Fenrir Journal of Satanism and the Sinister Vol 5 Iss 2

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  • 7/29/2019 Fenrir Journal of Satanism and the Sinister Vol 5 Iss 2


  • 7/29/2019 Fenrir Journal of Satanism and the Sinister Vol 5 Iss 2


    ~ a 6 r e of @ontents:~ f j e ~ i u e r

    Michael LaRocque, 1998.g,euen-fofb ~ a ~ : ~ r a i n i n g anb ~ r a b e s

    ONA, 198geh.~ f j e ~ a f ~ Of f ~ g,inisfer

    ~ ~ n i t i a t e s ~ e s v e d i v e - or ~ i j ' l am a g,inister g,atanistLyceus, ONA.

    @ r o w f e ~ , g,afan anb ffje g,inisfer ~ a Extracted from Hostia Volume I, ONA, 1992eh.


    ~ f j e ~ a ~ , ffje glTeans, f ~ Jtnb.ONA

    ~ a g a n i s m : ~ ~ r ~ a n g,ciencePeter Georgacarakos, White Order ofThule.

    glTaftrocosmosONA, 1997eh.~ ~ J[ogic of ~ o - 1 ' a ~

    Ragnar Redbeard, 1896.~ ~ g,inisfer ~ o r f t

    Lyceus, ONA.Jtsoferic ~ r a b i f i o n - aMifionaf nofes

    ONAJtsoferic ~ r a b i f i o n in & i t o r f ~ ~ m e r i c a

    Thomian, ONA.~ e ~ o n b ~ f f u s i o n

    Christos Beest, ONA. 1998eh.

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    ~ i j e ~ i v e r Michael LaRocque, 1998.

    Cftr he figure stood with pridealong the mouth of the river,a solitary witness to the preciousgift which nature had bestowedupon his soul. Of what consequence this may have upon notonly his being, but of all who hadcrossed before him, there was notelling. Upon his arrival, the riverhad erupted forth, billowing forward that of liquid fire, brillianceborn of life; a life filled with thepower to shape mountains and thelives of men, yet tranquil enough init's motion to induce sleep uponthe same. This embodiment ofMother had been born from thetears of Gods, to be presenced byonly those of rightful choosing.

    From the wind there camevoices, of which each uttered gentlewhispers of welcome in their passing, as well as details of natures ef-forts toward the coming winter,and the darkness that would fol-low. Within this, wind and watercoupled to form the backdrop ofwhat is now one mans sanctuary, tobe used in times of need when themoon eclipses even the brightest ofhopes, and the faintest of memory.

    To this the lone magickianwas given strength through action,from which did he erect a Temple,undying in it's grandeur and scalable only through the limitlessnessof imagination, its uses for that ofworkings known only to him. Ofwood gathered throughout thedarkest of forests and stonesshaped through timeless assaults,

    did the magickian construct an al-tar, it's purpose rendered throughthe permits of his only Will, theattainment of true being, throughthe perfection of body, mind, andsoul.

    Creatures of the forest,long since accustomed to the waysof this man, proved their trustthrough protection and neutralitywhen needed, for without thisfriendship failure was assured.Three months since the arrival ofthe magickian had it been, andthroughout this time lessons weretaught, no t only unto the mage andhis counterparts who crawled onfour and swam the depths, bu tunto the entire world which polluted his home from all points,near and far.

    This was only a beginning,an infant in the manhood of theevolutionary puzzle, and as hestood facing the trident of theriver, thoughts toward the futureswarmed throughout his mind.

    Was not he truly evolved,empowered with previous actionand well spent time toward thetests of self, that he could justify hisrightful place amongst the stars andcall forth the names of all whotread before him? If not now, if no thim, then who? When? Who be-fore him hath shown truer purpose, stronger limbs, or sharpnessof mind? "Have I no t suffered untoyou, Mother, for the period of timewhich I, through the breathe thatfeeds my blood, which in turn gives

    life unto my heart, had agreedupon from the first eve of my journey.7"

    This the magickian spoketo the river as he stood, motionlessbu t with great urgency, facing thewall of tears. Great suffering hadbefallen him in previous times, butthrough the trials set forth by nature, and more importantly himself, had he improved and honedmany skills, skills which would beneeded for this and future generations to sow the seeds for rebirthand ascension to the stars and be-yond. Answers were expected fromthis plea, bu t the river did notspeak.

    Disheartened by the riversignorance toward his many accomplishments, the mage slowlyturned, making steps weightedwith anger toward his Temple.There he would rest throughoutthe night; concentration given tothat of questions aimed at loyaltyand his wanted gift of placementamongst the Gods. The riverflowed throughout, but with themotion and reaction that of siltand clay, forever slowing with everylink broken by this mans ego.

    Sleep invaded the dawn,the mage undertaking a breathlessnightmare of visions hammereddown by what seemed to be thewrath of the Twin Rivers.

    Awakened by the shrilllaughter of a child, the figure againtook placement along the river,again questioning its judgementand purpose as authority. Again,no answers were handed to the perplexed and now angered Adept.Throughout the day, needed taskswent unnoticed; self-pity and thevillain of righteousness took holdwith a firm grasp.

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    Weeks passed by, with no an-swer to the questions posed by thenow disheveled mage given, the riverlay silent. With a hatred did themagickian take to dismantling theTemple, with great thrusts of livid per-secution did the foundation fall, andto it went the spirit of Will.

    With all but the altar remaining did the mage cease his attack, toonce again lay upon the earth, allow-ing the soil to cradle his beaten bodyas in times past. With his last vision ofconscious awareness did the man spitupon the river, renouncing that whichbefore he held sacred. Thoughts ech-oed throughout his mind, with thelasting image of his true wish thisnight, for the river to open once againand flow like the liquid beauty he hadloved and caressed with every motionof every deed. "I t is then," he spokeunto himself, "that I will receive theanswers I so justly deserve!" Then thedarkness of sleep took hold. Forever.Throughout the night, thegreat river churned under the hardened mass created from inactivity,with every flow harbored a hateful de-cree bellowed from the mage. Slowly,the river edged upon its side, closer toits prey, until the compacted soilcould hold the power from within nomore. The river erupted, flowing asblood onto all that lay within its wake,consuming the life it had given so gen-erously in times past, gripping and suf-focating innocence as well as theguilty. All that had lived were nowdead, to be used again toward the newlife the river would surely bestow, tomake the land again fertile.

    The river allowed the mark ofa lone altar to stand in place amongstits new children, to be a remembranceof her generosity and power, to not bemistaken for rightful dues by any man.


    g,even-forb ~ a ~ : ~ r a i n i n ~ anb~ r a b e 5

    Order ofNine Angles, 198geh.

    9l n many ways the seven-foldd ' way can be regarded as a process, by the individual, of discoveryand experience. The goal of thisprocess is the production of individuals skilled and knowledgeablein the magickal arts who have developed their latent, occult facultiesand who possess the beginnings ofwisdom.

    This process can result,sometimes by accident over extended periods of time (for example, three decades or more) bu t I t ismost usually undertaken as a resultof a conscious decision by an individual to seek esoteric and/ormagickal groups/Order/Adepts. Inthis later case - and provided theguidance received is good - the goalcan be achieved in a much shortertime.

    The first part of the processis in many ways the easiest that ofseeking some form of Initiation(qv. the Order MS 'A NovicesGuide to Initiation.,). Before andafter Initiation the novice is required to undertake various tasks bythe Master or Mistress who hasagreed to guide the individual along .the seven-fold way. The preInitiation tasks are the performanceby the individual of a simple hermetic ritual (usually on the night ofthe full moon), the construction ofthe simplified version of the StarGame and the successful completion of the various tests aimed atproving the serious intent and commitment of the candidate. The important thing about these tests ofintent is that the candidate is unaware of them - for example, thecandidate is asked to be present at a

    certain time and place and insteadof meeting there the expected Master of Mistress meets a person ofodd appearance who propoundsvarious view which the individual inquestion may find not only unusualbut distasteful, Such tests and encounters are not games but merelydevices which enable the candidateto begin to understand their ownmotives and expectations and assuch are an important preparationto Initiation. I t is to be understoodthat it is no t the order, which teststhe candidate - but the candidatesthemselves. Initiation is the beginning of the breaking of the illusionof roles, and to be successful thisbreaking must be done by the individual, from within.

    Once this breaking downbegins, then Initiation is already underway, and no 'Rite of Initiation'however complex or well meaningis a substitute for this change in theindividual. Such a rite, as a ceremonial ritual, is only the representationof this process in a dramatic formand in many cases is not necessaryif some other form of Initiation ismore suited to the candidate.

