FAITHFULNESS - Beliefnet/media/ebooks/cufi/cufi-ebook.pdf · We are called to faithfulness to God,...


Transcript of FAITHFULNESS - Beliefnet/media/ebooks/cufi/cufi-ebook.pdf · We are called to faithfulness to God,...

Have confidence that your actions rooted in good character will yield the best outcome possible for Israel. Even when you cannot see how at the start, remaining steadfast in advocacy is crucial. Remain firm in your devotion, and true in your allegiance. Faithfulness hinges upon what we esteem deeply, and is the hallmark of a true Christian.

We are called to faithfulness to God, and to the Holy Land, to the great blessings of His spirit – the pinnacle of which we can strive for. Because God is faithful, the strength to be faithful is promised to His followers, who will be rewarded.



Facing misfortune head-on is a major life hurdle, but handling an unfavorable situation with dignity and grace is a challenge that builds character and resilience. You may encounter many defeats, but you must never be defeated; rise from it, as Israel has done for generations, and see the possibilities.

Adversity is part of God’s plan for us. His plan of redemption can lead to spiritual growth, refinement, and progress, dependent on how we respond to life’s obstacles. One response should be constant: trust in God to lead us to success and happiness in life.



Finding the power within you to invest whatever necessary to heal the hurting or misfortune of others is the very basis of compassion. The sympathetic concern for the sufferings of others shows a deep tenderness of heart.

The emotional element of compassion ensures that fairness, justice and sound judgment give depth to ethics. The word ‘compassion’ and its Latin roots of ‘one who suffers,’ are what embodies the “Golden Rule”. This embodiment is considered among the greatest of virtues in Christianity and embraced throughout Israel.



The reason for which you were put on this Earth, and the good that must result from your existence, is your life’s purpose - the practical result for which you are destined to do something or for which you exist. This can be said for all devoted to the Holy Land.

It’s been said that purpose has driven people to remake the world. Your purpose, the meaning behind your life, is the significance of your very life.

As with compassion, living according to the “Golden Rule” is a widely accepted guide for how we should live our lives and fulfill our purpose.



When a sense of harmony exists, free from conflict and hostility, and results in a quiet and tranquil environment, free of disturbance – only then can one truly feel at peace and a sense of community.

Maintaining communal bonds of peace requires an understanding of circumstances and the ability to stay strong in times of discord. Many spiritual practices refer to this as the experience of knowing oneself. Knowing oneself leads to the ability to know and understand others, a key principle of the fundamentals of humanity and the cornerstone of every community within Israel. In this atmosphere, the importance of individual responsibility is clear, and must first be felt within ourselves, enabling peace to be shared and enjoyed.



Can you accept a difficult situation and tolerate a delay or change in your circumstances? The ability to do so, and without acting on your frustration, despite fatigue or stress is a great trial. If you find the need to endure occurs often, and can face this with patience and stamina, your faith is experiencing a great test.

Winning the long-term battle for the hearts and minds of the rising generation so that Christians supporting the Holy Land will flourish forever. Seeking guidance and reaffirming faith is the foundation of the ultimate endurance for temptation and heartache.



Your own mental and moral power to address any situation, including those that you find frightening or uncomfortable, and acting in accordance with your beliefs, even in spite of criticism, is the ultimate courage of conviction and strength.

Turn to Him for strength and feel the Holy Spirit heal your heart and satisfy your soul, especially in life’s ever-changing circumstances. Accepting and responding honestly to disappointment, and keeping your heart open to reassurance from God will help you derive strength from every situation. Sometimes God makes you wait for the right time for that which you ask, for which you’ll need a balance of strength and patience.



Do you freely give to those in need? Are you a generous giver of your time, energy, love, and money? Time and love are the most valuable possessions you can share. Sharing your bounty without regard for return is the road to charity and virtue. The apostle Paul regarded generosity as proof of the genuine character of Holy love.

We realize that when we make the effort to give without the expectations of reciprocity, we feel fulfilled and energized. Generosity is considered charity in the Bible. It is associated with empathy, and is considered to help battle selfishness and breed gratitude within the Holy Land. True Christian soldiers are never defeated to the point that generosity is lost.



Remaining firm and resolute in your journey with regard toward your goals, regardless of opposition or obstacles, shows a resolve and determination essential for success. Finding the motivation to persevere on your journey in the face of challenges is a fact of life, and a hurdle we all face at one point or another. Not accepting defeat is the harder of the two roads in front of you, and accepting the uphill battle is a personal display of tenaciousness and grit, as one stands up for Israel.

When faced with adversity, you are presented with the opportunity to choose victory or defeat. No matter what the nature of the challenge you face, being grounded in your faith gives you the strength of soul and courage in action that gives you a determined spirit.

Consider both sides of a challenge before accepting a result, and move forward with possibility.



Can you let go of the bitterness of feeling wronged? Clearing the record of those who have acted against you, and not hold a grudge, frees your heart and mind of anger and resentment and opens each up for love.

Forgiving those who act in terrorism and supporting Israel’s rights, the same rights as every other nation, to defend her citizens is the ultimate pledge of support. Jesus asked for God’s forgiveness in regards to those who crucified him, that hatred not poison the heart of any man; forgiveness is a critical element of Christianity, and at the basis of humanity as a deeper sense of social justice. Only forgiveness, given and received, can lead to a lasting foundation for universal peace and love. Much wrongdoing against one another is done from weakness, therefore the strength to forgive comes from within you.

Just as we recognize that our world is not all we strive for, see that the actions of today are not all that affect us – have faith, forgive, see past today, and relish tomorrow!



It’s said that a little appreciation can go a very long way in life; receiving kindness that benefits you without the aid of charity is refreshing. Are you able to let others know by your words and actions how they have benefited your life?

Gratitude has been said to mold and shape Christianity as an acknowledgment of God’s generosity that inspires Christians to shape their own thoughts and actions around such ideals, resulting in virtuous actions and deeds. The greatest test of faith is showing gratitude even in difficult times.

Take a moment today, to ponder the happiness of Israel, and the source of that happiness – the God of Israel.



Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, with more than 3 million members. Since our inception, we have held more than 2,100 pro-Israel events in cities and towns across the country, including more than

300 Nights to Honor Israel.

About Christians United for Israel