Fall ID letter2 - nwyouthcorps.org › journals › 2010 › fall_ID.pdf · MONDAY: If your crew...

To all the Idaho Fall Corps Members from 2010: The last tool count has been called for the year, and at NYC we are reflecting on what made the 2010 season so great. I imagine that you are recounting your tales of adventure to those who were not there with a certain swagger that one only obtains from successfully finishing a session at Northwest Youth Corps, or, for some of you, multiple sessions. It has been a successful year by all accounts, and you all were the reason for the success. To anyone else who hasn’t lived outside for over a month, done a safety circle before the sun came up, done the pushup-challenge, or chugged a gallon of water, these notes might not seem like much. But here you will see the journals which reflect a small part of the experience that you shared in this summer with other intrepid explorers and perhaps these notes will offer keys to some memories which you may have forgotten. Of course, I’m not necessarily talking about the smelly van rides, blistered feet, or burnt noodles for dinner. I am hoping that those memories will just texture your fondness in looking back. The important ones are the friendships forged, the hardships overcome, and the sweat-dripped all over the gorgeous state of Idaho. Thank you for your hard work this Fall in Idaho. Adam Taylor Program Manager - Idaho

Transcript of Fall ID letter2 - nwyouthcorps.org › journals › 2010 › fall_ID.pdf · MONDAY: If your crew...

Page 1: Fall ID letter2 - nwyouthcorps.org › journals › 2010 › fall_ID.pdf · MONDAY: If your crew were to encounter a troop of interplanetary mercenaries, what would you do? First

To all the Idaho Fall Corps Members from 2010:

The last tool count has been called for the year, and at NYC we are reflecting on

what made the 2010 season so great. I imagine that you are recounting your tales of

adventure to those who were not there with a certain swagger that one only obtains

from successfully finishing a session at Northwest Youth Corps, or, for some of you,

multiple sessions. It has been a successful year by all accounts, and you all were the

reason for the success.

To anyone else who hasn’t lived outside for over a month, done a safety circle before

the sun came up, done the pushup-challenge, or chugged a gallon of water, these

notes might not seem like much. But here you will see the journals which reflect a

small part of the experience that you shared in this summer with other intrepid

explorers and perhaps these notes will offer keys to some memories which you may

have forgotten. Of course, I’m not necessarily talking about the smelly van rides,

blistered feet, or burnt noodles for dinner. I am hoping that those memories will just

texture your fondness in looking back. The important ones are the friendships

forged, the hardships overcome, and the sweat-dripped all over the gorgeous state of


Thank you for your hard work this Fall in Idaho.

Adam Taylor

Program Manager - Idaho

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WEEK # 1




MONDAY: If your crew were to encounter a troop of interplanetary mercenaries,

what would you do? First off, I would take a picture. Then, wielding their mighty Pulaskis, I would send

Hadley and Chantelle to find their means of transportation and capture it. Then, heading up

the first badass crew would be the dreaded Johnny 2, taking with him Shelly, Nick, Tyler and

Steph. The second crew would be lead by the fearless Mathew of Ashville, NC, with me,

Marco, Stephanie and Zach. We would be the distraction crews, taking Duchess from next

door with us. While we were crating mass confusion against the other worldly beings, crew

# 1 would come from behind and slaughter them (…in a totally civil way.)!! We would

rendezvous back at the rain gear and wait for Chantelle and Hadley to arrive spilling news of

galactic space-crafts and their own battle to procure our new means of transportation. We

Alex Warncke

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TUESDAY: If your crew were super-humans, what would their nickname be and why? Tyler: Sarcasm Mayne; sarcasm's his name and sarcasm's his pain.

Stephanie: Mysterious Eyes; her shifty eyes make opponents hesitant.

Steph: Flip Bang; one whip of her bangs leaves villains immobilized.

Hadley: Bionic Ribman; half corps-member, half rover and half bionic bib.

Chantelle: Lady Musher; if she doesn't kill you with her super strength, her dog-sled

team will finish the deed.

Alex: Eardrum Eruptor; it's said her burps top 1,000 humpback whales during mating


Nick: Butterfly Man; the name's meant to mislead, but what he lacks in wings he makes up

with Pulaskis.

Marco: Mr. Solidarity; he's rock solid; it's rumored his hair never loses shape, with or

without a helmet.

John: Johnny Corps Member; his lovable and endearing, but always mishap laden plans

provide a diversion for the other crew members.

Matt: 06-Omnipresent Gangsta; he knows all, sees all and is all. We liken him to our

Professor Xavier.

