Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster...

PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT OF Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07 [Cluster: Fidusar] AT VILLAGE Fidusar, TEHSIL Jodhpur, DISTRICT Jodhpur, STATE Rajasthan Proposed Production Capacity: 1710 TPA of Sandstone Lease Area: 0.18 Ha Category of Project: B1 Project Cost: 8 Lakhs Date of issue of Work Order: 09.07.2015 Name of Project Proponent: Hukam singh Address: Hukam singh R/o Village Bhawala Bera, Mandor, Jodhpur, Tehsil Jodhpur, District Jodhpur, State Rajasthan, Pin 342001 E-mail address: NA Mobile No.: 9414126844 Prepared By GRASS ROOTS RESEARCH & CREATION INDIA (P) LTD. (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Co.: Accredited by QCI / NABET: Approved by MoEF, GoI) F-374-375, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. Ph.: 0120- 4044630, Telefax: 0120- 2406519 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: GRC INDIA TRAINING & ANALYTICAL LABORATORY (Recognized by NABL & MoEF, GoI) A unit of GRC India

Transcript of Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster...



Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

[Cluster: Fidusar]


VILLAGE – Fidusar, TEHSIL – Jodhpur, DISTRICT – Jodhpur,

STATE – Rajasthan

Proposed Production Capacity: 1710 TPA of Sandstone

Lease Area: 0.18 Ha

Category of Project: B1

Project Cost: 8 Lakhs

Date of issue of Work Order: 09.07.2015

Name of Project Proponent: Hukam singh

Address: Hukam singh

R/o Village –Bhawala Bera, Mandor, Jodhpur, Tehsil –Jodhpur,

District –Jodhpur, State –Rajasthan,

Pin – 342001

E-mail address: NA

Mobile No.: 9414126844

Prepared By

GRASS ROOTS RESEARCH & CREATION INDIA (P) LTD. (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Co.: Accredited by QCI / NABET: Approved by MoEF, GoI)

F-374-375, Sector-63, Noida, U.P.

Ph.: 0120- 4044630, Telefax: 0120- 2406519

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



(Recognized by NABL & MoEF, GoI)

A unit of GRC India


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh



The salient features of the sandstone mining project in Jodhpur district is given in the table below:

Table-2 of 2: Salient Features of the Project

(I) General Information

1 Project Name Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

2 Applicant Name Hukam singh

3 Project Category B1

4 Production (in TPA) 1710

5 Project Area (in ha) 0.18

6 Project Schedule 1(a)

7 Type of Mineral Sand Stone

8 Method of Mining Opencast semi-mechanized mining

9 Land Use Govt. Waste Land

10 No. of working days 300

11 No. of Workers/Manpower 3

(II) Project Location

1 FRP Coordinates for the cluster Latitude




2 Derived Coordinates for the QL Latitude 26°19'26."96"N 73°0'47.66"E

3 Khasra No./Gata No./Survey No./Q.L.No. Q. L. No 2070

4 Panchayat Fidusar

5 Village Fidusar

6 Tehsil Jodhpur

7 District Jodhpur

8 State Rajasthan

(III) Connectivity

1 Nearest Railway Station Mandor Railway Station

2 Distance of nearest Railway Station (in kms) Approx. 3.4 km in NE Direction

3 Nearest Airport Jodhpur Airport

4 Distance of nearest Airport (in kms) Approx. 9.1 km in SE Direction

5 Nearest Town Jodhpur

6 Distance of nearest Town (in kms) Approx. 4.6 km in SE direction

7 Nearest City Jodhpur

8 Distance of nearest City (in kms) Approx. 4.6 km in SE direction

9 Nearest District Headquarters Jodhpur

10 Distance of nearest District Headquarters (in kms) Approx. 4.6 km in SE direction

11 Nearest Highway NH-114

12 Distance of nearest Highway (in kms) Approx. 1.6 km in SW direction

(IV) Project Characteristics


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


1 Toposheet No. 45 B/15 & 45 F/3(Cluster)

2 Life of Mine (in Years) 20

License Validity/Details:

