FeversHC 20150120

Assagay | Botha’s Hill | Crestholme | Everton | Forest Hills | Gillitts | Kloof | Waterfall | Winston Park Your 24/7 local connection FREE 23 January 2015 hillcrest FEVER www.hillcrestfever.co.za @Hillcrest Fever Hillcrest Fever KALISHA NAICKER [email protected] HILLCREST friends Holly Slater and Gabi Postma are very excited about starting Grade 7 – their last year at St Mary’s DSG Senior Pri- mary School before going to St Mary’s DSG High School in 2016. The pupils said that they are going to make sure this year counts. PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKER Holly Slater and Gabi Postma. Ready for the academic year JEFF WICKS T HE ruptured diesel pipeline that gushed 200 000 litres of fu- el into a posh Hillcrest Estate was plagued by inherent defects. The antiquated Durban-Johan- nesburg Pipeline (DJP) was set to be decommissioned this year. The clean-up operation in the wake of the environmental disaster is expected to stretch over months and comes with a multi-million rand bill. The Witness can reveal that Trans- net first discovered “inherent de- fects” in the steel used to construct the pipeline in 2003. Despite the accident and the po- tentialformore,Transnethasextend- ed the operating life of the outmoded fuel line, which runs beneath homes and farms in Pietermaritzburg and the Midlands, well into 2016. The extension, vital to provide a steady flow of fuel inland to the coun- try’s economic hub, is due to the de- layed completion of the New Multi Product Pipeline (NMPP), which comes with a price tag of R23,4 bil- lion. According to an internal Transnet Pipelines Project report dated Febru- ary 8, 2012, chief executive Charl Moller expands on the need for the new pipeline, citing that supply in- land cannot be interrupted. “A need is the replacement of the oldest TPL petroleum pipeline, the Durban-Johannesburg Pipeline (DJP), commissioned in 1965, be- cause of [an] inherent defect in pre- 1970 steels which was first mooted in 2003.” In moving to allay fears of further environmental disasters, and hic- cups in supplying precious fuel in- land, Transnet spokesperson Saret Knoetze said the inherent defects in the line did not make it dangerous. “… Nor does it make the pipeline inoperable. There are clearly defined tolerable operating design parame- ters. In addition we conduct various pipeline surveys and perform resto- ration if required,” she said. It remains unclear why the pipe- line, which Knoetze insists was oper- ated within parameters of its design, sheared along a weld-seam. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3. Pipeline had defects >> Diesel line revealed to have had ‘inherent defects’ Oxford Village Sale of All Blinds


FeversHC 20150120

Transcript of FeversHC 20150120

Page 1: FeversHC 20150120

Assagay | Botha’s Hill | Crestholme | Everton | Forest Hills | Gillitts | Kloof | Waterfall | Winston Park

Your 24/7 local connection FREE 23 January 2015



www.hillcrestfever.co.za @Hillcrest Fever Hillcrest Fever

KALISHA [email protected]

HILLCREST friends Holly SlaterandGabiPostmaarevery excitedabout starting Grade 7 – their last

year at St Mary’s DSG Senior Pri-mary School before going to StMary’s DSG High School in 2016.

The pupils said that they aregoing to make sure this yearcounts.

PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKERHolly Slater and Gabi Postma.

Ready for the academic year


THE ruptured diesel pipelinethatgushed200 000litresoffu-el into a posh Hillcrest Estate

was plagued by inherent defects.The antiquated Durban-Johan-

nesburg Pipeline (DJP) was set to bedecommissioned this year.

The clean-up operation in thewakeof theenvironmentaldisaster isexpected to stretch over months andcomes with a multi-million rand bill.

TheWitnesscanrevealthatTrans-net first discovered “inherent de-fects”inthesteelusedtoconstructthepipeline in 2003.

Despite the accident and the po-tentialformore,Transnethasextend-ed the operating life of the outmoded

fuel line, which runs beneath homesand farms in Pietermaritzburg andthe Midlands, well into 2016.

The extension, vital to provide asteady flowof fuel inland to the coun-try’s economic hub, is due to the de-layed completion of the New MultiProduct Pipeline (NMPP), whichcomes with a price tag of R23,4 bil-lion.

According to an internal TransnetPipelines Project report datedFebru-ary 8, 2012, chief executive CharlMoller expands on the need for thenew pipeline, citing that supply in-land cannot be interrupted.

“A need is the replacement of theoldest TPL petroleum pipeline, theDurban-Johannesburg Pipeline(DJP), commissioned in 1965, be-

cause of [an] inherent defect in pre-1970steelswhichwas firstmooted in2003.”

In moving to allay fears of furtherenvironmental disasters, and hic-cups in supplying precious fuel in-land, Transnet spokesperson SaretKnoetze said the inherent defects inthe line did not make it dangerous.

“… Nor does it make the pipelineinoperable.Thereare clearlydefinedtolerable operating design parame-ters. In addition we conduct variouspipeline surveys and perform resto-ration if required,” she said.

It remains unclear why the pipe-line,whichKnoetze insistswas oper-ated within parameters of its design,sheared along a weld-seam.


Pipeline haddefects>> Diesel line revealed to have had ‘inherent defects’

Oxford Village

Sale of All Blinds

Page 2: FeversHC 20150120
Page 3: FeversHC 20150120

23 January 2015





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EMERGENCYHillcrest SAPS .......... 031 765 9116/9103Kloof Police Station. . . . .031 764 2334Fire.......................................031 361 0000Gillitts Metro........................031 767 1222Rescuetech KZN................086 167 2226Together SA CAN CommunityIncident Management Centre: ................08 616 SA CAN / 08 616 72226

ANIMAL RESCUEKloof & Highway SPCA: 031 764 1212/3Monkey Helpline...........................................:082 411 5444 or 082 659 4711COUNSELLINGLife Line............................... 033 394 4444Open Door Crisis Centre: 031 709 2679Jes Foord Foundation: 031 765 4559Careline Crisis Centre: 031 765 1314or 082 787 6452

AMBULANCEER 24: 084 124Netcare 911:082 911VEMA:083 630 0000Ambulance &EmergencyMedical Centre:10177



A27-year-oldman is in a critical con-dition after a shooting incident onFisherRoad inWaterfall onThursdaymorning.


port to stabilise his vital signs.”Once treated, he was transported

toRKKhanHospital for further treat-ment.

