FCAT Workshop Review Press F5 to begin the slide show. 1.

FCAT Workshop Review Press F5 to begin the slide show. 1

Transcript of FCAT Workshop Review Press F5 to begin the slide show. 1.

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Slide 2 FCAT Workshop Review Press F5 to begin the slide show. 1 Slide 3 Finding the Main Idea Practice Tell me what the main idea refers to again! 2 Slide 4 Understanding the Main Idea Your friend asks you about the movie you saw last night. Your friend doesn't have time to hear about the whole two hours of the movie, but you can sum it up and tell him/her the main idea or What's it all about? 3 Slide 5 The main idea refers to what a paragraph or an article is mainly about. It expresses the main point the author is trying to make about a particular topic. Understanding the Main Idea 4 Slide 6 The main idea will most likely be found in one of these four places: Stated in the first sentence Stated somewhere within the paragraph/article Stated in the last sentence Not stated in the paragraph directly (implied); its up to you to figure out what it is! Understanding the Main Idea 5 Slide 7 1. Read the entire passage. 2. Find the topic of the passage. - Ask, What is the topic of the passage? 3. Find the main idea. - Ask, What is the most important point the author makes about the topic? 4. Check to see if you have found the correct main idea. Ask, Does the information in the passage support my main idea? FCAT Strategy to Answer Questions About the Main Idea 6 Slide 8 Read and listen to the following passages and identify the main idea. If you click on the correct answer, you will get applause. Understanding the Main Idea 7 Slide 9 Despite the hatred that most people feel toward cockroaches, they do help humans in several ways. For example, they are perfect experimental animals and are used for scientific research in the laboratory. Breeding them is easy, for they thrive under almost any conditions. In studies on nutrition and food, cockroaches are good subjects because they will eat any kind of food. They can be used to study heart disease, and cancer researchers work with roaches because they grow cancerous tumors like those that are found in humans. Now answer the question below by clicking on the correct answer. Listen for applause. What is the main idea of this passage? 1)Cockroaches are harmful to humans.Cockroaches are harmful to humans. 2)Cockroaches help humans in several ways.Cockroaches help humans in several ways. 3)Cockroaches are cute.Cockroaches are cute. 4)I love cockroaches.I love cockroaches. 8 Slide 10 Click the arrow to read the next passage. 9 Slide 11 The cockroach's body is very flat, allowing it to slip into tiny cracks and crevices, and its six strong running legs give it unmatched powers of escape. Two small feelers detect movements and changes in air currents, thus warning the insect of approaching danger. The cockroach's two large eyes are made up of hundreds of tiny, separate eyes which are very good for seeing movements - an ability that helps a roach escape its enemies. The physical assets of the cockroach provide a major reason for its survival. Now answer the question below by clicking on the correct answer. Listen for applause What is the main idea of this passage? 1)Cockroaches are smart.Cockroaches are smart. 2)Cockroaches are powerful.Cockroaches are powerful. 3)The physical assets of the cockroach provide a major reason for its survival.The physical assets of the cockroach provide a major reason for its survival. 4)Cockroaches have interesting eyes.Cockroaches have interesting eyes. 10 Slide 12 Click the arrow to read the next passage. 11 Slide 13 Television can be an excellent teacher for everyone from very young children to the oldest of viewers. Television entertains young children with sights and songs. Television provides company for older viewers who are stuck at home. While there are many great things about television, there are also many bad things. Over time, television shows have begun to show more and more violence, death and murder. The bad language and profanity on some shows make them unsuitable for families. Many people become couch potatoes and dont get enough exercise because they watch too much TV. Now answer the question below by clicking on the correct answer. Listen for applause What is the main idea of this passage? 1)While there are many great things about television, there are also many bad things.While there are many great things about television, there are also many bad things. 2)Television can be an excellent teacher.Television can be an excellent teacher. 3)Television shows have begun to have more violence.Television shows have begun to have more violence. 4)Television is the best thing since chocolate cake.Television is the best thing since chocolate cake. 12 Slide 14 Click the arrow to read the next passage. 