FAME Update MASFAA Conference October 17-18, 2011.

FAME Update MASFAA Conference October 17-18, 2011

Transcript of FAME Update MASFAA Conference October 17-18, 2011.

Page 1: FAME Update MASFAA Conference October 17-18, 2011.

FAME UpdateMASFAA Conference October 17-18, 2011

Page 2: FAME Update MASFAA Conference October 17-18, 2011.

College Access and Financial Education

State Education Programs

NextGen College Investing Plan

Commercial Division

Today’s TopicsFAME Update

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CAFÉ StaffFAME Update

Jessica Bernier, College Access Counselor Joined FAME September 19 Comes from YCCC Early College for ME Will cover Western and Southern Maine regions

Angela Dostie, CAFÉ Manager Mila Tappan, College Access Counselor (Northern

and Downeast) Pam Crate, College Access Counselor for Adult

Education Mary Dyer, Financial Education Specialist

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FA101 – 6th year completed Signature training 140 registrants, 125 attendees Greg Darnieder, keynote speaker

ME Files the FAFSA One of only two states actively working with high

schools to help increase FAFSA filing rates IL is the other 58% for 2011 – 2012 60% goal for 2012 -2013, 85% goal for 2014-

2015 90% of those that file a FAFSA attend college

within 12 months!

FA101FAME Update

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MCACG competitive sub-grants Award notifications sent mid-September Total Dollars Awarded: $675K

Thomas College and Eastern Maine Community College

Check FAMEmaine.com for other projects funded

Challenge ME Grant Early College Courses or AP Tests Guidelines

Income Pursuing high school or GED Eligible high schools and adult education centers

College Access and Persistence

College Access Challenge GrantFAME Update

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Site request form new this year Sunday, January 29, 2012

8 – 10 sites that Sunday Computer access required

FAFSA labs Afternoons and evenings January, February, March 35 – 40 sites

Event format Sign-in Surveys Scholarships

College Goal Maine FAME Update

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College Access Efforts FY11FAME Update

Participated in 384 events Helped complete 728 FAFSAs Trained 677 counselors and advisors Conducted 68 Financial Aid Night

presentations 53 during November and December alone

34,026 Maine citizens attended one of these events and 10,765 participated in a training or workshop. 

 In addition to the events listed above, there were 6 Casting Calls at which 692 applications were completed

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Financial EducationFAME Update

Financial Literacy Advisory Council Group of 25+ stakeholders working in ME on financial

literacy FAME assisted in coordinating an inventory of efforts

in State

Mary Dyer has been asked to be the President of the Maine Jump $tart Coalition

FAME continues to partner with the Maine Office of Securities to offer the 3rd annual Financial Literacy Summit for Maine Educators – April 26, 2012. STAY TUNED for more information.

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Default Prevention & Debt ManagementFAME Update

Early Intervention Program since inception 14,255 borrowers enrolled 12,504 in good standing = 87.7% of enrollees

FAME Cohort Default Rate 6.1% Held steady from prior year National average is 8.8%

At-risk students remain FAME focus High default rates Low graduation rates

Exploring collaboration in changing landscape MYF sponsorship discontinued Salary-Debt calculator on FAME site Three VFAs submitted by FAME

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2011 – 2012 holding steady on EFC & projections 2010 – 2011

24,558 students assisted $15,244,594 ($10,630,340 appropriation)

Stakeholders Study Group Underway Broad Goal: ensure program is meeting the needs of

Maine students Student centric focus Persistence and completion

Report to Legislature due December 1 Statute modifications

State of Maine Grant ProgramFAME Update

Page 11: FAME Update MASFAA Conference October 17-18, 2011.

GEAR UP Scholarship Last cohort of students eligible for the GEAR UP

scholarship entered college this Fall No new GEAR UP grants funded in Maine for this

round FAME is preparing for increased CAFÉ demands

John R. Justice Grant Program Loan repayment program for public service

attorneys Funded by Feds for year two Expect 15 renewals and 3 new awards

State Education ProgramsFAME Update

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Other State Education ProgramsFinancial Aid Update

Educators for Maine Maine Health Professions

Loan GEAR UP Scholarship Doctors for Maine’s Future Dental Education Loans Dental Loan Repayment

$5,066,651 awarded in FY11

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Successful Scholarship Partnerships

11 $1,000 scholarships annually Glenburn Elementary School

January 2011 Press Event Scholarship Criteria Announcement

NextGen College Investing PlanFAME Update

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March 2011 – new matching grant programs

Eligible accounts opened after January 1, 2011

No income restrictions $200 Initial Matching Grant $400 NextStep Matching Grant $50 Automated Funding Grant

Harold Alfond College Challenge $500 baby grant 10,000th enrollee in July 2011

NextGen College Investing PlanFAME Update

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Commercial Division FY11FAME Update

Economic Recovery

Potato Marketing Agricultural

Marketing Underground Oil

Storage Facility Regional

Economic Development Daycare

Energy Conservation

$7.5 million

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$44.5 million in Commercial Loan Insurance (CLI)

Commercial Division FY11FAME Update

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3,664 jobs created and/or retained

Variety of FAME programs designed to support businesses in Maine

Commercial Division FY11FAME Update

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Maine Food Processing Grants For fishing and agricultural enterprises FAME awarded $975K Grants expected to help create and/or retain 165


State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) FAME Collaboration to write and administer this

grant $13.2 million in Federal funding to spur $132 in

additional small business lending Recapitalizing - Regional Economic Development

Revolving Loan Programs, FAME’s Economic Recovery Loan Program and Small Enterprise Growth Fund


Commercial Division NotablesFAME Update

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Customer Service FY11FAME Update

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Financial Planning Conference for Maine Professionals Holiday Inn by the Bay beginning at 9:00 a.m. Collaboration with NextGen and Maine Office of

Securities Thank you Andrea Cross and Peggy Crawford!

Showcase Maine Holiday Inn by the Bay beginning at 4:30 p.m. Bob Doll, Keynote speaker

Senior Managing Director, Chief Equity Strategist and Head of U.S. Large Cap series at BlackRock

BlackRock has $3.66 trillion assets under management Bob appears regularly on CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox

Business News

November 15, 2011FAME Update

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Finance Authority of Maine5 Community Drive

P.O. Box 949Augusta, ME 04332

