From Mines and Oil Fields JAMES WYNKOOP MINING AND OIL UNION FAVORED J. F. Lucey. Head of Supply Firm, Gives Interview on Join- ing Congress BE WING OF NATIONAL BODY Representatives in Washington to Look After Interests of Both Operators .1. F. Lucey, head of the oil supply ' house of this city of the .same name, has among others been intervi on the part of the American Mining congress representatives with a view curing opinions of oil men con- cerning the proposed organization of the oil men as a win.!.' of the mining find coal operators' national body. So far all interviews secured are entire- ly in favor of the proposed union. Mr. Lucey's interview as given out by the American Mining congress of- ffcers is as follows: WHAT L.TJCEY SATS "T notice that many papers have printed considerable matter on the proposed merging of the oil men of j California with the American Mining I congress by the creation of an oil branch or wing of that congress and I want to say that I approve it fully. To my mind this is the only logical thing the oil men of California can da, if they really want a militant or- ganizatiop to represent them in Wash- ington during the sessions of congress. "As n separate organization they would not be strong numerically and the burden of keeping a lobbying com- mittee in Washington to watch Uieir interests would be too heavy a burden on the oil men of the state. By coming into the American Mining congress In their full numbers, all they would have to do thereafter would be to pay their annual dues in that organization and through that body initiate and work for the protective legislation that the oil interests require find must have. TIFE PICKETT BILL "The Pickett bill was almost through congress before the oil men became sufficiently aroused to hurry a delegation to Washington to gain a hearing. This is the very best proof, in my opinion, why they should be j constantly represented in Washington by a lobby that is regularly maintained there to,watch legislation. "The American Mining congress has proven that it can secure beneficial legislation by securing the pa.ssage of a bureau of mines bill at the current session and the law creating this bu- reau would only have to be amended slightly at the next session of con- gress to be made to extend to and In- clude tlie oil industries, thus giving them actual federal representation through a. United States official, "I understand that the effort will be made to make the head of this bureau a cabinet officer, in which case the oil men would benefit just that much more. "I believe, therefore, it fs bettor to ask for this help and co-operation through the same organization, of which both the mining- and oil men are members, and do it at the same sitting of the American Mining- con- press, -when oil men can be present and take a pnrt in the debates and discussions, than to attempt to do it by ft detached organization, trying- to -work throiißh a small and far less In- fluential committee. "It is my understanding that a sc- ries of meeting's will be held at differ- ent points in the San Joaquin valley during next month, which will be at- tended by the oil men of these dis- trict?, and if I can postsbly be a mem- Tier of the party that goes from I^os Angeles to attend these meetings i shall certtalnly be there to ppeak in fa- vor of the idea, as I think this is really more or an opportunity for the oil men than for the mining- men. They have their organizations: we have none, and if wo can «o in with them and share in their destinies and benefits, then we should be eager to do so." THIRST-CRAZED MINER IS FOUND ON DESERT PHOEXJX, Juno 15. —Stark mad from exposure to the relentless, beating rays of the sun upon the desert south of town, an aged prospector, unidentified as yet, was picked up Sunday by two Mexicans driving to Phoenix anil brought to the police station. How long tiie man had been without Is only a matter of conjecture, but his condition at the tiiti" lie was found was fiich as to warrant the belief that had he not been found death must have closed his eyes forever in an- other hour. His body was warm as the sand upon which he was lying and nearly as dry, and his tonwrue swollen and protrud- ing. Ho was murmuring Incoherent phrases when In- was picked up. It seemed almost like an irony of fate that the aged man had been able to nearly n the river where awaited life sustaining draughts and had been When ho was brought to the police station the officers there sent a hurry call for Dr. Tafel. When the phy- sician arrived he found tlip man sip- ping water drop by drop, but still un- able to speak coherently or even give his name. Then! was nothing in bis pockets giving the least clue to his identity. lie had two or three crack- era which he seemed to have teen saving against the time when starva- tion was staring him in the face. It is believed he will recover. FIVE WELLS NEAR GUSHER Five wells are being drilled near the Lake View by the Union. The Lake Vli w is far ahead nf any well in the history of the oil Industry in this country in total j>r . i daily production of well, on the west coast of Mexico, was greater, but all of the output of that famous well was burned, the stream of oil catching fire from a boiler furnace immediately after ;< first shot from the ground, and continuing to burn until the well began sending uj> an Immense volume of salt wal PRICES OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKETS <«> NEW YORK, .June J5.-r.end—Spot «\u25a0 <$> Blcudy, $4.4004.50. ,•, ... Copper —Weak; standard spot, $11.05 12.20; Jlll.T [email protected]|. <?, <?. Silver, 03 8-8. <v CONSOLIDATION MINES PICK RICH PROPERTIES Los Angeles Men Perfect Final Plans for Developing 2800 Acres Near Bouse Following the success of the Clara Consolidated Mines company of Swan- sea, Yuma county, Ariz., \u25a0which has re- cently blown in its smelter, conies an- other winner in the form of the Con- solidation Copper Mines, backed by Thomas ,T. Carrigan and associates of Los Angeles, which have taken over about a dozen individual properties and assembled them under one owner- ship and management. Held in weak hands before acquired by the Consoli- dation, these properties could not be profitably developed, although known for years to bo of great value. In an announcement folder issued yesterday by E. F. Hutton & Co., Los Angeles, New York and elsewhere, the qualities and possibilities of the proper- ties acquired by the Consolidation are | described. A tact that was not over- looked Is that Arizona has always pro- duced copper at lower cost than any other locality, because of the peculiar character or the ores and the ease with which they are mined and treated. The total holdings of the company amount to 140 claims, or 2SOO acres. The best known mine in the Cienega, says the announcement, is the Clara Consolidated, which has just completed a 750-ton smelter, with all attendant equipment. Associated with^Mr. carrl- gan in effecting the assemblage of the Consolidation Mines -was E. S. Osborne, a well known Arizonan, one of the own- ers of several groups which made up this consolidation. When these two men threw their means and energy into this region it was as inaccessible as the heart of Central Africa. Long and weary hauls over waterless deserts, hazardous voyages down torrential and treacherous streams, were the only means of communication. RAILROAD SHORTENS ROUTE Until May 15, 1910, these properties could be reached only by the most cir- cuitous routes. From Los Angeles it was necessary to go either by way of the Southern Pacific to Phoenix, thence to Wlckenburg, or to go by the Santa Fo to Ash Fork, thence south to Wick- enburg, thence over the Arizona & Cali- fornia to Bouse. But with the comple- tion of the Santa Fe's Parker cut off it is possible to leave Los Angeles at 8 o'clock in the evening and be at head- quarters camp of the Consolidation Mines for breakfast the next morning. This has materially reduced the cost of handling machinery and supplies on the company's ground. The interests affiliated with the Clara Consolidated have built a thoroughly equipped railroad from Bouse to that property, bringing rail transportation within thre miles of the property of the Consolidation Copper Mines. As the Parker cut off will soon become the main trunk .of the Santa Fe for its southwestern business, it will bring the great mineral section, the best farming land and the largest towns within easy distance of their natural markets. Approximately $150,000 has been spent by the present owners of the Consolida- tion Mines and the former owners in development of the several properties merged. This development consists chiefly of prospect shafts, the deepest of which is 165 feet. The most spec- tacular development is on the Hotten- tot group, where shipping ore of high grade has been taken out. The present company is devoting its greatest energy to work on the Revenue group, located about the center of the entire property, where excellent results are being obtained. The Revenue group is equipped with power hoist, good camp, boarding house, tool house, bunk house and corrals.^ CHANCE IN CONTRACTS REACTS ON COALINGA COALINGA, June 15.