    Besides this breaking ofself-delusion, Initiation is an awakening of the occult faculties - thatis, the experience by the candidateof the reality of magickal forces.This experience can be broughtabout in several ways - first, bymeans of a powerful ritual of Initiation which produces magickalforces through invokation; second,through the candidate experiencingthe charisma of a Master or Mistress; and third, as a consequence ofthe individual undergoing a particu

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    lar experience where magickalforces are present. An example ofthis third type is when a candidate,expecting perhaps (as a result oftheir own imagination) a ceremonialritual of Initiation, is led to an isolated spot where magickal energiesare present either naturally (as forexample in most stone circles) orhave been created beforehand by anAdept in readiness for the candidate. The candidate is then leftalone. What the candidate then experiences (sometimes for manyhours) is an Initiation - althoughthis is seldom understood by thecandidate at the time because outwards form is lacking. In many respects, this third type is the mostvaluable of all the forms of Initiation since it does not rely on the illusion of ceremonial, or the dogmanormally associated with such ritualforms. Initiation is complete whenthe candidate realises that a processof inner change has begun.The next stage of the sevenfold way, following Initiation, iswhen the novice begins to undertake in a systematic way workingswith the various magickal forcesthrough such forms as Path Workings, hermetic and ceremonial rituals. Such workings in themselvestake several months and during thistime the novice will be given severaltasks - some practical, somemagickal - to perform. These tasksmay themselves take several monthsto complete. The most usualmagickal task involved the noviceassuming the 'role' of a dark sorcerer/sorceress for example, dressing in black and cultivating a satanicappearance - and in this guise attending various Occult functionsand generally trying to provoke argument and dissent The novice inthis is advised to cultivate an attitude of arrogance and pride andmust be prepared to defend forcefully their Satanic views. Following

    this, the novice is expected to infiltrate another magickal group/Orderwith the intent of attending a ritualand during that ritual either redirecting the magickal power ~ any)or invoking by their own effort during the ritual a powerful force oftheir own choosing to disrupt orotherwise alter the original ritual. Insome cases, the novice may organize their own group (recruiting people for it) for just this purpose.This magickal task developsnot only the use of magickal forcesin an interesting way but also provides the novice with a goal the attainment of which is invigorating. I talso provides an opportunity for thenovice to develop various skills pertaining to the manipulation of otherindividuals chiefly through the deliberate development of a'charismatic' personality or role. Itsthe fundamental task of the noviceto learn from those experiences that is, not to allow the role to become dominant

    This is achieved by the novice remembering that they are involved in a seven-fold quest andaccepting the advice given by theMaster or Mistress who assignedthe task. Both of these things somenovices find difficult to do. The behaviour of the novice during thistask is governed by specific guidelines - failure to observe the guidelines by an individual means the endof their noviciate as far as the Order is concerned.

    The practical tasks associated with this stage usually involvethe novice developing certain physical abilities suited to their character.Such physical goals (for example,cycling 100 miles in under 5 hoursor running 20 miles in 2 hours 30minutes - fitter individuals will begiven a more demanding goal) are anecessary balance to the magickaltasks as well as enabling those tasksto be achieved in a more invigorat

    mgmanner.This stage generally takesfrom six months to two years and isconcluded when the novice findschanges of perspective arising as aconsequence of the self-understanding brought through following the goals and tasks. Thischange should arise naturally and i tis made conscious to the novice toward the end of the stage throughthe grade ritual of External AdeptThis ritual is a prelude to the goalsand tasks of the next stage and signifies the beginning of Adeptship.

    The Grade Ritual involvesthe individual constructing a septenary Star game and the performance by the individual of a certainritual on a night of the new moon.This ritual involves the invoking ofa certain force, female in aspect

    The External Adept maychoose to continue with the groupor temple begun in the previousstage (or create one if this was notdone before) for the purpose ofconducting ceremonial and hermetic rituals of the type associatedwith, for example, the 'Book ofWyrd' as well as for the performance of the cthonic Nine Angles riteif desired. Alternatively, the individual may op t to concentrate onmagickal working with the StarGame - and for this (as the taskabove) a companion is required. Itis a task of the External Adept tofind such a companion, as well as toteach them all they themselves havelearned during the previous stages guiding them as they themselveshave been guided. This in itself generally takes from one to two years,and because of this most ExternalAdepts prefer, during this time, toorganize a magickal group/Templesince it provides a structure and afocus.

    During this stage the External Adept will experience manythings, particularly of a magickal

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    kind if rituals are undertaken by agroup, and contact with the Masteror Mistress will be limited and occur for the most part if the ExternalAdept wishes. I t is important duringthe long period associated with thisparticular stage, that the individualdoes no t become prey top the illusion of being a Master or Mistress.Most will of course succumb at some time to this as a consequence of the varied magickal experiences and. contacts with thoseless experienced in magick, manyindividual sever their links with theOrder as a consequence of this illuSIon.

    In some ways this stage isthe most difficult, involving as itdoes confrontation with variousroles and what had been called the'animalanimus', this latter occurring naturally through the trainingof a companion. Provided the individual maintains during the stagetheir resolve to follow to its end theseven-fold way (and here the advicefrom the Master or Mistress is oftencrucial at some point during thisstage) then, with the completion of

    the Ritual of the fifth stage, the newMaster or Mistress assumes a teaching role via an Order or an individual basis, and usually those who attain this stage take over at sometime their Order, guiding individuals along the seven-fold way. Theymay also create their own Order orgroup should they so wish - or reactivate the Temple they organizedduring their time as an ExternalAdept, since the Grade Ritual ofInternal Adept by its nature, meansthe individual must disband such aTemple or leave it in care of oneless experienced.

    After some years teaching,the Master or Mistress may withdraw to seek the next stage - provided they have trained at least oneperson to continue the tradition ofthe seven-fold way.

    Thus it will be seen that theseven-fold way is no t easy. It is away of life, which any individualmay follow. Those who only followits early stages gain something ofbenefit - those who go further mayachieve the goal that awaits us all:the next stage of human evolution.

    In the past, in anyone decade, the Order had many hundredsof candidates seeking Initiation.About four or five a year, sometimes less, may become Initiatesthrough their own choice. Of these,perhaps two will complete the noviciate and only two or three fromtwenty a decade become InternalAdepts, the others drifting away forvarious reasons. Every twenty years,a new Master or Mistress may takeoffice. There may be one or twoMagi a century. So it has been - andso it will probably unfortunately remain until the New Aeon begins toemerge on the practical level threeto four centuries in the future.

    The seven-fold way possesses the potential to create (givengood guidance) in ten years what ithas taken seven civilizations, fiveAeons or nearly ten thousand yearsto achieve. Every individual is freeto choose between this path to thedivine and a continuation of thesleep that keeps the potentiality oflife at bay. All magick is .a glimpseof this path - it is up to the individual to walk along it. - ONA, 198geh.

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    ~ f j e ~ a t f j of tfje ~ i n i s t e r ~ ~ n i t i a t e s ~ e r s v e c i i u e - or ~ i j ~ am a g,inister g,atanist

    91 am Becoming, Again, I am Be-d-' coming. Perhaps this time Ican maintain my resolve. I am partof something larger than myself,thus I am not simply my ego anymore. I am becoming somethinggreater.

    I am learning that Honour, isnot an easy path. Often it meansgoing against the psychic grain.Fighting against oneself. Holdingones tongue. Not being drawn into(dishonourable) slagging matches,or agreeing with someone who isputting someone else down. Notjudging people by what is heard,bu t from what one knows. This, Iunderstand to be honour. Add tothis the qualities of fairness and ofbalance.

    Where does talk lead? Does itlead to Destiny? Does it lead to theGods? Is it not through practicalaction - as the Seven-Fold Way continually states - that the Sinister Sa-tanist may become more than he orshe is. As an Initiate I already ammore than I was prior to Initiation.Each step enhances and strengthens my bond with my Tradition,with my Gods, my Folk. And whatis this Tradition? Is it somethingthat can be idly explained away,done away with, because it has'served its purpose'? Is it somethingthat can be understood and therefore judged from the past writingsof Initiates and Adepts rather thanfrom personal and direct experience?

    In my personal experience of theSinister Tradition, of the Sinister

    sites themselves, of the creations ofother Sinister Satanists, of theworks, the musick and the art ofthe Sinister Tradition in general Ihave come to know a little more ofthe Tradi tion directly and of whatSinister Satanism means practicallyto me. Such insight comes notfrom reading the various Ordertexts and manuscripts, nor fromstudying Occult journals, rather itcomes through a practical interaction with the Dark Gods of the Sinister Tradition by following theSeven-Fold Way. In short the Sinister is being born anew, re-createdIn myself as a Sinister Initiate, I amnow becoming a part of the Sinister and no words can take this awayfrom me.

    Eventually I shall be at onewith Satan, a form that is no t deadwhatever others (outside of the Tradition) may say. Practically Satan isa fundamental archetype of theWest re-expressed, reborn, revitalised. Who can really know the es-sence of Satan unless he or she fol-lows a Sinister or Satanic Path?And furthermore who within theSinister Tradition can really knowSatan unless he or she has personallyattained the title of Priest or Priestess? How then can a judgement bemade when the reality of Satan isnot experienced? Are such judgements made only from what hasbeen read? Perhaps such judgements only come from imitation,from a desire to be perceived as anew adversary, a new Satan...

