FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: -...


Transcript of FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: -...

Page 1: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.


Page 2: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Indications for Treatment


One typically treats those arrhythmias that:

- asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions too infrequent (bradycardia)- contractions too frequent (tachycardia)- AFlutter VTach - Sustained VT VFib- AFib thrombus Cardioversion embolus

(Rx: anticoagulate for 2-3 weeks prior to DC cardioversion)

Berne & Levy 1996

Are likely to convert to a more serious arrhythmia Cause vascular stasis

Page 3: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Treatments for Arrhythmias


- DC Cardioversion (AFib, VT, VFib)- Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (ICD) (VT, VFib)- Pacemaker (SAN Dx., AVN Block)

Carotid Sinus Massage

Life style modification

- Rx. For PSVT (can also vagal tone by: occular pressure, diving reflex, ValSalva, phenylephrine, edrophonium)-Rx. For AVN bypass tracts, WPW

- “Type A” behavior- smoking, weight, hypertension, etc.

Catheter-mediated or surgical ablation


Page 4: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.



Page 5: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.



- C01A Glicosidi Cardiaci

- C01B Antiaritmici, Classe I e III

- C01E Altri preparati cardiaci



- C08D Calcioantagonisti selettivi con effetto cardiaco diretto

Page 6: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Potenziale d’Azione

Na+ in Ca++ in K+ outNa+out/ K+in Na+out/ K+in



Page 7: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Potenziale d’Azione

Riposo: -60 -95 mV Pompa Na-K ATPasi dipendente: 3Na est. vs 2 K in

Depolarizzazione al potenziale soglia: -40 -60 mV Depolarizzazione rapida (fase 0): +10-20 mV

Apertura canali del Na (miocardio atriale e ventric.) Apertura canali Ca (nodo SA ed AV)

Ripolarizzazione rapida (fase 1): 0 mV Inattivazione canali del Na

Plateau (fase 2): 0 mV Apertura canali del Ca / Contrazione cellulare

Ripolarizzazione (fase 3): -60 -95 mV Inattivazione corrente in di ioni positivi Apertura canali del K

Page 8: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.


Heart condition where disturbances in Pacemaker impulse formation Impulse conduction Combination of the two

Results in rate and/or timing of contraction of heart muscle that is insufficient to maintain normal cardiac output (CO)

To understand how antiarrhythmic drugs work, need to understand electrophysiology of normal contraction of heart

Page 9: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Normal heartbeat and atrial arrhythmia

Normal rhythm Atrial arrhythmia

AV septum

Page 10: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Ventricular Arrhythmia

Ventricular arrhythmias are common in most people and are usually not a problem but…

VA’s are most common cause of sudden death

Majority of sudden death occurs in people with neither a previously known heart disease nor history of VA’s

Medications which decrease incidence of VA’s do not decrease (and may increase) the risk of sudden death treatment may be worse then the disease!

Page 11: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Contraction of atria

Contraction of ventricles

Repolarization of ventricles

Page 12: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Differences between nonpacemaker and pacemaker cell action potentials

PCs - Slow, continuous depolarization during rest Continuously moves potential towards threshold for a

new action potential (called a phase 4 depolarization)

Page 13: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Result from disorders of impulse formation, conduction, or both

Causes of arrhythmias Cardiac ischemia Excessive discharge or sensitivity to autonomic

transmitters Exposure to toxic substances Genetic (channelopathies) Unknown etiology

Page 14: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Disorders of impulse formation

No signal from the pacemaker site

Development of an ectopic pacemaker May arise from conduction cells (most are capable of spontaneous

activity) Usually under control of SA node if it slows down too much

conduction cells could become dominant Often a result of other injury (ischemia, hypoxia)

Development of oscillatory afterdepolariztions Can initiate spontaneous activity in nonpacemaker tissue May be result of drugs (digitalis, norepinephrine) used to treat other


Page 15: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Disorders of impulse conduction May result in

