Fancy Malaga Graps€¦ · MONDAY evening, novembee21 LOCAL NEWS. Eor this section slightly warmer,...

MONDAY evening, novembee 21 LOCAL NEWS. Eor this section slightly warmer, fair weather, light to fresh winds, generally shifting lo ecuthwesterly. THE ' PocAhontas ".While the New York Hnald and several other papers in Uerent cities continue their merciless cru¬ sade again-t the projectors of the steamship lvobootas, the officers of the Arrow Com¬ pany are as positive as ever in asserting that it is their intention to make good all their promisee, and that the building of the ship is a foregone conclusion. The aspect of at- \A rs hereabouts continues unchanged, and, numbers still cling to the belief that will yet reap the fruition of their hopes, the number i<f pessimists is by no means small. The Herald of yesterday continued the pub icaliou of it.-- attacks upon the com- pacy. and charges that two cr three years ag Mr Fryer was just a* enthusiastic over « richeme U r building a floating thentro as be nuw is over the proposed I'ocahcutas. It says: "About two years ago Mr. Fryer went to Davor to plumb tbe New Opera House there, and succeeded in aettiug a number of pa pie in ten sv.i in the Pocabontas scheme. Am- thtm was Marlin V. B. Searing, the oldest and most successful builder in tbe town. He bought eonbicäeruble stock And sold on- hi< business to accept a position at a salary of $1,S00 a yi ar r.s purchasing ag* it far the Arrow Steamship Company. H::s on, M.Muuson Searing, took a block ofstock and was mad* treasurer of the company at ] a salary of J1,200 a year. A brother in law ol Munson Searing was given a position asa of ihe yards at Alexandria at j }1 200. Edward C. Hard, au old gentleman j who had amassed considerable property from royalties on iron, was also a large in vtstor in tho enterprise, and as a reward for his liberality his pon, James L. Hurd, a oulh under age, who had never engaged in unj business, was put in charge of the com- pany's nice al Washington, D. C, o^tensi- intiiiet ce legislation, a proceedingthat Caused much amusement where the voting man was known. Lewis W. Thurber, Su- ;». rintendeot of the Public Schools of Morris < ainty, took s(,me stock in the concern and relinquished an office worth $1,200 a year lo accept a position as bookkeeper at the Alex u' dria yards at a salary of $1,500. His son, Ora iT Thurber, a bookkeeper in tho Dover Bank at a" *a'ary of $1,000 a year, put his savirgs into Pocahontas stock, and was made under boc..,<keePer at Alexandria al $1,200 a year. The ?°v*r people are now returning home to seek t.!'CJr old avocations." A Cutting Sceape..A diflk.,llty occurred lo this city last night, growing ou ^ °fa Rame f cards, which came near i suiting ser'0U3" y. The allair ha3 been kept quiet 'iDt* 39 only the friends of those engaged witnc ,3ed ' it,no arrests have been made. It appea r* that \esterday evening an Englishman came here from Washington and fell in with bad company. He was taken to a place on Cameron street whore a game of cards wa3 played between one of the party and him- self, when the stranger was "worked for all he wa3 worth," losing all tho money he had, his watch and chain and finally a check for about $40 which he-was induced to give. After the stranger had gone one of tbe party who had witnessed the game, demanded that his partner divide v.ith him, but th'S was refused, tho winner sayiogthat he alone had won tho money. The man who wanted a division ihm threatened to "get even," and, ufter some words, drew a knife and slashed at bisoartm r.only, however, cuttiug his clothes. Friends interferred and quir-t was restored, but Btill a division was insisted on. L^'.cr ti. parties met oc Pitt street, when tbe difficulty wa.- renewed, and knives were again brought into requsition, which resulted, it is niiid, iu both men being siiizhi- ly cut, as bind was eeen on them, and th" ¦»n who won the money, having his clothes "iiLi " sbr,'("- Tnis morning; fearing the ' '. «mecs, the oiun who wanted the di- l0n/e(lu " who bad done roost of the cutti ng, Vision and & lef; the city. _ Polios rbpo*/*bl was clear and cool with fourb ,e" 1 r,s >neM three lodgers at <hs station tv'11>e- Tbe Mayor this mor."^* disposed of the following cases: , . EdwardTavlor, F.ank 1 «£*2,,an° £rft Scarce, colored, arrested by , V^S» disorderly conduct, were finea ^ eof. ', Georgranna Nelson, colored, 8!;e,stfea, Officer Price for disorderly co.^uct, was Robt! Arrington, arrested by Offic *r Trice for being drunk and disorderly, was £L ^} * °- Frank Mason, arrested by Officers ^imp- son and Davis for being drunk on tho s*-Ticet aud for abusing his wife, was fined si on -oe ti st charge, and $0 on the second. Frank Entwisle, Aubrey Eagles, John Hughes. Jno. Halov and Jno. Padgett, ar- reated by Officers Simpson, Price and Mo« Cueu fo: being drunk and disorderly, were fined $1 each. John Hall and another young man who had gone to the station houso while drunk were dismissed. Alexander Ogden, arrested by Officer Ticer for being drunk had his case con¬ tinued. The New A. & W. R. W. Co.