The incident is still under investi-gation.

Waterfall shooting leaves onecritical


BLUE Security reaction officercaught a robber in action afterthey responded to a call from a

Hillcrest client who noticed aman onher premises.

Theofficer respondedandspottedthemanstill in thebackyard.Theoffi-cerimmediatelygavechaseandman-aged to apprehend him on the road.

Once he secured the suspect, he

proceeded to conduct a thoroughcheck of the property and he noticedthe glass of a rear door had been bro-ken in an attempt to gain access.

According to Hillcrest SAPS con-stable N Manqele the man was de-tained for further investigation. “Wecommend the community for work-ing hand in hand with the police. To-gether we can eradicate crime,” headded.

The man whowas



Robber caught red-handed




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“The investigation has not beenconcluded as the pipe has been sentfor testing. The results of the testingwill thenbeanalysedand factored in-tothepipelinemaintenanceplanifre-quired.Thepipelinewasoperatingat8 800 kPA at the time of the incident,well below its design pressure. Sec-tions of the DJP will be decommis-sioned post March 2016.

“Transnet Pipelines mitigatesrisksof incidentsbyensuring that thepipeline is operated and maintainedin accordance with internationalstandards. The rehabilitation of thearea is continuing. We are currentlyremoving the contaminated soil andcontinuously conducting air qualitymonitoring to ensure that it is withinacceptable occupational limits,” sheadded.

Transnet ‘negligent’Ward councillor Rick Crouch

bemoaned Transnet’s handling of thespill.

“Transnet is not only liable in thismatter but negligent. How was itthat if a report questioned the quali-ty of the steel in the pipes used thata full inspection was not made, es-pecially since this pipeline is waypast its sell-by date?” he asked.

“It is especially concerning since Iquestioned the safety of the pipelinemore than a year ago and was as-sured that it was absolutely safe andregular inspections are conducted,”Crouch added.

Affected homeowners had beenneglected by Transnet in their hasteto repair the pipeline. “They have re-ceived no updates. All they havebeen given is coffee and an ioniser tomask the odour, an offer to pay for aweek at a B&B and, oh yes, go seethe doctor and we will pay for thevisit.”

Disaster ‘was avoidable’Head of environmental advocacy

group Groundwork Bobby Peek saidthat this disaster could have beenaverted with better management.

“If they [Transnet] had conductedsurveys and their monitoring andmaintenance plan was credible, thiswould not have happened.

“The way we are going to get

around pipelineand fuel leakagesis by not extendingthe N3 freeway formore road trafficbut rather byspending moremoney on develop-ing a railway sys-tem that requiresless fossil fuels.

“Consideringthe racist approachthe democraticgovernment hastaken by re-routingthe new pipelinethrough a black ar-ea, namely Um-bumbulu, showsthe severely lowlevel of govern-ment and corpo-rate responsibilitythat ultimatelygoes against theConstitution,” Peekadded.

spokesperson, paramedicsarrived at scene and foundthe man lying on the pave-ment in a pool of blood.

“On assessment, para-medics found that the manhad sustained two gunshotwounds, one to the neckand another to his but-tocks,” he said.

“Paramedics begantheir treatment of the pa-tient as well as providinghimwithadvanced life sup-


Pipeline haddefects

Page 4: FeversHC 20150120


423 January 2015


FEVERDr Anthony ZambelliInanda VeterinaryHospital &Specialist Referralswww.inandavets.com15 Howick DriveWaterfall031 762 1816


FELINE Immunodeficiency Virus(FIV) is the causative agent for felineAids. Your cat may acquire this dis-ease from fighting with an infectedcat or as a kitten born to themothercat that is infected.

This virus is very slow-acting andmay take years before any signs are

seen. One of the presenting symp-toms is often smelly breath or yourcat not wanting to eat. This may bebecause the mouth or gums are in-flamed (stomatitis and gingivitis).

If your cat is diagnosed with thiscondition it is not a death sentenceand no, you cannot contract Aidsfrom your cat.Withtheproperdietandsymptom-

atic treatment for secondary infec-tions should they arise, your cat canmostsurelyliveahappylifeformanyyears to come.

ManypeopleconfuseFIVwithFe-line Leukaemia Virus (FeLV). Bothdiseases cause similar symptomssuchasstomatitis/gingivitis(inflam-mation of the gums) and are trans-mitted inaverysimilarway,but theyarenot the same.FeLV, likeFIV, alsoreduces the cat’s immunity makingthemsusceptible toother infections.

However, theymay also cause tu-mours/cancer in infected cats.

These cats, if not treated early,may result in rapid spread of the vi-rus and amost certain death of yourbeloved pet.

Thetest forfelineFIVis quickandsimple.

A small sample of blood is takenfrom your cat, and the results areknown within 10 minutes.Soifyouseesores/ulcers/redgums

in your cat’s mouth, or if your catseems to be getting sick more oftenthan usual, be sure to make an ap-pointment with your local vet to testfor this disease.

Does my cat have Aids?

Local brewsrecognised>> It’s all about thetaste, says Shongwenibrewer

KALISHA [email protected]

NESTLED in the Valley of aThousandHills, theShongwe-ni Brewery produces the Rob-

son’s range of bottle-conditionedbeers.

The brewery regularly producesfour beers and compliments these bybrewing further seasonal fruit beers.

This year the brewery has takenhome-growntalentastepfurtherandwill be producing their local brew in

London.Donn Stewart of the Shongweni

Brewery said: “This year is a mile-stone for us as wewere invited by JDWetherspoons themselves, which isthe biggest chain of restaurants andpubsinBritain.Boastingastaggering960 restaurants/pubs where ourproduct will be showcased,” he said.

“Weareextremelyhonouredtore-ceive such an invite. It is very hum-bling that we were selected out of allthe available craft breweries in SA.”

Stewart said that they will bebrewingtheironevariant,namelytheShongweni Brewery’s Award Win-ningDurban Pale Ale,which is an In-dian pale ale-styled beer.

