Fertilizer Global Market Analytics Report Released By The Business Research Company

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Fertilizer Global Market Analytics Report

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport Characteristics

A fertilizer is any material of natural or synthetic ori"in that is

applie# to soils or to plants to supply one or more plant

nutrients essential to the "rowth of plants.

 The fertilizers in#ustry procures raw materials such as rock

phosphate$ sulfur an# ammonia from minin" companies an#

natural "as from oil an# "as companies to pro#uce fertilizers.

Fertilizers are sol# throu"h #istributors or retail outlets to

farmers$ farmer cooperati%es$ companies practisin"

commercial farmin"$ horticultural businesses$ municipalities forparks an# at retail to consumers for "ar#ens.

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&ey Tren#s in the Fertilizer GlobalMarket Analytics Report Shift To Organic Fertilizers – Many farmers across the worl# are shiftin" from

chemical fertilizers to or"anic fertilizers. 'r"anic fertilizers are carbon(base#

compoun#s that increase the pro#ucti%ity an# "rowth )uality of plants. *sin"

or"anic fertilizers helps ensure foo# pro#uce# from these fertilizers is non(to+ic$

safe an# en%ironment frien#ly an# also ensures farms remain fertile for lon"er

perio#s. 'r"anic fertilizers play an important role in practisin" sustainableor"anic farmin" by the farmin" community.

Fertilizers From Sewage and Manure – ,hosphorus is bein" reco%ere# from

sewa"e$ manure an# other sources an# ma#e a%ailable as a fertilizer. -ince

phosphorus is a nite source$ companies are lookin" for ways to recycle or

recapture phosphorus to use in a"riculture. ,lants/ a%ailable phosphorus content

is increase# throu"h anaerobic #i"estion an# compostin" an# in slu#"e from

sewa"e throu"h aci# treatment an# o+i#isin". Accor#in" to research con#ucte#

by the 0uke Research A"ency$ Finlan#$ manure an# slu#"e when treate#

appropriately can pro%i#e more phosphorus than tra#itional inor"anic fertilizers.

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport 1 Market Comparisons

 The fertilizer market ma#e up aroun# 233 billion in a 233 billion chemicals

market in 4567 makin" it 338 of the o%erall market.

 The fertilizer market "rew slowly compare# to the o%erall chemicals market

with a CAGR of aroun# 338 from 4566 to 4569. The chemicals market

"rew at a CAGR of 338 #urin" the same perio#. The fertilizer market "rew

more slowly than the o%erall market because of a #ecrease in usa"e of

fertilizers in many parts of the worl# #ue to #rou"ht con#itions.

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport -e"mentation

:itro"en was the lar"est se"ment in the fertilizers market at ++

8 of the total market$ so worth about 2++ billion. :itro"en

fertilizers are fertilizers pro#uce# out of nitro"en ;:< chemical

combinations. =+amples are urea an# ammonia.

,hosphates were the secon# lar"est se"ment$ at ++8 of the

total market$ so worth about 2++ billion. ,hosphate fertilizers

are compoun#s or mi+ture containin" a%ailable ;soluble<

phosphate. =+amples are phosphate rock ;phosphorite<$

superphosphates or triple superphosphates$ nitro phosphate$potassium phosphates.

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport -e"mentation

Fertilizer$ Market -e"ments$ 4567

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ertilizer Global Market Analytics Reporte"mentation ( ,er Capita Consumption$lobal Global per capita fertilizer consumption "rew from 233 in 4566

to 233 in 4567 at a CAGR of 338 an# is e+pecte# to "row to

233 in 4569 at a CAGR of 338. ,er capita consumption is

increasin" because of increases in #eman# for water soluble

fertilizers in many parts of the worl#.

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Fertilizer Global Analytics Report>n#ustry Competiti%e 0an#scape

Key Competitor Proles Fertilizers Mar!et

"grium #nc$

• Product portfolio

• %rief nancials

• Mar!et share

Future Strategy


• Product portfolio

• %rief nancials

• Mar!et share

• Future Strategy


• Product portfolio

• %rief nancials

• Mar!et share

• Future Strategy

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport ?escription

 The report co%ers market characteristics$ size an# "rowth$ se"mentation$ re"ional an# country break#owns$

competiti%e lan#scape$ market shares$ tren#s an# strate"ies for this market. >t traces the market/s historic an#

forecast market "rowth by "eo"raphy. >t places the market within the conte+t of the wi#er chemicals market$ an#

compares it with other sectors.

 The market characteristics section of the report #enes an# e+plains the market.

 The market size section "i%es the market size ;2b< co%erin" both the historic "rowth of the market an# forecastin"

the future. ?ri%ers an# restraints looks at the e+ternal factors supportin" an# controllin" the "rowth of the market.