-The Dis¬ trict of Columbia having withdrawn its ap- ~Kllki irom the jodgment~bf Judge Hughes in itcxToited Slates Circuit Court, confirm- iDn ' sale of tho Alexandria aud Wash¬ ington Ra.'lroad to Col. F. L. Smith, the re- presentativti of the Pennsylvania road syn- ate the principal bar to tbe renewal of the Alexandria and Washington Company under Pennsylvania Railroad control is re¬ moved A meeting of stockholders of the mi any will bo held in thin city by Col. Smith attorney of the Pennsylvania Rail¬ road and his assigns, next Wednesday, and a president and directors of the new company elected. The actual control of the road will not change. Tbe line is now in charge of "mortgage trustees." but has for years b<e:i dominated by the Pennsyl¬ vania Companv. Under tbe new manage¬ ment the road will have a definite organiza¬ tion, and it is thought that local interests wu' receive greater attention, A uew de¬ pot n?r? is among the expectations awaken¬ ed by .the change. DONATION Day..On Thanksgiving Day, November 24tb, Jhe parlors of the Alexan¬ dria Infirmary will be open during tb6 en- tirp day at d eveoiug, where ladies will be present to r ctive cho friends of the institu¬ tion with ti'fcir usual annual gifts. These gift- supply the innates with the thanks¬ giving ebett of the p<-nRon, and also provide comforts and luxuries for the sick during a much longer period. Groceries, meats, «See, are needed to supplement a much restricted larder during the months of November and De-ietober A full supply of house and bed linen of every kind is needed. The mana¬ gers muk° an art est «ppeul for a sufficient i-umber of additional annual subscriptions to prevent it>" , nstaut anxiety during tbe year as to m ed.-d funds, and the frequent resort in fcs' aud lunches for raising such, or iotj bcmititaling process of personal appeal, Tan Alms House..The annual report of Mis Iii. G. Ccrnwell, keeper of the alms ho\ \ ha3 been submitted. The inmates Lav ie«-o well cared for, and they have ; been dd* to as.-ist in their own support, The c<. i-ful management of Mrs. Cornwell has he«. :i year after year commended by the committee on the poor. During tbe year there have b^en 74 inmates in the institu j tion ; 20 in work house and 54 in poor house; 3S white and 3G colored; 39 were born j in Alexandria, 7 elsewhere in Virginia; Maryland, 2 ; Trelaod, 3 ; Germany. 2; Mas- fachusetts, 2 ; and 1 each in New York and Washington. One iomate has been there Btnce 1840, and another since 1847. One child born there two years ago ia still there. Personal..Rev. Mr. Schwoy, of this city, conducted Lutheran services at the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. in Baltimore last night. Mr. 8. G. Brent and Miss Rebecca Tabb are *o bo married in Baltimore on Wednes¬ day. Purser Stone, ol the steamer Wakefield, is seriously ill at his home in St. Mary's county, Md. Dr. G. R. L. Cole, formerly of this city, has been appointed resident physician at Providence Hospital, Washington. The Norfolk Virginian .says : "The de¬ feat of Judge Stuart, of Alexandria, id gen¬ erally regretted throughout the State." The Opera House..Levy, the famous come:ist, assisted by an excellent vocal quartette, will appear in concert in this city nex* Friday night. The Washiogton Re publican says of an entertainment recently tiven in that city: "Last night the Levy Coi cert Company appeared before a good sizad audience. The vocal and instrument¬ al numbers were artistically rendered, and constituted agreeable contexts to the mas* teriy net formanceG of the great cornetist, who ti:Jed the spacious auditorium with the roarvwlous melody of his bell-toned instiu- meet." BADLY Euenkjj..At an early hour this morning Mrs. Captain Robert Griffin, was badly burned at her residence, on Prince t-treer, between Royal and Pitt. The acci¬ dent, was causer!, by Mrs. Griffin making a tr,i~?;ep whilo descending a stair case with a lighted coal oil lamp in her hand. The lamp was broken and the burning oil spat¬ tered upon the unfortunate lady. Her (lutiirhter, Mrs. Cuvillier, rushed to bor as- «i*lnnrp, and win also burned slightly before the tire was extinguished. Corpokoatin Court.Judg'e N. B. Meade presiding .Mary L. Waddey qualified as executor of J. E Waddey deceased, and guardian of Maty Ida Waddey. H.ti!. u Bros. vs. John Biggetl ; decree for ftule Jti i.i A. English Vr>. t-'umiif-l Bagot jdecreo for e%le. Court adjourned till Court in course. Baui.y Hort..A coloreil man employed at Messrs Agnew & Co.'s shipyard was s-e- verely turl Saturday morning by being «ttruck i i the face eccidentally by a heavy maul which was bsirg wielded bv Mr. Dean. The uimuI ?-lipped frtm Mr. Dean'* nH«ids aod struck the man in the face, cut >.d tli.-ti^uring him fearfully, bur for- ?.noately inflicting uo dangerous wound. found Dead .George Brent, an old well known tMli«B. was f0UDd dea(* "1D b d at his homo, on u1«1» 8t- A9al,h 8trpet. yesterdav. Tbu decease.:? h&d been in bad health for several weeks, having, it is sup posed. :^<cn suffering from ma.'*rial fever. Be was a painter by occupation, aquie-, unobtrusive iMutleman, aud respected by till who knew him. pbcpkrty SALK..Mr. Fral k Hiiino, through the Real Est at*, Trust and Ti: i- ompi-ov. hue purchased from Mr. I. C O'Neal. 253 ecres of land in (he county !yi> g on Four Mile Kuu for $1000. Woman and If or Dtucuxes is tho title of a large illustrated treati:-e>, by Dr. K V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y , sent to any address for ten cents in stamps. It teaches successful sell treatment. ~~AM~USEMENTS. OPEK Ä HOUSE ONE SIGHT ONLY, FRIDAY, NOV. 25. The Soeiety Evout. The Levy Operatic Concert Co., Consisting of the following principals: L ETT, Tho World's Greatest Corncti t, Supported by Mmo.btella Levy .Soprano: Mllo. Luln Klein, Contralto; Big. Enrico Battistini, Tenor; Mr. Lithgow James, Baritone; Herr Max Hirsch- feld, Solo I'iunist and Director. General admission 50c; orchestra, reserved, 75c; dress circle, resorved (chairs). 50c; gallery 23c. Scan can now be bad at Summers & Allen's, mvl!) Ot EWE exchange. I will exebauge my FA1RVTEW FARM, situa¬ te -i 1mile;! from Alcxiudria. Vs., 150 acres, well improved, for a GRAZING FARM of 5001 a^res, more or less, in cither of tho counties of j Loudoun or FHtiquicr, paying tho difference in cash or a<!snme an incumbrauce. uovl» 1 m_ R. .