Fight For Your Right For Equality

Citizenship and Inequality Sharlene Tauia 17354875 Week 9 Overview Week 10 Migration Week 11 Gender & Sexuality

Transcript of Fight For Your Right For Equality

Page 1: Fight For Your Right For Equality

Citizenship and Inequality

Sharlene Tauia 17354875 Week 9 Overview

Week 10 Migration Week 11 Gender & Sexuality

Page 2: Fight For Your Right For Equality

“Human rights... do not belong to human beings; this assists us to create who

and how one becomes human” Costas Douzinas (2009).

In this notion of citizenship in Australia, it is seen as an entitlement to identity

and rights to the protection of individual freedoms, political voting and mate

ship for a ‘fair go.’ However, to understand the key concepts that bind them

together carries with it unwanted frameworks that have been shaped and

embedded from the myth of a classless society Hage, G. (2003). The

displacement and dispossession which had Aboriginal people segregated and

lost within a system referred to as White Australia Hage, G. (2003). The

theoretical frameworks of power have liberal, pluralist, Marshallian, and Marxist

theories, that have highlighted the ever-present inequality since the French

revolution Nash, K. (2007). This National sovereignty model implemented has

presently restricted citizens in endless circumstances, economically, politically

and socially by both objective criteria and subjective experience Arvanitakis, J.


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Aborigines have been subjected to years of inequality from 1788 with the

British invasion, isolated through assimilation policies, discriminated through

the white policy subjected to remote then lost through the stolen generation.

This has highlighted multi-dimensional inequalities related to marginal status

in society based on gender, culture, colour, location, health, age, with many

other counts Wilkinson, R & Pickett, K. (2009). In redressing cultural

nationalism the positive concept for Australia is better access to health and

education, gender equality for women – initiatives for more girls to attend

school, more leadership given to women and helping the unemployed

Wilkinson, R & Pickett, K. (2009). The Australian government within a

shrinking society need to play an active role for a vision of a better world and

the sense of ‘hope’ Hage, G. (2003).

Image 6

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In analysing the theories that have influenced how past and present

governments have integrated their decisions have constructed a rigid and a

facade of unchangeable distinctions on multicultural citizenship Nash, K. (2007).

These cultural and social constraints have been seen as problematic that as

individuals face multiple challenges as Gilroy refers to as ’ethnic absolutism’

(Gilroy, 1993). The twentieth century has developed a nation of fear where even

Australia day interpreted to many as a celebration or remberance day, to others

a day of invasion and sadness. Since 1950s and 1960s the vision of equality

bring constant protests, struggles and extensive power wars amongst the

powers that be. Finally, the conepts of citizenship and inequality need to change

with the ’no one left behind’ concept recognising that Australian ’Fair Go’ and

mate ship Wilkinson, R & Pickett, K. (2009).

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Wk 9 Inequalities Overview in Australia

References Arvanitakis, J. (2009) Contemporary Society. Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Gilroy, (1993) Hage, G. (2003), Against Paranoid Nationalism: Searching for hope in a Shrinking Society, Pluto Press, Sydney. Nash, K. (2007) ‘Citizenship’, Contemporary Political Sociology: Globalisation, Politics, and Power. London: Wiley Wilkinson, R & Pickett, K. (2009). The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better. Allen Lane/The Penguin Press, 2009.

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Reference on Free Images from Google free for Wk 9, 10, 11 Journals Image 1 Map of Australias Freedom, Multiculralism, Fair Go, Mateship

Image 2 Aboriginals on the land they referred to as ‘Terra Nullius’

Image 3 White Australia Policy

Image 4 The British arrive shores of Aboriginal land now called Australia 1788 Image 5 The inequalities and discrimination Image 6 Stolen generation images

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Reference on Free Images from Google free for Wk 9, 10, 11 Journals Image 7 Australia Day – Respresents WHAT Image 8 Vote, Australia towards an equal and free land of opportunities Yes Aborigines Image 9 Hands of a multicultural Australia Image 10 Discrimination towards immigrants within the testing room Image 11 Figures shown in 2013 on migrants into Australia Image 12 Figures on the emerging Asian nation to Australia

