(67)  F   They gave us too much .A:Yes.I t’s hard for us to say goodbye .Our school l i fe was unforgettable .B:You’re r ight.(68)  B   A:I hope to pass the exams to get into senior high school .B:I t rust you because you’re the most excellent in our class .But I’m going to an art school.A:(69)  G   I think you’l l be successful .By the way,our head teacher told me thatwe wil l have a graduation party the next day after the exams .(70)  E   B:Sure.That’s great.I t’s the moment we have a get together﹣ .

A.Who has helped you most?B.What do you hope to do after you graduate ,Victor?C.Thanks for your help during my stay here .D.My time in junior high school was enjoyable .E.Would you l ike to come ?F.I’ l l miss our teachers and classmates .G.Your plan is pret ty good .【考点】情境对话;学习. .


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A:我希望我能通过考试进入高中.B:我相信你可以,因为你是我们班最优秀的学生.不过我打算去艺术学校.A:你的打算很不错,我认为你会成功的.顺便问一下,我们班主任告诉我,考完试后 的第二天我们要举办一个毕业晚会,你要来吗?B:当然啦.那很棒.这是我们在一起的时刻.【解答】66:C 由下文“You're welcome”可知 B 是在向 A 表示感谢,结合选项可知,应选 C67:F 由“They gave us too much.他们给了我们很多”再结合选项可知,应选F 我会想念我们的老师和同学68:B 由 A 的回答“I hope to pass the exams to get into senior high school .我希望通过考试去读高中”可知,B 是在询问 A 毕业后希望做什么,故选 B69:G 由“But I’m going to an art school .但我准备去艺术学校”和“I think you’l l be successful .我认为你会成功的”可知,此处意思为你的打算很不错,故选 G70:E 由上文 will have a graduation party 和下文的回答 Sure 可知,A 在询问 B要不要参加,故选 E【点评】做这样的题,一定要认真阅读,不要放过任何细节.选择的时候要结合上下文. 六、单词拼写(共 1小题,计 10 分)(一)根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空.71.(5 分) .

candle prevent wood near develop71.I t is  nearly   three years since we studied in this school .72.Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child’s   development   .73.﹣What  prevented   you from joining us last night ?

The heavy rain﹣ .74.I never take  wooden   chopsticks or plast ic forks when I buy takeaway food.75.If the bir thday person blows out a l l the   candles   in one go, the wish he has made will come true. [ 来 源 : 学 科 网 Z X X K ]

【考点】选词完成句子. .

【分析】71.自从我们在这个学校学习,现在已经将近三年了.72.医生说太多的压力对孩子的发展不好.73.﹣昨天晚上是什么阻止你加入我们呢?﹣大雨.74.当我买外卖时,我从来不带走木质的筷子和塑料的叉子.75.如果过生日的人一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,他许的愿望就会实现.【解答】71.答案:nearly,“几乎,差不多”.根据句意“自从我们在这个学校学习已经______三年了.”可知此处应该填一个副词来修饰时间状语;根据形容词 near,“在…附近”,可知应变为副词 nearly,汉语意思为“几乎,差不多”.故填 nearly

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72.答案:development,“发展”.根据句意“医生说太多的压力对孩子的_____不好.”可知此处应该填一个名词;根据动词 develop“发展”,可知其应变为名词 development,汉语意思为“发展”.故填 development73.答案:prevented,“阻止”.根据句意“.﹣昨天晚上是什么_____你加入我们呢?﹣大雨.”;同时结合 prevent sb.doing sth.“阻止某人干某事”,因为时间状语是 last night,所以使用 prevent 的过去时态.故填 prevented74.答案:wooden,“木制的”.根据句意“当我买外卖时,我从来不带走_____的筷子和塑料的叉子.”,结合名词 wood,“木头”,可知使用其形容词形式wooden,“木制的”来修饰后面的名词 chopsticks.故填 wooden75.答案:candles,“蜡烛”.根据句意以及语境“如果过生日的人一口气吹灭所有的_____,他许的愿望就会实现.”可推测此处该填写 candle 的正确形式;其次依据“al l the ____”,可知我们此处应该使用 candle 的复数形式.故填 candles【点评】做这种题时,我们应该根据不同单词,不同句意使用单词的不同形式来填空.比如是名词的话,我们就该考虑名词复数形式、名词所有格形式.如果是动词的话,我们应该依据时态考虑动词的第三人称单数、过去式、过去分词、现在分词等形式.如果是形容词的话,我们就该考虑是不是要变成副词或者变为名词形式.此外,做这种题时,还要注意三点.一要看时态,二要看主语,三要看固定用法. (二)根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词.76.(1 分) .January and  February   (二月)are the coldest months in Bei j ing.【考点】翻译填空. .

