Feasibility Study for Add-On Project for Gas Turbine Power Station in ...

Study on Economic Partnership Projects in Developing Countries in FY2015 Feasibility Study for Add-On Project for Gas Turbine Power Station in South Region of Iraq Final Report February 2016 Prepared for: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Prepared by: Toyota Tsusho Corporation

Transcript of Feasibility Study for Add-On Project for Gas Turbine Power Station in ...

  • Study on Economic Partnership Projects

    in Developing Countries in FY2015

    Feasibility Study for

    Add-On Project for Gas Turbine Power Station

    in South Region of Iraq

    Final Report

    February 2016

    Prepared for:

    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

    Prepared by:

    Toyota Tsusho Corporation

  • Reproduction Prohibited


    Abbreviation Standard nomenclature

    ACB Air Circuit Breaker

    AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator

    BOO Build Own Operate

    BoP Balance of Plant

    BOT Build Operate Transfer

    BPD Barrels Per Day

    CAPEX Capital Expenditure

    CC Combined Cycle

    CCGT Combined Cycle Power Plant

    CCR Central Control Room

    CDM Clean Development Mechanism

    CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System

    CPA Coalition Provisional Authority

    CPH Condensate Pre-Heater

    CST Centi-Stokes

    CT Current Transformer

    DCS Distributed Control System

    DLN Dry Low NOx

    DM Demineralization

    EDG Emergency Diesel Generator

  • Abbreviation Standard nomenclature

    EDI Electro Deionization

    EHC Electro Hydraulic Control

    EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

    EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return

    ENRP Electricity Net work Rehabilitation

    EPC Environment Protection Center

    EPC Engineering, Procurement, Construction

    EPIC Environment Protection and Improvement Council

    EPID Environmental Protection and Improvement Directorate

    ESSAF Environmental and Social Screening and Assessment Framework

    ETP Effluent Treatment Plant

    FCB Field Circuit Breaker

    FGL Finished Ground Level

    FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return

    G Giga; billion

    GCB Generator Circuit Breaker

    GDP Gross Domestic Product

    GE General Electric

    GIS Gas Insulated Switchyard

    GSUT Generator Step-up Transformer

    GTG Gas Turbine Generator

    h hour

  • Abbreviation Standard nomenclature

    HMI Human Machine Interface

    HP / LP High Pressure / Low Pressure

    HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator

    HSD High Speed Diesel

    HV/MV/LV High Voltage / Medium Voltage / Low Voltage

    ID raqi Dinars

    IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

    IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineer

    IMF International Monetary Fund

    IPBD Isolated Phase Bus duct

    IPP Independent Power Producer

    ISRB Iraq Strategic Review Board

    JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation

    JEM Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association Manufacturers Standard

    JIS Japanese Industrial Standards

    k Kilo; thousand

    LVS Large Video Screen

    M Mega; million

    m3 Cubic Meter

    MCW Main Cooling Water

    MOE Ministry of Electricity

    MOEN Ministry of Environment

  • Abbreviation Standard nomenclature

    MOO Ministry of Oil

    NFPA National Fire Protection Association

    NOX Nitrogen Oxides

    OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

    OFAF Oil Forced Air Forced

    OFFP Oil For Food Programme

    OLTC On Load Tap Changer

    ONAN Oil Natural Air Natural

    OPEC Organization of Petroleum Export Countries

    OPEX Operating Expenses

    ORHA Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance

    OWS Operator Work Station

    PLC Programmable Logic Control

    PMC Project management Committee

    ppm perts per million

    RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete

    Ro/Ro Shipment Roll On/Roll Off Shipment

    SC Simple Cycle

    SCGT Simple Cycle Gas Turbine

    SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction

    SOX Sulfur Oxides

    Sp. Gr. specific gravity

  • Abbreviation Standard nomenclature

    STG Steam Turbine Generator

    SWAS Steam and Water Analysis System

    TCF Trillion Cubic Feet

    TCM Trillion Cubic Meter

    TTC Toyota Tsusho Corporation

    UAT Unit Auxiliary Transformer

    UCD Unit Control Desk

    UN United Nations

    UNDP United Nations Development Programme

    UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

    UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

    US$ United States Dollars

    V Volt

    W Watts

    WB the World Bank

    WCC Water Cooled Condenser

  • C-1

    Table of Contents

    Chapter Contents Page

    Summary S-1

    Chapter 1 Overview of Electricity Sector in Iraq 1-1

    1. Electricity Sector 1-2

    2. Current Circumstances MOE has faced 1-3

    3. Gas Turbine Power Station in South of Iraq 1-5

    Chapter 2 Objective, Organization and Method of Study 2-1

    1. Objective of Study 2-2

    2. Organization of Study 2-2

    3. Method, Schedule of Study 2-3

    Chapter 3 Project Contents and its Technological Feasibility 3-1

    1. Background and Objectives 3-2

    2. Contents and Technical Feasibility 3-4

    Chapter 4 Power System Analysis for Nasiriyah Gas Turbine Power Station

    1. Demand Forecast 4-1

    2. Peak Load by Region 4-1

    3. Power System Development Plan 4-2

    4. Power System Analysis 4-16

    5. Nasiriyah Gas Power Station 4-23

    6. Conclusion 4-35

    Chapter 5 Accessibility of Fuel and Water Resources 5-1

    1. Crude Oil 5-2

    2. Natural Gas 5-6

    3. Fuel to Candidate Power Stations 5-8

    4. Access of Water Resource 5-9

    5. Conclusion 5-11

  • C-2

    Chapter Contents Page

    Chapter 6 Environmental and Social Feasibility 6-1

    1. Premise/Background 6-2

    2. Current and Plan of Power Stations in Nasiriyah 6-2

    3. Overview of Environment-related Laws and 6-4

    Regulations in Iraq

    4. Outline of Environmental Impact Assessment in Iraq 6-5

    5. Consideration of Environment and Social Feasibility 6-7

    for this Project

    6. JBIC Guideline for Confirmation of Environmental 6-22

    and Social Considerations

    7. Conclusion 6-25

    Chapter 7 Financial and Economic Feasibility 7-1

    1. Project Cost Estimation 7-2

    2. Financial and Economic Analysis 7-4

    Chapter 8 Project Implementation Schedule 8-1

    1. Implementation Schedule 8-2

    Chapter 9 Organization of Implementation of Project 9-1

    1. Organization of MOE 9-2

    2. Organization of MOE for the Project 9-2

    Chapter 10 Technological Advantages of Japanese Companies 10-1

    1. Competitiveness of Japanese Companies 10-2

  • C-3

    Chapter Contents Page

    Chapter 11 Project Implementation 11-1

    1. Engineering 11-2

    2. Transportation Conditions and Security Escort 11-23

    3. Construction (Installation and Commissioning) 11-30

    4. Plant Operation Concept 11-35

    Chapter 12 Conclusion and Recommendation 12-1

    1. Conclusion 12-1

    2. Recommendation 12-3

  • S-1


  • S-2

    1. Background/Objective of the Project

    For the people in Iraq, the Iraqi government at its maximum effort has been rehabilitating, building

    and upgrading the infrastructures which were destructed or exhausted in the periods of the wars and

    economic sanction since such periods ended. The power sector is one of those infrastructures which

    are essential for the life of Iraqi people and is needed to be improved immediately.

    As for the electricity situation, it is estimated that the power demand will be reached 30,000MW in

    2020 from 20,000MW in 2015.

    As one of solutions to enhance the power supply, the Ministry of Electricity, Iraq (MOE) plans to

    convert the existing simple cycle gas turbine (SCGT) power stations to the combined cycle gas

    turbine (CCGT) power stations, which is called the Add-On project (Add-On Project). Based on

    this, in May 2015, MOEs expectation for the feasibility study for the Add-On Project was shown.

    In this study, one site was selected for Add-On Project with the consideration of suitability and

    priority of three (3) candidate sites (i.e. Amara, Nasiriyah and Najibiyah) through the meeting. And

    the feasibility study of Add-On Project for selected gas turbine power station was carried out.

    2. Financial Situation in Iraq

    Iraqi Government has currently faced financial stringency because of the less national budget due to

    the slump of crude oil price and the increase of costs/expenses for cleaning operation by Iraqi army

    against terrorism (called by themselves as Islamic State for Iraq and Syria ISIS).

    The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) decided to provide Iraq with

    financial supports. However, those financial supports are not enough and each ministry in the Iraqi

    Government has to find out appropriate solutions to cover such situation.

    National Budget of Iraq and Planned Oil Price/Export Amount

    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014(*) 2015 2016


    Budget $58.8B $72.4B $82.6B $100B $118.5B --- $105B $88.2B


    Oil Price










    BPD ---

















    BPD ---





    (*) The national budget of year 2014 was not finally concluded. (Source: Reuters)

  • S-3

    Control of Terrain in Iraq as of November, 2015

    Source: Institute for Study of War (ISW)

    3. Outline of Add-On Project

    Basic Concept:

    The principle of the combined-cycle is firstly to recover the exhausted gas and generate the

    steam by the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and secondly to combine the steam and

    generate the electricity by the steam turbine generator (STG). After completing the gas turbine

    cycle (simple cycle), the temperature of the exhausted gas from the gas turbine which is wasted

    in the simple cycle is still high enough to generate the steam. By recycling this exhausted gas,

    the overall net efficiency of the combined-cycle may achieve at more than 50% from the

    simple-cycle at around 35%-40%. This recycling of the waste entropy can expand the power

  • S-4

    capacity without increasing the fuel consumption and the environmental load. Especially, to add

    the HRSG and STG on the existing/operating simple-cycle power plant is called Add-On also

    known as repowering or bottoming.

    Site Selection:

    The study has initially considered three (3) potential sites where the gas turbines are already

    installed or planned to be installed in simple cycle and one of them could be converted to a

    combined cycle plant.

    Three sites proposed by MOE of Add-On

    Site Amara Nasiriyah Najibiyah

    Governorate Missan Thi Qar Basrah

    Gas Turbines number 4 units x 125 MW 4 units x 125 MW 4 units x 125 MW

    Simple Cycle PS In operation Planned, Not started In operation

    Note: All three (3) sites utilize four (4) gas turbines of General Electric (GE) make, Frame 9 E type

    or plan to install.