Bradycardia (if have AV block) Tachycardia (if reentrant circuit occurs)

Reentrant circuit

Page 16: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Circulation. 2007;116:2325-2345

Aritmie cardiache e canalopatie (channelopathies)

Page 17: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.
Page 18: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.
Page 19: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Sindrome di Brugada E’ una patologia che può provocare sincopi e morte

cardiaca improvvisa in soggetti di giovane età (tipicamente tra la terza e quarta decade di vita),

Quadro elettrocardiografico: di sopraslivellamento del tratto ST nelle derivazioni precordiali destre associato a blocco di branca destra

modalità di trasmissione di tipo autosomico dominante.

nel 1998 mutazioni sul gene SCN5A, sono state dimostrate in alcune famiglie con SB. Al contrario di quanto accade per le mutazioni di SCN5A che causano LQT3, esse portano ad una perdita parziale o totale di funzione del canale, e quindi ad una riduzione della corrente del sodio.

Page 20: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.
Page 21: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Meccanismi D’Azione Degli Antiaritmici Aumentato automatismo

Riduzione frequenza di scarica focus ectopico Rallentamento depolarizzazione diastolica Innalzamento potenziale di soglia Aumento depolarizzazione a riposo

Aritmie da rientro Eliminazione blocco unidirezionale Aumento velocità di conduzione

Miglioramento / omogeneizzazione velocità di cond. Creazione blocco bidirezionale

Rallentamento velocità di conduzione Allungamento periodo refrattario

Page 22: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Classificazione dei Farmaci Antiaritmici (I)

Classe I: Bloccanti canale del Na Classe IA:

Riduzione Vmax ed aumento durata PdA (chinidina, procainamide, diisopiramide)

Classe IB: Vmax invariata e riduzione durata PdA

(lidocaina, mexiletina, tocainide, moricizina) Classe IC:

Moderata riduzione Vmax, marcato rallentamento velocità di conduzione, allungamento del periodo refrattario

(flecainide, propafenone)

Page 23: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Classificazione dei Farmaci Antiaritmici (II)

Classe II: Beta Bloccanti

(propranololo, metoprololo, atenololo...)

Classe III: Bloccanti del canale del K con rallentamento della


(amiodarone, bretilio, dofetilide, ibutilide, sotalolo*)

Classe IV: Calcioantagonisti

(verapamile, diltiazem)

Page 24: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Effetto proaritmico

Aggravamento aritmia preesistente

Induzione di nuova aritmia

Modifica caratteristiche circuito di rientro

Aumento della disomogeneità tra diverse aree di miocardio

Induzione di postdepolarizzazioni

Page 25: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Chinidina (I) Effetti elettrofisiologici diretti

Rallentamento fase 0 (depolarizzazione rapida) Allungamento PdA Allungamento Periodo Refrattario Lieve eff. inotropo negativo

Effetti neurovegetativi Vagolitica: freq. cardiaca/ vel conduz AV Alfa bloccante: vasodilatazione / att. simpatica riflessa /

freq. cardiaca/ vel conduz AV Modificazioni ECGrafiche

Frequenza sinusale / conduz. AV : = Durata QRSe QT:

Page 26: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Chinidina (II) Forme farmaceutiche

Solfato, poligalatturonato, cloridrato, gluconato Dosi:

Chinidina solfato: 300-600 mg ogni 6 ore Steady state in 24-48 ore

Indicazioni: Tachiaritmie sopraventricolari e ventricolari Cardioversione FA

Associazione con dig, betablocc, verapamile ! Profilassi recidive di FA

mortalità vs placebo! (2.9 vs 0.8%: 12/413 vs 3/387 pazienti) (Coplan et al. Circ.1990)

Page 27: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Chinidina (III)

Effetti collaterali Causa di sospensione terapia nel 30% dei casi

Gastroenterici SNC (cefalea, acufeni, parestesie, confusione...) (cinconismo) Ematologici (trombocitopenia, anemia emolitica) Cardiaci

Bradicardia / disturbi conduzione AV Tachiaritmie (0.5-2% dei casi)

• Torsioni di punta / T.V. / F.V.