—Coalinga is passing through the conditions ex- pi i ted when the change of contract was made from the Associated to the Producers. The future, with the old contracts and its tendency to down the price of oil, was not encouraging. The change had to come to the position of marketing our own oil, but it had with it the influence of low priced contracts held by the sales agents, the Union Oil company, that would affect the net price to be received by the producer, with a low price for the early oil de- Hverles. . s- The shaping of so large a business, even in the hands of competent men, takes time to get all the machinery and all the avenues of trade in line of per- fect harmony. The situation os fast improving, 1 lie old contracts are run- ning out, and the new contracts at a better price are beginning to take oil. The broadening of the market under the generalship of L. P. St. Clalr and his associates has reached the far north, is seeking the trade of the great mining districts of Arizona and New Mexico, has crossed the Isthmus of Panama to invade the Atlantic with a superior fuel for his greyhound liners. The Independent Producers today controls about 90 per cent of the inde- pendent oil in California, which means that with the growing market and de- mand will come better prices to the producers. There are many evidences of increased demand for fuel oil. Take the re] orti I action of the Amer- ican Petroleum and the American Oil- flelds, aftei a contra I for their oil for three j ears al 30 \u25a0 nts a 1 arrel had been made, when the present market admitted of only 42 ents to the Inde- pendent, they were later quoted as hav- ing made an offer of $50,000 to be re- leased from this very favorable con- I i id But one solution for their notion, tlie other marketing- concerns have in- creased their territory and need oil to complete, contracts n The Standard, with a superior system, worldwide, has been a< tlve In the market, is reaching for future delivery of the refined oil. The Southern Pacific has demonstrated the superiority of liquid fuel over coal in the great freight engines now being used over t!i" h grades, which are Impossible with coai The Associated OH has reached be- yond the confines of this great si ite for a market, and will need .rude oil t<> fill orders for fuel. With these four marketing concerns in the field seeking new customers, with trained men in every avenue of their business, menus a broadening of the industry great' than the layman can understand. Tli" year 1910 will be a history making pi rind in this great industry, with the elements of chance greatly modified, drawn down to a. .solid basis, with the future and its great possibilities brighter than In any year of the oil business on this cous' SAN FRANCISCO MINT WILL COIN ONLY GOLD W XSIIJNGTON, June IS.—All r«lna K <> of gold will be in 111* Sun Francisco mint, and all Hllver will be coined sit Denver hereafter, according; to an order of Secretary of the Treasury MncVeas;h. Tills nii-uii* <hat only pennies and nick- els will be coined In the Philadelphia mint and, when enough are in crru'a- ton, (lie eastern mint will he Idle. Secre- tary MacVeagh says gold can be coined cheaper In San Francisco it only coined lhere and nowhere else. MINING QUOTATIONS Exclusive dispatch to The Herald by 1* A. Crialer .<: Co.. members of Los Angeles stock exchange, 200-2QI I. W. llellman building, ' Ltos Angeles. SAN FRANCISCO, June 15.— Consolidated was the one hard spot in the Goldfleld list during today's session on Bush street, and at the close showed a gain of 2Vi points over yesterday's figures. It Is the consensus of opinion among well informed brokers that this issue will now cross the $9 mark. I Yesterday's prices in the Topopah list were not well maintained. Belmont sold off 10 points to 53.75, Ji": Butler dropped 1 Rid Mid- : way 1. West End was active during the early ca.i and advanced several points, but before the close dropped back to 59 cents. The mines of this district shipped a total of ! 7017 tons of ore, of an estimated value of I 1175,425, to the mills during the last week. Following were the closing Quotations; GOI.DFIELD DISTRICT Bid. Ask. | Bid. Ask. Adams 1 |I r Moh 2 4 Atlanta 11 12 Gold Con ....892>4 BS7ft Booth 15 Hi Kewanas 6 7 B B Kxten.. .. 1 3reat Bend.. 3 4 Blue Bull .. 4 6 :;".t Bend An. .. 1 IBlue Bell ..1 2 Grandma 2 13 B Bon » | Tumbo Ex ... 19 21 -..I Mtn 7 Kendall 3 Conqueror ..1 2 Lone Star ... 2 3 Comb Frac 49 M Lou Dillon .. .. 2 Crackerjack. 1 2 Oro " S Daisy G 7 Rod Top Ex. 1 2 Triangle 1 Red Hills ... 3 4 D 13 B Con. .. 1* Sandstorm .... 4 Dixie 1 Bt Ives 12 Empire 1 Sliver Pick.. 6 8 Florence 217". 250 Fellow Rose.. .. 4 dor Ex 1 fellow Tlsr»r. 5 TONOPAH DISTRICT Bid. Ask. I Bid. Ask. Belmont ....375 877% North Star ..6 8 Jim Butler., 2S 29 Reg Con 5 6 Midway .... 2'> 29 Ton Mining..Bßo Montana .... 98 !'7 Tonopah Ex.. S5 99 MacNamara. 2S 29 f(V.«t End Con 59 60 BULLFROG DISTRICT Bid, Ask. I Bid. Ask. Amethyst 1 Montfrm Mtn. .. 1 nullfrog Mln .. 2 Mnyflow Con. 3 4 Bullfre N 8.. "- Tramp Con ..4 Bonnie Clam (i 8 Val View . 2 MANHATTAN DISTRICT 81. Ask.l Bid.Ask. Little Grey.. 1 2 Mustang 1 3 Man Con ... 3 5 ?eyl Humph. .. 1 Man Mln 1 Thanksgiving. 3 Man Dexter. 4 5 OTHER DISTRICTS BM. A k ' Bid. Ask. Nest 3 5 Irttts Silv rit fis F'vlew Eagl 5" .. Round Mtn... 4+ 45 Nev Hills ..105 .. poalltion ....23 BOSTON MINING STOCKS Special server" to The Hemld by J. C. Wll- scn, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. BOSTON, June 15.— technical position of the local market is good and the feeling is l much more optimistic, although the quotations do not show it. North Lake was the only specialty to show activity today, and its ad- vance was due to the filling of a fair sized buying order and had no effect on the rest of the. list. Closing quotations follow: Bid. Ask. | BM. Ask. Am Pneu .. 6Vi 6 Michigan ... 4U -I 3* do pfd .... 16T& 37 Mohawk .. .. 47 4!> Adventure .. 5% Sii Xcv Con 19% Allouez .. .. 3S 89 North Butte. 25% 26 Atlantic ... Ci "Hold Dominion 29Vi 30 Arcadian ... V i 5 i is. cola 130" Aria Com ... \u25a0"' ! Parrot 13ti 14 Apex 3 3% Quincy 70 72 Boston Con. 13 20 Santa Fe ... 14 li Calu & Art/ 52 63 Shannon —10 10".i Calu & Hec.r>."2 655 Shoe Mach... 66 65Vi Centennial .. 16 17 do pfd 25"4 29 Cons Mercur .. 11 Pup Copper.. 4m 42 Con Range.. 60 61 Sup and Bos 9H 10 Corbln l-'i 13 Sup and Pitt 10% 11 Daly West.. 8 8% Swift 103% 104% East Butte.. 7'-i 8 I Tamarack ... 4'i 47 Elm River .. 1 Ii! Trinity 5% ,6 Franklin ... 11 UHlrjnlted Fruit.l9l 193 Granby .. .. 38 40 V S Smelt .. nr"4 40 Greene Can. 7% "a do rfd 48% 4H Hancock ... 17 IS Utah Con ... £1 21% tsle Royals. 16*4 IVi Victoria 314 4 Keewenaw .. "'4 414|Winona .... 7 "!>i Lake '. HO BOH Wolverine ..110 114 I.a Salle ....11 HM.- vVyanrlot .... 1; 2 Mass Copper 7>i 7% Mass Gas ... 82% S3 Mayflower •• BO 76 I do pfd 01 1)2 Men Con .... £5 100 North Lake.. IMS 11% Miami 10V6 -(1 Indiana .. .. 1«H 17 NEW YORK CURB Ppe.clal service to The Herald by .T. C. 'Wil- son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. NEW YORK, June 16.—Following were th cl :nr quotations: Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Amer Tot> ..423 426 Mason Val .. 714 ~Va H S Gas .... 014 OH Miami 19% 20 Chicago Sub. 2 216 Mns of Amer 66 66 Hay Ton .... 4 6 Nevada Utah 0% 0% Stand oil ..610 620 N'iplssing .... 11% lisj Ons Btmp R1" 21 Ohio 2 214 Copton Con.. 15 20 Rawhde Coal 224 23 Butte Coal'n IS'4 10 Say Central. 2% 2«. Davis Daly. l*/4 1% Ray Con .... ir,% 16'f, Dolores .. .. Vi G&South rtnh.. 1% 1% Ely Central. 1H l«.4lCJnited Cop.. 6V4 6 Ely Con .... "'a 0%l Yukon 4*f, 4'i Oldfleld Con. R7a 9V4 Qlla r.' 5»4 Ore.-ne Can. " i 7«4 Chlno 11 Ilt£ niroux fi 7 fnn Ariz .... 176 2 (naplrnl .. 7H T":'K.-y=tn n e .... VI, 33i Kerr Tjike .. s<4 *< !E1 Rayo 4V t 4% La Rofo .... 4% 4HI SAN FRANCISCO OIL STOCKS Service to The T.."S Angeles raid by L. A. Crisler & Co., members i.m Angeles stock ex- rhanKe. 200-201 I. W. Hellman building, Los Angeles. PAX FRANCISCO, June 15.—Following were today's quotations on the Pan Francisco stock exchange: Opening— —Closing- Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Associated Oil ... 40.75 80.55 49.50 40.76 Brookshlre 1.90 2.00 . 1,95 2.00 Illinois Crude DO .55 .DO .55 Mascot Oil 2.25 2.25 Monte Cristo .... 3.25 3.45 3.33 3.40 New Pennsyl .... 1.20 1.22 1.22*4 1.27'^ Palmer Oil 1.37% 1.42V4 1.87H 1.40 Pri-mler Oil 1.10 1.12' i 1.12V4 1.17% Silver Til 2. 80 2.55 2.50 2.C0 Kales— Bs Associated 60.27".; 100 Blue. Moon .32; 500 California Oil and Gas 1.00; 150 Enos 1.47%; 100 New Pennsylvania 1.50; 100 <lo 1.25; 300 Pacific State* .50; 100 Palmer 1.40; 200 Re- public .40; 300 Silver Tip 2.60. Informal sales— Enoa lAV>b; 200 Silver Tip 2. CO. WINGFIELD IN OIL Q >orge \\'iiuvfieid and j. It. Macken- zie .if the Consolidated .Mines company, Goldfleld, arc said to be largely inter- ested in a movement to organize In San Francisco an oil company which shall have capital stock of a total par The expenditure of about $4,000,000 Immediately and of approximately eventually In the purchase id, development, construction of pipellni ! and buying of steamships is said t< be plai An offer of , for a property in tli" Midway field Is alleged to have been made on behalf of the promoters of the company, and to have been re- s'.. •a. Just in I m tlip des< rt and fi vi i of oil land open to local lon, I am forming association to locate and pui In string of tools. If you want In on a good oil proposition call at 14;t3 - Forty-eighth stn et JUST'WHATS WHAT' IN VOTING CONTEST Some of the Leads Have Been Stationary for Whole Month VOTES HAVE BEEN DROPPING So Real Hustlers Should Take the Tip and Start Some- thing % In spite of the contest man's repeated warnings, to present leaders that their totals are far from safe, there seems to bo no signs of the needed awaken- ing. To make, present conditions abso- lutely plain, the contest man shows to- day just how long various leads have remained stationary. Ho asks all live candidates to read what follows and then decide definitely whether or not this contest offers opportunities to real, wide-awake, up-and-doing people. . NO HOLDING BACK In looking over the list of stationary leads, remember that many vote reduc- tions have occurred since these leads have shown any Increase. This does away once for all with the suggestion that present leaders may be "holding back." To say that this has been done would be to underrate the intelligence of present leaders, because there would be nothing