Feb. College Press

‘Like’ us on Facebook A.B.C. Advice Booklet Company If the mocks don’t go as planned….. The College Press ————-Friday, 10th February 2012 Issue 3 Volume 7 ————— The Love Issue Top Tips For Ski Trip! Love Felt Recipes! Valentine's Day is only a cou- ple of days away, it's not too late to break up..........


College Press

Transcript of Feb. College Press

Page 1: Feb. College Press

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Advice Booklet Company

If the mocks

don’t go as


The College Press

————-Friday, 10th February 2012 Issue 3 Volume 7 —————

The Love Issue

Top Tips

For Ski


Love Felt


Valentine's Day is only a cou-

ple of days away, it's not too

late to break up..........

Page 2: Feb. College Press

College Press Editorial Team

Editors: Ciara Maher

Sorcha Lavelle-Walsh

Student Contributors: Erin Quinn, Sophie Forde-Egan, Aisling Wyer

Shauna Howard, Róisín Flynn, Sam Burke

Caitlin Breen, Lauren Muldowney

Special Thanks To: Mr. Doyle

Editorial Hi Everyone,

This issue seems to be coming out in the middle of the Mocks and we hope they are

going well for everyone so far!

The Ski Trip is also coming up over the mid term for 4th and 5th years! We’re sure

you will all have an amazing trip and hopefully come back injury free!

We were all disheartened when we got no snow days after all the hype of the previ-

ous two years however, to compensate, at least we’re getting extra days off for

Paddy’s weekend!

And of course we should address the theme of this issue: Love! Valentine’s Day is

coming up next week so if you’ve forgotten, there’s still time!!

Until next term,

Ciara and Sorcha :)

Upcoming Events in the College!

6th March: LCVP Mock Interviews

12th March: Seachtain na Gaeilge

19th March: No School

22nd March: Variety Show

29th March: Celebration of Music Night

30th March: Easter Holidays Commence

18th April: Sports Day!!

3rd & 4th May: T.Y. Drama Production

7th May: No School

10th May: Traingular Events Commence

13th May: Horse Show

16th May: Last Compulsory Day for 6th years

20th May: Prise Day

1st June: Summer Holidays!!

6th June: Public Exams Commence (Good Luck!)

Page 3: Feb. College Press

Goddess of love and beauty,

Eros (Cupid) – God of love and if you are doing

the honours course – the statue of “Eros” in

Piccadilly Circus, London, is not Eros but his

brother Anteros, Hermes( Mercury) –

messenger of the Gods, Hephaestus (Vulcan) –

God of fire also blacksmith and armourer to the Gods.

It is estimated that just under a third of the words used in an average

English vocabulary is ultimately drawn from Greek roots. So, we

blithely babble away in these ancient tongues all the time.

A touch of logorrhoea

That’s a posh word for “verbal diarrhoea”, and just to prove the point

that it is not all Greek to any of us, here are some examples of

everyday words with Greek roots.

Biology: bios (life) logia (study)

Catastrophe: kata (down) strophe (turning).

Democracy: demos (people) kratos (rule)

Derma: skin.

Dyslexia: dys (impaired) lexis (word).

Economy: oikas (house) nemein (to manage).

Geography: ge (earth) graphein (to write).

Helicopter: helikos (spiral) pteron (wing).

Hippopotamus: hippo (horse) potamos (river).

Horoscope: ora (time) skopein (to observe).

Rhinoceros: rhinos (nose) ceras (horn).

Telephone: tele (far) phone (voice).

Xenophobia: xenos (stranger) phobos (fear)

Zoo: zoion (animal).


Jam filled biscuits:


250g Plain flour

200g Butter, cut into small cubes

100g icing sugar

Pinch of salt

2 free range egg yolks

4 tbsp of jam


Valentine Recipes!

1. Preheat the oven to 170o C

2. Place the flour, butter, icing sugar and salt into

a bowl. Using your fingertips, rub the ingredients

together until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs

3. Add the egg yolk and mix until the dough

forms. Li ghtly flour a flat surface. Turn the dough

out on the floured surface until about 0.5cm

thick. Cut out heart shapes using a 4cm cutter.

4. Divide the biscuits in half. Using a knife cit a

small heart shape in the middle of half of the

biscuits, place all the biscuits onto a greased

baking tray.

