http://www.maptools.org/fgs/index.phtml?page=downloads.html http://dl.maptools.org/dl/fgs/releases/9.5/modules/ http://www.kesoftware.com/emu-32-installupgrade-notes/ install-mapper-on-unix-systems-php5.html http://www.londatiga.net/it/installing-mapserver-and-php- mapscript-on-linux/ http://www.lintips.com/?q=node/96 http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Fatal-error-Call-to- undefined-function-dl-in-C-ms4w-Apache-htdocs-phpmapscript- php-on-line-5-td4092107.html http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/ Installing FGS http://research.dmsolutions.ca/?p=68 How to uninstall completely FGS in Ubuntu 9.04? You do that in two steps: 1- Stop the FGS services: $ cd /path/to/fgs $ . setenv.sh $ fgs stop 2- Remove the FGS directory tree: $ rm -f -r /path/to/fgs That's it.

Transcript of FGS

Page 1: FGS



Installing FGShttp://research.dmsolutions.ca/?p=68

How to uninstall completely FGS in Ubuntu 9.04?

You do that in two steps:

1- Stop the FGS services:

$ cd /path/to/fgs $ . setenv.sh $ fgs stop

2- Remove the FGS directory tree:

$ rm -f -r /path/to/fgs

That's it.


Re: ! Cannot create user 'apache', could not start apache as root.

by lquesada Jun 14, 2007; 11:49pm :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

The script $FGS_HOME/www/bin/apache.init doesn't use the correct command

Page 2: FGS

to add user on Debian. I should fix this for the next release.

For now, run (as root) :

# groupadd apache# useradd apache -s /sbin/nologin -d /opt/fgs/www -c 'Apache - FGS' -gapache

then you should be able to start your FGS environment:

# . setenv.sh# fgs start


FGS in Ubuntu Intrepid - httpd not foundClick to flag this post

by Vincent BLANQUE Jan 29, 2009; 12:11pm :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

Hi all,

I try to install FGS 5.2.1 in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 as root and as normal user and in both cases, i have the issue 'httpd not found'

* FGS runtime ready in '/opt/fgs', use fgs command.root@ubuntu:/tmp# fgs start+ Starting 'apache':eval: 1: /opt/fgs/www/bin/httpd: not found

Anybody have an idea what happens ?


Vincent_______________________________________________Foss-gis-suite mailing [email protected]://lists.maptools.org/mailman/listinfo/foss-gis-suite

Re: FGS in Ubuntu Intrepid - httpd not foundClick to flag this post

by nsavard Jan 29, 2009; 02:03pm :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

Reply | Print | View Threaded | Show Only this MessageVincent BLANQUE wrote:

Page 3: FGS

> Hi all,>> I try to install FGS 5.2.1 in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 as root and as normal> user and in both cases, i have the issue 'httpd not found'>> * FGS runtime ready in '/opt/fgs', use fgs command.> root@ubuntu:/tmp# fgs start> + Starting 'apache':> eval: 1: /opt/fgs/www/bin/httpd: not found>> Anybody have an idea what happens ?>> ... [show rest of quote]Vincent,

Have you tried to install it in your home first, just for testing? Didyou try with 'sudo' or as 'root'? If you installing it as 'root' youhave to use port '80'. I checked and there is an issue when installingas root in /opt. I'll investigate.

Norm_______________________________________________Foss-gis-suite mailing [email protected]://lists.maptools.org/mailman/listinfo/foss-gis-suite

Re: FGS in Ubuntu Intrepid - httpd not foundClick to flag this post

by nsavard Feb 02, 2009; 09:16am :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

Reply | Print | View Threaded | Show Only this MessageVincent BLANQUE wrote:

> Hi all,>> I try to install FGS 5.2.1 in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 as root and as normal> user and in both cases, i have the issue 'httpd not found'>> * FGS runtime ready in '/opt/fgs', use fgs command.> root@ubuntu:/tmp# fgs start> + Starting 'apache':> eval: 1: /opt/fgs/www/bin/httpd: not found>> Anybody have an idea what happens ?>>

Page 4: FGS

... [show rest of quote]Vincent,

I have a new fresh install of Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10. I downloaded fgs from:


I did "sh fgs-mapserver_5.0.2-fgs_1.0.0-linux-i386.bin". I used allthe default values (/home/nsavard/fgs and port 8080) and theinstallation runs well to the end. I tested it by accessing MapServer:

and it works.