“Wefeltthiswasthebestchoiceoutof our range of seven beers as this

style of beer originated in the UKmany decades ago. It also showcasesour heritage ofDurbanandSouthAf-ricabyitsnameandits label,”hesaid.

“It is one of our bestsellers locallywith a beautiful marmalade under-tone and nice bitter hop bite, whichwe feel theBrit’swill enjoywithanicehot curry.”

When asked if this invitation willset a benchmark for other brewers,Stewartsaid,“TheSouthAfricancraftbeer scene is still in its infant stagescompared to the likes of the USA andUK. This is not to say that we are notmaking great beers,”

“Many of SA’s top craft brewershave managed to secure prestigiousawards internationally, which is tes-tament to the dedication of the brew-ers to grow the craft industry.

“With the international scene sit-tingupandtakingnotice ofourbeerscan only mean good things for indi-vidualbrewersandtheindustryalike,constantly innovating, improvingtechniques to be the best at theirgame.”

He said that 2015will boast a veryexciting year for the ShongweniBrewery.

“We have a very exciting yearaheadofuswithverypromisingpros-pects in the near future to grow ourbrand and our brewing capacity tokeep up with the demand of our

thirsty friends,” he added.“We also hope that our Durban

Pale Ale is received well in the UK inthat itbecomesaregulargo-tobeer inthe Wetherspoons pubs.”

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDThree generations of Brewers: Brian Stewart, Donn Stewart and Gary Stew-art.

Source: Compass24 2013

Compass24 offers comprehensive information across Media24 local newspapers,boasting a total readership of over 5 million.


Page 5: FeversHC 20150120


SCHOOLS around the country re-open forthe 2015 academic year tomorrow. Al-though children may be keen to return tosee their friends, it can be a time of anxi-ety for parents, especially those whosechildren have to travel to and from school

by themselves.MartinKriel,managingdirectorofADT

Security’s East Coast Region had someadvice that could help put parents’ mindsat ease.

“Share these tips with the children andencourage them to use them every day,”said Kriel.

- They must always walk to or fromschool with a friend or friends, stick tostreets they know and never take shortcuts throughquiet areasoremptyparkinglots.

- If they get picked up at school,they should never leave the premises butalways wait inside the school-grounds fortheir lift to arrive.

- They must never get into a strang-er’s car; even if the stranger claims thatsomeone they love is hurt and that theyare supposed to pick them up.

Back toschool safety

23 January 2015





The man behind the ‘force’>> Pensioner bid to help end crime in his neighbourhoodKALISHA NAICKER

SIXTY-year-oldHillcrestresidentAli Maynard says he does nottolerate crime inhisneighbour-

hood.He founded the “Friends of the

Force” and has spent most of his re-tirement working on the project,where he gathered sponsors to builda police dog unit in Shongweni andmaintain it.

AccordingtoMaynardhemovedtoHillcrest from Dubai in 2006 andcrimewasdestroyingthisneighbour-hood. “I started attending local CPFmeetings,etc,whereIdiscoveredthataway forward is to formadog unit inShongweni,” he said.

“I worked together with Hillcreststation commander and the Provin-cial Dog Unit, to establish a unit thatwill assist the community in combat-ing crime in the Highway area.”

With sponsorships of R600 000 aDog Unit was then established inShongweni and covered the entirePinetown Cluster which includeseight police stations – Pinetown,Westville,Hillcrest, Inchanga,KwaD-abeka, Mpumalanga, Misindusi and


was a faster response to crime.Hestill supports theunit financial-

ly and regularly purchases food forhis beloved four-legged friends.

“Ialsospendmydaysvisiting local

businesses to continually gain sup-port for the K9 Unit,” he said.

“All the work I put in is voluntaryand it is rewarding knowing my ef-forts arehelping curbcrime in thear-ea.”

Maynard said that the unit is con-stantly in need of funding as well ascontributions towards the upkeep ofthe unit and food for the dogs.

“Anysupportwegetwill begreatlyappreciated.”

According to Captain Neil Thaver,theK9DogUnitcommander, “TheK9Unit has beenwelcomed by the com-munity.

“Our officers arepassionate aboutfightingcrimeandwiththehelpof thecommunity, we will be able to do justthat,” said Thaver.

He thankedMaynard forall his as-sistance towards the K9 Unit.

TheSAPSDogUnit canbereachedon 10111.

PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKERAli Maynard - the founder of the Shongweni K9 Unit.

All the work I put in is vol-untary and it is rewardingknowing my efforts arehelping curb crime in thearea.

ERICCelegreetedclientsandreadersoftheHillcrestFeverwithasmilewhenhedistrib-uted the paper.

The devoted employee - who gave over18 years of his life to Vibrant Direct businesspassed away last week. Our condolencesto his family and friends.


Farewell EricCele

Page 6: FeversHC 20150120


623 January 2015



A case for atheism

IAManatheist. Ihavecometoreal-ise that I was born one just as ev-eryone else is. This includes you,

your family and all your friends.Others may refer to me as an infi-

del, others a lost soul, some mighteven think me the anti-Christ.

These labels and others are quiteeffectiveat turningmanyaheretic in-to a believer.

Anatheist,bydefinition, isanindi-vidual who does not believe in God.

Going further, not believing inGoddoes not necessarily mean you auto-maticallyarecertainthathe(orsheorthey) does not exist.

Atheists do not generally claim toknow for sure what they do not, butwecan,withcertainty, spotbovine fe-ces.

Ifreliableevidencewouldbefoundand a falsifiable theory proving theexistence of God, then the atheistwould start “believing” in God with-out the burden of faith, but by the ful-fillinguse of reason in light of reliableevidence.

Atheists do not try to disprove theexistence of God as his existencehas never been proven in the firstplace.

The atheist would rather pointout the holes in your religion, whichtheyareinabundancebothintheholybooks and the actions of devout fun-damentalists and extremists.

Children are born not knowing ofGod and it is at a tender age they get

indoctrinated into believing thatthere is a God.

It takes a lot to convince a childthatGodexistsastheyarecoaxedintoforegoing their common sense andtheuseof theirsensestobelieve intheunseen.