  • S-5

    Location of Candidate Gas Turbine Power Station

    The power stations at Amara and Najibiyah have been completed and the gas turbines in simple cycle

    mode are in commercial operation. At Nasiriyah site, the gas turbines have not been yet installed

    however the EPC contractor has been selected and the installation works are expected to commence in

    early 2016 and be completed in 25 months from thereafter.

    The site of Najibiyah has been ruled out for Add-On because there is no extra land available for

    accommodating the equipment needed for the conversion into combined cycle. As the sites of

    Nasiriyah and Amara have adequate extra land and they have been compared. The site of Nasiriyah

    has been selected for this study because of the vicinity of the river water (Euphrates) which ensures

    availability of the water to the power station, in the required quantity and with lower pumping costs.





  • S-6

    Location of Nasiriyah Gas Turbine Power Station

    (Source: Google)

    Plant Configuration:

    - Site : Nasiriyah area in Thi Qar Governorate

    - Capacity : 500MW (4 x 125MW, to be installed) + 250MW (by this project)

    - Main Fuel : Natural Gas (will be available in 2018)

    Nasiriyah site will have four (4) GTGs of about 125 MW ISO rating, this report describes feasibility

    study of the 4/4/1x1 configuration with the consent of MOE in consideration with the EPC cost and

    the combined cycle efficiency.

  • S-7

    4. Implementation Schedule

    The implementation of the Add-On Project is envisaged to start once the simple cycle gas turbine

    power station is completed, as follows. The Project Implementation Time Schedule (Base) is


    Simple cycle gas turbine power station poject starts in early 2016, lasts 25 months and end in first

    quarter of 2018

    The Add-On Project will start at 2nd

    quarter of 2018 and last 33 months therefore will be

    completed by end of 2020

    As alternative, upon MOEs request, another implementation schedule has been studied in order to

    anticipate the Add-On Project early completion. The Project Implementation Time Schedule

    (Alternative) is attached.

    The concept is to start some engineering and procurement activities of the Add-On Project 3

    months ahead of the simple cycle gas turbine power station completion.

  • S-8

    Project Implementation Time Schedule (Base)

  • S-9

    Project Implementation Time Schedule (Alternative)

  • S-10

    Technology Advantages of Japanese Companies

    The main purpose of the Add-On project is to increase the output comparing with simple cycle and

    to achieve the higher efficiency to reduce the fuel consumption. In this regards, Japanese leading

    equipment companies have many experiences to optimize the steam cycle in accordance with

    specific condition such as in Iraq and to develop the equipment model. Moreover, the utilization of

    steam exhaust from existing Gas Turbine efficiently is one of the important parts of which many

    Japanese leading equipment companies including companies who do not manufacture Gas Turbine

    have accumulated their technology for a long time. Therefore, Japanese leading equipment

    companies are expected to contribute a lot toward optimization of model and cycle like this project.

    5. Conclusion

    The electricity demand in Iraq has been rapidly increasing however the electricity supply has not met

    such demand. Considering the situation in Iraq and current circumstances around MOE, it is

    understood that the Add-On project for Nasiriyah Gas Turbine Power Station is very appropriate

    solution because this is the project which is possible to realize and materialize under the current

    situation and circumstances in Iraq. Furthermore, consideration of utilization of JBIC buyers credit

    scheme + EPC is expected because the construction cost as EPC basis can be economical than IPP


  • 1-1

    Chapter 1

    Overview of Electricity Sector in Iraq

  • 1-2

    1. Electricity Sector

    1-1. General:

    Electricity Sector of Iraq is governed by Electricity Law. Ministry of Electricity (MOE) is engaged

    in operation of whole of electrical power system from generation, transmission, distribution and

    collection of electricity bill from the consumers.

    The organization chart of MOE is as shown in Figure 1-1 below. As of January 2016 Mr. Qassim

    Mohammed Fahdawi is the Minister of MOE.

    (Figure 1-1 / Organization Chart of MOE)

    (Source: MOE)

    1-2. Electricity Supply and Demand:

    The actual generation output at the end of 2013 was around 11,000MW against the demand

    16,000MW. In 2013, the electricity supply form the national grid to Iraqi people was around 16

    hours per day.

    And, it was increased up to around 12,000MW in 2014, however it is expected that the demand in

    2018 will be over 20,000MW.

    1-3. Power Stations:

    The design capacity of the power station in the whole county in 2013 was around 22,000MW which

    are steam (6,000MW), gas (11,700MW), Hydro (1,800MW) and Diesel (2,400MW). According to

    MOEs explanation in the Iraqi Power Conference in London in June 2014, it is expected to add

    17,000MW until 2018 by followings and accordingly the total design capacity will be around

    GD of Electricity Transmission / Middle Euphrates

    GD of Operation and Control Office

    GD of Investment and Contracts Office

    GD of Legal Office

    GD of Security & Police

    Security Adviser

    Minister Office Deputies

    Adviser (Consultant Office)Internal Audit

    General Inspector

    GD of Planning & Studies Office

    GD of Prodution Projects

    GD of Gas Power Plant Projects

    GD of Electricity Distribution / North

    GD of Electricity Distribution / South

    GD of Electricity Production / Nassiriyah

    GD of Electricity Production/ Basrah

    GD of Electricity Transmission / Upper Euphrates

    GD of Electricity Distribution / Middle Euphrates

    IT Center

    GD of Training & Development

    Transmission DirectorateProduction Directorate Distribution Directorate


    GD of Electricity Production / Salah Al-Din

    GD of Electricity Distribution / Middle

    GD of Electricity Distribution / KarkhGD of Electricity Production / Middle Euphrates

    Organization Chart of Ministry of Electricity (MOE) Republic of Iraq

    GD of Test and Workshop

    Project Directorate

    GD of Electricity Production / North

    GD of Electricity Transmission / MiddleGD of Administration Office

    GD of Economics & Finance Office GD of Electricity Distribution / Rusafa

    GD of Electricity Distribution / Sadder

    Headquarters Directorate

    GD of Electricity Transmission / North

    GD of Transmission Projects

    GD of Distribution Office

    GD of Electricity Transmission / South

    GD of Electricity Production / Middle

    GD of Enegry Production Office

    GD of Transmission Office

  • 1-3

    39,000MW in 2018.

    Under Construction : 12,000MW

    Add On (combined) : 5,000MW

    1-4. Transmission Capacity:

    The transmission network in Iraq is made by 400kV line called super grid and 132kV line

    connected to 33/11kV distribution network. The table 1-1 shows the transmission capacity in 2013

    and the plan to be added.

    (Table 1-1 / Transmission Capacity)

    2013 2015 (to be added) 2020 (to be added)

    400kV Substations 29 25

    400kV Overhead Lines 5,100km 900km 3,000km

    132kV Substations 219 64 91

    132kV Overhead Lines 12,600km 3,300km 3,500km

    (Source: MOE)

    2. Current Circumstances MOE has faced

    2-1. Lack of Budget

    The national budget of Iraq heavily relies on the amount and its price of exporting of crude oil

    because around 90% of national revenue is come from the revenue of exporting of crude oil. The

    Table 1-2 shows the national budget of Iraq and the planed oil price/export volume.

    Table 1-2 / National Budget of Iraq and Planned Oil Price/Export Amount

    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014(*) 2015 2016


    Budget $58.8B $72.4B $82.6B $100B $118.5B --- $105B $88.2B


    Oil Price










    BPD ---

















    BPD ---





    (*) The national budget of year 2014 was not finally concluded. (Source: Reuters)

  • 1-4

    Due to trend of decreasing of oil price recently, the amount of national budget is very much

    negatively affected and the allocation of yearly budget to ministries for reconstruction and

    development projects has been decreased accordingly. As reference, the oil price as of January 2016

    is around USD30 BPD.

    2-2. Unstable Security Situation

    In June 2014, Iraq was attacked by terrorism (called by themselves as Islamic State for Iraq and

    Syria ISIS) and some cities in northwestern area of Iraq were occupied and controlled by them.

    Iraqi army has been conducting cleaning operations against ISIS continuously and succeeded to push

    them back in some areas, however threat and attacks by ISIS have been continuing unfortunately.

    Because of those situations, Iraqi Government is obliged to spend huge amount to sweep ISIS, and

    the budget for rehabilitation, reconstruction and development projects in the country was very much

    decreased, which also makes further delay of necessary planned reconstruction projects in current

    and future. The Figure 1-2 shows the control of terrain in Iraq as of November 2015.

    Figure 1-2 / Control of Terrain in Iraq as of November 2015

    Source: Institute for Study of War (ISW)

  • 1-5

    2-3. Financial Situation in Iraq

    As mentioned above, Iraqi Government has suffered two kinds of negative impact and has been

    facing the situation of financial stringency at the moment. Therefore, in order to cover the negative

    financial situation, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) decided to provide

    the country with financial supports. However those financial supports are not enough and each

    ministry is in the situation that ministry cannot implement by Iraqi national budget and they have to

    find out suitable solutions such as utilizing foreign finance arranged by foreign institutes on their

    reconstruction and development projects to be proceeded with the implementation of the necessary


    3. Gas Turbine Power Stations in South of Iraq

    3-1. Gas Turbine Power Station

    The table 1-3 shows the list of existing / planned gas turbine power stations in south of Iraq which

    are planned to be combined by Add-On project (Add-On Project).

    (Table 1-3 / List of Gas Turbine Power Stations in South of Iraq)

    Governorate (City): Power Station: Capacity:

    Basrah (Basrah) Rumaila 1,460MW (5 unites of 292MW)

    Shat Al Basrah 1,250MW (10 units of 125MW)

    Najibiyah 500MW (4 units of 125MW)

    Missan (Amara) Amara 500MW (4 units of 125MW)

    Thi Qar (Nasiriyah) Nasiriyah 500MW (4 units of 125MW)

    Muthanna Samawa 500MW (4 units of 125MW)

    3-2. Independent Power Producer (IPP)

    MOE also has a plan to convert to the combined cycle from simple cycle gas turbine power station

    by IPP. Rumaila (Basrah Governorate), Shat Al Basrah (Basrah Governorate) and Samawa

    (Muthanna Governorate) has been selected to proceed with IPP scheme.