5. Bake for about 10-12 minutes until light golden

brown and crisp. Put on a wire rack to cool.

6. Using a teaspoon put a dollop

of jam on the whole biscuits.

Spread with a knife.

7. Place a biscuit with the hole in

it on top of the jam biscuit.

8. Continue until all biscuits are


Page 4: Feb. College Press

Lollipop Cookie:

Serves 6


12 craft sticks

1/2 cup semisweet chocolate


1/2 cup butter, softened

1/3 cup packed light brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 egg

2 cups all-purpose flour


1. Soak craft sticks for one hour in a bowl of cold


2. In a small heavy saucepan over very low heat, stir chocolate chips until

melted and smooth. Remove from heat and let cool.

3. In large bowl with electric mixer at medium speed, beat butter, brown sugar

and vanilla until fluffy. Beat egg in well; beat in cooled chocolate. With mixer

at low speed, beat in flour, cocoa powder and salt until smooth. Divide

dough in half.

4. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) and grease 2 large cookie


5. Roll each half out to 1/8 inch thickness between 2 sheets of wax paper;

freeze, in wax paper, 5 minutes. Peal top sheets of wax paper off dough; cut

dough out using 3-inch heart-shaped cutter. Reroll scraps; freeze again 5

minutes; cut out. Place half of the hearts 1 inch

apart on prepared cookie sheet.

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa


1/4 teaspoon salt

12 (1 ounce) squares white


1 egg white

1 1/4 cups confectioners' sugar

3 drops red food colouring

(Continues on next page)


In days gone by Greek and Latin (The Classics) were taught in

secondary schools and were a requirement for entry to certain

university courses, particularly medicine and law. In a previous issue I

wrote about Latin and its contribution to the English languish.

The Greek alphabet can be googled but I’m sure that you are

familiar with some of it. If you do any amount of maths or

physics you will have come across some of these: α, θ, ω, π,

Σ, ρ, λ, μ, to name but a few. Or if you are familiar with the

Bible you will have come across the expression, “I am the

Alpha (A) and the Omega (Ω) – the beginning and the end. The only

Greek used in the Mass is Kyrie Eleison/Christe Eleison, Lord/Christ

have mercy.

Ancient Greece gave us many famous people. Here are a

few. Look them up and see what legacy they left us.

Aesop, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Ptolemy,

Hippocrates, Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato.

And if you are into mythology here is a list of some of the Greek

(Roman) Gods:

Zeus (Jupiter) – Lord of the skies, Poseidon (Neptune) – God of the

sea, Hades (Pluto) – God of the underworld, Hera (Juno) – Goddess

of marriage, Hestia (Vesta) – Goddess of health, Ares (Mars) – God

of war, Athena ((Minerva) – Goddess of war and wisdom, Apollo

(Apollo) , also known as Phoebus– God of music and light, Artemis

(Diana) – Goddess of hunting and the moon, Aphrodite (Venus) –


Page 5: Feb. College Press


The underdog sport of Newbridge College. Lets be honest, most people after

hearing the results of the latest matches, were a little shocked. A majority of

the sports read out in the notices are rugby or hockey. (Mainly rugby which

most of the hockey girls detest and deem unfair.) This time was different, it’s

nice to have a change of sport in the school. The lads playing should be

proud of their accomplishments and we should be too. Interested by the

sport, I caught up with a few of them to get an idea of what it was about.

Facts I picked up while reasearching:

The under 16’s team consist of Jack hickey, Conor Gobbett, Peter Higgins

and Ruairi Flynn.

They are participating in the Dublin School league.

Out of their league they have won 3 out of 4 games.

There must be four players in each team.

A match in badminton is made up of two matches for

each of the four players, one doubles and the other is

single match.

The train every Monday and Thursday in the gym with Mr.Howard as their


To score a point your opponent must be unable to return the shot played by

the team or when a shot is misplaced (doesn’t go into the court). If the

shuttlecock is hit but hits the net and doesn’t go onto the opponents side a

point goes to the opponent.

Each score is worth 1 point. The first team to 30 points wins.

Badminton is the fastest racket Sport with shuttle

reaching speeds of 200 mph.