\WINDS0B. Alexandria. Vs. New YORK buckwheat aud new pearl HOMINY just leceived. a p30 geo. McBurney & son. LICED-BAHAMA PINEAPPLE, canned, in heavy syrupjost received by novlO " J. C. MILBURN. ^ r :.E-RA ISING~FLOUR and buckwheat O for in 3-lb packages by n0Vl6 _ J. C. milbubn. ANICE LINE OF FEATHER DUSTERS at reasonable prices just opened at oct13_McBURNEY's. DOMESTIC DRY OOODS a? cheap as the cheap¬ est at oct7 _amos b^slaymaker's. AlTFoRNIA AP21C0TS and EGG PLUMS, canned, choice, just roieived by ..V7 _J. c MILBURN. ~-t \ CA>KS HONEY DROP and ABSCO SUGAR U CORN just received by nov3 _ J. C. MILBURN. AMAICA oranges and prime baldwin APPLES just received by ::,,v7 J. c. milbubn. PURE BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, made for J fhmily ose. k1 -10 geo. McBurney & son. - »" NC£~MEAT, preserves and JELLIES LVijostreceu. J. c. milburn. c 50 i j NEW CROP NEW OELEANS ^P1-4-83*'15' extra :iue qualitv, received to-day by kovQ_J. C. MILBUBN. fjlRESH ITALIAN MACARONI, Breakfast Hom- inv and New York Eeans just received. oct20_GEO. McBUBNEY & SON. DRY MADERIA WINE, very old, purely medi¬ cinal in quart bottles. oct26_geo. mcburney & SON. MALAGA GRAPES, largo clusters, just re¬ ceived at SCp30_McBurney-s. PATENT FLY FANS, two kinds, for sale atex- tra low prices at 8S King.corner Royal St.,by ;e9 J. t. creighton & son. NOTHER INVOICE OF PAPER BUCKETS 25c each, just received by Bepl9 _J. C. MILBURN. SELECTED AFRICAN and PERSIAN DATES just received at octl2 McBURNEY'S STOEE. LOCAL BREVITIES. That fox is slili there. The Friend's quarterly meeting is in ses¬ sion at Woodlawn. There were no nublic performances in this city last night. Capt. James E. Wilson. TJ. S A., formerly of this city, and a nephew of the late K.I T. Wilson, died in Washington yesterday. Billy Dickey, who lived on the t Xrl side of the river Kt Gieaü Fat!.--, known to iv.oA every tout ist for the iast half century, is dead. A marriage licsnse was issued in Wash- iugton on Saturday to Wm. Dishman, of Stafford county, and Nannie Truehart, of this cily. The Alexandria Musical Association will tender a hop to their young lady friends at their ball on King street tbi: evening at 8 o'clock. There was a slight fall of snow yesterday and the day was cold and raw. Last night ice formed in exposed plates and this morn¬ ing there was a heavy frost. The body of John Tapes, the colored deck hand of the steamer Lady of the L ike, who fell from that steamer ut Wa-hirgton on Saturday morning last, l:aj beeo recovered. Although the fair to raise funds to erect a Cot.federate monumuit in this city has been postponed till the improvements to Armory Hall are comp!, ted, the laities have not stoppod soliciting subscriptions for the fair and hope to receive generous responses when they call on the eitiz >os. The old Friendship lire engine w:is early this morning taken to Washiuvt d, for what it is not stated. Some of the no mbers of the Com¬ pany say they know nothing about the matter, or by whose authority the engine was sent away. The little aloptjd daughter of Mr-;. M. L. Jones was bidly burned about her and face yesterday by her scarf catching tire from a stove near which she was standing. A gentleman living on Alfred street, near Kin?, this morning caught a fine partridge in bis yard, which ho had for breakfast. The proprietor of Ibo Academy Hotel, Baltimore, Aid-. Wm. Delphy, writes :. "My wife suffered most acutely from rheu¬ matism, the torrible pain would seemingly yield to nothing. She was induced to try Salvation 0.1 and after using only half a bottle, it not only relieved her, but effected an entire cure." MEDICINAL. ELY'S ©ataisrH age.-, Allays Pain and In- Han:mati< n. Heals tin Pores. Rostores IbeSeusi of Taste and Sim II. 1 by HAT-FEVER tue Cure a particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 5o cts. at druggists'; by mail, registered, O'O cts Circulars frco. ELY BROS., 235 Greenwich Street, New York. AUCTION SALES. rpKUSTEE'S SALE.The FARM KNOWN AS 1 -BONNIE DOON," lying 1 miles northeast of Culpeper C. H Va , will be sold :it public auc tion ou »atueda V. December :i>\, at m. '; hid farm c >titains 17SL, aero. Location, great beauty, natural fti tiliiy aud abundance of fruit arid water, rcnd< rs this one cf the most desirable (arms iu Piedmont Va. For particulars apply to JOEL LIM)-LEV, I 1*5 L street n w., Washing- ten, P. C, or to S. 3. BEADFOKD, Culpep r C.H., \ a, novl 1 (1 viw'J w.'tw By R. T. 1 uca?, Auctioneer. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Corporation Court of the city of Alexandria, rendered on the 20tb day of Ocubrr, JHbT. in the chancery cause cf John Fletcher v-. .1. E. Piper, the under¬ signed, commissioners therein name.!, will on 8ATD"I D.W. the 10th dny of December 1897, at 12 o'clock m., at tic Royal streit cntranc to the Market building, expose forsale at publican ;ion, the following property, to wil: Tho ON E-HALF UNDIVIDED INTEREST of James E. Piper i;i a LOT OF GROUND aud FRAME TENEMENT aituatod thereon, on the oast side of Pitt 6trect aud sou Hi side of Oro- noeo street at their intersection, binding ou Oro- noco Btreot 03 5 12 fed and cxt< udiugsouth with that width half the square. Terms of falj . One fourth cash; the residue in thrco equal luttilmeuts nt »ix, twelve and eight¬ een months from the day of sale: the deferred payments to bo secured by ihn purchaser's bands, with pood personal security, aud bearing interest from dato of sa!o. Title to be retained until the full puruhaso money has been paid. ALBERT ST FART, JOHN M. JOHNS* IN, BAM'L. G. BRENT. I certify that the bend required in the abevo cause has been jdven. ncv9 ts JOHN S. DKACIJ, Clcik. "coupons. VIRGINIA TAX- KELT.IV A ftL E COUPONS, which can be u:ed to dis iharge TAXES ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROP¬ ERTY, SCHOOL AND CAPITATION TiiXES due the State; STATE LICENSES, FINES, &c. for sa'c at a HEAVY DISCOUNT. Satisfactoiy written guarantees are given In purchasers, which will stvc them harmless on account of a tender of these eounons R. T. LUCAS, uov7 tf Agent. QATURDAT, NOVEMBER 19th Grand opening of M. RUBEN& SON'S FURNITURE, CARPET, CHINA WART. AND GENERAL HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS ESTABLISHMENT. CORNER KINO AND ST. ASA Pi i STREETS. Goods rold for cash or on instalments. Every purchaser presented with a us >ful bi uvenir. poylO_ CCHLORITE, an elegant preparation for chap] d J hands and lips, for sale by jan7_J. D. H. LUKT. POTATO CHIPS, in half-pound boxes, reo iyed to-day by noy2_J. C. MIT.P.T'BN MALL HAMS, Missouri brand, 7 to 10 pounds each. For sale by eugö_,T C MILBFRN. KITCHEN, CRYSTAL AND PEERLESS Scouring Soaps, for sale by ,r«u J. C MTLBURN. S Camels' hair shirts and DRAWERS from 75c to the best grade in the market at 0ct8 amos B. SLAYMAKERS. Sweet cider rcccir?d to-day hv jftn8_W. a. JOHNSON k <'' ). New york champaign CIDER. 