fe Inn, - digifind-it.com .pdf · V 1 '•".;? AY. FEBRUARY 11, 1900. •MIMIMH ie^: The Cranford *...

AY. FEBRUARY 11, 1900. ie^: The Cranford * •• fafr e Cranford - , v g-mf> M B^: mtj 1 JP •••;• «A^ •••• il - •>•"-- For Heating, Cooking, Power, li- ra* CRAMVBD. GAS LIGHT Co. t * BROAD »H> •* wwrnf^^^^^zi fe Inn, &81 1 * H WOTt!,*. *N. J. ANDSOME Country Seat. Lkrg*. a , lry *? omi * nd btth » °P« n |>lonibin«M electno light; i^tm heat; poiWMinJf- all onnvonienccs; connervatorie*; car- nage houae; gronndi are handsomely laM. SpemaJ convenience* for riding and drivinii partie* for tapper*, etc. -CUISINE AND SCHVICC, UMCXCtLLKO, • '" ADDRESS OR CALL r- JH. a 0. Schmidt. KenilWbrtt. JL j. f MW'MI » < Tht Cranford National L Bank ' CrUNrORD, N. J. OFFICER8. THOg. A. SPBHRY, President. ^ ; \ W. Vt BUCKLEY, Vlt» Prert. :: 0. M. HENDR10K8, Oaihier. i DIRECTORS. , TBO*, A. Snasr, Baw. F. B*it.*r, jf^c- H/( B . Cfe WOOBLWO. W." M. I ./ % JtfVl. Rvtpt . "," ' M. O. Dostum* 8. B. DsottCHta, JOHW W. Bum, ^ii. ••) ^ -'.c JAMES C. PARK, General Contractor 11 tot* AMIH Cruftfi itit Itnej Telephone ISA 3, THREE CBNT8 •K'-.ejtoi.C'.Sf'^i^ e^wK»»,t»*4»»n« \ <> •*• SSStj »•_•»«' 'lk# P«M* ««• «**h» ttaeM J^^ great Una th* ao* ^ aad Uagty W H 'hat* comma* aad ***** ta fhttr W*«. Hot** begged Mr br***V Ottddha threw away hi* crowa a*A became a. meodkaat Boeratw wwtt barefooted. Jeeu coaaorted with poor people ami imhUraaa. Savonarola WOM - patched babtt PraakUa **•"» . Inter, wrote mottot* for common fWka aad wore plan cloth** at court. Bobert B U M wa* a pwwma* Abra- ham Lincoln tbroaghoat nl*life r*> nalnrt on* of Ib* plain people. TW» wae ta no eenw «ondeaoM*|oa thepart ot tb* great aoam. ta many caw* It aroM from bitter bsce*. *tty. la other* It wa* their method ot proclaiming them**!*** m with th* moat nnmeroB* claaa of me*. It waa their method of preaching th* goepel of equality. It waa tbelr ma* •or of ahowtag contempt f*r outer dig. UacUooa, th* trapping* of abow th*r •aaaH nature* pria* a* moth. l**a*eraerto*oMtoal tab*. If** ar* not equal la outer way*. They dlfr fer ta talent*, rdocatioa. bodily tana, h*rfo1ty. wealth and all Mteroaht They are only equal la fwdnmttl* moBhood, In being chlMrao of a coca* moo Father. Ood U no reepectet- af peraoaa. IIU rain fall* on th* i«*t . it HI* law-4oatml law— treata all tb* aam*. Ilaman Uw mutt " modeled oathl* eternal .law aad a a u t *bow BO ravoritwm, imoat aa alike, mast be b*Md on fan- Mil eanlity. Wbonever it d#* «rts fn*s that *r*» by a hajr ltdo** to ttedlvta* and eternal plaa. with _ deelr* to wake _._ . —- -..- hl« follow men. eanwlally the) poor*** «f hi* fellow won. II* bad tot ta hw makeup on* nbmt of tb* "holler than tboo," He wa* the f*r- thcetrfmoved from the nMriaec.. MwelMrly tb* rumtaawital dltfei between democrat ajtd arlatoerat. lie not only porcelred thta. but llvml n. P»- dM not feel blmttir belter than MJtrra, but fell blmMtf Juat a* good a any man On tbo planer, Thl* m I be quality lu him which ha* warrely been nualyaed. but which to endwrvA htm to tbe wan* of nicu. tn hi* life ho cbniigMt democracy from a theory to N mule*. H* im-arnatnl It. m> that all tb*> world might *e*. HI* up- holding of tbe plain iwople wa* uot a w. It waa bU tnetbmt of bttttdlog a guveroment of tb* plain people through all tbe yrar* that ar* to be. It wa* IU* wotbod of recogolihig m*>* •g*tn*t claw, bl* profound plau of making tbo loweet itrata of wclety b*«t»r by thinking them better and ao Induilng them lo think thcmaelre* better. s -r <*»*** W" »w««m*«t III their ow» htghernuwcw wh*>h arc caned fwh la t*venimeat rmaat*. lonaaM. Mea ar* aa good aad aa rwat ft* tb* wott i<*rt w they thiab tbenuelree, They caa do «ba.t th*y ir» mmftelM to da. Ttie iwneon ihal totentUMMtt I* b«*t which govern* M«t In that It makv* the ludtrldual *o f«r him***'. l'«e uMkM for growth. Tt» man who b*a to uav bb> will, hh) r«Mit aad W* tnvratlr»tt*w d*v«*. bin will. IIMjudKinrnt nod hi* In- llvemiM. centnrte*, of iwpoUr gor- Kument. (wpuUr eduratloq, muveraal fit r**p*?f. equallly aiu) freedom treed a race wortny uf all the** high Ittrlbutra of tt* full gruwu man. UtMlu kn»w ibew thing*, ami. trhm I* man*, be |>r»ctlced them every t»v«if bwUfe. U* wanted to getaway from- tb* llttleuea* uf clae* M o Uw Wtmo** «f tbo nm*e. II* km«w th* wont Memy uf maa I* that very habit of aqiaratlng ounetre* from oth*r* tiecau**) we think we are better than they. UocauM ot itmduct or eoavu- loii or btood or dollar* or W>UK other purely external or e^Mfiital thing we vxvludw oumobudy. By «o doing we ex- elude O<HI. who 1* unlvrrMl and baa all lu lit* Image. |ty •» doing we wxclud* nur u«n tMUipleto noil higher natnr**, r»r lit u* |* a corrv*i>oiul«iir» io nil bring*. C««le I* a iirtaou to lbu*e In It mid *n Itiault to all oilier*. It hvurfu tbe ludivldunl iiml tllUilr* tb* tiitc. It In nrliaclHl uml doule* the unlvvrMlltr of nod'* love, a ooum. id lu dlv Hllh Ilia ixber llt<* of an out- <>rn age. tiuch ••u)« n* l.lurolu Ituve neu tlie rm* n new mid (>r<Nitl«r out- «'k. We uuw «w tin IM KP-HI^HL not bn U luitat uxi'luaivn. but wliu In tuoat LOCAL OPTItm UFTS fTSHEAD •••later Plummer Intre^Meo AMU •aleen Leaiwe** Meatwe—*V«vMe** •f UM A*t-.H*H** V*«M |UM t* •one! Tree** te the Tar* lfMMtfl«r*l •>*ra«-e->M*re Hceelwtlene t* laweoti- gate th« •tale'* financial C*mMI*«. Telephone lOO-X*. GEORGE DITZEL. General Contractor (UHBBB •f All rtln*)a. & HID ' DINT. • • th^aiw*)**'**)*)!*^*!* 5 "**)**! t*> th* old*** >rfh*ll|ll ' rtaS*W (»e modal for all daaaocratle laatltattoo*. Iboiplrttoal nature of thinga. They appmlnut* th* onerrmg and Impartial Jtwrtca of bo raaahln* aad the attraction of ivttafJoD. eau^ wiVth* flrtt democrat coin «a* tbe moot natural and uaaa- •nmtng democrat *een In modem' time*. It moat beanderetoodthatthi* term la owd lalt» original and funda mental, not IU derived and partlaau aenee. I bare no deelr* to arooao par- llaan clamor In *eeklng to cuorey an Utm. Some thing* In partlMn Democ- rtcy are •> remote friu real democ- racy as some thing* In InafltnflotMf Chrutlanlty are remote from tb* teachings and life of tbe NaureiM. There Ta more tbao a pleaeantry In tmeoln'a remarh tbat •'Clod nraat lovt» tbe common people, he made so many of them.- Ult*mo*tof Uabumorou* quip*, that wlU bear aerlou* study, Uawta abto said that nothing couhl be mliorenOy wrong: which mo*t of tlie -^—• praeMeed, or (ometblng to thttt CRANFORD N. J. tl Berkshire Hills L I amvnet ao Mr* about«tbat doetrm*. 1*t It ahowt tb* gnat liber- "*^* >MiM> tern** ot.of to* ; J Unooln Rldlni Hto ClrcuJt. |S»Mtai Oarr***eadsMMi| Trrnfou. _r>b. U.-Wlth ilmple but InipreMlv* veremonle* tb* legtalatnr* uf'New Jersey oq Tuesday afunoua e»ICbrat«M |He on* hundredth aaalver- "ry of tb* birth of. Abraham Uocoln. Tb* eiercfaiee were held In th* aatMW- lily chamber, wbkb wa* UaraftUy itecorated for tbo occaalon. Over tb*< •.(wMiker 1 * rbnlr haag a portnOt. of tb« nurtyred prwldent upon » bach> Itrnuntl of uatlcuul dag*. Th* apeejH »r'a rimtrum wa* almost hid fr*m vl*w by lall iwlius. *nd tb* front of th* gal- lorlr*.w*. draped la th* aatmmi col* •>m. Thefloornnd lobbl*ew«r* re- w n n l f o r tit* member* of Uw l*gMa> turo, th* judiciary and stat* otBcew. whllo th* galli>rli>* were tbrowtt op**> to tli* public. Mr*. John Franklin Ibrt and Ml** Kurt viewed tb* naramtwri** from one of the Trout seat* of th* bv din*' gallery. The JuatlvpN »f the *upr*m* c o w t th* judge* of ih* court of error* aad vlwt chancellor* met tn th* governor'* ufflci) *a<l with th* gweraer aad Mr. JuMlce Oarrbwiiln the lead, manlml two by two to th* Mtapibiy. A* they i •ittered Ibe room th* aenaton who b»d jMticMted tbnmt tb* membw* of. th* hou.e end the large withering, present arww and stood. 0*v*m*r Fart's Mifu. Rpoeker John D. Princ* caUM tha meeting to ord«r, and Ih* wa* mad* by fh> R*v, H*a» ton, D. D. ( of Trenton. Tb* ^««T thtm nnnounc«d that Oo^rwJTtart him t**n *«iMtMf to pr*tM*,'*adl «r • » dlnactloh l«r**r - at* an* ba*d*i rotted the governor to-tb*-* tb* orchestra played- "Ban, t*> Chief." Wb«a tbe a«pla«a* whkhv flie governor aab*ld*d.b* pr*> t<i fiiiogit* the "gr**t ematel- paiur." it was ladeed a caBtpltUtat, ho declared, to be urttift tn prftilH'ua «aeb anoe«*fk>ir,> *bd*b* toM^ot fctf; Uacplo 1 * visit to th* New Jtmrm Iwi forty-vlght y*ar*agoasalv»f haitaV dre»* to both tb* **nal«aadVaMHamto< At that time, tb* iriTT fftitlmsai great I««U» wblcH dlvldwJ Tii maUi win at tbelr bslgfat, ana th*Vwi7«rV the rebellion which fO»OWM;s4*m«dl, ^Imost impffndlng. The gowrba^.tMtri' jtok* of the uB\w, v t»nta'Jkmrmwk htoiwjr which Abnham *'-*- r r ~ and In c*nclodl*g>saidt DVMMMfia V. , II* was nut * ti farted addre**** or — . „ , with nMBAUiglse* phrase*, wa* alaoere, aa4he,k*M .h.tb.^n,^ affect to dwpls* ., -— - Or*»t-#»n« behold In thai • I whkbr I* most common that whichla ; lot** aalfanaj aad tbererer* met* dl- - Jtae Herela to-tb* desfipaUoesvby of 1 iJaoola* re—irh stoat Go** IM* fer th* CM »> M ip M p| # What I* more common thanthe JM*. y*t what is more beautlfal HOI* moonUlns, rlrsn fortot*. OC*BB*> ass* «r* Mm of all men, y*l tb*y are tbt mott eochatiing tldngi of lite What fl*wer Is so cram r*X w Uaodfid. u th* roM? I So It I* lo mm Thai wblah J* great. Irat n aay mlad to tut which- It h u u lh <wmmoii with an otlwf mind*. o*a> l u 1* pawar of *Utlflg fully amj «d*«Utfly when everybody alMUilafcsv IsTsBl ISB - - » - --• mmMti.^. imm ^m\ _. ^*_._. B I j Ey^s..s!»;awPr^r :• "• "'.-/-' "IWhrni^*" •'-.' > •.; " CHote* Eat* *Ml .•• i 1 ^ ft" i.tU Intlw la. h 4 te whaiS liaflam. Tte.iaon, tberefom, <*» m tmtaKtateof whan,toMSM JLSR&eul on* all lint bam *luw* wla tut and •w I 1'U " WththeUfarbadevory Ifa.WM.rMpoMlM* 1* lh*o, lt*ilm Itat rtjtdJrfUr <* tht ^«SSS ^ tmSOdAtJM wiOo«t r 7 rou 'from fa]?V>ld a tUntto i(akii*>i^a#r*raMl ftr tht moat •It to aMNfe tkM»H>,«aV«« hoidlsw 4 lacltulve. IXe Ut iugueat wwMiaa woat wrnplclrlr and ailoi|iiaMly jrbat la It* all utbvr man t umuwu M M H ihua beromea I be moat (ireiluua klml of MUB* It |a (by wbdom derlr«d from all aiperleuce. Tbat Wtiieb if iiiuit evmmon. 1* uoM unlveriil and Hut wlilib le luoet unlvenal la mmt divine. If w» get d««|f eiwugb Into tub pblh>*v fjio «nd eauel, Lincoln's As~dreM . . . >*r I'rlnc* read th*<i which'Ml-. Mutoln mad* to IU.«, r and NMembly upon tha Mwutot-ef hs*« :' vUlt u> tim matt capital to whl*h<lh* < gwiiruurrvferreaM.il K*iiKt»r Jmtcpb ft, % tUnntrtet,! ' ' tin- iip|N*r 4'faamlwr, imtiX au w ^, Mt*rMnK,«luira«t«tf*tlai at. humely anenivltt, tbe uiM elvihw aid uauum asd tb* tno «ntle attitude of-. Abraham Lincoln; UhMfla* bl* love for tb* plain pwpl*. W* tar* had deaaoeraey u y*f. * • « • Ih* prophet of lb* demwneyv OatJitojNb ' tJjNb , •iA kiqdred(t«U,l» iawta u iik* Uw CIMT inaUMfaMltM,. tt^iMawv Union w*owaeurgr*Biii*aK( *• uiulder that our lUaT M - " • * • « • * * W w O V p U ^ — „ - , . ^rmmMwmmm, WHb. tha A M toJMd Bttlt or.ae Ooa-; 9QJ§MW 0S •*••• •^wnsBamiisvL ab*Hiau >4 the »jrl.1 in >VinMT r* Mnt I* Mr Afi^r a (banJ

Transcript of fe Inn, - digifind-it.com .pdf · V 1 '•".;? AY. FEBRUARY 11, 1900. •MIMIMH ie^: The Cranford *...


1 '•".;? AY. FEBRUARY 11, 1900.


ie^: The Cranford * ••fafr

e Cranford -,v g -mf> M B^: mtj1 J P •••;• « A ^ •••• il -






»H> •* wwrnf^^^^^zi

fe Inn,&811* H WOTt!,*. *N. J.

ANDSOME Country Seat. Lkrg*.a , l r y * ? o m i * n d b t t h » °P«n |>lonibin«Melectno light; i ^ t m heat; poiWMinJf-all onnvonienccs; connervatorie*; car-

nage houae; gronndi are handsomely laM.SpemaJ convenience* for riding and driviniipartie* for tapper*, etc.



JH. a 0. Schmidt. KenilWbrtt. JL j . fMW'MI » <


IAL LAUN-l AN FORD.>rkandmoat.ientof'good» AtaddeUtwed - V l


L Bank' CrUNrORD, N. J.


THOg. A. SPBHRY, President.^ ; \ W. Vt BUCKLEY, Vlt» Prert.

: : 0. M. HENDR10K8, Oaihier.

i D I R E C T O R S . ,TBO*, A. Snasr, Baw. F. B*it.*r,

jf c- H / (B. Cfe WOOBLWO. W." M. I./% JtfVl. Rvtpt ."," ' M. O. Dostum* 8. B. DsottCHta,

JOHW W. B u m ,


• ••) ^ - ' . c


Contractor11 tot* AMIH Cruftfi itit Itnej

Telephone ISA 3,



e^wK»»,t»*4»»n« \ <>

• * • SSStj»•_•»«'' l k # P«M* ««• «**h» ttaeMJ ^ ^ great U n a th* a o *

^ aad Uagty W H 'hat*comma* aad ***** ta fhttr

W*«. Hot** begged Mr br***VOttddha threw away hi* crowa a*Abecame a. meodkaat Boeratw wwttbarefooted. Jeeu coaaorted with poorpeople ami imhUraaa. Savonarola WOM- patched babtt PraakUa **•"». Inter, wrote mottot* for commonfWka aad wore plan cloth** at court.Bobert B U M wa* a pwwma* Abra-ham Lincoln tbroaghoat nl* life r*>nalnrt on* of Ib* plain people.

TW» wae ta no eenw «ondeaoM*|oa• the part ot tb* great aoam. ta

many caw* It aroM from bitter bsce*.*tty. la other* It wa* their methodot proclaiming them**!*** m withth* moat nnmeroB* claaa of me*. Itwaa their method of preaching th*goepel of equality. It waa tbelr ma*•or of ahowtag contempt f*r outer dig.UacUooa, th* trapping* of abow th*r•aaaH nature* pria* a* moth.

l**a*eraer to • *oMtoal tab*. If**ar* not equal la outer way*. They dlfrfer ta talent*, rdocatioa. bodily tana,h*rfo1ty. wealth and all MteroahtThey are only equal la f w d n m t t l *moBhood, In being chlMrao of a coca*moo Father. Ood U no reepectet- afperaoaa. IIU rain fall* on th* i«*t

. it HI* law-4oatml law—treata all tb* aam*. Ilaman Uw mutt" modeled oa thl* eternal .law aad

a a u t *bow BO ravoritwm, imoataa alike, mast be b*Md on fan-Mil eanlity. Wbonever it d#*

«rts fn*s that *r*» by a hajr ltdo**to ttedlvta* and eternal plaa.

with_ deelr* to wake _._ .

—- - . . - hl« follow men. eanwlallythe) poor*** «f hi* fellow won. II* badtot ta hw makeup on* nbmt of tb*"holler than tboo," He wa* the f*r-thcetrfmoved from the nMriaec.. U»MwelMrly tb* rumtaawital dltfeibetween democrat ajtd arlatoerat. l ienot only porcelred thta. but llvml n.

P»- dM not feel blmttir belter thanMJtrra, but fell blmMtf Juat a* gooda any man On tbo planer, Thl* mI be quality lu him which ha* warrelybeen nualyaed. but which to endwrvAhtm to tbe wan* of nicu. tn hi* lifeho cbniigMt democracy from a theoryto N m u l e * . H* im-arnatnl It. m>that all tb*> world might *e*. HI* up-holding of tbe plain iwople wa* uot a

w. It waa bU tnetbmt of bttttdloga guveroment of tb* plain peoplethrough all tbe yrar* that ar* to be. Itwa* IU* wotbod of recogolihig m*>*•g*tn*t claw, bl* profound plau ofmaking tbo loweet itrata of wcletyb*«t»r by thinking them better and aoInduilng them lo think thcmaelre*better.

s-r <*»*** W " »w««m*«tIII their ow» htghernuwcw wh*>h arccaned f w h la t*venimeat rmaat*.lonaaM. Mea ar* aa good aad aarwat ft* tb* wott i<*rt w they thiabtbenuelree, They caa do «ba.t th*yir» mmftelM to da. Ttie iwneon ihaltotentUMMtt I* b«*t which govern*M«t In that It makv* the ludtrldual*o f«r him***'. l'«e uMkM for growth.Tt» man who b*a to uav bb> will, hh)

r«Mit aad W* tnvratlr»tt*w d*v«*.bin will. IIM judKinrnt nod hi* In-

llvemiM. centnrte*, of iwpoUr gor-Kument. (wpuUr eduratloq, muveraalfit r**p*?f. equallly aiu) freedomtreed a race wortny uf all the** highIttrlbutra of tt* full gruwu man.

UtMlu kn»w ibew thing*, ami.trhm I* man*, be |>r»ctlced them everyt»v«if bwUfe. U* wanted to getawayfrom- tb* llttleuea* uf clae* M o UwWtmo** «f tbo nm*e. II* km«w th*wont Memy uf maa I* that very habitof aqiaratlng ounetre* from oth*r*tiecau**) we think we are better thanthey. UocauM ot itmduct or eoavu-loii or btood or dollar* or W>UK other

purely external or e^Mfiital thing wevxvludw oumobudy. By «o doing we ex-elude O<HI. who 1* unlvrrMl and baa alllu lit* Image. |ty •» doing we wxclud*nur u«n tMUipleto noil higher natnr**,r»r lit u* |* a corrv*i>oiul«iir» io nil

bring*. C««le I* a iirtaou to lbu*eIn It mid *n Itiault to all oilier*. Ithvurfu tbe ludivldunl iiml tllUilr* tb*tiitc. It In nrliaclHl uml doule* the

unlvvrMlltr of nod'* love, a |« ooum.id lu dlv Hllh Ilia ixber llt<* of an out-

<>rn age. tiuch ••u)« n* l.lurolu Ituveneu tlie rm* n new mid (>r<Nitl«r out-«'k. We uuw «w tin IM KP-HI^HL notbn U luitat uxi'luaivn. but wliu In tuoat

LOCAL OPTItm UFTS fTSHEAD•••later Plummer Intre^Meo AMU

•aleen Leaiwe** Meatwe—*V«vMe**•f UM A*t-.H*H** V*«M | U M t*•one! Tree** te the Tar* lfMMtfl«r*l•>*ra«-e->M*re Hceelwtlene t* laweoti-gate th« •tale'* financial C*mMI*«.

Telephone lOO-X*.

GEORGE DITZEL.General Contractor


•f All rtln*)a. &


•• th^aiw*)**'**)*)!*^*!*5"**)**! t*>th* old*** >rfh*ll|ll ' rtaS*W (»emodal for all daaaocratle laatltattoo*.

Iboiplrttoalnature of thinga. They appmlnut*th* onerrmg and Impartial Jtwrtca ofbo raaahln* aad the attraction of

ivttafJoD.eau^ wiVth* flrtt democrat

coin «a* tbe moot natural and uaaa-•nmtng democrat *een In modem'time*. It moat beanderetoodthatthi*term la owd la lt» original and fundamental, not IU derived and partlaauaenee. I bare no deelr* to arooao par-llaan clamor In *eeklng to cuorey anUtm. Some thing* In partlMn Democ-rtcy are •> remote fr iu real democ-racy as some thing* In InafltnflotMfChrutlanlty are remote from tb*teachings and life of tbe NaureiM.

There Ta more tbao a pleaeantry Intmeoln'a remarh tbat •'Clod nraat lovt»tbe common people, he made so manyof them.- Ult*mo*tof Uabumorou*quip*, that wlU bear aerlou* study,Uawta abto said that nothing couhl bemliorenOy wrong: which mo*t of tlie-^—• praeMeed, or (ometblng to thttt


I ICiMftti.'I. J


tl Berkshire Hills L

I amvnet ao Mr* about«tbatdoetrm*. 1*t It ahowt tb* gnat liber-"*^* >MiM>*» tern** ot .of to*

; J


Unooln Rldlni Hto ClrcuJt.

|S»Mtai Oarr***eadsMMi|Trrnfou. _r>b. U.-Wlth ilmple but

InipreMlv* veremonle* tb* legtalatnr*uf'New Jersey oq Tuesday afunouae»ICbrat«M |He on* hundredth aaalver-"ry of tb* birth of. Abraham Uocoln.Tb* eiercfaiee were held In th* aatMW-lily chamber, wbkb wa* UaraftUyitecorated for tbo occaalon. Over tb*<•.(wMiker1* rbnlr haag a portnOt. oftb« nurtyred prwldent upon » bach>Itrnuntl of uatlcuul dag*. Th* apeejH»r'a rimtrum wa* almost hid fr*m vl*wby lall iwlius. *nd tb* front of th* gal-lorlr*.w*. draped la th* aatmmi col*•>m. The floor nnd lobbl*ew«r* re-w n n l f o r tit* member* of Uw l*gMa>turo, th* judiciary and stat* otBcew.whllo th* galli>rli>* were tbrowtt op**>to tli* public. Mr*. John Franklin Ibrtand Ml** Kurt viewed tb* naramtwri**from one of the Trout seat* of th* bvdin*' gallery.

The JuatlvpN »f the *upr*m* c o w tth* judge* of ih* court of error* aadvlwt chancellor* met tn th* governor'*ufflci) *a<l with th* gweraer aad Mr.JuMlce Oarrbwiiln the lead, manlmltwo by two to th* Mtapibiy. A* they i•ittered Ibe room th* aenaton who b»djMticMted tbnmt tb* membw* of. th*hou.e end the large withering, presentarww and stood.

0*v*m*r Fart's Mifu.Rpoeker John D. Princ* caUM tha

meeting to ord«r, and Ih*wa* mad* by fh> R*v, H*a»ton, D. D.( of Trenton. Tb* ^ « « Tthtm nnnounc«d that Oo^rwJTtarthim t**n *«iMtMf to pr*tM*,'*adl «r • »dlnactloh l«r**r -at* an* ba*d*irotted the governor to-tb*-*tb* orchestra played- "Ban, t*>Chief." Wb«a tbe a«pla«a* whkhv

flie governor aab*ld*d.b* pr*>t<i fiiiogit* the "gr**t ematel-

paiur." it was ladeed a caBtpltUtat,ho declared, to be urttift tn prftilH'ua«aeb an oe«*fk>ir,> *bd*b* toM^ot fctf;Uacplo1* visit to th* New JtmrmIwi forty-vlght y*ar*agoasalv»f haitaVdre»* to both tb* **nal«aadVaMHamto<At that time, tb* i r i T T fftitlmsaigreat I««U» wblcH dlvldwJ Tii maUiwin at tbelr bslgfat, ana th*Vwi7«rVthe rebellion which fO»OWM;s4*m«dl,

^Imost impffndlng. The gowrba^.tMtri'jtok* of the uB\w,vt»nta'Jkmrmwkhtoiwjr which Abnham *'-*- r r ~and In c*nclodl*g>saidt



, II* was nut * tifarted addre**** or — . „ ,with nMBAUiglse* phrase*,wa* alaoere, aa4he,k*M.h . tb .^n ,^

affect to dwpls* „. , - — - Or*»t-#»n« behold In thai• I whkbr I* most common that which la; lot** aalfanaj aad tbererer* met* dl-- Jtae Herela to-tb* desfipaUoesvby of

1 iJaoola* re—irh stoat Go** IM* ferth* C M »> M ip M p| #

What I* more common than theJ M * . y*t what is more beautlfalHOI* moonUlns, rlrsn fortot*.OC*BB*> ass* «r* Mm of all men, y*ltb*y are tbt mott eochatiing tldngiof lite What fl*wer Is so cramr*X w Uaodfid. u th* roM?

I So It I* lo mm Thai wblah J* great.Irat n aay mlad to t u t which- It h u

u l h <wmmoii with an otlwf mind*. o*a>l u 1* 4 « pawar of *Utlflg fully amj«d*«Utfly when everybody alMUilafcsvI s T s B l I S B — — - - » - - - • mmMti.^. imm ^m\ _ . ^ * _ . _ . B


> ' *

Ey^s..s!»;awPr^r :• "• " '.-/- '"IWhrni^*" •'-.' > •.; " CHote* Eat* *Ml

.•• i 1 ^ ft"


la.h4 te whaiS

liaflam. Tte.iaon, tberefom, <*»m tm taKtate of whan, to MSM

JLSR&eulon* all lint w« bam*luw* wla tu t and• w I 1'U "


Ifa.WM.rMpoMlM* 1* lh*o,lt*ilm

Itat rtjtdJrfUr <* tht

^«SSS ^ tmSOdAtJM wiOo«trl»

7 rou'from fa]?V>ld a tUntto

i(akii*>i^a#r*raMl ftr tht moat• I t to aMNfe tkM»H>,«aV«« hoidlsw


lacltulve. IXe Ut iugueat wwMiaa woatwrnplclrlr and ailoi|iiaMly jrbat la It*all utbvr man t umuwu MMH ihuaberomea I be moat (ireiluua klml ofMUB* It |a (by wbdom derlr«d fromall aiperleuce. Tbat Wtiieb if iiiuitevmmon. 1* uoM unlveriil and Hutwlilib le luoet unlvenal la mmt divine.If w» get d««|f eiwugb Into tub pblh>*v

fjio «nd eauel,Lincoln's As~dreM

. . . >*r I'rlnc* read th*<iwhich'Ml-. Mutoln mad* to I U . « , rand NMembly upon tha Mwutot-ef hs*« :'vUlt u> tim matt capital to whl*h<lh*<

gwiiruurrvferreaM.ilK*iiKt»r Jmtcpb ft, %

tUnntrtet,! ' 'tin- iip|N*r 4'faamlwr, imtiX au w ^ ,

Mt*rMnK,«luira«t«tf*tlai at.

humely anenivltt, tbe uiMelvihw aid uauum asd tb* t n o«ntle attitude of-. Abraham Lincoln;UhMfla* bl* love for tb* plain pwpl*.W* tar* n « had deaaoeraey u y*f.* • « • Ih* prophet of lb* demwneyvOatJitojNb 't J j N b ,•iA kiqdred(t«U,l» iawta u iik*


inaUMfaMltM,. tt^iMawvUnion w*owaeurgr*Biii*aK(* • uiulder that our lUaT M

- " • * • « • * * W w O V p U ^ — „ - , . ^rmmMwmmm,WHb. tha A M toJMd Bttlt or.ae Ooa-;

9QJ§MW 0 S •*••• •^wnsBamiisvL ab*Hiau

>4 the »jrl.1 in >VinMTr* Mnt I* Mr

Afi^r a (banJ






GtortSttphtholderFreeh"JohnholderAcid. Ibolder

• t|lor n«htfdtflorthlOon wand tdoted.

Theand kWderr*upuii t)v m dentulnchair Ith.uiki

Mllftlof the tliter 01


ol thl»hundt*

l-'ictfol the IunsnUr


ft*lurtlwrf,""" fit;'SStt*•Urted ,)clrtk bt iIIVIIM t


Countyal Die •annum.

Kieehol the nuntnimi

FifthUodUiRtwa» t*>.Their »It Willballot. 'rutui dw«* el*legal letthiiikii tappietl.it

lO c ,

•tttlpn*dunni tl

HyVi,I' KeiulvCounty Iat the »uiannum. I

Kreehtfiof the l»|Munaiiitno^naiiitno.

I'rreht* SW. W Mwat KtIhe tewwas otd(lot. Up-4 l T

Hetolvboard btmember*

Onrwlotion MO ••

By Ft* 'Ke»olv

bO«ld I * ' , ,boatd. an • .fcosnl shlul each al

On molrwolultott -



On * & * > 'tcMlutlort^t- •

ih.-roi,;,r«t»r Kit*'remarks ft •*

The ftnf .<exctllent. i -, •-YlwUntended


Happiness U to tract)* th«S onellsks Ihi- Inn ol It by talking ot it,M i l J u l u !x-m»lirr

* Y o u « e r c r i i i j to mfcTTy Tri*,'

b o e f t n l »))<•- ' I f t t l j w tlmt I K I « . "

b e sdml l t . r t , rtport i tbt._Kariuu CUT





THE SEQUEL.OF A "Lire.« a r t i l tin ITi<1 iJI11• i'i!i*

a m»ti ul in !• rlrii to.day

In III'.1 l.rtl*lt<tl!r



! • (

» MsnrM« suit BY MRS. OLIPHANT.

Itms. That it what I with: thatI have always wished—above

alt, above all!" abe said, clasping herhand*. Tbe affections of her s*n«l-tlve nature had com* upon Carry.She could not contain herself snylonger. "I would rather even nothave b»*n happy and seen you treattad doing treat work." she aald.

He stretched oat his hand and tookben, which b* held and caressedsoftly. "They have been happy, little«ntbu»la*t!" be said.

"Don'T say that. Kdward!"th<

Cnlnni l Watti'rfon'a Ul 'r ' .

t><'f"tl># nf till- I h n . " Hti<\ "t

« t i i " Atl»tii« C'iiiit!;t'.i(

f trBit.fr in hl« rnv

!• "A i fUAJ'TKH V. in*ver forgtt) her dolorous dlstoorw*

•lii-nllf. tb» Mtm« h«»rd lull c/ii

t t f i T l t i \ i T t l l H t


'W> l

m u l d i e t a t i n - t s u - i - r h

n II h l ' .^ V l « f l f ( l .

« l U t t l n i ' i f A i r i f r t« n i t :

t " n u r f l l l i • " .

' r a m ' iti » frn t1-Mli »Mh ll<aT h ' ' Of,*1 Mjio

, l.i.i Tlx of l i ' t » hlKhly ruUI«Bt<<l; u n i i lii;' U>>) f. .111. -1 In lakn f>qaal

v, r ! favori te t o y .n ami hl« uti-p-son.i-r* i .rdlnary l l t t lo


It wdulil !.<• Intcrn l ln ir . 1M1 k« ilm

S't'i* York Wiirlrt, t'( i.dl] (h*1 «' i in*''

!»« l i« ) (r« and .find mil l i im mu.n* "I

IT? Ml «nui»l Mki' to v*jt<\ A wniniin

I h e ' l i i u e ' a t i d »)ilt«- " a " which T o mh ,,.. much trouble,in it t o |«i II It d o w n

»ln-n IJKly C»f I" t h e - ' l i t t l e V<>«r, > n | > t , , tlrnv.. fri .m th« door . T l wtumif t ln i f s . liimWt-d nver r a c h o t h e r

per formsoIn MiHr

t i l l s iifflri'



»<Mc I tin 11 n in* If

. It Ii not the trim policy i,f t i n

A mm linn CinviTiiiiiint, m>r the t«in-

?<-r «f tho Aiii"ilcmi people, declares

'.he Kt. U'liln lteputitlr, tn ins ln t t ln

> nnijr ti. fj, b u l b i n g nl'Oiit the

World,' Illll Willie Wil III" l.U 11 [1 ItlR

ihlpK vn »lil i l tn Imllil tin- lirnt Hint

i n ' nflnat, nml Hi in rruli»- Is .-likely

.o help u» timltrlnlly to Ihn. litid.

Avoin thn Now OrlcaiiK r i m y u n n ;

W h a t ' i s wntitfil In for th.. National

'.iiiveiiimiiit not mil)' l» i.nUMUti a

navtRolilo ihnnnc l avitl.lshln at nil

l(.nc<*t* It K»VB him a• groat nn<) Ju«t advantage nvi-r Tomj Carry wa« plriued. »ht* Wh» touched| and flntlirrct. nml mirli vanity an shn

Imd wan KI il> Hcntily mlnliitered toHint for muni- time tin' little folly

muire to herTo »eo thn

and fcrntle plilluiiophrr with a!»*lf.t >Irill'- nlinopt utt-pplng over

nhlcli-Iniik. Hi" ulr of hHindi- h ir fc.O hn|.p>

IIn, rlilldren to at tin- cord, andpull up Ih" n m t i i l i i K


A fUmarkakl* Illvstratltn itNaterw'a Wary •» Pt»»»r»iB« • « •S*r«a«lnt ,tk« Plant.

The common wild Tlolet affordsme of tbe most remarkable lllintn-lons of the eare and apparent for«-•.hougbt ot nature In presertlng a.if*cie». uys the St., l/ou!» Globe D*m->crat. As everybody knows. tb«1 rii>DonT «ay

said, quietly: "that waa all»ery w«ll i *""• A" «i?>*"«~* --•m th. Md d.v.. whlrb you «ay were ! * l «*°*« lnJ t h e »bjtcle- t n P*«o r ef

d nd ffelds where the grass Ila th« old

"»ble tb carry their .share'"of R:omnierce.

II brilliantf r«lor niimiiK the bore trees ,

an nhi« itpiiriiied with the ponies InI In. l i tt le nvi-riiie It wn« a ll lt ln ab-nnrd, hut no nwei-t. Kilwnrd did It,nhe allowed honnolf In Imnfttne.' anhe hud said, tor a I'smin to Tom—totench him Ilius I,rigidly thcniKh sym-luiltlrnlly the hoimr Hint waa dun tobin mother nut to Curry Individual-

, |y, who never clnlmed honing)1, butNorthern In ken j t ( , , n , , muiiii'r, wlidwr rlalms the boy

IIMIUKII thn MlnnlMilppI Itlvir tu tho j wii» not siifliilnntly ronnrloiia of.tea, but to sn improvn Out »cvirnl (.This « m not at nil the lemon whichirest trll.uti.rle. tlmt they will be I "'-aufort hart lnt..nd«l to tench Tom

. . . . . . I —but what did flint mntterT It had

a certain effect In Hint wny, thoughmine In th<> way ,tlmt Ile.iuford |n-

| tended, j It did KIVU Tom tin iinjiror-ij dloii of the liniiortnnre of hie mother.| "Mother's riot Junt u wonitin llko* the

»nee a ready man. anil writing an ex- ! "'•'•" h<" I 1 | U I l (1 •1»rt«t- , "B h ( > '» ' » h n l

. .. . , . _ i yuu may call a grrnt body, Jane, don tyou know* Them's Mm. Howard andthat nort, you don't run up flutes for

ncmnry; If ho confer little, bn had | them. Mother's really nonu'thlng llkothe Queen- ItH In rnriii'iit, ilimuthink* HO. I can toll linn uwful fondof inuther. And m> inn I, too,"

"Oh, Tom, BO am I."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ "Yet, but you're Just natural. You., . . . ! don't iiniliTnluiiit. Hut me nnd DealtVurly twice the number of loK. I k n o y w h y W(, „„ „ ., ,„,,, T ( ) m A n | ,

trill bit floated down-th« Connecticut j when ho got hiirk in nchool If ho dillI hot boiiBt no niurh of IIIH place InI Scotland, having nrqulrcd nn uneasy

lort of doubt ot Its magnificence, ho

Pffliarnlng, kfttd'Frnhcla llocon,makrlU a man lull, contnr-

»ct nmn; and. therefore, If » man• rile little, ho had need of a great

seed have a preaenl wit? nnd If horead llllli'. he need have much eun-ulni, to srem to know tlint hi) dothaot. • _.

River this year as worn In taut yeiir's

IrWe, nays tho llepubllcan, ot Rt.lohn.bury. They will con... from near ^ . ^ { ^ t n t , p ^ u , * was'notihe Cnimdlati line In Vermont. ThoOIK .ruth Is du« to a Massachusettslaw which will become operative In ; « ° « down/' ho>ald/ "|t'Bsuch tun

; llko that of tho others. "When my! people drive from the door the flag

d "It' h t

1910, pn<hllilllug the running of logsg

j rudhlng aa,il getllni; hold of the rope.I and up with n tiiK, its soon as they

S t i,n rlvcra In that 8ttto without raft- | c o m o ) n t 0 (he avenue. Sometimes,When ll't been raining, tho rope won'trun. It's nuch. fun," cried Tom.


sml certainties. It was after one ofthone el»n», which bad displayedevery outward appearance of being atwork for several days, and l-»dyCar'» mn«t de,petit of a thouaand ei-pprlvnrrs had rtten again, that in thet-vmlng, In a very sweet summertwilight, they aat together sndwatched the, start coming out overthe tops of the waving tree*. Janet,now grown almost to tbe fnl) heUht,h»<! been wandering about, flittingamong the flowers, In her white frock,not unlike (at a distance) ono ol theicrcat white lilies which stood aboutIn all tho borders. It was early InJuly, the time when the flowers areat their sweetest. The air was fullof their dellratn fragrance, yet nottoo full, fur there wat a little warmbreezo which blew It over the wholecountry, away to the heather and•corse on the ]Ianlnmore side, andbrought hack faint echoes of-wilder»rcnt»--th« breath of the earth andof the moon. Janet htd boen roam-In K about, never without a glancethrough tbe branches at the two fig-ures on the lawn. Hho was Ilka onuof the HUH dt a distance, tall forfourteen, thouKh not tail for a full-grown woman: and thin, too, In theangularity of her eye, though ot a•quarn solid construction which con-tradicted all previous nymbols. Shehud always an eye upon them wher-ever tihn went. Nothing had changedher spectator attitude, not oven thedevelopment of many tender and loyalfeelings altogether unknown to theouter world. Ho far as appeared out-tlde. Janet was .till the tamo steadychamplou of her brother that she.hnd been from her baby days, andnot much more. The pair who wereaeatcd on thn lawn were, as always,conscious of Iho girl's pretence! whichwas a certain rcslrnlnt upon theirfreedom. There wan not betweenthem all tho same ease that generallyenlsla In a fnmlly. Though she wasqultn out of hearing, they did noteven tnlk with perfect freedom.When utio had gone to bed, called bythi? all-nuthorltatlvn nurse, ot whomeven his mlatross was a llttlo afraid,Deaufort drew a long breath. Hehail n sort of habitual tenderness forJanet us a child who had grown upunder his oyea, and was one of theaccessories ot daily life. Hut yet hewas never at hit eato when shn wasgone. "How dark It is getting?" hesaid; "the light comes from the lilies,not from the day: and Janet's whitetroek, now »hu has gone, has takan« llttlo away."

"My poor llttlo Janet!" said LadyCnr. "1 with 1 could think the wouldbo .one of thoao who gave light."

"Llko the mother. It It a pity they&re so little like you, Carry. Both

BODMDIC. I « u only a Ktrl then.but now I am middle-aged and not U>be put off tn that way. I 41m not alittle enthusiast, I'm an anxious wo-man. You tboald Dot put IDwith phrajes of the past."

l i

ground. bn'» "»'

iroodt and fields, where the grass isibundant anTd long. It comes up ear-ly In the spring, and flowers at a time•rben tbe grass Is most abundant andm"ccalen"t°'Of course, it Is liable to j K'bot".^*_tq

the chance con«m .««....it', alwayi pound. }lutt in!

<l beneath somewhere—;

No. llY hUoeq from the gbtre. Butt in!

There »reD h t

Of cour«-There i>Never fiN ! '

golind it

chant1** c<Mnjj by. Mutt in!d w h v B u t t in!Mnjj by. u

der whv—Butt in!yet uncut,

th tbe ruphrajes of the past.

You are always a girl, tfarryyou should live to be a thousand.'he aald, wltli a faint laugh.. "It you

rt. It ' n B ' ' *™:*aLm*:l™Z Lnlmal. i &**•tb"' " " ' t lB" -Br^Uy.?U*•t to be bitten off by grating animala.Tbe violets that come In the spring

•Ither do uot seed at all or verywere middle-aged, a» you say, you i *."«• »- -— -would be content with W i t . a. w . ! «r*rlngly. K» that tf the plant reliedhave them. Here we «re. we two to- j »n •*» spring Bowers for seed. It wouldgether. with all the bapplnes* w e | probably perish off the earth In a veryonce so eagerly looked forward to,and which seemed for a time hopeless.Very well off, thanks to you. Able tosurround ourselves with everythingtbat Is delightful and pleasant, pe-sldea the mere fact of being together,able to help our poor neighbors In a

few years.'But In the late fall the plant bears

another crop of blosaoms, that arenever seen, save by the professionalbotanist. They are very small, utter-ly Insignificant In appearance, andgrow either just at or below the sur-face of the ground. These are thepractical way; thank* to you again, j'ace m <-u* 8i«uu«. ...^ - . - - -

Not so much ai a crumple in our bed I flowe" w M e h Produee the seeds forot ron-»—not a thorn. My dear, thatis what you would think ot if youwere middle-aged, at you say.'

"Then let me be a silly girl as inthe old times,", she said, "tbouKh It j " "waa all nonsense, nothing but non- ' h c

aense, as you say,""Softly, softly," he said, taking

her hand again; "let ua discriminate.Carry. Love can never be nonnensewhich has lasted like ours. My lave,you must not blaspheme."

"Love!" she cried. Ca" \rry's whole

! the neit season..The flower* on long stems bloom-

ing In the faring are only for show;the hidden flowers are for ute. andtbe number of seeds they bear may

jed frcm the case with which„ wild violet bed Bpreads In everyllrectlon. When the seeds are ripethe pod eiplodes, scattering them toi considerable distance, often ten totwelve feet from the parent plant, sothat. In spite ot its boasted modesty,the violet not only takes care of It- !

YES. INDEED.He—"Darling, all is over

She—"Oh. George, this. Is so Ab-ruzil."—^London Punch,

O HAPPY BEAST!Johnny—"The camel can go eight •

days without water."Freddy—"So could I It ma would

.et me."—Harper's Bazar.

THE MASCULINE POSITION."You'd never own up If you werj

in the wrong." 1"I would too—s>n\y I'm never iiT

the wrong."—Cleveland Leader.

FOR HOW MUCH.Maud—"I was deeply touched by

Fred Hlgbee't misfortune."Will—"I was leas fortunate. I

A tifw disease, chrlslenrxl "electric !jpthnlinln," la said to thr«nton/nllascm of tho electrlo light. Accord-

rnwhile even Harrison Major's mouthwn« closed. Thn flag was beyond him.As tor Janet. «ihe looked on staringnnd observed everything and drewing to two *Wrotden tclenvlsls, tho 'anx> » « " « « • • ' • • I « « » I . - . - -*•-

, . , . . . 7. . i many tllent conciutloni never perlaronr.u It done tho eye/tlstuot by - - - "altra vlolut ray* ot the electric Hint,ind cataract m»y ultimately result. . Carry's anxlout expectation! and tus-

haps to be revealed.Hut when the holidays wero over

dThe tame Invettlgttort havo dlacov- '; I*ercd a tlmplo proyontlve for electric tjjithalmla In tho thapo of yellow or

"turned attain. Beaufort *«pt

j up, whatever he wat doing.ire«n tpectacl«t. which they prophety Uo lot down, to pull .down or put upwill become universal at electricity i that flag, till poor Curry's heart grewlomei more and mow into ttto at tn [tick.of tho little formula which ac-

•: , ' compnnlcd all hit niovcmcntt. SheUlUtolBnnt. i began to feel that he ilkod to b«

-•--—r — • —* | disturbed, and that Idling forth into'School teacher* in thlt city htvo , t h o t l r , 0 . l M , r r o r m this ceremony

t method of revMdlns the good boys j was more delightful to him than towhich would thock American tchool Ret 01. with that work, which to. tar

a German, writtue "" B h o coul11 »»*«"out. wat not jet

a etho same type, and that so; much In-terior. But children arc very per-verse In their resemblances, as mucha> In other things,"

"Nobody can say Janet Is per-verse," aald Lady Car, with that par-tial feollng which, though not enthu-siastic Itself, can .bear no remarksupon tho children who are. iti vigor;and then aho went back to a moreinteresting subject. "Edward, tnthat chapter you havo Just -begun—"

"My dearest, let us throw1 all thechapters to the wlnda. In this calmand sweetness, what do we want withthose wretched little pictures! Theworld, aa tar ai we can see It, seemsall at peace."

"But thero Is trouble In It, Edward,all tha same—trouble to be" setright."

»\vh«n > >u.v «. hrgun, Ho had found more note-offlcltlt," stytIrom Mexico City.cltet hit l««on perfectly, ho It not 00ic.bookt now bcaan to pall a little.Jccoraed with a medal, but It aU ! And slowly, slowly Carry's eyes be-lowed to.ttnok.» a clgtr In the data- ', B«n to ppen. She nevor whispered It

,. and H tho whole, clat, hat t 0 *****'. but »ho began to ttn<to^•'•• «t«nd a* the vrnrs went on many.room

thown exccllouco. and earned Iho j ^ " " , t"h-at*wer* never put into word*.'tood' mark. all. even th« Ultlo tou. 8 h f became first ot all very tie* otaw supplied with cigars or cigarette*, tho note-books and - the wondorfulThe teachers ttnoke continuously, and nwmbev ot them, and all thjto tantal-

r , , ot them take tre.uen, u,p. ™ ^ ^ } £ £ £ $ &trom a bottle, and when thlt lalter , h , h , a bc,Rl)n ntt(1 R o n , *M tvrtiw.hat hten eihtutted. a 'good' boy It Tho dawning ot gonlut tet, but thohonored bv being aent to have It re- : dawn was ttlll Rolnu on. It htd

"~ • never como to be doing yet. tVouWBlowlj, r*lucta.ntly,''It, cve£fi«nnp,T S

' tht« brgnn to beThe one comlort

tadt ".lt,Wl4~***T eanttaulct ona »n- - monvca.tt to h«rt«lttad W 0 W ( nother to, mqraliiM; the New York: that the, waa the mMt unjutt womanTribune. When doctor» dlmgreo tho In the world, Riivilglng her ffutband

l J B »*'««"> «» *hlch alone g m twho hat no objection to »*'««"> «» *hlch alone

to be Juttlned tn tollowlng h i t ; to attaln.,for him.v'•'% "hVown'lncilnauon^ Let thoto ', The' Vnoit unjust' tconv of womw!

^rko VUJ proclaim the we-ali-eat-too. »»'I ffluch*»r-oBr-«ood theory/the plain . £ , „

perton can console himielt with the", t 0

Si J C l h t o n ! h

astlstant, but bit, »- _ '. and so hard a one! It wt,si bltlcr-»we«t to Carry to be able thus

hers«lf; but it did nott 0 coua ;

that Sir Jamet Crlchton ! change the position ot affair*.W chop-Let i On, ^ *

'who *U1 treat good to&. tP ,ttcrCi '

rs , t t r.- Cir'r.v•••'•£•*'««••> "aoSilhtul. the . i H W u j J J ^ ^ J i ^ . J ^ ; - ,

Urb© appreciates good fnod can quote j y thlc time knewalmostauthoti'.lcii to fhow that o « r - about Bcaujort. Mia what he could

"Not much to tar at wo can see.There It nothing very wrong In ourlittle town; every 'poor person,' atyou ladlet call them, has half a doien•ott philanthropUtt atter him to sethint right, and we don't tee the town,l^iok at til those dim lines ot country..Carry. ' What a breadth ot them, andno harm anywhere, the earth almostat toft aa the sky! Don't- let. ua'think ot anything, but only bowtweet It all It. I am glad that shrub-bery wat cut away. 1 like to tee overhalt the world—which is what we aredoing—as tar aa eye,can.carry: Itcomet to much the tame. May I lightmy cigareMe?"

» "Edward." the fried. "It, U allquite true. There is not much harnijuit here.; but think how. much thereIs In the world, how helpless the poorpeople are. how~Jlttlo—how littlethey can do. And wfiat doet It mat-ter that we all try a little In theway of charity I Right principles are-the oaly things that can tet ut allright- I have heard you say a hun-dred times In the old days."

''You have heard me say a greatdeal ot nonsense In the old days."

"Was U all nonsense, then?" criedLady Car—"all that was tatd andthought there? There seemed tomany splendid things we could do;set up a standard ot higher Justice,show a better way both to the poorand-the rich, and—other things. Ilove the landscape and the tweet

Lframe was trembling;.her heart beat-ing to her feet, to her fingers. In herthroat. Bho lst-emcd to herself onlyto be a slim sheath, the nearest woo-ing to that convulsive heart. Therewan something like—could. It bescorn T in the Inflection of her voice.He took her by both hands, now,throwing down tho cigarette whichhad betokened tho entire care ot hismind, and drew her toward him.Something like alarm had come intohis tone, and something like indig-nation, too. .

"Carry," he said, holding herfast."Carry, what do you mean? Netthat my love was honBenau whichwnt wooed from you, notwithstand-ing everything—not that you dis-trust me?"

Tbo darkness Is an advantage Inmany an Interview like this. It pre-vented him from fleeing all that wasIn Lady Car's face, the Impetuous,terrible question, the Impulse of wildskepticism and unbelief, the Intoler-able Impatience ot the Idealist not tobe altogether restrained. Her eyesasked what her lipn opjild uot «ay.Why did you leave mo to be anotherman's wife? Why let mo be Bttincd,troubled, trodden under foot? Why!expoqo mo to all the degradationswhich nobody could Impose an you— 'nnd why, why? But Carry said nonoof these things. She could not.There aro some things which the re-ligion of the heart forbids ever to boput in words. She would not say It.lie might have read It In her eyea, butthe darkness kept that revelationfrom him which would have beenmore startling than anything Beau-tort had ever encountered in hit life.Finally, Carry, who was only a wo-man and a sensitives, and delicate one,tell Into the universal feminine anti-climax—the foolishness ot tears.How often do , tholr irrettralnabletears put the deepest reasons out-otcourt, and turn the moat solemn bur-den ot the soul Into apparent foolish-ness!—a woman's tears, which oftengain a foolish caute, but as oftenlose a strong one, reducing the deepitrlet to the level ot the shallow, andplacing the greatest offender in thedelightfully superior position of theman who maket allowances for andpardons. Beaufort gathered her in-to hit arms, made her have her cry-

th?wlf. but because a troublesome ag-gressor.


No wine man overshoots his ownmoral aim.

The dogmatic are always strong onbarking.

All worthy education is training ofIhe win:

Counting youi blessings d scountsyour burdens.

No none was ever left sad by giv-ing happiness away. ' ,,

Tho ability to learn marks the lim-its of actual living.

Too many men lay to a gentleheart the faults of a soft head.

You cannnot Improve the breed bypolishing the brass on the harness.

No man is master ot himself who

DUST.I A sign hung In a conspicuous placej In o_ store In Lawrence:j "Man is made of dust. Dust set-i ties. Are you a man?"—Doston Itec-! ord.j . _ _ _ _ _

IN A BOAT."It's hard for her to trim ship.""Why 8b?""Her father Is stern and her swftt-

heart Is forward."—Kansas CityJournal.' I

FRIGHTFUL FATE. '"What makes old Blank BO 'uneasy1

when a motor car comes along?""Why, his wife ran away in one.

and he is always afraid she is comingback."—Answers.

A GOOD REASON.—"Yes, poor John may hnvo

cannot control the guests in his j had his faults, but his heart washeart.

You do not secure a clean bill forrourseit by ilidlctlng the rest of hu-manity.

There nevtr can be sufficient pub-lic virtues In a life to balance privatevices.

The worat failures are those suc-cesses that Lavo come at the cost ofhe soul.

There arc many things we can notafford to get for less than their fullprice. • . • " .

Whether earth shall be like heaven

i the right side."

auch muuetilui, produci-* indtguxliou".i tJntif"tail,'US»e cpnrliciinr auUtuiltU:' can find somgthlnr: an whu:-. to'agivo!,. there''riwlijr'••«,«»*• no n»-ovsvcKi'-1= (Se-%lW(-«*» not &uthorHiR< li;:;;;; • « j o ^ { W % a * e . . • . " . ,'•

yet.hi*Be! or'would »" <lo.

It is Iv.ir.l" to cl'I,uerat«-! hope ' in. a

Dr. Wngge—"Is it possible?wonder he died."—Tit-Bits.

THE PLAIN FACTS."I have had a good meal for.a

nickel," declared tho poet."So have I," responded the pro-

moter, "but I've had a better one foreight dollars."—Washington Herald.

NO TIME FOP. TALK."Does Agnes ever have any words

with her fiance?""Not a word. They never speak

out upon hit thoulder. soothed andcalmed and caressed her out of herpassion ot feeling^ It anyone hadwhispered In hit etr what was in thepassionate heart that throbbed onhis shoulder! But he would havesmiled and would not have believed.She was a little enthutiast; still thesame young ethereal poet as ever, acreature mado up ot lovely Impulsesand sympathies and nerves and feel-ings, his sweet Carry, his only love.

Atter this evening Lady" Car had alittle Illness, nothing of any conse-quence, a chill taken sitting out too'late on the lawn, a headache, prob-ably neuralgia. A little ailmentquite simple, tuch as ladies oftenhave, keeping them in their roomsand dressing gowns tor a day or two.A woman scarcely respects herselfwho hat not these little breaks fromtime to time. Just to show ot whatdelicate and fragile stuff she is made.But-the emerged from her room alittle different, no one could quite tellhow, with a different look In herface, quieter, less given to restlessfits, more composed and gentle. Shehad always been gentle, with thesoftest manners tn the world, so thatthe change was sot apparent to thevulgar. . Beaufort perceived It torthe first day or two, -and It gave hima faint shock as ot something Invis-ible, tome sudden mystery betweenthem, but the feeling passed over

_JPractice Is tho one preservative otreligion.

Sitting ttlll It alwaya the most try-Ing situation In life.

The best evidence ot a healthy soulU its hunger for work to do.

No man can own any more than hecan carry In his own heart.

No maa can take iniquity Into hiscreed and keep it out of his charac-ter.

No prayer meeting It long enoughthat doet.not reach to the market-place.

The maa who hasn't the vigor tobe vicious usually prides himself onhis virtues.

There never hi room at the top torthe man who thinks it was Vullt onlyfor one.

Some ot the virtues of our friendsgrow out of the graves where we haveburled their faults.

Our example when ws are on pa-rade has no influence at all comparedto tho effect of our every living day.

When a man makes a distinctionbetween his creed and bit conduct,he will discover a breech between hisaspirations and hit heaven.—"Sentence Sermons," in the ChicagoTribune.

, Kdwtrd.ohT M much! and [very Quietly with a conviction of theto VitTnd look at them with yon. and j-uiter, absurdity or any such inu'ruj-

I. to feel ail the peace around ut, and sion.

A Needed Change. ,The Navy Department recently re-

ceived from the commander-ln-chlefot the fleet an official communicationrelative to certain changes recom-.meuded by him to be made in theuniform sb;n ot the enlisted men. Inaccordance wl'ih custom this letterwat forwarded to various odctirs forcomment or expression of opinion, theremarks of each officer being append-ed on an indorsement clip. Each in-dorsement introduces the subjectmatter of the letter In a brief, andone of them thus tersely explainedthe contents: -Commandtr-ln-cbiefdeslrc3 to change shirt."---Lippin-cott's.

the quiet, and that there ia.no reason*ffhr s r £hou!i_-i!ct .**•? happy: but

To be Continued.

Birds as Weather Prophets.Ifbiriis in general. peck at their

feathers, wash thernseives and fly toj thtir ncsJS1; .'xi-t-c: rain. Parrot* and

time he goes out."—Town nnd Coun-try. •

LACKING WARMTH."The critics all say that iny pic-

tures lack warmth.""Do you work in oils?" '"Yes.""Then why not paint in a fo-\ ell

ttovea?"—New York Times.

REACTION."My! What a disposition that

black haired Mias Tnrtun has!"- "No wonder. You'd have a dispo-sition Just like her's It your mis-guided parents had named you An- ,gellca Sweet."—Chicago Tribune.

HE KNEW."Doctor," said, the convalescent,

smiling weakly, "you may send isyour bill any day now."

"Tut, tut!" replied the M. 0. .silencing bis patient with a^wave othis hand. "You're not strong enoughyet."—Leslie's Weekly.

OTHER FISH TO FRY."Ma'am, here's a man at the door

with a parcel for you."Wh Is it, Bridgat?"

"It's a fish, ma'am, and it's markedC. O. D."

"Then make the man take, itstraight, back to the dealer. I orderedtrout."—Baltimore American.

SHE KNEW.Little Girl—"If I was a teacher |

I'd make everybody behave." •,.Auntie—"How would you accom-

plish that?"Little Girl—"Very easy. Who |

girls were baoVJId- telf. them tbe?didn't look pretty, and when little,boys were bad I'd make them sit wita]tbe girls, and when big boys wereI wouldn't let them sit with <M\girls.".—Boston Transcript.

COULD NOT LOSE.Rodrick—"Why, there goes Turf-1

wood, the chap who used to losemuch-on the races. He is droNrfjlike a prince." —— __.

.Van Albert—"Yes, he Is-married

loWto teelor

'impulivs in bilfl. anil.fw-* few,day?s ie would t vc! ai! the 'sTSttie'; * c u " " H

.. : I ?" ^ Begin Nov..' . i •« «;« ' " 7 ™ " " * "

He who has no v-.aioa of eternity I :U<5S>- ' ^ a ='»- »' •tio bctwr » « . >ou «ho can do ,,. -Ill n«.r Bet » hcW o( t . « -.Thca- | l ^ v f ^ ° -r0>™

h b • « C l l i • us d a

. . —- , now and his wife gave him a ti;'cananes dr-jy iheir feathers and are ( the races. It is a Up &a can't :


P.odricl.—"Indeed! And whs: - a j

all Va:i Alberf—"Why. a tip to J:-*jn ay. —Cnitasb News: i

W i l l I wawas touched by Wgbee."—Plck-Me- -Up.

depends on whether heaven Is In our | f r 0 ^ " ^ ; ume"he ^omes""lnV"tlir"the . |hearts. . j time hfi cofs out."—Town nnd Conn. ' , ' ] •

j » *

J A FAITHFTJI,^ Many Instances of J

kntry and derotiou tcGround in the "Story 1

W Colonel O. J. Youipresent this is a eojrpiIndian*, fourteen huwith twenty-seven j I)King Edward Is coloiwaa raised ID 1S46,only fighters, but also 1at a moment's notice, 1troops In the field andworthy information,aervlce, and not for sjhonored scarlet of thi

. was laid aside for t*. uniform now known as

In one ot their expcnorthwestern frontier. 1of which many of thelisted, they camped nthe home of one of threlatives and friendsnot to tight againstfavorable opportunity 1

, . serted, and carried v

. X, "JIow many men cToe are In tho rcglmer

ihe commander, Coliwhen tho fact was rcrIt waa found that therteen, all told.

"Parade, them ail hicolonel; and they wemimed and paraded in 1

"N'ow take off everyform or equipment tbtho sircar."

Each man did as heplaced the llttlo pile inon tho ground.

" You can go now, amsco your faces again 111back those two rifles."

He hoped that they n:the fugitive, hut ho wasDay followed day and wweek, but no news canor pursuers.

The matter had bettho vacancies had IonOiled, indeed, two whopassed, when one dayinto Mardnn cantonmo•rough-bearded, hard-bitseventeen men, c irryinIt was the lost Icgfon.

Of those two years' trgl««, wounds received 1stark, unburlcd corpse hon tho mountainside daand bitter nights of siwatch, they spoke but litfaces beamed with hoctheir spokesman simply

"The sahib told us inour faces again until vrides, and here they nryour honor's kindness, venlist and serve tho Que<

EXPLORER IN MA!There arrived hero ri

the Far East a passensteamer Ashtabula, Fraran oxplorer In tbo servlcpartment of Agriculture,last three years has beeithe primeval forests ofInterests of Uncle Sam an

, of this country.' Ho 1>9 with him a story of pi

'J hitherto untrodden trail) hardship and suffering a

tlon of young trees thatwill bo Invaluable addltforosts and orchards,of /also brought two nionk<teed immune against aikind of cold and able to vrTho whistling is Unitedtunes Chinese.

Among tho Bgricultursbrought homo by Meyertrees of different speciebamboo the. explorer regmost valuable, part ot hli-. "A lumber famine in

^fetates is a certainty," 1"bufore many years, and Imuch to the country if.time, we can introduce ftree. The bamboo7s thetree in the world. It gily and thero is no limitposes for which It can beChina the bamboo Is usedstakes, fences, baskets, :water pipes, rope and hother purposes. The gr«of the bamboo are edibleor fried are to be preferiopinion, to asparagus."

Meyer has also brougnumber of ornamental trcdwarf lemons and spruces,keys he caught in the

[north of Pekln, where tlthe snow. -Ho brought tboologlcal gardens in V'hero the climate has hith<w trying.for tho ordinal

peculiarity of these nicir ability to whistle.Meyer was treated with* consideration in - Chii

ichnrla and Korea Ja[Is put overy obstacle

in his iray. Ho wgo to Port Arthur forSport that would take hiichurla. Even his crcdi

;t that Uncle Sam coalnot entirely disarm Jaion.

Jleyerr was attackcl by"babarow lt in Siberia. 6;rewa bag over bis headhers grabbed,his arms. H1

get one arm free. WSire*' his dagger and drove

ougb toe body of the mi: him. When this man fe> fled. During the last tli

1 the wilds be lived

i j ; JrAi]*'~ fr


_»,_ „ ^ -. ^ ^^ ^^-^^ wsftv wssr ww

i.-Story of th*QW».-& J . YoMgsraaewiitL" At


,«atyHwnp BrtttOiKdward to cilo»etod u l» i«

Itrd to cilo»eW«rt»4e£.u l»i«, to tarabb

r«hter»,butai»o»wwlKieoaW,c uomtnt^ MUee. «et aa guide* to

YES.He—"Darling, all Is over

"ohe-'Oh. G * " * ^ U " ***,:

O HAPPY BEAST!Johnny—"The camel can go eight

days without *ater.*Preddy—"So could T If ma

;et me."—Harper's Basar.

THE MASCULINE POSITION.-You'd never own up If yon - '









r to" on

"I woum i»r^v»" 7the wrong."—Cleveland Leader.

FOR HOW MUCH. • .Maud—"I was deeply touched by

Fred Hlgbe*1* misfortune."Will—"I was less fortunate. I

was touched by Wgbce."—Plek-Me- •Up. ^

DUST.A sign hung In a conspicuous plM*

In a store In Lawrence: ,"Man Is made of dust. Dust set-

tles. Are you a man?"—Boston Ree- .ord.

IN A BOAT.-It's ha»d for her to trim ship."•Why/ot" '"Her father Is stern and her sw«t-

heart Is forward."—Kansas Cltr,Journal.' 1 I . |

FRIOHTFtllL FATE.1 «Whai makes old Blanlc'so uneasr Jwhen a motor car comes along?"

"Why, his wife ran away In one,and he 1* always afraid she Is comingback."—Answers.

A GOOD REASON.Jack—"Yes, poor John may have

had Ms faults, but his heart was onVthe right side." i

Dr. Wagge—"I* It possible? No»wonder he died.-—Tit-Bits.

. THE PLAIN FACTS."I have had a good meal (or.a

nickel," declared the poet. \"So have I," responded the pro-

moter, "but I've had a better one foreight dollars."—Washington Herald.

NO TIME FOR TALK. ,•Does Agnea ever have any words

with her Bance?" A '"Not a word. They never speak

from the time he comes\ln'till,th*,time he goes out."—Town and COUB«"-try. • . V1*-

LACKING WARMTH. '*•»'"The critics all say that my pic-

tures lack warmth.""Do you work 1•Yes.""Then why not paint in a

stores?-"—New York; Times.

REACTION.-My! What a .disposition',

black haired Miss Tartan has!!1'••-. "No wonder.. You'd have-a jslUon just like her'* It. yourguided parents,had named you




gellea Sweet"—Chicago Tribune.'-



i In

i . - i i * ; . • • . ."•Doctor," said :thV "con. -

smiling weakly/,"yotTinay/i'your bill any day now. V*, '"-. -Tat. tutf-' repUed tlsilencing bis patient with v ,his hand.' *Yon'r»,not strong*yet"— Leslle's^eeWy; i[, *

OTHER FI8H TO FRY.*;-Ma'am, here'sAaman'at,

with* a parceltor,ifott,rVv

~*Wuat i t It, BcJdjMtT" <^'"ICs a.fith, ma'am/and.U'ir

s1riight.bacS;'t*jflie.dealer.S;boat.''—Baltimore AnjerJcT

ni for





Lheirly to

andI are

, Uttle,.Glrl—*K,l'dmaka everybody. begM.' Auntie—"How would/1

pMsh.that?" ' . , ^ - i £ iUttlt



rtttf. py

boya were bad I'd Jthe girls, and. whenI wouldn't let th

l '

COULD JNOTV ^- Rodrlck—"Why. thereigoe*. Turf-1wood, the chap who ttfeh|o]jose, s»|much-on the'lracesv,like a-prlnce." ~ i — ~_

, Van Albert-i-SYes, he Is-now aad his wife.gave h}m a tip »\the races. It'is'aTtlp.ne can't !o*lon." . ,V,",..v ; --< „ - I, Rodrldt-Vlndeedt - And what ««»|HI- , t f - V

Vaa Alberti^Why.-ajitip toaway."—C

t»J. A« It m*a (ora d not tor ahow. tk« Urn*.

. r t d Mrtet or th. BrttUh »rmj*'•»» laid aalde tor the dust-colored^wtffora now known «* khaki.t In on* of their MpedUlons on the-aorthwesUrn (ronUcr. from th« tribe*

of which many of the men w«r* en-t«ed, they camped near a vUlan.tne home of on* ot the guide*. Hisrelatives and friends entreated himBpt to light against them, and a

£Ja»or*ble opportunity coming, ho d«-"*-"**"•* ana carried with him two

this spa'se*. aat Mr. Msxrkalgnt"Uf* aa« Tbs«a of MxauoY Bark*,dedarw that th* sees* was tepriata-.ta. Th* aBaJr took ptec* at th* dto-cssstoa ot th* alt** VOL -.

OB the- war to the Hou* g l v ^ -mom that day Bark* caMM at th*Foreign OBeo. aad waa shows Bi-lk* U*d*r-a*cr«tarr'of State k 4aa>fforwalclt had OM« seat aa • tlatUr*to a «aaa«tactorratBirmiaBjiam wttkaa ordor for aoma Uo«wa4«. Tfcocountry at that ttm« waw tall ot aatrr

many men of that man's' are in the regiment!" demanded

the commander. Colonel Jenkins,; when the fact was reported to him.

It waa round that there were seven-- teen, all told.

"Parade them all here,* said thecolonel; and they were duly sum-monad and paraded in line.

"Now take off every scrap of nnl-form or equipment that belong! tothe sircar."

Each man did as he was bid, andplaced tb* little pile In front of himon the ground.

"You can go now, and don't let me•ee your faces again until you bringback those two rifles."

He hoped that they might overtakethe fugitive, but he was disappointed.Day followed day and week succeededweek, but no news came ot pursuedor pursuers.

The matter had been forgotten:the vacancies hsd long since beenfilled, Indeed, two whole years hadpassed, whrn one day there walkedInto Mardan cantonmont a! ragged,•rough-bearded, hard-bitten gang' ofseventeen men, carrying two rifles.It waa the lost legfon.

Of those two years' trial and strug-gle, wounds received and given, astark, unburied corpse here and thereon the mountainside, days In ambushand bitter nights of silent, anxiousw'atch, they spoke but little; but their

(faces beamed with honest pride aaf their spokesman simply «ald:

"The sahib told us never to showour faces again until we found therifles, and here they are. Now, byyour honor's kindness, we will againenlist and servo tho Queen."

sod disaffected societies, sad sack _proceeding aa a larg* order of o a t s .it«* weapons looked vary sasptcfams.Burk* asked for the dagger. *ad tookIt with him to the Hoas*.

Fox spok* against th* bin, statinghU sympathise with the Preach Re-publicans. Burkt's spaech followed.At first all he said waa gram, art*-men tat I ve and reasonable. Coning tothe question of th* bill Itself h* gr*wexcited, aad declared It was necessaryto keep murderers and atheists fro**British shores. Already schemes ofbloodshed were prevalent. Larg* or-^lers for daggers had been sent to Bir-mingham. Here th* House looked as-tonished. Pulling out the dagger.Burke held It up before the audience,then threw It vehemently oa the floor.Pointing to It. he exclaimed. 'This Iswhat you are to tain I com an alliancewith France! Such are the daggersprepared for you. Wherever suchprinciples are Introduced, such prac-tices follow."

A scornful tittering came from theHouse, Burke checked It with a ve-hement protestation.

"Let us keep French principles >from our heads and French daggers 'from our hearts!" were his finishing <words. j

The House was worked up to agreat excitement. Even th* con- itemptaous words which proceededfrom one of Its members, "The gen-tleman has brought his knife: whereIs hl| fork?" failed to spoil the effect !of the speech. The opponents dared i'not speak, and the bill passed. {

It Is said that the Ubdei-Secretary ipicked up the dagger and carried It ihome. N'ow, after more than a can- !tury. It comes Intopubllc notice again. !


*U**a that day k**ea* mat tfc*> > U * U M 0**


•I*?"1*":? *U.llo! w h M " d w >ott awt that maskT-Jobu—"It aln t a mask, It's tootbrehs."—Sketch.

. . X. Army nursing -will be revolution'lted as the result ot a course of train-Ing Instituted at the North LondonRiding School where the IslingtonDrill Brigade Girls' Yeomanry, twenty-five strong, is showing whatmounted nurse* could do In ths field.

Th* Innovation will be brought un-officially to the notice of ths BritlahMilitary Department at the next an

EXPLORER IN MANCHURIA.There arrived here recently from

the Far East a passenger on (besteamer Ashtabula, Frank N. Meyer,an explorer In the service of the De-partment of Agriculture, who for thelast three years has been ransackingthe primeval forests or Asia In the

' Interests ot Uncle Sam and the people• Of this country.' He brought back', with' him a story of adventure, on

hitherto untrodden trails, tales of^hardship and suffering and a collec-t i o n of youns-trees tu&t he believes

will be invaluable additions to- the^forests and orchards,of America. He^ also brought two monkeys, guaran-t e e d . Immune against any ordinary*"—dot cold and able to whtsjltf twie*>

rwhistling Is United States*,the

! tho agricultural specimensr brought'homo, by Meyer are, baniboortrees of£aUr«rent, species,- sjuUihUTOamfcoo the. explorer regards, as tine

lost valuable part of his-collection."A1 lumber famine in the, Unitedate* Is a certainty," said Meyeri

^jwfore many year*, and It will mfiSamuch,to'the country if. before that" wa.canvintroduee the-bamboo

- ' The bambooTs tho most usefuls»ln the world, 'it grows quick--~d, there la no limit to the pur-

,,for/-wblch i t can be.utfllsed. <in% thebambpo Is used for mikta*-';7f*nees( baik«ts,'roof tlUn«,

irtpes, ropeiand.nundreda of-.purposes: The green,sprouts^bamboo are edlble,*nd, twilled

GIRL HAS STRANGE POWER, jTheresa Schadat, an eight-year-old '

school girl ot Baraboo, Wli., Is so be-lored by tbe wild animals In the cir-cus menagerie wintering there thatunless she visits them every day theirspirits droop, and frequently they de-cline their food. A few weeks sgowhan the little glr] was kept home byIllness a petted lion and lioness werereduced to the utmost dejection, andher return roused them to such trans-ports of joylthat she waa obliged toenter their de)> to pacify them.

It Is her habit to careas and feed >aad Ulk to the various animals, e* jpeclally those ot the cat family. Shetalks to them as shV would to a play-ful kitten, and evinces W> mpr* fearla mauling them.abobt ' .. '

Those who have made a study^f-wild creatures say that the inflectionot the human voice has everything todo with arousing their'"

N<t<** aad'.WoundM Soldier.

nual show ot the army and navy, andIt la bollered th* army medical cornswilt glwrth* Idea more tbaa passingconsideration: The work of tho girls'brigadf is a revelation to nmtr army

if b'a*paralpi*i"l'^ «<'Ki-<-%hu?*\m? brbagh't, aitu^B


g, the

was attacked by outlaws at- ^ irek'ln Slber^aj OntVoCthent-?a>bag over his head while two"girabbpd.hl^arms. He managed' — arm tree," With this he

(fudgger. and .drove the bladethe .body of; the man, i s front*«»«.—v*vii —•«. felltheotbV

UtrM wecki

Ha dropped-his hold on _ „ -TJ'M shoulder aa It he had b**n *hofc:

The mots .was so sadden^tfeatjmaGarry,let go. and/both soot t swi t tglanc* at th* intruder. \ - /'Kts-.. .It took but as instant, and'aoin;went 'their heads ;as4; tails; • They

(d«»nnto"oppos«* corner*-;of " *cag«r and oegan to lick their wou^- .and.then th* little glH b*«an to talklo*th*m>iifihe.dld?not;*«>ld thcan.btrf,"on ilhe,; contrary, sympathisedwltt each one although he were UMiiofortnnat*, vlotbn.'n ' <

ShOfthrew her arm* ahout th*->—*'~1 iton while he had hU ahoal-

jch*d'and,jielp*d} the aolsaalldag« , the injured'were ^patched ap.-waa

f£thtirr,ea9oUoBCv,o£• " eag* and

torn' ^ '_• •" i M n w » * e i « f f j M^SW f fjawsnr^w- «s» *>»a»*jT*l

^ S V put.oa^arnparopnd ••*'» «fthem, and brought,their fMei Mf,

from r

1'hiluraphr BlropJIOwl.A number of student* at eollei*

were builly "grinding" for the finalexamination In philosophy. Each on*of,them was supposed to be especiallywell up on a particular branch of thesubject, so each wsa called upon Inturn to enlighten his fellows on thstbranch. Thus tb* man who knew allabout. Aristotle's views expatiatedupon them, and th* Plato exp«rt heldforth, and the Dvscart«s map and theLelbnlt* man and the Flchte man allhad their say, until It > a* the turlnof him who claimed to know all aboutImmanuel Kant!

He looked over his1 copious notes,solmenly cleared his throat, and re-marked:

Well, fellows, you see It's thisway, Kant believed that everythingin the universe was a mess except theabsolute, and that that—that the sb-solute was—well, ha believed thatwas a mess, too!"—Now Yoglt Times.

Dedicate Olft of Mackajr*.By act of the Legislature-* State

holiday was declared to celebrate thededication ot the Mackay school otmines and the Dorgium statue otJohn W. Mackay, both presented tothe 8tat« and university by Clar«ne*II. Mackay and tils mother,, Mrs. Ma-rle Louise Mackay. Aa an additionalevidence or tbe appreciation ot In*State. Governor DIekerson exttnd*d


Beautiful and AccessibleLINDEN. N6W JERSEY

.. .Mii.es* r«toM euzAatroi. T M I L U PROM NBWARK14 MILCS» rttOM NIW tORK

On Main Line P e n n s y l v a n i a Rai lroadWhy lots ii ttese Cemeteries commend themselrcs to T

Heads of families and InrcstorsUKCAUSB of tb* «r^<*^oo Tnw» Fund pnmhUa lot hy the Tru.in. In

« « h CmtMry. ih* lurarn* trow WBKSI will kirn «h» ptopcttit* nei-eerusUy txatniftil «t NO RXPKNSC TO LOT OWNERS.

BECAUSE suth • iruartnirt. «ot found"in •nyotjwr eamcitry. »«»ur«t lotownn* tlut lh« gnumAt WILL BK MAINTAINED PKRMANKNTLVAS BIAlTTirUL PARKS AfTKR THK INCOME FKOMTHKSALE Of LOTS HAS BEEN lOtMAUSTRD.


BUYERS In a ntw Mmtcni-Vwtk. Cenmety than In Ihou t.uKlinhed5 S ? ? ™ n . "*• in J*"* «•***.••••• |«rrWo» njadi,.for p.rp.tu.1 c.r.


ANDEouV*" l l " l t | «"»S»*«inL*WLEY*RY ONK S H O U L D ANTIC-

W ^ r i r > w A cll0ICK N0W °"IOTS mi mm A GOOD

BSCAUBK tswjr at* DOT •» Inena** to »»lu* and can b* purchatcd NOW

TAoVou5 l TER < l i8 O W I t l l T * l '* I C * "**»•>* " 0 8 T AOVAN.BECAUSE the prapelie* ,ar* ACCESSIBLE TO 4.00O.00O PEOPLE

and cootidtriac tk* RAP^D OROWTM OP OREATER NEW Y0RKaad its TRpiJTARY CITIES JUTOMANS.h U only. qu . . , | o n T .SHORT TIMB tahta LOTS Is ROSEOALE and LINDEN PARK

I -i l l EQUAW IN ,VAI.0&the^Vo«rMCWN0TEB«^.7,ri . . . 'LINOKN LODOE ••'•>• LA*OaJT.MO*TMODKaN«>dDEST BQUlrPltO

CSMBTBar LODOK «• Aw nmmtwy • •« r m U M w i t h «V«aVn^yl.iw tonht COM.rORT.W COMVKMIKMCE.I Uit OWNMS u 4 VstTO»S • * • ««n. «. Ip.p.,,

n l M h r . . . . . . . : . . . • . . , , — - • : • . . - • . . -

II IN'ORMATION •^- •^f f 'w.u i >h«.k«..llfo| i rk c.m..,rl«.,.BJr a i InaiswtMkMi >• j m n n i w l« tvyn. •pr4/ •« OIK* U tar LKAOINOONDUtTMIl « MU*. M IB. JtMOUm

it*, H, J.

_ i A««M>. Jwwy CJI», N,•• W*M u* HIM, NMT r«





<?'.'.^ (., 'A '

" « . : • ' .

py some monster|of ,:i£*jM;jyspearlnt'

r; o ,£, tte'

'man named. Brown.definitely, by "but .-It a * ell

a # H I VS*^ *•*•*• B ^ ^ n H B V V H ^ ^ ^ ^ p — mw

\M»J» Uvcd. acalbr on boiled.

leading; to sthVvsuppoilUon "that anoctopusjmatf«/Jb&n UM vtetlmv.. A**a

Jiahernien0 * J o B * that portion ofOab,a'» shore line are Urrifled andwiU not, go OB UM rsct at night.

«atr«4to«agaga Inrbnt od stitrnpeasiftttoftiMa Oum is «« naaoa Whrtim «M)d not b* used ta dlstlaet ad-

u n»trttogtoi 3rig*d*'bas B**n of.BdaJly tavlted tq *Uni tb* next mil. IlUnr Uwrganrt*^.a»d it U by ml-

•aWr ** .th^.nwSu.^t^Mmiu^li•tvpa thnrnghout durVmr. If«

BUto* at John W,;


f •—3 —si y — essll

l-i- ,i


. » * J- AnDnitaHon Takes EbfcLPattern the Real Articfe?

Ittfatan ahrayt cndaeiivbutwon askior(,beaasethe sdrertised ones. Lmtatioiis are


„ , . . somrthing daiiaed.io be "just-ssii>wliea you ask for thegenniiKv because he nukes'tpofif on tbe unhatioii. Why accept imifatiauyou cm gfx the genuine by uwftisg ?

Refuse ImitatioiGet What You Ask For!:


fltye Cranforb <£iii|rn


(Sites Avians, Ormford. ». JTfrtna.On* llnllnr n Vvai

7*0»S •»»«' <x tiyntJ of urcompanuA

Vfittn natnt a* n guurantt* offaith. Tht Vttttrn uilt f.ritit

fofo ljl /



y j l /mtMTaltnlrrrut tu thr j^/y.lr <>f (>a»-ford but ilur< nof thereby auutnr anyr**poniibi\i<y f,,r i i hh 'bfxpruntd.

TIICBH'IJAY.' n.Fort I* bflni? roundly

s b u s e d In tn*ny <|unn«-r«, m u c h <>f It

u n t h i n k i n g abusr . for ImiiuK in «

bus lnrs* (ike *uy tsll<-<l u i l i -Ml .n l«.

t h e surplus school IIK.IIIIK i.f llir

Htat* BD'I for liB\lt'i|f |>r«iH.»ii-<! to

niakii u»n of MUIIII for | i f»«InK IJI»-II»

of the Kthlr. l l w o u l l i « i n Dun lit

<h« mttltnatloij uf ftuuir, tint (.. |ii«i|-

aliould !•(• lii-ld irjifmiim fioiu !!,.• n|>

I'iJrwttoii of liuujnrM mi-th'xl* in th' lr

tn4D8ff«tiiPi]l> tlin nioiriiTii a n y I'Mtl-

rl»in In IIIUIIR <>r ititcini'l lu npi'ly

c o m m o n uriifH' rul''". Hi'1 cry l» r n l x i l

"Au nil (irk on thi' MIIOOIK " Ni w

Jeiwy lm« nlwny» IM-CII iim

III lt» *up|xirl *.r- I!.»- I'tlliUc

wlilrh In iiniiiliini'v f«i| Ilii

Very fi' i ' ipll) Uirw l i i c iruw

11 Ue floii) inUlvoil tniinrlciii

Irglnlutloti ( U n i t , il in- llj'

flllll)«, H(j lilurll, thill

•otiool liictiiiii', then- I


futiii*in n-ii--m n by

,. .1,,, . ,|

with till' othi'lnrnm ihun tli>-

school* III'IMI. One I'IUIM- of tblx MII

plus In KCIIH.II f,niill- In tin- I'iMlitly

iinliKikivl for IncirhM- In the uiin.iiiiit

l a l w i l \,y UuiiHi'ii k l iomi u» The

Htalo School ln». W I K I I ilir imw (in

•'•mmciit lawn in foh-f full ruination

uf propri ty Kent into efTii't. t » o oi

tlin-o y c i i n hack, (he lli«t icxnlt mi -

to IIDIIIIIK IIIR «initK«(i<l viiltinllon In

Dfnrly cvi'ry aiTtiuii of ttio Htnt<- *l'ti<<

Stiith win., .I tux IM'IIIK K lin'i) mi.' ,

thin Inrn-nMMl the Hrliool Iticoini- In

I lkl ' |>l1l|l|lft|nl|. 'M i l l llll'tCrtIM' WH*

lint tnk«n Into amount whrti tho milHtml, tnxcit wi-ri' illvcitfil lnt<i tin'Htiitp HCIHKII fiiii«l«. ciimlni: tin II il IIIat t|lit< miino limp. Thi- fuel .Hint l|H>ri>Is mort" money In thi< Htnir tcluxilfUll'll tlmtl I'AII K'lUulHlllI) IHI llsl'llunit Hint (JoHTiiiir l'oit |uo|HitH<n toOi'til with tlio mutu<r n* n liuHliicnitlirupvtllioii HIIIIIIIII I'Utlllc hlui to if*|»ct mill cn'illl ntnl mil nttuok iinil

Illllery »ml. Hlndlullff«t» rc|M)rti'<l II• unylriK that there willI* nn "rnlil" on thn t>chi«<l monpy*

inntt"i of fnct H "nilil" mi ilimouoy* (i|ipr«|irlnt<'(l for Ilirof nmlnlHlnliiK the imtillr HPIKUIIH wn»nrvrrcontciiiplntiil by Onvcinor Fun.'Xhv *l«t«<mrnt Hint hi- wan ill»|>.i oiJ to"rob IVtor lo |i«V I'nul" wm« neverwarranted lo fart

The public schooli of thn Ktato ofNew J«ney have peen«l«altwlth. Tlipy h«vo rcoolvod alltht money they nwiiix! for their nialu-

aud more. This statement1* proven by the foot that, at the closeof the Oitcal yvar; Juuo 30, tops, therewen nearly 12,000,000 of unuied moneyl l l the tiea*ury to' th« credit ofthe varlcm* tobool district*.

There U no rcuoa why morp moonythan they can UM> ghoiilJ be appro,printed to the public.Miool*. ThereU no nsaton why n groat turpluiatiould be piled up to the credit of the•phooli while tla< Btnte gnvernment IsIn ntwi.of Uollara to pity It* running•spent**. ;

hn» never been it time sinceI he Itepnbllcnn purt^'came IntoiMntrolof the Affairs of N«w Jemcy when thetOteretta of the public tchoolt 'not been liberally OMMI for. Tbl»aboutlng about a "mtil" belntt uindeon the money appropriated for public

(Mbool purpo*M Ii frnlh Tlint'o nil -Trtnton 8lMe (liuetU)

With tbe Red Hen.•- A nmUng (or th» purpow> of «tnrtinu»Oo«.ooil oT l)e«r«a of l\H-linhoat«* on'ftiday ntghl ID th.IUd M»n-. Hall inIIMIirDknli. All Ixlie. who «r» inl«.Mi*d aMl wlab to join •bould«Ueod tht*ta^linf. B»T*ral m»mtwr» from Eliwbrth will b* prewot and *i«o any in-tgmattoo dMtrmt n^otit Ihf l><vriw.• OoSooday ol«ht, r>b. 2l»t., Ton*.lakaTrib* will atlaod the. Vint M. Eoburott in a body whM Urn pMtor. IUT.lihMr £ . IVaro* witl prvach a arwulMMMO U> (ha Order. Th» TnbM fromliUlMUUi and PUIoWd, Homerrill* andWMtfUld will attMd wlUi Ton.luU.

JlftAttonday. March 8th, Tonatukat wU hate a social evening when_ Invite thwr lady and

fsfttletnan' friends. Panle) M. Steven*.. . . . . „* Bago^ M l ] m ^ Mean

be tit* principal speakera.piano

ISM tosocial tnat Toi.aluka


Ibit tlnlon "County Agricultunil-• t Its meeting Monday took

j kt«M toward the fonnatiun of a horsebreeders' association in this County.A faenb*r of the committee appointed

"(r, ofCranfonl.

auti !(<<• /ff>rei>*nt*tlv»' "f «•><•lw n u~ CV.rpfiration. Mr <"b»ii'l-Mi'h'lay iil«bt,dl<» not pr<*lu<-«! rr».iilt •.'h'-r th«n t/>K l v f'*''n ,i d'ar'-r undi?riiUr)itiri({ of

«Jii»t < nnif'.H Uif.ujjM of th»«-rv|i^r>Tiil»ri-'l 1/y M» <Vini{<ariy. that it wvt|K.I. | . l e i ) ("ir . rotn-ii l u f a t t . Lbarequll.ri.i-iil •••«» cut of 'l»lf an'i «""•i.ut, ari'l ilmi >!»• IIHIII furrjl»».«l wiw*hot. «ri»»li<-f»- iii-ai »l- '" »tiin<l*r<l,n.,|«iit.»i«i.'lliig which II." (loinl-au)a^kn fi i n nr* rout iwt m 'Jf< |»r (*ntlli< n-afc* Hi i>tUf Klolri hi" j-ollit »fV|f », Ml t-'dalnll'l ll'Tjlwl ^jHlf of tl"'•tnt«-ri:<-rirn iifi'l i>u othrr* |>rof«rnw<l IK-hutnit"- »Hh n |I|OHII»»' of remedy.lint h< Miii k ii. hli tr»t4'b»l the Coin-j'sny tnuK h»»e rnore rnoiit-y afKl.that{>!•• ln.r««»<- from H i j*«r yi-nr to tinfiA» jimllticil. That .Summit pays *V>(«T year tor betwr w r v l w , ox thatlUhway «<•'• "•" "Kbl f r " n l ' ' l s a'm'I'iuiy nt t l6 |" r lamp <li>J not pli&ai*Mr. Chandler » llule Ml. He I" K"l«(fto Ini-inll a hnlf d»z<-(i lururaleri ludi|'>lo ft.cw it hut theH>-,«lll do for IIU|>«ryi«r.

.'llin |i»(.ii|*<>U nrt- not «JUIU; w>blight for II new (Ire house. Itic lowenibid "hat coiiM bo oecepW-il) prem-ntnlnl the moi-tliiK <>[ tho Tuwnahlp Coiu-iniitco Iani tiight Ixilutf thai of '•• '••l>ivrlnnil, for U,'2il, r«clu.nlv« of the

IMMI-I', whleh will l>o »l</0. Knrl Teluh-iniiiiit M' l •.'.,<"> llui for I hi- wolk andJ I M.li . l l , of I'lulnlliM, |.1'IM,IM\tun ihix I.I.I » « ' not In form mid dlilnut H|«-< Ify the work to bt- done. H Ina Kiiivit ijuritlon whelher the (!olii-IIIIU'1" <inii Iinil the inixiey nnkcil byIhe luweal bldilei for the work. AllIx'il* wt-ie referreil to tVilrimllteO ofId.' Whole to K " ' v ' i wllh til*- nti'hlu-fl . .

Tl.e Townnlilp* t.'lmk n-|iorle<l re-<i'l|'t i.ft'J'iTi fimii J l>it»<l for eartlixolil, nml Altorney A tint In reported»<'i;i nceivi'il for *ftle uf Inx litlntoloin Iri Kenllwoilh for which deed «n«iiutliorlzed Coni|>lnlnt «•«» Illed byW H. Kenilnll thnt curb crossinKa aretoo nfitrow for bnby cnrrliiKi'i nml linkItiK 11• r>l the Mime be remedied,

Ullli nidered pnlil wen*:.1, T Klnws Hie necciint . ' , - . , . • 011!"Cinllfnril Clllsi'll, l"lll)lln«. ele. , • Pi 00Ki|?nbet|i Journiil, mtvertlnliiK" 1 *•II Krilrup, polled tuvoiint 40M)

Busy.ni<|ht IMI broke thn record for

a in Orsnfiird, nu IMW limn•rvnn IIOUMNI bvintf entjirwl »nd ntt»inpUiiimt* on two othci*. At «aoh lioune,«ilh I>II« eii**ptioii, but a HIIIBII iimoiiiil

of pliiiuUr. wtW awuriHl Tbn rxwplion(Mr. llnrlow on Klir«l">th Metiue)brounht tin- nvfriig* up In a very n>-•|wl»lil» figure, the- Ililnvm sevurlngIher* »ilv»r viluml nt »7.'«i

Tli»llr»t report i-atu* from KdwnnlErervtt of lUtford avenue, who hmliuatnlired Hi Ii o'aluckj»he'i tie heard*•utpioloui noise from dowostaln. OnintolignliDK ha wss just In tltustosceMr, BurgUr il'sappsar and with himwent a spooutialdcr and IB aolld altvarspoons. Mr. Evsratt Ukpbontd thepolio*, who trsoed Ih* burgtu's tracksotsrtba tolt grounds until toatluthewoods. They found a window lo Jams*,McKtown'a houas upon and an ovsrouatof his in the jsrd. Ths oatt alarm wasfrom tha Nortb side, about i o'okwk, sodwhen Hi* taliy waa checked off ths listincluded beside* thoaa alNady noted,Mr. aun*ii»' house, Union araous,where an overcoat and soms silrsr wastakno; Mr. bswla' houta on Osntralavsoue; loss, an orsrooaliand umbrella',Mr. McQrt«(or. 8»vtntO straat: loss,slWaiwats: Mr. McPaddsn, 8«v»ntlistreet, bundle of •clothing pltsd up snd

l d lrsady to take but thl*v*« otldautly•»»)". Attempts to »nVr were

also reported by Mr. Talooll and Me.Millard.. lu eaoh oas* lh» Uusvea aaoured en-

tr»«<p» through windows thst bad bmnlettuufastenw). In Mr. HarlowVi bousetheir big haul of s l l w waa on a aide-board right alongside th» window bywhich lbs Ihisrsa entered. Tbe policegot busy but Iher* was nu olua, nothingto work on to looata the Ihiatsa. Searchwarrants ware got out and used forseveral suspsota but without result.Tbs only posaibl* clue to wOtk oo was areport by an early miltmaa ni psamlngtwo men at Ald*os about 4 o'clock, oar-rylng bundlea that kwkad Ilk* etothlag.

B«»k«tball Quae To-morww.Tbsra will be a basket ball gam* to-

morrow afternoon In th» old -MhWticrooms, between tb» girls* High Schoolturn and |lha Alumni. Tha Una-op willb» as follows: JV. •'• (*,'

High Sfihool-Rtghl Forward, Msr-garel Plum*, TO; U t l fVirward, M»rkoo Wsgstaff, "09; Right Obard, Doro-thy Smith, 'U; LettOusrd, Kathartn*W«rn*r, "09; Oeoter, Katharlo* Ooopw,

J • • I I J

Alumni-Uight Forward, F&ooi* Sil-lier, -tX!; Lett Forward, Hatal Kick. •OI;Riltht 'iuird, Orma Hart. "07; I*TtGusrd, lUrien* Halaay, '07; Oint*r.Je«u*Mtll*r. 'i.% — :.; •

lu OK* Mcand halt Katharina Wood,'I7»ill uk* tba plao* of l iar too Wag-•UfT on tb* High School t*«m.

Th*gam*wUl b* cailsd at 130sharp.Admu*)an JO cant*.

The Fairy OperaRoio|*tatt>sl«<»."If,. K»ir

.<i IVbiwiI. gi'ro!«t l jFmUf tigrit. under thadirsctiooo* MrwLnMor.l and Mr«. Kurman, raoat barl&Mxl as n » it tb* tonal Kiooewfnlproductioes of th* kind >n Craaford,l>it ball <* Ih* Casino t u well Bllad by

d U t i B d b

fn^ueDt feod gro«iou« applaut* tttiafse-titio with tb* p>e**GUil«o. »bicb e»r-luioly afiowed >nntikliL>i« «*iH "> tb*jta^gt) and lha triimna' acd haodtingoft l - t.Hir.g folki who took part.

Ion. .at mdudtd: ,Kii>g '••>'' • Wsllsca Holmes Furmsofv.i.hm itne Mill*!1* I>»u«bl»r)

Virgiois Hwop*J«r, HI* Milker JautHartkuii.iwatiUkio fun Kngltsb Klog) . .

J « * Miller, N.w. l lK-kiioliiitick (ouurl ijeruld) HaroU li.xOiuol VtuifuUt Hsrrjr Hain*yuexi of tbs KuriM .. Miss Ju; Hansel

'1'h* piogrsru also included. Iot»rlod«,L'ocl* K*m and Family, pr*asot«d byM»cit H. furmto, IU>b*rt Hubbard,i'reslon Woodhog. I'rudsac* Bindell

It will nut liurt aoyonaa'a f«*hogs tu•ay that the gam of lha evening was llt-II* Maigarvl U* '« f i n d reproductionnf Harry L*uft«r.

Jntvriud* 1. Down by da W*tarm*lonV'nif, praeant*d by Catharine K*pn*r,J n n L a M o o t , Itoas Htolk, Maditb

xxl, M«r|uD FUk*. Jack Millar. Bay-ard Low. IColwrt Ilubbard.Williani Btolkanil Ivliun Wurocf.

Tha rueluma* and danoea war* de>i|l«n«l by..Mjm Merrill and Mis* Munoa'|.u|.|l«' nruhaatra furnlabed th* music.Mr. J. II. Iticharda alwiaangin aavaral

lh» Tablaaus, Old Master* in ArtMill Mu»ir, WITH htmulifully arrangmland carried uu(, the lial of theea being

Hophi* Arnold Mita June*LM donna Ignota Mra. HimnnsonPortrait of a Voting Woman..

Mr* itluhard*Hi. Ilartiara Mrs. AbryUvma Mr*. VeilLady KlUabeth llalgrHvit ,M». Emiuoo*I'ht. llrukcii I'lU'ber.. . Mia* I Jroescher(liil wild a Muff Mia* Mourn*DurlifM (if l>orpiiM>iri> Mm* Guohraolm Italia (,'liunolatinr*..;. ..Mra. BittmHen. M H Graham Mr* WrsnnI.nuru UIHIIII anil Dukaof Ferrari

Mr. mid Mra. gluanThe Curd I'srty. M I M * . Math*/. Mi l ,

Merrill nnil Sir. VailTh* Hynillue.. Mrasra.ViMl Ha(ia»l, Mar*-

Kili, Wrmiu, llolrli, Mlouu


Mr. \V. A. Uunhlleld haa ritturn«dfrom u buainea* trip to l'hiluclnl|>liia.

11. HilvereloTn of th« llrm of Loui*aod fiilvorstain l i u *old out hi* intarnlin Ilia Washington aritQU* .dry good*lo bla partner snd mon.il tu Jurwr oity.

ltnuM-li, tint Crauford uakur. la nowsupplying MinMiuf llm Kxtiilwurlh *loreewith III* hak* alulls, Mr. Killer havingdiscontinued tb* us« of ma oveua dur-ing tha paat wewk.

Union Col School Principals Meet.A meeting of ths Union County

1'rluclpais'AsAcclallon was held at theItoscllo High School last Thursdayevening. Mrs. Williamson, probationoffluer tor Uoion county, told theprliiolpals what should be don* byteachers, principals and superinten-dents, to do away with truancy andto hslpthe children to a higher, levelot thought aud usefulness.

In a moat Interesting manner, MrsWilliamson described the workingandetreotlvenesabtlheluvenUa courtof Middlesei county, la-that countypurenU. who ate delinquent In thematter of sending their . childrenregularly to school are surutuonedbefore tbe ]udg* of the Court ofCoru-mou Pleas, 'liils procedure takesthe matter out of the lower courtsand puts th» offender within thejurisdiction of tbe court and the. pro-ballon officer. Under ih« "Delin-quent Parents' Aot" the court mayline heavily or sentence to the Slateprison any patent who wilfully, orthrough negleot, permits childrento remain out of school.

Mrs. Williamson expressed her be-lief that such a court would veryshortly bo established ln Union Oo.and that al l ' parents, who are thereal offenders In cases ot truancy,would be preceded against If theydid not compel the regular attend-ance ot their children at school.

Pare*! Wrappers.*•1h» bardtst thing to wrap up," said

a shipping clerk, "is a violin, A depart-ment store will often test a ntw wrap-per by lifting hint a tlollo to da tip. Ifss passes that test he Is all rltbt.

"Abroad bag* and string,' belnir ox-pvoslTa, art rarely used, aafi tb* younggrocerymaa m«st\be able to wrap po-tatoes, flow aixt all aorta of thlrtgii inabeata of paper edoae. Re gvta a Undof knack. He lays his BOUT or bean*"ta a square et pap«t. dmit»lt*).tbs papererer and, with as end In cadi hand,swings the parcel round and round.Like magkf. thtu, it t* done up, and.jr«i can carry it safely quit* a hundredyards or so. proTlded you are careful."

Overstocked.Hubby ens *Tlo>ntlj worried, and

a-lft* was trjrtnc to eh«r hint op.•."Chesr^np. John, and dual worty,''

she,tali. "It:doesn't do anygpod toborrow trouble" •

"Borrow iroobJe." ethoed her hus-tand. rOrcst Caesar's shoet! 1 am'ttmrmwlnf travel*: t•*» cot !t to had."1

-Calcaco N


Tbe Oerexwd r i m m ' i Belief Aa*oci-atioeheld a speetal Mating IsetMos-dsy evening to take action t i e bill* fo»member* who wen disabled at tb* Lealfir*.

Rumor has it ibat Mr. Jatoa* C.Barry, of Htcood *r*au*, will shortlybr*ak ground for a bacdaom* sew raei-d*M» oa Third *r*nu*. .

Tb* bacdaom* n*w {Mat at th* Ancbor Poet Iron Works i* about own-plated sod ready tor oeoopsocy.

Cbarlas Pronkorlb will Us** on Friday for. Bo*<on, wb*r* h* *rill op*rauas satomobil* for s waaltby resident ofthst city.

llr. Uarman It A. Ko*ro*r, of Nawark, wsa ia . tb* Borough on SundayIsst r*o*wiog old acqusinlaBO*.

Tba Board of Health will bold ameeting tooigbt, Fab. lltb, at BoroughHail.

Tbs oystar supper in tb* PiwabyterisnChorcb will b* held tooifbt, F*b. l l tb,from 5 toVo'uluek.

Don't forget th* danc*: of LibertyBos* Co.. No. I, to-ni^ht at Briiz hall.A good Um* isassurad all »bo attend.

Mr. Henry Sohsda, of Second a»*nua,baa scoSpted a position with th* HsllSlgnsl Company.

Ths pupils of J«fT*rson school willparticipate in *iarciw* commamoratir*of Iiinoolns birthday this afternoonwbea bis addrea* at U*ttyeburg In 1803will bsraad. - •

Mr' and Ms*. Dannla fiaary ot New-ark *pent8unday in the Borough viait-ing frivada aod mlative*.

Mr, Albert A»hfleld, of North avenue,ia reueivlng th* congratulation* of hi*many frifcmla orer the nrrivnl ot •bouncing girl baby on" day la*t weak.

Mr. Oolllnib Stauaa liaa sold hipniparty on Third avttiiu* to Mra. H*l«nHuhwarz of Lancaster, Pa., who willlakft |>o*s**aion A pril lot.

Mr. William Qeorg* of Elirabeth.a|H>nt Sunday in tb» Borough, viaitingfriauda and relative.

Judga Harry Colon of SncoDd avenue,is doing jury duty m Klir.Hlwlh duringthis U>rin of ctiiirt

Mr. Danisl C«iill«iuh of Hnoond *vf-nu» ha* anceptMl a poailion with thaDiauiomi Expanaion iiolt Cn. at thi*pise*.

Kirn Chief Dushanek wishns to thankDm ladies who no generously donatedhot ooff** to the man of the departmentdurinK thn llr*at th* Lanl building.

There will l>o a pool tournament at A.D. Wajhbuenn pool parlor* on LlnoolnsUirlhdsy among the local sharks.

The Uorou|{h Council will hold an ad-journoU moating, on rie^t Tuesday even-ing at Borough ilnll.

Th* lowws by th* tiro wliioh h*»«bmn adjuatad *o far are Uaremsrl'O,Kumnau t7&, OatUno, 1700. Tbebuikllag loss and tb* Cattauo stock.)oa*and the Itstnsen Yurnituro losses havenot bean adjusted as y*t,.i adjusted as y*t,

Lincoln the OratorI* JAMES A. SMUtTOM

(Caprrlstit. INS, by Amartcan Pna*clatleavj

WHA>TBV«Rtb* cynicn a y say .

neither rest ora-tory nor real p«-etry can everp a s s out' ofvogxte. it Is only

vattodes, tae Ub-itaUoos and tbecoonterfeltanbatcgm* mtctdjare-pnta. Tnt W«h-eatekiquenceandthe greatest lyr-ic* and epics areth* voices of ta*UnBortal la man,and to UM Im-mortal In "jnanthey nuU*vtnelrapveal. Great or-atory ia ' almostalwaysed w1(hgrsst occastoa.

It Kae-tt'-ita object the adTaoceinentot justice, troth or liberty, tt Is theutterance of some friend ot man ta op-position to tyranny or U f»ror of aforward step of the race. As sach it laa divine Instrument ot gwd. Tter*wiU always be a place tor thia soft-ottloqueat*, it will ever form a Mtt ofthe Utersrr treasures ot tae race. * .

Tbe oratory of Abraham Lineou) wasof this character.' tt cams from hisheart-ar*. deeper, fcom Us sovL itsnulBsprtncs wen hatred M elarefTvceateiapt of stiama, lovs of countrjand ot mankind. No nan can naderstand itattiu whs do**) aot see bis Im-patience wUh empty forms, abows,pretense and Up service. Only fat realthe basic, the fundamental sad* tbetrae made any appeal to his Intellector heart lie knew noticing of menrhetoric He was atcsriy logical. Bisu»rci!»B, 1*1*01* stripped oS every atfrctatKw and sopbtatry. Hla simplicitymade blm put ev*ry uropoaillon Is luplainest terms. His democracy causedhim to passes his armmwt*. fct ti»umJet«anola« of ths

uxcoLa AT coorsa



-in 1903it ba»eipeiideJ ntom than »;tO,000,<HM) in r«-hal>iliUttng.

improving and extcntlinff tlie street rail^nv, pan ami t-lectrio

lighting sjat^ma it aci[uiriil.i

Try to realize what a ntupeixlotiw »um of uiou«y $.'10,000,000

is and then pauwe U> think that'every Hollar Hpent for the better-

went of the sorvice rerlfiuiulM to the benefit i'f the public—in

other worJs—to your b<<ii<>fit.

The money HO oxiiemled ban iiKiiltiil in :




••••>»e>o«>e»eeeeoeeo*»»e»eoe«*«»ee»e»e»ee»e»<r- - - - . • • '

Ills humor inirt U'KKI wn«e upiH-nlrd at(tore tu the maiHf*. nut. di-ntilte tbebumble forma In which kla Ht-ntlinrntsnt-r* drr«nwl, I.luroln'n (drills werervpr lofty, aud tliniUKh hlx uiicrunrutm * mural umhTtoiie, a nclf of (,'IMI-ulup fuUh lu I.'IKI thnt hha ncnrrelvbfpn an couji|ilruiiUH In any rult*r alnoeOllvi-r Cnunn-plt

Tin- uiiMi famuUH iiddrcsm-t of Mrl.liuiilu werr . fii'rhni'n ,_tbe miy. ntIHoonilnBtuii' klinwn u» tiir "lostspewh." thi. ilfliutfx with Hnu lii<>. theCOO|HT IMltnll Mpl'lH'h, till1 two Itl.iU^Ural addri-HH>-K and llif lirttyKbiiri; nildrvsa. '1'IIHHI- rlfurtH vnTe wuttfiTduvvr H |H-rlnd uf iii'itrly tt>n >t'arM.from the furiniitluii «r the lti'pitlilli'aparty UIUIUHI H> UniMiln's MxMiix>iiuitlou. Thi- IIIKI In (Htlnt of tlmi> wasthe liumortnl MVIIIIUI Inaugural, rtit*"iiinllic toivurd iiuiu-, rlnirlly for all"uttyraurr wUl.li, vuiiNlili-ri'il fromevery atundpultit. Is Mr. MIK'UIII'Hgreatest. 'I'hrrr h:is bifcii nutlilns hihuinnn npi'fili .lulu- like thill HIH-OUIIInuuiiuriil Hhue tin- >;nliltii wurcN thntfell from the llpn uf the Ntiziiri'iicnliifti-rn humlrMl jiiirs RK». Thedlvliii. JUHtlcf, Ihr iuuml <|U;tlIty. theIsrgt'iiCRS of rleir and the lack «fbl(tcriieHs. thf fnrj;lvfiH'»i and thepruvld^uve for tiiuao left belple»a by(he war. all these, cuuplnl with theUCCHNIUU mill the until, make the HK1-otid liiauinirul uf l.lmuln irunsi.'cndany nierv alute imper, nllh the sluuleojwptlon of the Devt.irntlun of lude-pendeiu-e. Tlilsi nin.v UVDI c.xtrftvn-gant praise, hut mi'(-xamluulluu ofntber state |m|»-ra will revesj that ItIs not Of course It must be under-stood that thla estimate relnte* only16 oratorical and literary quality,

The Cietrynburg address ranks withthe second Inuufiirnl, and the two willsver remain Abraham Lincoln's chiefMntrlbutlons /o literature.

Lincoln wns like no otbrr speaker lahistory, til* style U peculiarly hla

owu, Not only arethere no surpluswords, but nosurplus thoughts.Throwing aoldeevery tioneucu-rial, he d r o v e•tralght to theheart of bis aub-

' Ject Be was Im-pelled to get at.the very centerof the thing, atIts soul. But with,pntnatnklng rare,even if lu thefewest possiblewords, he madeevery step of hlareasoning plnln.There waa noth-ing loose or TagueIn the thoughtof Lincoln. Hewns the severestloslclmi. t^verr-thing wns den-

site, stated with an exactness that nd-aitted of but one laterpretatlou. NeverUd an orator combine so perfectly theiogical, tbs moral and the poetical.His ezsmple prove* once more thatattAelrhlghest these- qualttipucnlnrlUe

TberrTwas nothing of the florid ahmttiacotn. He Ulked In a conversationalway, and hla mo»t conspicuous* qualityarss common s*use. •

Ben Franklin'a Keanntas,Two Incidents recall tue-keenneaa

aM.the thoroughne«s-tbe grest twinabUrUee, to see and to ntllUer-of B«n•FraahUn. One day.he chanced to ob-a t n e a lady In the poaseailon of animported whisk broom. With bis usualInterest and careful coajideration heexamined It as a novelty. He dixuov-eredca tbe brush ot the broom a seed,which be carefully removed. Present-ly be planled It. and the Browth fromtab seed was the first crop uf broomcorn to tbls country. ARSln one da*whet. Dr. Frauklln wa, w a | k l n e L"T

Dock.creek he saw stuck In the m u aS wfckerwork Usket. whk;h c-d.eprouteO- Carefully be fished out toebasket and carefully took n apart Hegave cuttlnss to bis rrieuj, M r C b , r l e ,Xorrls. who planted the twig, tn• B i ,garden, ^ r e they grew'to great sizeThey turned oat to be llI * . « Rahklia Ud •ta*ot great commercial value.

A. C. PIKEUeuili|iinrti-ii< in Crnuford for -

Builders' Hardware,MECHANICS' TOOLS,

iiodltiiK Mnti'tlnls. IViiltry Ni'ttliiR,Mosquito'Nt'ttliiR.

I'liiiits, Viirnlahi's, Alubiistitit'.


i'liunptDi'liverios. Itight 1'iiiws.

3 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK.• Ti-luphunn la^-lt.

MISS RICHMOND'SCollege Preparatory

HomeBoarding SchoolTim iH-cumi lialf jrnar tMviD^ January !t, 1B0U,

nl H,<Jn. in,T u m i For Whola Vaar.

Kimlrrk.|,rt«n, flO.dU. ,1'rllnari Ufpurtmmit, S7MJ0. , " - - v _Juulor l)tu>urtniMit, iluO.lK). ' " "tVnlor ll«|iiirtniiint. tUTiSVl'upiln nmj i-nlm (or Iho IFU.1 halt y«lr HI prn-

|»irtiunnl>. rntM., "J'l"1 rnaular work of th« M;hool incluilen tha

•dallj uto.lr nf Kr»pch,nnilerMni8. d« Kemtrat.Vorail MiiMonnil Vnlrn Trnlnlng, «uwrfl««l br

Mrs. ljlUont.I'HYHICAI. Cl)l;ruI!E ionJuelf.1 l.j Mr..

Mnrjli'iittrt. llanlinit.l>ritwin»«n,lI'nloUiuil.r Mr»:Kata'-8wii|ie<

v « i* n u c " B w<""k. l n <•» nrtemfton, H I Mlrttor, luhtraclor. •«P«oial counM la French and Uteralureara

ou«i«d to oatside ttadenu, v


AUK AND MEW YO1IK.ISJ, 5 (12, 917, 1II , j ; |

. 1344, >* 858. 1043iJt*inb

. 7 , »t», to il. II10 1"

2 4 1 , S t t P . J | . 8 n n d « j 1 i 2 7 A . UtAvU

&3x Ejcmit Newark.•8atBrda>oali. t


rt 8,tordi,..W.CHorao K i . A».i.t

eaunBronI n

WmmWmt Jf.tl

BODBO KUT. BCo—. La»ra. Clo



J.U. 4. p.a>.from poiau *a*t-S.|;

Location of Fire Al»rea^or KUlnf.ld.r-., U

IS-rir* I W . UakJ^oati » i ' v Cnl

. UakJmv Cnloa ATaaaaam

»7-€ocaar CaatnaiaJ and U«•-< oraar Ualoa and Llasal»»-<'<iraar North I I K H am

ItV-Conwr Haraptoa aad BajSJJ-tJoraar Arlington Hatd um-Conml Hoib Bt. aad 8pri4U-Coniar Lincoln mod W«ln








Progtvasive euchre pat8t. Mary's church.

Mr. James Hnrtwell. olhan been on a trip to Ball

A handsome new elect)now adorns A. M. Shufront.

Mrs.S. P. Crone is «tthe homo of II. A. Towlstreet.

Appropriate Llnonln'serclsos were held In tho CHo schools todsy.

Miss Nellie Juckson'ofis entertaining her couslr

.of Meriden, Conn

Itev. John EdRecumbemeetlnB of the PlnlnlleluKosollnon Tuesday.

Blaklosloe & Phllp hiworking on the exteriorhouse on Madison u\jp,

A party from Brooklychased Mr. 0. D. Budelint No. 103 Houth.avenua.

The W.C. T. U. will,

( home of Mrn. U. 1); Irv,itl«y, Feb. lflth nt 3 p. in.

Frank Hollingsworth, tlhas been a trip this week Iother parts of Connectlcu

A bridRQ party was heldor Mlsa Gladys Matthey,chard street, on Friday of

Most of the Cranford atcloRfd tomorrow, and thewill observe the usunl hoi

Valentine ilny romes tibut undoubtedly the po.itcol forco will haVfl their n:day.

Mr. and Mrn. G. G. ]terday for Pino Forest, t8. a , and will bs remain Iuntil April 1st.

The Westfleld High ibasketball team were <on Saturday by the NortiSchool by score of 17 to 8.

Lent begins Feb. 24th, 1day falls on April 11th. «

, birthday falls on Honda:Day and July 4tb rail on t

John H. Masker, ticket i- N. 3. Central station at

-welUcnowD along the line,!to accept a position in ththat place.

Mr. Arthur W. Kritchelclerk ln Marten's pharoincon a trip to Kirkville, Mo.,his return will take up tlosteopathy.

Road Inspector Charlet""' had men engaged in oxca

- rartlnfc dirt from the protlon of Cranford's new fire

- _ -dirt ia used tal'flU-Jn!lln_t!section.

Through on error in last \It was stated that Mr. andW. IdtteU entertained the!Mrs. Howard White, of Ishould have read "theirwe gladly correct tbe mlsb

Mrs. Jean Norton, ot Neiis connected with the Ttlege, that clty,gave a talk <of Mrs. J. H. Senior, yest

-- noon. Her subject waa "Niand I u Principles."

• Nearly 160 men were iNew York ori Tuesday foringon the Boors of tha calittle crusading agnlnst "<tbe Main Hoe trolley cars Iition would not be a bad idi

The HaUet & Darts Plane$335 piano free to be givenlimerick contest now beingfrom their Plainfleld Btero.ticulars ara given in thU Isbod> can send an answer;will close Feb. 25th.

The mid-winter meeUngJersey Editorial Asaociatiitended by 120 pewspapergueats on Tuesday at TrenFort, and Asaemblytnan PIamong the speakers. Thedecided to unite in a, moihigher rale, tot pnbllsaiBgvertlaements, and a mor

'' kfandard as a basis for chai






f w°n«y $36,000,000

ipent (or the better^

fit" of tfie publio—in



Me Htuy Laahr, ft*[florist !• «• * trip to tfe*

Location of Fir* Alarm l o m .




Mr.andMn.Geo.lLstiwMsft today tor a trip to Jack***

" " - - • v

Tb* apron aad oandy sale of 8*.Crnjfc) waawail

Tostday altenooB. at The Rlfjenide.


J.PIKErteis in Grauford for

rs' Hardware,IANICS' TOOLS,

•rials. Poultry Netting,•qulto'Netting.

arnlsbes, AUbastine.


cries. Itight Ptices.

Progressive euchre party tonight att M ' h hMr, James Hartwell. of North ave.,

ha* been on a trip to Baltimore.A handsome new electrio light sign

now adorns A. M. Shaparto's storefront.

Mn. 8. F. Crane is critically 111 atthe home of B, A. Towl on Hamptonstreet.

Appropriate Lincoln's Birthday ex-ercise* wen held in theCranrord Pub-lic school* today.

Mlsa Nellie Jacluonof Holly street,is entertaining her cousin, Miss Hart,

jirMeriden.OoDnHer. John Edgecumbe attended the

meeting or the PlalnQeld Clerlcus atRoselle on Tuesday.

Blakleslee & Phllp

A HOUSE BLOCK. _ophuna 13S-R.


>ard ing SchoolTMr betliu J U U I T 9, law,

ror Wkola Year,M M .

«r (or tlw lut bait *«•> at pro-'

irk of th* Mhool lnclode»u»»».;»n<l«rllni«.d«T£Bf,traL .a• Vole. Tralnim, MP»TTiMd bj „ "Jr

. have paintersworking on the exterior or the Pagehouse on Madlaon aifp. ,

A party from Brooklyn has pur-chased Mr. C. D. Budclmau'a houseat No. I0o8outh>venue. | if

TheW.O. T. U. wilt meet at thehome of Mra. D. D; Irving on Tues-day, Feb. 16th at 3 p. in.

Frank Ilolllngsworth, the architect,ha* been a trip this week to Bethel andOther parts of Connecticut.

A bridge party was held at the homeof Mis* Gladys Matthey, No. .11, Or-chard street, on Friday afternoon.

Most of the Cranford stores will beclosed tomorrow, and the poet officewill observe the usual holiday hours-1

Valentino day eoraes next Sundaybut undoubtedly the post office cleri-cal force will have their rush on Mon-day.

Mr and Mn. O. G. Ely left ye*,torday for Pine Forest, Bummerrille,'8. C,, and will b* nmaln In the 8014thunUl April 1st

The. ^estfieldbasketball team


school girlsdefeated on

»fey Central \_RO TO BUZABKTB Nltt I***-*MBMBWIOBK. -

tKxo.pt BateMaf*


anoddbive read

JHWBLER. • . * . -


UouiBrt'ariglven, bod> can scadan a a a w i ' the contest

Mlas Oertrade Hopkle* amBlanche Stoat »•>** removed; thftrworking studio to WMpttagfteld aw,,from New York Ckty.

The memben of the Parish Ontoof Trinity Choroh. a n hofaUng ate*this afternoon at th* homo of Mn. F.P. Davis, on AJdeo alreet,

"Whatever else may be said of thobill posters who invade Cranford, fromtime to time, they certainly "stick up"for the men who employ them.

A number of Cranford people wereentertained at bridge whtot on Wed-nesday afternoon at th* home ot Mr.and Mr*. W. F. Cawtbornb or Morris-town road. El Mora.

Printers a n often condemned bytheir patron* for being *low la deliv-ering their work. Then la not a busl-ness of any kind In which demandsa n more exacting or in which theiea n so many "hurry up" jobs.

At the last quarterly conferenceheld on Friday night at St. Paul's M.E. Church, the memben voted unani-mously for the return of the Bev, M.Luther Bhode* as pastor for anotheryear.

Cranford Council, Jr. O. U. A. iX.,

Daijrhoffwiihovttha driver aear the

'"•. , " ' The wagonMfttokoB* of thoUQioB aveau* era**-teg gat— smarting; n m manySwgeant Jeaatng* stopped theaway. ' • •*

Oo Tuesday last at the bom* of Mr*.Frank Sktaa a delightful afternoonwa*«pent lookhw at Utosfratioo* Mr*.Arthur L. Smith used in her talk 00

.ataao.> board at UwY. l .

rSdttoatieaDeafen*** bemi* for Feb, WU» wtll

ba a *»star faacUoe. glvea itadsr the•asakwftfUi* AMOOUMO*,aadheldM

*The Architecture of India.1; Shettved maajr' yean-in that aaetantmotherUad, aad many of, the pieture*shown wen of temple* and palace*boarf with age, bnt still in a oundlUonto Interest Tlaltors. Mr*. Heory Woodentertain* the ladle* on Twedfty, Feb.»rd

Tfcwsriay altonooo. Feb. Utah, st3,30, Mr, Vat. UsatMlLStau Ketasfcar PfN. J.,, will lectura m Uwt aaaao biy n n aotOmot JfcbooT Xhta is a fn» pubtaUctutegine the peopl* <rf Craafttrd by

a large attdiaoce wiU ««leuo» Mr

on Saturday by the North PlalnfleldSchool by score of 17 to 8.

Lent begins Feb. 24th, Easter 8un-day fall* on April 11th. Wsahtngton1*

'- ."birthday nil*,on Monday,'MemorialDay and July 4th fall on Sunday.

John B . Masker, tloket agent at theN. J. Central station at Somervlllo.wellknown along the line.bas resignedlo aooept a position in the postoffloe•latplaoe.Me Arthur W. Kritohsll, the drag

"-' clark In, Mirien's pharmacy, has goneonaUlptoKirkvllle, Mo., and uponhis main will take up th* study ofosteopathy., - -

Road Inspector Charles JJJck ha*had meq engaged In excavaUng andcarting dirt from the proposed Ioca>

* tfcm of Cnnford's new fin home. The"in the new Park

Throtigh an error In last week'* issueJitwa* stated that Mr. and Mrs. Oeo.fr ^entertalned their daughter

i l l t of Patenon. Itand

Wlih;the,Thought 0M-talkat'thahomeyesterday after**N T h h

lirlfoi^awoj•fa. Call at

"SALE- O'tde by Weirn

"of time'le5, thls4oQo«

yon with t

Gteakpajr l




" \ ;


> wSen




will attend the centennial senrtcestomorrow evening In a body, at theFlnt Presbyterian Church. Membenwill please meet at the rooms at i Mo'clock.

Among tho real estate transfers re*oently recorded from Crnniord Is thatof, Stephen J. Cos to Mary T. Cos,lot westerly sldv of Central avenue.Contract tiled at Elisabeth:, L. L.Loveland with C. U. Bril, entlru worknew building on Burnatdeave., KJKO.

Msrcla Cornelia Van Saun, aged Iyear, 11 month* and 17 day*, daughterof Mr. and Mn. Henry P. Van Saun,died at her parents' home on Aldenstreet, last Thursday. The Funeralseivioes wen held on Friday, afwr.noon, with Interment in .GreenwoodCemetery. Brooklyn.

The Aeolian Company at Qar»ood,is planning to build an addlilon.WxSOOfeet, on the eastern end of their hugeplant. The company t* to move theentire plant of the VocaUlon Companyfrom Worcester, M»ss.,*nd whan com'pleted the plant will employ one hun-dred additional hand*.

The Cranford Library has recentlyreceived a number or • thay. popularploture pundes,punle*, each containing-frontJSQ to«p pieces. These an; b u i l t ait pricesranging from 10 cent* ta M ptr pusxle,or they may be-borrowed during Hibraryhoursattherateot i«m>M p*rday. , " '.«•* \

The marriage of Mis* UUyJB.Hnfa*r.otthlf place to. Mr. Emll Behaefer of«*ew York, took .plaos,evening at the homo of the

Uaooln D»y Obtarvue*.To-morrow wUI be tb* 100th

**ry«rthn birU of Abraham Linooluand It will be HlUo(|l» observvd in Cnn>-furdbjam'irloeshaldin the First Pres*bylensn church bfginnibg at 8 |i. m.Tb* iotmtior at the church ba* bee*nicely deoorated with th* patriotic color*and everything In readiness for th* meet-iojt. Member*of lh*Q, A. It , Ameri-can Mscnanlj*. and other localaaUoo*. as wall as the public in gtneralareiDntvdio atUnd. The,Choral aluband pupil* of UM public sohoola will aln«,

1'b* principal ipeakar* will b* lloa.Carlloa B, Piero*,ni«mb*r of lb« Assam-bljr, aand Edward Halo, pr*aiil«nt of theUnion County l.lpoon Aaaootalioii. Fol-lowing eraftrmtu has l*«tt'arraaK«d:Organ Prelude—"SonaU iu C Major"

VoAlkmarMiss M. M. Vrmland.

Invocation.Ill* Bsv. M. Luther Knod**, pastocot

Si. Paul's M. E. Church.


The Fonetry CUMWIUM will MM* atIh. b<HM of It* chair***, Mn, II RMerntl, Mil V7*ilonday, the 1 Tib, at*p. m. /

To Form a Conqty Orgfaiutiott.

Attheeloaporcmnrvnl OituneU.Nu**, Jr.Xk.U. A. M , h«ld on Tliiirodayevening last, a prellniinaiy iiteeilng*UV< held In the lnt«rv*t-or organUInga Culmr Comity Aawx^atlou of thnOrder, nine or the foartoeu ^.uncil*of the county were r*{>rt<*«>ubHl.

J. B, Moor of rialnllitld. wan uimfotemporary chiUrinan, aud M. O. I«-n-IUIUID of Cranfohl Couorll, lempornryMvmtary. A eomnititw of «lx' w««r«'appolnunt on by laws to n-port at nextm t l u 'th ll r h W l

P s M. E Church.Sotm-By the IIisli School.AddrMB--Linoorn: A Symbol of

A i i "

the oflll or the <hnlim»n atwhtoh tmic ollkvm will ba elwiml ntu|other ttuiHirtttUt biitfiu<4>fc

, Uuqlsimsd letters.-Th» following letter* IVIMHIII

willud fur In tli« C'rnnrord poutMi»s Ariolo Urown, MUH Annl.« J

Jonm, Mrs. Kat» Wifneninr, N T.Claytor, FrtMl'k 0. JmKK.ii.tViil K. J«n-JM*U, W» W. UllllcrWIHHl.

Joux L. DKUBV, 1>. M








lOSSoath ave. "Be*'. Dr. Onsa* , er<formed the ceremony, whlobi " '" "tended by on!friend*, or theandilrs-Schafer wUTorktilty. . - -." , -^ j , ;

Onion Ooupty wUI havesfoorState aid roads.J Walnut wdark Township Is Included

The Rsv. Georga F. Grew*, U.pastor or Preabytenan Churoh.

"Hlar Hpaugled Banuer by the uudlsno*.Addrew— •TheGupar Union Hpeeoh/'

lion. Carllon B. IVn*.Lincoln's PatrortUi Hymn—"Father!

What»'«l*r elf Karthlv Blim." IAnal* Steal*

lij Spaoia) Chuir.T h e Get*yaburg Spaeoh."

M M EdwardsSobc—By the Oranl Sobool,Address—"Life and Character of Lin-

oolo."ThaRev. Elmer E. Paaro*. pastor of

_ First M. B. Church:"'Th*American Hymn" Ksllkr

- By Bpaoial Choir. .»«;Personal Recollectinu of Lioooln's Ad-

ministration,Mr. Edward Hale, President, Union

County LfoooJn A*soai*tion. .•"America." by the audience.Benediction, _ •'•Th* A*V. Gsorg* H. Mueller, rantor

BL-Michasl* R. a Churafa.Oig*n, Mls*,M. M. Vraelsnd. ,

OnkTordFor a tag time past th* membsraol

the Cranford Cane* Club faav* beenworking bard ta get togsthsr suffldeolfund* to'bulld a.oommodiaua Jboal bituiMaaddub.quartan. L**l*f*n(ng'(n tltaiopera bous* they 'gave the lint n'serMlOfeveo^ilopkieg to tbalend.-wbantM" York University Mualosi - Club*went, th* jittnoUon. .That the «ff«l(!was a suooas* and tbat ilia boy* felt,amply repaid,,for their aQVta ,wa* av(.d*oosd?b> fully/flr* hundred*of "

if*, oiling out to " "


Real Estate Bought, Sold and ExchangedKeating ami iiiutiugciiieut of property personally uttended to.

RAN KIN & COMPANYTelephone 160-J.



«t l» d M r * two ur.UjiiHuiufuruUlMklroums Iu pilvutM honne with ri<llnmiW-ople, Addntss, "R'» earn at ThoUltimo onice

„ MALE UH KXO1IANOE— InHMtlnn 1 of the Map of Kanllworth.Unfon County, N««r J»rf«y. Lot Numberair Itt Block au nod in Bwlinn 2, Lot Umi Block 3U. Will Mil right or niohsngafor Nebraska pronarly; P. A. HUrlfer,If.'l-'J'J Military •«*., OmaJ)«,Neb. 4ml

-JfOd HALEi- Bhode Island itedCockerols, «e»oh. , T. f. Bradley, 417Orchard Street, '

~TO*ltENt—Ailnolarg* room suit-# 1 (or two. iierson*. Close to ilba

Pjrst-ciMs *etvlci» and board.IWenncM. Adcire of thbi oflloe.



pchosen four. It, has, beenabandon the old method of macadamfoad-eonstrnction and robstttBtojwagUnproved method* which wflTEo¥~roadtitogather and «Umluaft»;tb$nuisance, uring what, art'knownlaiTanriated pavement*.t \ \ \ '

. Judge and Mn. Wi W J t e d d l wjregiven > surprise oa Monday»»!«««whsoablfrlotof their JrUcidsIbLtiM,MJabdtb*«»tJtBf"* '

p v V p4*ihf;ev*r/.,nMr*ed 'seal bslngMkea/l a fsot,It,was;one,of,the finest abd*as*t appraeuOiv* '*bd|edc«* i«er gath|•din tb* opat* house, tiMOlseClab,**Bir;W*ll; the MsanoUnt.aad Badjod a b * pUyed/well, a n d > • ladtviddai

On Frtit*/.evooidjtf'F^b.' iuthr «raahlngt.io1* Blrtbday dauce and

•upper will take place. As UK» oum'bar of tii keu Is limited, It-behove* thenwmbert* 10 speak quick and not-letthe'iton.ji*itmbei»get abend of them.Ziotoerwlll furnUh tho music, andflatherinoQuloti •|ll< provide for theInner man/'In her usual appetUIng

Bowling- Todroamenf

$3 ACOLITE SHOESIn all Stylas and l^atlier* can be had at

122 HroBd Straat, BLIZABBTH. N. J. -

Undies will find thoM *lio«s aro j.erfoct flttern. A good qoal>ity of stock in imed ta.the.uppom and sole*, and we guarantyth«in to do, the best of Mrvioe. , , .-

• • - • • ' • • f ' • ; 0 » , • ; » , • » • • •

The. Ladles-#111'begin very shortly, and a* thenan-a1 tow more vaeaneie*, tboso wtoh-log W enter will piwuM "»t»p lirely."a* mewpri«es «mwoll wortli competingfor. io;sar nothing of the msrrimant



Islcib & Miller,PLOMBIIIC

Heating & TfnniiNBW WORK AH1>

Concrete BuildinAny Dtf»ign. All Color..

At.i6t,mmUagof the Director* ofC i f d M t i Blldi d L


AIBwlyl.piltt.otimi b.

mornings.. Tberesleeping car

ifnOOTl service ol Mzs.Maty JB;4 f l d f Ctoa sale *l tb« postoffloe lomoww,y J4 fotmetneldeBt of Crtotora,


train and special,at w-aihlokton have beeo comItetotelng t t o £ t h h f . i r t a ' ^Friday-morning «nd get bacjf

rall- Jeney EdUorial Aiwclatlon wa»

dd^^^per! JW'ef rtcw

OIBcf Hours <£-»*.Cranford fB-lOp ID.^ A among U* a p ^

"*•+? ? ' J - decided to unite his aj movement, for- • ' t s i * - / j | 1 J h n l W { j r paUlisiss togs! ad- u m FOB DALE-TWO *I

H«n-atAld»o*,.17*.l U B i A

poUliisiss toga! adaad, a mon unlrorm

fOrehargw. , t y f e °"0"r< ' -* "^Talk not *f a food'Wkv aat

5 * v ps^fe-^






«K4VKTTE AJTO JKA.VSOT. *t'p with JOB,* fried two of theronj<-»i t»o>«. as they (MitwJ tora,

BJJ, Ufc*l>l» to r«I*1, h» was fnrctdOi>i\iti: !fcp t»»>!c W l i h a rrim*fin

<* *i»:l t/>ini'(hlng'Jiu»pkl'Ja«lr Ilk*af« in hi* '•>«#, t r faf'-d t i n I'jr-


And ' ... . . ,Oa ! 1 fw»r )<"• * i ' i f-^/'.'

AU t Hr j iijnu»i-« >.iii u r.-i*1

M ' l t l l %"Ut gun ui-ii, \ -\.r *). -;-:',f-_At>1 V '» j r l n j i i W ! Vt . i - - : r • ! ' .

T m i ' i l 1 * t f c l . f S «-.•-•;<• ; . !~ ; , ! i . i rA m i *»* n . i i j i l . f T , r r " i " - , ' , " ; t . - > r t ' .

Y o u ' l l ! » t a l i i n t »i .<w ; f , t ; . ! jA n d 1>» i r i » i i t , ; » , . T v . ' I - ' ' - '

O r w.l i^n c^. ' i> I r a l . i l i ^ w vV o u ' i l I*- m i l l , i w ! • " ? ..! .

jievrt Vl i t t . l l l 4! i ! ! ! . ' - I '.i ) • • ( .'.\\} l , s p i . i i n - « i . r' f - r

ft Mini wi l t t l . * ,1->* j r r ! , * i j . *A « r » . i i » ( » . . i . ' l l U

T h - ' I ' m i > , . u l I; i t , i i -,! ' ! , • , • .tt'Ut «ri! | l » , , n , , - ,! ,• , •

O i l ' l l I » i - l » I . ' . - - - . . ! I . . - ' . 'I*T i t i l l U l i f t I ' f> , 1 I! „.<•

I v n u M )..•<• i.i, )..,-! H".([ i; - • . : • »«\ ' * i h r r j i n j I . , . ! . »t I,* - ,i

A l l t l i ' » • l l ' ! • : . . , 1 (•• r.: | . # > - r(>r if fcii,tf, f i ,u« ' • >,.••»•• '-• *.» i:. . . , -

I V I i r j r t i h . w 1 » ! . - . , , .«i < • • » . - , . . • ! . ,\l*> l l . c . . . i l . i , , , . - . , • .-I,- '

Y r « . l i t l|,«"ji n i J I . l l . r , - • - • ( , ! , .I t t H i - • ,r,!y ii.M, i . I j - . '

' • • I. | . « l | . v . l - . " - - r , - .

r. 1 t a l k t.-« > ( . ' ) "

" • M ' I K - F h n r i K - t o J I O ' . I . t h t i i . I ' i r

; ' ' i ' , ' : ; r ' * i ; r f u f i , " Kf. :>»l*fJ ' t n « ot Ih t*

, . , . • ( • . .>• )«- . i i i ' j . r i < - f ! n t t M a k

i: ,! I M •<>•! i>(T I f v o i w i n ! d r l . - ; *

i . . : i I-.f-•!.'•! t J r ! ! . k : r . j ? l l T i n t « K I

f a i r . < - i . - . i ' 1." ' 1 ' i i ' k J!."1 l « Kin "f . r a . a

! O r . n . \ n : « i r . . l.i: »*al ln t<i«i h a r d .' !,.• ! . : - . T I , . d' Uti . .S.i'l'1<-r,lv hi- I ) , ;

!.*'» t;U t;° Mi ilti'l « '! * ] J ; ! I ( ' : 1 H i] h

: • 1»:ti;l. In a i Irar

i a r\uT y - n tr ui- Mi>ry

THE NEW BOY.fly HAUV III mi4ui> uttnii.i.

l f l i « Srli. tinw It »l.»'l • I"


I t w a s

T h o f a l l I r r i n of HI ' l ! u d

h a d b r g l l l l nil \ \ " > I | I I . In?

S a t u r d a y , a m i iln> I-<•>»

b e f o r e l l i i ' in • O u t o n

find Torn l i i i iMi-ri • ,4 ni-w

Who had only urrlvi I th>' nlKhifore—was Maudlin; l..r Iilnmlf. andlooking about with tlu> cutl"u» butsober i')IK Hi a bn>' who fill <n If In-were (11 a. nr-w world! and who »»«as )€'t •'itrnn.'.lr doubtful an tn lii«chanrrs for ha}1 j>ln AM In that world

"Hello, Turn Madden: li that you7",•cme D M < nlli-il midih-nly |

Tom a lilooinr fain brlghtrni-d. and jhn lurlHMl . riKr-rlr toward i» emu[• r.f i

1 near him, who w<-ro lulklnic amiIn tlm manner so i-i|iir»-

•Im At niiri- of good r..i,ir«dfshlp andmuch *rlf Importance, tlmt al»ny>(nark* the old l>o>« at thr beginning• t a new nrhoo! ytar. Torn knewMvpral of tlm«i> bo)a; hi' bad niftthem iliitlnl! thi' Kuliiiiu-r vacation*.and th»lr. gri'cMngs. im« *crt »ohur ly that In a fox IHIIIUIIK hv .IUIMforgot that lie was tlmt fur lor 11 rr.n-lure, a «tritiiRi> buy In a largo a<hodl.and lif KluJI) ,ii njit i J nn Invitationto Juln his new liiimli Id a liaiu|iover the li 11 la to a tlllnsr aomc mill <from Hi Kuilolph'* In htgh splrltnthey aM nut; Hi" lillln wi'ir rnmx-dand early lit tht' aflt-riuum tb»r/cached tli<< rlllaKv

"Now for CriiRfr'n," shouted »cv«r-•I of the hoy*, nnil thi-y Iwl tliti.way<o a KHIOI.II in id ln.l.iliroii»lj pushed•pen tho dour,

Tom tii'lil Lark ll» <lld not llkrtk" aiiin'niniii.' of tlio jilacc

"What arn wo noliig In hero for?"J: aakml .

"Kor A spread, of r-oi)rif." ont- of4*.ehuy«ii.tp|al|iud, ''Tln(> cook grJat4inner» licro; rfiuic on.""

Tom1 WAS quite ready for a

! ' A i l r lkv l . t ." » a l 1 F r a n k J O M - H , b u t

• . . ! ! , . i | , l i i u I r i ' l o i i i ' i i fnrc . m a < ] » I I K I

I , ! ! , , - ; ! i > . ? t " M t i h I l l l l l 111 K l j i - l l f * - .

: ' f: ^ • , " Torn » r u t oi l , In ft ti*fnl<*r,;' f»'l,> M•-. K.l' 1, "I k m - * a llttlu h o c• in; . . n!,r, hail a b ' / iunf i i l hoini-. Il<!

f,»l a k : , ' l U t h r r u.:d niothiT,- a n dI lie I'.vi 1 ' h ' - m m tiiurh thai hn roiil-1

1.. 1, r 1.11 Mlilill hi- 1'iviil h|.«l I:.IIC.,•h:i! ! ) " ] ' • l .oy'a fiilhi-r had a l w a y sip-.'i » (tMO'l l u t n . but n u n ' . When hi)* M ! . ' | « * l l . th*.- d in tor onlf-r*"d h i mto i)iink !.i-.-r, ami hi.- b e g a n to dr inkif. .111 il -• •- " Tiirirn volrii wan thr i l l -

'.at in It* ^riijha^IH n o w — " b e p.oori1 tn ilrink u t r o i c - r th l i iRi; a n d

1.tin" it 11 mi- v. h'-n that l l t l lnh'.ini- \VM« 1.0 (hinK'' i l from t h *

• j l v i - ll o m i t wan that ItI HI- If a flcml miint l ive Ihi'ri-

l l l t l r IMI> hi-aid bltt.fiitbi'r rnvi*nnd tnitv Dai- a tuDdriinu—nnd h^*nt nisil , for ruin ttimlii h i m K O — a n dhn «a»r - n i l . li!iy», tn bin d y i n g h o u rf,o will r i -mrmbiT It — ho s a w h Uni'ithrr d j n l ' k d o w n by b i s d r u n k e nfa!!,, r * band." ,

Thin- wax a <lr»d nllcriro In thatHill.- roiiiii Tin- In i-r hail craned InliMtn. but not a buy bad I on ted It, oruotkrd It.

"Ho)*," Tom's thrilling volcw wenton, 'that little boy In a largi- boy now,a ml hn In aliiiott alone In thn world,for till father and inothrr nn- bo'htli-ad, ami now hn lias no home. Uovou wondtr?"—and no boy whoh.unl It f i rr furciit Ihn pathos otToin'M lon»> - "ild you wtmdflr, boya,that etmi'lltiR by hi* mother'a xravothat boy looked up to llciTvBnT nndM'lrmiily vowed ni-viT whllo hn HVcd,to touch or tH, !O tlm drink that badmade a iiiadinan ot his father, ruinedhit home, and broken his mother'siM.art," ,

Tomccaufd. and for 'alihbinr-nt nota boy sltrri'd.

"You will let mi" |4", now," heraid, tin b« juiiipi'd down from hishigh |.lnn\ and starti'd for tho door;and then with onn IniitiUuous rush,the buys Knthrri-d around him.

"Tom," Frank Jones said, "you arna hrro. Why, 1 think you'are braverthan a poldlor. I am proud of you,and I nould do J11M like you It Iwon- In your plni'iv" Thn • boyMi'l'iml, n ui'w thought bad conic tohim Ho looked around on his com-|.«llllHI< '1.3

"llo)»,* h»< said earneiilly, "It»e"n]» to me tlmt what 1 would dn IfI were In Tom's place, :l hud betterdo nuwjln my own pliire."

I'l-rbium the head muster ot St.Uudoliilva was m-mr lu hln long liteIHOIO lup'plly, surpriai'd than ho was

'.* Bllll.Vl'.llll.n»l)f followed the I that evening', wht'n ilx of"h"l» oldsstltf>l$ Jnln a Illili- lack rquur tvbeinBIB «»loon jiioprietor nmurcd thrm«her would lie undUturbcd. Thtlrflltuii-r of i<v»t(-r» ami hettntrak »a»toon »crvcd. nnd tlioioughly eujovnlfey thn hungry luiiu; thpn a livim'tt*»f fruit, r«kc, and ule was ordered,

• |ind wlit-n tb'« last crumb of the ffl*tuko htd dlBUjiiiicrwl anil tbo waller• i d r»morea the dl»n« from (beMile, Frani! Joni'a, their acAnowl-•diod laador, wild gayly: "Mow, trl-|o«f, before* wo go, wo'll ha to a lov-tef c o p . " •: . •:''•.' ••"-'

"A Jovtnu cup; what'* t h n t r T o mMked ot the Imr nearnt him.

"You nueOn't be afraid ot It. It•on't hurt you; It'a only b»cr." tbo!

and moil IndiionUul boyn called utthim and n*ked to nlgu the t pin pot'-

lYrara have pn»8fd uliico that.even-

Ir-c, and to-day tliuia buy* are ma-ture mru n"il widely parted; liut theyhave never tornottrn Totu'», story,nnd through airtho trials end temp-,tat lonot manhood, «lth tiod'i Iliolp.tbry hate kept thtlr plrdg«,—Chrl«<tlau work anil Kvangeltat. ,

" The ciicapacu of Utf. ; \Paring' iMt >«»r labor tn tho'.Utit-

tfd Statm text nearly 85.000 Itvta lathe. rourie ot *mi0oyn>pnt. Thoro«cro al»n about S,000,000 aecldenti.

puihed back hli chair."Sit ttlll; you can't <o ret,* KrackAMaJd. anU at that nooipnt tho

r«turn«d with the black bevr

• o y anfw«rsd, •*" """* """(Most Industries Involve risks, somet don't want any" and. •"!* '" l n a n o l n e r » - T n » ««W«nt

* ' rate of electricians Is excessive'* Thatot coal miners Is 3.10 per 1000 In thoUnited States to 1.3» per 1000 la theUnited Kingdom. This proportionholds among the railroad employes.

Amid ahouts of laughter th» c o r k s ! W e l M t r t 0 per 1000 to aerni*ny'«_j«aLJlr»»;n,_«iul-thi

>oys atarted the aong: .And here's a hand, my tru«ly friend,'

And gl»'» a hund of thine.Aad we'tl U k e a right gold wlilc-

In nthpr wnrrtii,slaughtered on the amago 916 morecoal miners than England and 1TSSmore railroad, employes than Ger-many,

wought—v:.-"Wo,' no," Tom lladdesHhto li wrong. I will not drink:] nrt"V."'»ditos» indifference and

united with an Inherent1 j dislike to obedience, that characterise

U #1 15?"


if A

k" +%

Two conditions account for this ci-1 death- rate that runs through-

•lout all our departments of labor.ivu , -x wiii DDI unnK -

l>t me go. , ..The bojr* atopped singing.

JWiiatf a .;tilU-«n«rt,.are youV one j our- AmnitAn W0tkmen- Socoud, the^iswirnfully, ! unwillingnew ot employera to Install

no, TOM cried, -but I cant. a w l ( l e n t u t ing devices, and to com-uet m e g a , , B H W m n f obedience to preventlro

..,«,-:S1>« ..beer was foaming in their i oVders.S | « j « » ^ W thbrboya left It untouched j G e m , n y t M . permanent «hlbl-

" ' * T V " * T . *l S,10'- "o*1 o f awtdont saving devices whichr o U « « l ? ^ t o < ? ; " T o n J r fnc oTi'*«» kwn pr«<Sttctlt« ot great benefit

«Wnat harm can a glass of ; , o m_ Thts teatuw Knglahd Is».».,.ii_.•• ... _ •_ • c o p y i n g . — B o s t o n P o s t ,Jfe fOwae. Tom," coaxed another. ___j _. ' ion't mako a row about nothing;)

l ^ j k » » t i i i i d « r l n k your beer." 1 - — B r i e t Cowrcrsatlcoi.^r^^-wb^*!," 'Tom said 'sharply. "l*t' Thero Is a Government official in*is<a*io-*'' ' I Washington to whoui an unnecessaryl;^*We aren't quite ready «o let you or inane question Is as a red rag to a

;'.li»;*yet,* Frank Jones said angrily, i bull.=**Tou are a pretty fellow to kill sjwrt Last summer ho made his usual'}\$m"tnla way; and now it you don't • trip to Europe. On tho Brat day outKfflrtnk you shall give us a temperance! from New York he was strolling onIvjfetere. It It I» wrong to drink bi-cr tlie piomtnaile deck, when suddenlyf-jjott"1 fhall t,cll us whj-. Come. bo>s. • ih«T« «ppear»J before -him a man

.jljbfcy.'atttntlpn. You will now Ultra i whom he had not e.-en for years.Si?^»";'ai» address oa tenijteraac* from thc.-i -"Why, 'proief^or." oxclsImt-J the

sf^oanent orator. Thomas JladdeiJ." j man. •—Ti> W you. of all men! Ar»"" "llearl Hfirl" »houte4 the boys.! you soinc acrossll^llid 'then' oue ol them called:

•;i>p oa'ifci table.*•aland HIP i>rof»ssor. "A

Weekly. -

CHAPEItONK HER HBNTENCB.In'the M-ntcnce handed out to an

flo|.lnc p*ir hj JiidKi Wl»n*r. ofI'lld!, Mhh . there U a warning to altiith'-r* wi,o may be contemplating a»lmllar tt^p, (Jrarn-o Congw,~a~youuj(marri'd woman, who ran away toNew York Ktatu with Orion Urookl,Idradcd EUlity aflrl was placed on p,ro-ballon for a period fit three years,rtiirlna whlrhlttnie »hc li forbidden toIrate h'r borii« at night except In theromijauy i,f ^» adult member of thefamily, UHT ran she entertain com-pany In h< r hnmn unltwtn a relative beprex-nt. In addition to this the youngwoman mu*V report to the Courtevery ulity day*.

Brook*, who also pleadod guilty,« ! • n, nli-mfil to from six months tothnn >t«ri In the lunla Itcfornia-torj.

LIVE IN THE nCJBH.Many Auitrallan glrla lire right up

In UIH bush, or "stations.".whleh arcnillea away from any town or village,n»<) their time la largely occupiedwith riding and driving;' they a m aamti'h nt home on u borne as a duck!> In tho water, and think nothing otrldliiK twenty nillea or BO to pay avli.lt. aays a writer In Woman. House-hold ilutle» claim a share of theirtime, however, and any day theyare Iliihle to Im left without servant*and with n hounn full of visitors, butar<i In no wliio dnuutrd by such anornirrenen. Then (ho bush girl comesdown to the eapltnl for thn acaaon,far 'from appearing a country bump-kin or A tomboy after hur freo andopen-air llfn. »he la an much at homeIn a ballroom as any town-broil girl,as neat and well-dri'sni'd as If shehad never ridden barebacked overwild tracts of country, with littlethought of appearances,—SydneyReview.


Thn clubwomen of Wisconsin saythnt In the recent eleellon ihny an-swered a fluent Ion put by Congress-man John Jenkins while ho was chair-

per cent, of their number find-Ing huabaads. while nmsller (till waathe marriage percentage among sales-women. _£ype writers and elerki. Mat-

A French engineer haa Invented arotary rodder, by which he claim* **ei»*l of say itie may b« turned In1U own length.

An Italian pbrslclaa h is discoveredrlmony clslmed only_abgat_oi»f prr-ithat carrots act as.an Intestinal an-nntrnt' thta~ class. In 1»OS only | tlaeptlc and will cure many iorms of

digestive disorders.of the "commercial class" weremarried.—New York Tribune.

WOMAN WHO IS AI.WAY3 RIGHT.\V> have all mrt her, the woman

who lays down the law, and most ofus regret the meeting.

No matter what Is under discus-sion, she has her opinion and does nothesitate to proclaim It. That sheknows nothing of the subject make*DO difference in her vorlf«rnasnc*s.

Her voice Is usually rasping, I I Tword* staccato and her empbaslnsharp. 8h« may not intend to be dis-agreeable, but the effect Is not alteredby Intentions. J

The irritation of a disturbed lior- 1nets' neat Is mild compared with thefeeling* aroused by the layer downof the law, Kven when In the right 1her wisdom Is bated on general prln-. Icljilcs.

She can stir up more oppositionthan a motion to rals« taxes. Yougo out of your way to thwart her. andmake yoursnlf uncomfortable doingwhat she due* not wish,

Silent protest or open pugnacity Isthu usual attitude of her hearers.The good-tempered sufferer revelswhen tho lows regulator strikes ascrapper.

Tact Is not her long suit. Themore reason thero Is for silence theloudor Is her expression of opinion.

Mni Poprora Is a Russian womanwho hai iavrntrd an alrnblp and hascalled It the Annulatcd Dragon,which glvts one an Idta of l u shape.Tbrre It a syau-m of hoops that *ervesto iterr It, and the ship Is said toadapt Hfwlf to every sort of wind*«-ry readily.

Count Von Zeppelin's airship,which holds th- distance and ipec-drecord ot CS.3J miles In two hoursseventeen minutes, is 420 feet long,tblrty-^lr.ht fret In diameter, and basa rigid aluminum frame containingsixteen hydrogen balloons. Two thir-ty-five horse power gasoline motors<lrlv° four propellors.

Monsieur Laplcqun Informs theFrench Society of Biology that 25.-000.000 human beings In the Congoregion romtn.ooly employ nail of po-

i tajulura Instead of salt of sodiumfor seasoning their food. They ob-tain this salt from the ashes of cer-tain pUnti. IU-c«ntly nines the open-

j Ing up of th" country, ordinary saltI baa been largely Imported, but the1 negroes rexard It as Insipid, andI abandon with regret the UBO of theirI familiar ashes. They take the Im-I ported "alt only because It Is cheap.

Her knowlcdgo of wbcro her ownbunlnees ends is scant.

It Is tho layer down of the lawwho can bo depended upon to gay thewrong thing every time. She it I*who makes It her business to take •meek little wife to task for her hus-band's shortcomings or widens abreach by telling both combatant*their duty.

If only she knew how great Is herconceit! Most poople find rcgtilatinstheir own lives so difficult that theyarc glow to think themselves capable.

By a Oerman patented processstarch Is made Insoluble In hot water

j by treating It, In the cold, with form-i aldehyde and a moderately strongi ncld. Tho product la distinguished•from that obtained from march and

formaldehyde at a high temperature' by the fact that the starch grains re-I main unaltered and quite permanent.

It I* not only Insoluble In boilingwater, but It Is not attacked by godilye or other Btrons nlklllen. K maybe employed as a filler In plastic com-positions, as a dressing for fabricsand In the manufacture of ,iaper.


Hti-Hi-d'Nwri-tbrrmla.—Frequently the. aweetbreads aronot used becnuau of the Ignorance, of their value on, the partof the butcher. Thoso from a young animal aro tender, andfully an delightful ail the brains, and they aro easily cooked.To stew'them, wash and remove.'all tho skin and fat.. (PutInto a pan with cold water enough to cover; let come to aboll; throw them at oncn Into cold water; this makes themfirm; then chop thorn and Htuw In a very little wator untilt«..Ur; pour off tbo water; add butter, popper, salt and ncup ot now milk or cream and a bit of chopped parsley;H(I<W a fuw minute*. Bcrvv hot. It Is very nlco to lino thedish with toast and pour tho mixture ovor. • • :••'

man of tho Coitiinltlen on tho Judic-iary In tho House ot Koiiresetitatlvoa.Throughout his term of offlco Con-grenniimn Jenkins retimed to makeany romniltti>» report whatsoeverupon thu prnposod nlxtceuth amend-ment. Mo oppoHod tho child laborbill and thu bill (or a Federal bureautn Ihn Interest ot children. Whentho bill fur the Investigation of theconditions attending tho .work ofwoinon and children was befora thoCommlttco on the Judiciary ho \a ro-portcii to have asked:

"What haa Congress to do withwomen uud children?"

lu tho recent election CongressmanJenkins was retired. Tho clubwomenot Wisconsin boast that they woredirectly responsible for the-.,defeatot Mr. Jenkins and by that defeatthey answered bl* question.— NevrYork Sun. '

AN ATT1TUDH TOWAUD WAOE3.—\ know Sadlo Foster spoke the.

truth In this description of the attl-ludo toward wagtia ot tho employorof 'uuskllled labor' in departmentstores. It la sufficient for the em-ployer to know that there are hun-dreds ot girls 'just as good' to behad whero those come trom, and thatho run* a very small chance ot los-ing a 'star' girl lu turning down a'flip' one1 who wants more 'wages.Capable saleswomen aro so few andlai between that they are tagged a*carefully aa lepcm at large In thecity, and their history and where-

to no union behind these wotneu-workers to push their demands, noraro thero State laws to protect them,even tn th« matter of the long hour*ot standing. In a few States thereare law* requiring employers to pro-vide seats, but there are no lawsforcing the employer to allow themto bo used at the will of the worker."—Prom an article in Smith's Mag-atlno on "The Store Girl's Chance,"by Annette Austin. ' +: , ' "

MATRIMONIAL CHANCE!Marie Heller, basing tSeTassertton.

on stSUattcal researches, says thatthe servant girl "has better matrl-manlal chances than any woman,..InPrussia. In the year 1803, the statis-tics of which form the basis Ot thestatement. 80».S23 girls and. widowswere married ia that country, and otthese 6S),4CS were servant girls, jot |whom 40,<S3 had places In dttea andf mall towns and ' IS;036 were em-ployed aa servants on farms. Thisshows that twenty-two per cent, otall the women married In that yearwero servant girls. Dressmakersrame next In point of popularity, with30,109 marriages", or itino per cent.Factory hands wero loss in demand,and only i S.I 15 "were married, givingthat calling only five per cvnt. Girlstvha had been graduated from thebeniat sorianf tl«ss and becamewaitresses - fared still worse,

of Including tho rent of mankind intheir managing.

Seeing both sides Is not her chletcharacterlHtlc, Her way Is the rightway, and woo to the ono who ilifforslArguing Is us futile as tho light withold age.

You might understand her better Itshe wero over In tho wrong. To boable Just onco to convince thn rcgu- {lator that her; Opinion la unfoundedwo would cheerfully consent to bo"bossed" the rust of our days.

She would bo easier to bear It herrulings were from the height ot su-porlorlty. Too often the director oftho morals and manners of others Isfar from being Invulnerable herself.—New York Times.

(,'ntcV fiiunc.This story Is being told of John \V.

Gates: His varied financial Interestshad 'called htm to a Texas city1 andtho news of his arrival was bruitedlong before the event.

Tho gpod livers of the city anBom-bled In order to Inaugurate a pokergame. After much energy and dis-cussion a fund .of 120,000 waB gath-ered. Tho plan was to Invite dates

• Into tho game. The Tcxans felt thatj they had a very large, not to say an: appalling capital. A committee wait-: ed upon Uiu financier to Inform him' that such a game was In progress andj that they were ready for him.I "Gentlemen," said he, "I have noi time."I It was urged with great eloquence

that a treasury of $20,000 was In per-

Cuffs turn back and are slightlypointed, •

Button! still hold A high place inthe trimming world. .

Arabian, hoods, in pale shades gowith theatre cloaks.

Good gray shades .aro mole, ele-phant and London smoke.

Short-walited fashions are likely togive war soon to normal lines.

Cloth ot gold strips with Persianembroidery make beautiful trimming.

There is a revival of embroideredclocks and hea*y"cjfosrioei~~on"slock^Ings.

Cloaks ot lace and mouiseline areIn evidence along with handsome din*ner gowns, _ . • - ' .

With hats, as with gowns andwraps, black Is the most popular dyeof the season.

Catawba. wisteria and amethystare fashionable shades, and hunters'green is also lu demand.

Hats are so big that they not onlycome to the eyebrows, but alt welldown upon the back ot the neck.

The patchpocket, with embroideredmonogram on the flap. Is a favoritetouch upon the plain shirt waist.

Some rather pretty combs aro be-

fect readiness. Again Gatcc'refusedanc), agaiu the urging was resumed.-Finally G ites lost patience. He pro-duced a quarter. "Gentlemen." hesaid, "I'll toss you for tho $20,000."

The committee molted away.—fhiladclphla Uecord.

PoKdara vs. Ilerlln. ^_Berlin Is strictly buslnoua to the

Hohcmollerns; but they Co r.ot letthat grim affair spoil the sweetness otPotsdam. Tho people seem humanand sympathetic, the martial statuarygentle and amateurish after the feroc-ity ot Berlin. Even the tour Homansabout one ot the fountains who arehurrying away with the tour Sablneaare doing It like gentlemen, and thefrowns of the ladles are palpably as-sumed. A lion and a tiger, both onthe verge of purring, watch you aayou climb toward an arch surmountedby the most genial eagle in the world.Beside the main fountain there is astatue ot Mars shying a little javelin.His dog-like wolf is joyously on thebound to retrieve It, and you fancythat the man of might Is about towink at Mercury, who Is placidlytyiMgJiU jlB*e4_ehoea_oYar-beyond-the goldfishes, and at Diana, who istaking a roguish ride on an Inimitabledragon. Robert Haven Schau flier's'Potsdam—the Playground of theHohcnxoirerns," In the Century.

Prach Growing la Colorado.Peach orchards la good bearing In

Coloraao. are worth flSOO to $3000and even more, per acre. The rawland suitable for peach growingranges from $100 to $300 per acre.The; cost et growing an orchard up tothe full bearing age will vary from1100 to $180 an acre. Peach treesbegin tor bear w,hen they are threeyears old, and they produce largecrops at the ago of alz years, For

Ins shown with tho tops arranged so ™ U n c e m toal " ° a o n c - h «» ««<* ofthat a ribbon : can be threaded ,Elo«rta peaches brought a gross re-tirougb "- t n r n o t .* IS0 an acre the third seatirougb

Necklace, of pearl, jade coral -«uturquoise beads In graduated sites are^ T h loop uM of the tlnl-

third season

• Coats this season are cither cutaway from the front, without more jthan sevth or eight tne'tea of bjs<juc..|or they aro full thrco-quartpr-lensth; 'there are no half-length modi»Ji»—-"— i

JV. high rarialan. millinery author• !ltr declares that. folloirin5 the vivij ;'and~ilecp colors thai hayt! reisucsi :

for two years past, this"season will»w a return to suit ami lisht tlats in ,headgear. ' ' . ' !

• ; • ' ' " ' ' : - ^ ^ ' • - . : . - - • ' . " • ' "


That Reminds Me.'Well, there's one thing about the

weather—if* always a safe topic otconversation.*.._ l l .

-I thought it ' was.-whes I metI-endham to-day; but wb?a 1 c o m .menced. to talk about itrhe said, 'Yes.It's unsettled; and that reminds meordinal account of yours.' "—Home


t)p§A|imByLydiaEePinkham'sVegetable Compound

Louisville. Kr— "Lrdla E. Plnk-hsm's Vegetable Compound has eer-

talnly done me aworld of good andI cannot praise Itenough. I sufferedfrom Irregularities,tllizintss, nervous,ness, and a severefemale trouble.I.vdUK.Plnkliam'sVegetable Com- ,pound has restoredme to perfec thealth anu kept mefrom the operating

„ . never be without thismedicine In the house.'VMrs. SAM'I,LEX, SS23 Fourth 6 t , Louisville, Ky.

Another Operation Avoided.Adrian, Oa. — "I suffered untold

misery from female troubles, and mydoctor said an operation was my onlychance, and I dreaded it almost asmuch as death. J.ydia E. linkham'sVegetable Compound completely curedme without an operation. — LENA V.UENBY, B. F. 1). 3.

Thirty yrars of unparalleled sue.cess confirms the power of Lydia K.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound tomire female diseases. The great vol-ume of unsolicited testimony constant-ly pouring in proves conclusively thatLydia K. Hnkham's Vegetable Com-pound Is a remarkable remedy »or thoseoiBtressiDg feminine ilia from which10 many women suffer.

Rlmrp Practice.Andro Austard, the maker of jonn

D. Rockefeller's wigs. Is a plump andelegant Frenchman, with thin blackhair, a rich blnrk mustache, andblack and uparkllnx eyes.

M. Austard's shop Is In the bcslquarter of Paris. All tho world gocito It to bo shaved and masenged. Re-cently nn American talked to the.great halr-dresser about tho exorbi-tant du|ty Mr. Rockefeller had to payon his last wig.

"It wns sharp practice," raid M. .Austari], In the lluent Kngllsh that helearned In London. "To compel Mr.Rockefeller to pay such a duty washardly honest, but that l» the way heIs treated In America. It was like thoway I was treated In my apprentice-ship.

"When 1 was learning my trade. Iapplied for a position In London.The proprietor engaged me at a cer-tain Balary. At tho end of our talkhj cald: .

" 'Of courro 1; !s understood thatyon speak both French and Kngllsb.'

"'.Yes, Blr.'. I responded quickly;'and Dutch nlao,'

"'Wo have no. Dutchmen a3tomera here,' raid he. 'Thcroforf f<nko one-third off vour-salary.'

Two of a Kind.A party of Scotsmen had been hav-

ing a Ultli! celebration in a Canadiantownship, anJ unsteady wero tho stepson tho honn-golDK in tho morning.Ono fell by the wayside, and calledfor help from another wayfarer. Tinwould-be good Samaritan tried toiteady hlmsolf as ho looked down upontho fallen one, ami then settled mat-ters by saying: "I canna help yc up,but I'll lie doon aside ye." .

His Successes.She—I understand that drinking is

one of your failings.He—You have been misinformed*

It Is one of my most pronounced suc-cesses.—Chicago Journal,

NO MEDICINE. But a Change of Food Gave Belief.

Many persons aro learning thatdrugs are not the thing to rebuildworn out nerves, but proper food Urequired.^Titsre^i a certaln-oiementHn-thecereals, wheat, barlen etc., which Isgrown there by nature, for food tobrain and nerve Ussue. This Is thephosphate ot potash, of which Orape-Nuta food contains a large proportion

IB making this food all the foodelement. In the two cere.ls, wheatand barley, are retained. That Is whyso many heretofore nervous and rundown, people find In Qrape-NnUTatrue nerve and brain food.. f'| can say that Qrape-NuU foodnasdone much for me aTa w r , e »newer," writes a Wls. bride

"A few years ago, before my mar-riage. I was a bookkeeper In a large

I'murt give np my position, which Icould not afford to do*

"Mother purchased some '

read a to ie"ne appears fr«,u , lnM.

1 S 1 - - * - • • - «



FOR YOUR PETNearly every child has o

peta. But how many chl^Ue- that thoae_.litHe depea

have special attention lu tDoes not papa and matspecial preparations forthgirls far the long wroteThere are warm clothes, »and good, rich, wf.olesomuso it should be with thedoggie Is a little short hahe should have two ovpmkets, people usually call th

One should be made of IIlal, say, a piece of silk Huesame sort of material.coat should be of heavy 1lined with soft French flaiwhen the weather is a IIzero doggie should wearweight coat, and when theeter drops below zero ho sihis heavier one. Of coursenot wear either coat whibut as a dog should so oair and exercise every dayto be made comtortabir, jchildren are. In the castdog, one whose coat Krotvtback In the shape of lorn,-.a coat Of cloth Is not necea good, clean, warm kenibe provided for him.

• The writer has E?en the cdogs frozen simply bccaus«obliged to sleep in a cold pif a dog la worth having. 1thy of good treatment. Iand bis food should be ofAnd there Is Cuch to he ttbo pet cat. She la oftcabused victim of heartlessInstead of tho. loved pet. Shetormented, chased out ofcold weather, regardless oor not she has a warm plaoInto.

If you have a cat treat 1deserves, and that Is withA cat la a highly Bensltlveanimal, and Is capable of Inforlng. If kindly treated,warm bed/good food, plent:water, sho will necomo nbeautiful and make1 everyorher as well ng love her.—\VStar.

' MY PET h a . ;

I must tell you about mjI found her, when only a d£old, squealing at the top of Ino mother In sight. I couldan owner for her, kept her ather Betty. It took three toat first—ono to hold her, omher mouth and ono to pourdown her throat. But sho thbecame a famous pet. I'coto see her and have a ROD

. She followed us around likea dog, and while small hadof the house. She was haibrushed every morning andhaving her back scratched;would lie face downward amroot mo' around. AH went vI wanted to get up; then stobject, and, unless some onher away I could.not got utwas very Intelligent and unwhat we Bald to< her. She kter than to go Into tho garas she grew older sho becaand would sometimes go Intoden and not leave until wmother. I often took her forand if I happened to get awher she would come after idead run. Betty never botlgo around mo but wouldtween my feet, and many nhave found myself sprawllDfdust. They boys would sit othe fence and try to touch liwith their bare feet as she wIng around the fence. But nchow cautious they wero shisee their movements and reathem. The boys would bo scthat they would go heels ovIn a complete somersault to

• of her reach.We mourned when she was

away In a nice new barrel for Iter, and felt like cannibals am

_!M would not eat Betty pork.Irwln Hlbbard, In the New Yibane.


Would you like to hear ofInteresting and original part]was given by the Open Sesanx

-WadleighJlnnexT This soclebiological one, and consist of'I re members. AH the teacbenly in number, and eight git

"We've just heard thuThat Jack Frost is coming,

"So ItV time to be hiding.Well hear his trsap, tramp

"But though he may hunt cFor who'd think of looking

"We'll change our light drewOr they'll surely get soiled

"Soiake off that pink one—tiDon't stand without p*ul«,

" H O T comw wind, jump iIt will take ui almotl to tin

<aQ~v4.>>«'» AT^rvbodr—wellTo"bring "us all back the i

jft, .•WBgatagsjaaasiw


has one or more* «Mld»en real-

mutt-jpWteatB muttmetal attention In the winter?not papa and mam


not papa and mamma make

Compound has iitaiBly done m a aI world of good andI1 cannot praise i t ,

TsuffexadI f t o r n l n r ,Idlnineas, nervous**Inesa/anda sever*

' s i l e trouble.iaE.FinkJiajn's

, Statable Com-pound has restoredme to perfecthealth and kept mefrom the ©pending•be without this

8 t , Louisville, Xy.iperation Avoided.- " 1 suffered untold-male troubles, and rayoperation was my onlydreaded It almost aa

Lydia E. Plnkham'Spound completely curedoperation.'1—LEKAV.>.&of unparalleled sue-

lie power of Lydla E.reticle Compound toeases. The great vol-ed testimony constant*oves conclusively thatam's .Vegetable Com*kable remedy for thoseinine ills from whichsuffer.

p Practice.d, the maker of.wigs. Is a plump and

man, with thin blackblack mustache, andding oyes.

shop Is In the besli. All the world goesid and massaged. Re-Drlcan talked to theser about tho exorbl-tockjefeller had to pay

rp practice,7 "aid M.fluent English that be

ion. "To compel Mr.pay such a duty wasbut that U the way helerlca. It was like thoted In my apprentice-

learning my trado, Iposition In London,

engaged me nt a ccr-t the end of our talk

It is understood thatFrench and Kngllsh.'[ responded quickly;I , *

no Dutchmen as ejis)~Id he. 'Thoroforefrnoff vour salary,' *

Und that drinking Is*j»gs • i '\

been «lslnformed«imost pronounced saw 7^Journal «w " H

are learning that*41

too, thing to reb •"K but proper*

t w ° overcoats—blan.people uaoaliy call them.

W « m r ' * pt*<* o f "Ik lined with the• " * o f material. The other

' '.*:i

with soft French flannel. Andwhen the weather la a little-above

:r , .ssro doggie should wear bis Hght-v , "'waigat coat, and when the thermom-. 4' etar drops below xero he should wear•*. his heavier one. Of course je should

pot wear either xoat when Indoorbut-as a dog should go out for theair and exercise every day he oughtto be made comfortable. Just as thechildren are. In tbe case of a bigdog, one whose coat grows upon hisback In the shape ot Jong, thick fcair,a coat ot cloth Is not necessary; buta good, clean, warm kennel shouldbe provided for him., The writer has ssen the ears of finedogs froten simply because they wereobliged to aleep in a cold place. Now,If a dog la worth having, he In wor-thy ot good treatment. Ills kenneland bis food should be ot the best.And there Is Cuch to be said abouttho pet cat. She Is often a poorabused victim of heartless childrenInstead of the ldved pot. Sbe Is teased,tormented, chased, out of doors Incold weather, regardless of whetheror not sbe has a warm place to creepInto.

If you have a cat treat her as shedeserves, and that is with kindness.A cat Is a highly sensitive, nervousanimal, and la capable ot intense suf-fering. It kindly treated, given awarm bed, good food, plenty of freshwater, she will become sleek andbeautiful and make everyone admireher as well as love her.—Washington8tar.

of a Kind.otsmen had been hav-bratlon lnra Canadiannsteady woro tho step*>lng In the morning.> wayside, and callfedmother wayfarer, Thv

Samaritan tried tea he looked down uponand then settled mat-'','

"I canna h*lp yen aside ye."

•aja? r n « t 7**m ago a bad tajotr^ g £ ^ t »araly»e« BM aad^ " • ^ j h A mr klev

were invited t» asymposJam.

All thejaemor


• as members v a n draaaad as IIw plants, aad wheat taef<tre aswmblsd ta the tysaaaa. 11animals had a area* anarch. Ilam the aalKuala ted * « r u «

After thla was over the (vesx.gi*ea pendt aa« paper, aa4 t h o hadto guess whjuvwe were BMUt to rep-fjeaent Attioog the coatanuM wwwbutterflies, rases, monkeys, a M e . maear ot corn. • hydra, a gryphon, alobster and a mock turtle. Also webad Alice In Wonderland. T»e prtawtor the best puteeer waa a pretty fenn

Then there waa an essay on Mohtgt-eal terms, which was terr »at«ruln-Injc. Nekt came U s Mock Tartle'sstory front "Alice In WoadertaneV*<I w u the Mock Turtle), followed bythe lobster quadrille. A prise wasgiven for the most original and beatcostume. It waa>a set ot peas and-pencils, and wasn't I deUghted whenI found I had won It by a large ma-jority Tote!

Then we had a grand march downto dinner (In the library), in whichall took part The dinner was ac-cording to the syllabus for the studyof biology. The plates were rainla-tuM dissecting pans, and the knivesand forks were forceps and dissect-ing needles.

Tho courses came in the followingorder (each served by a squad ofgirls):

Radishes, cut as roses, with salt(roots),

Asparagus tip salad with bread andbutter lettuce leaf sandwiches, cutas leaves (steins and leave*),

Candled violets (flowers),Dates, grapes, peanuts and'candy

peas In pod (fruit and nuts).Jelly fishes with whipped cream

(Coelenterates).Cake, In form pf lobster (Arth*

ropods).Barley sugar animals, chocolate

animals and animal crackers (Verte*brates).

Ice cream frog on toadstools andfrogs made like candy kisses (Chor-dates).

TU aMajtort) oatt was aearly fla.Met, s a n * writer la tha OetrottVreo Press, when b«, rsnafked withesapaasts, - » I s deeds, aot words that

"Oh, I doat-taow!" tesMMded hishasteea. "DM yoa ever sead a tele*

hart BM terribly,aad tha artae

Haas arisat aHews Jenraai.

' MY PET Pld. '

I must tell you about my pet pig.I found her, when only a day or twoold, squealing at the top ot her voice

| ' -j i , : " no mother In sight. I could not findf'>:: an owner for her, kept her and namod

- her Betty. It took three to reed hernt first—one to hold her, one to openher mouth and one to pour the milk

'down her throat. But she throve andbecame a famous pot. People came

"to see her and have a good laugh.She followed us around like a cat ora dog, and while small had the runot the bouse. She was bathed and

'brushed every morning and enjoyed^having her back scratched; after, Iwould He face downward and let herroot me1 around. All went well untilI wanted to get up; then she wouldobject, and, unless some one chasedher away I cpuld.not get up. Bettywas, very Intelligent and understood

;»Wnat we said toiher. She knew bet-than to go into the garden, but

i as'] she, grew older she became bold^and'would sometimes go into the gar-

land not leave1, until w» calledother.' I Often took her for a walk,1 J M happened ta get away from.,'she-would come after me on a

_lnrun;--Betty never bothered toifaround, me but would run be-

^ my feet, and many a time Imyself sprawling In tbe

§'.Tney boys would sit on top ot' * «'and try to touch her head

ilr.bare feet as, sbe was graz-bund the fence. .But no.matter

utloui they, were she wouldmovements and rear up at

The_.boys would be so scaredK would go heels over beadnplete somersault to get out

Mrii.•'mourned When she was packedI In I nice new barrel for the win-

LffeltllkeLcannlbals and vowedId,not Vat Betty pork.—Klton

ItHlbbard, in the New-York Tri-

Cookies In form of man— (Mam-mals). \

A very pleasing and delicious billof fare, , , , ; |

During these various courses toastswere given and biological songs sung.We then went, home feeling that theparty had been a great success andsomething worth putting down InWadlelgh's annals.—Rosalind IMD-kln. In tho Mew York Trlbust. ; ^

APOLOGY FROM A PRINCB.A Crimean veteran; Charles Fleet,

who died recently In England, badIn his early days the unusual experi-ence of receiving an apology fromKing Edward VII., then Prince ofWales. Fleet was. performing sen-try duty at the grand entrance toWindsor Castle, when Queen Victoriacame along on foot 'with the boyPrince of Wales. The Prince was alittle behind his,mother, and whenshe hsd turned 'a corner be shylypicked' up a pebble and threw it atthe sentinel., The (tone struck thegun and made a rattle. The Qneenbeard It, and, turning round, wentquickly up to Fleet and,asked himIf the Prince had throws a stone athtm. "Yes," w u tha reply, "but habaa done p a no barm." The Queencalled the Prince back and made himtake off his cap and apologlte.--Phll-sdelphla ledger. * J - •• ' . ." '

BDHBATI DKAWIRB STICK.ITo pretest t w e e * drawers from

sUekia*. wax tha bearlsga, Use agood floor-was, rabbtat It ta a gtasavThis to ranch bMteMJwa the old. a*»Udy way ot using; soap, which Is rara>ty satisfactory, aad, besides, tha waswill not catch aad Mid dast and dirtas tha soap wonkU—PhiladelphiaRecord. " '

SIMPLE L i r a .In Finland many families lead the

simple life ta summer time. Theycamp out on Islands aad In the for-ests, always taking care to be nearthe water, tor everybody bathes andswims. They steep aad eat at fresco,and the town councils provide publicfireplaces and bathlsr houses In allplaces ot public resort.—New YorkTribune.

CARINd FOR INVALID'S HAIR."When caring for a patient with

long, heavy hair, I arrange It In twofirm braids." writes aa experiencednurse. "Fastening two long, softribbons or strips of cloth at the top3f the braid, I wind It closely to tbe•nd, again securing the strips care-fully. In this sheath the hair liessmooth and untangled, only needingto be cared tor once In several days,and giving the sick on* the leastpossible anccyance. — IndianapolisN«ws.

TO PREVENT SMELL OF nilRNINOIf milk or anything cooking on a

rsnge bolls over, burns and smokes,the disagreeable smell can be pre-vented from going througb the houseby lifting the lid of tbe range slightlyto one side and letting the smokedraw Into tbe tire.

Should the smell of burnt foodpermeal tbe home Immediately putvinegar on to boll and the odor willbe counteracted. I1 Some, housekeepers have seentydwafers In their kitchen, which theCook Is'instructed to light as soon a'lany cookery bums.—American Cultl.valor.

poeton saM sayitaat kMaejprertkatlyThey said I cosMnever walk Mala.

1 raas) at DOM* Kidney Pilta aad be.gaa s t tartaeav one bos made mestronger aac freer from aala. I kepton uetac them, and la tart* aoataewaa able to g* o v t oa cratches, andthe kidney* were acting better. I Im-proved rapidly,discarded th# cratchesana to tha wonder of my friends waasoon completely cured."

80M by aU dealers. Soceataabot.Foeter-MUbara Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.

An earnest young preacher In a re-mote country village concluded a longatld-'towpreaenslve prayer with:"And now let us prar for those who•re dwelling In the uninhabited por*tfona ot the earth."na

OMan* Caaaat Us CatvdWMk lACAt, amjc*Tioxa,*a they eaaaetn^S^^elJhedi-a* Our* . a

•—1 " F • ™ • • » ^ — 1 • 1 •• 1 ^" .. ™ ™ a S j a S a s SBJBJ B^BTBJJSBBf^

»it yea tonal take iataraal rnnadMsarrh Cure (a takta iatanwlly. aad

ea tb* blood sad atacou* aar-CMarrhLVrv is aot a matewas pnaenbsd bv one of Ike

\ m this toeatr* tor ysara.prescription^ it is eoanosejrkaawnTeNnttaad with tee

m , seiia. duirtlv «e jkeperfect jdatbiaaUoa

is what prvdie) the twoweaderhl Nmlto ra curias eaurrh

- She Was a Real Oratori, ",'.. Senator Beverldge daring's,recent

visit to Portland ^talked - about, ora-

Ther:eampaign/; Jiel- said, vtottijgiven as oratory more remarkable Jor,;quantity than


I 'W.Ilke to hearrot a wryaVand'original party which

i given by the Open Sesame at the~i * n n « T ThU society U aI one, and eonsUt ol twenty-

•nAcn. AU the teachers. 1•bar, and eight girls (ss-

Is that which brings resulU.^lsUut:which, convertslanMaudience,mlssr.. to;,an;?fsndienee ;O(wSuch-oratory-is,rare.' - ", *; - , •;.

?!< have a'sfriend j,whose,vwlf«,;

•suffragstte,' It a'gr*at:«ratd>. ,,.Her'.speeches from the platform. aieLwon-.derJCal. •"*- '" "oay

COMFORTAllLK BSD SHOES,One ot tho most useful present*

that can be given to an older personIs a comfortable pair of bed shoesAs one increases in years ibe circulartlon becomes poorer, and the feet artapt to be cold for hours after retir-ing. ,

Knit wool stockings that come upatmoat to tho knees will overcomethis chiming, A thick Shetland woolshould be chosen, and a soft gray Ita_ serviceable color. '•

' Tbe girl who does not .know bow toknit should make similar stocking)of pieces of outing or eiderdownflann*l. Cut them as one wouldmake a stocking, only larger, apdmake the leg long enough to comtfive or six Inches above the ankle.

Cut the. stocking)double and In-terline with sheet wadding-or an ex-tra thickness of flanneL . Ran a <a»'ing around tlie top and put aa elasticIn It. ft intended, at a Cbrlttafaigift-these stockings , may be of epretty shade,of red or pink eiderdownbound on tUe - . . . . ^ - a - . . . . . . . . .

J luohag i f t ,ble to a friend, whose heart i s Jcnowo

•--' 1r>. - _ , - „ ' elrculatlnn.7—Am«rU»B-f!iili'Vator.',

The rjertnan MeleorolORlcal Socle,ty offors a prlte of 3000 marks forthe best treatment of meteorologicalobservations obtained In the Interna-tional ascents.

Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Ky*«R«il#r#d by Murine Ky. K»m*ly.

OoBinoonaed hr ttmrltncad P h i iC f t P F l dOoBinoonaed hr ttmrltncad PhytieiaM.Confnraia to Por* Fowl ind Drug Law*.Murtne Down't 8m»rt S ^ i b n Bye I'aiu.Kmplorn in Mil work* ntver «rt choW

era, scarlet f«v«r, luflurni* orroldi.

Oalf Oa» Mnromi> Qatalae"That lal U U I I H llromo Quinln*. Lookfor the aigMtur* of K. W, OroveJ UatdtheWorld over to Our* sOohijnUncUky. IJc

Iceland «r» ihod with

Lassa caMra Pvescvt|itlaa>CoaaMetable

caased a a o s g the medical rrateraltyby the taereased aae et whiskey forlaase back aad rheumatism. It to iaalmost Infallible e u n - * b e a mtae4with certain otber Mgredleata andtaken properly,formula:

The fbUowlac ts the

T o one ounce of Torts compoundand one ounce ayrapSaraaparllla tow-poaad add osa-balf plat of good *hl»>key, _ Take .la tabteapoonful doseabefore each meal aad before r»uir»

It Is surely worth trying by anyoaa who may be afflicted^

He BUvtchrd It a Little,Exaggeration, artljllcally used,

eomttlmee approaches a fine art. Awriter In Ilrooklyn Life rvlatee thafollowing conversation:

'You must have had some v«>rynarrow eecapo* from death In youreventful carver," said an admirer toa great detective.

*I have had a few," ho ndraltHw),modestlr. Trobably the rlosestshave 1 have had was when a bandof South American outlaws hangedme, and went away without noticingthat th«y had strung mr up to a rub-ber-tree," N.Y.-r-T

Maay Oii ldrrn An> Hkkly.Uulhvr tlMr'.SwKl IW.Irn d.r Chil.lwn,u««l by MMI U C h l U l '

a ary URIe T M * ,eld aar a*a4 \mAi <

— t liwasi srassr SHSJS»B1 SyWVSaW W v -^mm

She had absat slaty la all sad I asalearn Seep sad CMisara "


fanAe ««t btalBd asrsan aaae eat btaiasprawl ap oa to bar beadty half eaven&The h


H free* it. TU^S^FJ!£wria«. I always «ad Caticara Seas aad(Hhlmaat wklrk, aeter.Cailai to beat It asv.Tfc h t i b k i h a b 4Tk* laat tua« it brake eat it beceSM"sa bit

waa diacouragtd. Bat Ithat _tbe oa« «f Catkunrsaap. Otitiatat aadR*eolv«nt Wnlil abe wy wdi aa4 bae asterbra trMbhd la th« Uat twe ytara, stiw.a IrMbM la th«M. A. Miwtnn. «4Dtlrolt, Micb , r»b,

of CtiUcwa


i t .«Us Ata,

Boatos, Maes.TN.r« If awd to be ka rmnl •I'tht n*

iat«n«« ef th* u n l tn a wiki aUla.

Brown's Bronchial Troches are otgrastt awvlve In curing Hoarssasss.Coughs, and Bore Throat. In buss H

Samples mailed free, John LBrown • _ * * . Uoeion, Mass.

Th* winw of IIM world rmjiloy S,O0Oflf»

UM«I by MMIwr llniy, nurw in Chlklrrn'alorn*. N. \. .rurii Fcvrr»«ho«M. lAmal ip*.

JOB. St(im»rli Tmulilw. 'IWilims: Ihnw• Wonna All DruuiaU'. Hk,

t. A.

Thf Aiialk |wrta i.f Ituxm HIT at tho•roxnt (KII» frt* ••( (Motlmna ilutliM

tuwmal artlna tollTur, kli).nd h l t * C l r t l lBK.VH, at«m»ch »nd how*l«,

Tim, ihniulM hfrli lamtlw.

r, kl)t«*« Clartrl.l

Th« limit uf mining operation! In Kng-

Pile* Carpti In «l~to 14 Days.Paw Uinlm«nt la (UarantMd to mre any

iMa(tlchi>>f.|llm.l.1llM4in«arl>rotni<llnlMl«» In «t«J4 ijayi or «oo>n>fj'jr«r«nd*il. BO«.

-lohri Hull figure* out Out lilt country

o( th« iMltlm in whlrh it>iu b i i

To Enjoythe full confidence of tbe WtU-Informedof tbo World mml tbe Commendation ofthe moat eminent phyjicUna it was esaea-tial that the cornponent parts of Syrupof Fig* and Elixir of Senna abould beknown to ami approved by them; there-fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. rmb-llsbee a full statement with vvtry package.Tbo pnrfoct purity and uniformity of pro-duct, which they demand In a laxativeremedy of an ethical character, are a«urtdiby the Company's original method of man-ufacture known to tho Company only.

The figs of California are used In ttwproduction of Syrup of rigs ami Elixir ofSenna to promote the ptauant taata, butthe medicinal principle* are obtained Ironsplant* known to act moat betftueUly,

To gut i u beneficial effect* always buythe genuine— manufutumd by the Call*fonua Fig Syrup Co. only, and for salsby all leading druggists.