    3-3. Candidate Site for Add-On project

    There are three (3) candidates of gas turbine power station for the Add-On project in the south of

    Iraq, which are Najibiya (Basrah Governorate), Amara (Missan Governorate) and Nasiriyah (Thi Qar

    Governorate). The figure 1-3 shows the location of candidates of gas turbine power stations.

  • 1-6

    (Figure 1-3 / Location of Candidate Gas Turbine Power Station)


    Amara is a city of Missan Governorate. Missan Governorate is located in the southern eastern part of

    Iraq and on the border of Iraq and Iran. It is also located on the bank of the Tigris River. It is almost

    400km away from Baghdad. The area of Missan Governorate is 16,072 and its population is

    approximately 1,050,000. There are (1) university, (6) hospitals and 80 medical centers in Missan


    (Source: Investment Map 2014/National Investment Commission, Iraq)


    Nasiriyah is a city of Thi Qar Governorate in Iraq. The best part of the area of the Thi Qar

    Governorate is situated next to the Euphrates River and Gharraf. The area of Thi Qar Governorate is

    13,626 and its population is approximately 2,000,000. It has a good net of roads and

    transportation linking to the neighboring governorate as. There are (2) universities, (11) hospitals

    and (138) medical centers

    (Source: Investment Map 2014/National Investment Commission, Iraq)





  • 1-7


    Najibiyah is located in Basrah Governorate which is 3rd

    governorate in Iraq regarding population and

    considered as the economic capital of Iraq. The capital of Basrah Governorate is Basrah city, is about

    590km away from Baghdad and located on the Shatt al-Arab river in southern Iraq between Kuwait

    and Iran. The area of the Basrah Governorate is 19,070 and its population approximately

    2,750,000. There are (1) university which is Basrah University, (17) hospital and (121) medical


    (Source: Investment Map 2014/National Investment Commission, Iraq)

  • 2-1

    Chapter 2

    Objective, Organization and Method of Study

  • 2-2

    1. Objective of Study

    It is estimated that the power demand will be reached 30,000MW in 2020 form 20,000MW in 2015.

    As one of solutions to enhance the power supply, the Ministry of Electricity, Iraq (MOE) plans to

    convert the existing simple cycle gas turbine (SCGT) power stations to the combined cycle gas

    turbine (CCGT) power stations, which is called the Add-On project (Add-On Project).

    In this study, one site was selected for Add-On Project with the consideration of suitability and

    priority of three (3) candidate sites (i.e. Amara, Nasiriyah and Najibiyah) through the meeting. And

    the feasibility study of Add-On Project for selected gas turbine power station was carried out.

    2. Organization of Study

    The study was carried out by having site surveys for the three candidate sites and series of three-time

    meeting in Jordan with MOE study team to discuss and collect necessary information. The

    organization of METI study team are shown in Figure 2-1, and the organization of MOE study team

    are shown in Figure 2-2.

    Figure 2-1 / Organization of Japan Study Team



    Middle East Group

    Energy Infrastructure Project Department 1



    Tokyo Electric

    Power Services

    Co., Ltd.

    Project Manager

    Hiroki Yamada


    Yuki Fukuda

    Environmental Assess

    Tsuyoshi Fujita

    Economic and

    Financial analysis

    Yasuyuki Torimaru


    Masao Kobayashi

    Power Station

    Nobuto Yasui

    Fuel and Water

    Hideyuki Oiwa


    Takeshi Kitamura

    Local Information

    Kazuya Ujiie

  • 2-3

    Figure 2-2 / Organization of MOE Study Team

    3. Method, Schedule of Study

    The outline of the method and schedule of study is mentioned below.

    3-1. Submission of Questionnaires

    Japan study team prepared and submitted to MOE study team the questionnaires about the power

    station, environmental assess, technical, power systems, and so on in September, 2015 to proceed

    with the first meeting smoothly. Japan study team received the answers for the questionnaires from

    MOE study team in October, 2015.

    3-2. Site Surveyin Iraq

    Japan study team carried out site surveys for the three (3) candidate sites (i.e. Amara, Nasiriyah and

    Najibiyah) as following schedule.

    Amara Gas Turbine Power Station : October 13, 2015

    Nasiriyah Gas Turbine Power Station : October 14, 2015

    Najibiyah Gas Turbine Power Station : October 17, 2015

    3-3. 1st Feasibility Study Meetingin Jordan

    1st Feasibility Study Meeting was held in Amman, Jordan from October 19 to 22, 2015. In the

    meeting, MOE study team and Japan study team discussed issues such as electricity sector in Iraq,

    existing power stations, fuel, access to water resource, technical matters, transmission network,

    environmental requirements and so on which are related to the Add-On Project in accordance with

    Ministry of Electricity


    Team Leader

    Deputy MinisterInvestments and Contracts Office

    Planning and Studies Office

    General Directorate for Gas Projects

    Production Office

  • 2-4

    the answers for questionnaires and one candidate site (i.e. Nasiriyah) was selected and configuration

    of the Add-On project was also confirmed.

    3-4. 2nd

    Feasibility Study Meetingin Jordan


    Feasibility Study Meeting was held in Amman, Jordan from December 5 to 7, 2015.Before the

    meeting, Japan Study Team had the meeting with Korean company, who has experiences of the

    construction of power station in Iraq, to collect local information related to the construction of power

    station. In the 2nd

    meeting, MOE study team and Japan study team discussed further based on the

    result of 1st Feasibility Study Meeting such as clarifications on transmission network, explanation of

    financing scheme, confirmation on environmental requirements, transportation, economic analysis,

    cost estimation, project implementation schedule, plot plan (layout) of combined cycle power station

    and other technical clarifications. Japan study team collected necessary information to prepare the

    draft of feasibility study report.

    3-5. 3rd

    Feasibility Study Meetingin Jordan


    Feasibility Study Meeting was held in Amman, Jordan from February 18 to 20, 2016. MOE study

    team and METI study team reviewed the draft of feasibility study report. In the meeting, MOE study

    team and Japan study team reviewed each chapter of the draft feasibility study report and the final

    draft of feasibility study report was made.

    The above schedule of study is shown in Figure 2-3.

  • 2-5

    Figure2-3 / Study Schedule

    2015 2016

    August September October November December January February

    Preparation Work

    Detailed Study

    Draft of Study Report

    Submission of

    Draft Study Report

    Finalization of

    Study Report

    Submission of

    Final Study Report

    1st Feasibility Study

    Meeting in Jordan

    2nd Feasibility Study

    Meeting in Jordan

    3rd Feasibility Study

    Meeting in Jordan

  • 3-1

    Chapter 3

    Project Contents and Technological Feasibility

  • 3-2

    3.1 Background and Objective

    For the people in Iraq, the Iraqi government at its maximum effort has been rehabilitating, building

    and upgrading the infrastructures which were destructed or exhausted in the periods of the wars and

    economic sanction since such periods ended. The power sector is one of those infrastructures which

    are essential for the life of Iraqi people and is needed to be improved immediately.

    The Ministry of Electricity, Iraq (MOE) has been executing a lot of projects which rehabilitate

    and newly install the power stations, substations, transmission lines, distribution lines and other

    necessary projects to increase the power supply resources and provide enough electricity for all

    through the country.

    As one of solutions to enhance the power supply, MOE plans to convert the existing simple cycle

    gas turbine (SCGT) power stations to the combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power stations.

    The principle of the combined-cycle is firstly to recover the exhausted gas and generate the steam

    by the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and secondly to combine the steam and generate

    the electricity by the steam turbine generator (STG). After completing the gas turbine cycle

    (simple cycle), the temperature of the exhausted gas from the gas turbine which is wasted in the

    simple cycle is still high enough to generate the steam. By recycling this exhausted gas, the overall

    net efficiency of the combined-cycle may achieve at more than 50% from the simple-cycle at

    around 35%-40%. This recycling of the waste enthalpy can expand the power capacity without

    increasing the fuel consumption and the environmental load. Especially, to add the HRSG and STG

    on the existing/operating simple-cycle power station is called Add-On also known as repowering

    or bottoming.

    MOE has purchased total 72 units equal to 10,442MW of gas turbines from General Electric

    (GE) and Siemens that is called the Mega Deal. More than 90% of the Mega Deal gas turbines

    have been already installed as the simple cycle power stations by the end of 2015.

    Based on the conceptual plan of the combined cycle conversion mentioned above, MOE has been

    discussing with the IPP developers to realize the projects. However, it is assumed that the total cost

    in IPP paid by MOE as tariff should exceed the total cost in investing by MOEs own for EPC even

    though MOE would utilize the foreign finance on the projects. Therefore it is highly recommended

    to MOE that MOE would consider the EPC to be financed by foreign institutes (EPC+Finance)

    besides the IPP as alternative. As the recommendation of the EPC+Finance, in May 2015, MOEs

    expectation for the feasibility study for the Add-On project (Add-On Project) was shown.

  • 3-3

    MOE had provisionally shortlisted three (3) sites in the south region of Iraq where SCGT power

    stations either exists or are planned, out of which one of the most suitable sites to be converted to a

    CCGT power station. Among three (3) candidate sites, Nasiriyah (Thi Qar Governorate) has been

    selected by the discussion with MOE for this feasibility study.

    Under this Add-On Project, individual HRSG will be installed behind each of the existing gas

    turbines. The exhaust from each gas turbine will be led to the HRSG via individual diverter damper

    installed in by pass stack. The proposed arrangement will allow simple cycle as well as combined

    cycle operation of the plant. The diverter dampers along with the guillotine dampers for all four (4)

    gas turbines shall be installed for safe maintenance of the HRSG while the gas turbine is operating in

    simple cycle mode. The HRSG will be of horizontal design employing natural circulated evaporator

    sections. The HRSG comprises of HP and LP drums together with respective economisers,

    evaporators and super- heaters.




    Site Map


  • 3-4

    Steam from the four (4) HRSGs will be connected to one (1) number HP/LP steam turbine having

    down flow exhaust arrangement exhausting the steam into a water cooled condenser (WCC), thus

    constituting an Add-On Block of 4-4-1 configuration.

