Fare Well with Welfare: How to Survive Welfare



Quickie survival guide for those receiving income assistance.

Transcript of Fare Well with Welfare: How to Survive Welfare

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Title: The Woodgold Papers | ISSN 2291-4102 Vol 1 Set 27 |

Fare Well with Welfare: How to Survive Welfare

Copyright © 2014 By Rolf Ludwig Auer

All rights reserved

printed in Canada

First edition

For info to reproduce selections from this book, please email:

[email protected]

Some other books (found on: www.lulu.com/spotlight/Rolf_Auer):

Love Everybody

Fifteen Prayers

No Thing Shall Be Impossible

The Sanctity of God and Jesus

The Parable Of The Lost Sheep

The Parable Of The Labourers

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Page 1 Cover

Page 2 Cover page

Page 3 Contents

Page 4 Dedication

Page 5 Section 1: Where is my money going?

Page 11 Section 2: Four easy recipes

Page 14 Section 3: Tips For Surviving

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For my friend Karen. I owe you, big time.

“Own yourself. It doesn’t cost anything.”—Rolf Auer, 2013

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Section 1: Where is my money going?

Let’s say you arrive cold in some Canadian city like Vancouver BC by Greyhound bus wearing

only the clothes on your back. Let’s say it’s after business hours. You’re hungry, you have no

money, and your survival is uppermost in your mind.

Now what? Hit the head, if you need to. Have a drink of water. Get hold of a free pen/cil and

paper (ask, if necessary!). (An aside: if you see a free empty pop bottle or such, wash it and rinse

it out, fill it with water, and bring it.)

First things first. Put food aside for the moment. The priority is securing shelter.

You could hail the nearest citizen(s) and ask s/he (or them) for walking directions to the nearest

shelter. Write these down. (It doesn’t have to be perfect strangers who are exiting the bus station.

This could even include ticket agents.) What I would also do is try to ask to borrow their phone,

then phone information (after getting permission from the owner to do so) for the telephone

number of the shelter (if you haven’t already secured this from the phone owner), then phone the

shelter and verify that it is open, has space, and will do intake on you if you arrive within the

next hour. Repeat until successful. Be prepared to spend the night sleepless in the bus station

until successful. Next, go to shelter.

Upon arriving, see if you can get a free bite to eat (Airline peanuts, anything!) to tide you over

until you can find a food lineup. See what other useful information you might glean from staff,

such as the nearest welfare office, the nearest soup-kitchen/sandwich-line-up, the nearest area of

town to find low-income accommodation, etc. Obtain as much free printed literature, brochures,

etc. about these queries as you can find. (If these are not immediately apparent, don’t be afraid to

ask! You have the ability to communicate: use it.) Always be as polite as you possibly can. Ya

never know!

Try not to hit people up for money: remember, first impressions are important, and you (whether

you like it or not) are under observation (conscious and otherwise) from the moment you arrive.

Find out as fast as possible what the rules are for the shelter. (e.g. Can you return? Do you have

to be in at a certain time? Do you have to leave at a certain time?) Make sure you have secure

shelter for, say, at least a week. ATTENTION: tiny appleseed-sized bloodsucking creepy-

crawlies called bedbugs often proliferate. Be aware!

Next task: get food. There are sandwich-line-ups/soup-kitchens nearby. Get yourself to one and

get some food. Adepts at survival often try to squirrel some food away for later.

Next task: go to the nearest welfare office and present yourself as “one citizen in dire need of

emergency assistance.” Write down everything you need to do in order to secure an abode.

(Usually, this means taking an “intent to rent” form to the landlord (be sure to ask them if your

place is free of bedbugs and other critters; if not, can the prospective landlord rid your place of

them at no cost to you?), getting s/he to sign it off, check it carefully to see that all the necessary

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information is there, and return it to the welfare office so it can cut you a cheque.) Don’t forget:

you’re on the hunt for literature, brochures, etc. to help you survive: there’s usually a truckload

for free at welfare offices. If you don’t see it, ask.

Next task: either find prospective housing immediately, or repeat the shelter/food cycle again and

then attempt this.

Et voila! You have an abode and a first cheque. Now what?

Let’s break down the cheque. As I write this, today is 11 February 2014. As of this date, the

amount of the cheque (if it’s a full cheque) should be $610.00. Don’t panic. Remember: you’re

better off than a lot of homeless people.

Breaking this down, supposedly that’s:

$235.00 for support, and

$375.00 for your abode.

