False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused...


Transcript of False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused...

Page 1: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.
Page 2: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.

False Humility vs. True HumilityFalse Humility vs. True Humility

SelfSelf CondemnationCondemnationThinking about my Thinking about my sin sin

Punishing self Punishing self


Depressing – I don’t Depressing – I don’t like myselflike myself

Regret about me Regret about me

Lowers expectationsLowers expectations

UnworthinessUnworthinessThinking about God’s Thinking about God’s gracegrace

Exalting Christ Exalting Christ


Encouraging – God Encouraging – God loves and forgives meloves and forgives me

Gratitude to GodGratitude to God

Prompts faithfulnessPrompts faithfulness

Page 3: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.
Page 4: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.

Pumpkin Pie RecipePumpkin Pie Recipe

3/4 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

2 large eggs 2 large eggs

1 can (15 oz.) 1 can (15 oz.) LIBBY'S® 100% Pure PumpkinLIBBY'S® 100% Pure Pumpkin

1 can (12 fl. oz.) 1 can (12 fl. oz.) NESTLÉ® CARNATION® Evaporated MilkNESTLÉ® CARNATION® Evaporated Milk

Page 5: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.
Page 6: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.

Jews and Gentiles JoinedJews and Gentiles Joined

HeirsHeirs together – Heaven? together – Heaven?

MembersMembers together – Connected together – Connected

SharersSharers together – Spiritual blessings together – Spiritual blessings

Page 7: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.
Page 8: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.

Angels are interested in our SalvationAngels are interested in our Salvation

(1 Peter 1:10-12) Concerning this (1 Peter 1:10-12) Concerning this salvationsalvation, the , the prophetsprophets, who spoke of the , who spoke of the gracegrace that was to come to you, that was to come to you, searched searched intently and with the greatest careintently and with the greatest care…{12} …{12} Even angels long to look into these Even angels long to look into these things.things.

Page 9: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.
Page 10: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.

Personalizing the ChurchPersonalizing the Church

(Ephesians 3:10) His ((Ephesians 3:10) His (God’sGod’s) intent ) intent was that now, through the church was that now, through the church _________,_________, the manifold (“ the manifold (“great great varietyvariety”) wisdom of God should be ”) wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and made known to the rulers and authorities (angels) in the heavenly authorities (angels) in the heavenly realmsrealms


Page 11: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.

Personalizing the TextPersonalizing the Text

(Ephesians 3:10) His ((Ephesians 3:10) His (God’sGod’s) intent was ) intent was that now, through the church that now, through the church _________,_________, the manifold (“ the manifold (“great great varietyvariety”) wisdom of God should be made ”) wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities known to the rulers and authorities (angels) in the heavenly realms {11} (angels) in the heavenly realms {11} according to his eternal purpose which according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.Lord.


Page 12: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.
Page 13: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.

The Pokey Local ChurchThe Pokey Local Church

For all of its [the church’s] foibles—lousy preaching, For all of its [the church’s] foibles—lousy preaching, political infighting, self-centered focus, stagnation, a political infighting, self-centered focus, stagnation, a gaggle of special interest groups—the pokey local gaggle of special interest groups—the pokey local church…is still the most fertile environment for spiritual church…is still the most fertile environment for spiritual development. In fact, there can be no genuine spiritual development. In fact, there can be no genuine spiritual progress without a long-term attachment to a pokey local progress without a long-term attachment to a pokey local church…. Disillusionment with one's church, then, is not a church…. Disillusionment with one's church, then, is not a reason to leave but a reason to stay and see what God reason to leave but a reason to stay and see what God will create in one's life and in the pokey local church. will create in one's life and in the pokey local church. What I perceive to be my needs…may not correspond to What I perceive to be my needs…may not correspond to my true spiritual needs. Thinking that I know my true my true spiritual needs. Thinking that I know my true spiritual needs is arrogant, narcissistic, and so American. spiritual needs is arrogant, narcissistic, and so American. Staying put as a life practice allows God's grace to work Staying put as a life practice allows God's grace to work on the unsanded surfaces of my inner life.“on the unsanded surfaces of my inner life.“

Dave Goetz, Christianity Today (July, 2003) p. 33Dave Goetz, Christianity Today (July, 2003) p. 33

Page 14: False Humility vs. True Humility Self Condemnation Thinking about my sin Punishing self Self-focused Depressing – I don’t like myself Regret about me.