Page 28: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Altri antiaritmici della classe IA

Procainamide Rispetto alla chinidina:

Simili effetti (inclusi quelli proaritmici) Minore durata d’azione (circa 4 ore)

Diisopiramide Rispetto alla chinidina:

>>> Effetto inotropo negativo >>> Effetto vagolitico (possibilità di secchezza fauci,

ritenzione urinaria, stipsi, glaucoma...) Utilizzato nella cardiomiopatia ipertrofica

Page 29: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Lidocaina (I) Effetti elettrofisiologici diretti

assenti sulla fase 0 (depolarizzazione rapida) PdA Periodo Refrattario Periodo Refrattario Relativo (PReff/PdA) Nessun effetto inotropo negativo

Effetti ECGrafici e neurovegetativi assenti

Attività bloccante dei canali Na in presenza di acidosi, tachicardia, depolarizzazione, > K extr, ischemia Omogeneizzazione caratteristiche elettrofisiologiche aree

ischemiche e non

Page 30: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Lidocaina (II) Metabolismo

Epatico Via di somministrazione e posologia

e.v. bolo di 1-2 mg/kg (circa 100 mg) ripetibile infusione a 1-4 mg/min

Indicazioni Tachiaritmie soprattutto dell’IMA

Effetti collaterali SNC: vertigini, parestesie, confusione, convulsioni, coma

Page 31: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Mexiletina (e tocainide) Effetti elettrofisiologici diretti

Simili alla lidocaina Possibilità di somministrazione anche orale Indicazioni

Tachiaritmie ventricolari Efficacia scarsa ( 5-50% per os) Possibilità d’associazione con farmaci delle classi I e III

Effetti collaterali SNC: simili alla lidocaina Gastroenterici: pirosi, nausea, vomito... Proaritmico (tocainide)

Page 32: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Propafenone e flecainide Effetti elettrofisiologici e miocardici

velocità depolarizzazione rapida (fase 0) () durata Potenziale d’Azione Periodo refrattario effettivo Velocità di conduzione Contrattilità miocardica Lieve attività betabloccante e calcioantagonista

Modificazioni ECGrafiche = Frequenza sinusale intervallo PR (conduzione AV) durata QRS e QT

Page 33: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Propafenone e flecainide (II) Indicazioni

Trattamento acuto e cronico Aritmie ipercinetiche sopra- e ventricolari Cardioversione della fibrillazione atriale (associazione con digitale...) Profilassi recidiva di FA

Posologia (propafenone) orale: 150-300 mg x 3/die e.v.: 0.5-2 mg/kg in 3-5 min+infusione a 1-2 mg/min

Effetti indesiderati Bradicardia, blocchi AV, blocchi di branca Effetto proaritmico Insufficienza cardiaca

Page 34: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

CAST Trial: Metodi Presupposti

La frequenza e complessità dell’extrasistolia ventricolare è predittiva della mortalità nel postinfarto

Ipotesi La soppressione delle aritmie ventricolari con la terapia antiaritmica

determina una miglior prognosi Casistica

2372 infartuati (6 giorni-2 anni) con extrasistolia ventricolare frequente (> 6 BPV/ora) e riduzione lieve-moderata della funzione VSinx (FE < 40-50%)

Protocollo Somministrazione in doppio cieco di placebo o dell’antiaritmico

dimostratosi preliminarmente efficace nel sopprimere l’aritmia (> 80% riduzione BPV)

Page 35: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

CAST Trial: Risultati Incidenza di morte aritmica ed arresto cardiaco a 10 mesi

Significativamente maggiore nei pazienti trattati con flecainide/encainide vs placebo: 4.5 vs 1.2 %

Mortalità totale Significativamente aumentata nei pazienti trattati con

flecainide/encainide vs placebo: 7.7 vs 3 % Implicazioni:

Anche se ben tollerata acutamente, la terapia antiaritmica può determinare una > mortalità

Possibile effetto sinergico con l’ischemia nella creazione di circuiti di rientro

Non indicazione al trattamento delle tachiaritmie ventricolari asintomatiche

Page 36: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Arrhythmogenic Mechanisms of Sympathetic Activation

Direct Abnormal electrophysiology

Increased automaticity Triggered activity (delayed afterdepolarizations)

Reentrant circuits Nonuniform effects on conductivity and repolarizations

Increased sensitivity to arrhythmogenic mechanisms Ischemia / infarction Electrolyte disturbances (e.g. hypokaliemia) Drugs (digitalis, diuretics, antiarrhythmics)

Indirect Acute coronary syndromes LV dilatation and remodeling Electrolyte abnormalities

Page 37: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Beta bloccanti Effetti elettrofisiologici e miocardici

= () Velocità depolarizzazione e durata PdA durata periodo refrattario contrattilità

Effetti ECGrafici Frequenza sinusale () durata PR = durata QRS () durata QT

Effetti indiretti, dipendenti dall’attivazione adrenergica Indicazioni:

Tachiaritmie sopra- e ventricolari soprattutto da iperattività adrenergica (QT lungo, PVM); Postinfarto

Page 38: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Effects of Beta Blockers on the Mortality of Postinfarction Patients: Metanalysis of 27 Controlled Trials (>27,000 patients)

0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2


Non selective

With ISA

Without ISA

Non fatal reinfarction

Non sudden



Type of beta blocker

Mode of death

(Yusuf et al. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 1985;27:335)

Odds ratio (active:control)

Page 39: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Effects of Beta Blocking Agents on the Incidence of Sudden Death in Postinfarction Patients





-4% -41% -12% -47% -45%


(% patients)

Placebo Beta1 selective Non-selective






No CHF CHFn.s. <.05



(modified from Eichorn & Bristow, AJC 79:794;1997)

Page 40: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

The Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study II (CIBIS-II)





0 200 400 600 800




Time after inclusion (days)

34% all cause death(95% CI: 0.54-0.81; P<0.0001)

44% sudden death (95% CI: 0.39-0.80; P<0.0011)

(CIBIS II, Lancet 1999;353:9)



Page 41: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Sotalolo (I)

Azione beta bloccante (L-sotalolo) + azione tipo antiaritmico tipo III (L- e D-sotalolo)

Effetti elettrofisiologici e miocardici = () Velocità depolarizzazione durata PdA durata periodo refrattario contrattilità

Effetti ECGrafici Frequenza sinusale () durata PR durata QRS durata QT

Page 42: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Sotalolo (II)

Indicazioni Trattamento acuto e cronico Aritmie ipercinetiche sopra- e ventricolari Profilassi recidiva di FA Profilassi delle AIV maligne (efficace nel 25-40%pz)

Posologia orale: 120-320 mg/die suddivisi in 2-3 somministraz.

Effetti indesiderati Bradicardia, blocchi AV, blocchi di branca Effetto proaritmico Insufficienza cardiaca Effetti indesiderati dei beta bloccanti

Page 43: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Effetti del d-Sotalolo sulla Mortalità in Pazienti con Disfunzione Vsinx Postinfartuale

(Survival With ORal D-sotalol Trial)









0 60 120 180 240 300Time from randomization (days)





nt fr


(waldo et al., Lancet 1996; 348:7)



Relative risk=1.6595% CI= 1.15-2.36p= 0.006

Page 44: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Amiodarone (I) Antiaritmico tipo III + bloccante fase 0, alfa e beta

bloccante, calcioantagonista ed inibizione T3 T4 Effetti elettrofisiologici e miocardici

= () Velocità depolarizzazione durata PdA durata periodo refrattario velocità conduzione