However, if you’re in Vancouver, you’re probably living in the 16,000-strong low-income

community named the Downtown Eastside. That means that unfortunately the average rent is

$450.00, far in excess of the allotted $375.00 for shelter. Viva capitalismo! (See sarcasm,

definition of.) On the plus side (way!), you’re probably well within walking distance of the

Carnegie Community Centre (at Hastings and Main).

Do everything in your power to get a bank account asap. (Then get direct deposit information for

your bank account, for the next time you’re at the welfare office. You’ll need the

Branch/Institution Id: xxx (three digits), the Transit Number: xxxxx (five digits), and your

Account Number. Try to get the address and phone number of your bank branch as well. Get a

bank card, look into doing telephone banking until you have your own computer (and preferably

your own internet access) so you can then do online banking.)

Pay rent. From $610.00, that leaves, at best, $160.00 to last you the month.

Let’s take out some expenses.

$21.00…One book of ten 1-zone FareSaver transit tickets.

$1.00…..membership to the Carnegie Community Centre located at Hastings and Main (worth

every penny! Here’s why: you can get connected with people. You can use the free

phone. You can buy a low-cost meal at the cafeteria. You can sign up for computer

access. (Do this as quickly as possible.) You can stock up on literature, brochures, etc.

helping you to survive: if you can, snag “Help In The Downtown Eastside”; ask for it at

the front desk!)

You’re left with $138.00. Go to the Carnegie Centre. Set aside $5.00. Eat, eat! (And get a

sandwich and/or date bar or something for later). Need to replenish your water?

You’re left with $133.00.

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Do everything you can to find out where to get free stuff. (If you’re lucky enough to lay your

hands on the brochure called Help In The Downtown Eastside, I think there’s even a section

called Free Stuff in it.)

Thrift stores are your friend.

Food banks are your friend.

Next task: go to the nearest food bank as soon as possible and get food. Bring it all back home.

Have a snack and/or sandwich, if you want.

Next task: you need to get:

a sturdy can opener (splurge!)

a small and a medium-sized pot (preferably with covers)

a frying pan

a spatula, preferably plastic and sturdy

a cup

a plate

a bowl

2 soup spoons, 2 forks, 2 knives

a sharp knife, preferably serrated

a washcloth and a towel

Does your place give you access to a stove? If not, you need to get:

a hotplate

Put your stuff away at home. (Make yourself something quick to eat if you need, or eat

something that doesn’t need prep, if that’s your pleasure.)

Say you lucked out and managed to get all this for only $43.00. (Okay, eh, I’m a bleeding heart

optimist. ) You’re left with $90.00.

Now you’re going to use your first transit ticket to go to the most convenient grocery store

(unless you’re okay to do your shopping at stores like Quest or Sunrise, in which case walk!).

I priced these provisions at a Loblaws Superstore. There’s one at South East Marine Drive and

Main. (Quickie orientation: In Vancouver, north is towards the water, south away; that’s the

opposite of Toronto.) There’re also ones at Rupert Skytrain station and at Metrotown Skytrain

station. However, these are 2-zone transit fares from the DTES. You’ll need:

if there’re bedbugs, petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline): smear it all over the legs of your

bed! The bugs can’t crawl through petroleum jelly, bwaaahaaahaaha! [$2.80+tx]

if there’re any other creepy-crawlies, such as cockroaches, some sort of bug poison, say

Black Flag or Raid. Tobacco is supposed to be a natural insect repellent. Chinese Chalk

(from Sunrise grocery or similar from say Chinatown) is supposed to work, too. I

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personally prefer the hard chemicals. What I’ve done previously which seems to work

well is stuff all cracks with toilet paper, then spray. [$6.00+tx]

toilet paper, laundry detergent, soap (I like Ivory Snow. (No, I’m not being paid to

endorse it.)), razors? You don’t need toothpaste or shaving cream just yet…


flour [5kg/$7.30]

cornstarch [$2.60]

baking soda [$1.00]

salt, (pepper) [$1.00,($4.80later)]

sugar [2kg/$2.50]

shortening aka lard [$2.40]

cocoa [$4.00]

powdered milk [$7.30]

margarine (preferably some which both tastes like butter and doesn’t have to be

refrigerated after opening) [$2.50-$5.00]

peanut butter [1kg/$4.00]

paper towels [2/$1.00]

instant coffee (go ahead, splurge! I like Maxwell House. (No, I’m not being paid to

endorse it.)) And/or (tea). [200g/$6.90+tx,(50bags/$5.00+tx,later)]

at least 6 bananas (set 3 aside for making banana bread, if you’ve access to a stove)


hot sauce (optional: some like it hot!) [$1.50+tx]

instant noodles [6/$0.89]

did the food bank give you any meat? If not, get 1 or 2 canned meat (see Sections 2 & 3)


did the food bank give you any veggies? If not, get 1 or 2 canned veggies (see Sections 2