3 License Date From (DDMMYYYY) 1/4/2015

4 License Date To (DDMMYYYY) 31-03-2016

5 License Validity (in Years) 1

6 Lease Area (in hectares) 0.18

Reserves for the Cluster (Total Capacity in Tonnes):

7 Proved 28728

8 Probable 20520

9 Possible 6156

10 Total Mineable Reserves (in Tonnes) 55404

Proposed Year wise Production (in Tonnes):

11 First Year 1710

12 Second Year 1710

13 Third Year 1710

Water Demand (in KLD):

14 Water requirement for workers 0.075

15 Water requirement for dust suppression on

haul roads (for entire cluster)


Elevation (in m):

16 EL-1 (Highest) 340

17 EL-2 (Lowest) 285

18 Slope Direction West to East

19 Width of Green Belt around the Cluster (in m) 10

Bench Details (in m):

20 Height 2

21 Width 2

22 Height of Dump (in m) 5

23 Depth of Mining (in m) 12

(V) Estimated Project Cost (in INR)

1 Total Project Cost 8 Lakhs

2 EMP will be implemented by the association and the EMP cost has allotted to be Rs 32.7 Lakhs as

capital cost and Rs. 23.4 Lakhs as recurring cost for the cluster.


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


1.0 Proposed Planning

Mining method - Opencast Semi-mechanized Method

Production - Sandstone

The land use pattern around mine lease is waste Land.

1.1 Conclusion

The production of mineral will benefit the State in the form of royalty and provide sandstone

for development projects. Apart from this, the project will generate direct and indirect

employment opportunities to the people from the nearby villages. Also, the mine

management will conduct medical camps at regular interval in the nearby villages and will

help the nearby villages in providing infrastructure like school furniture, water in tankers etc.


2.1 Identification of Project and Project Proponent

Sandstone Mining Project is situated in Tehsil- Jodhpur, District- Jodhpur, State- Rajasthan.

Project Details are given in Table 2 of 2: (Salient features)

2.2 Brief Information about the Project

The project has been proposed for mining of sandstone by opencast semi-mechanized

method. For the mine lease area and the expected life of the mine and water requirement

details are given in Table 2 of 2: (Salient features). Drinking water will be taken from

nearby villages. Workers will be employed locally and technical staff like foreman, mines

manager will be hired one each for the cluster.

2.3 Need for the Project and Its Importance to the Country or Region

Due to the globalization and new ventures, the requirement for sandstone has been on the rise

over the last few years. Being a decorative stone, sandstone is used in mainly flooring and

wall tiles. Other uses of sandstone are as slabs, cobbles, crazy paving, wall and floor parade,

curbstone and blocks of the sandstone. Its strength and long life makes it suitable for a

number of purposes. Mining industry play an important role in economic sector in India.

Rajasthan is dominant in minor mineral wealth. The state is endowed with major and minor

mineral resources. The region, where the project is situated is mostly dependant on agriculture

and mineral resources. The important benefits accruing from the project to the state in the

form of royalty can thus be stated as boost to local and regional economy. The development

of mining in the area provides direct and indirect employment opportunities, better

infrastructural facilities, communication and socio-economic infrastructure.

2.4 Demand-Supply Gap

Sandstone is used as a basic building raw material in construction of buildings and

infrastructure projects. The demand of sandstone is increasing day by day. In past, demand

was not too much but now a days due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, its demand

is increasing with pace of time. Demand of stone in its various forms is there in market such

as tiles, slabs, cobbles, crazy paving, wall, floor-parade, curbstone and blocks of sandstone.

The requirement for the mineral is always high in the nearby cities and towns. Therefore there

is always a good demand of the mineral in the domestic market.

2.5 Imports vs. Indigenous Production

Development needs will be cost effectively met only through indigenous produced sandstone

against the high cost of imported material except in case of special needs.


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


2.6 Export Possibility

There is enough possibility of mineral export of sandstone in various forms such as tiles,

slabs, cobbles, crazy paving, wall & floor parade, curbstone and blocks of the sandstone etc.

