Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful


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English Folk Story for children

Transcript of Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful

Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the UnfaithfulOh that Ferdinandalways getting his multiple personalities mixed up.Once upon a time there was a couple who never had any children while they were rich, but were able to have a child when they were poor. They were so poor that they could not find anyone to stand as godfather to the baby boy. The man decided he would go to the next town in search of a godfather. He found a poor man who volunteered as godfather. His reasoning was that he was poor as well so it would be a good match. He could not give anything to the godson as a gift but a key. He told the father to keep this key until the boy was fourteen. When the boy was fourteen he would find in the heath a castle. The key would open the castle and all inside would belong to the boy. The boy was called Ferdinand the faithful.Once, when he was seven, the boy got irritated as he talked to other boys and all the great things they had gotten from their godfathers. The boy was upset that he could add nothing to the conversation. He asked his father about it and his father revealed that he had been given a key. He also told about the castle. The boy went to the heath, but there was nothing there. He went back seven years later and the castle was there. He used his key to go inside and found a beautiful white horse. He informed his father that he would immediately ride off into the world to seek his fortune.On the road he saw a pen and thought about getting it, but changed his mind reasoning that there would be other pens. As he rode past the pen, a voice called him by name telling him to take the pen, so he did. He soon met a fish that was in the road. He threw it back into the water and it was very grateful. The fish gave him a flute to use whenever he was in distress.Before long, Ferdinand met a man who said his name was Ferdinand the unfaithful. They traveled to an inn. Ferndinand the unfaithful knew all manner of dark arts and knew what Ferdinand the faithful was going to do before he did it. At an inn the two Ferdinands met a beautiful maiden who fell in love with Ferdinand the faithful. Soon it came known that the king was in need of good servants. Ferdinand the faithful was too modest to suggest himself as servant for the king, but the maiden was not. She suggested Ferdinand and he was made an outrider to the king.Ferdinand the unfaithful asked the girl to help him as well. She also recommended his name to the king knowing that the unfaithful Ferdinand was not someone you wanted as an enemy.The king lamented that everything would be wonderful if he had his love with him. Ferdinand the unfaithful recommended Ferdinand the faithful right away. The king told the faithful that if he did not accomplish his task, he would die. Ferdinand went into the stable to lament his charge. Someone asked him what the matter was and Ferdinand was surprised to find it was his horse. He had never known the horse could talk before. The horse asked all his troubles and told Ferdinand that he must take a ship of meat and a ship of bread to appease the giants and birds who lived where the kings love lived.When Ferdinand arrived at the giants he must say:Peace, peace my dear little giants,I have had thought of ye,Something I have brought for ye.He was to give them the ship of meat and that would gentle them.When he met the birds he was to say:Peace, peace, my dear little birds,I have had thought of ye,Something I have brought for ye.Then he was to give the bread to the birds. The kings love would be in a castle, but she would be asleep. She must be lifted, bed and all, onto the ship, then returned to the king. Ferdinand the faithful returned the kings love to him, but the woman said she could not live without her writings and Ferdinand was sent back to retrieve them. He lamented to his horse again, but the horse gave him the same instructions as before, minus the part about the bed and Ferdinand came back with the writings.The king married his love and all seemed happy, but it wasnt. The queen did not love her husband because he didnt have a nose. She proclaimed that she knew a trick. She could take someones head off and put it back on again, and it would merely looks as if they had a red thread around their necks. No one would volunteer for the queens trick, but finally Ferdinand the faithful volunteered.The queen took his head right off and put it back on again. All was as it was promised. The king then volunteered, but when it came time to put his head back on, the queen said she could not figure it out. So the king died. The queen married Ferdinand the Faithful.The horse once again told his master something. Go to the heath where he had been found and gallop three times around. Ferdinand did this and the horse turned into a kings son.The End