    I for one know that Satanism,

    or the Sinister Tradition at least, isnot part of the sickness of theWest, rather it remains one of thegenuine expressions of the preNazarene West. An expression, inessence of that which is Beyond theNazarene societies in which we live.Hence the Sinister Arthurian Tradition, hence the continuation ofthe head-cult and the 'worship' ofthe War Goddess Baphomet, hencethe continued use of certain locations by Sinister Initiates and Ad-epts alike. Sinister Satanism is anadvancement of Paganism itself, itis Paganism renewed, reborn in anew form. Furthermore it has notsolely evolved as a response to theNazarene influence, but rather asan aspect of the natural evolutionof the energies (from one perspective symbolised by the sacred words'Ga Wath Am') as they are in es-sence.

    The Sinister Tradition is builtupon what has existed before andcontinues to add to this whilst si-multaneously influencing/infectingareas outside of itself (1) , be theseSociological, Political, Religious or'Occult'. Sinister Satanism hasbrought freshness to the Occultscene, such is its influence and fewother Traditions can make such aclaim.

    1. Such is the method of evolution andsuch also is one manner of gainingSinister Initiates.- Lyceus, ONA. 1998eh.

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    ~ r o w r e t } , g,afan anb fijeg,inisfer ~ a t }

    Extracted from Hostia, Volume One. ONA, 1992eh.9l n one sense, the work of Crowd ' ley may be said to be a restoration of various chthonic mysteriesof mainly Sumerian origin. Thusthe importance in the cult of Thelema attached to Set/Shaitan/Satan - an attempt to re-integrateinto the consciousness of the individual the duality represented bythe formula LAShTAL.

    However, despite themany claims, Crowley did not inaugurate a new Aeon. His restorationis simply a restoring of somethinglong dead - a kind of necromancy,and as a magickal force the cult ofThelema might as well not exist.

    In the exoteric sense,'Shaitan' represents those instinctive levels that are often, in ourmodern society, repressed in theindividual - and Satanic rituals ofeither the traditional kind or thekind based on the use of sexual formulae, are a means of catharsis: abeginning where consciousness isprepared and liberated from therestrictions implicit in ordinary life.In practical terms - and for the civilization of the West whose dominant religion and ethos has hindered by its distortion all that isnatural in terms of sex - this oftenmeans participation in rituals suchas those given in 'Codex Saerus' orCrowley's Gnostic Mass or someform of sexual working. Such participation restores the balance that

    is often lacking.Yet such a participation is

    only a beginning - and the ritualforms of such a participation areonly a means. They are means toexperience and if correctly undertaken should provide the individual with an understanding of thataspect of their personality whichhas been symbolized as Satan (formen) and Lilitu/Darkat (forwomen) - the darker, sensual side,Such an understanding is personalin the sense that the personality ofthe individual is involved, and theperspective achieved is usually thatof the life, or Destiny, of the individual in relation to his circumstances and other individuals. Thatis, there is little concern with or ap-preciation of, the forces of anAeon - other than perhaps somevague 'intellectual' understanding:or what is thought of as understanding.

    This re-integration of thedarker aspects - whether it occursthrough participation in rituals orvia other techniques of magick - isrepresented, in the septenary sys-tem, by the three lower spheres ofthe Tree of Wyrd (Moon, Mercuryand Venus) and these spheres sym-bolize the three stages of that reintegration - that is, Calcination,Seperation and Coagulation to usealchemical terms. It is during thenext stage that the individual who

    is following a planned and practicalmagickal way gains both culturaland Aeonic perspective. This enables an understanding of the relationship existing between the indi.-vidual and their unique Destinyand those forces which are symbolized by a magickal formula or'word' and which represent a particular Aeon.

    Such an understanding(associated with the fourth stage the sphere of the Sun - and thefifth stage, Mars) derives or has itsfoundation in, a rational approachand usually involves the individualstudying Aeons, civilizations andthe relations between them.However, the system ofCrowley, as well as the many sys-tems deriving in whole or in parttram his work, never arrives at thisstage because it has (a) set the formulae of sexual magick above eve-rything, and (b) negates with its ap-proach the rational analysis re-quired. The same is true of othermagickal systems involved in the'darker' side and which try in someway to let the individuals followingthem experience their own shadownature. An integration and thusunderstanding of this nature - enabling the individual to build uponthe foundations thus achieved - ofnecessity implies the developmentof those qualities such as reason,logic and scientific understanding,which Crowley et al have abandoned. Yet this development doesnot imply a mish-mash of Occultand pseudo-scientific concepts suchas 'quantum mechanics' and'relativity' - an unstable amalgamcurrently fashionable in certain circles. Rather, it implies the development of the mind and a certainway of thinking.

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    On both the esoteric andexoteric levels, the most significantstep so far in the evolution of ourconsciousness has been the development of rational analysis an d itsextension as the scientific method.The acceptance of this method(which does not preclude an acceptance of the forces with whichmagick deals) implies a certain'view of the world' and a personalapproach to living: a way, which isat once cautious, generally optimistic an d open and enquiring. This'view of the world' or way of thinking derives from the ancientGreeks - i t is expressed in theirearly philosophy (i.e before the decline represented by Plato), in theirreligious attitude and in their wayof living. It is essentially the sameattitude exemplified by Westernpaganism, and it is the antithesis ofthat view and way represented bythe religion of the Nazarene. Thereligion of the Nazarene inverts allnatural values - as Nietzsche understood. Thelema, and similar beliefs,negate, as Nazarene philosophy andlife does, that natural spontaneitywhich is the essence of this pagan'view of the world' - because Thelema ties the mind in knots of obscurity and metaphysical specula

    . tion (as the qabala in general does)it briefly frees the spirit only toweigh down the spirit with thechains of its own metaphysics.

    The true ethos of the West which the religion of the Nazarenedistorted and supplanted - may besignified by the word .Azif and thesymbol of the sunwheel; it is paganin essence. Th e ethos of the West(which derives from the present Aeonic force or 'current' first established c. 500 AD) is no t and neverhas been patriarchal in the sense

    that Crowley and his followers believed - such a 'patriarchal' ethosrepresenting the distortion imposed upon the original ethos bythe Nazarenes. That Crowley andothers were unaware of this is indicative of how far removed Thelema is from genuine esoteric tradition. Esoterically, the genuineWestern ethos is symbolized by thatforce which has become known as'Satan' or Lucifer. Exoterically, thisrepresents the desire to knowwhich has attained its greatestmanifestation in modern scienceand exploration.

    An analysis of Aeonicforces indicates that the presentAeon has, on the practical level- i.e. in terms of its effects on the vastmajority of individuals who because they have no t been liberatedby Occult Initiation are sway to ex-ternal influences - about three centuries more to run. During thistime, the distortion of the currentcaused by the Nazarenes and theirallies mayor may not c o n t i ~ u e depending on how certain Initiatesuse certain powerful magickalforces. Whatever, the 'NewAeon' (the sixth out of the seventhat mark our evolution) will haveits beginnings on the magickallevelwithin the next few decades - al-though on the practical level it willbe about another three centuriesuntil the effects are apparent. Thisnew Aeon will have no 'word' andits magick will be the magick of'Thought', that is spontaneous empathy. One of the moat fundamental facets of this new Aeon will bethe development of a symbolic language, which extends the frontiersof thought. Such a language is al-ready prefigured in the Star Game-just as the Star Game itself was pre

    figured in traditional Alchemy. An-other facet of the new Aeon will bethe emergence of a new type of individual: a type outlined byNietzsche. This new individual willbe fierce, free (of both external andinternaVpsychic influences), exultin exploration an d discovery andpossess an essentially pagan attitude to life. It is and has been oneof the aims of genuine sinister Orders to produce such individuals by having their Initiates follow theseven-fold sinister way.

    What has happened overthe past fifty or more years is thatthe distortion of the Westernethos - and thus the genuine Ae-onic current - has increased. Part ofthis increase is, in fact, due toCrowley and those who have fol-lowed him and his system withoutreally understanding what theywere doing. The genuine Westernesoteric tradition - as distinct fromwhat most Occultists wish to believe is the 'secret tradition' - hasno connection whatever with theqabalah, or Egyptian mysteries andsymbolism, and neither does it employ in any way the sorcery of'grimoire magic' and the formsonce appropriate to now dead Ae-ons be such forms Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian or whatever.

    The basis of the Westerntradition was and always has beenrational in the sense that those whocarried on its tradition sought tounderstand themselves, the worldand the cosmos in a detached manner - free from religious/politicaldogma. That is, to understandthings as those things are in themselves: without the projection ofbeliefs and ideas... To this end, theseptenary system was evolved, andthe 'mysteries' expressed in abstract

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    symbolism (of which Alchemy wasone form). The essence of theWestern tradition was no t some'great secret' or 'hidden knowledge'to be revealed to Initiates only rather, it was the belief that everything in the cosmos could be understood if one probed, investigated or thought enough about it.That is, the cosmos was seen as anatural order into which individuals could gain insight. From thisinsight, a new individual wouldemerge: a more conscious, evolved,person.

    The tradition thus encouraged the development in the individual of empathy via personal ex-perience: an experiencing of all as-pects of our own nature as well asthe worlds within and without.Thus were the 'magickaVOccult'faculties themselves developed. Theway of this tradition was essentiallypractical - exemplified by the GradeRituals, tasks and so on of theseven-fold way. There was no speculative metaphysical system, no ac-ceptance of irrational fears and beliefs, no subservience to someoneelse's personal mythology.

    The new Aeon should be a continuation of the process which thegenuine Western tradition began.Yet it is possible that this newAeon may never emerge. Th e distortion of the Western currentdoes and has represented a desireby some to return to what l)lay bedescribed as an aspect of the Babylonian ethos. This aspect gave riseeventually to not only the poison ofNazarene philosophy and religion,bu t also to the many political andsocial systems and ideas founded inthe 'view of the world'. There is, atthis moment in time, a very realmagickal conflict occurring be

    tween two forces - those represent ion and politics, or a return toing (whether consciously or no t is those essentially patriarchal dualisimmaterial) this Babylonian/ tic values where impersonal ideals/Nazarene ethos, and those repre ideology have precedence over thesenting the genuine Western (and individual. Every act of genuine sinthus 'sinister') tradition. On the ister magick is a step toward theoutcome of this conflict the next new Aeon. Thelema is a step backAeon depends - there will be either into the past - as are other systemsthe new Aeon with the blossoming which lack the empathy, that expeof the individual and the develop rience and then transcendence ofment of consciousness giving thus a the sinister brings.liberation from the tyranny of relig,...---------------------------

    ~ f j e 2t g,atanic ~ o i n t 5 1. Respect no t pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick

    the strong.2. Test always your strength, for therein lies success.3. Seek hapiness in victory - bu t never in peace.4. Enjoy a short rest, better than a long.5. Come as a reaper, for thus you will sow.6. Never love anything so much you cannot see it die.7. Build not upon sand bu t upon rock. And build not for today or yes-

    terday bu t for all time.8. Strive ever for more, for conquest is never done.9. And die rather than submit.10. Forge not works of art but swords of death, for therein lies great art.11. Learn to raise yourself above yourself so you can triumph over all.12. The blood of the living makes good fertilizer for the seeds of the

    new.13. He who stands atop the highest pyramid of skulls can see the fur

    thest.14. Discard not love but treat it as an imposter, but ever be just.15. All that is great is built upon sorrow.16. Strive not only forwards, bu t upwards for greatness lies in the high

    est.17. Come as a fresh strong wind that breaks yet also creates.18. Let love of life be a goal bu t let your highest goal be greatness.19. Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is

    woman.20. Reject all illusion and lies, for they hinder the strong.21. What does not kill, makes stronger.


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    Cfrr he Aim of the Seven-FoldWay is Enlightenment. This isa wisdom, an understanding, and anew way of being. It is an apprehension of what IS, as against whatAppears-To-Be, and it is also a practical living in the world in a manner which changes the world.

    Enlightenment is beyondthe duality of Good and Evil - be-yond the Light and the Dark. It isbeyond the conventional wordsused to express understanding. Theapprehension of Enlightenment isthe apprehension of that fromwhich all life proceeds, and thus ofthat which is both the Light andthe Dark, and the creative changewhich is evolution. As such, Enlightenment is beyond the Sinister.

    The Seven-Fold Way is butone practical means where this aimcan be achieved by individuals. Itworks. There are other ways, someof which may work. The academiclearning which forms part of theSeven-Fold Way is also a means - itis but a step toward something be-yond. Such a learning is a learningexperience of itself - a means of ap-prehending some of the essence behind and beyond the words, theideas, the theories. It is the practical work, in the world, and in re-gard to the transformation of theSelf, which is important.

    The Sinister Dialectic is bu ta means to promote and encourage

    Christos Beest, ONA. 1998eh.

    the Change which is necessary atany moment in our evolution - andthis change is both personal, of theSelf of he/she who is following theWay, and of others in the world,and thus of societies themselves.This change is for the most partpositive - that is, it encourages evo-lution: the transformation of indi.-viduals. For it is this transformation of individuals, toward and beyond the Self (and thus toward Enlightenment) which is evolution,for us. Is this change 'good'? Thequestion, as usually asked, is irrelevant - for what is good is what encourages evolution and whatchanges things in a positive way:that is, which changes individualsand makes them more'enlightened'. This is the whole purpose of the Seven-Fold Way and ofthe Sinister Dialectic (or the Dialectic of Enlightenment to be exact!).

    Each who travels the Waydiscovers things for themselves they alone by their own effortssolve the problems which arise, asthey work things out fo r themselves: rejecting what they do no tneed, and using what is helpful intheir quest. For only thus does thetrue experience which is the foundation of wisdom arise. Those whocannot or will not do this, get lost,and fail. The means of Darkness, ofthe Sinister - the images, the language, the ideals, the practice, aremostly bu t a means - bu t a Gateway, a portal, a nexion, to discour

    age the weak and encourage thestrong. For it is strong who areneeded, the strong who survive inthat most difficult quest of all- thatof genuine Enlightenment. Therest would just waste the time ofthose who have gone that Way before - so they are filtered out be-fore. They are thus the first test,the first Ordeal, which awaits thosewho wish to venture along thismost difficult of Ways.

    And yet the Darkness, theSinister, must of itself be understood, in a practical and theoreticalway, for without this understand.ing we believe there can be no trueunification - no travel to the Be-yond which is Enlightenment andthe true unification of the opposites. This is where the Seven-FoldWay is unique. What is Dark mustbe known, for only then can the Selfbe born and create that which isbeyond even the Self.

    Nothing else needs to bewritten - or will be written by us,since enough has been written al-ready to enable those, who possessthe desire, to follow the Way to itsend of Enlightenment.


    Christos Beest, DNA.1998

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    ' 3 P a ~ a n i 5 m : ~ ~ r ~ a n ~ c i e n c e By Peter Georgacarakos, White Order of Thule

    r;) u" s a pagan skeptical by nature,&\.- and from a scientific ratherthan religious background, I tendto raise an eyebrow when most people speak of "God," or "the Gods,"especially as anthropomorphic beings. In following with this, I am ofcourse also very skeptical of possibilities such as that the gods of oldwere aliens from another planet.Nevertheless, Joseph Kerrick's assertions [q.v. "Calling the WhiteGods," issue #2 of Crossing theAbyss] are based on actual occurrences and reports, and his logic issound; also, I agree withMax Frith, that despiteskepticism-which I feel isno t only healthy bu t necessary-the phenomena surrounding the issues raised inthe "alien" articles should notbe flatly dismissed or ignored.Falling back on my scientificknowledge, I feel I can give a psychological explanation of whatman's gods are according to science, which, although on the mostmaterialistic level, at least lends insight into the significance of paganism as an Aryan religion. This explanation may actually tie in with"alien" sightings, bu t whether itdoes or not, perhaps it will opennew channels of thought concerning modem Aryan spirituality intoto.Let me star t off by making it clearthat when I say "psychology" I mean

    Jungian psychology, a Europeanscience which acknowledges race,and attributes to man a Soul, albeita Soul on strictly scientific terms. Ido not aver to the Jewish psychology of Freud, which essentially renders everyone a sexual pervert, andupon which most modem "newage" pop-psychology is founded.

    sists of the conscious, which is our"I am" state; the personal unconscious, which contains images andthoughts which were conscious butforgotten, sensations which did notmeet the threshold of consciousness, or which were wholly suppressed from consciousness; andthe collective unconscious, which isa mysterious realm not personal atall, but which is accessible, on unknown terms, by the personal un

    conscious. The collective unconscious is a psychic realm which weshare with others, and it has beendeveloped layer upon layer for aeons, so that the most accessible"layers" would be common to one'sfamily, then the tribe, race, and soon.The collective unconscious has adual aspect-it consists of instinctsand archetypes. Instincts are rudimentary survival responses whichhave been preserved in psychicmemory throughout generations of

    the species. Archetypes areprimordial images which

    have evolved out of theinstinctual content because wehave attained a certain level ofbeing. These primordial imagesare nothing less than primitiveideas and symbols, or series of

    symbols, which formulate ourperceptions of the world and ourplace in it. By strict scientific terminology, the collective unconsciousis our "soul," and its archetypes, our"gods."What are usually understood to beour instincts are in fact the expres-sions of our instincts. For in reality,no one knows exactly what an"instinct' is, bu t only the reaction itcauses. Thus, when our handtouches a hot object, it automatically withdraws before we are ableto self-consciously realize that theobject is hot and we should withdraw to avoid injury; The withdrawing of the hand is commonly

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    referred to as an "instinct." Butdeeper consideration reveals that itis only a reflex created by the instinct, which is a life-preservingforce we know little about. So allwe have is a mental conception of aforce we are truly unable to conceive of rationally. This situation isidentical to what we commonly re-fer to as an "archetype." What isusually referred to as an "archetype"is truly our mental conception-inhuman terms-of a force or existence we cannot rationally comprehend. Just as with the instinct ex-ample above, the archetype is actually a reflex (mental) created by ourp ~ c h e to convey to our lwes theenergies, matrices, and Will whichlie behind life. To clarify this, CarlJung used the term 'psychoid' whenreferring to the existence behind anarchetypal image.The reality of the Psychoid/archetype relationship is explanatory of the obvious thread of unitywoven through all Aryan pantheons. All the gods, though unique totheir people and time, are nevertheless an expression of the very sameP ~ c h o i d s . Thus, the same Psychoidwhich was conceived in the Hellenic p ~ c h e as Prometheus wasconceived in the Norse p ~ c h e asOdin. There seems adequate evi-dence that Zeus and Thor werelikewise localized expressions of theself-same Aryan Psychoid. .Whenwe understand this, we come to understand some other very important things: that all the gods of thepast were merely forms of a deeperessence which is alive in us still todaYi that the Psychoids, as the truespiritual principles of paganism,express themselves according toeach people and each erai and

    probably, that overconcentrationon forms or traditions, in lieu ofpaganism based on essence, is verylikely preventative of a true spiritual experience.To merely revert back to 1066 is anattempt to revive dead god-forms.Only the P ~ c h o i d s themselves cantruly do this. What we need todayis no t a revival, but a re-presendng:we need a living paganism. Formcannot give us this. But nearly1000 years of Western Will-toPower, in the form of abstractthought, has taught us alot. Thiscentury, Carl Jung gave us thedeepest, most comprehensive understanding of the Aryan Soul(psyche) our people have had inhistorical times. With this knowledge, we can have a living paganism-the gods to today's Aryan Man.Jung said:"Only the man who has outgrown thestages of consdousness belonging to thepast, and has amply fulfilled the dutiesappointed for him by this world, canachieve full consdousness of the present To do this he must be sound andprofident in the best sense-a man whohas achieved as much as other people,and even a little more. It is these qualities which enable him to gain the nexthighest level of consciousness."This is what the White Order ofThule (W.O.T.) seeks to do spiritually-achieve as much as other pagans, and "even a little more." Wedon't have to forget old god-forms,for they were expressions of the Psy-choids. But we must fully understand the true principles which liebehind them. Due to tribal migrations and assimilations, many ele

    ments of the god-forms are overlapping, redundant, and inconsistent.It should be clear that many godsdo not even truly belong in thepantheon they reside in. Is it no tobvious that the iEsir and theVanir were the sole pantheons oftwo tribes which came together?That the fact that Odin, Thor andTyr are all gods of war also substantiates the claim that they were no tpart of a single pantheon originally?AB tribes are assimilated into a culture, the conscious effort to assimilate their gods into a pantheon renders the subconscious significanceof each god a little less meaningful.Lest these forms become meaningless idols, we must understandthem ever-anew.To help accomplish this, WOTutilizes the Thulean Pantheon. Thisis a four-image configuration basedon the core principles-the Psy-choids-of all Aryan pagan pantheons. It is called a "quarternity."l Ifwe trace back the original paganreligions of any Aryan people, weobserve that there was a point intime when our ancestors knew thatthere is a God the Father, God theMother, God the Son and God theDaughter. This substrate of primary religious knowledge underliesobvious theological distortions likethe all-male Christian Trinity. Thetraditions of the ancient mysteriesalso identified these four P ~ c h o i d s as aspects of a single, unified God.To this concept was usually given aname created using syllables usingnames from the four gods. Thisname can be referred to as the"Quadrigrammaton," and was of-ten known as the "Holy Name ofGod."

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    WOT calls these Psycho id sThu1eos the Father, Thu1ea theMother, So/arius the Son, and Sha,rya the Daughter. The Quadrigrammaton is Damarasha. Thisword has psychoacoustical qualities, due to its potential influenceon the psychic state of receptivity.Every one of us responded instinctively to the first two elements ofthe name before we were one yearold: the very first thing we learned,conceptually and linguistically, wasthe identity of "Da and "Ma." "Ra"is an appropriate name for a son!sun god, and "Sha" is from theIndo-Aryan "Shakti," the essence offeminine entity before the attainment of motherhood.While we in WOT use theseThulean Psychoids as our psychospiritual primordial images (amongothers), this is not mandatory inorder to achieve the purposes ofthis science, or this article. Yourrepresentation of the Thuleos Psychoid can be Odin, just as it wasfor the Norse. What is important isthe essence which lies behind, andwhich expresses itself through, theimage. In like manner, Thor canrepresent the Solarius Psychoid,Frigga and Hela combined couldrepresent Thulea, and Freya canrepresent the Sharya Psychoid. Thisscience, called Psychodynamics byWOT, is a link between true psy'chology and paganism. "Psyche,"was, after all, originally the Greekword for "soul." Psychodynamicsneed not replace Odinism or anyother form of paganism, bu t withproper attention, it could greatlyempower them, and make themtranscend mere knowledge (orfaith), into the realm of experience.

    It is no t the purpose of this articleto fully explain Psychodynamics orthe Psychoids-nor does space permit-but rather to introduce theconcept, in the hope that our paganism may begin to evolve. Onlythus can a new spiritual experienceaccompany the dawning of a NewAeon.Archetypes are images of only afundamental nature-they are neverexplanatory or directive; they t r a n ~ mit general "ideas" and"suggestions" to the personal unconscious, and our intellect andcharacter form concrete concepts,philosophies, and world-views, onthe conscious level.Images of Odin, Freya, Zeus, Aphrodite, etc., were the primordialmaterial from whence the ideationof our ancestors originated. Furthermore, archetypes are no t limited in form to personages-theswastika, the runes, and other. symbology originated on the collectiveunconscious plane of existence.This is the hermetic significanceseldom understood about the useof such symbols-by our forefathers,by secret orders, by the ThirdReich, and by our Movement, today. These symbols, when combined with other positive psychicinfluences, help tap into latent psychic energies which all Aryans p o sess. This is science, no t religiousspeculation, bu t it is best titled"occult science," because it is thesynthesis of science, philosophy,and spirituality; and because it isknown and/or understood by veryfew.In the last issue of this magazine,Max Frith correctly speculated that

    it is possible that the alien beingsexperienced by many people (all ofthem White) are a modem-day conception of "gods." This idea, thoughstrange, is nevertheless intriguingbecause it conforms with certainpsychological principles. Psychicactivity is never dormant-it has actively recorded every single intuition, sensation, thought and feelingyou have experienced since thetime your fetus experienced"mind," quite possibly, earlier.Thus, it stores and utilizes vastamounts of information. WhatMax was theorizing was that aftermany generations of ever-increasingmaterialism and technological de 'pendency, our Aryan psyche is presenting us with archetypal imagesexactly conformed to that mold.This is no t only possible, bu t veryprobable. As Jung said:''Man has only to realize that he is shutup inside his mind and cannot step be-yond it, even in insanity; and that theappearance of his world or of its godsvery much depends upon his own men-tal condition."As a matter of fact, it seems scientifically more likely that alien "gods"would be transmitted by our owncollective unconscious, than thoseof the Odinist pantheon which wasoverthrown 1000 years ago. A tremendous amount of psychic impression has been added to our psyche since Christianity conqueredthe last pagan vestiges of Europe.It is this very fact that interests memost about "alien" sightings andabductions, and the underlyingspiritual questions they pose. I f the"alien" sightings are due to primordial images from the collective un-

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    conscious-a subject even Jungbroached-that means those littlede-primalized "greys" are effectingmy perception of the world alsoand yours. But Psychodynamics includes processes which are magical-by the most scientific definition of the term-and which are ex-actly the type ritualistic method ourancestors used from time immemorial to tap into latent psychic energies and knowledge. It supplies uswith a deeper understanding of images and actions which can help usdig through 1000 years of aliencreed and materialism to reach theprimordial forces which can helpus today. This alone can return ourpsychic content, and thereby only,our genetic content, to the ascending path of evolution. These elements which we can conceive asarchetypes are what make us Aryan(noble), an d the further we movefrom them, the less Aryan we become. For if we understand thatbehind the instinct lies a deeperessence, an d behind the archetypelies a deeper essence, we must understand that behind the blood liesa deeper essence also.Moreover, Thule is the historicalland of origination of the Aryanrace, a land which even precededthe Lemurian and Atlantean, an dwhich shall be a subject of our"Oceanic Kingdom" series. So, instead of a "hit or miss" attempt toactivate psychic energies, using images (visual and vocal) which mayhave no results on the layers ofyour psyche, like Thor for thosenot of Scandinavian descent, orApollo for those not of Greek descent, etc., the Thulean images, al-though corresponding to a deeperlayer, are common to all Aryans. In

    America, where ancestry is seldomcertain, this is important, for theThulean images lie at the core ofevery single European pantheon.Contrary to popular American doctrine, "Odinism" (a name almostnon-existent in Europe) was notthe shared religion of "all northernEuropeans." In fact, almost everyarea had its own gods, and whenlisted collectively, they number inthe hundreds. Odinism, or properly labeled, Norse paganism, ispopular today because, thanks to acouple of t hough t fu lChristians, formationabout it best preserved.