WEDNESDAY: What's on my noggin? "Hump Day"… It's already here! Week one is already almost over. Today was a lot

more of a thinking day. I thought a lot about home. I also thought about why I miss it so

much. I thought a lot about my brother and Chambray, wondering how they are doing and if

they're doing well; but my number one thing I thought about was how happy I am. I

questioned myself, but I realized it's the amazing crew I'm on. Each day I find myself

enjoying to smile and knowing that I don't have to fake it. I love how I don't have to write a

journal and feel bad cause I fibbed about the people on it.

Its' nice knowing I can laugh without being asked why am I laughing? Maybe it's

because last session was traumatizing, but it helped me realize that even if I am in a bad

situation, you should do your best to make everything as good as possible in it. So it's my

turn to take advantage of the good and turn the good into something GREAT!





Yellow Crew's eagerness to work trail borders on hip radical. Only crew leaders

superior leadership keeps Yellow Crew in line. If unleashed Yellow Crew would become an

unstoppable force, with the result that every trail on Earth would be worked to perfections.

Yellow Crew is the driving force on conservation work.

Nick Bowen

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FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week



WEEK # 2




MONDAY: How awesome are chainsaws? Why: Clair: "Cuz I really want a picture with a chainsaw next to the "No Chainsaw" sign.

Josh: They are awesome enough to fight intergalactic creatures, slay dragons and destroy

eco-systems where NYC prevails.

Matt: Because they are real-life staffs of power that could be used for good or evil and allow

one access to the inner sanctum of trees.

Hadley Sanders

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? We are up near Cascade, drinking lots of Kool-aid; creating pile upon pile of slash-

pile, preventing forest fire for mile upon mile and working hard each day for our convenient

pay. If it weren't for this solitary poet, you wouldn't even know it. Even though I can rhyme,

we just can't keep time cuz every morning we go to work whether it is raining or pouring.

While we would rather be exploring, we just can't help the urge to stay snoring. Still we

work from morning til night, making every forest and trail right. For we are the Yellow

Crew, making trails for me and you and when push comes to shove, we'll don a work glove.

The morning mist arising from the mountains and rivers greet us in the rising sun's

glimmers. With all this beauty around, we can scarcely breathe a sound.

What's with all these slash-piles? Why are they stretching for miles and miles up near

Cascade and Donnelly, in the forest nearby? As corps-members, we never wear a suit and

tie. Preventing fires from logs and timber, we strive to be exceptionally limber. Working

hard and eating wee, we don't stop until we hear a yell. Go big or go home, be polite to your

crew and watch your tone. Don't forget to take initiative and maybe you might live, because

if Stephanie gets her way, you might not live to see another day. Chores are a must and we

need to obliterate them in dust. And when dinner is served, it is a rest well deserved. From

misty mountains to shimmering shores, NYC crews do their chores! And even when slash-

piling in the sun, we strive to have fun!

Chantelle Chase

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week:

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Our crew goals for the week are to stay focused on the job & work our hardest to

finish our project. Keep a positive attitude while doing what we're her for. Try to keep our

pace to make it to the destroyed part of the project.

Marco Ayala

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week:

FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week: Today we slashed piles

And yesterday too

So much bomb dinner...



WEEK # 3




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: We chilled at a park, went to a hot dog eating contest, found a cool health foods

store… Others went and got to pet a bobcat and participate in a crazy Indian ceremony.

Came back and had a great meal with visiting parents. We also went to Crystal Mountain

and a farmers' market and walked on the beach.

Hadley Sanders

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? Today we read from the personal journal of Chantelle Chase.

WEDNESDAY: Describe what I think: It's been two days since we lost two! Unfortunately we got hours and plenty of

hiking to do! These past two days I've done nothing but think! Knowing, loving and

precious things can be gone in a blink! It's hard to think I came in Spring and ended in Fall!

Now I'm a few times stronger and feel ten feet tall! I realized that I'm not just here for my

mom or my dad! But I did realize how much I really had!

My Yellow Crew, my Yellow Crew, this week I understand! That we can go through

anything and still have the perfect feet land! I give my warm and fuzzies to all of you.

Nothing can stop my wonderful most loving amazing strong will Yellow Crew! I want you

all to know I'm so freakin' proud!

I can say you're all amazing and keep that PMA loud! I think we have all learned

something this week! Knowing if we feel a feeling we have the right to speak; knowing if

we lose one or two, there's always something we can do; knowing if you feel sad or mad,

talking about it is never bad!