As a child, you start to believe inGod yourself asyou are told thatthe uncondi-tional love ofyour God willunleash hiswrath shouldyou choose nottolovehimback.It is like this in some traditional reli-gions, at least.

Alotofusget theatheistbeatenoutofus fromsubliminal threatsof socialexclusion ifwedonot conform.Sowegive in to the beliefs of the elders andour peers although it goes against allofwhatwehaveindependently learntabout the world.

Westopcaring.Westopasking.Wealready know what the answer is foreverything.Whoneedsevidencewhenyouhave

faith? Faith becomes everything. Westart seeingmanifestationsof it (God)everywhere, in places where there isno such God.

We startto believethat he has apredeter-mined planfor us, whichwe have nocontrol over,yet we still

find ourselves praying to him.The atheist in each of us keeps

rearingitsuglyheadbeggingustoseereason. Reason? Who needs suchsacrilegiousnonsense?Itispureblas-phemy, theworksof thedevilhimself.

We are told of a God who createsthe universe, creates us himself withpredetermined plans for all of us.

Knowing full well what would hap-pen,hestillkillsalmostallofustostartanew.

This atheist in each of us challen-gesourfaith.Sowegatherwithotherslikeus toconvinceourselvesof the in-conceivable, and re-enforce our un-supported beliefs.

This columnwas inspired, in partby a quote from a prominent atheistand well-known actor, EmmaThompson, where she says:

“I’m an atheist; I suppose you cancallmeasortof libertariananarchist.I regard religion with fear and suspi-cion. It'snotenoughtosay that Idon'tbelieve in God. I actually regard thesystem as distressing: I am offendedby someof the things said in theBibleand the Qur'an and I refute them.”Sibusiso is a thinker just like every-body else.

With theexception, of course, thathis thoughtsarewrittenaswitty, de-bate-invoking and thought-provok-ing columns.

This is partly because he loves todoitandmostlybecauseoftheguillo-tineofadeadline thathauntshimal-ways - the instrument of executionliterally stands over his desk readyto drop.

Sibusiso Biyela@astrosibs



According to the editorial policy of the Hillcrest Fever, readers are invitedto comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors willbe corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correc-tion of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’sCommunity Press, George Claassen, at [email protected] call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complainabout the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In thatcase, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to011 788 4990 or e-mail to [email protected] O





CLASSIFIEDS ADS:Lynne Mathiesen: 031 533 [email protected]

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COPYRIGHT:Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout,design and photographs is vested in Hill-crest Fever and may not be used withoutthe permission of Media24 News in writing.

DISTRIBUTION:For all distribution queries, please contactMpume Sithole at 031 533 7614

PHONE: 031 533 7600

PUBLISHER: Neil [email protected]

EDITOR: Valene [email protected]

REPORTER:Kalisha [email protected]

SALES REPs:Sarah Brauns: [email protected] Williams: 083 313 [email protected]

Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage




Ombudsman ofHillcrest Fever

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Page 7: FeversHC 20150120

Aiming for stardom>> Teenage singer onthe riseKALISHA NAICKER

NICOLE van Tonder is tooyoung to drive and still a fewyears away from completing

school, but the 15-year-old singer ispoised forwhatcouldbeagrown-upmusical career.

The Hillcrest rising star beganher musical career at a young ageand has been urged on by her num-

beronefansandcoachesRobertandYolanda Van Tonder.

She enjoys performing ballads,pop songs and her latest accom-plishment is rap. “Music is in mysoul. It enablesme toexpressmyselfwhen words fail,” said Nicole.

“IlovetosingandIlivebythemot-to, ‘I don’t sing because I am happy,I am happy because I sing’.”

With titles of Best Performer andBest Duet at the Reach for the Starscompetition and overall winner oftheAreyoutheNextRisingStarcom-petition, Nicole is on her way to ex-

cellence.She said that her goals for her fu-

turearetocompleteschoolandtrav-el overseas to continue her singingcareer.

“Idoknowhowcutthroatthemu-sic industry can be, one day you areontopandthenextdayyoucouldfall,however I am ready to tackle anychallenge,” said the confident go-getter.

She is also planning on getting adegree in the medical field.

Between school, singing classes,competitionsandtraining,Nicoleal-so finds timetogiveback tohercom-munity by aiding aspiring singers to“find their voice”.

“I have a music studio at homewhereIhelpthosewhowantto learnmusic or singing, and I also assist atmyschoolchoirandhelppupilswiththeir vocal training.”

“Being able to help others bringsmegreat joy,andIwantotherstofeelthepleasure fromsingingandmusiclike I do.”

Nicole’s message to the youthis:“If you canbelieve you canachieve.”

She said that if she can followherdreamsandmake themarealityanyone can.

Hillcrest’s rising star Nicole van Tonder.PHOTO: KALISHA NAICKER

KALISHA [email protected]

RESIDENTS of the Upper Highway areawelcomed the third and final picnic benchwhich was installed at the Molweni Parklast week.

According to Kloof Conservancy chair-person Paolo Candotti, in November 2013Kloof Conservancy initiated a project toconstruct a community park in Lower Mol-weni.

“This project is a follow-up on the KloofConservancy Molweni River HealthSchools Project which identified incorrectuse of the river as a potential problem tothe water quality of the Molweni River,” hesaid.

“Weplannedtobuildacommunityparkin Lower Molweni from where the MolweniRiver exits Krantzkloof Nature Reserve towhere it joins the Umgeni River, a distanceof approximately 2,5km.”

He said that discussions have takenplace with the community representatives

and the agreement was to create a parkapproximately 50m either side of the Mol-weni River with a path running on bothsides of the river.

“The riverine area was cleared of inva-sive alien plants and the indigenous river-ine vegetation re-established. The parkconsists mainly of indigenous riverine veg-etation with small sections of formal parkfor recreation purposes,” said Candotti.

“The primary objective from a conserv-ancy perspective is the protection of theriver and the biodiversity of the area, butit is also an ideal opportunity to combineenvironmental objectives with the provi-sion of benefits for the community.”