Market se"mentations break #own market into sub sectors.

 The re"ional an# country break#owns section "i%es the size of the market by "eo"raphy an# compares their

historic an# forecast "rowth. >t co%ers all the re"ions$ key #e%elope# countries an# ma@or emer"in" markets. >t

#raws comparisons with country populations an# economies to un#erstan# the importance of the market by

country an# how this is chan"in".

Competiti%e lan#scape "i%es a #escription of the competiti%e nature of the market$ market shares$ an# a

#escription of the lea#in" companies. &ey nancial #eals which ha%e shape# the market in recent years are


 The tren#s an# strate"ies section hi"hli"hts the likely future #e%elopments in the market an# su""ests approaches

companies can take to e+ploit this.

 The chemicals market section of the report "i%es conte+t. >t compares the fertilizer market with other se"ments of

the chemicals market by size an# "rowth$ historic an# forecast. >t analyses capital e+pen#iture$ R? spen#$

pro#uction an# imports an# e+ports of the chemicals market.

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport -cope

Markets co%ere# :itro"en$ ,hosphate an# 'thers.

Markets compare# ,etrochemicals$ ,lastics Materials An# Resins$ General Chemicals ,ro#ucts$

'ther Basic 'r"anic Chemicals$ -oap An# Cleanin" Compoun#s$ ,aint An# Coatin"s$ 'ther

Basic >nor"anic Chemicals$ Fertilizers$ ,rintin" >nk$ ,estici#e An# 'ther A"ricultural Chemicals$

>n#ustrial Gases$ A#hesi%es$ -ynthetic Rubber An# Fibers$ -ynthetic ?ye An# ,i"ments.

Companies mentione# A"rium >nc.$ ,otashCorp$ =uroChem$ CF >n#ustries ol#in"s >nc.$

Coroman#el >nternational 0t#.$ Bun"e 0t#.$ CDR ,artners$ 0, an# 'thers.

Countries Brazil$ China$ France$ Germany$ >n#ia$ >taly$ Eapan$ -pain$ Russia$ *&$ *-A.

Re"ions Asia$ Americas$ =urope$ Mi##le =ast Africa$ 'ceania.

 Time series Fi%e years historic an# forecast.

?ata Ratios of market size an# "rowth to relate# markets$ population$ G?,$ cape+$ R?

spen#$ importse+ports$ pro#uction$ ;all in 2 billions<.

?ata se"mentations country an# re"ional splits$ market share of competitors$ market


-ourcin" an# Referencin" ?ata an# analysis throu"hout the report is source# usin" en#


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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport Reasons to ,urchase

'utperform competitors usin" accurate up to #ate #eman#(si#e

#ynamics information.

>#entify "rowth se"ments for in%estment.

Facilitate #ecision makin" on the basis of historic an# forecast

#ata an# the #ri%ers an# restraints on the market.

Benchmark performance a"ainst key competitors.

?e%elop strate"ies base# on likely future


*tilize the relationships between key #ata sets forsuperior strate"izin".

-uitable for supportin" your internal an# e+ternal

presentations with reliable hi"h )uality #ata an# analysis.

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport ( Table of Contents  


Fertilizers Market Characteristics H

Fertilizer Market istoric Growth I

?ri%ers of the Market I

Restraints on the Market 9

Fertilizer Market Forecast Growth 65 ?ri%ers of the Market 65

Restraints on the Market 66

Fertilizer Market Re"ional An# Country Comparison 64

Fertilizer Market -ize$ 4567$ By Re"ion 64

Fertilizer Market$ 4566 1 4569$ istoric an# Forecast$ By Re"ion 6J

Fertilizer Market -ize$ 4567$ By Country 67

Fertilizer Market -ize$ 4566 1 4569$ istoric an# Forecast$ By Country 6H

Fertilizers Market -e"mentation 69

Fertilizers Market Comparisons 45

Fertilizers As A ,ercenta"e 'f The Total Chemicals Market$ Globally 45

Fertilizers As A ,ercenta"e 'f The Total Chemicals Market$ By Country 46

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport ( Table of Contents

Global Fertilizer Market$ Compare# to 'ther -e"ments of the Chemicals Market 4K

Global Fertilizer Market$ Compare# to 'ther -e"ments of the Chemicals Market$ istoric an#