【分析】在北京,一月和二月是最冷的月份.【解答】答案:February 根据题干 January and____(二月)are the coldest months in Beij ing.可知句意为:在北京,一月和二月是最冷的月份.and 连接并列的句子成分.根据 January and____(二月),and 前面是月份,可知后面是月份.February,二月,名词.故填:February.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语,句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.本题主要考查 February,二月,名词. 77.(1 分) .The Party members should be   str ic t   (严格的)with themselves.【考点】完成句子. .

【分析】党员应该严格要求自己.【解答】答案:str ic t 根据题干 The Party members should be___ (严格的)with themselves.可知句意为:党员应该严格要求自己.be str ic t with sb.对某人要求严格.str ic t,严格的,形容词.故填:str ic t.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查 str ic t,严格的,形容词. 78.(1 分) .A true fr iend  reaches   (伸手)for your hand and touches your heart.【考点】翻译填空. .

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【分析】一个真正的朋友,是向你伸出援助之手,触动你心灵的人.【解答】答案:reaches 根据题干 A true fr iend____(伸手)for your hand and touches your heart.可知句意为:一个真正的朋友,是向你伸出援助之手,触动你心灵的人.and 连接相同的句子成分,时态应该保持一致.根据 and touches…,可知空白处应该用一般现在时态.主语是 A true fr iend,第三人称单数.reach,伸手,动词.第三人称单数形式 reaches,故填:reaches.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语,句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.本题主要考查 reach,伸手,动词. 79.(1 分) . In my hometown, there was a big old tree  opposite   (在…对面)our school.【考点】翻译填空. .

【分析】在我的家乡,我们学校对面有一棵古老的大树.【解答】答案:opposite 根据题干 In my hometown, there was a big old tree____(在…对面)our school.可知句意为:在我的家乡,我们学校对面有一棵古老的大树.根据题干 there was a big old tree,可知只是说有一棵古老的大树,缺少地点状语.介词+地点,表示在某个地方,作状语.opposite,在…对面,介词.故填:opposite.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语, 句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.本题主要考查 opposite,在…对面,介词. 80.(1 分) . I  believe   (相信) that a bet ter environment can be created in Binzhou and we should worktogether to make i t come true .【考点】翻译填空. .

【分析】我相信滨州可以创建一个更好的环境,我们应该共同努力,让它成为现实.【解答】答案:believe 根据题干 I____(相信) that a bet ter environment can be created in Binzhou and we should work together to make i t come true .可知句意为:我相信滨州可以创建一个更好的环境,我们应该共同努力,让它成为现实.根据句意,可知说的是现在的想法,应该用一般现在时态.believe,相信,动词.主语是 I,故填:believe.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语,句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.本题主要考查 believe,相信,动词. 七、动词应用(共 1小题,计 10 分)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词.81.(10 分) .One day,I took my daughter to the park .As soon as we got there,my daughter (81)  ran   (run) to the swing (秋千)and asked for a push.When I was helping my daughter ,I noticed another gir l t rying to make her own swing (82)  go   (go) high by hersel f.Her old grandmother was

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si t t ing on the chair nearby and smiling at us .Gradually,my daughter (83) was pushed   (push) higher and higher by me.Then I walked towards the l i t t le gir l .I asked if I (84)  could give   (give) a big push to her.She smiled and said“Yes” .For the next hour,I pushed the swings,and played with my daughter and the l i t t le gir l .When we went home,I (85)  was   (be) t i red but very happy.One day two years la ter ,after a day’s work,I went to pick up my daughter before going home.While I (86)  was wait ing   (wait) outside the school gate ,a l i t t le gir l smiled sweetly at me and gave me a big hug .As I watched her (87) running   (run) away,I realized that she was the gir l whom I gave a big push in the park.So far,I (88)  haven’t forgotten   (not forget) her sweet smile and the warm hug that she gave me.In fact, i f we give love to others, love (89)  will f ind   (f ind) i ts way back to us.I t may travel from heart to heart or i t may blossom (开花) in the heart.The love we share, the kindness we (90)  give   (give),and the happiness we create wil l come back to us wi th a pleasant surprise .

【考点】记叙文. .