30c. per pallon, just received. oct'26_geo. McBurney & son._ USE the magic starch if you would have befcutifal finish to your linen. Sold by je9_ McBurney. Wbbls new hominy aud hominy grits ju6t received by nov23_ j.c. milburn. New raisins and brazil nuts received to day by octl3 J. C. MILBURVT. FANCY GROCERIES. _ Fancy Malaga Graps AND Florida Oranges i JUST DECEIVED BY G. WIM. RAMSAY. 400 pounds FUCT Iffli FIGS Ju;t received by C. WM. RAMSAY. ATMÖRFSMINGE MEAT AND English Plum Pudding FOB SALE BY G. WM. RAMSAY. Shaker Corn, Prime Dried Apples, ¦Mew Beans, JUST RECEIVED. C. WM. RAMSAY. New Crop Raisins Currants, Citron and i^utsof all kinds. G. WM. RAMSAY, 100 CASES Stabler's Corn, CASES Honey Drop Com 125 CASES Canned Tomatoes! G. WM RAMSAY. CLOTHING. The usual plan among dealers is to oflcr special bargains towards the close of the season We reverse the process and begin the season with an offering that completely] eclipses all that may be done by others who follow. There are about 300 BOYS'and CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS that we throw overboard at a loss, COATS THAT WE HAVE BEEN SELLING for $6, $7 and $S. NONE BUT WHAT ARE WORTH MUCH MORE THAN THE TRICE ASKED. Choice of the entire lot is Of course, the best will go first. The question for the reader to de- termine is, "Where do I come in ?" We have also a choice variety of fashionable and seasonable ^nits and Overcoats for men. I', ROBINSON i CO., 909 Pennsylvania Avenue, WASHINGTON, P. C. _DRY GOODS._ J0 E. TACKET7. E. C. MARSHALL. SPECIAL SALE OF SMYRNA RUGS. We open to day an immense line of SMYRNA RUGS at prices that will cause astonishment. We can convey some idea of the great bar¬ gain- when we state that the Rugs are from $1 to $3 50, under regular price; but the best way is to come and see them and judge for your¬ selves. Look at the prices quoted : Good-sized Rugs at $1.50. Next Size. Larger. $2.50; regular price $3 so, " S3.50; " 4 50: Largest $4.50; " 050. Sofa $6.50; " looo. Compare these goods and prices with the goods and prices elsewhere. We are daily receiving attractive goods in our other departments. Don't overlook the splendid line of HALL AND STAIR CARPETS In Tapestry and Body Brussels. THE ENGLISH CORTBCINE Is composed purely of vegetable oil, mixed with ground cork, and roll¬ ed on a strong backing of Waterproof Canvass. It is thoroughly damp-proof, inodorous, of great durability and perfect elasticity; it is entirely unaffected by temperature, and as a floor covering is superior to linoleum. our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is stocked in a most supcrior*manner, and OUR 6-4 FANCY SUITINGS For ladies' wear are having a big run. We have a choice assortment of Brocatelle. Our FlanrseS Overshirts at $i, Si 25 and $i 75 are good values. _ 431 and 433 King street. GOLD MINING. the gold MINING cWaNY. LOCATION..111'SIC MOUNTAINS, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. [INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF WEST VIRGINIA.) CAPITAL STOCK,.$625,000. NUMBER OF SHARES, 625,000, OF $1 EACH. FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE. OFFICERS. Präsident, Hou. W. p. CANADA V. Washington, D. C. Secretary, WILLIAM S. ODELL, Washington, D. C. Viro President, .f. Q. BARTON, Marc Island Navy Yard, Cal. Treasurer, Hob. JOHN B. SHIPMAN, Washington, D. C. Genera! Manager, CHAS. W. CUNNINGHAM, nai'klicrry, Arizona. DIRECTORS. Hon. M. C. butleb. Senator WILLIAM MAUONE. WILLIAM ge1nstei), M. D. Hon. JOHN B. SHIPMAN. Hon. CLARKE p. CRANDALL. Ifon. W. p. CANADAY. JONATHAN Q. BARTON, U. S. K. BENJAMIN W. BROWNE. WILLIAMS. ODELL. The capital stock of this company is $625,000, divided into f.25,000 shares of $1 each. The company is incorporated under the laws of West Virginia, and the stock is-non-assessable, and carries with it no personal liability to the holder. The Gold Mining Companv (icea*;on. Music Mountains, A. T,) is as sound a mining enterprise as was ever placed on the market, and its possibilities have never been exceeded. Every share should double in value within a year, and they may quadruple, as they are based on property that would ordinarily have been capitalized ten (10) times as great on account of its known richness and promise. The shares are made small so that any one can invest. Subscriptions for five shares are as welcome as those for hundreds. Every dollar of earnings will go to the stockholders in dividends, as there is nothing else that, they can be used for. A Wisewell mill, capacity 20 tons per day, with powerful machinery, has been purchased and will be on the ground ready for erection at the mine within the next thirty days. The solid basis upon which the company is founded and the practical proofs of the richness of the mine have already secured the confidence of the public, and the stock has steadily advanced in selling value Within the last few days bona fide sales have been made at par. There is no better stock on the market for a permanent investment. For full information in regard to this Mine apply to the SECRETARY, Room 40 Le Droit Building, Washington, D. C.