    Generator of steam turbine will be connected to a dedicated step-up transformer for power

    evacuation at 400kV level using existing 400kV GIS.

    3.2 Contents and Technical feasibility

    3.2.1 Site Selection

    The study has initially considered three (3) potential sites where the gas turbines are already installed

    or planned to be installed in simple cycle and one of them could be converted to a combined cycle


    Table-1: Three sites proposed by MOE of Add-On

    Site Amara Nasiriyah Najibiyah

    Governorate Missan Thi Qar Basrah

    Gas Turbines number 4 units x 125 MW 4 units x 125 MW 4 units x 125 MW

    Simple Cycle PS In operation Planned, Not started In operation

    All three (3) sites utilize four (4) gas turbines of GE make, Frame 9 E type or plan to install.

    The power stations at Amara and Najibiyah have been completed and the gas turbines in simple cycle

    mode are in commercial operation. At Nasiriyah site, the gas turbines have not been yet installed

    however the EPC contractor has been selected and the installation works are expected to commence

    in early 2016 and be completed in 25 months from thereafter.

    The site of Najibiyah has been ruled out for Add-On because there is no extra land available for

    accommodating the equipment needed for the conversion into combined cycle. The sites of Nasiriyah

    and Amara have adequate extra land and they have been compared with following terms:

    Table-2 Comparison of Nasiriyah and Amara sites

  • 3-5




    Description Nasiriyah Power Station Amara Power Station

    1 Current situation EPC contract not yet

    finalized, no site works.

    All 4 Gas Turbine Generator

    (GTG) installed and in


    2 Availability of sufficient area

    to install Add-On facilities

    Layout drawing shows that

    the area is available.

    EPC current layout drawing

    for Simple Cycle may be

    adjusted to accommodate a

    combined cycle with 4/4/1


    Area is available.


    Temporary yard & laydown

    area required during


    Area available adjacent to

    the site.

    Area available adjacent to

    the site.

    4 Grid capacity to accept 250

    MW coming from Add-On Yes Yes


    Ground bearing capacity

    (impact on the foundation


    Piling required Piling required


    Seismic Classification

    (impact on the foundation and

    structural costs)

    Seismic Code UBC97

    Seismic Importance Factor 1

    Horizontal acceleration 0.2 g

    Seismic Code UBC97

    Seismic Importance Factor 1

    Horizontal acceleration 0.2 g

    7 Cooling Water

    7.a Water source and availability

    around the year

    River Water (Euphrates

    river), available through all


    River Water (Tigris river

    Branch), available through

    all year.

    7.b Water quality Require treatment Require treatment

    7.c Distance of the water source

    from the site

    100-200m from Euphrates

    River bank beside the plant

    site ( North side)

    5 to 6 km Tigris River to the

    west of plant

  • 3-6




    Description Nasiriyah Power Station Amara Power Station


    Whether the existing facilities

    have extra capacity (like

    water treatment/DM plant,

    Water storage tanks, Fire

    water reserve, compressed

    Air etc.)

    Partially ( refer to interface

    description) No

    9 Interfaces with existing facilities

    9.a HV Switchyard extension

    (spare bay) Yes Yes


    Availability of sufficient area

    in CCR to accommodate new

    control system/DCS

    Available Available

    Note: The above site information mentioned in Table-2 has been provided by MOE

    The site of Nasiriyah has been selected because of the vicinity of the river water (Euphrates) which

    ensures availability of the water to the Power Station, in the required quantity and with lower

    pumping costs.

    Furthermore the time schedule expected for the implementation of the SCGT power stations in

    Nasiriyah site (25 months) allows to put in place all necessary arrangements, such like financing,

    proposal and signing of the EPC contract, for starting the Add-On project in timely and smooth

    manner. So the Power Station can be phased in 2 consecutive steps: the simple cycle and then its

    conversion to combined cycle.

    3.2.2 Existing Facilities

    Currently the simple cycle power station at Nasiriyah has not been installed yet however four (4) gas

    turbines have been already purchased and kept in the warehouse. The EPC contractor for installing

    four (4) gas turbines and generators in simple cycle and providing the associated auxiliary systems

    has been selected. The EPC works are expected to start in the early months of 2016 and last for a

    period of 25 months.

    The SCGT Power Station is designed with four (4) GE gas turbines and generators Frame 9E (MS

    9001EA), outdoor installation type, having Non Dry Low Nox (Non-DLN) combustors with

    capabilities to fire crude oil as main fuel, light distillate oil and natural gas as back-up. The natural

  • 3-7

    gas, although currently not available, is planned by the Ministry of Oil, Iraq (MOO) to be brought

    at site at beginning of year 2018.

    The SCGT power station will also have common and auxiliary systems as briefly described here


    Fuel facilities include an unloading station for light diesel oil, storage tanks and fuel forwarding

    system for both crude oil & light diesel oil. Fuel gas station is also envisaged with all necessary

    equipment for conditioning of gas before firing in the gas turbine combustors.

    Raw water to the plant is supplied from the Euphrates River. Water treatment and storage facilities

    include: pre-treatment of the river water with clarification and sludge removal. Reverse osmosis and

    EDI type water treatment plant for demineralized water supply for SCGT consumers and water

    injection in gas turbine combustors. Service water, fire water and potable water system also

    envisaged for plant usage. Effluents treatment and sewage treatment are installed for treatment of

    waste water and plant sewage respectively.

    Other mechanical systems considered are compressed air, firefighting system and auxiliary boiler.

    Electrical power evacuation is by means of four (4) step-up transformers one each for each gas

    turbine, 400 kV and 132 kV gas insulated switchgears (GIS) located indoors. Electrical power

    distribution has unit auxiliary transformers (UAT), MV power distribution system, LV power

    distribution system, emergency power supply system and emergency diesel generator.

    Gas turbines are installed outdoor having their own compartments/enclosures. The SCGT power

    station includes central electrical and control building, GIS buildings, administration building, fire

    station, canteen, warehouse, bachelor house and workshop building.

    3.2.3 Combined Cycle Configuration

    The conversion of a SCGT power station to a CCGT power station is realized by adding the HRSG

    that utilizes the heat of the exhaust gases for generating steam which is utilized in operating a steam

    turbine and generator to generate electricity.

    The steam from each HRSG can be connected to four sets of smaller sized steam turbines or the

    steam output from each of the four HRSGs can be combined together to supply the steam to a

    common piping header which then feeds one larger sized steam turbine. The way the GTG/HRSG

  • 3-8

    units are grouped in order to supply steam to the steam turbine and the number of steam turbine

    determine the configuration of the combined cycle.

    In consideration with the following advantages, the 4/4/1x1 configuration mentioned below will be

    more recommendable in this feasibility study than the 2/2/1x2 configuration mentioned below.

    Advantages of the 4/4/1 configuration:

    The bigger capacity STG unit has better efficiency than 2 STG of smaller capacity for the same steam parameters.

    Lower capital costs due to saving on the cost of the steam turbine and generator, their foundation and STG building, step up transformer, electrical power distribution equipments

    and cabling.

    Suitable for base load

    The plot area requirement is less (the available site area in Nasiriyah is limited).

    Reduced construction area during the construction at site.

    4/4/1x1 configuration: 1 block comprising of four (4) gas turbines, four (4) heat recovery

    steam generators and one (1) steam turbine generator.

    2/2/1x2 configuration: 2 blocks each comprising of two ( 2) gas turbines, two (2) heat recovery

    steam generators and one (1) steam turbine generator

    As Nasiriyah site will have four (4) GTGs of about 125 MW ISO rating, this report describes

    feasibility study of the 4/4/1x1 configuration with the consent of MOE.

  • 3-9

    3.2.4 Design Basis for the Add-On Project

    The design conditions utilised for the Add-On project have been considered as follows: Fuel

    Main fuel considered for Add-On project is natural gas while crude oil and light fuel oil are back up


    This is because the fuel gas is expected to be available at Nasiriyah site in early 2018 and the cost of

    the natural gas is expected to be lower than crude oil and light fuel oil. Further as per information

    from MOE, the fuel gas is envisaged to be used as main fuel after 2018. Thus the Add-On project will

    be starting the commissioning and the commercial operation with fuel gas.

    (1) Fuel gas Analysis

    Table-3: Fuel Gas Analysis

    S.No. Specification Value

    1 Wobee Index(MJ/Kg) 38.94

  • 3-10

    S.No. Specification Value

    2 Low heating value (MJ/Nm3) 48.31

    3 Gas supply pressure (bar) 40.31


    4 N2 -

    5 CO2 2.45

    6 C1 77.92

    7 C2 17.16

    8 C3 2.01

    9 IC 0.21

    10 NC4 0.26

    11 IC5 -

    12 NC5 -

    13 C6+ -

    (Source: MOE)

    (2) Crude Oil Analysis

    Table-4: Crude Oil Analysis

    S.No. Characteristics Value

    1 Specific Gravity @60 deg F 0.9142 - 0.8902

    2 API Gravity 23 27

    3 Water Content, Vol % Nil

    4 Water & Sediment Trace

    5 Salt Content, lb/1000brl 3.3

    6 Asphalten Content, wt% 2.6

    7 Sulphur Content, wt% 3.9

    8 H2S dissolved in Crude Oil, ppm Nil

    9 Wax Content, wt% 1.8

    10 Carbon Residue, wt% 7.5

    11 Pour point, deg C Below 25

    12 Heat of Combustion, cal/g 10550

    13 Characterisation Factor, (KUOP) 11.75

    14 Reid Vapour Pressure @ 100 deg F, psi 10.0

    15 Kinematic Viscosity, CST

    @70 deg F


  • 3-11

    S.No. Characteristics Value

    @100 deg F

    @120 deg F

    @140 deg F




    (Source: MOE)

    (3) Diesel Oil Analysis

    Table-5: Diesel Oil Analysis

    S.No. Tests Average values

    1 Specific gravity at 15.6 C 0.83077

    2 Viscosity @ 37.8 C 6.0 Cst

    3 Viscosity @ 50 C 5 Cst

    4 Pour Point 9 C

    5 Flash Point (PM) Minimum 54 C

    6 Sulphur Content (% Wt) 1 %

    7 Rams-Bottom C.R. (% Wt) (on 10% Res.) 0.2 %

    8 Distilled at 350 C (%V) 85 %

    9 Diesel Index 55

    10 Cetane No. Minimum 53

    11 Gross Calorific Value 10.800 kcal/ kg

    12 Ash (% Wt) 0.01

    13 Sodium + Potassium < 1 ppm

    (Source: MOE) Raw Water

    The source of raw water for the Add-On project is the water from the Euphrates River.