& 3) [peas/$1.30]

grated parmesan cheese [$6.00]

elbow macaroni [900g/$1.50]

tomato paste [2small@$0.60]

Lug all this stuff home. If you can somehow manage to do it all within 90 minutes (the duration

of a transit ticket), so much the better. (What I might try to do is walk to the grocery store, get

this first round of provisions, then take transit home. That way, you can take your time shopping.

Your call.) Total ~ $87.00. Get some quarters for laundry.

You now have left, maybe, $3.00, in quarters, for laundry. Take time to relax. Put your towel

around you, do a quickie laundry of all your clothes. (I’d do this in the sink and save a few

pennies. Use the dryer, though!) Make yourself a coffee or a tea or a hot choc. Prepare a meal

that is hot and fast.

Congratulations! You made it to the first stage. Stand up and take a bow! (I’m just teasing you!


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Rest. Tomorrow you’re going to get some more clothes… (Can’t sleep? Walk around the block,

get some fresh air, and get to know your neighbourhood.)

“Memory is the mother of community.”—Sandy Cameron

from one of his poems: One Hundred Years Of Struggle

from one of his books: Being True to Ourselves

website: http://www.SandyCameron.vcn.bc.ca

Some remaining tasks:

Task: get some free clothes. If you can somehow get a pair of steel-toed workboots that fit, good

luck! Yer gonna need these, to put in a couple of days waged work. Face it, you need a

few more bucks for a cell phone plus some more provisions. If you can find another way

to make a few bucks other than manual slave labour at some temp place, more power to

ya! (e.g. telemarketing…)

Task: you need a cellphone asap. Try to get unlimited talk/texting. “Wind” offers such a plan for

~$40.00+tx/mo.=~$45.00/mo. However, you have to buy both the phone (unlocked) plus

a $25.00+tx SIM card. Investigate this on the net (try kijiji.com). To start, here’s a link

for more info: http://globalnews.ca/news/676741/whats-the-best-cheapest-canadian-

cellphone-plan-out-there/ You might have to buy a cheapo used cell phone—perhaps one

with cosmetic damage—off Kijiji.com or ebay.ca.

Task: ongoing: you’ll have to file jobs searches with welfare in order to keep receiving your

cheque. You can conduct these via your cell phone, newspapers (Library), The

Employment Paper (free), kijiji.com, the net (computer access, Carnegie Centre), etc.

I’ve been told “cold calling” works, if you’ve got the stomach to be turned down cold

over and over again… (def’n “cold calling”: find phone numbers for businesses that

you’re interested in, and call these in case they’re any jobs available there which are not

advertised. You’ll probably need a résumé. Investigate free résumé services…) [there’s a

story by W.C. Fields: “If you stand on a street corner and ask 100 passers-by if they want

to get laid, you’ll get slapped a lot, but you’ll get laid!”—bwaaahaaahaaha!]

Task: get a computer and your very own “private” internet access. (Cough, cough; all this really

means is that you’re not on public access where some jagoff with a soupcon of computer

knowledge can too easily pry into your communications. I just want to add a note here to

the jagoffs: except for how his life ended, Aaron Swartz should be your role model!) (See

Tips For Survival).

Task: you’re going to have to lay in more provisions. Items to get include:


corned beef + more canned meat


good margarine


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rice (parboiled cooks fastest; long grain brown is the most nutritious)


spices? At least try to get Italian seasoning.

pasta sauce?


fresh fruit


canned salmon

lentils (red cooks fastest)

oats, semolina (cous cous (coarse, grain), cream of wheat (fine))

dry cereal (I like Shredded Wheat, the original. (No, I wasn’t paid to endorse this.))

bouillons (I have beef, chicken, veggie, fish, mushroom always on hand in case I want to

make soup, and I often make those.)

appliances: rice cooker, slow cooker, etc. (see Tips For Survival)

I have a largish shoulder bag, and a backpack. These are handy for grocery shopping.

canned milk, if you don’t mind that it’s sickly sweet...


shaving cream


pesto? Okay, it’s time to quit, I’m just throwing ideas out there now…

more dishes, cutlery, maybe a double bed… You might get a hot date! Ya never know!