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Wk 10 Citizenship & Inequality Migration

Sorry, when we said “we require you to speak English we meant only


Connecting from the citizenship overview to the concept of ‘no one left

behind’. The need to design goals and basic economic opportunities that

focus on reaching excluded groups. (image 11) For example track progress at

all levels of income, and provide social protection to help citizens develop

resilience to life’s fears Cesarani, D. & Fulbrook, M. (1996). The Australian

representative democratic model through migration has been the central

topic of debate. In 1901, the Immigration Act that clearly discriminated

against Non Europeans and Asians with illegal immigration and asylum

seekers threatening border controls. It has acknowledged UK, NZ, China and

India migrants numbers are steady since 2013.(Image 11)

Image 10 Migrant tests Is this discrimination?

Image 11 Migrant numbers to Australia 2013

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The underlying reality in this 21st Century, is that the Australian

government have become dependent on emerging trade with the ‘Asian

nation’, within the context Marixism theory of capitalism has had

Australia embrace multiculturalism with the abolishment of the

Immigration Act in 19th Century. (Image 12). Nash, K (2007) p178.

Both economics and sociology while each recognizes capitalism have

seen global processes depict the country. For example Gina Rinehart

29th richest person in the world having ‘Capitalism Bargaining Power’

negotiate with government an ‘Enterprise Migration Agreements’ in

allowing foreign workers to work in Australia, at a low rate of pay to

work at the Roy Hill Iron Ore project (Image13). These Neo liberal

ideologies, have resulted in Australia taking measures to incorporate a

globalised and racialized legal policy to combat illegal immigration that

has highlighted and exposed the exploitation on asylum seekers,

refugees, citizens, and workers in Australia. Nash, K (2007) p179.

Image 12 Asian nation influence on Trades with Australia

Image 13 Coal & Gas Mines in Australia

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These controls were detention camps, deprivation of political rights,

inhuman exploitation of labor and excluded migrants from citizenship

entitlements. Nash, K (2007)p181.

In analyzing the disparities in citizenship through migration has

highlighted income-based inequalities together with social equity

targets to be redressed. Image 14 The need is for strengthened set of

targets and indicators for a more equitable system for example, in a

wage share of GDP, access to decent work, human development

outcomes and the elimination of multiple forms of discrimination

relating to poverty and inequalities Image 15 Wilkinson, R & Pickett,

K. (2009). Finally, it is important to emphasise that the actions taken

by government have been the fear and the threatening component of

skilled and unskilled migrants arriving taking work from natural

citizens. These methods adopted included key characteristics, which

have played a central role in inequalities. These actions need to be

readdressed for inclusive and effective participation in such social

accountability mechanisms. Image 15

Image 14 An equitable system,

Image 15 the unified picture of Australia free from Inequalities

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Wk 10 Citizenship & Inequality II: Migration in Australia

References Cesarani, D & Fulbrook, M (1996) , Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe. London: Routledge. Nash, K. (2007) ‘Citizenship’, Contemporary Political Sociology: Globalisation, Politics, and Power. London: Wiley Wilkinson, R & Pickett, K. (2009). The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better. Allen Lane/The Penguin Press, 2009.

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Reference on Free Images from Google free for Wk 10, & 11 Journals Image 10 Discrimination towards immigrants within the testing room Image 11 Figures shown in 2013 on migrants into Australia Image 12 Figures on the emerging Asian nation to Australia Image 13 Coal and gas Mines around Australia Image 14 Capital, & Income, Liberal, Authotarian Image 15 Future to a peaceful and multicultural Australia

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Week 11 Citizenship and inequalities Gender and sexuality

“Liking your body can be a revolutionary act” Jessica Valenti Up the revolution! | World

news | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Week eleven has the recognition of citizenship components linking gender and sexuality

will have us analyse the concept of promoting gender equality to empower citizens and

acknowledge the inequalities that have been embedded in the structure and operation

universally that need to be redressed. Gender and sexuality is a range of behavioural,

biological, mental and physical characteristics relevant to, and giving balance to the

differentiation between feminism and masculinity Power, N. (2009). In the context of

gender and sexuality through the complexities of social norms highlighted citizenship

inequalities that recognise, outline, and have exploited citizens identity and roles within

Australia Arvanatakis (2009) p72-81.