    This solution is the same as for the simple cycle project and the Add-On project shall have a series of

    treatments in order to produce the water at different chemical and physical properties as required by

    the Add-On project equipment.

    Table-6: Raw Water Analysis

    S. No. Characteristics Value

    1 TH, meq/l 31

    2 Ca2+





    3 Mg2+

    ,Meq/l 16

  • 3-12

    S. No. Characteristics Value

    ,Mg/l 192

    4 Ph 8.0

    5 P/m Meq/l

    Mg/l HCO3



    6 Fe3+

    ,Mg/l 1.8

    7 SiO2 ,Mg/l 1.1

    8 Cl-

    ,Mg/l 1633

    9 SO42-

    , p.p.m. 1455

    10 Conductivity, Micro s/cm 7180

    11 TDS, Mg/l 5630

    12 TSS, Mg/l 170

    13 Org., Mg/l 4.8

    (Source: MOE) Cooling System

    The main cooling system for steam condenser and closed cooling circuit exchangers is envisaged to

    be wet type Induced draft Cooling Towers. The cooling water will be clarified river water with the

    cycles of concentration of 2.5 Gas Turbines

    (1) Performance Summary

    The summary performances of the gas turbines in simple cycle are considered as follows: For details

    of gas turbine performance data estimated by GE, please refer to the Attachment 1 (Gas Turbine

    Performance in Simple Cycle).

    Table-7: Gas Turbine Performance Summary in Simple cycle on Heavy Fuel Oil

    Heavy Fuel Oil

    Load Base Base Base

    Ambient Temperature C -15 15 55

    Relative Humidity % 35 35 35

    Fuel Type Liquid Liquid Liquid

    Fuel LHV kJ/kg 42,000 42,000 42,000

    Gross Output kW 128,400 108,200 76,800

    Gross Heat Rate (LHV) kJ/kWh 10,940 11,210 12,150

  • 3-13

    Heavy Fuel Oil

    Heat Consumption (LHV) GJ/h 1,407.7 1,212.9 933.1

    Exhaust Flow (x 1000) kg/h 1,732.5 1,538 1,265.4

    Exhaust Temperature C 458 475.9 501.8

    Water Injection Flow kg/h 17,654 15,114 4,500

    (Source: MOE)

    Table-8: Gas Turbine Performance Summary in Simple cycle on Light Distillate Oil

    Light Distillate Oil

    Load Base Base Base

    Ambient Temperature C -15 15 55

    Relative Humidity % 35 35 35

    Fuel Type liquid liquid Liquid

    Fuel LHV kJ/kg 42,447 42,447 42,447

    Gross Output kW 128,400 108,300 76,900

    Gross Heat Rate (LHV) kJ/kWh 10,970 11,230 12,180

    Heat Consumption (LHV) GJ/h 1,408.5 1,216.2 936.6

    Exhaust Flow (x 1000) kg/h 1,731.8 1,537.4 1,265

    Exhaust temperature C 458 475.9 501.8

    Water injection flow Kg/h 17,214 14,746 4,309

    (Source: MOE)

    Table-9: Gas Turbine Performance Summary in Simple Cycle on Natural Gas

    Natural Gas

    Load Base Base Base

    Ambient Temperature C -15 15 55

    Relative Humidity % 35 35 35

    Fuel Type Gas Gas Gas

    Fuel LHV kJ/kg 45,134 45,134 45,134

    Gross Output kW 131,200 111,200 79,600

    Gross Heat Rate (LHV) kJ/kWh 10,910 11,170 12,090

    Heat Consumption (LHV) GJ/h 1,431.4 1,242.1 962.4

    Exhaust Flow (x 1000) kg/h 1,731.3 1,538 1,266.2

    Exhaust Temperature C 457.2 475 500.9

  • 3-14

    Natural Gas

    Water Flow Kg/h 18,429 16,896 6,904

    (Source: MOE)

    (2) Power Augmentation

    The gas turbines to be installed in Nasiriyah are not provided with power augmentation means such

    as evaporative cooling, fogging, chillers, etc. Site Design Conditions

    (1) Ambient conditions:

    Ambient minimum temperature: 0C

    Ambient maximum temperature: 55 C

    Ambient barometric pressure: 1.0094 bar(a)

    Relative Humidity, Minimum: 10 %

    Relative Humidity, Maximum: 98 %

    (2) Site Seismicity

    Site Seismicity is classified as per UBC97 code:

    Seismic Importance Factor: 1

    Horizontal Acceleration: 0.2 g

    (3) Wind Speed

    Maximum wind speed is 160 km/h,

    Applicable Code IBC 2000

    Wind exposure: C Electrical Grid Conditions

    The frequency of the transmission system will be nominally 50 Hz, and will normally be controlled

    within 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz. However, the plant equipment shall be capable to operate within the

    following exceptional conditions:

    The units will remain synchronized to the transmission system at transmission system

    frequencies within the range 47.5 Hz to 52 Hz for a duration of 60 minutes;

    The units will remain synchronized to the transmission system at transmission system

    frequencies within the range 47 Hz to 47.5 Hz for a duration of 5 seconds required each

    time the frequency is below 47.5 Hz;

  • 3-15

    The units remain synchronized to the transmission system during rate of change of

    transmission system frequency of values up to and including 0.5 Hz per second;

    The Gas Turbines are capable to operate with Automatic Generation Control (AGC), Load

    Frequency Control (LFC) and all Net Dependable Capacity (NDC) application functions as

    well as speed droop. Noise Limitation

    The limit of any measured sound pressure level anywhere in the work area shall not exceed 85 dB (A)

    at 1 meter distance from the noise source. Effluents discharge

    Aqueous emissions from the plant shall be treated and discharged in accordance with the following

    quality limits, consistent with the World Bank guidelines:

    Table-10: Aqueous Emission Discharge Limit

    Parameter Maximum, mg/l

    (except pH and temperature)

    pH 6 to 9

    total suspended solids 50

    oil and grease 10

    total residual chlorine 0.2

    chromium (total) 0.5

    copper 0.5

    iron 1.0

    zinc 1.0

    temperature increase at the edge of the

    mixing zone 3 C

    (Source: World Bank)

    Aqueous discharges shall be segregated into storm drains, process effluent and domestic sewage

    streams. Process effluents shall be provided with an appropriate monitoring and treatment system to

    ensure that the discharge limits are not exceeded.

    3.2.5 Purpose and Advantages of Add-On

  • 3-16

    The Add-On projects are also known as bottoming cycle and it aims to:

    (1) Raise the capacity of the power station so to benefit the consumers in the area/region, preventing

    possibility of power cuts in those areas affected by power shortages

    (2) Increase the efficiency of the existing power station which means increasing the use of the fuel

    intrinsic energy therefore reducing the cost of the energy produced

    The following table provided the benefit of Add-On in terms of increase in output and efficiency of

    the plant.

    Table-11: Anticipated Performance Gain after Add-On

    S. No. Configuration Simple cycle

    (4xGE9E GTs)

    Combined Cycle

    (4GTs - 4HRSGs - 1ST)


    1 Gross Power Output (kW) 444,800 654,700 209,900

    2 Gross Efficiency (%) 32.2 47.4 15.2


    i) The Power Output and Efficiency are at site ambient temperature 15 C, relative

    humidity 35% and pressure 1.0094bar.

    ii) The above performance parameters are at Natural Gas.

    iii) SCGT performance data has been taken from GE document Performance data

    provided by MOE and the same is the basis for combined cycle anticipated


    (3) Fighting global warming by reducing the specific CO2 as they improve the efficiency of the

    existing SCGTs, as such it correspond to CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) as the increase

    of the output power is brought without increasing of fuel consumption.

    Table-12: Reduction in Specific CO2 Emission after Add-On

    Parameter Simple Cycle


    Combined Cycle


    CO2 production ( tons / KW / year)

    @8150 Hrs. of operation per Year 5.36 3.64

  • Attachment No. 1

    Gas Turbine Performance in Simple Cycle

  • Performance Data

    If the fuel system is specific to a fuel (gas, Light distillate or Heavy) and if this fuel is not available at time of initial commissioning, the refurbishment and commissioning is excluded of this contract

    Guaranteed Performance on Heavv Fuel Oil

    I Injection I

    Operating Point

    Base Load

    Heat Rate = Fuel Gas Consumption (LHV) 1 Output (kW)

    Basis for Unit Performance on Heavy Fuel Oil


    Heavy Fuel Oil with Water

    The performance guarantees listed above are given at the generator terminals and based on the scope of equipment supply as defined in the proposal and as stated for the following operating conditions and parameters:

    Gross output IkWl

    108 200



    Atmospheric pressure mbar

    Performance Data Page 3.1 Firm Proposal 707926 (1 1/08) Rev. 0 ib

    Gross Heat Rate (kJ/KWh)

    11 210



    Gas Turbine Model


    Ambient temperature "C

    Relative humidity % Inlet system pressure drop mm H20 Outlet static pressure @ IS0 condition mm H20

    Fuel heating value (LHVI kJIkg

    Fuel Temperature "C Fuel Pressure at inlet flange of Gas Turbine


    Combustion system type

    Water injection flow kg/h

    Gridfrequency Hz

    Power factor


    3 5 50


    42 000


    Within range defined in Chap 9- design basis

    Conventional 15 114

    SO Hz 0.80

  • A. The liquid fuel is in compliance with Seller's Liquid Fuel Specificatjon GEI-41047 last revision and with the design basis of this proposal.

    B. Gas turbine is operating at steady state base load. C. Tests to demonstrate guaranteed performance shall be conducted in accordance

    with the ASME Modified Performance Test Procedure as defined in Seller's GEK- 107551.