2.7 Domestic/ Export Markets

There is always an increasing demand of sandstone in domestic market as well as in export


2.8 Employment Generation

By proposed project of sandstone mining in the area, people get employment. The project

directly generates the employment opportunities for the local people and indirectly for others.

The total manpower requirement for the proposed mining operation is given in salient features

Table 2 of 2: (Salient features). Indirect employment is expected by allied activities.


3.1 Type of Project Including Interlinked and Interdependent Projects, If Any.

The proposed production is of sandstone. This is an independent mining project and there are

no interlinked projects involved.

3.2 Location

The mining lease area is located at Tehsil- Jodhpur, District- Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

Fig 1: Location Map of proposed Project site

Mine Sites in Cluster


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


3.3 Details of Alternate Sites

The area was allotted by Dept. of Mines and Geology so, no alternative site is proposed.

3.4 Size or magnitude of operation

The mining lease details are given in salient features Table 2 of 2: (Salient features). The

mining operation will be production of sandstone. The average number of working days in the

year would be 300 days.

3.5 Geology of the area: -The rock formation of the area belongs to Marwar Super Group.

Marwar Super Group is further subdivided into three groups i.e. Lower Jodhpur Group,

Middle Bilara Group and Upper-Nagaur Group of rocks which represent arenaceous,

Calcareous and Arenaceous-Argillaceous facies of sedimentary rocks respectively. The

regional stratigraphical sequence of the area is being given below:

Group Formation Rock Type











Sandstone, Gritty sandstone &

Pebbly sandstone

Nagaur Formation Brick red stone, siltstone



Pundlo Formation Dolomite, Dolomitic

limestone, cherty dolomite,

stromatolite limestone etc.

Gotan Formation Limestone with bands of

cherty and dolomite



Stromatolite limestone,

dolomite limestone, cherty

and cherty dolomite





Bricked siltstone, shale and


Sonia Formation Maroon siltstone, shale and



Pokaran Boulder


Bed comprising pebbles,

cobbles, boulders and

erratic of malani granite and

rhyolite in



Malani Igneous



Basement Rocks

3.5.1 Local Geology

The area mainly comprises of sandstone of Jodhpur Group of lower formation i.e. The Sonia

Formation. The sandstone is fine to medium grained, pinkish white to brownish in color

showing two set of joints and sedimentary structure like ripple marks tabular cross bedded

units. The sandstone of the area occurs as thickly bedded from which large, size blocks can be

excavated. The litho units of the area are horizontal disposed shown minor paleo-slopes and it

covered by thin capping of alluvium/ sand. The thickness of the massive sandstone varies

from 15m to 20m. The thickness of weathered, coarse to pebbly sandstone varies from 0.5m

to 1.0m, which is occurred as overburden.

Sandstone occurs in two distinct verities (a) Friable and (b) Non-Friable.


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


3.6 Project description with process details

This is a proposed project of Sandstone mining of Tehsil & District-Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

Mining of sandstone is proposed. Mining activity will be carried by semi-mechanized open

cast method. The mine will work for 300 working days in a year.

3.6.1 Method of Mining

Sandstone is quarried in thick blocks which are easily splittable. The mining will be by

manual opencast method of mining by drilling small diameter holes with the help of

compressed air operated Jack hammer drill.

In the beginning, overburden is either removed manually or with the help of light drilling.

Small dia. 32-34 mm holes are drilled with hand held jack hammer drill and holes are filled

up by using Sino crack stone cracking powder. Any topsoil lying over the sandstone

overburden is scrapped, removed separately and used for plantation.

The run-of mine sandstone blocks are then trucked away to the processing plant where they

are further reduced either by sawing or by hand sectioning and finally dressed as per user

requirements. The residual small fragments have other industrial usage such as road building

and foundation layering.

Production details

The Proposed Production of Stone details are given in salient features: Table 2 of 2: (Salient


3.7 Raw Material Required Along With Estimated Quantity, Likely Source, Marketing

Area of Final Product/s, Mode of Transport of Raw Material and Finished Product

No raw material will be required for production of sandstone. The mineral sandstone is being

loaded into dumpers/truck by manual labour for its transportation to stock.