By Shauna Howard

6. Drain sticks, pat dry. Place one stick on each heart to make 2 1/2 inch

handle, pressing lightly into dough. Place remaining hearts on top; press

edges gently to seal. Bake about 12 minutes until firm to touch. Cool on

wire racks.

7. In 2-quart heavy saucepan over very low

heat, or in top of double boiler set over

barely simmering water, stir white or milk

chocolate until melted and smooth; if using

both chocolates, melt in separate 1-quart

pans. Remove from heat.

8. Holding each lollipop by handle, dip into

chocolate to coat on both sides; let excess

chocolate drip back into pan. Place each lollipop as it is coated on wax-

paper-lined cookie sheet; refrigerate 20 minutes until chocolate is set.

9. To Make Icing: In large bowl with electric mixer at high speed, beat egg

white and confectioners' sugar until very smooth. If desired, remove small

portion of icing to separate bowl; tint with drops of food colouring. Spoon

icing into decorating bag fitted with small writing tip; pipe over lollipops in

desired patterns. Decorate with assorted candies and decors; attaching

with dots of icing.

Jam Filled Biscuits by Erin Quinn

Lollipop Cookie by Sophie Forde-Egan

Page 6: Feb. College Press

Unusual Spin on Valentine's Day Valentine's Day is a day for couples, a day of industry for companies

to make money from chocolate sales, flowers, jewellery and all that

jazz. Ever consider an Anti-Valentine's celebration instead? Could be

for single people, gal pals, or anyone who "Damns the Man" and

doesn't buy into that corporate greed nonsense. An Anti-Valentine's

day party is a fun way to "spit in the face" of ‘lovey-dovey’ couples,

big business, and even the idea that we need to be in a relationship

to be happy. It is about having fun, being independent, confident

and healthy. Even if you aren't single or angry at anyone, an

Anti-Valentine's holiday could be just the spin you need right now!

First of all I'm going to say I have nothing against love or happiness.

Who doesn't the love the attention, the sweets, the cards? That

feeling of being appreciated and loved, but why should that feeling

only be exaggerated once every 365 days? I see nothing but major

businesses capitalizing on a sentimental day. I would love to see

some people throwing away roses and fancy cards and making the

day purely about someone else not even just about a boyfriend or

girlfriend, could just be a girls night in with ice-cream and chick

flicks. Or if you're really not in the mood go to the cinema and

heckle at the love scenes.

I once read a quote "Love is like a rose. It may look beautiful but it

has thorns". Well so is Valentine's Day, after all of that adoration

you're still left with a hole in your purse and that's the last thing we

need in this economics crisis. Yes, I love being spoiled and

Valentine's day is a good excuse for this, but why only one day a


By Aisling Wyer


-Nicholas Sparks

This book is a great read around

Valentine's Day. Without giving

too much away, Landon Carter is

in high school in North Carolina.

He never really took any notice of

Jamie Sullivan, the local

minister's daughter, until a twist

of fate brings them together.

Over time, Landon begins to get

to know Jamie herself and

discovers the secret that prevents

Jamie from letting people too


This book does not take too long to read but is

beautifully written. The story of Landon and Jamie

seems so simple but is very moving. I would recommend

this book to anybody who is willing to take that little bit

of time to read it.

Warning: keep some tissues near!

by Lauren Muldowney

Page 7: Feb. College Press

Book reviews

The Hunger Games

-Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games is the first book of

The Hunger Games trilogy, by the

author Suzanne Collins. The story is set

in futuristic America, named Panem,

which is split into 12 districts and the

Capitol, the city which

runs the 12 districts of Panem.

The Hunger Games is an annual event where 24

children, including a boy and a girl from every district

are taken to the Capitol and put in an arena to fight to

the death.

When Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark are taken

from District 12 for the Games, a rebellious spark is set

alight in the districts and it distrupts the Capitol. As a

result of this the evil President Snow sets to kill Katniss


It is a brilliant heart stopping book and I would

recomend it to anyone, of any age. I would rate it 10 out

of 10.

Also check out The Hunger Games in cinema on the 23rd

of March. By Caitlin Breen.

I like the idea of waiting for the marked down chocolates on

February 15th, anyone else with me? Independence is wonderful and

important and don't get me wrong so is a healthy relationship but

the last thing teens need is the stress of this corporate holiday.