13 Slide 15 Every game from the latest multimedia games to old favorites like cards and chess can be played on home computers. Home computers are used to balance family finances, to complete banking transactions, and even to do the grocery shopping. Those computers which are equipped with WiFi allow users to go "online" to "chat" with others -- that is, people can have a conversation on the computer about anything. And of course students use home computers to type up school reports, to research their papers for classes and even to do the calculations for math homework. Now answer the question below by clicking on the correct answer. Listen for applause What is the main idea of this passage? 1)Home computers can help you with your homework.Home computers can help you with your homework. 2)Home computers are not useful.Home computers are not useful. 3)Home computers are used to do school reports.Home computers are used to do school reports. 4)Home computers can be used for many purposes.Home computers can be used for many purposes. 14 Slide 16 Click the arrow to move on. 15 Slide 17 Lets practice at Quia website. http://www.quia.com/quiz/3091571.html Important Note : Main idea questions can be asked in several ways: What is the main idea of the passage? What is the best summary of the passage? What is the best title for the passage? 16 Slide 18 The main idea sentence (or topic sentence) tells the reader what the paragraph will be about. The supporting details give more information about the topic. They explain or illustrate the main idea and help the reader understand more about the main idea. Supporting Details 17 Slide 19 Read and listen to the following passage and identify the supporting details. Understanding the Main Idea 18 Slide 20 Find the Supporting Details in this Passage The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods in the 1800s. The 363 mile canal connected Albany, New York to Lake Erie in Buffalo for the first time. When the Canal opened in 1825, building supplies and goods could be transported quickly and cheaply across New York State. Canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies across New York. 19 Slide 21 The main idea is: Lake Erie changed the way people moved goods. Remember supporting details describe the main idea. What are the supporting details of the paragraph? Click to find out! 20 Slide 22 Answer Supporting Details: 1-The 363 mile canal connected Albany and New York for the first time. 2-The canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies across New York State. 3-The canal made a way for goods to be transported cheaply and quickly. 21 Slide 23 Figurative Language Review Figurative Language makes reading more exciting. 22 Slide 24 Simile Practice -A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using like or as. Examples of Similes: The metal twisted like a ribbon. She is as sweet as candy. He is as busy as a bee. 23 Slide 25 Metaphor Practice - A metaphor is a comparison of two different things without using signal words such as like or as. Examples of metaphors: Metaphor 1: She is a graceful swan. She is compared to a swan. Metaphor 2: Johns mind is a computer. Johns mind is compared to a computer. Metaphor 3: Stars are flowers in the meadow of the sky. Stars are compared to flowers. 24 Slide 26 Personification Practice - Personification is giving human traits to objects or ideas. - Examples of personification: The wind yells while blowing. (The wind cant yell.) The sunlight danced. (The sunlight cant dance.) The stars smiled down on us. (Stars cannot smile.) The streets are calling me. (Streets cannot call you.) 25 Slide 27 Alliteration Practice - Alliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words... kind of like tongue twisters. Example: She was wide-eyed and wondering while she waited for Walter to waken. 26 Slide 28 Hyperbole Practice Hyperbole means exaggerating to show strong feeling or effect. Examples: I ate a thousand pounds of pasta. The project took me a million hours to complete 27 Slide 29 Lets practice at Quia website. http://www.quia.com/quiz/3097 655.html 28 Slide 30 Advanced Metaphor Practice Lets try something a little harder. You will have to find the sentence that contains the metaphor in several movie reviews. Click to begin. 29 Slide 31 Movie Metaphors Find the metaphor in the movie review below. The Long Night This movie tells the story of a family trapped by a violent blizzard. The snowstorm is a fierce creature in this man vs. nature thriller. Snow falls in drifts as high as chimneys, testing the heros resolve to fight for his familys survival. I think it deserves to be seen. Which sentence has a metaphor? 1)This movie tells the story of a family trapped by a violent blizzard.This movie tells the story of a family trapped by a violent blizzard. 