Feudal Europe and Japan Post-Classical period. Feudal Europe.

Feudal Europe and Japan Post-Classical period

Transcript of Feudal Europe and Japan Post-Classical period. Feudal Europe.

Page 1: Feudal Europe and Japan Post-Classical period. Feudal Europe.

Feudal Europe and Japan

Post-Classical period

Page 2: Feudal Europe and Japan Post-Classical period. Feudal Europe.

Feudal Europe

Page 3: Feudal Europe and Japan Post-Classical period. Feudal Europe.

Fall of Rome

• 476 AD Rome invaded

• Adios to:– centralized gov’t– Loss of Greek and

Roman learning – common language– Transportation and

communication halts

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Long-Term Effects

• Constant warfare and invasions

• Cities abandoned as economic and political centers

• Population becomes mostly rural• Political, economic, and cultural face

of Europe changes• Feudalism develops

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The 4 Stages of Middle Ages in Europe

• Stage 1 (476-750) – – Several smaller

kingdoms form after Rome:

• Franks in France• Visigoths in Spain• Saxons in Germany

– No unity.

• Stage 2 (750-814) – Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne defeats Muslims who had invaded France through Spain.

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Stage 3 and 4

• Stage 3 (815-1050) – – Carolingian Empire falls

apart – Feudal system.

• Stage 4 (1050-1300) – – Rise of national monarchs– First agricultural revolution

allows for population increase.

– Trade resumes – Cities repopulated.

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Origins of European Feudal System

• Central economic feature of Medieval Europe: strong agricultural base for a warrior society

• Charles Martel (Carolingian Dynasty)– grants nobles rights over tracts of land, to yield the

income with which they can provide fighting men for his army

– requires an oath of loyalty in return (8th C)

• Full-fledged European system by the end of the 10th C.

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What exactly is Feudalism anyway?

• System of land holding that dominated Western Europe

• Essential part of the political organization: militarily and economically

• Appears to have origins in Germanic tribesFrankish?

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European Feudal System

• System at the top:• King owned the

land (manors); contracted to noblemen (lords/vassals)– Fielty (aka Oath of

Fidelity)– Fief

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Feudalism for the Uppercrust

Relationship based on:1. Regular supply of

troops (Castle Guard)2. Financial aid in

exchange for the lands (from the vassals to the lord)

3. Advice and participation in judgments (court service to the lord)

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• Large estates that were able to meet all of their own needs

• Smaller farmers ceded land to nobles for protection

• Made up of fields, a small town with a mill and workshops, a church, and a castle

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Feudalism for the masses

• Seignoralism: Relationship between vassals and serfs– They worked the vassal’s land and owed

him a percentage of their food. Sometimes, they had to work 1-5 weeks a year in the manor, among other duties.

– He provided military protection.

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Feudal Social Pyramid• Above all

these, is the POPE

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Growth of Towns

• Late Middle Ages• Developed near monasteries• Formed by artisans,

craftsmen, merchants (beginning of guilds): protection

• Formed near junctions of: rivers, roads, portsTRADE

• Created the Bourgeoisie

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Purse cover, from the Sutton Hoo ship burial in Suffolk, England, ca. 625

Chi-rho-iota page, folio 34 recto of the Book of Kells, 8th or 9th century

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Gospel of St. John title page, Lindisfarne Gospels, Northumbria, England, ca. 698-721

Saint Matthew, folio 18 verso of the Ebbo Gospels, Hautvillers, France, ca. 816-835

Initial R with knight fighting a dragon, folio 4 verso of the Moralia in Job, Citeaux, France, ca. 1115-1125

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Scene One, Bayeux Tapestry, Bayeux Cathedral, Bayeux, France, ca. 1070-1080.

Ambrogio, Lorenzetti, Peaceful City, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy, 1338-1339

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Feudal Japan

Page 19: Feudal Europe and Japan Post-Classical period. Feudal Europe.

In Japan

• Not much is known about Japan until around the 5th C. CE

• The evolution of SHINTO (the way of the spirits)—native Japanese religion; name adopted to distinguish it from Chinese influences

• Around the 5th/6th C, rapid adoption of Chinese influences in Japan

• Beginning around 1165, the feudal epochShogun Period (Kamakura Period)

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Feudal Japan

• DECLINE of centralized government by the 11th C– Bakufu

• Emperors still reigned, but didn’t rule: provincial lords named shoguns had power

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More about feudal Japan

• After the 11th C, the warrior-elite gave out land in exchange for gathering groups of retainers who owed loyalty & service to the lords– Samurai

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• Controlled the ineffective/puppet emperors

• Regional leaders’ families; hereditary titles

• Reciprocal relationships with daimyos b/c of loyalty oaths and obligations

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Three Successive Shogunates

• 1st (Kamakura Bakufu) was weakened by Mongolians & fell

• 2nd (Ashikaga Bakufu) became weakened by regional wars from 1467-1568

• 3rd (Tokugawa) after initial strengthening fell into total decline and ended by the 18th C.

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Feudal Japan

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Feudal Codes

• Bushido (Japan)– Stressed:

• Self-denial• Indifference to

adversity• Generosity to the

less fortunate

• Chivalry (Europe)– Stressed:

• Honesty• Courtesy• Defense of the


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What are similarities between the two regions?

• Europe: • Japan: