Fast, Cheap, and Good: The Small Business Guide to Content Creation

Fa, Cheap and Gd. The Small Business Guide to Content Creation

Transcript of Fast, Cheap, and Good: The Small Business Guide to Content Creation

Fast, Cheap and Good.The Small Business Guide to Content Creation

There’s a running joke that exists among agency types and creatives: fast, cheap, good—pick two.


But you’re not an agency type or a creative.

You’re a small business. And you want it all. You need it all. Luckily, it’s possible to create good, fast and cheap content — if you play your cards right.

Let’s talk about...1. Getting it Cheap2. Making it Good3. Doing it Fast

Getting It Cheap

Don’t unnecessarily pay an agency to create content for you.

You and your team—and possibly your family and close friends—know more about your product and audience than anyone else.

Use that to your advantage.

The whole point of content creation is to drive traffic to your website.

Making It Good

Not everyone’s a writer.

You don’t have to be a good writer to create quality content. That’s because great content is ultimately about helping your audience.

Get together with your knowledgeable crew and brainstorm: What are the problems facing your audience?

Think narrow and broad, and don’t restrict your answers to merely problems your product solves.

Organize your list of ideas by theme, or schedule posts around key events, launches or campaigns on your business roadmap.

Doing It Fast

You created your content calendar, and you’ve started writing blog posts. Now how do you do all of this more efficiently and at scale?

Simplify and stay specific.

Stick to answering one question per blog post.(And that one question should be as specific as possible!)

Keep your answers focused.

Use bulleted lists when possible. If the number of bullet points is getting out of control, turn it into multiple posts.

FocusMany people boast that they’re exceptional multitaskers, but when it comes to content creation, it’s nothing to brag about.

Do not multitask when you write. Sit down, and write—no tab switching, no phone scrolling, no breaks. Write until you’re done.

CurateContent curation is the act of gathering other great content and organizing it in a way that benefits your audience.

Search YouTube for a video that answers or helps answer your blog post’s question. Embed that video in your post, and then write a response, reaction, or summary of the video

Interview customers or experts relevant to your industry, and share that Q&A as a blog post.

Find a bunch of articles that all relate to a common theme, and organize them into a list.

RepurposeTime is not only finite, but so very precious.

Repurposing helps maximize time and gives you more bang for your content buck. To put it simply, repurposing is using content you already have to generate more content. So, once you’ve amassed some blog content, you repurpose it.

How do I repurpose?

Rework Content into a New PostHow can you say the same thing in a new way or from a new angle? Or how can you expand upon what you’ve already said? Alternatively, how can you cover the topic from a more narrow aspect?

Turn your post into a how-to guide, ebook or white paper.

Use the post as the basis for a customer case study.

Convert the post into a presentation, webinar or SlideShare.

Enlist a Graphic Designer(or use tools like Infogram, Picktochart, or If you don’t have the resources to do that, use tools to turn your post into a visual, like an infographic or instructographic—two things Pinterest loves.

After all, you have some agency types and creatives to prove wrong. More importantly, you have a dream to fulfill, and nowadays, you can’t make your successful business a reality with quality, relevant content.

Now that you know how to create content that’s good, fast, and cheap,

you’ve got to make it happen.

Once you have all this traffic coming to your site, you need a way to talk to your website visitors. Add live chat software

to your website to engage visitors and customers.

Get more leads and sales today

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