Effetti ECGrafici Frequenza sinusale, () durata PR durata QRS, durata QT

Effetti emodinamici Debole azione inotropa negativa Lieve azione vasodilatatrice sistemica

Page 45: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Amiodarone: Farmacocinetica

Biodisponibilità: 40-70% Inizio comparsa degli effetti di tipo beta bloccante a 5-10 gg efficacia

antiaritmica a 5-6 settimane dall’inizio terapia Metabolismo epatico / Metabolita attivo: desetilamiodarone Accumulo in polmoni, fegato, tess. adiposo, cute, cornea... Concentrazione miocardica = 10-50 volte quella plasmatica senza

rapporti precisi tra di loro Eliminazione in due fasi:

50% del farmaco eliminato dai tessuti meglio perfusi entro 5-10 gg dalla sospensione

25-120 gg. dagli altri tessuti

Page 46: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Amiodarone: posologia e modalità di somministrazione

Per via orale 1a settimana: 400 mg x 3/die 2a settimana: 400 mg x 2/die 3-4a settimana: 200 mg x 2-3/die Successivamente: minima dose efficace: 200-400 mg/die /

possibile intervallo di 1-2 giorni Controlli ogni 1-3 gg. dell’ECG nelle prime settimane

/(ospedalizzazione) In assenza di carico: steady state in 256 gg!

Per via e.v. 2.5-10 mg/kg in 20-30 min + infusione continua

Page 47: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Amiodarone: indicazioni

Tutte le tachiaritmie sopra- e ventricolari

Cardioversione e profilassi delle recidive

Prevenzione della morte improvvisa (effetto antifibrillatorio)

Cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva

Postinfarto (pz. non beta bloccati)

(Insufficienza cardiaca)

Cardiomiopatia dilatativa idiopatica (?)

Page 48: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Amiodarone: Effetti collaterali

Dose dipendenti (n.s. vs placebo a 300 mg/die) Fibrosi polmonare (rara con < 300 mg/die) Epatopatia (> enzimi epatici; cirrosi epatica rara) Cutanei (fotosensibilizzazione, colorazione bluastra) Microdepositi corneali Ipertiroidismo (1-2%) ipotiroidismo (2-4%) Disturbi gastroenterici Bradiaritmie Tachiaritmie (eff. proaritmico raro)

Page 49: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

GESICA TrialGrupo de Estudio de la Sobrevida en

lnsuficiencia Cardiaca en Argentina

516 pz. con IC randomizzati ad amiodarone (300 mg/die) o terapia standard

Pz in classe IV: 31% IC non ischemica : 60% Con amiodarone,

riduzione: 28% Mortalità totale 27% morte improvvisa 23% morte per IC

progressiva Effetto indipendente

dalla presenza di tachicardia ventricolari non sostenute all’ECG dinamico














0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720



Log rank testp=0.024




za (


Giorni dalla randomizzazione

Page 50: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Survival trial of Antiarrhythmic Therapy in CHF (CHF-STAT)

674 pazienti con IC , FE < 40% e > 10 BPV/ora randomizzati ad amiodarone (300 mg/die)

Pz in classe III/IV: 42% IC non ischemica: 30% Non significativa

modificazione: Mortalità totale Incidenza di morte

improvvisa Tendenza a miglioramento in

cardiopatia non ischemica Con amiodarone:

miglioramento FE Soppressione BPV n.s. effetti collaterali












0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54







za (


Page 51: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.


class III Success rate: In 34-50% patients of AF or AFL Iv during the 30-min, 2 mg dosing or ensuing 30-

40 minutes More effective than iv procainamide or sotalol Adverse effect:

torsade de pointes Can be treated and prevented by with iv MgSO4 Can be limited by cautious use in patients at higher risk

Page 52: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.