Do you have this file: "/opt/fgs/www/bin/httpd"?


_______________________________________________Foss-gis-suite mailing [email protected]://lists.maptools.org/mailman/listinfo/foss-gis-suite

Re: FGS in Ubuntu Intrepid - httpd not foundClick to flag this post

by nsavard Feb 06, 2009; 11:33am :: Rate this Message: - Use ratings to moderate (?)

Reply | Print | View Threaded | Show Only this MessageNormand Savard wrote:

> Vincent BLANQUE wrote:> >> Hi all,>>>> I try to install FGS 5.2.1 in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 as root and as normal>> user and in both cases, i have the issue 'httpd not found'>>>> * FGS runtime ready in '/opt/fgs', use fgs command.>> root@ubuntu:/tmp# fgs start>> + Starting 'apache':>> eval: 1: /opt/fgs/www/bin/httpd: not found

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>>>> Anybody have an idea what happens ?>>>> >> > Vincent,>> I have a new fresh install of Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10. I downloaded fgs from:>> http://maptools.org/dl/fgs/releases/1.0/1.0.0/self-installers/fgs-mapserver_5.0.2-fgs_1.0.0-linux-i386.bin>> I did "sh fgs-mapserver_5.0.2-fgs_1.0.0-linux-i386.bin". I used all> the default values (/home/nsavard/fgs and port 8080) and the> installation runs well to the end. I tested it by accessing MapServer:>>>> and it works.>> Do you have this file: "/opt/fgs/www/bin/httpd"?>>> ... [show rest of quote]After installing as 'normal user' the FGS package and copying the filesattached herein before: 'apache' and 'setenv.sh' files, we finally succeedFGS works fine.

To check the FGS is fine installed, in the browser, go to:

the message returned should be: "No query information to decode.QUERY_STRING is set, but empty."

If you have '/home/$user/fgs/etc/init.d/apache: Permission denied'Be careful in rights access, execute:$ cd $FGS_HOME/etc/init.d/apache$ chmod +x apache

To create the FGS daemon, connect as 'root' and execute these commands:$ echo "su orion -c \"( . /home/$user/fgs/setenv.sh ; fgs start )\"" >>/etc/init.d/fgs.sh$ cd /etc/init.d$ update-rc.d fgs.sh defaults$ chmod +x fgs.sh


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[FGS] <eval: 1: /path/to/fgs/www/bin/httpd: not found


If you come across the following error when starting apache this is because fgs is compiled as a 32 bits binary and you try to run it in a 64 bits machines. To be able to run fgs (start apache) in your 64 bits machine you have to install "ia32-libs", so on Ubuntu you will do:

apt-get install ia32-libs

The error message is:

. setenv.sh * FGS runtime ready in '/home/flbergeron/fgs', use fgs command. fgs start + Starting 'apache': <eval: 1: /path/to/fgs/www/bin/httpd: not found + Starting 'pgsql': /path/to/fgs/etc/init.d/pgsql: 46: //path/to/fgs/bin/pg_ctl: not found


Para iniciar FGS automáticamente

1) echo "su root -c \"( . /opt/fgs/setenv.sh ; fgs start )\"" >> /etc/rc.local

2) editar el rc.local y colocar exit 0 después del comando agregado

3) reboot


Instalar módulos

Sintaxis:$ fgs install module-name:version from-where

Page 7: FGS

$ fgs install chameleon:cvs_chameleon26rc1 http://www.maptools.org/dl/fgs/releases/1.0/1.0.0/modules/

 $ fgs install gdal_ecw-module:1.6.1 http://dl.maptools.org/dl/fgs/releases/9.5/modules/