【分析】本文讲述了一个故事﹣﹣有一天,我带女儿去公园玩,来到秋千架前,女儿想玩秋千,我帮她推秋千.旁边也有个小女孩,她自己一个人玩,没有人给她推.她的奶奶坐在旁边的一张椅子上,笑着看着她玩.我问她需不需要推她一把,她高兴地接受.那一天,我们在公园玩得很开心.两年后,我见到一个女孩,我下班回家,并且准备接我女儿的时候,我发现一个小女孩在学校门口,脸上挂着甜甜的微笑,她过来给了我一个大大的拥抱.我发觉原来是那个我在公园里推她的女孩.我至今不能忘记她甜美的微笑还有温暖的拥抱.从这件事,我明白了爱一直在找“回家”的路,爱是有回报的.【解答】81.ran 本文是讲一件过去的事情,由状语 One day 以及句子中的动词形态可知,因此此处为 run 的过去式,答案为 ran.82.go 此处考查了动词的使动用法,make sb do sth 使某人做某事,故答案为go.83.was pushed 此处需为被动语态,因为结合前文意思,my daughter 是被我推动的,因此为 is pushed,结合语态,全文主要时态为一般过去时,故答案为 was pushed.84.could give 此处需用情态动词 can,表示征求同意,Can I…?而此处为 i f引导的宾语从句,需用陈述句语序,结合时态为一般过去时,因此为 I could give.85.was 结合时态为一般过去时,故为 was.

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86.was wait ing 此处为 while 引导的时间状语从句,在从句中,动词为持续性动词,本句为 wait,因此为 be wait ing,表示正在等,结合时态为一般过去时,故答案为 was wait ing.87.running 考查 watch sb doing sth,表示看见某人正在做某事,故为 running,此处需用注意,running需要双写 n.88.haven' t forgot ten 联系句意,到现在,我也无法忘记她的甜美的微笑以及她给我的温暖的拥抱,说明的是过去的事情对我造成的影响,而且至今仍有影响,因此需用现在完成时.因此答案为 haven' t forgot ten.89.will f ind 此处考查了 i f引导的条件状语从句,主句的时态.在这里, i f引导的条件状语从句为一般现在时,故主句时态为一般将来时,因此答案为 will f ind.90.give 考查时态的辨析.此处是描述现在的观点,故用一般现在时.根据前面的人称 we,可知动词 give 的一般现在时为 give,故答案为 give.【点评】完型填空题的作答需先通读全文,抓住文章大意,运用语法知识,填写正确的词语形态. 八、英汉互译(共 5小题,计 5分)将下列英语句子译成汉语,汉语句子译成英语.91.(1 分) .The most valuable thing is t ime ,rather than money. 最珍贵的是时间,而不是金钱.  .【考点】英译汉. .

【分析】最珍贵的是时间,而不是金钱.【解答】答案:最珍贵的是时间,而不是金钱.主语 the most valuable thing 是最高级的呈现,表示最珍贵的东西, t ime 表示时间,rather than 后引导并列成分,表示而不是,money 金钱,故答案是最珍贵的是时间,而不是金钱.【点评】rather than 表示客观事实,意为“是…而不是…;与其…不如…”.它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等 92.(1 分) .As you set out on your new journey ,you shouldn’t forget where you came from. 当你踏上新的旅程,你不应该忘记你来自何处  .【考点】英译汉. .

【分析】当你踏上新的旅程,你不应该忘记你来自何处.【解答】答案:当你踏上新的旅程,你不应该忘记你来自何处.分析句子得知这是一个主从复合句.as 在这里引导的时间状语从句,表示当…时,主语 you,set out on a journey 表示上路,动身,故 set out on your new journey 表示踏上新的旅程,故从句是当你踏上新的旅程.主句主语 you 你,shouldn' t 表示不应该, forget 忘记,where you came from 作为 forget 的宾语从句,where 哪里,come from 来自,故主句是你不应该忘记你来自何处,故答案是当你踏上新的旅程,你不应该忘记你来自何处.【点评】as 与 when,while 都是引导时间状语从句的从属连词,含义都是“当…的时候“.但它们有区别:用 when 时,从句的动作可以与主句的动作同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作发生;用 while 时,从句的动作为一过程,主句动作与从句动作同时进行或在从句动作过程中发生;用 as 时,主句和从句的动作同时发生,具有延续的含义 

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93.(1 分) .我们应该更多地关注传统文化.(pay at tention to )  We should pay more at tention to tradi t ional culture   .【考点】汉译英. .

【分析】We should pay more at tent ion to tradit ional culture .【解答】答案:We should pay more at tent ion to tradit ional culture .这里是说客观事实用一般现在时,表示应该做某事用 should+动词原形,主语 we,关注 pay at tention to ,更多的加上比较级构成 pay more at tention to , to 是介词,后可直接加上名词 t radit ional culture 传统文化,故答案是 We should pay more at tention to tradit ional cult ure.【点评】pay at tention to 后面可以直接加名词、代词或者动名词,但是值得我们注意的是,这里的 to 是一个介词,并不是能构成动词不定式的,这和 look forward to 是一样的.所以呢,这个词组后面要接动词的话,那麽就要在动词后加 ing 了.我们来看例句:1.We had paid at tention to him .我们已经注意到他了.(接代词)2.They paid at tention to watching the scene .他们注意到了观察现场(接动词+ing) 94.(1 分) .如今一些父母对自己的孩子要求太严厉了.(be too hard on sb .) Now some parents are too hard on their children .  .【考点】汉译英. .