3.8 Reserve Optimization/ Recycling and Removal

Not envisaged.

3.9 Availability of Water Its Source, Energy/ Power Requirement and Source

3.9.1 Water Requirement

Water Requirement details are given in Table 2 of 2: (Salient features). It is proposed to

obtain water from nearby villages.

3.9.2 Power

Electric power supply line does not exist in the area. The nearby villages are electrified and

the mine will work in one shift in day time only, so no electric power supply is required.

3.10 Quantity of wastes to be generated (Liquid and Solid) and Scheme for their


3.10.1 Solid Waste Generation& its Disposal

Recovery of friable sandstone may be considered as 95%. Rest of the 5% is waste.

Overburden waste will be loaded manually into the dumper or truck or trolley to transport the

waste at the earmarked dump site.


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


Dump Management

Selection of dumping site

Dumping site is allotted to the group of quarry license holders in cluster area.

Maximum height and spread of dumps

Dump height will be restricted to 5m. Spreading of dump will be done by JCB.

3.10.2 Liquid Effluent

No process effluent will be generated from the project operations. Sewage from site toilets

will be disposed off in septic tank and soak pits.


4.1 Connectivity

Area is well connected with road and rail transport. The district is well served by a network of

metalled and unmetalled roads. Mine site is well connected with village road. Details are

given in Table 2 of 2: (Salient features).

4.2 Landform, Land use and Land ownership

4.2.1 Landform

Soil is meagrely occupying the mining lease area. The surface texture varies from rugged

terrain of debris and mild gradient terrain. Entire mining lease area is in waste land.

4.2.2 Land use

The land use pattern around mine lease is Waste Land. The details are given in Table 2 of 2:

(Salient features) of salient features.

4 .2.3 Land Ownership

The mining lease area is Government Waste Land.

4.3 Topography

The topography of Jodhpur is almost flat. Maximum part of the area is soil covered. Drainage

in the lease area is along slope of the area.

The main physiographic zones of Jodhpur are dune covered western part and Luni- Jawai

plains. Hillocks are also found scattered as isolated outcrops near Jodhpur, Kherapa, Ratkudia

and Balesar villages. Sand dunes of transverse, longitudinal and parabolic variety are present

and attain a height of 10 to 40m.

Luni-Jawai plain has the only integrated drainage system in western Rajasthan. Apart from

Luni, the other rivers associated are Sukri-Jojri & many small streams. These streams are of

ephemeral nature. General elevation of the land area is 150 to 300m above mean sea level.

Some parts have hillocks rising 300 to 600m above general ground.

4.4 Existing land Use Pattern

The leased out area comes under waste land. There are no eco sensitive areas such as forest,

national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserves and wildlife corridors etc. located in core


Mining will be done in leased out area. No other land will be disturbed/ altered.

4.5 Existing Infrastructure

There is existing road near to the working site. Manpower is also cheaply available.


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


4.6 Biological Environment

4.6.1 Flora of the Study Area

The core zone consists of the mine lease areas, which is rocky and barren with some grasses

and herbs.

The buffer zone of the area is dominated by barren land with thorny vegetation. Most of the

area around human settlement and the roadside have good vegetation. The common species

found to exist in the area are Azadirachta indica, Ficus bengalensis, Ficus religiosa,

Mangifera indica, Prosopis cineraria, Acacia catechu, Salvadora oleoides, Salvadora

persica, Albizia lebbeck, Ailanthus excelsa, Prosopis juliflora, Zizyphus xylopyrus, Tribulus

sp., Acacia Senegal, and Dactyloctenium aegyptium, whereas among shrubs and herbs

Calotropis gigantia, Capparis deciduas, Calligonum polygonoides, Ziizyphus nummularia,

Euphorbia caducifolia, Calotropis procera, Tephrosia purpurea Tinospora cordifolia, etc.

some recently planted trees are Azadirachta indica, Mangifera indica, Ficus religiosa, F.

bengalensis, Delonis regia, Pongamia pinnata, and Dalbergia sisoo on roadsides, gardens,

resorts, and official campuses. In addition to this, Propopis juliflora has invaded each

possible place since it was introduced. The wetland vegetation near water bodies are Typha

latifolia, Vallisnaria spp., Eichhornia crassipes, Phragmites karka, Hydrilla verticillata,

Chara spp. and Green algae are found growing.