Higher risk patient Bradycardia Hypokalemia Hypomagnesemia Ventricular hypertrophy or failure Female gender

Page 53: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Effetti emodinamici acuti dei principali gruppi di calcioantagonisti

Diidropiridinici(es. nifedipina)

Fenilalchilamine(es. verapamile)

Benzotiazepine(es. diltiazem)





Conduzione A-V ( )

Contrattilità ( )

Page 54: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

The different binding sites of CCBs result in differing pharmacological effects

Voltage-dependent binding (targets smooth muscle)

Use-dependent binding (targets cardiac cells)







mV 2








-30 2




Page 55: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Effetti collaterali dei calcioantagonisti Nifedipina (18%)

Edemi malleolari Cefalea Vertigini Rash cutaneo Ipotensione Cardiopalmo Aggravamento dell’angina

Verapamile (10%) Stipsi Blocco AV, bradicardia Insufficienza cardiaca Vertigini, Cefalea

Diltiazem (5%) Blocco AV, bradicardia Vertigini, Cefalea, rash cutaneo

Page 56: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Reentry - VM/PF Junction

V. SeptumR.VentricleVent. Wall

Ventricular Apex

PF twigVentricular Cavity

Unidirectional Block

Subendocardial Ischemia

Page 57: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Subendocardial Ischemia

Reentry - VM/PF Junction

V. SeptumR.VentricleVent. Wall

Ventricular Apex

3 Requirements:• 2 Parallel pathways• Unidirectional block• CT > ERP

Ventricular Cavity

Unidirectional Block

Reentrant Circuit Established

Page 58: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Class I & III Effects on Reentry (Ventricular)

Ventricular Apex

PF twig

Reentrant Circuit Established

Sustained V Tach:

3 Reentry Requirements:

• 2 Parallel Pathways

• Undirectional Block


Subendocardial Ischemia

Class I Drug Effects:• ERP

• Selective Block at Depold. Vm

Normal Sinus Rhythm

Class III:


Block IKr

Page 59: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Class II - Blockers

• AV Node ERP - AVN reentry - rate control during atrial tachycardia

• Reduce exercise-induced arrhythmias (catecholamine-induced)

• Clinical trials: - significantly reduce incidence of re-infarction & sudden death after an MI (prevent / reverse remodeling).

Page 60: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Class IV Drugs (diltiazem, verapamil)

Ca channel blockers inhibit L-type Ca

channels by the same State & Vm-

dependent mechanism as Na channel

blockers inhibit Na channels.

Mechanism of Action:



% Ca Channels Blocked diltiazem



Page 61: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Normal ERP

AVN Rentry

His Bundle

Normal ERP

PSVT: •140-220 min -1• sudden onset• palpitations,dizziness

PrematureAtrial Beat

Ischemia Atrium

Long ERP

“Dispersion of Refractoriness”

Page 62: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Class IV & AVN Rentry

His Bundle

Normal ERP

PSVT: •140-220 min -1• sudden onset• palpitations,dizziness



Long ERP

+ diltiazem


Long ERP

Page 63: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Class IV - Clinical Study

• 8 Pts. with a history of AVN Reentry

• Defined AVN ERP

• Induced PSVT by Programmed Electrical Stimln.

• Administered i.v.boluses of diltiazem, verapamil or nifedipine

• Remeasured AVN ERP

Page 64: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Class IV & Human AVN ERP














P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05

diltiazem verapamil nifedipine

AVN ERP (msec)

Kawai et al., 1981

Page 65: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Different Treatments for AVN Reentry

Prophylactic Rx: diltiazem (Cardizem ®)

verapamil (Isoptin, Calan ®) propranolol (Inderal ®)

Acute Rx: adenosine (Adenocard ®) -for rapid i.v. administration (6 or 10 mg) - t1/2 <10 secs; >90% effective

Page 66: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Different Treatments for Rate Control

diltiazem (Cardizem ®) verapamil (Isoptin, Calan ®) propranolol (Inderal ®) digoxin (Lanoxin ®) amiodarone (Cordarone ®)

During Atrial Tachyarrhythmias - “Protect the ventricle”