Task: (Except for the stuff you absolutely have to buy new, I would try to get these things

second-hand: kijiji.com, thrift stores, garage sales, etc.) You need the odd day here and

there of waged work—you’re allowed to make some money now while receiving income

assistance, $200 I believe--because you’re probably going to want:

a bar fridge for your abode, so you can keep eggs, butter, milk, cheese, etc.

a TV

maybe even a radio

an iPod or MP3 player? (I like music. (No, I wasn’t paid to endorse musicians.))

a tablet?

to subscribe to some publication(s)?...

to subscribe to news?...

to subscribe to movies?...

mad movie money. Perhaps you relish the thrill of the public theatres… The giant

screen/speakers is indeed an experience…

Whatever. As a friend of mine used to tell me, “Blow your socks off!”

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Section 2: Four easy recipes

Quickie measuring tips:

1 teaspoon = 1 tsp = 1/3 tablespoon = 1/3 tbsp

1 tsp = 4.93 millilitres

1 cubic centimeter = 1 millilitre

2.54 centimetres = 1 inch

2 tbsp = 1 fluid ounce

4 tbsp = ¼ cup

2 cups = 1 pint

2 pints = 1 quart

4 quarts = 1 gallon

236 millilitres = 1 cup (US measure, which is mainly what North America uses)

1000 millilitres = 1 litre

1 ounce = 28 grams

1 pound = 454 grams

Here’s a cute little formula of mine for converting Celsius (or Centigrade) to Fahrenheit:

Double C reading, subtract 10% (to get 10%, move decimal point left one place), add 32.

E.g.: What is 30 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit? Double 30 = 60. Subtract 6 = 54. Add 32 = 86.

Salmon & Rice casserole aka Paté Saumon

1 cup rice

½ onion chopped

1 cup milk

3 tbsp flour

3 tbsp butter

1 can wild salmon, open.

250 gm parmesan cheese

salt, pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 F.

Pan fry onion over low heat until translucent.

In a pot, melt butter over low heat, add flour and make a paste. Slowly add milk, mixing well and

stirring. Add cooked onion. Put over low heat on burner, stirring in a “figure eight” motion. Add

salt, pepper to taste. Add fluid from canned salmon. Stir in a figure eight until noticeably

thickened. Set this roux aside, covered.

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In casserole dish, put down a bed of one-half the cooked rice. Spread one half the canned salmon

over the top of the rice. Liberally sprinkle one half the parmesan cheese over the top of the

salmon. Put one half of the roux over the top of the parmesan. Repeat for another layer.

Cover. Put in oven for 20 minutes. Let cool! Bon appétit!

Eggless Pancakes

1/2 cup flour

3 tbsp cornstarch

1 tbsp sugar

¼ tsp salt

½ tsp baking soda

2/3 cup water

Thoroughly mix dry ingredients. Add water, mix well to make pancake batter.

On low heat, melt 1 tbsp shortening in frying pan. Completely coat bottom.

Still on low heat, pour one third of batter in pan. Pan fry until lots of bubbles appear on top of the

pancake. Flip and pan fry. Repeat twice.

Let cool. Enjoy with peanut butter!

Dream Pasta

2/3 cup elbow macaroni

1 gm salt

1 gm cornstarch

½ can tomato paste

½ can corn (or other veggie)

½ cup water

4 tsp parmesan cheese

2 tsps shortening

Put pasta in one pot. Add enough water to cover and then plus two inches. Heat until boiling.

Add shortening. Let boil for seven minutes, stirring, until pasta is tender. Remove from heat,

drain, set aside.

Put tomato paste in another pot. Apply heat on low. Add cornstarch, stirring, then water plus salt,

continue stirring. Add corn. Heat while stirring until quite hot. Add parmesan cheese. Stir and

heat for another minute. Turn off heat.

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Add sauce to pasta. Eat while still warm.

Eggless, butterless banana bread

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Get together these ingredients:

2 ¼ cup flour

4 tbsp cornstarch

½ tsp salt

1 ½ tsp baking powder

1 cup mashed ripe bananas

½ milk

1 cup sugar

1 cup melted shortening or lard (Using a little of this, grease a 9” x 5” x 3” (approx.) loaf pan.)


Mix well together dry or first four ingredients. Beat sugar into melted lard. Mix in well bananas.