【分析】Now some parents are too hard on their children .【解答】答案:Now some parents are too hard on their children .这里是说客观事实用一般现在时,如今 now,主语 some parents 一些父母,对某人太严厉用 be too hard on sb,主语是复数,故 are,他们的孩子 their children,故答案是 Now some parents are too hard on their children .【点评】hard 有“严厉的,严格的“之意,be hard on someone 是指“严厉地对待某人“,而要某人不要太苛责自己时,就可以说 don' t be so hard on yourself ,意思是“别太自责了“,以此来安慰对方. 95.(1 分) .不要怕犯错,我们可以从错误中学到东西.( learn from)  Don't be afraid of making mistakes , we can learn from them .  .【考点】汉译英. .

【分析】Don't be afraid of making mistakes ,we can learn from them .【解答】答案:Don't be afraid of making mistakes ,we can learn from them .这是说客观事实用一般现在时,表示不要做某事用否定祈使句 don' t+动词原形,害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth ,犯错误 make mistakes(这是泛指故用复数),故 Don't be afraid of making mistakes ,可以用情态动词 can+动词原形,主语we,从…中学习用所给的 learn from…,用 them 替代 mistakes,故答案是 Don't be afraid of making mistakes,we can learn from them .【点评】 learn from 的基本含义从…中学习;向…学习:例句:We should learn from experienced teachers .我们应该向有经验的教师学习.从…得到教益;从…吸取教训:例句: to learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones 惩前毖后 

Page 25:  · Web view2016年山东省滨州市中考英语试卷. 参考答案与试题解析 一、听力选择(共. 5.

九、书面表达(共 1题,计 15 分)96.(15 分) .下面是《小艾,爸爸特别特别想你》这本书的两幅插图.图中描绘了父亲陪伴小艾成 长的童年片段.父亲快到了,请结合自己的经历,以“爸爸,我想对你说…”开头,写一 篇英语短文,以表达对父亲的爱与感激之情.要求:1.文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名;2.语句通顺,结构合理,书写规范;3.词数:80 词左右.短文开头部分己给出,不计入总词数.

Dad,I want to say to you .  In the past few years , you have done a lot for me . We spent much happy t ime together . With your great care , I grow heal thi ly and happily . I remember when I was i l l , you took me to the hospital immediately and took good care of me without a rest during the whole night . I remember you often took me somewhere interest ing and bought the delic ious food for me . I remember when I got good grades , you were always smiling… But now , you’re gett ing older and older . So I want to say : Please have a good rest and relax . Thank you for your love . I love you forever .  .【考点】图画作文. .

【分析】本题主要是一篇图画作文.是一篇表达对父亲的爱与感激之情的作文.首先要弄清楚图画提供的信息,然后适当发挥自己的想象力和创造力,来完成这篇文章.1.人称:题目可知,写作时用第一人称.2.时态:回忆往事,一般过去时态为主;现在想要说的话,以一般现在时态为主.3.内容要点:回忆往事(根据图画提示,看适当发挥.);感恩父爱.4.主要短语:take care of 关心,爱护;take sb to+地点,带某人去某地;get good grades 取得好成绩;have a good rest 好好休息;高分句型:1.I remember you often took me somewhere interest ing and bought the delic ious food for me .我记得您经常带我到有趣的地方,给我买美味的食物.

Page 26:  · Web view2016年山东省滨州市中考英语试卷. 参考答案与试题解析 一、听力选择(共. 5.

这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句.主句:I remember;宾语从句:you often took me somewhere interest ing and bought the delicious food for me .2.You’re gett ing older and older .您越来年纪越大了.同一词的比较级,用 and 连接,表示越来越…例如:hotter and hotter 越来越热.【解答】参考范文:Dad,I want to say to you .(开篇点题)In the past few years,you have done a lot for me.We spent much happy t ime together.With your great care,I grow healthily and happily .I remember when I was i l l,you took me to the hospital immediately and took good care of me without a rest during the whole night .【高分句型一】I remember you often took me somewhere interest ing and bought the delicious food for me .I remember when I got good grades ,you were always smiling… .(回忆往事)【高分句型二】But now,you’re gett ing older and older .So I want to say:Please have a good rest and relax .Thank you for your love .I love you forever.(感恩父爱)【点评】 本题主要考查图画作文.写此类题目的作文,首先审题:要读懂画面内容和所表达的含义,抓住要点,注意文体,以及写作的人称和时态.然后读图列提纲:抓住文章的中心,根据图画信息,列出提纲.然后根据内容,考虑所要选用的单词,短语,句型.最后再修改,润色全文.