    D. Performance is measured at the generator terminals and includes allowances for excitation power and the shaft-driven equipment normally operating equipment supplied herein by GE.

    E. The equipment is in a new and clean condition (less than 200 fire hours of operation).

    F. Performance curves such as ambient effects curves and generator loss curves will be provided after contract award. These curves along with correction factors such as fuel property corrections are to be used during the site performance test to correct performance readings back to the site conditions at which the performance guarantees were provided.

    G. Compressor air extraction from gas turbine = 0. H. The performance considers a derating due to heavy fuel oil. The derating is based

    on a Vanadium content of maximum 63 ppm. I. Heavy fuel oil kinematic viscosity must be below 250 cSt maximum at 50C. J. Lead content must be below 1 ppmw. K. The heavy fuel oil is not allowed for startup. L. Heavy Fuel Oil analysis :


    Heavy Fuel Oil Composition

    i.=- -- - a?%& . .-. . : ,.-. . .

    Performance Data Page 3.2

    Firm Proposal 707926 (1 1/08) Rev. 0 ib

    0.965 max

    250 cst max

    65 O C min




    c 0.1%






















    Density at 15OC

    Kinemic viscosity at 50C

    Flash point

    Low Heating Value KJ/Kg

    Sulphur content, wt% (max)

    Carbon residue, wt% [maxl

    Ash content, wt% (max)

    Water and sediments, vol% (max)

    Vanadium, ppm (max)

    Nickel, ppm (max)

    Sodium + Potassium, ppm (rnaxl after washing Iron, ppm (maxl

    Lead, ppm (rnax)

    Asphaltenes, wt% lmax)

  • Emissions Guarantees NOx exhaust gas emissions shall not exceed the following concentrations during steady-state operation from baseload down to 30% load over the ambient temperature range from -15 to 48.9"C.

    Basis For Emissions Guarantees A. The customer gas fuel is in compliance with Seller's Gas Fuel Specification GEI-

    41040 last revision and with the design basis of this proposal. 8. Testing and system adjustments are conducted in accordance with Seller's GEK-

    28172 last revision, Standard Field Testing Procedure for Emissions Compliance. C. Atmospheric pressure = 1009.4 mbar

    No guaranteed emission above 48.gC.

    D. Emissions are per gas turbine on a one hour average basis. E. Fuel bound nitrogen = 0.015% F. Fuel ash content = 0% G. Sulfur emissions are a function of the sulfur present in the incoming air and fuel

    flows. Since the gas turbine(s1 have no influence on the sulfur emissions. Sulfur emission are not guaranteed.

    H. GE reserves the right to determine the emission rates on a net basis wherein emissions at the gas turbine inlet are subtracted from the measured exhaust emission rate if required to demonstrate guarantee rate.

    Natural Gas



    NOx, ppmvd @ 15% 0 2

    I. Gas turbine is operating with a steady state frequency.



    Noise Guarantees

    Near Field Noise Guarantees

    The average sound pressure levels (SPLI (re: 20 micropascalsl from the indoor and/or outdoor supplier equipment defined in this proposal, shown in the Drawing/Diagrams Section of this proposal, shall not exceed the value stated above, when measured 1 m (3 ft) in the horizontal plane and at an elevation of 1.5 m (5 ft) above the gas turbine operating level, steam turbine operating level (if different), and generator operating level (if different) identified on the General Arrangement drawings with the equipment operating at base load in accordance with contract specifications. Walkways and/or platforms that are not easily accessible by stairs are excluded from the above guarantee.

    Fuel H FO Natural Gas

    Near field guarantees apply to areas along a Site specific Source Envelope(s1, determined by a line established 1 meter (3 ft.) from the outermost surface of the equipment defined in the proposal scope of supply (including noise abatement equipment). Depending on the site arrangement and relationship of equipment locations, multiple source envelopes may be designated. (See sample figure 3.4 - 1 on the following page)


    Gas Turbine Load Base Base

    Performance Data Page 3.3

    SPL, dBA 8 5 8 5

    Firm Proposal 707926 (1 1/08) Rev. 0 ib

  • Source Envelope

    Other Supplied


    War Field Guarantee

    Source Envelope

    Supplied Equlpment (Remote


    *-- I"--- 1 I

    Figure 3.4 - 1 - Single Shaft STAG (For reference only, envelope(s) should include all equipment defined In thlspropoarls, and will

    be determined by Site condition4

    Basis for Near Field Noise Guarantee A. The GE supplied equipment will be deemed compliant with the acoustic guarantee

    if the arithmetic average result from measurements taken at agreed upon locations along the source envelope(s), after background and other corrections for environmental influences and test factors have been applied do not exceed the noise limit(s1 specified above. For cases where noise abatement equipment is included to meet the guaranteed sound pressure level, all measurements for compliance verification will be taken outside of the noise abatement equipment.

    B. Testing will be conducted in accordance with a project specific test plan agreed to by both the Owner and GE. The test plan must adhere to the requirements listed in the GEK-110392 "Standard Noise Assessment Procedure" included in the Specifications / Documents Tab in this proposal. There is no single test standard that adequately addresses acoustic test requirements relating to power generation equipment; therefore the referenced GEK document is a compilation and adaptation of available IS0 and ANSI test standards to address acoustic measurement of power facility equipment.

    \- ~L Performance Data Page 3.4 Firm Proposal 707926 (7 1/08) Rev. O ib

  • C, Equipment is operated in a new and clean condition when measurements are taken. All access compartments, doors, panels and other temporary openings are fully closed, all silencing hardware is fully installed and all systems designed to be airtight are sealed. Inspection of Installation Quality will be conducted prior to compliance testing. Identified defects must be corrected prior to Compliance Testing.

    D. Corrections for background noise will be made to the measured SPL, as referenced in the G EK-110392 "Standard Noise Assessment Procedure" document. Background noise is defined, as the noise measured with all equipment identified in the proposal scope of supply not operating and all other plant equipment in operation. If the above guaranteed SPL is greater than 10 dBA above the measured background noise, no correction to the measured SPL is necessary.

    E. Free field conditions must exist at measurement locations. Testing for, and corrections to, a free field are per the applicable standards, I S 0 3744146 and/or ANSI/ASME PTC 36 1985

    F. Noises of an interim nature such as blow down valves, filter pulse noise, and startup / shutdown activities are not included in the above guarantee.

    G. Measurements shall be taken 1 m (3 ftl away from the outermost exterior surfaces of equipment including piping, conduit, framework, barriers, noise abatement equipment, and personnel protection devices if provided.

    H. Measurements shall not be taken in any location where there is an airflow velocity greater than 1.5 m/s (5 ft/sl including nearby air intakes or exhausts. Outdoor measurements shall not be taken when wind speeds exceed 1.5 m/s (3 mi/hr).

    I. Responsibility for measurement and development of the project specific test plan will be stated in the contract. Testing shall be conducted in accordance with GEK 110392 "Standard Noise Assessment Procedure", included in the Reference Specifications / Documents Tab in this proposal. The test plan must be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the noise test for review and approval of all parties. If the Owner performs the compliance measurements, GE reserves the right to audit or parallel these measurements.

    - - - . - ... - G> N.CC Pedormance Data Page 3.5 Firm Proposal 707926 ( 1 1/08) Rev. 0 ib

  • Gas Turbine Estimated Performances The estimated performance data for heavy fuel, light distillate and natural gas below considers a derating due to heavy fuel oil. The derating is based on a Vanadium content of maximum 63 ppm.

    3.4.1 Heavy Fuel Oil estimated performances Load Condition BASE BASE BASE Inlet Loss mm H20 50. 50. 50. Exhaust Static Pressure mm H20 100.1 79.8 54.9 Ambient Temperature deg C -15. 15. 55. Ambient Relative Humidity % 35.0 35.0 35.0 Fuel Type Liquid Liquid Liquid Fuel LHV kJ/kg 42 000 42 000 42 000 Fuel Temperature degC 127 127 127 Liquid Fuel H/C Ratio 1.67 1.67 1.67 Gross Output kW 128 400. 108 200. 76 800. Gross Heat Rate (LHV) kJ/kWh 10 940. 11 210. 12 150. Heat Cons. ILHVl GJ/hr 1 404.7 1 212.9 933.1 Exhaust Flow x10A3 kglhr 1732.5 1538. 1265.4 Exhaust Temperature deg C 458. 475.9 501.8 ExhaustEnergy GJIhr 855.6 744.9 609.8 Water Flow kg/hr 17 654. 15 114. 4 500.

    EMISSIONS NOx ppmvd @ 15% 0 2 CO ppmvd 10. 10. 10. UHC ppmvw 7. 7. 7. Particulates kglhr 5 5

    (PMlO Front-half Filterable Only)

    EXHAUST ANALYSIS % VOt. Argon 0.89 0.90 0.86 Nitrogen 75.45 75.13 72.29 Oxygen 14.47 14.56 14.23 Carbon Dioxide 4.10 3.98 3.67 Water 5.09 5.44 8.95

    SITE CONDITIONS Site Pressure bar 1.0094 Exhaust Static Pressure mm HZ0 80.01 @ IS0 Conditions Relative Humidity % 3 5 Application TEWAC Generator Power Factor (lag1 0.8 Combustion System Non-DLN Combustor

    Emission information based on GE recommended measurement methods. NOx emissions are corrected to 15% 0 2 without heat rate correction and are not corrected to IS0 reference condition per 4OCFR 60.335(a)(lI(il. NOx levels shown will be controlled by algorithms within the SPEEDTRONICTM control system.

    Output contingent upon generator water at adequate temperature, pressure, and flow.

    Liquid Fuel is assumed to have 0.015% Fuel-Bound Nitrogen, or less. FBN amounts greater than 0.015% will add to the reported NOx value.