to gain in "holding back" for such a period and with vote re- ductions occurringl every two weeks the loss in votes would be much greater than any benefits which could have been derived, were there any to be derived. NO ADVANCE FOR MONTH The total leading for the $266 double trip to Alaska is 122,559 and has been 122,559 for over a month; the total lead- ing for the $264 double trip to Alaska has been 73,600 for a month, and the same thing applies to the total of 65,- --215, which leads for the $250 CJrapho- nolao. The total leading for the $220 double trip to Mexico City is and has been 31,679 for nearly a month. The total 169,893 leading for the $260 double trip to Honolulu has not shown an in- crease for nearly three weeks. WHAT LEADS KEI'KESENT Now, what does each of these totals represent under the present .vote schedule? The total of 122,559 repre- sents a little less than three yearly clubs and this, remember, is leading, for the $266 double Alaskan trip. The total of 73,660 leading for the $264 double Alaskan trip represents less than throe clubs. The total of 62,215 leading for the $250 Qraphonola repre- sents less than three clubs, as does the total fo 69.159 leading for the $260 double trip to Honolulu. The total of 31,679 which leads for the $220 double trip to Mexico City represents slightly more than one club. The contest man places these things before every reader In fairness to all concerned. Present leaders must real- ize that their totals are far from be- ing safe, and the sooner they realize it the better it will be for them. On the other hand, it is only fair that good, live people who have not become prom- inently identified with this contest to date are told these things that they may act upon the Information. Re- member, The Herald has no favorites and can have no favorites. The prizes are awaiting to be distributed just as the conditions of the contest say they shall be divided, and. In a word, prizes are goingl to be awarded to candidates who get votes. If candidates who now occupy lead- Ing positions continue to remain dor- mant, the only natural result can be renewed activity among new entrants. The inactivity of those who now lead Is the greatest argument which can be presented to candidates or non-candi- dates who have not inaugurated cam- paigns, for their doing so immediately, and the contest man will be frank to say that he Is going to put the case fairly and squarely before every live man, woman and child Interested in this contest. It is up to the leaders i now to hold or lose their leads. BIG SALE OF SEATS FOR STATE SOCIETIES' BANQUET Younger Organizations Promise Full Representation The headquarters of the Federation of State Societies was rushed all day yes- terday with applicants for tickets to the federation banquet at Hamburger's tomorrow night, and purchasers kepi one clerk busy at each of the follow- ing places: The All Night and Day bank. Security Savings bank, Fowler Bros.' bookstore, 543 South Broadway, ami Hamburger's. Last night an espe- cially large sale of tickets was made at the All Night and Day bank. The sale of tickets will close to- night. By special arrangement with Hamburger's cafe this late hour of closing the placing of the tickets has been j>nn Ided for. The banquet man- agers were anxious that everyone who Wished t" attend the mammoth spread sis.mli 1 have the opportunity, and an ex- tension of time was secured. There is much rivalry between the state organizations with regard to the number of representatives that will at- tend the banquet. Each society will have a special table and each Is anxious that Its table be large and that at it there be no empty seats. Strange i , ,>. some of the younger organiza- tions are forging ahead of the old ones in the race. The Alaska society, formed only recently, is unusually en- thusiastic. NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR SUDDENLY DISAPPEARS WASHINGTON, June 15.—Naval Constructor John Calvin Sweeny, jr., hag disappeared. He left the Bremer- ton navy yard, Washington, a week ago last Monday, on the ferryboat bound for Seattle, and nothing has been heard from him since. There is no question :is to his accounts. Constructor Sweeny is a native of Paris, Term. He entered the naval ser- vice in 1901, and hia father is a judge of the first instance In the Philippines. GRAFTER IS FOUND GUILTY BCHENECTADY, N. V., June 15.— A. p. Huffmter, a former supervisor of Schenectady county, and the first man in stand i rial a : \u25a0< result ot tin- i graft Investigation, has been found guilt] by a jury nf presenting fraudu- 1. in billa against the county. The max- imum penalty li Mven yean in prison or a flue of $1000 or both, WORK EXHIBITED BY TRADES SCHOOL Macy Street Students Show Car- pentry, Pottery and Dresses That They Have Made COURSES TO BE INCREASED Boys and Girls from Fifth Grade Up Are Given In- struction Tho new trade school of the Macy street school, the only trade school con- nected with a grammar school In Cali- fornia, opened its Brat exhibit of students' work in Its two departments, carpentry and dressmaking, yesterday afternoon. At tho same time occurred the opening of the annual exhibit of work in pottery and applied design, A remarkable exhibit is thai Of each of these three departments. Pottery has been made in the school for somo time, and applied design has been practiced for several years; conse- ,,,.. nttj something is to be expected from the students in these craft*. The expectations are well met, an.l |he ex- hibit compares favorably with the ex- hibits of lnrgvr and older institutions. On the other hand, the trades school, with branches of dressmaking for the girls and carpentry for the boys, is only five months old, but the Bhowing made is surprising in its extensivoness and quality. LANE'S IDBAS The idea of a trades school was con- ceived by Robert H. Lane, principal of the Macy street school. That It was a good thought is amply proved by the enthusiasm -with which the children took to tho work. Students of the trades school, who number now about twenty, devote their mornings to regular grammar school study. The afternoons are spent In the manual pursuits, the boys study- ing carpentry undor Arthur I- Flick and the sirls studying dressmaking un- der Geraldine Pary. The carpenter shop, which is in full operation everj afternoon, is a busy place. There are no slupprards among the boys enrolled. .11 are thorough- ly in earnest in their ambition to per- fect themselves in the trade. The course consists of joint making, table making truss and bridge work, con- struction of ventilators, brackets, min- iature roof framing and window frames. Cabinet work is done by the more advanced students. All of the boys draw their nun details and work direct from them. Each boy in the class has made a set of five architec- tural drawings since the school opened. DRESSMAKING SCHOOL The work in the dressmaking school is practical. At the beginning of the course wash dresses were made for small girls. Since that time larger wash dresses, party dresses and un- derclothes have been made by the students. The girls fit the dresses on each other. About ten sewing ma- chines are in use in the department. As much interest is manifested here as is seen in the boys' shop. Principal Lane expects to extend the : ope of the work next year. For the joys courses in plumbing and elec- trical wiring will be inaugurated. A number, of other innovations will be made. The work In applied design and pot- tery is under the direction of, Miss West, who has been at the Macy street school for three years. The exhibit embraces the successful efforts of students from the fifth grade up. Sofa cover designs, table mats, bags, cross- stitch work, toy landscapes and many clever pieces of pottery are included in the exhibit. The exhibits will be open again to- day and tomorrow. JURY DETERMINING HARDY MURDER CASE LOCKED UP Following two days' argument in the Hal. E. Hardy murder trial in Judge Willis' court, the case was given to the Jury yesterday afternoon shortly after 5 o'clock. At 10 o'clock there was every Indication that the jury would be out for a long period in deciding the case, and the members were locked up for the night. The trial of Hardy, who is charged with murdering William Moore, a lunch stand proprietor, last fall, by shooting him following his refusal to serve Har- dy with a tamale, has engaged the at- tention of the criminal court for more than a week. The prosecution intro- duced testimony In an effort to prove murder with malice aforethought, whiis the defense claimed Hardy was tem- porarily insane from the continued use of liquor when he dirt the sh«oting. The argument* in the case lasted two full days, and great interest was mani- fested in the trial. BROKERS' CLERK ARRESTED FOR SHORTAGE IN ACCOUNTS SEATTLE, June 15.—C. 11. Holman, former head bookkeeper for a broker- age linn, is under arrest on a warrant charging him with being short In his accounts. Accountants employed to audit Hoi- man's books found, it la claimed, that Holman'a alleged thefts hart extended over a period of a year, and the amount would reach j:uoo. Holman came to Seattle from Green Hay. Wis. BUILDING PERMITS The following permits have been Issued since the last publication of the list and classified according to wards: Permits. Values. First ward 2 % 1,400 Second ward '.' 3 9,060 Third ward 1 900 Fourth ward 4 9,400 Fifth ward 10 9,738 Sixth ward 3 780 Seventh ward 1 1,010 Eighth ward .• 1 - 150 Ninth ward 4 6,400 Totals 29 $37,768 Sierra street, BIS—D. C. Sabell, at lot, own- er; B. F. Yarnell, builder; alterations to resi- dence, $900. Forty-fifth street, 1343, West—T. Sllverthorn, Kansas and Ve,rnon avenues, owner; Btckford & Wilson, builders- alterations to building; 1400. Thirty-first street, 2239, West—C. H. Chester, 21513 West Twenty-ninth place, owner and builder; one-story seven-room residence; $2500. Malvern avenue, 1419—C. H. -Powers, 225 I>aUKhlln avenue, owner and builder; two- story apartment building; $7000. Wilmington—Grant street and Railroad ave- nue: H. Diiirk. 