Transcript of Fancy Malaga Graps€¦ · MONDAY evening, novembee21 LOCAL NEWS. Eor this section slightly warmer,...

Page 1: Fancy Malaga Graps€¦ · MONDAY evening, novembee21 LOCAL NEWS. Eor this section slightly warmer, fair weather, light to fresh winds, generally shifting lo ecuthwesterly. THE '

MONDAY evening, novembee 21


Eor this section slightly warmer, fairweather, light to fresh winds, generallyshifting lo ecuthwesterly.

THE ' PocAhontas ".While the NewYork Hnald and several other papers inUerent cities continue their merciless cru¬

sade again-t the projectors of the steamshiplvobootas, the officers of the Arrow Com¬pany are as positive as ever in asserting thatit is their intention to make good all theirpromisee, and that the building of the shipis a foregone conclusion. The aspect of at-\A rs hereabouts continues unchanged, and,

numbers still cling to the belief thatwill yet reap the fruition of their hopes,

the number i<f pessimists is by no means

small. The Herald of yesterday continuedthe pub icaliou of it.-- attacks upon the com-

pacy. and charges that two cr three yearsag Mr Fryer was just a* enthusiastic over

« richeme U r building a floating thentro as

be nuw is over the proposed I'ocahcutas. Itsays:"About two years ago Mr. Fryer went to

Davor to plumb tbe New Opera Housethere, and succeeded in aettiug a number ofpa pie inten sv.i in the Pocabontas scheme.Am- thtm was Marlin V. B. Searing, theoldest and most successful builder in tbetown. He bought eonbicäeruble stock Andsold on- hi< business to accept a position ata salary of $1,S00 a yi ar r.s purchasing ag* itfar the Arrow Steamship Company. H::son, M.Muuson Searing, took a block ofstockand was mad* treasurer of the company at ]a salary of J1,200 a year. A brother in lawol Munson Searing was given a position of ihe yards at Alexandria at j}1 200. Edward C. Hard, au old gentleman jwho had amassed considerable propertyfrom royalties on iron, was also a large invtstor in tho enterprise, and as a reward forhis liberality his pon, James L. Hurd, a

oulh under age, who had never engaged inunj business, was put in charge of the com-

pany's nice al Washington, D. C, o^tensi-intiiiet ce legislation, a proceedingthat

Caused much amusement where the votingman was known. Lewis W. Thurber, Su-;». rintendeot of the Public Schools of Morris< ainty, took s(,me stock in the concern andrelinquished an office worth $1,200 a year loaccept a position as bookkeeper at the Alexu' dria yards at a salary of $1,500. His son,Ora iT Thurber, a bookkeeper in tho DoverBank at a" *a'ary of $1,000 a year, put his

savirgs into Pocahontas stock, and was

made under boc..,<keePer at Alexandria al$1,200 a year. The ?°v*r people are now

returning home to seek t.!'CJr old avocations."

A Cutting Sceape..A diflk.,llty occurredlo this city last night, growing ou ^ °fa Ramef cards, which came near i suiting ser'0U3"

y. The allair ha3 been kept quiet 'iDt* 39only the friends of those engaged witnc ,3ed '

it,no arrests have been made. It appea r*

that \esterday evening an Englishman camehere from Washington and fell in with badcompany. He was taken to a place onCameron street whore a game of cards wa3

played between one of the party and him-self, when the stranger was "worked forall he wa3 worth," losing all tho money hehad, his watch and chain and finally a checkfor about $40 which he-was induced to give.After the stranger had gone one of tbe partywho had witnessed the game, demandedthat his partner divide v.ith him, but th'Swas refused, tho winner sayiogthat he alonehad won tho money. The man who wanteda division ihm threatened to "get even,"and, ufter some words, drew a knife andslashed at bisoartm r.only, however, cuttiughis clothes. Friends interferred and quir-twas restored, but Btill a division was insistedon. L^'.cr ti. parties met oc Pitt street,when tbe difficulty wa.- renewed, and kniveswere again brought into requsition, whichresulted, it is niiid, iu both men being siiizhi-ly cut, as bind was eeen on them, and th"

¦»n who won the money, having his clothes"iiLi " sbr,'("- Tnis morning; fearing the' '. «mecs, the oiun who wanted the di-l0n/e(lu "

who bad done roost ofthe cutting,Vision and&

lef; the city. _

Polios rbpo*/*bl was clearand cool with fourb ,e" 1 r,s >neM three

lodgers at <hs station tv'11>e-

Tbe Mayor this mor."^* disposed of the

following cases: ,.

EdwardTavlor, F.ank 1 «£*2,,an° £rftScarce, colored, arrested by , V^S»disorderly conduct, were finea ^ eof. ',

Georgranna Nelson, colored, 8!;e,stfea,Officer Price for disorderly co.^uct, was

Robt! Arrington, arrested by Offic *r Trice

for being drunk and disorderly, was £L ^} * °-

Frank Mason, arrested by Officers ^imp-son and Davis for being drunk on tho s*-Ticetaud for abusing his wife, was fined si on -oe

ti st charge, and $0 on the second.Frank Entwisle, Aubrey Eagles, John

Hughes. Jno. Halov and Jno. Padgett, ar-

reated by Officers Simpson, Price and Mo«Cueu fo: being drunk and disorderly, were

fined $1 each.John Hall and another young man who

had gone to the station houso while drunkwere dismissed.Alexander Ogden, arrested by Officer

Ticer for being drunk had his case con¬


The New A. & W. R. W. Co.-The Dis¬trict of Columbia having withdrawn its ap-~Kllki irom the jodgment~bf Judge Hughes in

itcxToited Slates Circuit Court, confirm-iDn ' sale of tho Alexandria aud Wash¬ington Ra.'lroad to Col. F. L. Smith, the re-

presentativti of the Pennsylvania road syn-ate the principal bar to tbe renewal of

the Alexandria and Washington Companyunder Pennsylvania Railroad control is re¬

moved A meeting of stockholders of themi any will bo held in thin city by Col.