The agriculture fields mainly consist of crops of Bajra, Jowar, Sesamum, Cluster Bean, Moth

Bean, Green Gram and Red Chillies. In the gardens and orchards, large fruit trees of mango

(Mangifea indica) and black plum (Eugenia jambolana) are common while several other

medium sized fruit tree (ber, aonla, lisoda) are also cultivated. The horticultural crops include

Red Chillies, Onion, Garlic, and Carrot. Other crops are also undertaken such as medicinal

and aromatic crops (Isabgol), Plantation crop of Mehandi (Hina), industrial pulp wood crops

and fodder crops (Sorghum, Bajra fodder, guar fodder, Lucene).

Some of the plants in buffer zone are of medicinal importance. They are used by local

communities for their private use but not on commercial scale. Medicinal plants played an

essential role in the development of human culture, for example, religious and different

ceremonies. Medicinal plants are most importance resource for the traditional medicine &

herbal industry and they are also a source of livelihood. Some of the common medicinal

plants in this area are Adhatoda vasica, Aegle marmelos, Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus sp.,

Ocimum gratissimum, Tridax procumbens, Syzigium cumini, Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia

bellerica and Vitex negundo.

Most of the grass species are xerophilious, belonging to family poaceae. The grasslands

consist of Eragrostis spp., Aristida adscensionis, Cenchrus biflorus, Cymbopogon spp.,

Cyperus spp., Eleusine spp., Panicum spp., Lasiurus sindicus, Aeluropus logopoides and

Sporobolus spp.

4.6.2 Fauna of Study Area

The core zone consists of rocky area which will have human activity and with feeble

vegetation. There is no wildlife species occurring in the core zone of the study area.

The fauna in the buffer zone is as follows:


Faunal diversity provides a characterization of the project site and interconnections with

respect to the wildlife and wildlife habitat that either occurs on or within the vicinity of the

project site.

The study area consists of dry and thorny vegetation. Present conditions of the area do not

support higher mammals. On the basis of available data, the wild life in the area are Indian


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


Hare (Lepus nigricolis), House Mouse (Mus musculus), Blue Bull (Boselaphus

tragocamelus), Common Mongoose (Herpeses edwardsii), squirrel (Funambulus palmarum)

are present in the area.


Birds are good ecological indicators and they are easily observable. Moreover, trends that

hold for birds may hold for other species of wildlife as well. Diversity of avifauna is one of

the most important ecological indicators to evaluate the quality of habitats. Now-a-days,

avifaunal diversity has been decreasing due to the destruction of natural habitats and human

disturbances. Birds are essential animal group of an ecosystem and maintain a trophic level.

Therefore, detail study on avifauna and their ecology is important to protect them.

Birds are the bio-indicators of different status of environment like urbanization,

industrialization and human disturbance. They are one of the best indicators of ecosystem.

The area having good bird diversity signifies healthy forest or vegetation. They can be

sensitive indicators of pollution and function as early warning system.

The avifauna in the area is found to be mostly distinctive to the habitat which consists of a

combination of hilly terrain, agricultural fields, barren land and some water bodies. Birds like

pigeons, doves, crows, peafowl, myna, sparrows, bulbuls, babblers and Eurasian collared

dove are observed in and around the mine lease and village areas.

Jodhpur exhibits wide variety of avian fauna native as well as migratory. There has been

reportedly a continuous increase in aggravation of bird species which has increased from 125

species to 278 since 1992 to 2010. An ample water supply in this area have changed overall

ecological scenario of wetland birds also, inflow of water through Indira Gandhi canal have

created several wetlands from seasonal to perennial which in turn have attracted several

wetland species to this area. Urbanization has changed the scrublands into residential areas

and gardens. The well managed gardens have attracted several species, as a result of which

there is a considerable change in species composition of species. The native fauna is declining

and facing pressure of aggravation of sympatric species competition.