He said that the park is now an attract-ive recreational facility as well as an educa-tional facility for the local schools that canuse the park as a safe environment for edu-cation on eco-systems and welcomed thecommunity to visit.

For more information on Kloof Con-servancy projects, email [email protected].

The final bench beingplaced at the park.


Molweni park-protectingnature, inspiring change

23 January 2015





To find out more about Nicole’ssinging career, to book her forfunctions or to learn more abouther vocal assistance to others,email her on [email protected].

KALISHA [email protected]

THE‘CookingKids’MiniChefCompe-tition was held at Meryl’s School ofCooking in Kloof with 18 eager chefsmaking cake pops on dayone, achickenand

saladdishondaytwoandaChristmaschocolate dessert on the last day.

Each day a ‘celebrity’ chef tastedthe dishes and chose the winningteam.OwnerofTheJuiceKitchen,Tamara

Ogilby, judged the first day followedby Pippa Coote of Sprout Consultingon day two.

The last day’s competition wasjudgedby SimonLoganof ‘Under anAfrican Sky’ and the director ofCROW, Claire Hodgkinson.

‘Under an Afri-can Sky’ is a

local vol-untaryasso-

ciation which produced the 2015Born Free wildlife calendar to raisemuch needed funds for Durban-based wildlife rehabilitation centre,CROW.

The judgingwasbasedonpresen-tation, taste, team work and thecleanliness of the working surfaces.New skills were learnt and great funwas had by all.“Iwouldliketothankall four judges

for giving up their time to make the‘Cooking Kids’ Mini Chef Competi-tion evenmore enjoyable for the chil-dren.

“The little chefs were so excitedwhentheyarrivedandmadeaspecialeffort to impress the judges. A differ-entteamwoneachdayandallpartici-pants did a fantastic job,’’ said MerylErasmus of Meryl’s School of Cook-ing.

Seen at the competition were..

Kids cook up a storm

Amy and Holly Ahlschlager.

Simone Logan and Claire Hodgkinson with JocelynMcalister and Kayla Combrink.

Luca Borrageiro and Ethan Erasmus.

MeganHooger-heijdeand Isa-bellaTer-blanchewithPippaCootefromSprout.

Meryl Eras-mus, LailaJones, EmmaGlock andTamara Ogilbyfrom the JuiceKitchen.

Noah and Jana Dammann with Pippa Coote from Sprout.

Page 8: FeversHC 20150120

Businessessupport CROWcalendar initiative>> All funds raised gotowards rehabilitation ofwildlife

KALISHA [email protected]

LOCAL businesses and individualspromotethe'UnderAnAfricanSky'2015Calendar in support ofCROW.

The calendars are currently on salefor R170 from the following outlets -Westville Spar, Knowles Spar, Eastman'sSpar, Glenwood Spar or orders can beplaced by visitingwww.underanafrican-sky.co.za or emailing [email protected].

Desk calendarsare also availableat R50.All funds raised

go to CROW.

Barbara Kemp of Rosamunds Floristpromoting the 2015 'Under An Afri-can Sky' Calendar.

Bryne and RainieKietzmann ofDare to Be ActiveWear.

Melody Olivier of 'Meoli Maternity Wear' and'Embrace Maternity Underwear' with her chil-dren Fynn and Tia.

Fashion designerKaren Monk Klijnstra,

with her children Rudy,Anouk, Lola, Maia and

her husband Bon, promot-ing the 2015 'Under An Af-rican Sky' calendar in sup-port of CROW.

23 January 2015





A major episode of low back pain occurs in 60% to90% of the population. The highest prevalence isin those between 45 and 64 years of age. Low backpain accounts for 45% of all sick leave and only visitsfor the common cold have outnumbered presentationof low back pain to doctors. The medical costs andvocational disabilities are substantial and low backpain is considered themostexpensivebenignconditionin industrialised countries. The good news is that themajority of lowback pain can be treated conservatively(ie. without surgery).

Risk factors for low back pain include:• Sedentary lifestyle • Pregnancy • Prolonged sitting • Chronic cough • Heavy manuallabour • Repetitive lifting and twisting • Frequent driving • Smoking• Exposure to vibration, jack hammers and machine tools

Smoking not only increases the risk of back pain and disc herniations, but treatment(surgical or conservative) is less effective in people who smoke. Increasing body massindex is associatedwith a higher risk of lowback pain. Trunk stiffness and poor back andabdominal strength and fitness are also associated with a higher risk of low back pain.In fact, fitness is suggested as a preventative strategy for low back pain. Other factorsthat could contribute to low back pain are leg length discrepancy, scoliosis and lordosis.

Mechanical low back pain: The most common type of back pain. It usually occurs inyoung, active, healthy people. It is thought to be due to spasm of the back muscles,injury to the ligaments and /or irritation of the facet joints of the spine.Spinal stenosis:Usually occurs in older peopleand is characterisedbypain that radiatesdown one/both legs during activity. It is caused by compression of the nerve roots dueto a decrease in diameter of the spinal canal.Nerve root pain: (radicular pain) occurswhen a nerve root is irritated. It is characterisedby sharp, severe pain that radiates down a leg. This may be accompanied by changes insensation and muscle power in this area. This condition is often referred to as sciaticaas the sciatic nerve that runs down the back of the leg is most commonly affected.Radicular pain is usually caused by a disc herniation in the low back.Disc herniation: May result from a sudden injury, or it may be a slow, progressivecondition. Repetitive bending and twisting can increase the risk of disc herniation. Themost clinically relevant herniations occur in those between 30 - 50 years of age, butthere are also cases in adolescents and older people. Conservative care is beneficial inthemajority of people with disc herniation and sciatica.

Physiotherapy can be useful for all the conditions described above and has a veryimportant role in the conservative treatment of low back pain. Physiotherapistsare first line practitioners. This means that a member of the public may approach aphysiotherapist directly without a referral from a doctor. Physiotherapists are trained tofully assess your back. If they are concerned about a more serious problem, they will sendyou for the relevant investigations or to the appropriate specialist. When appropriate,they will treat you using a combination of spinal mobilisation, massage, myofascialrelease, trigger point therapy and various electrotherapy services. They will advise youabout your condition and suggest modifications to your normal activities. They willalso give you stretches to loosen tight musclesand teach you to activate your stabilising muscles(which protect the spine). This is so important toprevent recurrences and for rehabilitation to youroptimal function.