Smith attorney of the Pennsylvania Rail¬road and his assigns, next Wednesday, anda president and directors of the new

company elected. The actual control ofthe road will not change. Tbe line is now

in charge of "mortgage trustees." but hasfor years b<e:i dominated by the Pennsyl¬vania Companv. Under tbe new manage¬ment the road will have a definite organiza¬tion, and it is thought that local interests

wu' receive greater attention, A uew de¬pot n?r? is among the expectations awaken¬ed by .the change.

DONATION Day..On Thanksgiving Day,November 24tb, Jhe parlors of the Alexan¬dria Infirmary will be open during tb6 en-

tirp day at d eveoiug, where ladies will bepresent to r ctive cho friends of the institu¬tion with ti'fcir usual annual gifts. Thesegift- supply the innates with the thanks¬giving ebett of the p<-nRon, and also providecomforts and luxuries for the sick during amuch longer period. Groceries, meats, «See,are needed to supplement a much restrictedlarder during the months of November andDe-ietober A full supply of house and bedlinen of every kind is needed. The mana¬

gers muk° an art est «ppeul for a sufficienti-umber of additional annual subscriptionsto prevent it>" , nstaut anxiety during tbeyear as to m ed.-d funds, and the frequentresort in fcs' aud lunches for raisingsuch, or iotj bcmititaling process of personalappeal,

Tan Alms House..The annual report ofMis Iii. G. Ccrnwell, keeper of the almsho\ \ ha3 been submitted. The inmatesLav ie«-o well cared for, and they have

; been dd* to as.-ist in their own support,The c<. i-ful management of Mrs. Cornwellhas he«. :i year after year commended by thecommittee on the poor. During tbe yearthere have b^en 74 inmates in the institu

j tion ; 20 in work house and 54 in poor house;3S white and 3G colored; 39 were born

j in Alexandria, 7 elsewhere in Virginia;Maryland, 2 ; Trelaod, 3 ; Germany. 2; Mas-fachusetts, 2 ; and 1 each in New York andWashington. One iomate has been thereBtnce 1840, and another since 1847. Onechild born there two years ago ia still there.

Personal..Rev. Mr. Schwoy, of this city,conducted Lutheran services at the roomsof the Y. M. C. A. in Baltimore last night.Mr. 8. G. Brent and Miss Rebecca Tabb

are *o bo married in Baltimore on Wednes¬day.

Purser Stone, ol the steamer Wakefield, isseriously ill at his home in St. Mary's county,Md.

Dr. G. R. L. Cole, formerly of this city,has been appointed resident physician atProvidence Hospital, Washington.The Norfolk Virginian .says : "The de¬

feat of Judge Stuart, of Alexandria, id gen¬erally regretted throughout the State."

The Opera House..Levy, the famouscome:ist, assisted by an excellent vocalquartette, will appear in concert in this citynex* Friday night. The Washiogton Republican says of an entertainment recentlytiven in that city: "Last night the LevyCoi cert Company appeared before a goodsizad audience. The vocal and instrument¬al numbers were artistically rendered, andconstituted agreeable contexts to the mas*teriy net formanceG of the great cornetist,who ti:Jed the spacious auditorium with theroarvwlous melody of his bell-toned instiu-meet."BADLY Euenkjj..At an early hour this

morning Mrs. Captain Robert Griffin, was

badly burned at her residence, on Princet-treer, between Royal and Pitt. The acci¬dent, was causer!, by Mrs. Griffin making a

tr,i~?;ep whilo descending a stair case witha lighted coal oil lamp in her hand. Thelamp was broken and the burning oil spat¬tered upon the unfortunate lady. Her(lutiirhter, Mrs. Cuvillier, rushed to bor as-

«i*lnnrp, and win also burned slightly beforethe tire was extinguished.Corpokoatin Court.Judg'e N. B. Meade

presiding .Mary L. Waddey qualified as

executor of J. E Waddey deceased, andguardian of Maty Ida Waddey.

H.ti!. u Bros. vs. John Biggetl ; decreefor ftule

Jti i.i A. English Vr>. t-'umiif-l Bagot jdecreofor e%le.Court adjourned till Court in course.

Baui.y Hort..A coloreil man employedat Messrs Agnew & Co.'s shipyard was s-e-

verely turl Saturday morning by being«ttruck i i the face eccidentally by a heavymaul which was bsirg wielded bv Mr.Dean. The uimuI ?-lipped frtm Mr. Dean'*nH«ids aod struck the man in the face, cut

>.d tli.-ti^uring him fearfully, bur for-

?.noately inflicting uo dangerous wound.

found Dead .George Brent, an oldwell known tMli«B. was f0UDd dea(* "1D

b d at his homo, on u1«1» 8t- A9al,h 8trpet.yesterdav. Tbu decease.:? h&d been in badhealth for several weeks, having, it is supposed. :^<cn suffering from ma.'*rial fever.

Be was a painter by occupation, aquie-,unobtrusive iMutleman, aud respected bytill who knew him.

pbcpkrty SALK..Mr. Fral k Hiiino,through the Real Estat*, Trust and Ti: i-

ompi-ov. hue purchased from Mr. I. CO'Neal. 253 ecres of land in (he county!yi> g on Four Mile Kuu for $1000.

Woman and Ifor Dtucuxes

is tho title of a large illustrated treati:-e>, byDr. K V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y , sent to anyaddress for ten cents in stamps. It teachessuccessful sell treatment.


ONE SIGHT ONLY, FRIDAY, NOV. 25.The Soeiety Evout.

The Levy Operatic Concert Co.,Consisting of the following principals:

L ETT,Tho World's Greatest Corncti t,

Supported by Mmo.btella Levy.Soprano: Mllo. LulnKlein, Contralto; Big. Enrico Battistini, Tenor;Mr. Lithgow James, Baritone; Herr Max Hirsch-feld, Solo I'iunist and Director.General admission 50c; orchestra, reserved, 75c;

dress circle, resorved (chairs). 50c; gallery 23c.Scan can now be bad at Summers & Allen's,mvl!) Ot

EWE exchange.

I will exebauge my FA1RVTEW FARM, situa¬te -i 1mile;! from Alcxiudria. Vs., 150 acres,

well improved, for a GRAZING FARM of 5001a^res, more or less, in cither of tho counties of jLoudoun or FHtiquicr, paying tho difference incash or a<!snme an incumbrauce.uovl» 1 m_ R. .\WINDS0B. Alexandria. Vs.

New YORK buckwheat aud new pearlHOMINY just leceived.

a p30 geo. McBurney & son.

LICED-BAHAMA PINEAPPLE, canned, inheavy syrupjost received by

novlO" J. C. MILBURN.

^ r :.E-RA ISING~FLOUR and buckwheatO for in 3-lb packages byn0Vl6_

J. C. milbubn.

ANICE LINE OF FEATHER DUSTERS atreasonable prices just opened at

oct13_McBURNEY's.DOMESTIC DRY OOODS a? cheap as the cheap¬

est atoct7 _amos b^slaymaker's.AlTFoRNIA AP21C0TS and EGG PLUMS,canned, choice, just roieived by

..V7 _J. c MILBURN.

~-t \ CA>KS HONEY DROP and ABSCO SUGARU CORN just received bynov3


AMAICA oranges and prime baldwinAPPLES just received by::,,v7 J. c. milbubn.

PURE BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, made forJ fhmily ose.k1 -10 geo. McBurney & son.

- »" NC£~MEAT, preserves and JELLIESLVijostreceu. J. c. milburn.




NEW CROP NEW OELEANS ^P1-4-83*'15'extra :iue qualitv, received to-day bykovQ_J. C. MILBUBN.

fjlRESH ITALIAN MACARONI, Breakfast Hom-inv and New York Eeans just received.oct20_GEO. McBUBNEY & SON.

DRY MADERIA WINE, very old, purely medi¬cinal in quart bottles.

oct26_geo. mcburney & SON.

MALAGA GRAPES, largo clusters, just re¬

ceived at

SCp30_McBurney-s.PATENT FLY FANS, two kinds, for sale atex-

tra low prices at 8S King.corner Royal St.,by;e9 J. t. creighton & son.

NOTHER INVOICE OF PAPER BUCKETS25c each, just received by

Bepl9 _J. C. MILBURN.



LOCAL BREVITIES.That fox is slili there.The Friend's quarterly meeting is in ses¬

sion at Woodlawn.There were no nublic performances in

this city last night.Capt. James E. Wilson. TJ. S A., formerly

of this city, and a nephew of the late K.IT. Wilson, died in Washington yesterday.

Billy Dickey, who lived on the t Xrl sideof the river Kt Gieaü Fat!.--, known to iv.oAevery tout ist for the iast half century, isdead.A marriage licsnse was issued in Wash-

iugton on Saturday to Wm. Dishman, ofStafford county, and Nannie Truehart, ofthis cily.The Alexandria Musical Association will

tender a hop to their young lady friends attheir ball on King street tbi: evening at 8o'clock.There was a slight fall of snow yesterday

and the day was cold and raw. Last nightice formed in exposed plates and this morn¬

ing there was a heavy frost.The body of John Tapes, the colored deck

hand of the steamer Lady of the L ike, whofell from that steamer ut Wa-hirgton on

Saturday morning last, l:aj beeo recovered.Although the fair to raise funds to erect

a Cot.federate monumuit in this city hasbeen postponed till the improvements toArmory Hall are comp!, ted, the laities havenot stoppod soliciting subscriptions for thefair and hope to receive generous responseswhen they call on the eitiz >os.The old Friendship lire engine w:is early this

morning taken to Washiuvt d, for what pnrpr.seit is not stated. Some of the no mbers of the Com¬

pany say they know nothing about the matter, or

by whose authority the engine was sent away.The little aloptjd daughter of Mr-;. M. L. Jones

was bidly burned about her andface yesterday by her scarf catching tire from astove near which she was standing.A gentleman livingon Alfred street, near Kin?,

this morning caught a fine partridge in bis yard,which ho had for breakfast.

The proprietor of Ibo Academy Hotel,Baltimore, Aid-. Wm. Delphy, writes :.

"My wife suffered most acutely from rheu¬matism, the torrible pain would seeminglyyield to nothing. She was induced to trySalvation 0.1 and after using only half a

bottle, it not only relieved her, but effectedan entire cure."


ELY'S ©ataisrH

age.-, Allays Pain and In-

Han:mati< n. Heals tin

Pores. Rostores IbeSeusi

of Taste and Sim II. 1 byHAT-FEVERtue Curea particle is applied into each nostril and is

agreeable. Price 5o cts. at druggists'; by mail,registered, O'O cts Circulars frco.

ELY BROS., 235 Greenwich Street,New York.

AUCTION SALES.rpKUSTEE'S SALE.The FARM KNOWN AS1 -BONNIE DOON," lying 1 miles northeastof Culpeper C. H Va , will be sold :it public auction ou »atueda V. December :i>\, at 1Ü m. '; hidfarm c >titains 17SL, aero. Location, greatbeauty, natural fti tiliiy aud abundance of fruitarid water, rcnd< rs this one cf the most desirable(arms iu Piedmont Va. For particulars apply toJOEL LIM)-LEV, I 1*5 L street n w., Washing-ten, P. C, or to S. 3. BEADFOKD, Culpep r C.H.,

\ a,novl 1 (1 viw'J w.'tw

By R. T. 1 uca?, Auctioneer.

BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the CorporationCourt of the city of Alexandria, rendered on

the 20tb day of Ocubrr, JHbT. in the chancerycause cf John Fletcher v-. .1. E. Piper, the under¬signed, commissioners therein name.!, will on

8ATD"I D.W. the 10th dny of December 1897, at12 o'clock m., at tic Royal streit cntranc to theMarket building, expose forsale at publican ;ion,the following property, to wil:Tho ON E-HALF UNDIVIDED INTEREST

of James E. Piper i;i a LOT OF GROUNDaud FRAME TENEMENT aituatod thereon, on

the oast side of Pitt 6trect aud sou Hi side of Oro-noeo street at their intersection, binding ou Oro-noco Btreot 03 5 12 fed and cxt< udiugsouth withthat width half the square.Terms of falj . One fourth cash; the residue in

thrco equal luttilmeuts nt »ix, twelve and eight¬een months from the day of sale: the deferredpayments to bo secured by ihn purchaser's bands,with pood personal security, aud bearing interestfrom dato of sa!o. Title to be retained until thefull puruhaso money has been paid.