4.7 Soil Classification

There is a 1.0m to 3.0m thick layer of top soil over hard sandstone in the buffer zone, while it

is up to 0.2 in core zone. Soil of the region falls within the rainfall zone of 300–500mm. The

soil is sandy loam to sandy in texture. The nutrient status of the Jodhpur soil is graded as low

to medium level. Soils of the district are classified as follows:

Red deserted soils: These types of soils are most predominant soils in central, eastern and

southern parts of the district. These are pale brown to reddish brown soils, loose and well

drained and texture varies from sandy loam to sandy clay loam.

Desert soils: Desert soils occupy a considerable area of the district forming its northern and

western part of the district. These are mainly windblown sand and soils of interdunal


Sand dunes: Sand dunes occupy a small part in northern and north-western margin of the

district. These are sandy to loamy sand, loose, structure less and well drained.

Lithosol and regosols of hills: These types of soils are found in hills and hill slopes of

central and western part of the district. These are shallow, light textured, fairly drained,

reddish brown to grayish brown in colour.


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


4.8 Climate data from Secondary Sources:

The climate of the area is dry with extreme temperature variation. The temperature varies

43°C to 46°C in summer and 2°C to 5°C in winter. The average rainfall is about 359mm. The

rainfall over Jodhpur is erratic and scanty is concentrated over four month i.e. from June to

September. Relative humidity is very low during summer season in the month of May-June

and higher in the months of rainy season in the month of August. However agriculture and the

animal wealth are dependent on rains to large extent.

Rainfall Statistics of Tehsil & District Jodhpur, Rajasthan

S.No. Year Annual Rainfall

in mm. S.No. Year


Rainfall in

mm. 1 1995 374.0 10 2004 182.0

2 1996 521.1 11 2005 283.0

3 1997 572.1 12 2006 210.0

4 1998 577.0 13 2007 205.0

5 1999 357.5 14 2008 475.9

6 2000 273.0 15 2009 156.0

7 2001 527.0 16 2010 511.0

8 2002 91.0 17 2011 314.0

9 2003 359.0 10 2004 182.0

Average Annual Rainfall in mm = 359.4


4.9 Socio Economic Environment

Demographic Particulars

The socio-economic and demographic details of Jodhpur district at a glance is given below:

As per Census 2011, Jodhpur district administers 22, 850 of areas with population

density of 161 people per The total population of the region as per Census 2011 is 36,

87,165 out of which 19, 23,928 are males and 17, 63,237 are females. With regards to Sex

Ratio in Jodhpur, it stood at 916 per 1000 male. According to Census 2011, Children under 0-

6 formed 16.45 percent of Jodhpur District population. The child sex ratio is 891 girls per

1000 boys. The average literacy rate in the area is 65.94. If things are looked out at gender

wise, male and female literacy rates are 78.95 and 51.83 respectively. Total literates in

Jodhpur District are 2,031,532 of which males and females are 12, 65,753 and 7, 65,779


Total main workers are 10, 56,479 (70.9% of total workers) whereas 4, 33,262 (29.1% of total

workers). Of the total workers, 56.0 per cent belongs to ‘Agricultural Works’ followed by

‘Other Works’ which constitute 41.1 per cent of total work force and the rest 2.9 per cent

belongs to ‘Household Industrial works’. Of the total Agricultural Workers, 71.0 per cent are

Cultivators and the remaining 29.0 per cent are Agricultural Labours.

Infrastructure Resource

The infrastructure resources details have been abstracted from Housing, Household Amenities

and Assets of Jodhpur District from Rajasthan.


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


As per the Census data, most of the villages from the study area are facilitated with education

facility in the form of primary schools. It indicates that in education field the study area is

having better facility.

The water supply in the region is in good condition. Water system is available in the form of

tap, well, hand pumps and other allied sources.

The entire region is connected with bus services. Approach Roads are in all forms like mud

road, footpath and paved. The entire area is well connected with railways and roads for the


All villages are electrified in the region and electricity is available for all purposes like

Domestic, Agriculture and for Industrial Uses.

