Febreze presentation

Group 5: Hannah Schrader, Shawnee Sellers, Teodora Yordanova, Tyler Soliday RTV4930 | Strategic Brand Management Brand Audit Final Report Presentation Professor Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, Ph.D. Wednesday, December 5, 12
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Transcript of Febreze presentation

Page 1: Febreze presentation

Group 5: Hannah Schrader, Shawnee Sellers, Teodora Yordanova, Tyler Soliday

RTV4930 | Strategic Brand Management Brand Audit Final Report Presentation Professor Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, Ph.D.

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 2: Febreze presentation

Overview• Project Goals: Our group sought to understand how


• Step One: Understand how Febreze has been branded and marketed, and its place in the brand category of air fresheners.

• Step Two: Assess sources of brand equity by conducting an online survey.

• Step Three: Based on the current brand identity, propose changes to the brand in order to improve its position and identity.

• Step Four: Recommend a plan to put the desired position and identity into action by strengthening certain associations, adding new ones and eliminating negative associations.

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 3: Febreze presentation

Brand Inventory

� Product Market: Air fresheners� Sales are doing well, despite the economy� Up to $7.77 billion in 2010, P&G reaches 84 countries� Competitors to Febreze are Glade and Air Wick

� Brand Elements: Effectively gets rid of odors; fresheners, candles, plug-ins and car clips

� Target Segment: Middle class women ages 18-50, athletes

� Marketing Programs: N.F.L.’s Official Air Freshener , “Breathe Happy” global campaign

� POP: Seasonal scents, flameless oil diffusers, products for the home and car

� POD: Not necessarily overpowering because it kills odors instead of merely masking them, wider product range

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 4: Febreze presentation

Brand Exploratory� Research Overview:

� Who buy’s the product?

� How often do consumers buy the product?

� What is important in purchasing air fresheners?

� How do Febreze and competitors compare in terms of PRICE, QUALITY and EFFECTIVENESS?

� How aware are consumers of Febreze?

� Research Method:� With these questions in mind,

we created a survey to gather consumer information.

� The survey asked consumers a variety of questions about their air freshener purchases, about their knowledge and awareness of the brand, and what’s important to them when purchasing air freshener products.

� The survey was distributed via Facebook and other social media pages and sites. We gathered responses from ages 18-55.

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 5: Febreze presentation

Brand Exploratory

� Survey Results:� 87% of surveyed have

bought Febreze products before

� Most said they purchase air freshening products “rarely” or “sometimes” but use products “sometimes” or “quite often”

� The biggest competitor to Febreze is Glade.

� What is the most important factor in purchasing an air freshener?

1. Quality

2. Price

3. Type

4. Brand

� When asked what they would change, the majority of respondents said lower prices.

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 6: Febreze presentation

Brand Exploratory

� Survey Results:� The products they use

most frequently are air-freshening spray and candles, with plug-in freshener coming in last(graph1)

� Survey participants showed great brand recognition(graph2)

� Febreze ranked well in effectiveness and quality, but not as high in price. (graph3)

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 7: Febreze presentation

Proposed Directions

•Based on consumer responses and survey results there were two areas that could be improved to enhance the Febreze brand overall and increase market revenue.•1. Lower Prices

•One of the main issues for customers is the prices of Febreze products. •2. Development of ‘Scents’ Products

•There were low amounts of association and awareness of Febreze products such as the Car Vent clips and NOTICEable oil plug ins.

7Wednesday, December 5, 12

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Lower Prices� Strategies


� Focus on lowering prices.� Developing new or changing already

existent products into condensed sized products with low production costs by focusing on price and less on quality and sustainability for these products. •Small and disposable.•Multiple products per package.•Lowering prices on “set & refresh” products and increase advertisements.

� Promote new lower prices.

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 9: Febreze presentation

Lower Prices

� Tactics


� Implementing a marketing campaign targeted for college students featuring multiple products and emphasizing low costs.

� Adding commercial campaigns promoting cost-friendly products geared toward college students. •Mom visit’s child’s smelly dorm room and leaves behind a set& refresh Febreze product.•College student wants to clean his dirty room; sprays Febreze product and is done instantly.

� Promote “set & refresh” products in college bookstores and surrounding stores. •Ideal air freshener product for college students based on price, quality and convenience.

� This accomplishes awareness of more products while promoting better prices.

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 10: Febreze presentation

Development of ‘Scents’ Products

� Strategy


� Redesign Febreze NOTICEables and make the product more useful for the consumer. •Make them smaller•Let scent out gradually and over larger period of time instead of large burst all at once.•Increase longevity of scent.

� Distinguish differences between Febreze NOTICEables and Glade Plug Ins.

� Increase awareness of Car Vent Clips and developing more advertisements promoting these products. Promote Car Vent Clips in the Air Effects “breath happy” campaign by featuring both products in commercials and enhancing product extension.

Wednesday, December 5, 12

Page 11: Febreze presentation

� Tactics

Development of ‘Scent’ Products


� Creating advertisements promoting the aspect of Febreze NOTICEables different from that of the Glade Plug in.

� NOTICEables are:•Simpler and easier to use than “Glade Scented Oil Warmer”•Scent lasts longer•Features two complimentary fresh alternating scents

� Developing marketing campaigns for both the Febreze NOTICEables and Car Vent clips would help increase awareness.

� Increasing advertisements, commercials and in-store promos featuring both products. •Product displays of Car Vent clips in automobile parts stores and isles. •In-store displays featuring Febreze NOTICEables, promoting longer lasting scent and new exotic fragrances.

Wednesday, December 5, 12