I certify that the bend required in the abevocause has been jdven.ncv9 ts JOHN S. DKACIJ, Clcik.


which can be u:ed to dis ihargeTAXES ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROP¬


due the State;STATE LICENSES, FINES, &c. for sa'c at a

HEAVY DISCOUNT.Satisfactoiy written guarantees are given In

purchasers, which will stvc them harmless onaccount of a tender of these eounons

R. T. LUCAS,uov7 tf Agent.


Grand opening of


ESTABLISHMENT.CORNER KINO AND ST. ASA Pi i STREETS.Goods rold for cash or on instalments. Every

purchaser presented with a us >ful bi uvenir.poylO_

CCHLORITE, an elegant preparation for chap] dJ hands and lips, for sale by

jan7_J. D. H. LUKT.

POTATO CHIPS, in half-pound boxes, reo iyedto-day by

noy2_J. C. MIT.P.T'BN

MALL HAMS, Missouri brand, 7 to 10 poundseach. For sale byeugö_,T C MILBFRN.

KITCHEN, CRYSTAL AND PEERLESSScouring Soaps, for sale by

,r«u J. C MTLBURN.


Camels' hair shirts and DRAWERS from75c to the best grade in the market at

0ct8 amos B. SLAYMAKERS.

Sweet ciderrcccir?d to-day hv

jftn8_W. a. JOHNSON k <'' ).

New york champaign CIDER. 30c. perpallon, just received.

oct'26_geo. McBurney & son._USE the magic starch if you would have

befcutifal finish to your linen. Sold byje9_ McBurney.

Wbbls new hominy aud hominy gritsju6t received bynov23_ j.c. milburn.

New raisins and brazil nuts receivedto day byoctl3 J. C. MILBURVT.


Fancy Malaga GrapsAND

Florida Orangesi


G. WIM. RAMSAY.400 pounds

FUCT Iffli FIGSJu;t received by



English Plum PuddingFOB SALE BY


Shaker Corn,Prime Dried Apples,



New Crop RaisinsCurrants, Citron and

i^utsof all kinds.G. WM. RAMSAY,


Stabler's Corn,5© CASES

Honey Drop Com125 CASES

CannedTomatoes!G. WM RAMSAY.


The usual plan among dealers isto oflcr special bargains towardsthe close of the season We reverse

the process and begin the season

with an offering that completely]eclipses all that may be done byothers who follow. There are about


that we throw overboard at a loss,COATS THAT WE HAVE BEENSELLING for $6, $7 and $S.NONE BUT WHAT ARE WORTH MUCH

MORE THAN THE TRICE ASKED. Choiceof the entire lot is

Of course, the best will go first.The question for the reader to de-termine is, "Where do I come in ?"We have also a choice variety of

fashionable and seasonable ^nitsand Overcoats for men.

I', ROBINSON i CO.,909 Pennsylvania Avenue,




We open to day an immense line of SMYRNA RUGS at prices thatwill cause astonishment. We can convey some idea of the great bar¬

gain- when we state that the Rugs are from $1 to $3 50, under regularprice; but the best way is to come and see them and judge for your¬selves. Look at the prices quoted :

Good-sized Rugs at $1.50.Next Size. Larger. $2.50; regular price $3 so,

"S3.50; " 4 50:

Largest $4.50; " 050.Sofa $6.50; " looo.Compare these goods and prices with the goods and prices elsewhere.We are daily receiving attractive goods in our other departments.

Don't overlook the splendid line of

HALL AND STAIR CARPETSIn Tapestry and Body Brussels.

THE ENGLISH CORTBCINEIs composed purely of vegetable oil, mixed with ground cork, and roll¬ed on a strong backing of Waterproof Canvass. It is thoroughlydamp-proof, inodorous, of great durability and perfect elasticity; it isentirely unaffected by temperature, and as a floor covering is superiorto linoleum.

our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENTIs stocked in a most supcrior*manner, and

OUR 6-4 FANCY SUITINGSFor ladies' wear are having a big run. We have a choice assortment ofBrocatelle.Our FlanrseS Overshirts at $i, Si 25 and $i 75 are good



431 and 433 King street.GOLD MINING.





Präsident, Hou. W. p. CANADA V.Washington, D. C.

Secretary, WILLIAM S. ODELL,Washington, D. C.

Viro President, .f. Q. BARTON,Marc Island Navy Yard, Cal.

Treasurer, Hob. JOHN B. SHIPMAN,Washington, D. C.

Genera! Manager, CHAS. W. CUNNINGHAM,nai'klicrry, Arizona.



The capital stock of this company is $625,000, divided into f.25,000shares of $1 each.The company is incorporated under the laws of West Virginia, and

the stock is-non-assessable, and carries with it no personal liability tothe holder.The Gold Mining Companv (icea*;on. Music Mountains, A. T,) is as

sound a mining enterprise as was ever placed on the market, and itspossibilities have never been exceeded. Every share should double invalue within a year, and they may quadruple, as they are based on

property that would ordinarily have been capitalized ten (10) times as

great on account of its known richness and promise.The shares are made small so that any one can invest. Subscriptions

for five shares are as welcome as those for hundreds.Every dollar of earnings will go to the stockholders in dividends, as

there is nothing else that, they can be used for.A Wisewell mill, capacity 20 tons per day, with powerful machinery,

has been purchased and will be on the ground ready for erection at themine within the next thirty days.The solid basis upon which the company is founded and the practical

proofs of the richness of the mine have already secured the confidenceof the public, and the stock has steadily advanced in selling valueWithin the last few days bona fide sales have been made at par.

There is no better stock on the market for a permanent investment.For full information in regard to this Mine apply to the

SECRETARY, Room 40 Le Droit Building,Washington, D. C.