Fat sick and nearly dead



Fat sick and nearly dead analysis

Transcript of Fat sick and nearly dead

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Fat sick and nearly dead is a expository documentary about fat people it gives us a story about how juice fasting can help loose weight and potentially save lives.

Joe cross took on the challenge to go on a two month juicing spree where he is only allowed to consume fruits and vegetables that have been blended down Into a smoothie. Before attempting the challenge Joe consults doctors to let them know what he is doing as there is potential risks involved.

Rules that Joe must follow:• He is only allowed to consume fruit and vegetables for two months • He must not eat anything that has not been blended into smoothies• He must have 3 meals per day

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• Directed by: Joe Cross and Kurt Engfehr

• Produced by: Stacey Offman

• Written by: Joe Cross and Robert Mac

• Starring: Joe Cross, Joel Fuhrman and Phil Staples

• Cinematography by: Rick Lopez, Max Polley and Jamie Rosenberg

• Edited by: Alison Amron, Christopher Seward

• Distributed by: Reboot media and Bev Pictures

• Production budget: $2,500,000 AUD

• Running time: 97 minutes

• Language: English

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Fat sick and nearly dead is a expository documentary this is a type of documentary where there is usually a main topic or argument is being put across. In the case of Fat, sick and nearly dead there are many ways in which the documentary tells us that being obese can have hidden effects.

Expository documentaries are usually built up of different features such as interviews, reconstructions and factual information with a main topic/ study.

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The purpose of the documentary is to show that any person that has weight issues or generally wants to loose weight can do it If they put time into doing it. The documentary reinforces this statement as it shows three different success stories of three very different individuals.

The message behind the documentary is that anyone can loose weight it’s just having the dedication and if you want to do it.

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In fat, sick and nearly dead Joe cross is the narrator as he takes us threw the documentary explain to us what is going on In different scene’s. With Joe being the narrator it helps the viewers to believe what he is saying is helpful and true as they can see the outcomes of Green juice fasting as Joe has gone and tackled the diet himself.

During scenes where people such as Stacey Kennedy is talking Joe doesn’t narrate these clips as these are the given specialist within certain area’s in Stacey’s case she is a Senior clinical Nutritionist she explains that fasting contains lots of nutrients and that doing this gets all of the goodness from doing your own juicing as there are no added items.

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The structure of the documentary starts with Joe giving us a rundown on what the documentary is about and what its going to consist of doing this lets the audience know what to expect in the documentary.

After Joe gives the audience an insight into the documentary there is a reconstruction scène showing a reconstructions of a man that closely relates to Joe the guy in the reconstructions is fat and looks rather sick and is dieing through having to take medication. After this the shot goes straight to showing Joe walking to his swimming pool with his belly out doing this shows the audience how big he actually is. The end of the documentary ends with a scene of Joe walking on the beach being much lighter and smaller in size this gives the audience a comparison of him in size.

In the documentary there is very little scripting used most of the talking is given to us from both characters from there personal opinions/experiences with this it makes it easier to relate to Joe and Phil.

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During the documentary Joe asks a lot of people what they think of him and how he is doing the green juice fast the people that Joe mainly asks are either Obease or slightly above weight doing this shows us that Joe’s not alone and any individual can take on the diet if they want to this also shows us what Joe’s situation was like at the start before he began fasting.

Joe plans for this documentary to help people in a similar situation as him get unstuck and reduce there weight. The only people to blame for being fat is yourself.

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One reconstruction during the documentary is one where ‘Phil’ is driving a truck along whilst doing this on the side of his trailer it shows us the diets of an average person and then shows us the Diet of the 100% Green juice in this reconstruction it shows us that only 5% of what the average person eats is built up of fruit and veg doing this shows us how we aren’t getting enough nutrients from the good stuff.

Another Scene in which a reconstruction is used is where Stacey Kennedy narrates over a clip where she explains how back when man first existed everyone was a healthy weight as they had to do things for themselves. This then cuts to a stereotypical scène in where a fat man is sat at his computer screen ordering himself pizza.

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• During the documentary there are interviews with Joe’s and Phil’s doctors these interviews give both the viewer, Phil and Joe an insight into how serious there conditions are and that if they don’t loose weight they could potentially soon be dead during these scenes Joe doesn’t narrate over the clip (Voice of God) as the role has been passed to the doctors as there the all knowing mighty ones.

These interviews show how critical there conditions actually are and reinforce how vital going on a green juicing diet is.

Throughout the documentary Joe interviews several people asking them to taste the juices just to prove to them that it doesn’t taste as bad as it looks. He also asks them would they think about taking up the diet for a week most of the people respond no and tell him how much they respect his decision into doing what he’s doing as they wouldn’t be able to do it themselves.

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After fat, sick and nearly dead was released many people took it upon themselves to try out juice fasting across the US to help reduce there weights. There are many different success stories that have occurred after the release of fat, sick and nearly dead.

The impacts that the juice fasting are huge Joe Cross managed to loose 100 Pounds of weight over the period of 60 days. Fellow star Phil Staples went through with a 60 day juicing fast after this he took it on himself to continue with the fast for an additional 8 months allowing himself the occasional treat he was a whopping 429 lbs he now weighs 227 lbs a total weight loss of 202lbs. Phil stop doing his job of truck driving and now works with inspiring people everywhere to add more vegetables to there diets.