Faith & Famliy

M aggie L ee for G ood -Year Four and Beyond October 2012 Heir to Pittman’s & God Forgotten Heroes -Part III J ames-


October Issue

Transcript of Faith & Famliy

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Maggie Lee for Good -Year Four and Beyond

October 2012

Heir to Pittman’s & God Forgotten Heroes

-Part III

Heir to Pittman’s Heir to Pittman’s James-

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“Bruce Hennigan’s The 12th Demon is the redemptive answer to books like the Twilight Saga.” —Mike Yorkey, coauthor of Chasing Mona Lisa and the Every Man’s Battle series




ABOUT THE BOOKJonathan Steel is the target of an assassin from his past. At the same time, Rudolph Wulf, in league with the 12th demon, arrives from Romania to build an army of vampires by giving them “vampiremajick” through his special “blood”. Josh Knight ������������������������������������������������������up the unwitting target of the 12th demon’snefarious plans. From the dark, gritty streets ofDallas to the mountains of Romania, Steel must battle against the forces of evil. He discoversThere is Power in the Blood!

For more information, VISIT:

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Bruce will sign copies of his latest book and his previous two books,The 13th Demon: Altar of the Spiral Eye and Conquering Depression.

He will also be reading an excerpt from The 12th Demon and will holda Question and Answer session.

for the premiere of Book Two in The Jonathan Steel Chronicles

FREE GIVEAWAY!If you purchase a copy of The 12th Demon: Mark of the Dragon

from The Well bookstore, you will be entered into a drawing for one of the following prizes:


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Quips & Quotes

Ad DirectoryAd Directory22

Maggie Lee for GoodYear Four and Beyond

James- Heir to Pittman’s & God

Forgotten Heroes-Part III

Little BitsThe Most Important Prayer for our Kids

Marriage MattersThought Life

Shepherd’s StaffFoolish People & Wise People

Tasty TreatsFall Fun

Pressing UpwardsPotty Mouth Syndrome

City SceneSt. Francis DayCPC BanquetThe Healing of the Human Soul

Pressing UpwardsPotty Mouth Syndrome


Quips & Quotes22

on the cover columns in every issue


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October 2012 5

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Little Bits

“Mom, why don’t you ever pray and ask God for nothing bad to happen to me?”

My youngest and I were snuggled in his bed. We had just fi nished our bedtimes prayers, and I was about to leave when he asked me this question. I paused, because how do I explain to my 4-year-old that I used to pray that very thing? How do I explain the transformation in my prayer life when I’m not sure I understand it myself? What words could I use that would help him understand there is something more important than his safety?

My fi rst prayers for my children began the day I learned I was expecting. As they grew inside their snug cocoon, I prayed for their growth, health, and safety. I prayed for each of their tiny fi ngers and toes. Through each stage of pregnancy, I prayed for all their parts to form perfectly as God intended. As God did his knitting, I did my praying.

After each of my children were born, I prayed for them to sleep---a prayer I off ered up quite often. As they grew, I sought God’s wisdom for behavioral issues. I prayed for patience and strength to endure the tantrums of the twos and threes. I beseeched God when potty training was going nowhere fast. When they were sick, I asked for a quick recovery (and prayed the preschool teacher wouldn’t notice their sniffl es and send them home). When they drove me crazy, I prayed for sanity. And every day, I repented over my own temper tantrums.

In recent years, the Spirit has eff ected a complete overhaul in my prayer life. It was the apostle Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians that opened my eyes to see that my prayers for my children were lacking. They were focused on all I wanted God to do in my children’s life to make my life better. They were about me and my comfort. While praying for their health and behavior isn’t wrong, I had lost sight of the most important prayer---for their heart.

Heart, Mind, SoulIn response to my son’s question that

night, I said, “The Bible says that the most important thing is that we love God with all our heart, mind, and soul. That is why I pray that for you each night. Because God loves you so much, you don’t have to worry about anything bad happening. Jesus already took on for us the very worst thing that could happen. You can trust God to be with you no matter what happens.”

Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:17-19 inspired this prayer of my heart:

Dear Heavenly Father,You are a gracious and merciful God,

whose love is unending. You are always patient with me, forgiving me time and time again. I am so thankful for Christ’s death, which opened the curtain into your presence, allowing me to call you Abba.

I come before you today to pray for my children. I confess that I so often pray about their health and behavior more than anything else. I’ve prayed for their healing from illness and from surgeries. I’ve prayed for particular behavioral changes. I’ve asked for help and wisdom in dealing with tantrums and defi ance and in weeding out discontent and selfi shness.