“Juli-Ann Riley(BSc Physiotherapy, Stellenbosch)


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Page 9: FeversHC 20150120

Ufeza iphupho lokuvikela umphakathiNOSIPHO MKHIZE>>[email protected]

INSIZWA edabuka eHammersdale enothandolokusebenzela umphakathi ngokuwuvikela kwizige-bengu, uConstable Ndumiso Manqele (29), osebenzaemaphoyiseni aseHillcrest, uqokwe esikhundleni se-zokuxhumana emaphoyiseni aseHillcrest.

Uthe waqala ukusebenza emaphoyiseni ase-Chatsworth ngo-2009, kodwa kwakungelula nge-sikhathi eqeqeshelwa ukuba yiphoyisa.

Uthe: “Ukuba yiphoyisa kwakuyisifiso sami, kusu-kela ngisemncane. Ngisho nasesikoleni ngangitshelaabafundi ukuthi bangalinge benze izinto ezin-galungile, ngoba ngangiwumuntu onephupho loku-vikela umphakathi,” kusho uConstable Manqele.

Uqhube wathi uphuma emndenini okholelwa ka-khulu kuNkulunkulu njengoba uyise enguMfundisiebandleni lama-Darmecel Church of Christ.

Uthe: “Ngikhule emndenini okholwayo ngoba ng-isho ubaba unguMfundisi, lokho kungisize kakhuluempilweni yami nakumsebenzi engiwenzayo ngobangabe angikho lapha engikhona ngaphandle ku-kaNkulunkulu.”

Ugquqguzele intsha ngokuthi bangakhethi ukubangamaphoyisa ngenxa yemali eholwayo nomabethanda indlela abukeka ngayo uma egqoke um-faniswano wawo, kodwa mabakhethe ukuba nga-maphoyisa uma benothando lwawo lo msebenzi.

Uthe: “Abantu mabayeke ukungena emaphoyise-ni ngenxa yemali nendlela umfanisawno wawoubukeka ngayo, kodwa mabayele uthando lokuba yi-phoyisa nothando lokuvikela umphakathi ngobalomkhakha unzima udinga isineke nesibindi,” kushoyena.

“Nginxusa umphakathi ukuthi ungesabi ukubikaamacala emaphoyiseni ukuze uhlale ngokuthula.

Iziteshi zamaphoyisa zivulwa nsuku zonke nga-kho-ke, umuntu angaya noma yinini emaphoyiseniuzofike aluthole usizo.”

UConstable Manqele uphinde abe nesiphiwosokushumayela nokucula.

Uthe: “Isikhathi sami esiningi ngisichitha esont-weni ngokushumayela, ukugqugquzela abantu uku-ba benze okuhle nokucula,” kusho yena.

Uma uthanda ukuxhumana namaphoyisa aseHillcrest ungashayela inombolo ethi: 031 765 9108noma u-Crime stop enombilweni ethi: 086 001 0111.

ISITHOMBE: NOSIPHO MKHIZEUConstable Dumisani Manqele ongumxhuman-isi wasemaphoyiseni aseHillcrest

NOSIPHO MKHIZE>>[email protected]

“SIZO liwisana nokudayiswakotshwala ezinganeni, ku-bantu besifazane aba-

khulelwe nakubathengi abaphuzengokweqile.”

Lokhu kuvele emhlanganweniwokuqala KwaZulu-Natal obizwangokuthi yi-Tarvern Owners Imbizo,obugqugquzelwe yi-Association fortheResponsibleUse of Alcohol (ARA)okuyinkampani ebhekelele ukuday-iswa kotshwala ezitolo ezahluknene,ibambisenene-SouthAfricanLeisureTourism and Hospitality Association(SALTHA), ebiseLangeni SouthernSun Hotel eThekwini ngeledlule.

Le mbizo ibihanjelwe osomab-hizinisi abasuka ezindaweni ezahl-ukene abangama-150.

UMnuz Elliot Mashile. oyisikhuluesiphezulu sakwa-KZN LiqourBoard, uthe inhloso yalo mhlanganoukufundisa nokugqugquzela osoma-

bhizinisi abadayisa utshwala ngemi-thetho ekumele bayilandele emab-hizinisi abo.

Uthe: “Sigqugquzela osomab-hizinisi ukuthi bangadayiseli izin-gane, abantu besifazane abakhulel-we nabathengi abaphuze ngokwe-qile. Akusibo bonke osomabhizinisiabangayi landeli lemithetho, ngobaabanye babo bayakwazi uku-cabangela impilo yabathengi njen-gokuthi bangabadayiseli uma sebeb-ona ukuthi baphuze ngokweqile.

Lokhu kuzo kwehlisa isibalosabantuabazi tholabesengoziniumabephuze ngokweqile,” kuso uMnuzMashile.

Uqhube wathi ziningi izinhleloezenziwa ama lungu- eLiquor board,njengokuvakashela ema-tarvern,befundise abaphathi nabasebenziukuthibengadayiseliumuntuophuzengokweqile ngoba efuna kungeneimali kwibhizinisi kodwa, kumelebacabangele impiloyomthengikuqa-la.

Uthe inkinga enkulu ababhekenenayowukuthiamabhizinisiamaningiadayisa ngokungemthetho.

Uthe: “Sinxusa bonke osomab-hizinisiukuthibebhaliseleamaphep-ha abagunyaza ukuthi bedayisengokomthetho, ngoba uma

shwalaeduzekwesikolenomaiband-la elithile, uma ibhizinisi lakholiseduzekwalezizindawokumeleuyobhalisela i-amnesty ezokunikaisikhathi sokuthi ubheke enye inda-wo ongadayisela kuyo,” kusho yena.