So think to yourself, Yellow Crew; there is no other crew just like you! Take what

you can from this amazing place and always keep smiles on that pretty face.

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Stephanie Curtis

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: This week Yellow Crew learned…

We're stronger than we think we are. We've already come so far. Week 3 has passed.

It went so fast. Even though we're sick and tired, our PMA never seems to fade, and even

though I suck and rhyming, just know everyone did amazing this week and I love you all!

FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week



WEEK # 4




MONDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? We are back country near the Oregon Border and starting on new trails; putting new

tread, removing rock; determined to do more work with ten people than we did with twelve

people because we be jammin' that way with PMA!


TUESDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: This weekend we were back country in the Payette National Forest. Began a game of

assassin and I mobbed. Within two hours of waking up, I had 5 people killed. Once

everyone was awake, we heard Tyler's PH. It was riveting. Since we were lacking in hours,

Matt and 4 others worked on their day off for 4 hours. We called ourselves "Task Force 5."

It was a special recon squad.

Zach Rule

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: Our goal for the week is to finish the Little Weiser Trail we started back during week

1. I hope we can finish it because that will mean we will have finished three separate trails

during our two week back country. It is the things that Trail Gods can only dream of… Our

goal is to widen and brush trails. Our contact told us that no structures are needed for the last

portion of the Little Weiser. At first I was bummed about the no structures, but realized that

cows wouldn't appreciate our magnificent structures no ways.

Zach Rule

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: The crew learned that even though we are short two people, we could accomplish a

lot. We also learned how to take care of not only our personal problems, but as well as our

crew members problems, may it be with struggling on how to dig perfect trail or the

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frustration of getting bumped in the bump line or just something that's bothering a crew

member that day. We also learned how to be there for one another even though we may not

like or agree with each other, but we're still here like FAMILY! ☺

Marco Ayala

FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week



WEEK # 5




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: There were three different recreation trips setting forth like the sailing of ships.

Holding our seat belts with iron grips, we held onto our customer slips. Don't get between

corps members and their store stops because the corps members bust their tops. Drinking

their soda pops, corps members love store stops. Napping on the beach is the perfect time to

eat a peach. Hiking at times brings forth new rhymes. Whatever the wake up time at the

weekend site, we aren't usually covered in grime. But nonetheless, we all do our best for

some much needed rest. When you do reach the mountain's crest, you realize who is the

best. For at the NYC, at the weekend, we are work-free.

Chantelle Chase

TUESDAY: LAST WEEK AT NYC!!! HEY GUYS!!! GUESS WHAT!!!??? The week is almost half way over & I think

we're all "totally" stoked! Thinking about the last 4 weeks is such a trip. We've all learned

so much about ourselves and each other. No matter how much I deny it, I'm really going to

miss the team work, van rides, meaningless arguments and fantastic food. This NYC

experience has been very different for all of us, but I'm pretty sure we all feel equally

satisfied. For our last wee, all I wish for is for everyone to put what we've learned together to

make our next few days

Stephanie Honnold ☺

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: Our goal for the week is to finish the project we're on. Hey crew! One more work

day left!!! I'm so happy! I can't wait til Saturday!!! It's going to be awesome. So far this

week is going by so fast! So what is everyone going to do when they got home? I get to go

to a new house that I have no idea where it's at or what it looks like. Hopefully I will like the

new place.

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Jesse Ringquist

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: We went on a treacherous journey to rid the world of a horrid evil. His music has

infiltrated the minds of millions of youth, deteriorating their goals. I'm, of course, talking

about Justin Beiber. We followed his small baby-like prints to the southern bayou, and

began to pick up his scent. It was interestingly similar to a mixture of fermented undies and

old ladies feet. Eventually we caught up with him at New Orleans' Toys R Us. He was

shopping for a vintage 1960s "Greasers Barbie." We cornered him in the aisle and gave him

what the world has been asking for, since he busted onto the music scene. A furious punch in

the face, I broke his nose.

Zach Rule

FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week

MY MOST CHALLENGING DAY AT NYC WAS: The first week being here going to the back-country.

…Hiking up hill during back country.

The morning we hike.

…Hiking five miles to and from work everyday.

Marco Ayala

…Hiking 10 a day and seeing our friends leave.

Stephanie H

…Seeing Hadley and Alex leave.

Stephanie Curtis

My most challenging day was when we were in the back country and I stressed

myself out. I was physically and mentally stressed out that day and my PMA was at an all

time low for the NYC. That was intensified by the fact that I was suffering from my feet and

knee that were hurting. Thankfully that challenging day was conquered and I was able to

overcome the pain and the stress.