2)The snowstorm is a fierce creature in this man vs. nature thriller.The snowstorm is a fierce creature in this man vs. nature thriller. 3)Snow falls in drifts as high as chimneys, testing the heros resolve to fight for his familys survival.Snow falls in drifts as high as chimneys, testing the heros resolve to fight for his familys survival. 30 Slide 32 Movie Metaphors Find the metaphor in the movie review below. A Sweet Song In this movie, a piano player learns the sweetest songs ever written. The characters are very easy to like. Lisa, the pianist, has fingers that touch the keys as light and fast as raindrops. The music she plays is a powerful medicine that calms you instantly. A must-see! Which sentence has a metaphor? 1)In this movie, a piano player learns the sweetest songs ever written.In this movie, a piano player learns the sweetest songs ever written. 2)The characters are very easy to like.The characters are very easy to like. 3)Lisa, the pianist, has fingers that touch the keys as light and fast as raindrops.Lisa, the pianist, has fingers that touch the keys as light and fast as raindrops. 4)The music she plays is a powerful medicine that calms you instantly.The music she plays is a powerful medicine that calms you instantly. 31 Slide 33 Movie Metaphors Find the metaphor in the movie review below. Flashback This movie unsuccessfully combines action with science fiction. The story line swings from past to present like a pendulum, leaving the audience hopelessly confused. In addition to the characters being dull, the plot is a roller coaster of poorly related events. Pass this on do not see this movie! Which sentence has a metaphor? 1)This movie unsuccessfully combines action with science fiction.This movie unsuccessfully combines action with science fiction. 2)The story line swings from past to present like a pendulum, leaving the audience hopelessly confused.The story line swings from past to present like a pendulum, leaving the audience hopelessly confused. 3)In addition to the characters being dull, the plot is a roller coaster of poorly related events.In addition to the characters being dull, the plot is a roller coaster of poorly related events. 4)Pass this on do not see this movie!Pass this on do not see this movie! 32 Slide 34 Movie Metaphors Find the metaphor in the movie review below. Sisters A bright spot in the day, this movie makes you smile. A stubborn and resentful young girl learns that her disabled sister is a treasure to be cherished. The characters are likeable and true to life. I left feeling like I had been hugged. Which sentence has a metaphor? 1)A bright spot in the day, this movie makes you smile.A bright spot in the day, this movie makes you smile. 2) A stubborn and resentful young girl learns that her disabled sister is a treasure to be cherished.) A stubborn and resentful young girl learns that her disabled sister is a treasure to be cherished. 3) The characters are likeable and true to life.The characters are likeable and true to life. 4) I left feeling like I had been hugged. I left feeling like I had been hugged. 33 Slide 35 Did You Know? Authors write for several reasons. Authors Purpose Review 34 Slide 36 Did You Know? Authors write for several reasons. Many authors write to entertain people and make them laugh. 35 Slide 37 Did You Know? Authors write for several reasons. Many authors write to entertain people and make them laugh. Authors also write to persuade or convince their readers to believe in something or do something. 36 Slide 38 Did You Know? Authors write for several reasons. Many authors write to entertain people and make them laugh. Sometimes authors write to inform or teach you about something. Authors also write to persuade or convince their readers to believe in something or do something. 37 Slide 39 Persuade To Persuade means to try to convince readers to believe in something or do something. Examples of writings that persuade: Advertisements Newspaper editorials Junk mail Posters 38 Slide 40 Inform (or teach) To inform means to teach the reader about something. News reports Research papers Encyclopedias School news letters Instructions Pamphlets from health clinics Maps Timelines Schedules Charts, graphs Examples of writings that inform: 39 Slide 41 Entertain Entertain means to amuse someone or make them laugh. Examples of writings that entertain: Fictional stories Comics Poems Jokes Riddles 40 Slide 42 Lets practice at Quia website. http://www.quia.com/quiz/3098 869.html 41 Slide 43 Context Clues Review Most writers leave context clues as they write. It is your job as the reader to hunt them down! You can figure out the meaning of unknown words by being a detective and looking at the text around the word for clues. 42 Slide 44 Lets practice at Quia website. http://www.quia.com/rr/801235.ht ml 43