    Now, I

    Odin ism,means classifyligion," but we must admit itis simple as compared with modemthought-patterns, its mythologicalsignificance is shot-through withmere folk-tale, and all our information has been passed down byChristians, which historically demands that we question what is,and what is not, original, an dtherefore genuine (compare the leg-ends of King Arthur!). Our spirituality should be consistent with contemporary thought. Science hastaught us a lot in the last 500 years,and has become a cornerstone (oneof them) of the Aryan mind-allthis is wholly absent in Odinism.In view of all this, it becomes obvious that Odinism is simply not asystem at the level of-never mindbeing able to elevate-the modem

    Aryan weltanschauung. It is the es-sence of Aryan spirituality ourMovement needs- no t mere tradition and empty forms. I am not say-ing we need aliens for gods (haven'twe had enough of that?), but I amsaying we need very specific archetypes which represent concepts necessary for psychic harmony andgrowth. This includes a quaternityspecifically akin to the Thuleanone. The Father: wisdom, culture,and experience; Mother: genetrixof life, cosmic goddess, family; Son:ambitions, youth, conqueringspirit, life-force; Daughter: fertility,wildlife, future of the race; and alsoDamarasha: a spiritual representation of becoming and renewal (ofarchetypal images) of the gods, andconcomitantly, man; Uris an extra,a chthonic deity representing manas animal, harmony of higher andlower attributes, evolution. Thesearchetypes, which are fundamentalto meaningful spirituality and psy-chological well-being, are no t adequately represented in the Odinismthe Christians have passed down tous.However, we also recognize thespiritual and philosophical attachment to Odinism of many in theMovement, as a way to give practical expression to what one feels inhis blood, or as perhaps a healthieralternative to either Christianity orSatanism. Whatever the case, we'renot trying to replace your gods, bu tonly trying to effectively stimulatethe Aryan psyche, which must be aprerequisite to true Warriorhood.Whatever the nature of your ownpersonal religion, Psychodynamicsis properly labeled science, and hasa proper place beside that part ofyour activism.

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    When we understand the principles behind the images and names,not only are we more likely to activate collective energies, but we'llalso begin depositing positive images into our psyche, for ourselvesand our posterity. Moreover, because our conscious and unconscious energies also effect all brainwashed Aryans who oppose us orignore our message, our imageentries onto the psychic plane willultimately affect their perceptionsof the world also, whether they likeit or not-this, too, is magic.Religion might no t be real to you,bu t your psyche, and our collectiveunconscious, most certainly is. It isa blue-blooded trai t of the Aryan tocreate sciences-like psychology.And it is also an Aryan trait to usesuch to better himself, his people,and his world. The time for thisstep forward is now."Human knowledge consists essentiallyin the constant adaptation of the pri-mordial patterns of ideas that weregiven us a priori. These need certainmodifications, because, in their originalform, they are suited to an archaicform of life but not to the demands of aspedfically differentiated environment.If the flow of instinctive dynamism intoour life is to be maintained, as is abso-lutely necessary for our existence, thenit is imperative that we remold thesearchetypal forms into ideas which areadequate to the present."-C.G. lung, The UndiscoveredSelf

    White Order of ThuleP.O. Box 5661

    Richmond, VA 23220Vinland (USA)

    gUaJirocosmosONA, 1997eh.

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    proach simply because, if they arebeing honest, they would no t wishtheir lives to be so disrupted - andliving life as, for example, a dangerous revolutionary is too frighteninga prospect. For the Satanist, it isprecisely these reasons which makesuch an undertaking necessary.

    The development of Satanicreasoning is part of the purpose ofthe Insight Role (qv.). This al-chemical method is very hard, as itrequires the Satanist to believe intheir role - and convince other nonSatanists of their sincerity via practical acts [it is no use just editing a(for example) National-Socialistjournal - or writing learned articlesfor existing journals]. The role usually brings an alienation of occultcomrades; family; other friends sometimes the loss of personal freedom. It severely tests, and thus develops - or destroys - character.

    This method is not, assome may perceive, solely a cynicaVclever manipulation of a formfor selfish ends, whereby all formsare regarded as merely means to bediscarded when personally appropriate. An Insight Role teaches empathy. of forces that exist beyondthe life of the Satanist, and howthey influence the masses, contributing to the evolving of civilisations, etc. There is a real appreciation of the form so lived; an appreciation judged no t solely from a.Satanic/Sinister' - or socially conditioned - perspective, bu t according to the form as that form is, onits own "light" terms. The Satanistis and is not that role: an awareness that is, before Adeptship,quite difficult to live with - and isseldom, if ever understood by nonInitiates.

    This is the meaning andpurpose of Sinister Magick: tobring a synthesis via the conflict ofopposites that exist within andwithout the Individual. This syn-thesis is the result of a practicaljourney, where this bifurcationmust still be experienced if theforces that do still exist within thepsyche of the Initiate are to be even:-tually understood, beyond intellectual apprehension, as 'abstractions'.Thus, the meaning of Satan andthe purpose, for Individuals andAeons, of the Seven-Fold SinisterWay: to undertake acts of positiveopposition, 'blasphemy' j becausewithout such acts of extreme defiance, there is no genuine inner liberation... and so shall it remain formany centuries to come (see alsoSatanism, Blasphemy and the BlackMass MS).

    An Insight Role thuscreates a real understanding of Ae-onies - an understanding beyondthe self, and thus the cultivation ofthe faculty of Reason, and the glim-merings of genuine Wisdom. Asstated, without this (arduous) experience, there is a staying where oneis - despite whatever level of intellectual esoteric apprehensiongained - centered around a mostlyself-indulgent life-style. Essentially,without experiencing this bifurcation, the psyche will no t bechanged, thus preventing it fromtravelling towards those realms thatseparateAdept.

    the Initiate from the


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    Might was right when Caesarbled upon the stones of Rome,Might was Right when Joshua ledhis hordes o'er Jordan's foam,And Might was Right when German troopspoured down through Paris gay;It's the Gospel of the Ancient Worldand the Logic ofTo-Day.Behind all Kings and Presidents-all Government and LawAre army-corps and cannoneers-to hold the world in awe.And sword-strong races own the earthand ride the Conqueror's Car-And UbertY has never been won,except by deeds ofwar.What are the lords of hoarded gold-the silent Semite rings?What are the plunder-patriotshigh-pontiffs, priests and kings?What are they but bold master-minds,best fitted for the fray?Who comprehend and vanquish by

    the Logic ofTo-Day?Cain's knotted club is scepter still-the "Rights of Man" is fraud:Christ's Ethics are for creeping things-true manhood smiles at "God".For Might is Right when empires sink.in storms of steel and flame;And it is Rightwhen weakling breeds-

    are hunted down like game.Then what's the use of dreaming dreamsthat "each shall get his own"By forceless votes ofmeek-eyed thralls,who blindly sweat and moan?No! a curse is on their cankered brains

    their very bones decay:-Go! trace your fate in the Iron Game,is the Logic ofTo Day.

    The strong must ever rule the Weak,is grim Primordial LawOn earth's broad racial threshing floor,the Meek are beaten straw.Then ride to Power o'er foemens necklet nothing bar your way,

    IF you are fit you'll rule and reign,is the Logic ofTo-Day.You must prove your Right by deeds of Might

    of splendor and renown.If need-be march through flames tifhell,

    to dash Opponents down.If need-be die on scaffold high-

    in the mornings misty grayFor "UbertY or Death" is stillthe Logic ofTo-Day.Might was Right when Gideon ledthe "chosen" tribes of old,And i t was right when Titus burnt

    their Temple roofed with gold:Might was Right from Bunkers Hillto far Manilla Bay,By land and flood it's wrote in bloodthe Gospel ofTo-Day.

    ''Put no trust in princes"is a saying old and true,

    ''Put no hope in Governments"translateth i t anew.All 'Books ofLaw and 'Golden Rules'are fashioned to betray;

    'The Survival of the Strongest'is the Gospel ofTo-Day.Might was Right when Carthage flameslit up the Punic foamAnd - when the naked steel ofGaulweighed down the spoil of Rome;Might was Right when Richmond fell-and at ThermopalyeIt's the Logic of the Ancient World-and the Gospel ofTo-Day.Where pendant suns in millions swing,

    around this whirling earth,It's Might, It's Force that holds the brakes,and steers through life and death:Force governs all organic life,inspires all Right and Wrong.It's Natures plan to weed-out man,and Testwho're the Strong.