Chantelle Chase

MY THREE FAVORITE NYC EXPERIENCES WERE: One was the first weekend and two; the work.

…The people, the work, the requirement to use my brain.

…The view from the peak, the bald eagles, and completing three trails in two weeks.

• The bonding moments of our crew

• Van rides ☺

• Weekend sites

Marco Ayala

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- Hiking 10 miles a day—the feeling of success!

- Rec trips

- Getting Abs!!

Stephanie Honnold ☺

• Beating up Clair (ha!)

• Cuddle puddles

• Making friends

Stephanie Curtis

My three favorite NYC experiences were:

Writing the journals and the stories of my own

Building the turnpike because of all the mud (I am Musher Mud Monster)

The work because I love it—that's why I'm here!

Chantelle Chase

AT NYC I LEARNED: …That I can work harder than I though. I can get along with others.

…To depend on myself, increased in knowledge; to learn.

…The skills on which making trail is a blast!

• How to step up and be a leader

• How to push myself to work harder

• Different peoples' backgrounds & where they come from

Marco Ayala

- PATIENCE! Lots of it!

- Pushing myself to the limit

- How to stay positive!

Stephanie Honnold

• Being a better leader

• Patience

• That I can show emotions

Stephanie Curtis


…The crew.

…The crew.

…The crew & all the memories we brought this session.

Marco Ayala

Everything! This is an experience I'll never forget. I ♥ my crew.

Stephanie Honnold

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…Every single bit of it. My frickin' amazing YELLOW FAMILY!

Stephanie Curtis


…Depend on myself, learn from my mistakes.

…Hike and think how to fix the trail.

…Be more confident. Take my leadership skills and go out in the "real world" &

teach others.

Marco Ayala

…Push myself to do whatever I want in the future, and follow through.

Stephanie Honnold

…Cry and know it's ok to share my feelings.

Stephanie Curtis ♥


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WEEK # 1




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: This weekend all of the NYC members gathered together at Mann Creek Reservoir

for orientation. The 1st day we went through a lot of the basics about gear, rules, meals, etc.

It was pretty awkward for the first while as everyone got used to each other and our new

situation. Sunday we slept in, had pancakes and were assigned our crew. After we got all of

our gear together, we headed out to our work camp.

Catherine Nielsen ♥

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? This week we are working in the Cascade and Donnelly area. We are doing a lot of

slashing and firewood piling. The main reason for this is to thin out a lot of the hazard trees

and prevent forest fires.

Adam Baker

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: This week, our crew's goals are very widespread. First off, there is getting to know

each other on a personal level. We are a crew for the next five weeks and we need to

function as a family. Then there is work… We are all trying to get the job done to clear out

hazard trees and prevent wildfires. (Smoky would be proud.) We do chores every night

consisting of preparing for the next day and cooking for dinner for everybody.

My personal goals are learning to deal with the cold, tolerance, maintaining a PMA,

getting into shape, learning to use a Pulaski correctly, dealing with missing my best friend

and dog & just mentally preparing myself for the rest of session. I'm naturally a shy person,

so I'm trying my very hardest to open up to everybody. I'm allowing myself to have fun.

Now, this is very off track…. Bye!

♥ Kate

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: WOW! Well, our crew has had a lot of time already to discuss many different topics;

religion, politics, existentialism, etc. Today we are losing a friend; corps-member and a

massive amount of charisma, Adam. I think we're all reflecting somewhat about how short

friendships can be and along with that, how fast relationships can progress, especially when

you're living, working and depending on each other; a real community. We're quickly

gaining a sense of how imperative, organic and universal the idea of community really is.


FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week Well, well! This week has been a good one. I would have to say as far as challenges

go that getting through this first week was the biggest challenging. Waking up to the stars in

pretty much freezing weather isn't always the easiest, and we made it through the week with

that obstacle.

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We've accomplished the task of getting to know each other a little better as a crew

and have also learned how to work together.

The session is only beginning but I would say we've started it off on a very good note.



WEEK # 2




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: This weekend, after we packed up our camp at Cascade Reservoir, we showered &

took care of our laundry. We then proceeded to the weekend site outside of McCall. There

we were able to restock our food and interact with the other two crews. Saturday morning 2

members of our crew (Nick & I) were quarantined with sickness. We were prescribed

antibiotics & are already feeling better.

After the store stops, we headed toward Stanley. The Sawtooths were absolutely

breathtaking! We cooked hotdogs & smart dogs over a warm campfire and sang campfire

songs with my guitar as we became acquainted with our new rover, John. We slept in a

circle around the stars after listening to Dan's beautiful PH.