Forecast 47

Fertilizer Market -ize$ ,ercenta"e 'f G?,$ Global 4

Fertilizer Market -ize$ ,ercenta"e 'f G?,$ By Country 4H

,er Capita Consumption 'f Fertilizer$ Global 4I

,er Capita Consumption 'f Fertilizer By Country 49

Fertilizer >n#ustry Competiti%e 0an#scape K5

&ey Competitor ,roles$ Fertilizers Market K5

&ey Mer"ers An# Ac)uisitions >n The Fertilizers Market KK

:umber 'f Mer"ers An# Ac)uisitions >n The Chemicals >n#ustry KK

Dalue 'f Mer"ers An# Ac)uisitions >n Chemical >n#ustry$ Global$ 4559(456J K7

Fertilizers Market Tren#s An# -trate"ies K

Back"roun# Global Chemicals Market KI

Chemicals Market Characteristics KI

Chemicals Market -ize An# Comparisons 4567 KI

Chemicals Market istoric Growth K9

Chemicals Market Forecast Growth J5

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport ( Table of Contents =mployment >n The Chemicals >n#ustry J6

=nterprises >n The Chemicals >n#ustry JK

=ner"y Consumption >n the Chemicals >n#ustry J7

Chemicals >n#ustry =+pen#iture JH

Chemicals >n#ustry Capital =+pen#iture JH

Chemicals >n#ustry R? -pen# J9

Chemicals >n#ustry ,ro#uction 75

Chemicals ,ro#uction$ By Country$ 4566$ 4567 An# 4569$ 2 billion 75

Chemicals >n#ustry >nternational Tra#e 74

Chemicals >mports 74

Chemicals >mports$ ,ercenta"e 'f Market Dalue$ By Country 7J

Chemicals =+ports 77

Chemicals =+ports$ ,ercenta"e of ,ro#uction$ By Country 7H

Appen#i+ 7I

:A>C- ?enitions 'f >n#ustry Co%ere# >n This Report 7I

Abbre%iations 5

Currencies 5

Research >n)uiries 5

 The Business Research Company 5

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport 1 0ist of Tables

 Table 6 Global Fertilizer istoric Market -ize$ 4566 1 4567$ 2 Billion I  Table 4 Global Fertilizer Forecast Market -ize$ 4567 1 4569$ 2 Billion 65

 Table K Global Fertilizer Market$ -plit By Re"ion$ 4567$ 2 Billion 64

 Table J Global Fertilizer Market -ize$ istoric an# Forecast Growth Rate$ By Re"ion$ 4566 1 4569 6J

 Table 7 Global Fertilizer Market -ize$ -plit By Country$ 4567$ 2 Billion 67

 Table Global Fertilizer Market -ize$ istoric an# Forecast Growth Rate$ By Country$ 4566 1 4569 6H

 Table H Global Chemicals Market$ -plit Fertilizer an# 'ther Chemicals$ 4566 1 4569 45

 Table I Global Fertilizer >n#ustry$ By Country$ ,ercenta"e of Chemicals Market$ 4567 46

 Table 9 Global Chemicals Market$ 4567$ -plit By -e"ments$ 2 Billion 4K

 Table 65 Global Fertilizer Market$ ,er Capita Consumption$ 4566 1 4569$ 2 4I

 Table 66 Global Chemicals Market Total :umber of ?eals$ 4559 1 456J KJ

 Table 64 Global Chemicals Market$ Dalue of MA ?eals$ 4559 1 456J$ 2 Billion K7

 Table 6K Global Chemicals Market istoric Market -ize$ 4566 1 4567$ 2 Billion K9

 Table 6J Global Chemicals Market Forecast Market -ize$ 4567 1 4569$ 2 Billion J5

 Table 67 Chemicals >n#ustry =mployment$ By Country$ 4566$ 4567 An# 4569$ L555s J6

 Table 6 Chemicals Market$ Total =nterprises By Country$ 4566$ 4567 An# 4569$ L555s JK

 Table 6H Chemicals >n#ustry$ =ner"y Consumption By Country$ 4567$ L555 T'= ;Tonnes 'f 'il

=)ui%alent< J7

 Table 6I Chemicals >n#ustry Capital =+pen#iture By Country$ 4567$ 2 Billion JH

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 Table 69 Chemicals Market R? -pen# By Country$ 4567$ 2 billion J9

 Table 45 Chemicals Market ,ro#uction By Country$ 4566$ 4567 An# 4569$ 2 billion 75

 Table 46 Chemical Market >mports By Country$ 4566$ 4567 An# 4569$ 2 billion 74

 Table 44 Chemicals >n#ustry =+ports By Country$ 4566$ 4567 An# 4569$ 2 Billion 77

Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport 1 0ist of Tables

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Fertilizer Global Market AnalyticsReport ( Buy :ow

 Fertilizer Global Market Analytics Report is a #etaile# report

"i%in" a uni)ue insi"ht into this market. The report is price# at

26475 for an in#i%i#ual user. To use across your oce the price

is 26H75 an# 24755 if you wish to use across a multinational

company. Clients are able to input on the #esi"n of the report an#

hi"hli"ht points of special interest.

>n or#er to ensure all the latest #ata an# analysis is a##e#report may take up to 65 workin" #ays to #eli%er.

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