    - Ragnar Redbeard1896

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    ~ ~ ~ i n i s t e r ~ o r f t C7ri he two individuals passed

    through the Cathedral MainGate. There was little difficulty inpassing the ticket boxes, installed ayear or so ago with the intention ofcollecting payment from the massof tourists that passed through theCathedral each year. The first individual showed his pass, he didn'tspeak or smile. His partnerquickly spoke to the woman seatedin the little office before continuing his journey.

    It was an overcast day, alight rain gently fell towards thedampening earth, Without speak.-ing to one another the two figuresfollowed the path that providedtourists and pilgrims alike with aroute around the Cathedral. AJ...ready the walls were becomingblack, a sign that their power wasgrowing stronger. Only the twoindividuals, both dressed in black,noticed the gargoyles and GreenMen that smiled grimly down onthe passers-by. Every now and againone of them would stop outside adoorway an d speak a few words inLatin, a language that few used inmodern times, but one that sustained within its grammar andsyntax an emotive f e e l i n ~ thatcould concentrate the mind uponthe Magickal Powers the individualwas invoking. As their journey continued they passed the statue.known as the .Son of Man" theyignored it, knowing that soon itwould become host to one of theirown.

    With their walk of the cir-

    Lyceus, ONA.cumference completed they madetheir way inwards, entering thesanctuary of the Nazarene. Here,there had been many phases ofbuilding, the fire of 1174 had lefthalf of the building in need of repair and there could still be seenmany symbols and signs left by theMasonic workers. Over the following eight-hundred years buildingwork had continued right up untilmodern times when the Nave hadbeen refloored. And though theNazarenes had ensured that no historical proof of the Old Ways wasto be found during the recentphase of excavation and buildingwork, whispered rumours of ancient mounds and sacred wellsfound within the Cathedral wallsremained.

    Walking around the upperpart of the Cathedral the companions remained in a state of innercalm and meditation, the shorter ofthe two speaking Latin in ahushed voice. Reaching the pulpitthe figures separated, as one fo-cused his energies upon the Pulpititself, watching as its body becameblackened until it collapsed inupon itself as decay set in.

    liTo open the blind eyes, tobring the prisoners from the dungeons, and Them that sit in dark.-ness ou t of the prison house...'

    "...ye that go down to thesea, and all that is therein, the isles,and the inhabitants thereof..."

    "Let them give glory untothe Lord and declare his praise inthe islands. The Lord shall go forth

    as a mighty man; he shall stir upjealousy like a man of war; heshall cry, yea, he shall shout aloud:he shall do mightily against his enemies.

    Standing at the Lectern, thePriest carefully selected the versesfrom the Bible which lay open atthe Book of Daniel, he smiled ashis words formed images thatfilled the Cathedral with Chaos.Turning to the High Altar he feltthe cold current of Chaos energypass through his body and into theforemost place of Nazarene worship and it was destroyed.

    When they entered theCrypt all was silent. Here they hadcome many times, in preparation,communing silently with the ancient images of the beasts:Wyverns, Dragons, Griffins, GreenMen all apparent to the discerningeye. Their existence proving thatthe apparition of the Nazarene religion was bu t a thin veil throughwhich the Old Ones look. Here,the minds eye, the Eye of Satan,could watch Them sleep, frozen instone an d yet, with the rightMagick, They could be awoken andreturn as a cold wind that blowsthe stench of death upon a recentfield of battle.

    At the far end of the Crypt,known as Eastern Crypt there laythe Jesus Chapel, the Chapel of theimpostor. Here the two SinisterPriests were left alone, a brief re-prise from the constant throng oftourists and pilgrims that unconsciously invaded the silence of their

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    Black Meditat ion.Concentrating intently

    upon the energies they were invoking they began the slow unearthlychant of their Tradition: Dies irae,dies illa, solvet saeclum in favilla,teste Satan cum sybilla, quantostremor est futurus, quando Vindexest venturus, cuncta stricte discussurus, dies irae dies illa." The wordsresonated throughout the Crypt, asthough the Crypt itself had suddenly awoken from a sleep and wasnow replying or uniting with theSinister Chant. With the secondchant came the birthing and thepreparation of the host who wouldbecome the new channel for theChaos.

    Looking at one another,on completion of their third chant,they moved to the Chapel of theLady of the Undercroft, the centralchapel in the crypt where theywould light the three candles inhonour of the work.

    With their Black Meditation completed, in silence they leftthe Crypt, passing members of theNazarene clergy as they left. Outside it remained overcast...

    EpilogueLate that evening, high upon oneof the ancient hills that formedpart of a ridgeway that passedthrough the countryside of SouthFast England, two individuals gathered to prepare the way for TheyWho Are Never Named. To attempt to open a Gate to the LandBeyond and so return to Earth theBlackest powers in the Universe...Aperiatur terra etgerminet Chaos

    Lyceus, ONA.

    Jtsoteric ~ r a b i t i o n : dfurfijer ~ o t e s

    l ' n the light of recent archaeocY logical discoveries, it is possiblethat the origins of Albion/Hyberborean culture are in factmuch older than dates previouslydocumented in Order teachings.

    According to these recent discoveries, it may be suggested that theethos which gave birth to the civilization of Albion was in existence atleast 12 - 10,000 yrs BP. Recentfindings have included the datingof the very early phases of Stonehenge to 10,500 yrs BP, and whatcould prove to be almost irrefutable evidence that this early Aryancivilization had visited/colonisedwhat is now America [ie. the remains of 'Kennewick Man' - datedapprox. 9 ,200 yrs BP].

    It may yet be discovered thatthis ethos and associated civilization(s?)/culture is indeed mucholder than the dates quotedabove - that there did exist a civilization or culture which expressedin practice the genuine Western, orAryan, esoteric Tradition at least20,000 yrs BP. Whether or not thisculture was an advanced expressionof this ethos - ie. whether or notone or more of its various phasescould be regarded as an aeon withan associated Higher civilization will remain for the present unknown.1 However, the presentwriter is inclined to believe that theevolution of this ethos was slow

    and organic - and in its beginningsuntil the time of Albion "primitive"and largely intuitive, no t necessarilyimplying the urge to order that ischaracteristic of a civilization.

    This spiritual legacy, whichevolved to inspire the building ofseveral ancient structures across theglobe, flourished throughout Al-bion up until 5,500 yrs BP, afterwhich time there was a slow decline/loss. The height of this flourishing is identified by Tradition asthe Hyperborean Aeon. After3,000 yrs BP - at this time there oc-curred significant social change(possibly in part connected to theinflux of the Celts, and the gradualordering/emergence of the"Druids") - the "Tradition" (orrather, the remnants of its teachings) was preserved solely in an areaof the Welsh Marches [and fromthence to 1,50Oyrs BP - inauguration of the Western Aeon - andfrom there to present day].

    It must be remembered that the"Tradition", this legacy of Albion, ismuch more than an inherited setof (now fragmentary) teachings. Itwas, and is, a certain attitude to life(qv. Exeat, Eira, and "Aeonics"MSS).

    Essentially, the "Tradition" wasand is a way of Being - beyond eventhe structures/histories/images/words associated over the aeonswith "the Sinister". It is ethos: a way

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    still exemplified, as pure as it wasin its origins, in the lives and theliving of present-day genuine Initiates.


    There has been some confusionin recent years concerning the nature of the "worship" that characterised the culture of Albion. Knowledge of the stars played a deeply es-sential role in the social structurefor various reasons (some of whichare unknown), but this did notmake the people of Albion "stellarworshippers". Here, one has to beclear about the meaning of"worship".

    The culture of Albion was comprised of solar cults for some verysimple and fairly 'non-esoteric' reasons. The main reason, and thusthe true nature of "worship", is revealed to anyone who has spenttime living a simple and genuinerural existence of self-sufficiency, orhas spent time living thus, alone, ina real natural wilderness. What isrevealed should be obvious: ou rfundamental relationship, as livingbeings who require life, with theSun.

    ONA, 1998eh.

    1According to the Dark Gods ~ y t h o s (see various MSS), this culture couldbe said to be a legacy from contactwith either or both the "Dark Gods"and the "Elder Gods" - or a direct continuation or derivative of one of those"extra-terrestrial" civilizations/ethos.


    Jtsoteric ~ r a b i t i o n ~ ~ o r f ~

    U" ccording to Esoteric Tradi~ " t i o n , the culture which ex-

    isted in Albion extended and ex-plored a good bi t further than itsepicenter - and its origins may bemuch older than previously believed (qv. Esoteric Tradition - addi-tional notes MS). It is related thatthe peoples of Albion1 may havesettled as far as North America!Canada. Recent controversial archaeological finds may be establishing a good deal of evidence for this.