200 South Broadway, owner; Cary .v Wheatley, builder; one-story eight- rocri residence; $000. , Lima street, 4410—Public Library association, 1807 East Twenty-second street, owner; F. .1. Matowskl. builder; one-story, three-room store room; $110. , Sixth street, 600, We»t-H. Weyser, at lot, owner; Jowpb Fretler, builder; altenttlom "f tmlMins; $900. !;.is<lta and Benefit streets—C. E. Morlti, Qraham street, owner; C. H. Hoogenboom, builder; one-story three-ronm residence; $:i'>n. Macy street, 1000 B. .1. Klnchooff, 88 Tui- r ,., itreet, owner; D. B. Trlpp, builder! alb rations ol restdi net; $300. Manhattan place, 981— J. E. Haßlf>y, at lot, owner: J. S. Brokaw, builder; l',i-»tnry 2- room garage; $400. » Second avenue, 3479— C. W. Davis, at lot, owner; Q. W, Nuko, builder; additions to resi- denoe; $200. Blxty-seeond street, 613 W»«t—Elisabeth Smith, 1343 Wlnfleld street, owner; P. .1. r ft f'o., builders; one-story five-room residence; $1500. Fifty-fifth street, 318 West—N. O, Nelson, 23!1'.j West Fifty-third street, owner and builder; one-story six-room residence; $lr.iui. Barton and Ellentro avenue*—DWlght Brooks, M2 West Sixth street, owner; P. J. Leaver & Co., builders; one-story five-room residence; $1700. Fifty-second street, 1147 West—Ray Robhins, 107 South Broadway, owner; P. .1. Leaver & Co., builders; one-story six-room residence; $1«R. Uateo street, 85—Union Oil company. S"- curlty building, owner and builder; one-story two-room residence; $1000. Trinity street, 3420—Mrs. E. D. Cale, 1(13 South Union avenue, owner; P. .7. Leaver, & Co., builders; one-story three-room residence Seventy-seventh street, 4nr, West—lira. Jay Hardy, at lot. owner and Wilder; one-story four-room residence; $600. Brighton avpnuo, 8807—Q. B. Btephenson. at lot, owner: W. D. Clark, builder, alteration* to n \u25a0Idence, Si"' 1). Francis avenue, 87M— W, H. Gilbert. 080 West Eighteenth street, owner and builder; two-ltory eight-room reHidenc", $3000. Avenue 21, 333 South—*. R. Collins. Pasa- dena street, owner; W. J. Carroll, builder; <. ti < \u25a0 tory residence, WOO. San Pedro street, 181-SR North—Goldsmith brothers, owners; C. B. Blodgett, builder; alterations to building, $l^o. Seventy-first street, BSE West- Amelia Amt- den, 881 West Beventy-flrsl street, owner; one-story four-room residence, %-',<W). Dorcheßt-r avenue, 2874 11. 11. Taft, 217 Bouth Wilcoj avenue, Hollywood, owner and builder; two-story twelve-room residence. 18000. Twenty-second street, i"4i WestD»vld w. Sidney, 1823 West Twenty-fourth street, own- er and builder; one-story live-room residence, $i.".on. Orme avenue. IMS—W. B. Thompson. 10W CaitlUloi Htret, owner; Frank Hoffman, liulld- er; one-atory four-room residence. $1000. Boto street, W South—Mrs. Hattle I. Fer- (uson, 810 South Boto street, owner; H. B. & II (i Beer, builders; one-story four-room residence, $2SOO. Pennsylvania avenue, 1633-.Tohn Meyer, t™ North Boyle avanue, owner; H. B, * H. <",. Beer, builders; one-atory soven-room residence, 13800 Sun Pedro, ssr, West sixth stroet Han Pe- dro foundry, Han Pedro, owner and builder; one-story alteration to foundry building. $150. Fifty-second street, l. r.63 Kast—Jessln D, Nichols, at lot, owner and builder; addition to residence, $165. LOS ANGELES ftERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, I.HO. 6 -. 'jj> Do You Feel This Way? .jgr^j'^l—L^lfflHr think y°u iust cant work nwayat your pro* Z^'aifflWlSßy^ sion or trade any longer? Do you huve a poor ape- /^WiSSr^TOS^ tite> "nd lay '"•'ie at nifilits unuble to sleep? Are iS^iislitt \ lt.l your nerves all ({one, and your stomach too ? Has am- <S£p^gOsf§ \ \\ bitioa to forge ahead in the world left you? If so, you fiS3 ) to might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it it JS-JH" \_JI you will. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery will i-71 make you \u25a0 different individual. It will set your lazy liver i£s*Tl (I M to work. It will set things right in your stomach, and Hrafljf 3 A your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood. *4pC2l I If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption, "Br I it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con- * ' sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, if will bring •bout cure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. fierce, of Buffalo, N. V., whose advice is given fret to all who wish to write him. Ha great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice. Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi- tutes for Dr. Pierce* medicines, recommended to be "just as good. ur. Pierce'i medicine* are op known composition. Their every ingredient Printed on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit- forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. 1 - I^NGSIJREofvourACCQMFiOpAT.'ONS IN preparing for a journey the tele- phone performs a great variety of services. Reservations are made, last t directions are given, good-byes are said, over the wire. The Long Distance Service of the Bell System is of special value to the traveler. Sometimes the Bell Tel- ephone makes a trip unnecessary: sometimes it convinces him that a trip would be profitable. Wherever he goes, he feels the need of universal service^ and that is Bell Service. The Pacific Telephone and /^£\ #The Pacific Telephone and fllpj Telegraph Co. u<^p.3 N^~^^ Every Bell Telephone Is Hie Center of the B|rstat>. l/ BIW_ ht-ctmum' —uu mwumsir.y'nrm'f-WK*'" him >'llwwwilUi*'slWtawssiss»M*Mssssss»s»i' •-, if. J. LOCKE'S NMW \OVET, *y"*« $k SIMON THE JESTER ,2m. n. '|r fc.«S>*^Srwl llhutrntfil by Jamea M'HitKomprj Fin™ liiSfenHESWLfl "Pull of Kit find ictlon and lift, with all the '•*<!"« of the '^T^VSUf lHsr^'w Mmthor'f fnmou» 'Septimus' and more. Thr characters are all out c' S;'-'*£^i*lU*.'«®lO the ordinary anil iplrndldtydepicted, and the end it an artistic triumph jPISB' i —a fitting chma* fur a Itvry that It full of charm on.! surpHst." Zi/ferW»*BHtr Ini.ri.nn MiiKiialnr. jSST/.mIPBH'--' Simon «1» Oot. M. P.. hurlnn iwl life with a Kay anil >errn« "^/HStiifa'T phllMophy. miildmlr «11«1 upon to fa.-c d,..-itb. as tils phyalrlan '- \r"'isF,Mßn''3| In for 11 Lira that 11- hnn nnl.T n tfn month» to lire TUU he lion r~j=f"^i''irMTKsa*? cnUiuiMv .in.l ]i-at« at (tenth until he dl»rnT<-r« to M* r(.nfu«lon that fe#4M:fi;^Hil' dMtlny"l» » cn-ntcr j-^trr than be. Th» heroine la an «-«miner of Iiw^aVT'SSOT animals, anil nn Important figure In the «tnry in a dwarf, who BM a f«t?js{iV.J *Tgjy troupe of performing cam. The scene of the norel la laid la London EDEN PHILLPOTTS' NEW BOOKS THE THIEF OF VIRTUE limn. «i.o "Mr PMUpottt hat written many itoriet of this very land and this Mr» people, but "The Thief of Virtue' tacelt them oil dramatic power, in emotional pathot, and In reallttie PW»p Oulcl»6room i. on* to bt r™™ii.T«l. on'l the story that embalms him like a ft in «»»«r it genuine literature." —Chicago Reoord-Hernld. THE HAVEN .*»« u<>t> "TV rawed UffMrrnest. «n<J(H<fi«iMr« «nd interett of Iti character! make It a book to tie read "n DkZhZ'%% Cd,mnr7m trUo« of heart with the ripening wisdom of year. ,nd tko.e tcno have learned to appreciate his realistic art Mill find 'The Haven' a fine example of hit matvrett potcert." —Clilonco cord-Herald. ~ ACCORDING TO MARIA By MRS. JOHN LANE Illustrate. 12mo. 11.80 "Keen, clever, gently amuting and tcndrrlr. cynleil."— Clilcnuo Kcrord-Herald. "Jin Lane hat the gift of gifts, humor. An original and sparkling boo* from the pen of a kindly at well at a keen critio It life. To .lew life 'according to Maria' it to find new test therein Maria It at inconsistent and ienr ilr: Kickleby, and almost equally da we hug her tayingt to our heart." —N*w York Tliur*. MARGARITA'S SOUL By JOSEPHINE DASKAM BACON »2™ .Profuwly Illustrate. |1.50 "Hay co«»« the reader to mitt •» important engagement orJl^ (Ir ' n^I '||J.* ( J-'n nllet|ni "Captures the imagination at the outlet by the boldness of the situation. .. We should br hard put to it to name a better American novel of the month."— Outlook. \u25a0nuu iiyr ISiMDAMV IMB international si uoio MCUI VfIRK JOHN LASlfc LUIVIrAJiI Send for Hummer Catalogue. Kr». t«LV¥ IUIW CANCER Cured without the knife or pain. Three doc- tors. Seventh year in Los Angeles. Our office* ' and sanatorium fitted for the scientific and effective treatment of cancers and, tumors. (specialists of 40 years' experience In charge, who treats all cases with the NEW GERMAN REMEDIES. Breast tumors removed In 1 days without surgical operation or pain: al«o without removing any tissue. OUR NEW METHODS; guaranteed. Pay when cured. Internal tumors treated. Skin cancers' killed Instantly; FEE $10; no pain or blood. Our ref<irp"<rii»"». p|«-wd nntlentf*. IHE GERMAN REMEDY CO. Rooms 224 and 225 San Fernando Building 4tb and Main St«.- Los Angeles. Cal. NewCure-BOOKFREE ( » , V?^^'/?'" I"''^ 1 "*sl For good trunks, f-efTSfcT—i<Z«sJJV)/i (raveling bags, T"**¥" * r "~' Tj»y «nd dress suit r^u[.-ll^-yt' ....i •\)r w'J^ r -p caseß go to llJlfljJ s.U.Whitney trLJ i\T"£S \u25a0 the oldest e«- tabllshed and most reliable trunk manufac- turer, .store and factory, 236 South Main. . PATENTED OILLANDS KJUUi AM* COAUNGA MELDS, *130 TO $1000 I'ER ACRE. . KYLE-DAVIES COMPANY 438 Citizens National Bank Bldg. MIDWAY MARICOPA CRUDE OIL STOCK 7'/^C —Gains To 10c Send for free map and latest oil Informa- tion. INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENITCO., 1012 Union Trust Building. ; Fourth and Spring Sts. \u25a0' i It's as easy to secure a bargain In a used automobt'e, through want advertising, as It tued to be—and mill la—to securo a horoa and car age. _ \u25a0

Transcript of Fields JUST'WHATSWHAT' WORK EXHIBITED Do You Feel This...

Page 1: Fields JUST'WHATSWHAT' WORK EXHIBITED Do You Feel This … · find coal operators' national body. So far all interviews

From Mines and Oil FieldsJAMES WYNKOOP


J. F. Lucey. Head of Supply Firm,

Gives Interview on Join-ing Congress


Representatives in Washington to

Look After Interests of

Both Operators

.1. F. Lucey, head of the oil supply 'house of this city of the .same name,

has among others been intervion the part of the American Miningcongress representatives with a view

curing opinions of oil men con-cerning the proposed organization of

the oil men as a win.!.' of the miningfind coal operators' national body. Sofar all interviews secured are entire-ly in favor of the proposed union.

Mr. Lucey's interview as given outby the American Mining congress of-ffcers is as follows:


"T notice that many papers haveprinted considerable matter on theproposed merging of the oil men of jCalifornia with the American Mining Icongress by the creation of an oilbranch or wing of that congress andI want to say that I approve it fully.To my mind this is the only logicalthing the oil men of California canda, if they really want a militant or-ganizatiop to represent them in Wash-ington during the sessions of congress.

"As n separate organization theywould not be strong numerically andthe burden of keeping a lobbying com-mittee in Washington to watch Uieirinterests would be too heavy a burdenon the oil men of the state. By coming

into the American Mining congress Intheir full numbers, all they wouldhave to do thereafter would be to paytheir annual dues in that organization

and through that body initiate andwork for the protective legislation thatthe oil interests require find musthave.


"The Pickett bill was almostthrough congress before the oil menbecame sufficiently aroused to hurry adelegation to Washington to gain ahearing. This is the very best proof,in my opinion, why they should be jconstantly represented in Washingtonby a lobby that is regularly maintainedthere to,watch legislation.

"The American Mining congress hasproven that it can secure beneficiallegislation by securing the pa.ssage ofa bureau of mines bill at the currentsession and the law creating this bu-reau would only have to be amendedslightly at the next session of con-gress to be made to extend to and In-clude tlie oil industries, thus givingthem actual federal representationthrough a. United States official,

"I understand that the effort will bemade to make the head of this bureaua cabinet officer, in which case the oilmen would benefit just that muchmore.

"I believe, therefore, it fs bettor toask for this help and co-operationthrough the same organization, ofwhich both the mining- and oil menare members, and do it at the samesitting of the American Mining- con-press, -when oil men can be presentand take a pnrt in the debates anddiscussions, than to attempt to do itby ft detached organization, trying- to-work throiißh a small and far less In-fluential committee.

"It is my understanding that a sc-ries of meeting's will be held at differ-ent points in the San Joaquin valleyduring next month, which will be at-tended by the oil men of these dis-trict?, and if I can postsbly be a mem-Tier of the party that goes from I^osAngeles to attend these meetings ishall certtalnly be there to ppeak in fa-vor of the idea, as I think this is reallymore or an opportunity for the oil menthan for the mining- men. They havetheir organizations: we have none, andif wo can «o in with them and sharein their destinies and benefits, thenwe should be eager to do so."


PHOEXJX, Juno 15. —Stark mad fromexposure to the relentless, beating raysof the sun upon the desert south oftown, an aged prospector, unidentifiedas yet, was picked up Sunday by twoMexicans driving to Phoenix anilbrought to the police station. Howlong tiie man had been withoutIs only a matter of conjecture, but hiscondition at the tiiti" lie was foundwas fiich as to warrant the belief thathad he not been found death musthave closed his eyes forever in an-other hour.

His body was warm as the sand uponwhich he was lying and nearly as dry,and his tonwrue swollen and protrud-ing. Ho was murmuring Incoherentphrases when In- was picked up. Itseemed almost like an irony of fatethat the aged man had been able tonearly n the river where awaitedlife sustaining draughts and had been

When ho was brought to the policestation the officers there sent a hurrycall for Dr. Tafel. When the phy-sician arrived he found tlip man sip-ping water drop by drop, but still un-able to speak coherently or even givehis name. Then! was nothing in bispockets giving the least clue to hisidentity. lie had two or three crack-era which he seemed to have teensaving against the time when starva-tion was staring him in the face. Itis believed he will recover.

FIVE WELLS NEAR GUSHERFive wells are being drilled near the

Lake View by the Union.The Lake Vli w is far ahead nf any

well in the history of the oil Industryin this country in total j>r . idaily production of well,on the west coast of Mexico, wasgreater, but all of the output of thatfamous well was burned, the stream ofoil catching fire from a boiler furnaceimmediately after ;< first shot fromthe ground, and continuing to burnuntil the well began sending uj> anImmense volume of salt wal



<«> NEW YORK, .June J5.-r.end—Spot «\u25a0<$> Blcudy, $4.4004.50. ,•,... Copper —Weak; standard spot, $11.05

12.20; Jlll.T [email protected]|. <?,<?. Silver, 03 8-8. <v


Los Angeles Men Perfect FinalPlans for Developing 2800

Acres Near Bouse

Following the success of the ClaraConsolidated Mines company of Swan-sea, Yuma county, Ariz., \u25a0which has re-cently blown in its smelter, conies an-other winner in the form of the Con-solidation Copper Mines, backed byThomas ,T. Carrigan and associates ofLos Angeles, which have taken overabout a dozen individual propertiesand assembled them under one owner-ship and management. Held in weakhands before acquired by the Consoli-dation, these properties could not beprofitably developed, although knownfor years to bo of great value.

In an announcement folder issuedyesterday by E. F. Hutton & Co., LosAngeles, New York and elsewhere, thequalities and possibilities of the proper-ties acquired by the Consolidation are |described. A tact that was not over-looked Is that Arizona has always pro-duced copper at lower cost than anyother locality, because of the peculiarcharacter or the ores and the ease withwhich they are mined and treated.

The total holdings of the companyamount to 140 claims, or 2SOO acres.The best known mine in the Cienega,says the announcement, is the ClaraConsolidated, which has just completeda 750-ton smelter, with all attendantequipment. Associated with^Mr. carrl-gan in effecting the assemblage of theConsolidation Mines -was E. S. Osborne,a well known Arizonan, one of the own-ers of several groups which made upthis consolidation. When these twomen threw their means and energy intothis region it was as inaccessible asthe heart of Central Africa. Long andweary hauls over waterless deserts,hazardous voyages down torrential andtreacherous streams, were the onlymeans of communication.

RAILROAD SHORTENS ROUTEUntil May 15, 1910, these properties

could be reached only by the most cir-cuitous routes. From Los Angeles itwas necessary to go either by way ofthe Southern Pacific to Phoenix, thenceto Wlckenburg, or to go by the SantaFo to Ash Fork, thence south to Wick-enburg, thence over the Arizona & Cali-fornia to Bouse. But with the comple-tion of the Santa Fe's Parker cut offit is possible to leave Los Angeles at 8o'clock in the evening and be at head-quarters camp of the ConsolidationMines for breakfast the next morning.This has materially reduced the cost ofhandling machinery and supplies on thecompany's ground.

The interests affiliated with the ClaraConsolidated have built a thoroughlyequipped railroad from Bouse to thatproperty, bringing rail transportationwithin thre miles of the property of theConsolidation Copper Mines. As theParker cut off will soon become themain trunk .of the Santa Fe for itssouthwestern business, it will bring thegreat mineral section, the best farming

land and the largest towns within easydistance of their natural markets.

Approximately $150,000 has been spentby the present owners of the Consolida-tion Mines and the former owners indevelopment of the several propertiesmerged. This development consistschiefly of prospect shafts, the deepestof which is 165 feet. The most spec-tacular development is on the Hotten-tot group, where shipping ore of highgrade has been taken out.

The present company is devoting itsgreatest energy to work on the Revenuegroup, located about the center of theentire property, where excellent resultsare being obtained. The Revenue groupis equipped with power hoist, goodcamp, boarding house, tool house, bunkhouse and corrals.^


COALINGA, June 15.—Coalinga ispassing through the conditions ex-pi i ted when the change of contractwas made from the Associated to theProducers. The future, with the oldcontracts and its tendency to down theprice of oil, was not encouraging. Thechange had to come to the position ofmarketing our own oil, but it had withit the influence of low priced contractsheld by the sales agents, the Union Oilcompany, that would affect the netprice to be received by the producer,with a low price for the early oil de-Hverles. . s-

The shaping of so large a business,even in the hands of competent men,takes time to get all the machinery andall the avenues of trade in line of per-fect harmony. The situation os fastimproving, 1lie old contracts are run-ning out, and the new contracts at abetter price are beginning to take oil.

The broadening of the market underthe generalship of L. P. St. Clalr andhis associates has reached the far north,is seeking the trade of the great miningdistricts of Arizona and New Mexico,has crossed the Isthmus of Panama toinvade the Atlantic with a superiorfuel for his greyhound liners.

The Independent Producers todaycontrols about 90 per cent of the inde-pendent oil in California, which meansthat with the growing market and de-mand will come better prices to theproducers. There are many evidencesof increased demand for fuel oil.

Take the re] orti I action of the Amer-ican Petroleum and the American Oil-flelds, aftei a contra I for their oil forthree jears al 30 \u25a0 nts a 1 arrel hadbeen made, when the present marketadmitted of only 42 ents to the Inde-pendent, they were later quoted as hav-ing made an offer of $50,000 to be re-leased from this very favorable con-I i id

But one solution for their notion, tlieother marketing- concerns have in-creased their territory and need oilto complete, contracts n

The Standard, with a superior system,worldwide, has been a< tlve In themarket, is reaching for future deliveryof the refined oil. The Southern Pacifichas demonstrated the superiority ofliquid fuel over coal in the great freightengines now being used over t!i" hgrades, which are Impossible with coai

The Associated OH has reached be-yond the confines of this great si itefor a market, and will need .rude oil t<>fill orders for fuel. With these fourmarketing concerns in the field seekingnew customers, with trained men inevery avenue of their business, menusa broadening of the industry great'than the layman can understand. Tli"year 1910 will be a history makingpi rind in this great industry, with theelements of chance greatly modified,drawn down to a. .solid basis, with thefuture and its great possibilitiesbrighter than In any year of the oilbusiness on this cous'


W XSIIJNGTON, June IS.—All r«lna K<>of gold will be in 111* Sun Franciscomint, and all Hllver will be coined sitDenver hereafter, according; to an orderof Secretary of the Treasury MncVeas;h.Tills nii-uii* <hat only pennies and nick-els will be coined In the Philadelphia

mint and, when enough are in crru'a-ton, (lie eastern mint will he Idle. Secre-tary MacVeagh says gold can be coinedcheaper In San Francisco it only coinedlhere and nowhere else.

MINING QUOTATIONSExclusive dispatch to The Herald by 1* A.

Crialer .<: Co.. members of Los Angeles stockexchange, 200-2QI I. W. llellman building, 'Ltos Angeles.

SAN FRANCISCO, June 15.— Consolidatedwas the one hard spot in the Goldfleld listduring today's session on Bush street, and atthe close showed a gain of 2Vi points overyesterday's figures. It Is the consensus ofopinion among well informed brokers that thisissue will now cross the $9 mark.

I Yesterday's prices in the Topopah list werenot well maintained. Belmont sold off 10points to 53.75, Ji": Butler dropped 1 Rid Mid-

: way 1. West End was active during the earlyca.i and advanced several points, but beforethe close dropped back to 59 cents.

The mines of this district shipped a total of! 7017 tons of ore, of an estimated value ofI 1175,425, to the mills during the last week.

Following were the closing Quotations;GOI.DFIELD DISTRICT

Bid. Ask. | Bid. Ask.Adams 1 |I r Moh 2 4

Atlanta 11 12 Gold Con ....892>4 BS7ftBooth 15 Hi Kewanas — 6 7

B B Kxten.. .. 1 3reat Bend.. 3 4

Blue Bull .. 4 6 :;".t Bend An. .. 1IBlue Bell ..1 2 Grandma 2

13 B Bon » | Tumbo Ex ... 19 21-..I Mtn 7 Kendall 3

Conqueror ..1 2 Lone Star ... 2 3Comb Frac 49 M Lou Dillon .. .. 2Crackerjack. 1 2 Oro " SDaisy G 7 Rod Top Ex. 1 2Triangle 1 Red Hills ... 3 4D 13 B Con. .. 1* Sandstorm .... 4Dixie 1 Bt Ives 12Empire 1 Sliver Pick.. 6 8Florence 217". 250 Fellow Rose.. .. 4dor Ex 1 fellow Tlsr»r. 5


Belmont ....375 877% North Star ..6 8Jim Butler., 2S 29 Reg Con 5 6Midway .... 2'> 29 Ton Mining..BßoMontana .... 98 !'7 Tonopah Ex.. S5 99MacNamara. 2S 29 f(V.«t End Con 59 60


Amethyst 1 Montfrm Mtn. .. 1

nullfrog Mln .. 2 Mnyflow Con. 3 4

Bullfre N 8.. "- Tramp Con ..4Bonnie Clam (i 8 Val View . 2


Little Grey.. 1 2 Mustang 1 3Man Con ... 3 5 ?eyl Humph. .. 1Man Mln 1 Thanksgiving. 3Man Dexter. 4 5


Nest 3 5 Irttts Silv rit fis

F'vlew Eagl 5" .. Round Mtn... 4+ 45Nev Hills ..105 .. poalltion ....23

BOSTON MINING STOCKSSpecial server" to The Hemld by J. C. Wll-

scn, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles.

BOSTON, June 15.— technical position ofthe local market is good and the feeling islmuch more optimistic, although the quotationsdo not show it. North Lake was the only

specialty to show activity today, and its ad-vance was due to the filling of a fair sizedbuying order and had no effect on the rest ofthe. list.

Closing quotations follow:Bid. Ask. | BM. Ask.

Am Pneu .. 6Vi 6 Michigan ... 4U -I 3*do pfd .... 16T& 37 Mohawk .. .. 47 4!>

Adventure .. 5% Sii Xcv Con 19%Allouez .. .. 3S 89 North Butte. 25% 26Atlantic ... Ci "Hold Dominion 29Vi 30Arcadian ... Vi 5 i is. cola 130"Aria Com ... "» \u25a0"' !Parrot 13ti 14Apex 3 3% Quincy 70 72

Boston Con. 13 20 Santa Fe ... 14 liCalu & Art/ 52 63 Shannon —10 10".iCalu & Hec.r>."2 655 Shoe Mach... 66 65ViCentennial .. 16 17 do pfd 25"4 29Cons Mercur .. 11 Pup Copper.. 4m 42Con Range.. 60 61 Sup and Bos 9H 10Corbln l-'i 13 Sup and Pitt 10% 11Daly West.. 8 8% Swift 103% 104%East Butte.. 7'-i 8 I Tamarack ... 4'i 47Elm River .. 1 Ii!Trinity 5% ,6Franklin ... 11 UHlrjnlted Fruit.l9l 193Granby .. .. 38 40 V S Smelt .. nr"4 40Greene Can. 7% "a do rfd 48% 4H

Hancock ... 17 IS Utah Con ... £1 21%tsle Royals. 16*4 IViVictoria 314 4

Keewenaw .. "'4 414|Winona .... 7 "!>iLake '. HO BOH Wolverine ..110 114I.a Salle ....11 HM.-vVyanrlot .... 1; 2Mass Copper 7>i 7% Mass Gas ... 82% S3Mayflower •• BO 76 I do pfd 01 1)2

Men Con .... £5 100 North Lake.. IMS 11%Miami 10V6 -(1 Indiana .. .. 1«H 17


Ppe.clal service to The Herald by .T. C. 'Wil-son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles.

NEW YORK, June 16.—Following were th

cl :nr quotations:Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask.

Amer Tot> ..423 426 Mason Val .. 714 ~VaH S Gas .... 014 OH Miami 19% 20Chicago Sub. 2 216 Mns of Amer 66 66Hay Ton .... 4 6 Nevada Utah 0% 0%Stand oil ..610 620 N'iplssing .... 11% lisjOns Btmp R1" 21 Ohio 2 214Copton Con.. 15 20 Rawhde Coal 224 23Butte Coal'n IS'4 10 Say Central. 2% 2«.Davis Daly. l*/4 1% Ray Con .... ir,% 16'f,

Dolores .. .. Vi G&South rtnh.. 1% 1%Ely Central. 1H l«.4lCJnited Cop.. 6V4 6Ely Con .... "'a 0%l Yukon 4*f, 4'iOldfleld Con. R7a 9V4 Qlla r.' 5»4Ore.-ne Can. " i 7«4 Chlno 11 Ilt£niroux fi 7 fnn Ariz .... 176 2(naplrnl .. 7H T":'K.-y=tnn e .... VI, 33iKerr Tjike .. s<4 *< !E1 Rayo 4Vt 4%La Rofo .... 4% 4HI

SAN FRANCISCO OIL STOCKSService to The T.."S Angeles raid by L. A.

Crisler & Co., members i.m Angeles stock ex-rhanKe. 200-201 I. W. Hellman building, LosAngeles.

PAX FRANCISCO, June 15.—Following weretoday's quotations on the Pan Francisco stockexchange: Opening— —Closing-

Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.Associated Oil ... 40.75 80.55 49.50 40.76Brookshlre 1.90 2.00 . 1,95 2.00Illinois Crude DO .55 .DO .55Mascot Oil 2.25 2.25Monte Cristo .... 3.25 3.45 3.33 3.40New Pennsyl .... 1.20 1.22 1.22*4 1.27'^Palmer Oil 1.37% 1.42V4 1.87H 1.40Pri-mler Oil 1.10 1.12' i 1.12V4 1.17%Silver Til 2. 80 2.55 2.50 2.C0

Kales— Bs Associated 60.27".; 100 Blue. Moon.32; 500 California Oil and Gas 1.00; 150 Enos1.47%; 100 New Pennsylvania 1.50; 100 <lo 1.25;300 Pacific State* .50; 100 Palmer 1.40; 200 Re-public .40; 300 Silver Tip 2.60.

Informal sales— Enoa lAV>b; 200 Silver Tip2. CO.