Tbe hnrae* ofsherp'a horoa.

Mr*. Winsiow'a Soothing Syrup for ChikJnnta*Uilng,au(ta<»tbafuma,rn]uraa mUamiBa-lioBjailayspaMi.curaawiod cclie.SSc a bottle

Wood Pulp and COrnaUlks.It seema to be a fact that we are

making fearful "Inroads upon thewood pulp supply, but so far In theprogress ot civilisation there has al-ways been a way out of any difficulty.From what seems to be reliable re-ports, It Is safe to say that long; be-fore the wood pulp supply Is used upwe will be making excellent paperfrom - cornstalks, to which supplythere would appear to be no limiu—The American.

MCOLT DISTEMPERCaaiiaa*a<llMlTanMaUr.>tk*alska>«<«K«,MHl an aUM

SMIMM MSSWAbOO,, , lit*ln U. a. A.

CHICKENS EARNWhtthtr youralseChlckaB*for fyn or pront.yog wantJe.do it InUlllmlly sad

•j-t tlia IMMI rwulU. The way to Jo thf* is to pruBt by the feaptriMtef oilWe offtr a book telling all yoi j r t - a book wriltOT Ov _Ss vnin in raising Poultry,baa to tipfrfmont and aptadwar to conduct the buniiCENTS 4n iHwUge •tsjaps.and Cure tnmui, haw tojMarift.wbicb Vow)*, to rj«v«


to be was)*/ wttk;1tt-, _ _ . ^ , .regular cireulatlon.—;Am#ri«aa^

enps boOlng.waUri bntto^tnejte* o|S I M u a%aVs#' ^k*aiA%^ ja-aaamtBS^ tn0't' aHaaaiaala aasSasf Baas

Ta«a«iNrlMl«taa #s#saim«ji'

CirackerlSrts—TakeJBostoifu d I :

a«ani9n^B* s aid. ,a i t l»4her,a new wrinW*ieradlcator.'

'• < A i h 4 l d t h ' a ^ ksald-I.- . J

-,'He left In half an'hoar? was theanswer, 'wlUr'a gnus' ol bottlss otwrinkle andleator or my'i>Ua>» ewamanafacture that h* badfrom her.''—Portlaaft.Oregoaltt.

•sih half sidbaiehot wetf tor ' t w e n t y ,will be as deUeious as pa« paMs aadcan be used as tarU with, jelly or jaaon top., nnt I«41ngr««a*4oC-prahss^asd halt oo>a4 °t *«!**To taesa.pnt a^aalf ea» of Singlliaw a l a t J c n « i d ^ > ^ I Vn « ; d ^ c « o > B B B I V

ads) t to 'wBaUs'osT fhrat' stta,CUD jtflsBgar-snd ona esjtt of

grated enhnJbsr, -B>k*) tw«wlr nlnaiatla a kot /o tm sM^sanra.coleV.wit*;

^ iferaat

irsat us well aerer be fcaad....tookmg -way snder the gnsaaj

dresses to s f lh lel « on our wsy


roriMiu OM iiKCEfw otaxxmBiumAan:Book PablUhlng How. M Leonard St., N. Y.



tke sefl saare-e*} H U MiHattoilfltt. Tfcee»MaWsas»Ms«»tf«a*eel.

• ay S M sjad jwei will reaenHK«ae1 M to m ywr' ,TaaMastiM.feesrta*s«»t«syBrttsf«. > - ' I

• r aaak Itttmmt HS IN

^*" as^^m^B^eaW aa^^^sssi

Writs '


*Eo"tak* off that pink ont— hurry up, littit RoseJ f e r t r t d wilhVat p«Ul., fireung jOurtats1

•Here cornea wind, jump in the frost seat.I t will uka as almoat 10 the foe* ol ooratoatf.

^ m m h o d r - w e i l coax AontieMay •\ . aU b«k the te. ^ i j C

oss>hslf,poaad* of rav.Mef, 'pepper, salt aad summer savory, it**Isry salt If piattrreo to tbU seaaosrtag. Mix with by> well-beaten eggs;press Inlo-a pan and bake one hour,"Whea cold cut in Ala slices and serveUka tongue. Some like a spoonial ertwo of nios batter added to this mix-Mrs before baking.

.* 1 -T'*»'-Tottafzn«a£rotni6toi8rean

of «ge M appmtko to the Iron



M i l «JH«vt>rU:L-c r.T«'«»»»-. <!<fm; !!»*•

^ (K)«r«fr inn:feme rut d"»o '.. **««•/ Tli

tfctt BB,(XK» w«« aS »hf •>a!» •;*nl or•Mafia for lb» i : . . -« , ; i |«r((l» II

and ibry il, «£•: nut » » • »<ifBaprtfel tfcl" «tt»r. »bh> «!>'

d>War*<] that >•*• • • • t>«< <>i>

tft* atstr, l.u: k> »«» -i-'.-*mi fc» I»Jtec tb* tfpr»«m of a V; of M 9 <

**rti***rit, O*i' "'J * -- ."-'v i& *a?t>j)¥ttlmi to tb? *i*p [--t.S-- /.? l!w tunobrr» atwl t»rtf*"«l *f : t<* *»jj*i u» U ' n biftgtOD a llrfjil . ( rr*.jwi mr,nhf <>tb» d l jo l t j »!«« l!»j».r».a!n»l . f tl«atatv. MlUiarj . i f f " * »•< ifiat willt i l t SM,UUU It >L'l fa-JS Uf ! - - • ; ' - f ff.r tUlatatr to roatr eirn a* ff-«.O a diaplajaa If did four. j*-»r» »»»

O R MotMtav nlfffxt ***i.at<>? I"JMfiiii»«-io f Halrfii fttif a? r*-*? ?fc#- tarl'-o* «».fijKtdrra > i fa «Kif.»ti!» »r«r« l'«aupttot) I>I1I <h'-ubt <>«t«In t.j lftjlnc ilir•toaaarr r»-f..r» (•-* •»• »!r it m i nplalun) that iu -!"(-•* *« ;tn> rulrra a»i>afur wa* fiiirt'itfta" an ami ft?»iiil!)atl<.f

that If li# a)i<>ui<t l«- c-mfnatMl.*l«-t«l Ur «" iTb» A D I I U I » «ta« tlw t.i;;. IIMil t» III* i«w

t nx ti a billM IJ 1« Utck

••** tnm~»T HbrrIS Kr»M yi.miii*Eyrrrlt ('••^•» «r.alanvr Iv.rd.u I>tb»jr h u e U«" *r>>f ^ i f a l U MlffL'rt-JEt « l of i hi" «>.urt<

Tb» Mil. n« unn

VVhitisjc *a<t i

t** . I'lltb* tilt) !•• n»*fitf r*<nrt< ta«

laf»*. b"r»u(h* ••> - i ' ' « . •may (>• Tti* t>tfi i-r..i•>>•• (bat »b*nSli p»r i rut • ( i i | t»K»i< H«itltji abullprtlllon II" Ji»-V- t-r »!..»n. aflor

*r tliau II"- n j i i ' t r »;•• '«• -u.<!»)• aodrrKloirril front it f>_> b-rt 5«M.« thnu *tlt)daja. at »hl> h Umr tti» »<*«» uf «ui t<

uf. inakh>( aucb umot ijuiflj an "aiitl*aahMin ttrrHorj ' ••; i-->l.if ll'nj;MfaL.w(.l|ituiliatlBC* Au't-' ikt-rrtu. alu i inr tlin major!!} -t lt..» »«.tcr« »for »ut'b r'<hlt>ltUH> t! «h«ii itu graltt * ll.-»u»<- •>< M|I: i»juur in tiwtUlUIlll l|*lll.i f.ir two K i n If (tli-JTOt>" fur lli»u*» ttwt ••.*:-.»<•( <uta• • It fur't»iV.?rar> ' :

At lh» r«|ilrull.m ••.' int. ;«ara a »tit*tan tw trili u ui'.t. r ttw tili ii£ardl<-*»#f tbv rr*uU *»f atti i»r}"f «i^rtlcvn. asultbr mnjnrltt wn.v r^*rr*r it^air forturrtrrtllct.

Tba act i.ro»U«-« a t v (bat an / quailDad «1«HI»C uf a BiiiBk-tpaiii; wtiarala

prvvklmJ fur in Etx* ** i. ii >> 4*vtii«aLtba talUIUjr uf mutt r^rrtMm 1-jtwtlttou dul) icrirl.il n.'lti ll.r Judgruf ttw i uurt »f luiuUf.n ;•:<»* >r i In ulltMUri ur with tkr junikv vf ibr #u

tn aod fur tbv <t>uut.i i:. » t t i b xuctitDunlrl(>all<.ir ta altuatml altblu laa•lajra after Uir tr«a!! of ttw •Irrtioobaa \M*U dul; aoti<j«iKn) M-tttn(°~T(>rtlito* (ruuiivln uf aahl omirM*

Th^ anllwiluou (MT^JV {jiK>ffvii xm b*<Unfa Ibal iiw but * u «v-o» tirrttvUaar t^luic it U « , wh£i * ttiiM« wbohave no M-iiiluifar ir. st* uiatiar d»-clae» It will br tl.-f«i»t»*t

Tb<"r>- «»» a Iht l i itaar brforeIHIUW- foiumlttF» ..u nl

Mlirli Itir rorausittrr |paTr a: uh ^i-^iti-r l*rt)Kv's btU. wbfcli

provide* Uml II.. a>rtKK&caKbrr orItrlWllMl aluill Ur dUtuUMd iraus«. .Mi»«! <.f ttw u«iU> vftiou In the Uiirthrrn fmtt of il»r atatr

thf bill, arid ttxia- WIMI apiikrit It. » M » malaljr ftvrai ibat •

Hon. Krnlrrhk V GttlU t"rr«ijruttbf Xewark UwrJ of JrlwalVm. ta»l>*akltiB amln-l tho maavaxp «ald thatImanla uf «liHatl<« fckw n><>n- cnmlIMcbrni thruocb toairiOKmj thao anrutbrr <-aii»f ami If a K«WM»a « u putIn the hill furbUdlnff tmrbrra ta marrjWithout thr rucMrrit at tbrlr h«fd> Itwould brill the l.irt lmr.:rn«-lr. Ram-ti«l It. Ildllwk ut the TrrtsK.u t>oardf»Turvd fb» Mil, and m <]>Jtrndrot Kr*ltl» «>r NVrtii

Kmrlajrara* LiabilUty B.11.The Judtitary rummlttn- ahnat tb»

•am* tltnv irnvi* a tntins ••" Aw»to-blTinau Blaurflt* ro»{*>jrfv luwiltj•ct, WhUh wa» Unc»!.T aitmdnt byMp>t«awntattTta ..f tabnr and cat>lia)•ltk». Sir. Bbuvrtt and <:t*r«t- 1.Kcnml of Jrmr.T cits wcn> acooiu:

' UMW wbo n**e fur ttw un. wbiv itby Aiuirvw bkktsMia of

i ^laatrr Btttht<*r«Y amaisHa*trc*. rc&|>jitrtfTv c^ la .

The tMHtttg.wm

a Chaalrr. formnrOf .New Tort and tbr nut,

drifaatml laxt

attd darlag tbrUte t a n a K r . Sit

Ctmtiltr wvrr tbc (wets «flariat* at dlanrr, wfcrj* br

{tiO<|T«mor Fort aad *»c&r of ibr: mtn of tlw itatr. .

wf CtBabttSaad atta | t i H tfca* n q a n t o f tbr

Car tb» power to trnwrr. after frta^ o» rikaixra. ««•:

I t>jr aim br Imrrodoc-3MB to that «««rt. Sn>at«r

t*Vt HitouB «M ta a MB pnwttw> t W w W a W of braltb

;'te tMMaktaa aad drSBiiix> and atMtacr aatbortrlax

r ta borrow moor* ttr *tm\

taw -fKbcot law pr«Talta«r for ti*

t to «wt

Ulr <»!«<•



.,f lliMwm ir.!r>«lij«'fi| !>•,<u «iiull«r I" i l i i i -it %•

«l;i. Ii !»T!Jilt« ttl»" «al^jr I ..'. l.-« "ii KnrwUjt ill (


* -j lltir[«- "I.Ml uhi> h « 'f .»l . - . l a

- l r . H rr-

! l .

l lnrj". it« -lan-» Ui' »>>rk«1 alimn i*»>r Nmfli^^ i '1 h*

I lir Illll -«> lin»ftrf,ttial li >• >lL|.l.r a»i'»bi-r w»«iir* Infaixi ••' • l.-'-J -Islr-r m«1 I' »i!l ' " >!K•r <aw T


Un.l !(<• IH-I

1. .-• H..-.I ushr v nnli-il I


!i#vl frr»rri Jtfljf* I J

• iMti nii.Mitd in ti.>:wi»#la of I.Ill'-iilu III" 1'Tinl

-it.I L!< <<lit frknd* a Ml'i#-iit for tli«uHvirr uiurhr tbrui, lif'W-

«<.nl<) burt

t*r lir

Ir ill

.11 f.'!.-

i« iclyJu«l an


i- m gin'irn lil» act*rTl< Int 'l»i;it vK.uld !*•

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II « | . |« . Illll1.1 I I In- »

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.'(T-i -r i ilni|i..rliii•I'-I.IHI I

•If S innIn li. •hi-ii' r,. -i.i..i

n]f find I'IIIIT|.| |ir.ruiiir> ( ii l l . i .n'I In- tmtjtiurt lilin rrtii-lll



vri.ulil li'.t »|.|«,lut til*ir lie th'nigtit tbcm

In* umilil nut rrfralnV lila <-u«iulr« If h«ii>- III-HI,SI II,I Ir M-rv

tl'itlM «-\.*fllpl»* U fi'MlllJi.f f.iltvlii M .Kiauluu

K.'ir III Hi* tllUr- IlirI.tE*- r 111 III*. g*>\ ernUnit /if tin- )>r<-«ldriit

.11 Imil liikri> i rllIrlniUKin.Nl |i<.rM*fi-nt mill nf-

Hi- liml in I In! bin)iiiiiii.H ijiifd* IIV uiii:uiii'• f In u luifHiill In l.'lli-.kiiulil.rit I.In. i.In am)

Hut NMtutiiii waa a

n in"i. n n | I'm- • if great ruertfyami in irii.iiliHlliHl nl.llliy Mr. 1.1 o

ill! iM-lll-vril til li 1 lir* Illllll In |>lai'H atIlii. bi'ui) i.f Ittt'ln ur <Ji'|*nrtinrtit Sot-

N niiion'a Inis. ll.li- lem|KT niid utliiT flultk tin* nd'j* hm liet'ii»|.|.r..i..I In IIUII.I*. Wlnil utbrr |>rciWent, wllli iln' i-nnKllilr riceiitlmi uf

| 4 icrifiil i-iiuugli tu|i |a .v n |>rr«(iim nii'injr In hi* ..Itl.lal

l mi I lie IUIIP Kruiiinl ihnt ili» »a-lli.ii ni-Mli^t blui> VVIiiTr ttn« tlirrert rr II in<.ri> iwirrrt ritiin|il(i of ill Hi)|HK I'MtfUf fmtii putillr lulniTln?

(in tli* i IriiiltLl.lncolu tinlii at firm• u i.M lior>.i' KIIII i iflirwunl ilrura allll:ll'i.l;iliil -liH.lJ lit; Lutfy. l lu rnr-

n fuilitl millri-lln anil nor*- fur Hi*irm«l lulrt II lull Hint had nwn IM-IIIT

III" «n» un<- uf tlmsv iiii'ik amii I'll llin: inmllorOn ami

ill lirr

(.J.I II

alrr|ia^> [null |illl)«




• * «



lilif luipi r.i.ii In Hi

l.u acrt'in iJrto llil*t't |>i.11 Will, ll

vr wumli-rl l » - » I I I l l H - f

H P cnlltMl li

• iil«. "iiubllnvlj lim-il,...f it i n V\ilin! .

l.li,<i.!i>'« Ili lllii<.initin:c imini j i f u i• H I M ) - i i r l l '

il uJnil-i»(SrII fiiviirslilo

nitf* uhrii a mil)r<i:lii

h* I.iuuMonrx-r

•<•»« ThlnlJi-nl «;I!1 im,ILI ' .^IHI III I:

it II..1I-:-.

in]ml Unitf'» iirrvtdriit

bat uu oli-iiiii lo i.'I'lii


iimnjred |utv ui<\v U

cniiwof bum

ant it-raouaKf* liu-* ]irmlUi'i)<;>' bi- wdN

<-HT)lHHly- UU d»>'I'll' uimiiititi-d U< aii ail titi lift-. IUuu tlu< ilri'Ult Kuorow ml t tn- Hirt't-t* olpro^t- and ti-ll st<>-

i riii-|.||iun In Wiiali-ii|.lnlou l.ulln" l ir

ill LimU and i-outll-ml wuuili-r Hint Ilicj

It)|i|iul (itMiiwrnov laiij « »l«rv:

-unut who luid iH-irorvi- bis fnilirfl.iiiUin l.luculu mill uiadv'lni|ir<-Mloii Hint beHHHIOH In a cavalryInn to Ir»|ir.--<H tUct-. ln< rt'inuntvil I batc of tin1 i'Uli-it audf iWrnanj. "Uh.

Mild thi> rmniDoii

"Ytiu will uut flml,mur mivmuvmtii,!.'v«li!fiil'a IIUQIV aud

nillur lu ull htutlsII tHliinnrt'tourbnl

(lit- ttiitui* ruii't »IH,ui.O rv*i»ond to*nivr Immnii mil on wbatrvcr

Mini- <>f Uu- •••jrth tiii-v ln-nt l.llH-rtT•ml <1<.ti«"-racjr i i v gruwlui; In allanil, n s uml. Unit Ix-tnu inn-, iln- fiiui<*

r Hininiloi JJU»I IIUi'nl»f cruAf.Ut t!n->.r .U'lalmui l.luv'oln • • < tij uu

t l« Irnsi.

Wtlcamlng lha Travalar,bavp alwaja had a R\KHI opinion of

tb» rnlcrprK' of ibf Ilft> iimiran<-«p»t. It ba» aeeLnl tu u»f thai the

bust In* li a Iniv uvVrntu well com-patvd with him. Urromly tlilt opln-Km baa l«^n KtrrDi Ibeued.

An uld i-olorvd (rrvaat llrlOB In afirlsbbt<rliig fainlly wn&f bU Srtt trips«-ay fpotn hotii* mid viiHirf rvlatke*ta Xtw Vurk..

On return tttaaknl what tiff Uld

LouInUun ho waarhH« In thf atrth.

A\VU. 'aidnc udd h tins* I don* to*oat a life lataraiHw tuJk-y to' 0' ban'rdd U h

rth tW jou wantYon bar*

-\Vbx. what onw-ltb a life tnraraiBO wlf» ur children

-I»atV what Jted f takr It. allman. be tart roc atb* Mid ra haf; r hamf t«rk botoft. II*Tow me t* land If I Uda't buyon*, De?don't 'low- no one I

baa a 'tabance

It Ign

tor him. -Dot Iaau». I * act**boatUtMMn'. *!>•

re 00KJT b*'d aeo'tarut KWtn* to* V

New Ya«k 'lea

tad.Ltittle BoiUa, four Lean old. came,»

the table, where wk had tomato aoup,of »hicb b» li Ttry foniL, Betait Terjt

watt for It tobut baidlj i

aptxmfula: thvn, lajli ( down hla apooa.be exclaimed. "My cia ao bot It nukata ap rka all down ma."


tf two or three



SECOND PRIZE~$I25 CREDIT CERTI^FIATEand Over 56,000 in Additional Prizes

A l#»otlfu| Mutio will bs given fren to tbe periou a*ndlnfc the beat line to complete the Limerick Venu*. ahowrj on the couj>on b«<low, In «c-i..i'lanr»> wiih the condition*. Other Kocxl llnea will I* awarded prin* aa abowo below. Content free to all. Send your answer in early, louli«« »tif»flnii» nppoitunlty aa aorune eu» to wlu. • -

To home* without a piano thia great free advertlslufr Publicity content often an opportunity of a lifetime to secure a piano fret- IT one of toeli*. .iiiti! cii-dlt certlflcatea. '• .

A PIANO FREE FOR A THOUGHTFUL LINEThere la tio chance or calctt. Ererrthiog ia fair anil open. Prominent and dlxloteretted judges will tmike the awards. A clever and thounht

ful line. You mny fhlnkof one In a short time, but'boaurasnd try.Uy thin (rrent contest we will introduce the liallet & DaVla Piano into the homes of piano burerH, mi11 In this wuy will f*ell huii'lrcil-i or pianos

within a year. We net In direct oont«ct with piano buyer* as we could'by no other method, ami we will »u»e tho Kl<;untic px|h?n»<.> of majiailneiulYeitl»ii>fr. canvM«lnfr, etc. We UIHO intend to u«e the clever Limericks for adveril«lii« cards. Hnllet & iMvlj, Kitnhalf. Conwny. lionea andother pliui'iv hern ore aold on I he oor-priee syatem, aadeaebone lathe be»t for th« price. Ct'rtidc«t« wioueis «M; ptisltlvcly iissured of agenuine discuuut. .

THE PRIZES First Prize—A fine new piano rainedat $325. Hecond Prlre-a oortiflcateof credit for 1123. The nest four boat

iinnwrrn will be given credit certlflcnte* for $90. Following these inKroupitof 4, each contvutitnt «encllnf( In fhe next best anawer will b»1,-lvrn a credit oortlOoute for II i<>ss than tbosn previous—that ia, Iat.Wl». n»xt « at »8(i, etc—until the f6,oou has beeo awarded.

Special Advertising Appropriation—In addition to the aboveprlzea the Company will voluntarily latue to each of tbe remainingcontestants a special certificate of credit, or not less than US, an anuward for their effort In the contest.

Tfie«n iwrtlflcntfld are (food on tbe purchase, of any New HaUet& IJHVIK, Kimball orConway Piano or player piano In our ware-HHiins at regular retail prim Time of nertlflcate limited. Certifl-rni«a rnniuit bn npplled on any purchase mada previous to F*eb. 'ii,l'.o-j Only mi" ccriiflCHta applied on tbe purchase of one piano.

THE JUDGING J)MnN>re!ili-<l ]udf»e* will becboxeu lit the vti»m ami theirUittnea nnnoiitavii Inter. The de-

cision of the judges shall be tinai. All prize wlt.ners will bu oolillerf.

Here is a sample Limerick showinc onu coin|i|fi«:

Siil11 a miislclfln of fnin» far and m-nr

If itllt-t & Davis is without any |»'IT,

Ila bine is I Uml

Just the right kind,'

And what Is mow, it gtoiv.t better ciich yt'iir.

SIMPLE CONDITIONS The Limerick shown on the coupon needs one more line. Fill this out. This hint Hun shouldrhyme wltb the first two. Fre« to every on« except employe* of the Company or the manufac-turvi*. Only one nnswcrnllnwitd from one family. Writn plainly iind send in i-oupon (Illed out

or rxtia written copy, n» no answer will be accepted unless this la done. The beftt nliswi-r will be nwiinlud lirst prizw, others according to theirvnlne. All answers must lie In this office on or before 5:30 p. m., February "5. IWO.'.

ti«tn U u paril/il list of word* that rhyme for the verse below;' In-iliii-Ht. atteM, r<-t)uest, lest, Jest, quest, nest, vest, invest, arrest, bur-|t*H<|tie. f tr1. • •

COUPONKill out the lust line of verm* below; also answer questions and

Hign mum* mill nddreR*."The Hallot A Davis piano i* IH-HI, . 1 .It l» far superior to all the n-«t,"

Said n teacher well known\n a lino Judge of tone,

Writ)1 your , i 1 '•l ln i i | | ere • • : • • • • • . . . I . . ; ' , . . . .

I submit hnrewlth my limerick and agree to abide l>y the die-I'ISIOII <if the Judges, ( . • •• ,

Name,' . . . . '.' ;. . Ht

t'lty. State.lluvo you an upright or M|unr« piano or organ? State which.

Contest Closes Feb. 25, '09Mail or Bring Your Answer to This Office






mcHaoaoN * •OVNTQNCO. -.AND »»rtl i •<




Schafer A Neumann.Masons and Contractors.

RnllmalM furnlahnl uualt claooaW work.tifflco and Ynrtl — North AvV. nnd

MaploSt.Oarwood. N. J. \

Pianos "-FurnitureRepaired and Reflnlshed.

P. H. LENZ,i»f Soyth avenue, Waal



Violin n l MiRdeliB InstructorIt prepared to reoelvo pupils for

violin Inttructlon. For terms, ap-

ply to or mldreu*JKS8E WHEBIiEB.

J. C. W. R&NKIN.

Lehlgh Valley CoalKindling Wood.

laoa'ltknialal* Bleak





Cnnfbrd. Ift J

Contractbrs•o«lng Vans f

TeamstersC«u My .


Real Kstate and InsuranceChoice Houses aud Storo for '



' .. —-JlfttlOM—

Cor. Boulevard and 201b St.,KBNILWORTH, N. J.



Lehigh Coal, Lumber• D 1 < A I N P I P E ,




N. A. BARNETT,North*Avenue, Cranford,ZN. J.

Carriage,|Automobile and BicycleKepairsRUBBER TIRES FOR CARRIAGES A SPECIALTY. -

Expert HoreeahoeiBg.


General Jobbing



WBSTFIELD, N. J.i»nd tar UaflstaxvltiBtacwhf looaaoaM

owa a lot now.Mala Offlo*.

•rancli Omc«, Ho. 4* tlm St.


JobMna W«rk Cartfailiy DOR*.

CBtlmajt*« '

Trkphoa* Call or Poatal will bring aJtvprceanttUr* u f

OFFICE: 56 KLM STREET,Weatfield, New Jeraev

Carpenter and Builder,Jobblmtnttenaaxt to

iBc*, Wainul iraoua Cranford






DIEDRICH KREIE, Carpenter and Builder.

HouselSign, andFresco Painting,

- Inmi* anal Oacarathra

Papor Hanging'-' ' —4KB PUJUDIIII—

Glass, Oil, Paint, Varniabea

and Wall Paper.Cranford,' - New Jersey


Civil Engineer and SnrveyorC«««i»l»t<a»«r. Tawaaklp lagl- --"..

aaarfar CraafaH Tawaaklai.

Main Office, 35 OU Building


tenox Sto^k FarmPlctpn, N. j .

B«st Factlltle. for Care of Norse*In this Section

Oood Pasturate.Oood Water.

;; ....'.• ' OoodCare.Wallooaatrnoted and arrtagad- boildo«a. OraSford rtferenoea.

Tarmswaonabte. Writooroall 'JOSEPH HOLLAND.

i P O. Addraas.

- J.


Can he mad* nirUoulaf«nu> tntldlaar wtnttuani&avfUft

Oflloe: 829 ElizabethFactory: 12ai24 Firai


' >i

Fresh Milk am

« - E ^ K ~^vn^t. *TJ»™M."

'aara'**ifwaMS1lffit-Tf^ ,