But increasingly, I’ve come to see that while those prayers are good, that you hear them and accept them, there is one prayer that stands above them all. While asking for

healthy bodies and good behavior certainly makes my life easier, it doesn’t address my children’s most serious and deadly ailment: their heart.

The most important prayer I can pray for them is that they would see their sin and need for you. I ask that you humble them before you. Pierce their heart so they would see their need for the gospel of grace. I pray that they would know there is nothing they can do to earn your love or to keep your love. Each time they stumble into sin, draw them back to the gospel and foot of the cross. I pray that they would be overcome and overwhelmed by your love for them, that their love in response would overfl ow beyond measure.

I pray, along with Paul, that my children would know the hope that is theirs in Christ. I ask that your Spirit would enlighten them, grant them wisdom and understanding. Give them a desire to know you more deeply and intimately.

You have been teaching my own heart that change happens from the inside out. Help me to parent them in this way. I ask that you would give me grace to speak to their heart and model the grace of the gospel in all my interactions with them. Please keep me from being a barrier between them and you.

I thank you for the power of the gospel. May it be the motivation for my children’s growth in you as well as my own. I thank you that because of Jesus, all is grace.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Christina Fox is a licensed mental health counselor, coff ee drinker, writer, and homeschooling mom, not necessarily in that order. She lives with her husband of 15 years and two boys in sunny South Florida. You can fi nd her sharing her journey in faith at and on Facebook at This article fi rst appeared on the Gospel Coalition’s Website –

The MostIn recent years, the Spirit has eff ected a

ImportantIn recent years, the Spirit has eff ected a In recent years, the Spirit has eff ected a


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While our brain is capable of speaking so much negative into ourselves and into others, it can also be the greatest asset God has given us. It says in 2 Corinthians 10:5, “To demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and take captive every thought.” We must begin today demolishing thoughts that do not line up with God’s teachings and principles. In order for us to demolish rampant thoughts, we must spend time in God’s word and be able to seek His truth when we are weak.

Steve & Debbie WilsonMarriage Matters Now


The human brain weighs less than three pounds, is made up of 80 percent water and has the texture of jell-O. It would never make it standing alone, yet it is extremely powerful when connected to the neurology of the human body. Several Internet sources have researched that the brain allows us to audibly speak at the rate of one hundred and twenty words a minute. However, in our minds we say thirteen hundred words a minute, 70 percent of which are negative. Is your mind being fi lled with the world’s way or God’s way?

Here is the problem, while we may never verbalize those negative words audibly, our brain verbalizes them throughout the remainder of our being causing us to eventually believe the lives we tell ourselves so long, that a lie becomes the truth and the truth we begin acting out of is incredibly unhealthy. What lies have you believed to be true that you fi nd yourself living out? Here, my friends, is where the Battle of the Mind begins to take command over our life. You must be thinking, “Seriously, just because I think

it does not make it wrong.” Or how about this, “I am only thinking it, its defi nitely not hurting anyone as long as it stays in my head.” It is wrong and it does aff ect others. This is where discontentment sets into our lives. You know, the place where the life we were once satisfi ed with is no longer capable of making us happy. This is the place where husbands many times become less content with the appearance of their wives or maybe the place where wives are no longer content with the amount of material things that once fulfi lled them. Folks, God gave us this moment and this time and we must stop wasting the precious moments that we have seeking to fi ll them with things that will never satisfy.

Lack of satisfaction is a breeding ground for addictions, aff airs, sexual problems in marriage and even fi nancial problems. Why? Because we begin to do to things that help us escape the habit of the current life we are living. Would you be willing to look at your thought life today and surrender your mind to a God who loves you and wants you to be at peace?

While our brain is capable of speaking so The human brain weighs less than it does not make it wrong.” Or how about

“For as he thinks within himself, so he is.” ~ Proverbs 23:7Thought Life

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In reading the Bible, I am struck by the strong contrasts presented concerning the fool and the wise. Psalm 14 has such a contrast. The Psalmist begins with a familiar line, “The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God”” (NKJV). Immediately the contrasts (some implied) begin.

Note these things about the fool. The fool behaves corruptly, as evidenced by morally repulsive acts. Good actions are not to be found. They destroy God’s people, corrupting them with the cares of this world. They do not seek nor even call upon the Lord and currently stand under the Lord’s judgment.