Medical facilities available in the area with large numbers of beds in the different Hospitals

and Dispensaries for intensive care and long-term care; and specialized facilities for various

kinds of surgery, Child Birth, Bioassay Laboratories and so forth make treatment facilities

available to the public-at-large.


5.1 Planning Concept

This is a sandstone mining project. The sandstone mining is done by semi-mechanised

opencast method of mining by drilling small diameter holes with the help of compressed air

operated Jack hammer drill.

Sandstone deposit occurs in two distinct varieties (a) Friable & (b) Non-Friable. The non-

friable sandstone overlies the friable sandstone and forms the overburden.

In the beginning, overburden is either removed manually or with the help of light drilling.

Small dia. 32-34 mm holes are drilled with hand held jack hammer drill and holes are filled

up by using sino crack stone cracking powder. Any topsoil lying over the sandstone

overburden is scrapped, removed separately and used for plantation. Transportation of

mineral shall be done through road by trucks. Other facilities such as power, transportation

and communication, social infrastructure facilities are locally available near project site.

The ground water depth during post monsoon is 25-30m bgl. The depth of mine is 12m bgl.

Hence it will not intersect ground water.

5.2 Land-use Planning

The land use pattern in the mine lease is Waste Land. The ultimate extent and size of pit will

be limited to the QL boundary. Ultimate pit limit is the limit of Probable reserve.

5.3 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social)

On the basis of the preliminary site visit, the infrastructure demand in the village was assessed

on the basis of need and priority. The health infrastructure of the study area requires

improvement. Also EMP will be strictly followed which will improve the greenery of the


5.4 Amenities/Facilities

Basic amenities/facilities are available in nearby villages and towns such as road, power

supply, communication, water supply, medical and health etc. Site is well connected with

road and other infrastructure facilities. Communication facilities such as post office,

telephone lines are available in Tehsil & District-Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Nearby villages are well


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


electrified. Apart from the above, during operational phases of mining, following facilities

shall be provided for the cluster of QLs:

(i) All the safety norms will be strictly followed.

(ii) Provision of clean drinking water.

(iii) Group insurance scheme for engaged workers.

(iv) First-aid facilities.

(v) Periodical medical campaigns for mine workers and nearby villagers.

Power supply

Electric power supply line does not exist in the area. The nearby villages are electrified and

the mine will work in one shift in a day time only, so no electric power supply is required.

Water Supply

Water shall be supplied from nearby villages for drinking purpose. Tractor-mounted tanker is

being used for supply of water to mining work, spraying, watering the plants and drinking



6.1 Industrial Area (Processing Area)

As locals from nearby areas will be hired for mining activity, so no permanent infrastructure

is proposed.

6.2 Residential Area (Non Processing Area)

No permanent residential area/ housing are proposed.

6.3 Green Belt

It is proposed to have plantation on statutory barrier zone marked along the cluster boundary

and over overburden dump area to provide cover against dust dissemination. During

plantation, local plant species will be given preference or in consultation with local forest


6.4 Social Infrastructure

Pucca roads are available in villages. Existing road will be maintained regularly. Proposed

project of sandstone mining in the area provides employment opportunities in the area/region

and this helps to check migration of people of one place to other. Medical and educational

facilities will be provided.

6.5 Connectivity

Area is well connected with road and rail transport. The district is well served by a network of

metalled and unmetalled roads. Mine site is well connected with village road.

6.6 Drinking Water Management

Water required for drinking purpose will be supplied from nearby villages through tankers.

The water requirement details are given in Table 2 of 2: (Salient features).

6.7 Sewerage System

Domestic waste water will be treated into septic tank followed by soak pit

6.8 Industrial Waste Management

Not applicable


PROJECT: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

APPLICANT: Hukam singh


6.9 Solid Waste management

Recovery of friable sandstone may be considered as 95%. Rest of the 5% is waste.

Overburden waste will be loaded manually into the dumper or truck or trolley to transport the

waste at the earmarked dump site.

Dump Management

Selection of dumping site

Dumping site is allotted to the group of quarry license holders in cluster area.