    The best known of theserecent discoveries is 'KennewickMan' - whose remains were foundin a small town in Washingtonstate. Though initially assumed tobe the 9,200 year old remains of aNative American, further examination has suggested that these re-mains resemble European Ma nmore so than a Native American.The remains have been placed atbeing between 9,200 and 9,600years old, which would suggest thatthe origins of the civilization of Albion extended as far as even thenorthern United States.

    Much controversy has ensued over th e notion thatKennewick Man may be European,or a direct relative thereof. Naturally, given the current state of human interaction in North America,such a notion - since it mightbenefit European Americans at the'expense' of the Native Americanswho believe him to be one of theirdescent - is strongly looked down

    ~ m e r i c a upon. Though if we are ever tolook at history accurately, this is anotion which needs be explored.

    It is believed that the flowof Aryan population stretches fromEurope, through Northern Asia,across the Bering 'land bridge' andinto Alaska/North America. Recent Scientists have given supportto the notion that European Manoccupied the entire northern region of Asia at one point, enablingsuch a movement into NorthAmerica. Esoteric Tradition hasalso stated that the hyperboreancivilization was sea-faring, and mayhave explored as far as Iceland andNorth America via the waters.While it seems more likely thatKennewick Man came to NorthAmerica via the Bering land bridge,the possibility still holds that otherhyperboreans may have visited bysea. The seafaring nature of Al-bion, and travel to North Americawould have been made much easierthen, due to the lower sea levels.Some scientists have gone even asfar in this theory as to hypothesizethat early Europeans may have vis-ited North America on 'skin boats'.

    Th e controversy surrounding Kennewick Man, may eventually result in the cease of scientificexamination of the remains, andreburial by the Native Americans.While this outcome is no t likely,since the evidence suggests he isnot of Native American descent, itremains a possibility. At the time of

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    writing, the issue is at a stand still,while the remains are given time toadjust to the environment theyhave recently been moved to forfurther study. It is anticipated thatthe outcome of the studies willspark much further exploration ofthe notion that hyperborean (orpre-hYPeTborean) man traveled andsettled as far as the Unites States.Suggested further reading and references: Various Notes on Esoteric Tra

    dition, including those contained in Hostia - Regardingthe dating of esoteric tradition ,the possibility of hyperboreancivilization traveling, via thesea, to North America and soon.

    Tri-city Herald (Kennewick,Washington) news story ar-chives. Available via the interne t at:http://www.tri-cityherald.com/bones/

    Northern Clans, Northern Traces.http://www.nmnh.si.edu/arctic/htmllancient.html


    1 The Hyperborean civilization of Al-bion being dated approximately7,000 - 5,500 years BP (5,000 -3,5000 BCE). However, originally Tradition stated that the hyperboreancivilization existed around 7,000 to6,000 BCE. This was revised after athorough examination of the dating ofthe Tradition (qv. The Dating of Esoteric Tradition MS), as it is believedthe original Tradition may be off by atleast a thousand years.

    ~ e ~ o n 6 ~ r r u 5 i o n Christos Beest, ONA. 1998eh

    ~ l l ' II authentic occult WaysC.J \.- bring enlightenment - that is,they bring a living apprehension ofthe cosmos as a unified Being, andthe purpose of individual existencein accord with that Being. In theDark Tradition, this apprehensionis but a beginning.

    The Sinister Path aims to bringthis apprehension via its variousGrade rituals, ordeals and tasks.These experiences, as has been written many times, gradually expandindividual consciousness into acausality. The Initiate, if they are honest with themselves, will know whatexperiences are necessary in orderto bring an internal balance, and soenable progress along the Way.

    However, these various ordealsdo no t in themselves produce enlightenment. In understandingthis, an Initiate of the Way mustcease to view the ordeals as formsof conventional "Occultism"; thatis, as isolated rituals which supposedly provide "quick fix" results, andan instant attainment of somegrand occult title. The ordeals mustbe understood as ways and meansto enlightenment only within thecontext of the whole journey, from"novice" to "immortal".

    In particular, each Grade ritualis a rite of consolidation, a methodto distill the wisdom from the previous tasks and ordeals (such as an"Insight Role"). For example, theGrade ritual of External Adept, byits very nature, provides the conditions necessary to reflect upon the

    previous stage of Initiate, and tothus allow a process of understanding to occur unhindered. This understanding, produced by the conditions of the rite and derived fromthe experiences which have led upto it, is the quintessence of eachGrade ritual.

    By allowing this consolidation,via a method which fulfils Sataniccriteria, character and creativity isdeepened an d further evolved, andthus the next stage of the Way ismade possible. This next stage sig-nifies the practical implementing ofthis "further evolving" in the realworld.

    This process is particularly demonstrated by the Grade Ritual ofInternal Adept. The conditions oflong isolation and silence enable,really for the first time, genuine understanding of the Way as previously and uniquely experienced bythe prospective Adept. This understanding occurs of itself, becausethe prospective Adept has ceasedthe practical, dynamic life of experience that was previously required .

    Thus, the rite of Internal Adeptonly produces enlightenment whena sufficient amount of sinister experiencing has occurred (usually overa period of three to seven years following Initiation). The ritual maybe undertaken at any time, bu t mayno t produce what it is designed toproduce if the time is not ready forits undertaking: this is to say thatenlightenment does not merely re-sult from spending a minimum

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    amount of three months living iso-lated in the wilderness. It is easy tobecome enchanted with the"glamour" and challenge of the image of that particular rite: but theoutward form is only surface andmeaningless if undertaken simplyfor its own sake.

    The prospective Adept therefore will come to an intuitive understanding of the essence of thatritual beyond its appearence,within a time-frame unique to theirown development. When that intuitive understanding occurs - andthe individual will know when itdoes - then all the conditions, esoteric and exoteric, are present for agenuine, successful undertaking.Any attempts prior to that point ofintuitive understanding impliesthat the ritual is being undertakenfor the wrong reasons, and will endin failure.

    One such reason is to see therite of Internal Adept as an escapefroml solution to personal problems or circumstances - and forthose subjected to the pressuresand sicknesses of modern urbanlife (or the culture of the "realworld" in general), the allure of liv-ing as the archetypal Hermit is understandably very strong. But theritual does not in itself consti tute anew way of life - although it doesgive, perhaps incidentally, aglimpse of the beginnings of such away; and if such a new war is desired, then it must be discoveredand created prior to or followingthe ritual itself. (Conversely, an es-tablished, productive and "happy"life can produce excuses not to undertake the ritual.)

    Following completion of the Internal Adept rite, the new Adept

    implement their Destiny, of whichthey are now conscious. The tasksthen required are devised by theAdept themselves, in accord withthat Destiny. Only when (and it)the primary goals of that Destinyare achieved, can the next stage ofMaster/Mistress occur.

    Essentially, the undertaking of aGrade ritual should not occur as aconsequence of allowing unconscious and personal motivations todominate (which are then obscuredin fine-sounding ideas or excuses).Personal dilemmas are there to beresolved in other ways, and theGrade rituals there to be allowed no matter what the desire of theInitiate - to occur of themselves. Inallowing this, the Initiate needs todevelope a certain detatchmentfrom the personal - a combinationof the intuitive and the objective.

    Where the various other tasksare concerned, such as those listedin Hostia, the Initiate is o c c ~ ~

    alchemy of other tasks, that such atime will arrive, to thus be actedupon, using their own initiative.This time does not stay, bu t is as agate that will open and then beginto slowly close, until the opportunity is lost. In this - as in allother aspects - self-honesty is thefundamental requirement of any-one who seriously aspires towardsthe ultimate goal of wisdom.

    To conclude: an Intitiate shouldask themselves the following questions. What really is the purpose,for the individual and beyond, ofeach Grade ritual? Is such an ordeal undertaken because of theglamour and promise of its"image"? Is the ritual to be manipulated for personal ends, or are therelarger forces involved to which theindividual must learn to listen? I fthere is a larger force, what is it andhow is the individual to listen? Inso answering, there is no point insimply regurgitating the expected

    ally led into these by the i n d i ~ d ~ ~ ~ O N A theory; one must answer ac-who is acting as their guide. Sometimes such tasks are not undertaken altogether willingly, bu t areexperienced because the advice ofthe guide - someone who has travelled further along the Way - istrusted and accepted. Such tasksharden personal character, providegreater insight into oneself and theworld, and further refine a sinisterfocus and understanding. Such afocus/purpose/sense of Destiny,enables judgement and the endurance to see that judgementthrough.

    As for the Grade rituals - at leastbeyond the Grade of ExternalAdept - the Initiate must themselves learn to wait and watch for

    cording to how one feels.A real Adept knows the answers.

    C B , ( ) ~ i \ . 1998eh

    [See also Creating Falcifer MSj