WINGFIELD IN OILQ >orge \\'iiuvfieid and j. It. Macken-

zie .if the Consolidated .Mines company,Goldfleld, arc said to be largely inter-ested in a movement to organize InSan Francisco an oil company whichshall have capital stock of a total par

The expenditure of about $4,000,000Immediately and of approximately

• eventually In the purchaseid, development, construction of

pipellni ! and buying of steamships issaid t< be plai

An offer of , for a propertyin tli" Midway field Is alleged to havebeen made on behalf of the promotersof the company, and to have been re-s'.. •a.

Just in I m tlip des< rt and fi vi iof oil land open to local lon,

I am forming association to locate andpui In string of tools. If you want Inon a good oil proposition call at 14;t3- Forty-eighth stn et


Some of the Leads Have BeenStationary for Whole



So Real Hustlers Should Take theTip and Start Some-

thing %

In spite of the contest man's repeatedwarnings, to present leaders that theirtotals are far from safe, there seemsto bo no signs of the needed awaken-ing. To make, present conditions abso-lutely plain, the contest man shows to-day just how long various leads haveremained stationary. Ho asks all livecandidates to read what follows andthen decide definitely whether or notthis contest offers opportunities to real,wide-awake, up-and-doing people.


In looking over the list of stationaryleads, remember that many vote reduc-tions have occurred since these leadshave shown any Increase. This doesaway once for all with the suggestionthat present leaders may be "holdingback." To say that this has been donewould be to underrate the intelligenceof present leaders, because there wouldbe nothing to gain in "holding back"for such a period and with vote re-ductions occurringl every two weeksthe loss in votes would be much greaterthan any benefits which could havebeen derived, were there any to bederived.

NO ADVANCE FOR MONTHThe total leading for the $266 double

trip to Alaska is 122,559 and has been122,559 for over a month; the total lead-ing for the $264 double trip to Alaskahas been 73,600 for a month, and thesame thing applies to the total of 65,---215, which leads for the $250 CJrapho-nolao. The total leading for the $220double trip to Mexico City is and hasbeen 31,679 for nearly a month. Thetotal 169,893 leading for the $260 doubletrip to Honolulu has not shown an in-crease for nearly three weeks.

WHAT LEADS KEI'KESENTNow, what does each of these totals

represent under the present .voteschedule? The total of 122,559 repre-sents a little less than three yearlyclubs and this, remember, is leading,for the $266 double Alaskan trip. Thetotal of 73,660 leading for the $264double Alaskan trip represents lessthan throe clubs. The total of 62,215leading for the $250 Qraphonola repre-sents less than three clubs, as does thetotal fo 69.159 leading for the $260 doubletrip to Honolulu. The total of 31,679which leads for the $220 double trip toMexico City represents slightly morethan one club.

The contest man places these thingsbefore every reader In fairness to allconcerned. Present leaders must real-ize that their totals are far from be-ing safe, and the sooner they realize itthe better it will be for them. On theother hand, it is only fair that good,live people who have not become prom-inently identified with this contest todate are told these things that theymay act upon the Information. Re-member, The Herald has no favoritesand can have no favorites. The prizesare awaiting to be distributed just asthe conditions of the contest say they

shall be divided, and. In a word, prizesare goingl to be awarded to candidateswho get votes.

If candidates who now occupy lead-Ing positions continue to remain dor-mant, the only natural result can berenewed activity among new entrants.The inactivity of those who now leadIs the greatest argument which can bepresented to candidates or non-candi-dates who have not inaugurated cam-paigns, for their doing so immediately,and the contest man will be frank tosay that he Is going to put the casefairly and squarely before every liveman, woman and child Interested inthis contest. It is up to the leaders

i now to hold or lose their leads.


Younger Organizations PromiseFull Representation

The headquarters of the Federation ofState Societies was rushed all day yes-terday with applicants for tickets to

the federation banquet at Hamburger'stomorrow night, and purchasers kepi

one clerk busy at each of the follow-ing places: The All Night and Day

bank. Security Savings bank, FowlerBros.' bookstore, 543 South Broadway,

ami Hamburger's. Last night an espe-cially large sale of tickets was madeat the All Night and Day bank.

The sale of tickets will close to-night. By special arrangement withHamburger's cafe this late hour ofclosing the placing of the tickets hasbeen j>nn Ided for. The banquet man-agers were anxious that everyone whoWished t" attend the mammoth spread

sis.mli 1 have the opportunity, and an ex-tension of time was secured.

There is much rivalry between thestate organizations with regard to thenumber of representatives that will at-tend the banquet. Each society willhave a special table and each Isanxious that Its table be large and thatat it there be no empty seats. Strangei , ,>. some of the younger organiza-tions are forging ahead of the old onesin the race. The Alaska society,formed only recently, is unusually en-thusiastic.


WASHINGTON, June 15.—NavalConstructor John Calvin Sweeny, jr.,hag disappeared. He left the Bremer-ton navy yard, Washington, a weekago last Monday, on the ferryboatbound for Seattle, and nothing has beenheard from him since. There is noquestion :is to his accounts.

Constructor Sweeny is a native ofParis, Term. He entered the naval ser-vice in 1901, and hia father is a judgeof the first instance In the Philippines.


BCHENECTADY, N. V., June 15.—A. p. Huffmter, a former supervisor ofSchenectady county, and the first manin stand irial a : \u25a0< result ot tin- i

graft Investigation, has been foundguilt] by a jury nf presenting fraudu-1. in billa against the county. The max-imum penalty li Mven yean in prisonor a flue of $1000 or both,


Macy Street Students Show Car-pentry, Pottery and Dresses

That They Have Made


Boys and Girls from Fifth GradeUp Are Given In-


Tho new trade school of the Macy

street school, the only trade school con-nected with a grammar school In Cali-fornia, opened its Brat exhibit ofstudents' work in Its two departments,carpentry and dressmaking, yesterdayafternoon. At tho same time occurredthe opening of the annual exhibit ofwork in pottery and applied design,

A remarkable exhibit is thai Of eachof these three departments. Potteryhas been made in the school for somotime, and applied design has beenpracticed for several years; conse-,,,.. nttj something is to be expectedfrom the students in these craft*. Theexpectations are well met, an.l |he ex-hibit compares favorably with the ex-hibits of lnrgvr and older institutions.On the other hand, the trades school,with branches of dressmaking for thegirls and carpentry for the boys, isonly five months old, but the Bhowingmade is surprising in its extensivonessand quality.

LANE'S IDBASThe idea of a trades school was con-

ceived by Robert H. Lane, principal ofthe Macy street school. That It was agood thought is amply proved by theenthusiasm -with which the childrentook to tho work.

Students of the trades school, whonumber now about twenty, devote theirmornings to regular grammar schoolstudy. The afternoons are spent Inthe manual pursuits, the boys study-ing carpentry undor Arthur I- Flickand the sirls studying dressmaking un-der Geraldine Pary.

The carpenter shop, which is in fulloperation everj afternoon, is a busyplace. There are no slupprards amongthe boys enrolled. .11 are thorough-ly in earnest in their ambition to per-fect themselves in the trade. Thecourse consists of joint making, tablemaking truss and bridge work, con-struction of ventilators, brackets, min-iature roof framing and windowframes. Cabinet work is done by themore advanced students. All of theboys draw their nun details and workdirect from them. Each boy in theclass has made a set of five architec-tural drawings since the school opened.

DRESSMAKING SCHOOLThe work in the dressmaking school

is practical. At the beginning of thecourse wash dresses were made forsmall girls. Since that time largerwash dresses, party dresses and un-derclothes have been made by thestudents. The girls fit the dresses oneach other. About ten sewing ma-chines are in use in the department.As much interest is manifested hereas is seen in the boys' shop.

Principal Lane expects to extend the: ope of the work next year. For thejoys courses in plumbing and elec-trical wiring will be inaugurated. Anumber, of other innovations will bemade.

The work In applied design and pot-tery is under the direction of, MissWest, who has been at the Macy streetschool for three years. The exhibitembraces the successful efforts ofstudents from the fifth grade up. Sofacover designs, table mats, bags, cross-stitch work, toy landscapes and manyclever pieces of pottery are included inthe exhibit.

The exhibits will be open again to-day and tomorrow.


Following two days' argument in theHal. E. Hardy murder trial in JudgeWillis' court, the case was given to theJury yesterday afternoon shortly after5 o'clock. At 10 o'clock there was everyIndication that the jury would be outfor a long period in deciding the case,and the members were locked up forthe night.

The trial of Hardy, who is chargedwith murdering William Moore, a lunchstand proprietor, last fall, by shooting

him following his refusal to serve Har-dy with a tamale, has engaged the at-tention of the criminal court for morethan a week. The prosecution intro-duced testimony In an effort to provemurder with malice aforethought, whiisthe defense claimed Hardy was tem-porarily insane from the continued useof liquor when he dirt the sh«oting.

The argument* in the case lasted twofull days, and great interest was mani-fested in the trial.


former head bookkeeper for a broker-age linn, is under arrest on a warrantcharging him with being short In hisaccounts.

Accountants employed to audit Hoi-man's books found, it la claimed, thatHolman'a alleged thefts hart extendedover a period of a year, and theamount would reach j:uoo.

Holman came to Seattle from GreenHay. Wis.


The following permits have been Issued sincethe last publication of the list and classifiedaccording to wards:

Permits. Values.First ward 2 % 1,400Second ward '.' 3 9,060Third ward 1 900Fourth ward 4 9,400Fifth ward 10 9,738Sixth ward 3 780Seventh ward 1 1,010Eighth ward .• 1 - 150Ninth ward 4 6,400

Totals 29 $37,768

Sierra street, BIS—D. C. Sabell, at lot, own-er; B. F. Yarnell, builder; alterations to resi-dence, $900.