On Sunday we drove into the Frank Church (River of No Return) Wilderness; took a

jet boat ride & hiked our gear to the campsite. Now we're cooking dinner back-country style

and preparing for an awesome weekend of trail work. ☺

Kate Merritt

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? This week we are improving the trail so horses and hikers can walk on it comfortably.

We are brushing up the trail and making it wider; taking out unnecessary rocks and brush.

Chambray Amlin

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: Nick: The Crimson Hipster—The ability to be hip and ironically retro at the same time.

Mykeal: Supersonic Pony Girl—The ability to squeal so when seeing a pony, that it drives

people insane.

Kate: The Ginger Brain—Psychic

Dan: The Moderator—The ability to solve any conflict peacefully.

Asmir: The Bosnian Bear—Turns into a bear.

Katie: Thunderstorm—Make it rain on a watch.

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Catherine: Whisper—Speaks to animals.

Julian: Colossus—Grow to enormous size.

Michael: The Illusionist—Turns fantasy stories to reality.

Daniel Miller

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: Today was a good day. ☺ The mighty Orange Crew worked a long shift and we

rocked it. The day was filled with sweat, laughter, maybe a little dehydration; but all in all,

hard work.

As we walked back along the trail to camp, we got to see all of the work that was

accomplished, and it was a good feeling. Now we are eating chow and going to bed.

Katie Meier

FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week: Oh geez, well… This week we went back-country for the first, and most likely, the

last time this session. It was great to get back on the trail, especially in such an amazing area,

The River of No Return Wilderness. Horse Creek trail follows Horse Creek a windy 25 or so

miles and spill is out into the beautiful Salmon River.

Almost everybody on our crew had their first go at trail maintenance this week and

from the perspective of one who has been diggin' trail for three years now, I'd say they all

picked it up pretty damn quick. We brought Outback back, redefined hinge, widened,

realigned, resurfaced and even had a go at some lock-work here and there. Unfortunately we

lost two unique individuals this week and everyone was pretty broke up about it to say the

very least.

We worked long days playing catch up and got a good amount of work done,

although there was some confusion between our contact and NYC about how long we were

actually out there for. We also had some trouble involving pack mules after dark; I'll leave it

at that.

I feel fortunate and blessed to have such an amazing crew and to have scored such an

awesome project this week. More to come over the horizon…




WEEK # 3




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: (i), over spill with anxiety

but (they) with open minds, circle in inner songs

time was

and (we) were

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and in those days such an exchange of self is so remembered

that whatever it happens to be

i will learn it like absolution

and trace it like secrets told

so i laugh

because who knew not everything passes you by

because who knew you could feel so seen.

Melissa Bridwell

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? This week we are in Cascade. We are cutting down, bucking and slash piling trees

for the forest service. We are doing this so there is more camping spots for the Cascade


Chambray Amlin

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: Our crew didn't get any specific goals for this week but there were several implied


The first one, as always, is to have a Positive Mental Attitude. That is always the

most important goal to make sure everyone is happy and included in the group. Although we

had a rough day or two for sure, I feel that everyone kept their spirits up.

Secondly another important goal was to include our 2 new crew members, Melissa

and Tyson, and show them the ropes. We definitely accomplished this too.

Catherine Nielsen

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: This week our crew learned about ecosystems and what they are; and went over

methods on how to build a proper fire in rainy or dry weather. The crew had also learned

more about each other and we have also gotten better at making some bomb slash piles.

Mykeal Moats

FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week This week our crew resumed work that was exactly the same as what we did the 1


week we were here, but in a different spot. After spending the last week back-country doing

trail work, this situation immediately posed the challenge for everyone to keep a Positive

Mental Attitude. Personally I was a little bummed about going back to what we had already

learned, but also a little bit secretly grateful for the less physically challenging work. I think

others shared the same sentiment.

Despite our 1st thoughts, I think that everyone accomplished a lot and really enjoyed

the change of scenery. In the back/corner-ish area where I was working for the last couple of

days, there is an amazing view of the lake and surrounding beaches. …A great backdrop for

slash-piling. ☺

We also gained 2 new crew members this week. Melissa is so nice and awesome and

Tyson is a little quieter. Our crew has had no problem including them right into our camp.

Catherine Nielsen



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WEEK # 4




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: ORANGE CREW!! (The Savages) Loving each other is our number one priority.