UDkt Osborn Maharanjana, oy-isikhuluesiphezulusakwa-ARA,utheiNingizimu Afrika inesibalo esiphe-zulu sentsha ephuza utshwala ngen-dlela exakile. Uthe: “Sifuna ukweh-lisa isibalo sentshaephuzautshwala,ngoba esikhathini esiningi intshaitholakala izibandakanya ezintweniezingalungile njengokuya ocansiningaphandle kokuzivikela, ngakho-ke sizobeka umthetho wokuthiizikhangiso zotshwala kumabon-akude noma emsakazweni zingeth-ulwa uma sekushaye u-7 ebusuku,

nokuthi azidingeki izikhangiso za-ma-billboardeduzekwezikolengobayizona eziheha intsha. Abantu besi-fazane abakhulelwe kumele bayekeukuphuza utshwala ngoba lokho ku-dala umonakalo egqondweni yen-gane, lokho kubulala ikusasa len-gane,” kusho uMnuz Maharanjana.

UNkk Thandi Ngcobo, ongum-phathiweMusa’s Tabern eMarianhilluthe ibhizinisi lakhe uliqale ngo-2003, edayisa amakesi amabili njekuphela kodwa lakhula ngendlelaeyisimanga. “Leli bizinisi yilona en-giphila ngalo yingakho ngihambelelomhlangano ngoba ngithanda uku-ba nolwazi olwenele lokukhulisa ib-hizinisi lami ngendlela efanelenesemthethweni,” kusho uNkk Ng-cobo.

UMnuz ElliotMashile, oyisikhuluesiphezulu sakwa-Liquor board Kwa-Zulu-NatalISITHOMBE: NOSIPHOMKHIZE

Uzoqina umthethokwabadayisa utshwala

23 January 2015




9Unalo ugqozi lokuba yintatheli? Sithumelele izindaba ezizoshicilelwa kwi-Citizen Journalism ekhelinielithi: www.hillcrestfever.co.za

kutholakalaukuthi ibhizini-si alinazo iz-incwadi zoku-dayisangokuse-mthethweni,uzotholakalaunecala okun-gaholelaekuthenikuval-weibhizinisi la-kho.

Okunyewukuthi aku-vumelekileukudayisa uso-mabizinisiedayise ut-

ISITHOMBE: SITHUNYELWEUMnuz Elliot Mashile (ongowesibili kwesokunxele), we-KZN Liquor Authority, uDkt Osborn Maharanjana (ongowesinekwesokunxele)we-ARA, uProf Denis Lowe Viljoen (ongowesi-6 kwesokunxele), we-FARR Board noMnuz Khehla Mt-shali (kwesokudla) we-SALTHA, bephahlwe osomabhizinisi.

Page 10: FeversHC 20150120


1023 January 2015




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Page 11: FeversHC 20150120

23 January 2015





White cars arebooming worldwide>> The colour of choice

THEnext timeyoubuya car, youmight want to pause a whilelonger to decide what colour

you choose.Top car companies throwmillions

at researching what the latest tastesare, and say the colour of a vehicle isso important to customers that it canbe the difference between buying ornot.

TheDetroitsawmanyoftheclassiccolours—redsforPorschesandothersports cars— and a few less conven-tional (a Nissan Titan pick-up truckdecked out in “forged copper”).

But there was no mistaking thepre-eminence of white. Particularlyat the Volkswagen stand, where sev-eral cars, the stairs and much of thefurniture was white.

In a multibillion-dollar industry,nothing is put to chance and nothingis done by mistake, of course.

AtleasttwodesignersinDetroitre-ferredtothe“Appleeffect”—theCali-fornian tech giant — to explain thepropensity for white vehicles.

Sitting at a white table, on whitechairs, inawhiteroom,OonaScheep-ers of Volkswagen told AFP: “Whitefor cars really peaked in the 1970sand 1980s, and then all of a suddendisappeared.

“But in the past 10 years we havenoticed an increase again in white.And it definitely camewith the AppleiPod era because Apple started to doeverything with white, and a lot ofchrome or metal finishes.

“In combination it was nice and

fresh.Butbefore that,whitewasreally not selling in Europe be-cause people associated it withdelivery cars and it lookedcheap.

“But the combination with metaland chrome looks fresh and com-pletely new.White is boomingworld-wide.”

So ifonewere tochooseablackve-hicle over a white one, what kind ofperson would that make you?

“Youcouldbesporty.Butpeople inhot countries like white.

“Whitedefinitelydeflectsheat,butif youhaveablackcar it cangetdamnhot inside. And then in a country likeSouth Africa you often have to over-take into direct, oncoming traffic, butwhite is very visible.

“So it’s a safety feature as well insomecountries.Metallicgreyorblackjustmelts into the colour of the tar, soit is not that visible.”

Susan Lampinen, chief designer,colours and materials, at Ford, saidthecolourwassocrucial tosomepeo-ple that they would buy a car purelybecause of that—nevermind the de-sign of the vehicle.

She too identified an Apple rippleeffect in propelling white to a best-seller worldwide for Ford.

“White is very clean, very techni-cal, very modern. So most cars lookgood inwhite,” shesaid,addingotherpopular colours included blacks andsilvers, while blue is also on the up.

Lampinen identified only “slightdifferences” in preferences in differ-ent countries because, she said, ofglobalisation. Environment, cultureand climate can all effectwhat colourcar someone might buy, she added.

PHOTO: SOURCED2015 VW Golf GTElooking good inwhite.

IT is good news for dads whofeared their days of roaringalong in a sports car were be-hind them. Jaguar is buildingits first 4x4–and there’splen-ty of room for the kids.

The British firm an-nounced 1 300 new jobs tohelp it create the five-door,five-seater sports utility vehi-cle, which will cost aroundR660 000 in South Africa.

Firmlyaimedat“Jagdads”with children to ferry around,the all-wheel drive car willcome with extra grip technol-ogytomakeitsafeandreliablein all weathers.

More practical than thesleek saloons and super-charged sports cars that Jag-uar is known for, it is also de-signedtoappealtobusymumson the school run – for whomit has been dubbed the “She-Type” Jaguar.

To keep the youngsters en-tertained during longer jour-neys, the car will also featureon-boardwi-fiandaMeridian

digital audio system.Itwillofficiallybecalledthe

F-Pacewhen it goes on sale asa British rival to the PorscheMacan and BMW X4 crosso-ver. Jaguar’s bossesmade theannouncement in Detroit re-cently ahead of the NorthAmerican International AutoShow, which started lastweek.