Forty-fifth street, 1343, West—T. Sllverthorn,

Kansas and Ve,rnon avenues, owner; Btckford& Wilson, builders- alterations to building;1400.Thirty-first street, 2239, West—C. H. Chester,

21513 West Twenty-ninth place, owner andbuilder; one-story seven-room residence; $2500.

Malvern avenue, 1419—C. H. -Powers, 225I>aUKhlln avenue, owner and builder; two-story apartment building; $7000.

Wilmington—Grant street and Railroad ave-nue: H. Diiirk. 200 South Broadway, owner;Cary .v Wheatley, builder; one-story eight-

rocri residence; $000. ,Lima street, 4410—Public Library association,

1807 East Twenty-second street, owner; F. .1.Matowskl. builder; one-story, three-room storeroom; $110., Sixth street, 600, We»t-H. Weyser, at lot,

owner; Jowpb Fretler, builder; altenttlom "ftmlMins; $900.

!;.is<lta and Benefit streets—C. E. Morlti,Qraham street, owner; C. H. Hoogenboom,builder; one-story three-ronm residence; $:i'>n.

Macy street, 1000 B. .1. Klnchooff, 88 Tui-r ,., itreet, owner; D. B. Trlpp, builder!alb rations ol restdi net; $300.

Manhattan place, 981— J. E. Haßlf>y, at lot,owner: J. S. Brokaw, builder; l',i-»tnry 2-room garage; $400. »

Second avenue, 3479— C. W. Davis, at lot,owner; Q. W, Nuko, builder; additions to resi-denoe; $200.

Blxty-seeond street, 613 W»«t—ElisabethSmith, 1343 Wlnfleld street, owner; P. .1.

r ft f'o., builders; one-story five-roomresidence; $1500.

Fifty-fifth street, 318 West—N. O, Nelson,

23!1'.j West Fifty-third street, owner andbuilder; one-story six-room residence; $lr.iui.

Barton and Ellentro avenue*—DWlghtBrooks, M2West Sixth street, owner; P. J.Leaver & Co., builders; one-story five-roomresidence; $1700.

Fifty-second street, 1147 West—Ray Robhins,107 South Broadway, owner; P. .1. Leaver &Co., builders; one-story six-room residence;

$1«R.Uateo street, 85—Union Oil company. S"-

curlty building, owner and builder; one-story

two-room residence; $1000.Trinity street, 3420—Mrs. E. D. Cale, 1(13

South Union avenue, owner; P. .7. Leaver,& Co., builders; one-story three-room residence

Seventy-seventh street, 4nr, West—lira. Jay

Hardy, at lot. owner and Wilder; one-storyfour-room residence; $600.

Brighton avpnuo, 8807—Q. B. Btephenson. atlot, owner: W. D. Clark, builder, alteration*to n \u25a0Idence, Si"' 1).

Francis avenue, 87M—W, H. Gilbert. 080West Eighteenth street, owner and builder;

two-ltory eight-room reHidenc", $3000.Avenue 21, 333 South—*. R. Collins. Pasa-

dena street, owner; W. J. Carroll, builder;<. ti<

\u25a0 tory residence, WOO.San Pedro street, 181-SR North—Goldsmith

brothers, owners; C. B. Blodgett, builder;alterations to building, $l^o.

Seventy-first street, BSE West- Amelia Amt-den, 881 West Beventy-flrsl street, owner;one-story four-room residence, %-',<W).

Dorcheßt-r avenue, 2874 11. 11. Taft, 217Bouth Wilcoj avenue, Hollywood, owner andbuilder; two-story twelve-room residence.18000.

Twenty-second street, i"4i WestD»vld w.Sidney, 1823 West Twenty-fourth street, own-er and builder; one-story live-room residence,$i.".on.

Orme avenue. IMS—W. B. Thompson. 10WCaitlUloi Htret, owner; Frank Hoffman, liulld-er; one-atory four-room residence. $1000.

Boto street, W South—Mrs. Hattle I. Fer-(uson, 810 South Boto street, owner; H. B.& II (i Beer, builders; one-story four-roomresidence, $2SOO.

Pennsylvania avenue, 1633-.Tohn Meyer, t™

North Boyle avanue, owner; H. B, * H. <",.

Beer, builders; one-atory soven-room residence,13800

Sun Pedro, ssr, West sixth stroet Han Pe-dro foundry, Han Pedro, owner and builder;one-story alteration to foundry building. $150.

Fifty-second street, l.r.63 Kast—Jessln D,Nichols, at lot, owner and builder; addition toresidence, $165.


-. 'jj> Do You Feel This Way?.jgr^j'^l—L^lfflHr think y°u iust cant work nwayat your pro*

Z^'aifflWlSßy^ sion or trade any longer? Do you huve a poor ape-

/^WiSSr^TOS^ tite> "nd lay '"•'ie at nifilits unuble to sleep? Are

iS^iislitt \ lt.l your nerves all ({one, and your stomach too ? Has am-

<S£p^gOsf§ \ \\ bitioa to forge ahead in the world left you? If so, you

fiS3 ) to might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it it

JS-JH" \_JI you will. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery will

i-71 make you \u25a0 different individual. It will set your lazy liver

i£s*Tl (IM to work. It will set things right in your stomach, and

Hrafljf 3 A your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood.*4pC2l I r» If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption,• "Br I it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con-

* ' sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of •lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, if will bring •bout •cure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. fierce,

ofBuffalo, N. V., whose advice is given fret to all who wish to write him. Ha

great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice.

Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi-tutes for Dr. Pierce* medicines, recommended to be "just as good. ur.

Pierce'i medicine* are op known composition. Their every ingredient Printedon their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit-

forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. 1 -


IN preparing for a journey the tele-phone performs a great variety of

services. Reservations are made, lastt

directions are given, good-byes aresaid, over the wire.

The Long Distance Service of the Bell System is ofspecial value to the traveler. Sometimes the Bell Tel-ephone makes a trip unnecessary: sometimes it convinceshim that a trip would be profitable. Wherever he goes,he feels the need of universal service^ and that is BellService.

The Pacific Telephone and /^£\#The Pacific Telephone andfllpjTelegraph Co. u<^p.3

N^~^^ Every Bell Telephone Is Hie Center of the B|rstat>. l/

BIW_ ht-ctmum' —uu mwumsir.y'nrm'f-WK*'" him >'llwwwilUi*'slWtawssiss»M*Mssssss»s»i'

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*y"*«$k SIMON THE JESTER ,2m. n.'|r fc.«S>*^Srwl llhutrntfil by Jamea M'HitKomprj Fin™liiSfenHESWLfl "Pull of Kit find ictlon and lift, with all the '•*<!"« of the'^T^VSUf lHsr^'w Mmthor'f fnmou» 'Septimus' and more. Thr characters are all out c'

S;'-'*£^i*lU*.'«®lO the ordinary anil iplrndldtydepicted, and the end it an artistic triumphjPISB' i —a fitting chma* fur a Itvry that It full of charm on.! surpHst."

Zi/ferW»*BHtr Ini.ri.nn MiiKiialnr.jSST/.mIPBH'--' Simon «1» Oot. M. P.. hurlnn iwl life with a Kay anil >errn«"^/HStiifa'T phllMophy. l« miildmlr «11«1 upon to fa.-c d,..-itb. as tils phyalrlan

'-\r"'isF,Mßn''3| Infor 11 Lira that 11- hnn nnl.T n tfn month» to lire TUU he lion

r~j=f"^i''irMTKsa*? cnUiuiMv .in.l ]i-at« at (tenth until he dl»rnT<-r« to M* r(.nfu«lon that

fe#4M:fi;^Hil' dMtlny"l» » cn-ntcr j-^trr than be. Th» heroine la an «-«miner of

Iiw^aVT'SSOT animals, anil nn Important figure In the «tnry in a dwarf, who BM af«t?js{iV.J *Tgjy troupe of performing cam. The scene of the norel la laid la London


THE THIEF OF VIRTUE • limn. «i.o"Mr PMUpottt hat written many itoriet of this very land and this Mr» people, but "The

Thief of Virtue' tacelt them oil (» dramatic power, in emotional pathot, and In reallttie

PW»p Oulcl»6room i. on* to bt r™™ii.T«l. on'l the story that embalms him like a ft in «»»«rit genuine literature." —Chicago Reoord-Hernld.

THE HAVEN .*»« u<>t>"TV rawed UffMrrnest. «n<J(H<fi«iMr« «nd interett of Iti character! make It a book to tie read

"n DkZhZ'%%Cd,mnr7m trUo« of heart with the ripening wisdom of year. ,nd tko.etcno have learned to appreciate his realistic art Mill find 'The Haven' a fine example of hitmatvrett potcert." —Clilonco cord-Herald.~

ACCORDING TO MARIABy MRS. JOHN LANE Illustrate. 12mo. 11.80

"Keen, clever, gently amuting and tcndrrlr. cynleil."—Clilcnuo Kcrord-Herald."Jin Lane hat the gift of gifts, humor. An original and sparkling boo* from the pen of

a kindly at well at a keen critio It life. To .lew life 'according to Maria' it to find new testtherein Maria It at inconsistent and ienr „ ilr: Kickleby, and almost equally da we hugher tayingt to our heart." —N*w York Tliur*.


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IHE GERMAN REMEDY CO.Rooms 224 and 225 San Fernando Building

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V?^^'/?'"I"''^1"*sl For good trunks,f-efTSfcT—i<Z«sJJV)/i (raveling bags,

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tabllshed and most reliable trunk manufac-turer, .store and factory, 236 South Main. .



438 Citizens National Bank Bldg.


7'/^C —Gains To 10cSend for free map and latest oil Informa-tion.


Fourth and Spring Sts. \u25a0' i

It's as easy to secure a bargain In a usedautomobt'e, through want advertising, as Ittued to be—and mill la—to securo a horoaand car age. _