We're there for each other whether we're smiling or crying. We are not adverse to activities

such as mud recreating or juggling with rocks. Every member is overflowing with creativity

and spirit. We make each other whole. Even as some go and others are incorporated, we

stay true to the shared values and ideals that make us ORANGE CREW.

Catherine Nielsen

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? We are at Cascade Lake this week slash-piling (again) which is all right. The main

focus here is thinning. The lodge-poles in the area are overcrowded, which threatens

biodiversity and provides fuel for large fires to spread easily. I have the suspicion we are

clearing for campsites as well. Whatevs…

Nick V

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: Orange Crew's goals for the week are to get as much slash piling done as possible and

to help load all the tree rounds into our contacts trucks to haul them off, maintain a positive

attitude throughout the whole week.


Chambray Amlin

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: This week a kitty wandered into our camp during breakfast. Kitty (we named her

Haley) was not afraid of us and is most likely a stray cat from somewhere in town who

wondered away from home or was abandoned by her owners.

Today (which is actually Wednesday) a fox walked around us during safety circle;

came so close she tried to snatch a glove off of Catherine's hand, and circled within a couple

feet of each of us.

Last week an eagle dropped a trout near Katie, however each of us decided to

interpret, explain or consider these phenomenon. We are all leaning from the land, learning

our place here; our purpose.

Nick Valoff

FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week Patience is key value

And love comes much more strange,

But there is nothing but teaming thrills

That string the days with absolute solace

Letting go of the many faces of melancholy cut fingers

But bearing the weight with the color, orange

Leaves us wooed,

Freely freaking

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Melissa Bridwell



WEEK # 5




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: Somewhere we've embedded time well spent, built ourselves in wildly tall patience

and stubbornly endless accounts of overflowing mountains and stars, permanent and free

falling. Everything leading to it was spent connecting. Our days, the colors were mixed; are

revolving and I never knew what great hue orange, red and yellow could make until now.

Melissa Bridwell

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? We're aiming with dirt stained finger, to prove ourselves, to make sure of our

capabilities as an individual, dedicated worker and as a well mechanized community. You

could put this need to dedicate this last week with the weeks before by forming them in

symbols of trenches and treads and trails, but the final days are always so much more than

the projector, and performance rocks and tools; we're out there to make use of ourselves and

of each other and we won't rest until something is proved.

Melissa Bridwell

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: We radiate with ambition, but tarnish with the ever curious future. We attempt to

unite better than ever with others, since this last week presents a preparation. We begin to

start to climb mountains; to make a well thought out estimated outline for what comes after

this week. We strive to keep warm and aware inside and out despite the anxieties that fiend

ever completely disappearing routine. It checks us out of our scenarios. We gripe with a

strong need to achieve promises and do right. Nothing matters but pulling ourselves

together. Nothing.

Melissa Bridwell

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: Situations

Attempting to reach

With acceptance

For good faults

With chances and change

We thank what we see

Once is a window

And lunacy unravels in lengthy comfort.

Melissa Bridwell

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FRIDAY: Describe the environment of the crew in relation to the final week.) Everyone seems to handle the end of a good thing differently. Some put forth eager

effort; others seem to face it with dislike. Everyone excerpt strange reactions to the end for

fear of the end because it means different things to different people.

For some this program was a way to keep busy, to keep sober, for safety, even debts.

The arriving end of these present times then begins to spark the question, "What

comes after?" Some fear the answer. Others checked out long ago in so much eagerness to

face their question and solve their answer.

The way I see it, we're all trying to face it alone, which makes me laugh because we

come here thinking; absolutely believing, that we're in everything alone, but as weeks turn

into friendships, we learn how many things you really aren't forced to handle in lonesome

fashion. As we face the end of this good thing, we start shying away from those realizations

and we pose those questions. We relapse into a feeling and obligation to face these strange

realities alone when really we don't have to feel that way anymore, and at times such as

these, it takes every moment spent to find out and at last realize that things can change that

what comes after can be different and in those final hours, where you finally accept the truth

of this, you begin to realize that it's all true after all. What was once alone is now a unit.

A strong band of brotherhood and sisterhood alike… You find that they are there for

you to liberate you from that fear of "the end," in fact, it even gives you opportunity enough

to embrace it and make it, but the newness of the next strange and bizarre strings of days and

make it the answer ideal. Sometimes; most times, nothing matters more and that these terms

are not only for now but for every "end" you'll ever face again.

Melissa Bridwell

MY MOST CHALLENGING DAY AT NYC WAS: The most challenging day at NYC for me was the day we lost Kate and Asmir; the

work day itself was not tough, but after was every emotionally trying.