Before we go too far, let us remember – all of us who now trust Christ were that way, too. No, not all of us acted morally repugnantly; not all of us sought to destroy another person. But we did live in some way as if the Lord existed. We may have said that the Lord existed, but there was no transformation by the saving grace of Jesus. Psalm 14:2-3 bears out the state of all people – there is none righteous, not one (cf. Rom. 3:9-26; Rom. 6:23; Rom. 5:8; Rom. 10:9, 13).

Note these things about the wise. The wise seek the Lord and that is how they become wise. The Lord is ever present with the wise. The Lord protects the wise. The Lord is the hope of the wise.

So, how does this fi t our times today? As you read this, we are less than one month from the 2012 elections. There are fools (as defi ned by

Ps. 14:1) who do not seek the Lord and His ways. Therefore, they do not apply biblical truth to the political process. There are wise ones who seek the Lord and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33-34). Therefore, they try to apply biblical truth to the political process. It is your responsibility to evaluate the party platforms and candidates through the lens of Scripture. Are they people of Christian character? Do their party planks align with Scripture? If so, you are free to vote for that person and party. If not, don’t vote for that person or party. Remember, believers, you are accountable to the Lord for your vote.

To the churches, let us be wise to seek fi rst the Lord’s kingdom and His righteousness. Regardless of who is our next president, vice-president, congressional representative, state legislator, etc., we who know Jesus still are called to make the Lord’s kingdom and His righteousness as our highest priority. Let the church be salt and light, not seeing a political party as savior of the country; let us see and declare Jesus as the savior of humanity. America’s (or any country’s) hope for “quiet and peaceable” lives depends upon personal righteousness through Jesus Christ, not anything else. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov. 14:34). Pray for transformed Christ-followers, not reformed church members. Pray for transformed politicians, not reformed politicians.

Here is my hope and strength – that the mission of the church will not change even though political winds may blow willy-nilly. Let us build our house upon the solid rock of Christ, not the shifting sands of political parties and their promises.

In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found,

Calvin HubbardPastor, Barksdale Baptist Church


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With Mayor Cedric Glover’s offi cial Proclamation of October 29, 2011 as

Maggie Lee for Good Day, all Shreveporters were challenged to follow Maggie Lee’s example and do a good deed for their fellow man.

Here is an excerpt from the Mayor’s passionate speech to City Council on October 25th:

“I doubt many of this people in this room ever met Maggie Lee Henson. I can tell you truly it is our loss from what I’ve learned about her.

Maggie Lee was one of the most special people who not only understood her purpose in life but embraced it.

Yes, I can tell you that she was a twelve-year-old girl with a vibrant spirit. I can tell you she was a talented young girl with dreams of someday starring on Broadway. And yes, I can tell you that she brought a special joy to her parents; The Reverend John and Jinny Henson.

But what Maggie Lee would want me to tell you more than anything is that she had a love for Jesus. A love that guided her life and the way that she interacted with others.

It was this love that made her the warm, caring soul that she was. And it is this love that will keep her memory alive for many years to come.

Yes, losing Maggie Lee in that tragic bus accident in 2009 is a loss that few of us can fathom. But we’re here today because The Hensons know that Maggie Lee understood her purpose and that purpose was to touch the lives of others and serve them in ways that she could.

So I stand with them knowing that we can pay Maggie Lee no greater tribute than to make sure we celebrate this community of service and this commitment of service that she so well embraced.

So it is with great honor and humility that I present this proclamation to her family and to those who love her in recognition of efforts they are carrying on.

Proclamation“Whereas, in the great unpredictability of life,

tragedies occur, as did in the accident which cut short the life of 12-year-old Maggie Lee Henson

of Shreveport, Louisiana; and Whereas, inspired by Maggie Lee’s spirit

and commitment to help others, her family and friends have organized a special day of philanthropy and sharing to occur every year on her birthday, October 29th; and

Whereas, in the three years since the creation of Maggie Lee for Good Day, thousands of individuals and corporations have made signifi cant contributions of time and money to the betterment of their fellow man; and

Whereas, in hopes to further inspire our fellow citizens to follow the wonderful example set forth by this extraordinary young woman;

Now therefore, I, Cedric B. Glover, Mayor of the city of Shreveport, do hereby proclaim Saturday, October 29th, 2011, as “Maggie Lee for Good Day” in the city of Shreveport and urge all citizens to participate by doing one good deed in our city on that day. “

Mayor Glover’s proclamation meant greater exposure for Maggie Lee for Good Day in Shreveport but also way beyond as K-Love Radio internationally broadcasted the story, highlighting the proclamation and ran it several times during the week before Maggie Lee for Good Day.