I remember when I was younger I loved it because it was "Sweets

Day", I don't even think I knew there was a romantic side to it.

I know the last thing we need is another thing to give out about.

There is enough hate and anger being spread in music and maga-

zines. I don't hate hearts or flowers but it's too commercial for my

liking. Some of the things I read makes me cringe BIG-TIME!! Like

Cupid? Hmm.

People can hate Valentine's Day for many reasons. Facing ugly break-

ups, crushing heart-aches, disgruntled singles sick of nauseatingly

happy couples, happy singles who are offended by the notion that

they need to be involved in a romance to feel "fulfilled", etc. I

respect love and commitment but I am fed up with the fairy-tale,

unrealistic concept of 'love' and the misery this illusion causes. I

know I'm probably stepping out of line saying this but I'm going

against the grain. It should be called 'Happy Single Awareness Day'. I

think the most universal human experience is the feeling of

loneliness. Maybe the feeling of being abandoned, knowing you

could have handled a situation differently or knowing that you're not

as self-sufficient as you thought you were. Either way we wallow in

self pity and Valentine's day rubs this in our faces. In my opinion we

should just suck it up and throw a party. Why have another thing to

hate? Let's wipe ourselves down and enjoy each others company and

ignore the money. Spread Anti-Valentine's Day cheer! Save your

money and enjoy the day on your terms, not Hallmark's.

Page 8: Feb. College Press

Baby, It’s Cold Outside... 10 Tips to get you to the the ski trip and back.

10. It’s almost the last place on Earth you’d think you need it, but if your not wearing

sunscreen you will end up looking like a lobster for the rest of the holiday. Protection

for your lips is also vital, the cold air will destroy them!

9. Don’t wear yourself out on the first days. This is only going to tire you out and

leave you exhausted by Day 3. You have a week, which is more than enough to cater

for whatever you feel like doing. If you rush into it head first, you’re asking for an


8. Skiing is tiring and hungry work, so having a bar of chocolate on hand is always a

good idea. It’ll keep your enegy up and save you from having to waste time stopping

for snacks all the time.

7. Although your ski jacket and trousers are waterproof, be careful about keeping your

phone or camera in them. Some moisture does make it’s way in there and could be

enough to cause damage. An inside pocket is usually the best place to keep them.

6. The higher up the mountain, the higher the prices. It’s hard to bring your own lunch

but if you can manage a bottle of water, it’ll save you money and keep you hydrated.

5. Pack goggles and sunglasses. Goggles are too dense and stuffy on the clear, sunny

days, and you’ll go nowhere with sunglasses when it’s snowy and overcast.

4. Be careful how much you pack. While you may feel the need to pack tons of warm

jumpers and trousers, you often end up wearing the same few bits. A pair of comfy,

waterproof shoes (snow boots are perfect) are essential to travel around in aprés ski.

3. Don’t over-estimate you abilities. There’s no point in heading down the hardest

slopes like a mad man, unless you want an injury. Be realistic about what your capable


1. When skiing in groups, decide the order you’re going to ski down in, and stick to it.

It will stop dangerous over-taking and people getting lost!


Movies of


The Hunger Games

Released: March 23rd

A movie representation of the book series set in post

apocalyptic America in a game show that pits teenagers against each other to fight to the death on TV, I would say a remake of

“The Running Man”.

The Avengers

Released: April 27th

A compilation of recent super

hero movies, not much is known

about this one but it does feature

some familiar characters like Iron

man and Captain America.


Released: July 2012

This is a prequel to the “Alien” movies.

A team of explorers discover a clue to

the origins of mankind on Earth, leading

them on a journey to the darkest

corners of the universe. There, they

must fight a terrifying battle to save the

future of the human race.

John Carter

Released: March 9th

Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet

discovers a lush planet inhabited by

12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself

a prisoner of these creatures, he

escapes, only to encounter a princess

who is in desperate need of a saviour.

Another “Alien” type movie!!!

Men In Black 3

Released: May 25

I don’t know about you but I love the

Men in Black series and I’m excited for

what is probably the final installment to

the series. The two main agents K and J

use time travel to head back to the

1960’s to kill an alien assassin.

By Sam Burke

Page 9: Feb. College Press


Games of


Max Payne 3 Release: March

Platform: Xbox 360

The third installment to the series featuring online multiplayer and

sideways driving.