Designdirector IanCallumsaid:“TheF-Paceisourfamilysports car. It will encapsulateeverything that Jaguar standsfor—beautifuldesign,precisehandling, a supple ride, luxu-

riousinteriorfinishesandcut-ting-edge technology.”

Itwill bepoweredbyanewgeneration of fuel-efficienttwo-litre petrol and diesel en-gines, tobebuiltat thecompa-ny’s new factory in Wolver-hampton. But drivers whowant even more power canopt instead for the 3-litre V6engine used in the Jaguar F-Type.

Global sales director AndyGoss said Jaguar’s aim withthe F-Pace was to create the“ultimate practical sportscar.” - Supplied

PHOTO: SOURCEDJag C-X17 Conceptfor ‘Jag dads’.

Jag SUV won’t be called ‘She-Type’

TWENTY-FIVE years after the de-but of the original NSX supercarHonda has revealed its successorat the 2015 North American Inter-national Auto Show.

Theproductionmodel,thesec-ond-generation of the iconic su-percar, has a turbocharged hybridengine, radical styling, lightweightconstruction and will be launchedlater this year.

What’s more, it’s headed forSouth Africa in 2016, although de-tails will be revealed closer to thelocal launch.

Mike Accavitti, senior vice-president and general manager ofHonda’s Acura division, said: “Our

commitment was to create an all-new NSX true to the heritage ofNSX — a supercar that delivers anew driving experience, one inwhich every part of the vehicle re-spectsthesmartestpartofthecar,the driver.”

Johnathan Norman, NSX inte-rior design project leader, said:“Consistent with the ‘human-cen-tered supercar’ development con-cept, the NSX was designed fromthe inside out with an uncompro-mising focus on the driver.

The NSX features an “ad-vanced sports package” with keypower-train components - themid-mounted engine, two front

motors and Sport Hybrid batterypack and power control unit - posi-tioned to concentrate vehiclemass low and toward the centre ofthe car.

The NSX’s dial-operated IDSoffers several modes — quiet,sport, sport+ and track. The sys-tem adjusts engine, transmissionand chassis response, as well asthe engine sound level. Quietmode offers battery-only drivingat low speed for short distances.

Vehicle response becomes in-creasingly sharp when Sport,Sport+ mode or Track mode is se-lected. It also has a launch func-tion. — Wheels24.

Honda NSX to return to SA

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Page 12: FeversHC 20150120

hillcrest FEVERJanuary 23, 2015PAGE 12

SPORTKime shrugs offDusi championpressure>> The clock ticks fora biggest race yet


DEFENDING K1 championLance Kime is approaching theDusi Canoe Marathon from 19

to 21 February in the same way as hedid in 2013, and simply shrugs off thepressure of being the reigning titleholder.

"Sure thehype andmedia pressurewillbedifferentbecauseIcomeintotheDusi as the defending champion, butthat doesn't affect anything about theway I will be approaching the race,"saidKime,whoin2013achievedararefeat by winning the Dusi in the sameyearthathisoldersisterRobynwonthewomen's K1 title.

"I don't see it any differently. It's anattitude that you take into the eventthat counts, and there is no changethere."

"It is something I really look for-ward to, thewhole summer inKwaZu-lu-Natal training in the heat, trips intothe valley learning the rivers and thepaths on theportages. I just love it," hesaid.

Kime had to settle for a lazy outingat the Hansa Fish because of doctor’sorders while he had glandular fever,when the other three thatmake up theDusi "Fantastic Four" were racingeach other.

Having been given the medical all-clear, the Pietermaritzburger is lovingbeing back into a full training regime.

"It issucharelief tobebacktrainingtwiceaday,"hesaid."OnlynowdoIre-alise how much I need that rush youget from a hard exercise session."

More thananythingKimewillwant

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDDefending Dusi K1 champion LanceKime is refusing to let the pressureof being the reigning title holder af-fect his preparations for the Dusi Ca-noe Marathon from 19 to 21 February.


SOUTH Africa will host the first CAC (Afri-can Cycling Confederation) African Conti-nental Track Championships at the SaxYoung Cycling track in Alexandra Park from21 to 25 January, entrenching the city’s sta-tus as Africa’s “Bike City”.

With the best track cyclists from thecontinent expected to be entered by theirfederationsfortheevent,CyclingSouthAf-rica has announced a team of 39 male andfemale athletes to challenge for the conti-nental titles across the various race for-mats.

“All our best riders have been selectedtorepresenttheircountry,withoutanybarri-ers to entry,” said Cycling SA Track commis-sion director Johan Smith.

“It will, however, also assist our top

is set to run from Wednesday 21 January toSaturday 24 January, with Sunday 25 Janu-ary set aside as a reserve day in case if raininterruptions.

Entrance for spectators is free of charge.More information can be found at http://

www.cyclingsa.com/2015-african-conti-track-champs .

Multiple NationalTrack Champion and2012 World Champssilver medallist in the15km Scratch race No-lan Hoffman will formpart of the nationalteam challenge at theinaugural African TrackCycling Championshipsin Pietermaritzburgfrom 21 to 25 January.


SA to host inaugural African Track Cycling Champs

riders with regards topoints.”

In addition the Afri-can Cycling Federationhas allowed CyclingSouth Africa to allowprovinces to enterteams into the event aswell to maximize theopportunity for localriders to gain experi-ence and accumulatevital points that willcount towards their eli-gibility to enter WorldCup events.

“Thisisverygoodforthe development oftrack cycling in SouthAfrica,” said Smith.

Importantly the in-augural African Cham-pionships will includeParacycling races inboth time trial and pur-suit formats for variouscategories of male andfemale Para athletes,and a men’s team pur-suit.

The full programme

to prove that his stunning 2013 winwas not a flash in the pan.

The 64th edition of the Dusi CanoeMarathon takes place from CampsDrift in Pietermaritzburg to Blue La-goon in Durban from Thursday 19 toSaturday 21 February 2015. More in-formation can be found atwww.du-si.co.za.

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