Add ½ of dry mixed ingredients to this. Mix well to form a batter. Too thick to stir? Add ½ the

milk. Continue to mix. Add other half of dry mixed ingredients. Mix well. Again, too thick? Add

rest of milk and mix well. Batter should drop in glops at this point. Pour all batter evenly into

greased 9” x 5” x 3” (approx.). Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Insert a toothpick or spaghetti piece and

see if comes out clean (i.e., batter still wet?). If batter is still wet, turn oven down to 200 and let

bake another ½ hour. Again, test batter. If still wet, continue baking and repeat at 10 minute

intervals until baked. Turn out onto a rack to cool. For best slicing, let stand in your fridge

overnight. Otherwise, allow to cool at least 15 minutes. Bon appetit!

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Section 3: Tips For Survival

1. A FareSaver bus ticket is good in any direction for 90 minutes. Can you get everything done

using only one?

2. Food banks are your friend. They give you free food, especially fresh veggies and fresh meat.

3. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for sales. Coupons can save $$!! Stock up!!

4. Keep soup kitchens etc. as a last resort (standing in line is a drag). Special dinners

(Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.) are your call.

5. Thrift stores are your friend. Very low cost pots, pans, utensils, appliances (drip coffee

maker…), clothes. These include the Salvation Army.

6. Buy least expensive: it’s still edible, or wearable, or whatever. Buy in bulk, if possible.

Investigate places like Chinatowns markets. Stock up on sales!!

7. Libraries are your friend. You can find lots to keep you busy. Ditto Community Centres.

(Sometimes, these have free internet. (e.g., The Carnegie Centre))

8. If you can manage it, volunteer. It’s good for the soul! (IMPORTANT: If you’re doing a

résumé, don’t forget to mention that you’re doing volunteer work!) Free Geek gets you a

computer! Carnegie gets you meals from its caff!

9. As much as humanly possible, avoid debt, running a tab, any money transaction that leaves

you owing, except those that are absolutely necessary (e.g., cell phone). These only bring you

grief: take it from me, I’m experienced. (If you have to borrow, borrow food and pay it


10. Unless you have a private fridge in your abode, steer clear of perishables. (Get canned meat:

kippers, tuna, sardines, corned beef, salmon, etc. Get canned veggies: chick peas, beans,

corn, mushrooms, etc.)

11. Can’t hurt to take vitamins, if you can afford it: (1) vitamin C, 1 gram in the morning, 1 gram

in the evening (arrr! prevents scurvy!) (2) B complex (3) multivitamin (4) vitamin D

12. If you cut yourself get a wad of toilet paper and apply pressure until the bleeding stops

(usually about 10 minutes). Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive sterilizer.

13. Investigate protein complementing. You could start with Frances Moore Lappé’s Diet For A

Small Planet found at the library.

14. If you need glasses, these can usually be got from Social Services.

15. Look into securing a CVP (Community Volunteer Program) from Social Services. This will

give you an extra $100 per month, usually for 10 volunteer-hours per month. If you don’t get

one right away, don’t fret, just get on the list.

16. Are you supposed to be getting a diet allowance? (e.g., are you diabetic, etc.?) Are there any

other entitlements you’re supposed to be getting?

17. Appliances to keep looking for: (1) microwave oven (2) coffee maker, if you crave ground

coffee that much! (3) rice cooker (4) slow cooker (get 5 quart + )

18. Junk food. Okay, everyone has their weaknesses, and junk food’s a biggie! (Chips, choc bars,

etc.) So, get some sometimes! Yeah, splurge. But not too much! (If you have to do it, do it as

a treat!) Remember, “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!”

19. If you have to go to the welfare office, see if you can get your bus tickets covered.

20. Sometimes, sometimes, bus drivers will give you a free ride if you smile and say “please!” (If

you’re going to the welfare office, tell them that: they’re supposed to give you a free ride in

that case.)

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21. Do everything in your power to get a bank account. Get “direct deposit,” so that your cheque

goes directly to your bank account, instead of being mailed (and therefore being subjected to

the vagaries of the postal system…) Get an ATM card. (ATM = Automated Teller Machine)

22. Never carry more than $20 on you. (If you’re forced to give out your PIN, recite it

backwards. When the thieves enter that, the police are notified.)(PIN = Personal

Identification Number = your ATM card “password”.)

23. Get $10 in quarters for the laundry, if you use coin operated machines. Load the washer up to

3 inches below the rim. If you can air-dry your wash by hanging it around your abode, do