Maximum height and spread of dumps

Dump height will be restricted to 5m. Spreading of dump will be done by JCB.

6.10 Power Requirement & Supply/Source

Electric power supply line does not exist in the area. The nearby villages are electrified and

the mine will work in one shift in a day time only, so no electric power supply is required.


Not applicable as no person or family will be uprooted, needing any resettlement or



8.1 Likely Date of Start of Construction and Likely Date of Completion (time schedule for

the project to be given)

No construction activities are required for proposed mining activities. The mining activity

will commence only after receiving environmental clearance.

8.2 Estimated Project Cost Along With Analysis In Terms of Economic Viability of the


The project cost details are given in Table 2 of 2: (Salient features).

8.3 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)/ Enterprise Social Responsibility (ESR)

CSR/ESR will be taken care by the Association of the cluster which will spend 5% of Project

Cost over 5 years in the activities decided by local authority in the consultation with villager &

local NGO.


Proposed project of sandstone mining is of utmost importance to the area/region for interest

of mineral development and improves the socio-economic conditions of the local habitants.

Mine will provide direct employment opportunities to the locals and they will be indirectly

benefitted by their allied activities. Lessee is committed to provide better infrastructural

facilities such as education, medical, clean drinking water, maintenance of approach roads in

nearby areas of the mine site. The State Government will get revenue in the form of royalty

from selling of mineral, land tax/surface rent; Sales tax/VAT, income tax etc. will be addition.

The operation of the proposed project of sandstone mining will bestow various social and

economic benefits to the local communities of the area. Thus the project of sandstone mining

will prove beneficial to the area.


Annexure -1

Disclosure of Consultant Engaged

GRC India (P) Ltd. has got the Initial accreditation from QCI NABET and has undergone Surveillance

Assessment as well. As per the recently published QCI NABET ‘List of Accredited Consultant

Organizations/Rev. 37(A)/Jan 06, 2016’, listed in as accredited consultant, Category ‘A’ Sl. No. 76.

Name of the Project: Fidusar Sand Stone Mine (Q.L. No 2070) Cluster 07

Nature of consultancy Name and address of the


Approvals, if any from



etc)*, give reference

EIA/ EMP Organization

Grass Roots Research and

Creation India (P) Ltd.

Address F-374-375, Sector 63,

Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301.


[email protected]

QCI and NABET Accredited

(Reference given as Fig.1,


EIA Coordinator Dr. P. R. Chaudhari NABET Accredited

FAE- AP Mr. K. D. Choudhury NABET Accredited

FAE- NV Mr. K. D. Choudhury NABET Accredited

FAE- EB Dr. P. R. Chaudhari NABET Accredited

FAE- WP Dr. P. R. Chaudhari NABET Accredited

FAE- SE Mr. Subimal Pattadar NABET Accredited

FAE- Soil Dr. S. R. Maley NABET Accredited

FAE- GEO Dr. Tapan Majumder NABET Accredited

FAE- HG Dr. Tapan Majumder NABET Accredited

FAE- RH Mr. K. D. Choudhury NABET Accredited

FAE- LU Mr. P. Radhakrishnamoorthy NABET Accredited

FAE- SHW Dr. Dhiraj Kumar Singh NABET Accredited

FAE- AQM Dr. C. Mary Sukanya NABET Accredited

Environmental Monitoring &


GRC India Training & Analytical


Address F-374-375, Sector 63,

Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301.


[email protected]


Hydro geological study Not Applicable

Soil investigation Not Applicable

Mining plan

Simplified Mine Plan is prepared

by Dept. of Mines and Geology,


Rainwater Harvesting Not Applicable

Risk Assessment Grass Roots Research and

Creation India (P) Ltd.

Architectural Plan Not Applicable

Fire Fighting/Utilities plan Not Applicable

Services (STP/ETP design) etc. Not Applicable

Others, such as project consultants

etc Not Applicable

* Only Govt. /Statutory Approvals to be mentioned. Put NA where not applicable. Add brief resume where required.

Figure .1

Annexure - 2