Image 16 free from Inequalities

Image 17 Promoting Equality in Australia from Inequalities

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Dominant political and socio-economic ideologies reinforce multiple inequalities that in turn

marginalize and often group typecast various forms of violence and discrimination. Common

examples are the forms of the denial to marginalized women, ( ie Aboriginal and indigenous),

gender-based violence and young people accessing services for the recognition of their reproductive

and sexual health and rights Nash, K. (2007). The frameworks in Australia have guided and combined

action in the community which discuss implications and demonstrations for organized activist

experience and, innovation for activist groups. The outcome have changed attitudes to women,

their places in society, associations by sexuality and the evolution to a global outlook on feminism

and gay, lesbian, biosexual and transgender (LGBT) ‘queer theory’ rights Collins, P.H. (2000). Collins

theory and the use of "Marxist feminist" approach applies her intersectional ideology referred to as

the ‘family and work connection with black women's poverty ‘Collins, P. (2000). It demonstrates the

experience through the lens of a coloured person the actual disadvantages in the labour market,

consumer racism, and gender hierarchies that in turn influences the overall patterns that have driven

the inequalities that still currently exist. In public discussion, political actors and ideological positions

have seen the welfare state not as part of the solution to social problems, but as part of the

problem, have gained influence. Governments in power have openly committed themselves to a

smaller, less bureaucratic and less expensive welfare state investment Nash, K. (2007).

Image 18 Marxism chalenge the system from inequalities

Image 19 International Women's Day

Page 15: Fight For Your Right For Equality

Intersecting these systems of oppression are arranged through four interrelated domains

of power; disciplinary, hegemonic, interpersonal and structural with parameters that

assign power relations Collins, P.H. (1998). It is important with both theorise social

movements and to the reasoning behind the move, class struggles tend to be central

though reflective of the change in the nature of society and emergence of globalisation it

is based on a multitude of citizens shared voices for equality in identity, interests and

demands (includes human and civil rights, democracy, liberation and social justice)

Arvanitakis, J. (2009). In India demonstrates the start to what can change views linking

the acceptance of LGBT and feminism ideals to a strong male dominated country

captured the broader social norms within communities Crenshaw, Kimberlé W. (1991).

We end with the insights that dominations and inequalities are dynamic and complex

however, the overall consensus is to have gender and sexuality inequality concerns taken

to a National level via movements and forums that gains political and social recognition

for recommendations to improving our democratic system and the rights at all levels

Collins, P. (2000).

Image 20 Challenge the system

Image 21 Feminist lets be counted

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Wk 11 Citizenship & Inequality III: Gender & Sexuality in Australia References Up the revolution! | World news | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved from Quote: Book: Arvanitakis, J. (2009) Contemporary Society. Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Gilroy, (1993) Crenshaw, Kimberlé W. (1991). Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color, Stanford Law Review, Vol. 43, No. 6., pp. 1241–1299. Collins, P.H. (2000). Gender, Black Feminism, and Black Political Economy. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 568. 41–53. Collins, P.H. (1986). Learning From the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought. Social Problems, 33 (6). S14–S32. Collins, P.H. (1998). The tie that binds: race, gender, and US violence. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 21 (5). Nash, K. (2007) ‘Citizenship’, Contemporary Political Sociology: Globalisation, Politics, and Power. London: Wiley Wilkinson, R & Pickett, K. (2009). The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better. Allen Lane/The Penguin Press, 2009.

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Reference on Free Images from Google free for Wk 11 Journals Image 16 Bodies a revoluntion to equality Image 17 Capital, & Income, Liberal, Authotarian Image 18 Australia

Image 19 Discrimination Image 20 Image 21