Prototype 2

Release: April

Platform: Xbox 360

You can morph your arms into giant claw blades and cut people in half with them but don’t even

try to understand the plot.

Resident Evil 6 Release: November

Platform: Play Station 3

The next installment to the popular survival horror series that

should hopefully deliver some scares and I would like to think it’s

a step up from the awful game that came before it!!!

Soul Calibur 5 Release: February

Platform: Xbox 360

A unique fighting game with plenty of special moves, finisher and even having Ezio (Assassins Creed) as a playable character.

BioShock Infinite

Release: TBA 2012

Platform: Xbox 360

There is no underwater city in this one but the large amount of weapons and great artwork

makes this a game to look out for.

Perfect Gifts For That Special Somebody on Valentines

…the cheesier the better. By Shauna Howard

For Him:

The first movie you saw together on DVD.

A customised guitar pick if he’s into music.

Tickets to se their favourite comedian/band.

A five pound gummy bear might make him happy. (can be found on


Customised gadget cover from skinit.com

For Her

A voucher to get a facial, her hair done or get a message.

A heart shaped necklace from Newbridge Silver. Well, anything

from Newbridge Silverware.

Surprise her by taking her out to dinner.

Customised gadget cover. Skinit.com

Giant cookie from Milly’s cookies or cupcake from Johhny’s cup-

cakes in Liffey Valley.

A funny teddy bear, make it random like a monkey.

On a budget for him/her:

Homemade cookies/Buns with messages on them.

A mix tape of all his favourite songs and your song.

Photo Album of your time together.

If you’re creative a piece of artwork. Example favourite animal,

logo of favourite sports team or favourite musician.

An IOU coupon booklet of things like one foot rub or one free kiss.

Make it cute and they will love it

Page 10: Feb. College Press

The Unsung Heroes of Newbridge College.

To those who are at this very moment rolling their eyes and skipping

onto the next page: this article is not about

hockey..... I think I’ve probably been wrecking

everyone’s heads enough lately with all the

hockey posters etc etc (!!), so I decided that I’d

give it a bit of a break for this issue. I’ve been

given a huge liberty by Mr Doyle and our

lovely editors Ciara and Sorcha, so I’ve decided

I’d like to dedicate this article, as you can see

by the title, to the Unsung Heroes of Newbridge College.

So, the thought struck me the other day: it’s pretty easy in this season

of rugby and hockey cup matches to forget about all the other

talented people we are lucky enough to have in this school; our

seriously impressive soccer team, brilliant basketball teams, a host of

amazing badminton players, a bunch of incredibly successful track and

field athletes and the ever-

consistent equestrian

teams... are there many

among us who have realised

that we could be sitting

beside an Irish Dancing

Champion in class every day?

(just for the record, you’d

know if you were sitting

beside a rugby player –

they’d tell you :P) And not to

forget the future Picassos/ Van Goghs crafting masterpieces in the Art

Rooms as well as those regularly debating eloquently in French/

German/English. I know I’m not alone in

being guilty of not being awake enough to

hear reports of all these successes in the

morning notices, but I also know that some of

these never make the notices- for whatever


A team can’t survive without its managers, coaches and backroom

staff. At the risk of sounding like a complete “teacher’s pet”, we have

to acknowledge that we are fortunate to have such a conscientious

group of teaching staff. I distinctly remember reacting very cynically

when Mr Blanche reminded us as first years back in 2007 how

“privileged” we were. But the fact is that there are many staff

members who go far beyond the requirements of the teaching

profession to make sure that we all survive these bumpy teenage

years- both academically and emotionally. Considering my own

concentration span rarely lasts beyond lunchtime most days, I know

I’d rather run several hundred miles than try and control a bunch of

teenagers on a Friday afternoon (or any afternoon).

Father Kelly really summed this up in a school mass recently- the fact

that this school is like a team. How, just like a hockey team can’t do

without it’s sweeper, and just like a rugby team needs its front row,

our school cannot survive as an academic institution with a

reputation for forming well-rounded individuals, without all these

people – and how lucky we are to have so many in this school!

Okay then, end of lecture you’ll never get the last 2 minutes or so

of your life back- I apologise!... I’ll be back to my usual sarcastic,

hockey-promoting self for the next issue- promise Róisín