Several local schools prepared to make MLfG 2011 bigger than any of the two previous years. First Baptist Church School held a snack stand fundraiser whose over $500.00 in donations funded Northwest Louisiana Brain Injury Support Groups. St. Mark’s Cathedral School Fellowship of Christian Athletes held a prayer service to honor Maggie Lee and encourage students to perform a good deed.

Caddo Middle Magnet School again held a drive for used kid’s shoes and sold t-shirts to benefi t The American Heart Association while the Byrd Astra Club showered The Lighthouse Kids with a Halloween party.

Threads of Love, a local organization which sews bereavement sets for infants who die in the hospital, donated 570 of these precious sets to local hospitals for MLfG Day, far more than were given in 2009 or 2010. Starbucks was once more holy ground as customers paid for

those behind them in honor of Maggie Lee. The Bossier City Chick-Fil-A owner, John Roden, proudly promoted Maggie Lee for Good Day through signs, bag stuffers and free meals given at random.

Our church, Church for The Highlands, did service projects in the Highland Neighborhood: re-landscaping the Community Renewal Friendship House on Creswell as well as beautifying the front yard of The Veteran’s Transitional Housing. Jack, whose birthday is October 26th had his Monster Dodge ball Party and raised a tremendous amount of school supplies for The Lighthouse After-School Program.

Cosse and Silmon Orthodontics collected food for The HUB Urban Ministries.

There was a balloon release in Trophy Club, Texas, a Backyard Movie Night in Houston to raise canned goods, a “free hugs campaign” in West Texas on the campus of Howard Payne University and a cake walk in Austin to benefi t women regaining independence from domestic abuse. The homeless in Caracas also got a hot meal on Maggie Lee’s birthday.

Premier Imaging in Dallas held an enormous garage sale to benefi t Parker County Child Protective services while the homeless on State Street in Chicago were given coffee and a warm breakfast on October 29th, 2011. St. Madeline Sophie School in Belleview Washington made a link of student’s good deeds while Ambleside School in San Angelo, TX made an impact by collecting canned goods for the local food pantry. Jessie Keener in Fayetteville, North Carolina once more held a costume fun run to benefi t North Carolina Organ Donation Services.

Leah, Maggie Lee’s former voice coach now a grad student at NYU says, “Maggie Lee was so joyous, loving and giving that you just can’t help but want to do anything and everything and continues to touch as many lives as she did. I gave money and food to the homeless on the streets of NYC. On MLfG, I just think about how she would go up to every single one to help them.”

Maggie Lee for Good- Year Four and Beyond By: Jinny Henson

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With the release of Maggie Lee for Good, our book published by Smyth & Helwys of Macon, Georgia, the story of God’s hope in the midst of tragedy is spreading farther than we could have imagined. When I began writing my part of Maggie Lee for Good 18 months ago, I sought to give God credit for the grace of our survival as well as thank the thousands who participate in this epic blessing each year. In June when the book debuted, we were fl oored that it cracked Amazon’s top 50 for Inspirational Living New Releases.

George Loutherback, BSM Director for The University of Mary Hardin Baylor read MLfG and was so moved that he invited me to speak in chapel on September 26th to kick of MLfG Season. This lead to a school-wide participation.

With all 9 Elementary Schools in Tifton, GA participating, I am going to be a witness to their good deeds on October 16th. I am speaking at a fundraiser for The Ronald McDonald House of Central Georgia that night.

With the annual gift from an anonymous donor to The Community Foundation, we equipped a local non-profi t organization’s van with seatbelts, a cause we are passionate about. Also made possible by the donation is a brand new ministry: Maggie Lee’s Closet. Maggie Lee’s Closet will be in The Highland Center and service neighborhood kids in need of uniforms as well as casual clothes. Maggie Lee loved clothes and we are thankful to bring the gift of clothing to these beautiful children who need them.

We cannot believe how the life of our child, so tragically cut short, could still be impacting the world for good for a fourth year in a row. It just keeps getting more profound and far-reaching every year. To see the kindness, generosity and joy be spread on this day is a gift beyond measure. Truly bringing Heaven to Earth...for GOOD!

