FAMS Analyst Directory - DGS

Office of Fleet and Asset Management FAMS Analyst Directory Department FAMS Analyst Phone Number Email Address African American Museum, California Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Aging, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Agricultural Labor Relations Board Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Air Resources Board Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Alcoholic Beverage Control, California Department of Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Arts Council, California Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Board of Equalization Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Board of State and Community Corrections, California Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Bureau of State Audits Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Business Oversight, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] California Transportation Commission Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Child Support Services, Department of Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Coastal Commission, California Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Coastal Conservancy, State Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected]

Transcript of FAMS Analyst Directory - DGS

Page 1: FAMS Analyst Directory - DGS

Office of Fleet and Asset Management FAMS Analyst Directory

Department FAMS Analyst Phone Number

Email Address

African American Museum, California Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Aging, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Agricultural Labor Relations Board Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Air Resources Board Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board

Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected]

Alcoholic Beverage Control, California Department of

Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected]

Arts Council, California Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Board of Equalization Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Board of State and Community Corrections, California

Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected]

Bureau of State Audits Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Business Oversight, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] California Transportation Commission Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Child Support Services, Department of Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Coastal Commission, California Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Coastal Conservancy, State Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training

Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected]

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Department FAMS Analyst Phone Number

Email Address

Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, California

Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected]

Community Services and Development, Department of

Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected]

Conservation Corps, California Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Conservation, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Consumer Affairs, Department of Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Controller, California State Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Corrections & Rehabilitation Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Delta Protection Commission Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Delta Stewardship Council Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Developmental Disabilities, State Council on

Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected]

Developmental Services, Department of Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Education, California Department of Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Emergency Medical Services Authority, Governor’s Office of

Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected]

Emergency Services, Office of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Employment Development Department Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Employment Training Panel Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Energy Commission, California Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected]

Environmental Protection Agency, California

Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected]

Exposition, California Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected]

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Department FAMS Analyst Phone Number

Email Address

Expositions Park Management Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Fair Employment and Housing, Department of

Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected]

Finance, Department of Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] First 5 California – California Children and Families Commission

Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected]

Fish and Wildlife, Department of Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Food and Agriculture, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected]

Franchise Tax Board Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Gambling Commission, California Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] General Services, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Government Claims Board Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Governor’s Office Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO Biz) Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected]

Health Care Services, Department of Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Health Planning and Development, Office of Statewide

Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected]

High-Speed Rail Authority Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Highway Patrol, California Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Horse Racing Board, California Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Housing & Community Development Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Human Resources CalHR Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Industrial Relations, Department of Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected]

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Department FAMS Analyst Phone Number

Email Address

Inspector General, Office of Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Insurance, Department of Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected] Justice, Department of Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Labor and Workforce Development Agency

Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected]

Lands Commission, California State Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Law Enforcement Support, Office of Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Library, California State Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Lieutenant Governor, Office of the Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Little Hoover Commission Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Lottery, California State Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Managed Health Care, Department of Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Military Department, State Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Motor Vehicles, Department of Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Natural Resources Agency, California Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Office of Administrative Law Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Parks and Recreation, Department of Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Personnel Board, State Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Pesticide Regulation, Department of Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun, State Board of

Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected]

Planning and Research, Governor’s Office of

Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected]

Prison Industry Authority Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected]

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Department FAMS Analyst Phone Number

Email Address

Public Employees Retirement System, California

Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected]

Public Health, Department of Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Public Utilities Commission, California Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Rehabilitation, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of

Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected]

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected]

San Gabriel & Lower LA Rivers and Mountains Conservancy Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected]

Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Science Center, California Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Secretary of State Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Seismic Safety Commission Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Sierra Nevada Conservancy Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Social Services, California Department of Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] State Hospitals, Department of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Student Aid Commission, California Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Summer School of Arts, California Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Systems Integration, Office of Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Tahoe Conservancy, California Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Tax and Fee Administration, California Department of

Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected]

Teachers Retirement Systems, California Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Technology, Department of Juan Lopez (916) 928-7856 [email protected]

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Department FAMS Analyst Phone Number

Email Address

Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected] Transportation, Department of Christine Jensen (916) 925-7963 [email protected] Treasurer, State Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected]

Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, California

Nathan Hyde (916) 928-4645 [email protected]

Veterans Affairs, Department of Brian Allen (916) 928-2083 [email protected] Water Resources Control Board Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Water Resources, Department of Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected] Workforce Investment Board, California Melanie Khosroshahi (916) 928-7968 [email protected]