    IPS- Version Code - 3.8.0/171D0/3.8.O/PG9171-05A-0307

    TM A Trademark of the General Electric Company


    Performance Data Page 3.6 Firm Proposal 707926 (1 1/08) Rev. 0 ib

  • 3.4.2 Light Distillate Oil estimated performances

    Load Condition BASE BASE BASE Inlet Loss mm H20 50. 50. 50. Exhaust Static Pressure mm H20 100.1 79.8 54.9 Ambient Temperature deg C -15. 15. 55. Ambient Relative Humidity % 35.0 35.0 35.0 Fuel Type Liquid Liquid Liquid Fuel LHV kJ/kg 42 447 42 447 42 447 Fuel Temperature deg C 27 27 27 Liquid Fuel H/C Ratio 1.76 1.76 1.76 Gross Output kW 128 400. 108 300. 76 900. Gross Heat Rate (LHVI kJ/kWh 10 970. 11 230. 12 180. Heat Cons. (LHV) GJ/hr 1408.5 1 216.2 936.6 Exhaust Flow x10A3 kglhr 1731.8 1537.4 1265. Exhaust Temperature deg C 458. 475.9 501.8 Exhaust MolWt kglkgmol 28.83 28.77 28.36 ExhaustEnergy GJ/hr 855.7 745.0 610.0 Water Flow kgfhr 17 214. 14 746. 4 309.


    NOx ppmvd @ 15% 02 80. CO ppmvd 10. 10. 10. UHC ppmvw 7. 7. 7. Particulates kgfhr 5 5

    (PM10 Front-half Filterable Only1


    Argon 0.89 0.89 0.86 Nitrogen 75.43 75.11 72.27 Oxygen 14.46 14.55 14.22 Corbon Dioxide 4.04 3.92 3.62 Water 5.18 5.53 9.04


    Site Pressure bar 1.0094 Exhaust Static Pressure mm HZ0 80.01 @ IS0 Conditions Relative Humidity % 35 Application TEWAC Generator Power Factor Ilag) 0.8 Combustion System Non-DLN Combustor

    Emission information based on GE recommended measurement methods. NOx emissions are corrected to 15% 0 2 without heat rate correction and are not corrected to I S 0 reference condition per 40CFR 60.335(al(ll(il. NOx levels shown will be controlled by algorithms within the SPEEDTRONICTM control system.

    Output contingent upon generator water at adequate temperature, pressure, and flow.

    Liquid Fuel is assumed to hove 0.015% Fuel-Bound Nitrogen, or less. FEN amounts greater than 0.015% will add to the reported NOx value.

    Normal (Nl is defined at OC and 1.013 bars(a1

    IPS- Version Code - 3.8.0/174D0/3.8.O/PG9171-05A-0307


    Firm Proposal 707926 ( I 1/08) Rev. 0 ib

  • 3.4.3 Natural Gas estimated performances

    Load Condition BASE BASE BASE Inlet Loss mm HZ0 50. 50. 50. Exhaust Static Pressure mm H20 100.0 79.8 55.0 Ambient Temperature deg C -15. 15. 55. Ambient Relative Humidity % 35.0 35.0 35.0 Fuel Type Cust Gas Cust Gas Cust Gas Fuel LHV kJ/kg 45 134 45 134 45 134 Fuel Temperature degC 30 30 30 Gross Output kW 131 200. 111 200. 79 600. Gross Heat Rate (LHV) kJ/kWh 10 910. 11 170. 12 090. Heat Cons. (LHV) GJIhr 1 431.4 1 242.1 962.4 Exhaust Flow x10A3 kglhr 1731.3 1538. 1266.2 Exhaust Temperature deg C 457.2 475. 500.9 Exhaust MolWt kglkgmol 28.45 28.40 28.00 ExhaustEnergy GJIhr 864.8 753.5 617.1 Water Flow kglhr 18 429. 16 896. 6 904.


    NOx ppmvd @ 15% 02 49. CO ppmvd 10. 10. 10. UHC ppmvw 7. 7. 7. Particulates kglhr 2 2

    (PM10 Front-half Filterable Only1


    Argon 0.88 0.89 0.86 Nitrogen 74.48 74.10 71.27 Oxygen 14.14 14.18 13.84 Carbon Dioxide 3.15 3.07 2.85 Water 7.35 7.77 11.19


    Site Pressure bar 1.0094 Exhaust Static Pressure mm HZ0 80.01 @ IS0 Conditions Relative Humidity % 35 Application TEWAC Generator Power Factor (log) 0.8 Com bustion System Non-DLN Combustor

    Emission information based on GE recommended measurement methods. NOx emissions are corrected to 15% 02 without heat rate correction and ore not corrected to I S 0 reference condition per 40CFR 60.335(aI(ll(i). NOx levels shown will be controlled by algorithms within the SPEEDTRONICTM control system.

    Output contingent upon generator water at adequate temperature, pressure, and flow.

    Normal (Nl is defined at 0C and 1.013 bars(a1

    IPS- Version Code - 3.8.0/17400/3.8.OIPG9171-05A-0307

    GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Performance Data Page 3.8

    Firm Proposal

    - -- - -

    707926 (1 1/08) Rev. 0 ib

  • Chapter 4

    Power System Analysis for Nasiriyah Gas

    Turbine Power Station

  • 4-1

    1. Demand Forecast

    Power demand forecast in Iraq provided by the Ministry of Electricity, Iraq (MOE) is shown in

    Figure 1-1. According to the power demand forecast, Iraqs power demand was 19,557MW in 2014.

    Its maximum power demand is expected to be 54,094MW in 2030. Power demand in 2030 will be

    more than double from 2014. For this reason, there will be a need for developing / constructing new

    power plants equivalent of the current capacity.

    Figure 1-1 Demand Forecast 2015-2030

    (Source: MOE)

    2. Peak Load by Region

    The following table shows the forecast of peak loads in 2014 and 2030. The average growth rate of

    peak load in the whole country is 6.57% per year, and the governorates which have higher average

    growth rate are Thi-Qar (7.07% per year) and Kirkuk (6.97% per year).

    The governorates contributing to the peak loads in 2014 are Baghdad (31.1%), Basra (10.8%), and

    Ninawa (10.4%). And also, same situation in 2030 is expected.









    ad [




  • 4-2

    Table 2-1 Average growth rate of the peak load

    Governorate 2014 2030 Growth rate

    Ninawa 2,030 MW 5,662 MW 6.62%

    Kirkuk 710 MW 2,087 MW 6.97%

    Diyala 543 MW 1,574 MW 6.88%

    Al-Anbar 1,328 MW 2,742 MW 4.64%

    Baghdad 6,086 MW 17,292 MW 6.74%

    Babil 1,024 MW 2,632 MW 6.08%

    Kerbala 721 MW 1,873 MW 6.15%

    Wasit 638 MW 1,575 MW 5.81%

    Salah Al-Deen 870 MW 2,513 MW 6.85%

    Al-Najaf 801 MW 2,316 MW 6.86%

    Al-Qadisiya 698 MW 1,974 MW 6.71%

    Al-Muthanna 477 MW 1,260 MW 6.26%

    Thi-Qar 889 MW 2,653 MW 7.07%

    Missan 621 MW 1,802 MW 6.88%

    Basra 2,121 MW 6,139 MW 6.87%

    Total 19,557 MW 54,094 MW 6.57%

    (Source: MOE)

    Table 2-2 Contribution of peak load

    Governorate 2014 2030 Difference

    Ninawa 10.4% 10.5% 0.1%

    Kirkuk 3.6% 3.9% 0.3%

    Diyala 2.8% 2.9% 0.1%

    Al-Anbar 6.8% 5.1% -1.7%

    Baghdad 31.1% 32.0% 0.9%

    Babil 5.2% 4.9% -0.3%

    Kerbala 3.7% 3.5% -0.2%

    Wasit 3.3% 2.9% -0.4%

    Salah Al-Deen 4.4% 4.6% 0.2%

    Al-Najaf 4.1% 4.3% 0.2%

    Al-Qadisiya 3.6% 3.6% 0.0%

    Al-Muthanna 2.4% 2.3% -0.1%

    Thi-Qar 4.5% 4.9% 0.4%

    Missan 3.2% 3.3% 0.1%

    Basra 10.8% 11.3% 0.5%

    Total 100.0% 100.0% -----

    (Source: MOE)

    3. Power System Development Plan

    Power System Simulation for Engineering (PSS/E) data of the 2020 Iraqs Power System

    condition was provided from MOE along with Generation development plan and 132kV substation

  • 4-3

    development plan. As from the unstableness of the Country, MOE was not able to provide a reliable

    and detailed power system network of PSS/E data of the current 2015 condition. Depending of the

    circumstances and from the MOE provided data, the condition of the Power System including that

    of 2015, will be organize in this section.

    3.1 Areas and Governorates in Iraq

    Iraq is divided into 5 areas and 15 governorates (excluding the Kurdistan Region) as shown in

    Table 3-1.

    Table 3-1 Areas and Governorate in Iraq

    Area Governorate Area Governorate

    1.North Ninevah 4.Middle Euphrates Babil

    Kirkuk Kerbela

    2.Upper Euphrates Diyala Al-Najaf

    Al-Anbar Al-Qadisiya

    Salahuddin 5.South Al-Muthanna

    3.Middle Baghdad Thi-Qar

    Wasit Missan


    3.2 Power Network System in 2015

    The PSS/E data of the 2020 Power System provided by MOE had some comment written of the

    actual situation. The study team assumed the power system network of 2015 based on this comment.

    The power system network in 2015 is shown Figure 3-1.

    The power system network of Iraq in 2015 has 30 substations and the total length of 400kV

    transmission lines approximately 4,900km.

    3.3 Expansion of power system network

    Figure 3-2 shows the power system network in 2020. The substation, power plant and transmission

    line is particularly enhanced at middle southern area.

  • 4-4

    Figure 3-1 Power system network in 2015

    (Source: MOE)


    Khor al Zuber














    Mosul MainDam

    Baiji Gas










    MosulPump storage


    BaijiNew Gas



    Shannafiya IPP


    Shat alarab


    Legend400kV Transmission line


    Power plant

  • 4-5

    Figure 3-2 Power system network plan in 2020

    (Source: MOE)


    Khor al Zuber



    KutBabil MusayabGas












    Mosul MainDam

    Baiji Gas













    Nasiriyah Gas







    MosulPump storage



    BaijiNew Gas



    Yusfiya IPP

    Khairat IPP



    Shannafiya IPP


    Shatal Basra

    Rumaila IPP




    Shat alarab


    Existing as of 2014

    < Transmission line >

    Planned 2016 - 2020

    < Substation >

    Existing as of 2014

    Planned 2016 - 2020

    < Power plant >

    Existing as of 2014

    Planned 2016 - 2020Salah al-dean


  • 4-6

    3.4 Demand and supply balance in 2020

    By analyzing the network data of PSS/E provided by MOE the areal demand and supply balance

    has been considered to be as shown in Table 3-2.