Dan Miller

My most challenging day was when we worked 12 hours back-country our and week.

My back was causing a lot of pain and I was frustrated.

Catherine Nielsen

What was most challenging in my opinion would have to have been the day we lost

two crew members. We had to make up those hours, as well as say good-bye to them, � but

its all goooood.

The day that challenged me the most was a few days ago in back-country. I was

feeling absolutely sick but forced myself to persevere through the work.

Melissa Bridwell

The day we lost two corps-members and the day we lost Adam first week.


…Leaving all the friends I've made in NYC.


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…The day we took out some power lines and we were stressed and moody. It was a

long day.

Mykeal Moats

MY THREE FAVORITE NYC EXPERIENCES WERE: My 3 favorite NYC experiences are as follows:

1. My first night sitting surrounded by new people that I know were wonderful,

2. Cinnamon rolling after "PHs" because everyone is in such a free mood and so full

of laughter,

3. When my crew played in the mud on a day where I was really upset and their

encouragement to have me join in the mud completely cheered me up.

Melissa Bridwell

1) One of my favorite experiences were playing in the mud.

2) I loved cuddle puddles at night.

3) Taking long walks with Katie.


1) Working hard

2) Sitting around playing guitar and with crew members

3) Campfires

Being a Hulkomaniac

Mud baths

Cuddle puddles

1) Mud baths

2) Fox trot

3) Eagle dropping fish


1) Getting friends

2) Mudbathing

3) Yoga

M Riggs

AT NYC I LEARNED: 1. How to dig sexy trail

2. How to work together as a team

3. Technical skills

4. Patience

1. Everyone is different

2. How to wash dishes

3. How to work with people.

1) How to continue to work harder even when tired.

2) How to get along with people I normally wouldn't

3) How to do trail


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1) I am the center of my very own universe!

2) Reality is subjective

3) People are amazing.


1) Tranquility, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

2) Work is hard only if you think it is.

3) Fun can be had with the strangest of things.

Mishyl Riggs

1) How to tread trail

2) Teamwork

3) Tool uses


2) Deep group conversations

3) Off-topic debates during SEED (Dan)

4) Michyl throwing a log

5) Mud bathing, gift from eagle, fox, Tony Danza (Nick)

6) The friends I've made (Mishyl Riggs)

7) Mud baths and all of our encounters with nomads

FROM NOW ON I WILL ALWAYS: …Not judge before I get to know people

…work for more than just myself

…work till the job is done (Dan)

…Love everyone even more!

…Nothing matters save the quality the affection (Nick)

…See things from both sides of the stream. (Mychyl Riggs

…Never judge and be full of optimism and love.

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WEEK # 1




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: Saturday we had orientation where we learned the basics of what it means to be an

NYC crew member. Sunday we were put on our crews and headed out to our front country

campground beachside at Lake Cascade.

Robin Hethorn

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? We are in Cascade, ID. We are taking down dead trees and piling all the branches in

brush piles and stacking the rounds all in separate piles. The reason we are doing all this is

for the safety of wildlife and others and prevents wild fire and we all learned when they call

"Tool Count," we all jump and go to Tool Count.

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: Our goals for this week are to work as hard and as best as we can in order to impress

the new contact. We are going to do our best to avoid any kind of drama or confrontations

that my divide the crew. Unity is the key to doing this project the best we can.

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Michael Kinser

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: This week the crew learned how best to cooperate with the other crew members. This

involved giving and taking orders/suggestions. From those who are not hierarchy superior to

us. This enables us to work together effectively and should be the start of a great


Alex Corallo

FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week First week is all about getting to know your crew leaders and members and finding

"crew dynamics." I'd say we did a swell job finding out how we all work most efficiently

and safely. We completed all our hours and had some swell bonding time at camp. One of

our accomplishments was making exceptionally and exquisitely swell dinners at camp.

We're really good at that. I think one of the challenges was the tedious nature of the week's

work, but we all stayed busy and productive the whole time. Now that we know each other,

it'll be swell sailing from her on out.



WEEK # 4




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: This weekend we spent the majority of our free time in McCall, Idaho. That

consisted of exploring the smallish town.

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? This week we are at Lake Cascade slash-piling and cutting and transporting firewood

from trees that were blown down in a wind storm. The BOR will be selling this firewood at

it's campgrounds to raise money for improvements.


WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: …To finish up our project at Cascade. Also to better learn how to work as a team and

get the job done. We learned how to be self-sufficient when a leader is not around.