For updates on Maggie Lee for Good, please join

To order the book:

Also available in kindle, Nook and ibook from

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This story has its beginnings on October 5 – 29+ years ago. Up in

the panhandle of Texas, in the city of Amarillo, an adorable baby girl was born. Meanwhile, almost 700 miles away down in the valley of south Texas, in the city of Kingsville, a young couple was eager to adopt. A few days later, this couple was driving their new baby daughter, Ashley, home so they could introduce her to their friends and family.

Let’s jump ahead in the story. In the year 2000, Ashley married Alan Pittman. They began to make plans for a family. Within 5 years, the Pittmans had 2 beautiful daughters. At this point, Alan and Ashley chose to stop having children. Instead, they longed to be able to adopt. However, they weren’t sure if they could aff ord expensive adoption costs. As a result, they thought their dream of adoption might not happen after all.

Out of the blue, on a Thursday in January 2009, Ashley went to Alan and asked him what he thought

about foster parenting. Before answering, Alan asked Ashley why this was even a matter of discussion. He most defi nitely had never given the prospect of fostering a thought. After a lengthy discussion about the reasons for foster parenting (loving children and caring for their needs and ultimately hoping to have a chance to adopt one of them), Alan reluctantly agreed to look into the possibility of fostering. Ashley said, “Good, because I’ve already signed us up for the foster parenting class this Saturday!”

God used the foster parenting course and the next 2 months to soften Alan’s heart to the idea of foster parenting. He had gone in to the class practically “kicking and screaming,” but at the end of the training he was excited about the possibility. At the end of May 2009, the Pittmans were certifi ed by DCFS (Department of Children & Family Services) of Louisiana.

Within a few days, the Pittmans had their fi rst placement – twin boys. After the boys spent a few weeks with them, they went back home. Next came an amazing little girl that simply melted the entire family’s heart. But, in a few weeks she went home and another little infant girl took her place. This child and her family have become close family friends with the Pittmans. In fact, the family began

to attend The Life Journey Church in Bossier City (where Alan is Lead Pastor) and continued to attend for the next 2 years before moving out of state with the Air Force. The day this little girl went to live with her family, the Pittmans got news about a 13 month old little boy who was in need of an adoptive home. So, on February 8, 2010 little James moved into their home and lives. Meanwhile, even while James was in their home, the Pittmans continued to receive additional foster children. In fact 3 more children lived in their home – a newborn infant boy and then 2 little girls. In addition to that, a year later Ashley gave birth to their son.

The next 2 years (after James moved in) were grueling years. The Pittmans faced the ups and downs of the roller coaster ride of the foster/adoptive process. Several hurdles had to be cleared up before the judge would be able to rule that James was “freed up” for adoption. The fi nal hurdle was cleared on February 27, 2012 (the

Heir to Pittman’s & God

Ashley & Alan Pittman

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day before Alan’s birthday). Finally, James had been declared eligible for adoption!

Over the next 6 months paperwork had to be fi lled out. The Pittmans had to wait patiently for the legal process to be complete. Then, fi nally on Monday, August 20, the Pittmans were blessed to adopt little James into their family! It was a great day of celebration as 20 friends and family gathered to take part in the adoption hearing.

The proceedings began with the judge inviting James to sit at his bench. High upon his little perch, James was smiling as he watched and listened to the hearing. It began with the attorney asking a

few pertinent questions to the Pittmans. Then, it was the judge’s turn. His words still ring in the ears of the Pittmans. He turned to Alan fi rst and said, “Mr. Pittman – you do realize that if I grant this adoption today, James will be your son – as if he was born to you. He will become

your heir and have every legal right to all of your possessions.” He turned to Ashley and said the same thing to

her. The Pittmans quickly agreed to the judge’s statement (after all, James was already their son in their hearts). Then, the judge turned and asked James the fi nal question. He said, “James, do you want this to be your forever family? Do you want them to be your forever parents?” Thankfully, James said, “Yes!”

This adoption story, including the words of the judge, reminds us of our adoption into God’s family. Consider the words of Galatians 4:4-7 from the New Living Translation:

But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.

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are heirs of everything of God. There’s no doubt that we experience some of this now – God’s comfort, peace, guidance, protection, love, grace, and forgiveness. But, one day we will experience it fully. We will be in Heaven for all eternity in the very

presence of the Creator God. That is what it means to be an heir of God.

It has defi nitely been an amazing journey the Pittman family has been traveling over the past 3 years. In that time they have had the privilege of being foster parents to 8 wonderful children. All of them have been special in their own way. But, obviously one has changed their lives forever.