    The total demand in 2020 is 28,541MW including transmission loss and station service power.

    Middle area, of which the capital city is Baghdad, accounts for 35% of total demand, and Southern

    area, which has the second largest city of the Country, Basra, accounts for 26%. Hence, Middle and

    Southern areas account for about 60% of total demand.

    Meanwhile, Middle and South areas have 31% and 25 % of total power generation over the country

    29,037MW, respectively. Accordingly, the power is not transmitted between areas. The loss of

    power system network on this demand and power generation situation is small.

    Table 3-2 Demand and Supply Balance by area in 2020

    Area Generation Demand

    MW % MW %

    1.North 3,380 12 3,127 11

    2.Upper Euphrates 5,599 19 3,711 13

    3.Middle 8,928 31 9,850 35

    4.Middle Euphrates 4,000 14 4,487 16

    5.South 7,131 25 7,367 26

    Total 29,037 100 28,541 100

    (Source: MOE)

    Figure 3-3 Demand and Supply Balance by Area in 2020

    (Source: MOE)








    North Upper


    Middle Middle












    Generation Demand

  • 4-7

    3.5 Network system in 2020

    The 400kV network has performed at the bulk power transmission system among areas and 132kV

    network has played the role of local supply systems.

    Figure 3-4 shows 400kV bulk power network as of 2020. 400kV transmission line are particularly

    enhanced in the north-south direction. Mosul, Baghdad and Basra city is in this straight line.

    The Iraqi power system has been interconnected with Iranian power system by a 400kV single

    circuit transmission line at Diyala substation located in Upper Euphrates area.

    3.6 Transmission line

    Table 3-3 shows the 400kV transmission lines in 2020. The total length of 400kV transmission lines

    reaches approximately 8,300km. This length is about two times of that of 2015.

    The transmission line capacity of 400kV lines has 970MVA, 1000MVA and 2774MVA. According

    to the PSS/E data, capacity of 2774MVA line is using a quad conductor. This quad conductor of

    transmission line will be applied to the following section;

    Baghdad Northwest Yosfiya IPP (2 routes)

    Yosfiya IPP Dhifaf (2 routes)

    Dhifaf Khairat IPP (2 routes)

    Dhifaf Muthanna (2 routes)

    Muthanna Shannafiya IPP (2 routes)

    Muthanna Shatra (2 routes)

    Shatra Maysan IPP (2 routes)

    Maysan IPP Rumaila IPP (2 routes)

  • 4-8

    Figure 3-4 Power system network reinforcement plan

    (Source: MOE)


    Khor al Zuber



    KutBabil MusayabGas










    Mosul MainDam

    Baiji Gas













    Nasiriyah Gas








    MosulPump storage



    BaijiNew Gas



    Yusfiya IPP

    Khairat IPP



    Shannafiya IPP


    Shatal Basra

    Rumaila IPP




    Shat alarab


    Upper Euphrates


    Middle Euphrates



    Legend400kV Transmission line


    Power plant

    Salah al-dean


  • 4-9

    Table 3-3 400kV Transmission Line as of 2020

    From To No. of




    circuit [MVA]


    [km] From To

    No. of




    circuit [MVA]



    MSL4 MMDH 1 970 63 BGC4 DFAF 1 970 80

    MSL4 MSE4 1 970 50 BSMG RFE4 2 2774 30

    MSL4 NYNG 1 1000 104.88 BNW4 HYDG 1 970 140

    MSL4 SHMP 1 970 70 RFE4 ZBDP 2 970 120

    MSL4 KSK4 2 970 30 DAL4 MNSRG 1 970 110

    MSL4 BAJP 1 1000 183 KUT4 ZBDP 2 1000 20

    MMDH MPSG 2 1000 2.8 KUT4 NSRG 1 970 200

    MMDH KSK4 1 970 30 KUT4 AMR4 1 1000 229

    MSE4 NYNG 1 970 100 KUT4 MSN4 1 1000 200

    MSE4 SHMP 1 970 70 HDTH QIM4 1 1000 128

    MSE4 EBLC 1 970 65 HDTH ANBG 1 970 120

    NYNG NBJG 1 970 79.12 QIM4 TAYM 1 1000 155.7

    SHMP BAJP 1 970 176 QIM4 ANBG 1 970 220

    BAJP BAJG 1 1000 1 MUSP MUSG 1 970 5.5

    BAJP NBJG 1 1000 15 MUSP BAB4 2 970 35.5

    BAJP BGW4 1 1000 223 BAB4 KRTG 2 970 50

    BAJG KRK4 1 1000 92 BAB4 HYDG 1 970 50

    NBJG BGW4 1 970 242 KRTG KDS4 1 970 50

    NBJG HDTH 1 970 151 DFAF KRTP 2 970 35

    SLDP SLD4 2 1000 4 DFAF MTHN 2 2774 65

    SLDP KRK4 1 1000 230 HYDG KDS4 1 970 70

    SLDP BNW4 1 970 80 HYDG SMWG 1 970 170

    SLDP DAL4 1 1000 90 DWNG KDS4 2 970 12

    EBLC DBSG 1 970 65 DWNG NSRG 1 1000 176

    DBSG KRK4 1 970 55 KDS4 MTHN 2 1000 30

    KRK4 MNSRG 1 970 165 SMWG MTHN 1 1000 80

    BGW4 BGC4 1 1000 39 SMWG NSRG 1 970 100

    BGW4 BNW4 1 970 30 SMWG NSRP 1 970 100

    BGW4 ANBG 1 970 120 MTHN SNFG 2 2774 35

    BGS4 AMN4 1 1000 53.5 MTHN SHTR 2 2774 140

    BGS4 BGC4 1 1000 44.5 MTHN SHTR 1 2774 140

    BGS4 YSFP 1 1000 60 NSRG NSRP 1 970 1

    BGS4 BSMG 1 970 14 NSRG RMLG 2 970 145

    BGS4 ZBDP 1 970 140 SHTR MSN4 2 2774 110

    BGS4 MUSP 1 970 53.5 SHTR MSN4 2 2774 110

    BGS4 MUSG 1 970 48 AMR4 MSN4 1 1000 40

    BGS4 KDS4 1 1000 140 AMR4 SHTG 1 970 185

    YSFIPP BNW4 2 2774 50 AMR4 QRN4 1 1000 80

    YSFIPP DFAF 2 2774 155 MSN4 RMLG 2 2774 160

    DOR4 RFE4 2 1000 30 SHTG BSR4 1 1000 5.4

    BGE4 QDSG 1 1000 17.5 SHTG HRTP 1 970 25

    BGE4 AMN4 1 1000 50 SHTG KAZG 1 970 30

    BGE4 SDRG 1 970 15 SHTG FAO4 1 970 110

    BGE4 DAL4 1 1000 47 BSR4 NJBG 1 970 13

    BGN4 QDSG 2 1000 9.3 BSR4 KAZG 1 970 15

    BGN4 SDRG 1 970 15 BSR4 FAO4 1 970 105

    BGN4 BNW4 1 970 20 HRTP NJBG 1 970 26

    AMN4 BSMG 1 970 30 HRTP QRN4 1 1000 60

    AMN4 DAL4 1 1000 100 HRTP STRB 1 1000 10

    AMN4 ZBDP 1 1000 140 KAZG RMLG 1 1000 0

    BGC4 YSFP 1 1000 30 RMLG QRN4 1 970 60

    (Source: MOE)

  • 4-10

    3.7 Substation

    Table 3-4 shows the 400kV substations in 2020. The standard specification of the transformers is

    400/132kV 250MVA Auto transformer. Each substation has 4 transformers as standard.

    The Bismaya substation is installed of large capacity 500MVA transformer. This area is regarded as

    an extending demand in the future.

    The power system network of Iraq in 2020 has 51 substation and total capacity of the installed

    transformer is 43,000MVA. New substations are planned to be built at 21 locations in 2016-2020.

    Table 3-4 400kV substation as of 2020

    Substation No. of



    [MVA] Substation

    No. of




    Kesek 4 250 Yusfiya I 2 250

    Mosul 4 250 Musayab T 4 250

    Mosul east 4 250 Babil 4 250

    Nenava 2 250 Dhifaf 4 250

    Al-Shamal 2 250 Khairat I 4 250

    Kirkuk 4 250 Kadisiya 4 250

    Baiji T 3 250 Najaf 4 250

    Haditha 2 250 Muthanna 4 250

    Qaim 2 250 Shannafiya I 2 250

    Al-Anbar 4 250 Shatra 4 250

    BGW 6 250 Maysan I 4 250

    BGNW 4 250 Amara 4 250

    BGN 4 250 Samawa 3 250

    Qudis 2 250 Nasiriyah T 4 250

    Sadr 2 250 Nasiriyah G 2 250

    Mansuriya 1 250 Amara 4 250

    Dyala 4 250 Qurma 4 250

    BGE 4 250 Hartha 2 250

    Ameen 4 250 Shat alarab 4 250

    BGC 4 250 Rumaila 3 250

    Bismaya 4 500 Basra 4 250

    Rusafa 4 250 Najibia 2 250

    Dora 4 250 FAO 4 250

    BGS 4 250 Khor al Zuber 4 250

    Yusfiya T 2 250

    (Source: MOE)

  • 4-11

    3.8 Power Plant

    The power plant development plan in Iraq prepared by MOE is shown in Table 3-5 and 3-6. The

    study team made location map of the power plant development plan as shown in Figure 3-5 and

    Figure 3-6. The total amount of the two plans is approximately 30,000MW of generator capacity.

    The current demand planning is about 29,000MW in 2020, it was found to be sufficiently supplying

    the demand with the new power plant and the existing power plant.

    Construction or reinforcement of the power plant have been conducted mainly in Middle Euphrates

    and Southern region.

    Table 3-5 Power plant of Gas fuel type pro