Graham Harris

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: …Learned about completing a project no matter what.

Aaron Holman

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FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week One of our biggest challenges was trying to maintain a positive mental attitude when

all we were doing was fire lining logs and slash-piling the majority of the work week. We

were able to accomplish our goal of keeping a positive mental attitude and managed to enjoy

ourselves some of the work days. Our second goal was making sure all of our chores were

completed on time to an acceptable standard. We were also able to accomplish this goal as





WEEK # 5




MONDAY: Describe what your crew did this weekend: We had a weekend site at a public campground. It was one of the only weekend sites

where all 3 crews were together which was nice as it was the last weekend we'd all spend

together. The weather was great and we had a beautiful and breathtaking view on Andrew's

rec trip.

Nicholas Graham "Joe" Slimp-Holland

TUESDAY: Describe your project this week; where are you, what are you doing, why? Falling, limbing, bucking, and piling trees. Cascade Forest


Robin Hethorn

WEDNESDAY: Describe your crew’s goals for the week: Our goal was mainly to be able to stay focused on the work and also be able to have

fun and to learn to not take things too far. We tried to end this week on a high note.

Forrest Tindall

THURSDAY: Describe what your crew learned this week: Learned about sticking with things and that our actions dictate who we are. We

started learning more about the other people, like other crews, in NYC too. They hate P-


…Learned about self-defense from Forrest.


FRIDAY: Describe your crew’s challenges and accomplishments this week Some of our crew's challenges this week included working with Yellow Crew,

something we hadn't done before, and staying diligent and on task as it was the last week of


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Our accomplishments included following through with the project with the

knowledge of what needed to get done and doing it til the end.

Alec Corallo

MY MOST CHALLENGING DAY AT NYC WAS: …Our first day of doing a reroute in back-country. Mike

…My first day back-country. I was delirious with illness and still hiked from camp to

the jobsite having absolutely no clue of the hike in store.


…Every weekend site. I hate weekend sites.


Store stop days—saving money…


…The last day.


My hardest time was my first week of back-country. I was sick and didn't think I

could do the work but I made it through it.


…The Saturday when one of our crew members left and there was nothing we could

do about it.


My most challenging day at NYC was our first day doing a reroute bump-line.

Jessy Evans

…Day 3; I wanted to quit. Andrew talked me out of it and my determination to

complete session didn't totally waiver again.


MY THREE FAVORITE NYC EXPERIENCES WERE: …The first time we had to spoon of death; listening to everyone's PH and being back-

country and seeing the amazing views.


…Grilling burgers for the crew, being in a beautiful back-country area and having a

workday with half the crew that was both fun and productive.


…Being on a great crew, seeing a new beautiful state, having Andrew as a crew-


…Coming to Idaho, making dinner, sharpening tools.


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…Getting to know my crew-members and crew-leader; learning a lot about each

other; making awesome dinners and getting to see more of Idaho.


…Idaho, making friends, back-country.


…My three favorite NYC experiences were crew dinners, trail work, and morning

van rides.

Jessy Evans

…Being with the crew, dinner and sleep.


AT NYC I LEARNED: I learned how and what the true definition of hard work is. I learned more about the

environment and that we, as humans, are capable of far more than we assume.


I learned just how far I can push myself; what separates a leader from everyone else

and how little food, sleep and coffee I can get by on.


…How to be a leader, who I want to be and how to make real mac and cheese.


…How to be all I can be.


…To make all my actions diligently.


…How to learn better teamwork and understand people's differences; how to work

hard and enjoy it; to learn how to cook a little better.


…Work ethic; technical skill on trail; how to be a man.


At NYC I learned self control, work ethic and to prioritize.

Jessy Evans

…Hard work, dehydration.

ONE THING I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER: …My crew. We became an extremely tight group of friends and we came to respect

one another greatly.


…When Andrew shaved and we could hardly recognize him for a day.


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…The lessons I've learned.


…Debriefs; being debriefed by Andrew.


…Debriefing and pranking Yellow Crew.

…all the friends I made and my crew-leader. I will never forget what they taught me.


Andrew Lawson.


…Overhand fights.

Jessy Evans

The crew, the leader, the peanut butter .


FROM NOW ON I WILL ALWAYS: …Ask myself what kind of man I want to be. Who I want people to see me as.


…Not just recognize, but also act on what is right.


…Remember who I want to be.


…Bring less clothes to events.


Act with intention.


…That I will be more organized and work harder.


…Try to live with intention and diligence.


…Prioritize my responsibilities.

Jessy Evans

…Do what needs to get done.