Page 67: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Major Side Effects

Anticholinergic Class Ia - m2 blockade (quinidine, disopyramide) - ganglionic blockade (procainamide)

Page 68: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Quinidine & Atrial Flutter

• O2 demand>supply• CO






0 5 10 15


ts (




Quinidine3 mg/kg

Rx: +Digoxin (protect the ventricle)



Page 69: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Major Side Effects

Negative Inotropic Effects Class IV (verapamil, diltiazem) Class II (propranolol, other -blockers) Class Ia (quinidine, procainamide)

Bronchoconstriction Propranolol (2-blockers)

Neurologic Side Effects Class Ib (lidocaine) - CNS stimulation or depression - ringing in ears, metallic taste, slurred speech

Anticholinergic Class Ia - m2 blockade (quinidine, disopyramide) - ganglionic blockade (procainamide)

Page 70: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Major Side Effects (cont.) Proarrhythmia

(Class I 10%) (Class Ic > Class Ia & Class Ib)

Page 71: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.


V. SeptumR.VentricleVent. Wall

Ventricular Apex

PF twigVentricular CavitySubendocardial


“Mild ischemia”

Page 72: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.


V. SeptumR.VentricleVent. Wall

Ventricular Apex

PF twigVentricular CavitySubendocardial


+ Class I or III(ERP)

Page 73: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.


V. SeptumR.VentricleVent. Wall

Ventricular Apex

PF twigVentricular Cavity

Unidirectional Block

Subendocardial Ischemia

+ Class I or III(ERP)

“Drug Induced Arrhythmia”

Page 74: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Major Side Effects (cont.)

Proarrhythmia (Class I 10%) (Class Ic > Class Ia & Class Ib)

Torsade de Pointes (Quinidine, Sotalol, Class III)

Page 75: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Torsade Mechanism (EADs)

Roden, ‘96

(INa, ICa, INa/Ca)?

Multifocal Ventricular Tachycardia

Page 76: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Major Side Effects (cont.) Drug-Specific: Quinidine: syncope, cinchonism, diarrhea

Procainamide: systemic lupus-like syndrome (20-25% of all patients after 1 year)

Amiodarone: pulmonary fibrosis, constipation, corneal deposits (100% >1 yr), bluish skin, hypo- or hyper-thyroidism, peripheral neuropathy, elevated transaminases.

Page 77: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Regional Selectivity

• Class Ib - Rx for Ventricular arrhythmias only

• Class Ia - Rx for Ventricular & Atrial arrhythmias


% Na Channels Blocked









Page 78: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

The generation of pacemaker potentials relies on a complex interplay between different types of currents carried by cation channels.

I(f) is an inward current activated by hyperpolarization of the membrane potential and by intracellular cyclic nucleotides such as cAMP.

Specific agents have been developed for their ability to selectively reduce heart rate by lowering cardiac pacemaker activity where f-channels are their main natural target. These drugs include alinidine, zatebradine, cilobradine, ZD-7288 and ivabradine.

Nuovi farmaci in fase di studio

Page 79: FARMACI ANTIARITMICI. Indications for Treatment CO One typically treats those arrhythmias that: - asynchronization (multifocal VT, VFib) - contractions.

Drugs of the FutureDrugs Fut 2007, 32(3): 245

ISSN 0377-8282Copyright 2007 Prous ScienceCCC: 0377-8282DOI: 10.1358/dof.2007.032.03.1072639

Gap junction modifying antiarrhythmic peptides: Therapeutic potential in atrial fibrillationHaugan, K., Petersen, J.S.

Rotigaptide is a synthetic AAP* analogue that prevents metabolic stress-induced atrial conduction velocity (CV) slowing and rapidly reverts established atrial CV slowing in vitro. …

in dog models of ischemia-related AF and chronic atrial dilatation-induced AF, rotigaptide has significant antiarrhythmic effects. Rotigaptide also has a favorable safety profile.

*antiarrhythmic peptide