August 20, 2012 will always be aff ectionately known as “buh-doption day” in the Pittman household. (Little James always has a unique way to say words.) It was on that day that James Keon Pittman offi cially became Alan and Ashley Pittman’s son and brother to Alanna, Karsen, and Tate. There are no words to adequately express their gratitude to God for allowing them to adopt their precious son.

According to these v e r s e s , anyone who turns to God and seeks forgiveness of their sin, a n y o n e who trusts

in the grace of Jesus, anyone who becomes a Christ follower – they have been made children of God. They have been adopted into the very family of God.

Remember what the judge said to the Pittmans? Remember how he talked about how James was now their son and their heir? Remember how he now has every legal right to all of their possessions? The same can be said of those of us who have been adopted into God’s family. We’re no longer slaves – to sin, the law, and to Satan. Instead, we are adopted children of God who now

Alan PIttman serves as Lead Pastorat The Life Journey Churchwhich meets on Sunday mornings at 10am at Hot Wheels Skating Palace at 3000 Old Minden Rd., Bossier City 71111. Feel free to check out their website: If you would like to contact Alan, send him an email at: [email protected]

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special feature

Y es! Smokey (the bear) 051A was one of the 247

War Dogs that made it out of the Vietnam War. Smokey had served under two Commanders and Chiefs during the war. The fi rst was Richard Nixon and the second was Gerald Ford. The home of Air Force One was his new duty station, Andrews Air Force base, Maryland. What an honor for such a deserving soldier.

The 24-7 sound of jets and automatic gun-fi re were a distant memory. The peace and quite of normal life surrounded Smokey, that is a for a War Dog! They say Smokey enjoyed the brief time he spent at Andrews AFB. Smokey was about 3 years old when he was adopted into the Military Working Dog School at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas. He spent

4 years in the Combat Zone and one year in training.

The only active duty station state side was Andrews AFB, MD. Smokey’s last handler was assigned to him in March of 1976 and died May 16, 1976. He was euthanized at the age of 8 years young. Though the war was over the dogs were still put-down because of age. The dogs that had no health problems were labeled ‘Ineffective’ as cause of death. Smokey had no health problems and fell into this category

Contact Rodney Milliken

Forgotten Heroes -Part IIIand was euthanized.

The last handler knew that Smokey had only a short time before he was to be put to sleep but wanted the bragging rights as of handling a War Dog! That soldier, I’m sure, to this day will never forget Smokey 051A one of only 247 War Dogs that made it home. Who ever the last Dogman was, has last bragging rights to have patrolled with one of America’s great soldiers. The “Forgotten Heroes!”

Through this long journey I

September 29 – January 20, 2013

Docking at Sci-Port this fall... the official story of the 100 YEAR journey

fi nd that GOD’s grace is suffi cient. I believe that as years passed by, the Lord prepared my heart to accept the outcome of Smokey. Only a K-9 handler knows how your dog means as much and at times more than family. I believe that the Lord has a place for these dogs in his Kingdom.

(You can look up “Nemo’ War Dog of Vietnam and follow other dogs that were heroes of war online.)

- RB Dill

October 2012 17

Previously, in Part II: At the close of 2005 I got a strong tracking scent and followed it to trails end. Some of the handlers in the mayhem of evacuating in the Vietnam War got wind of the fate of these four legged soldiers. Having heard that the dogs were to be euthanized these few handlers got the dogs on C-130’s, helicopters, and any other means necessary. Forgetting protocol they saved the lives of these 247 WAR Dogs. One of those dogs, well his name was...

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.Tasty Treats .For some Fall Cuteness, grab the largest marshmallows you can fi nd, dip them in chocolate, stick marshmallow on a popsicle stick, and sprinkle.

Fun For some Fall Cuteness, grab the largest Swe Treats

6 cups white chocolate chips (I found that Nestle Toll House melted best)2 cans sweetened condensed milkFood coloring: yellow, orange (I used gel)

-Line a 9x9 baking dish with wax paper.-In a large saucepan, combine white chips and sweetened condensed milk over medium-low heat. Stir until completely melted and smooth. Remove from heat.-Pour 1/3 of the mixture into prepared baking dish and chill for 15 minutes. (Keep remaining fudge in saucepan, heat off).-Stir fudge over low heat until melted and smooth again (should only

take a minute or two).-Pour 1/3 of mixture into a medium mixing bowl and whisk in orange food coloring (or 2 yellow + 1 red). Pour over the white layer in baking dish. Let chill for 15 minutes.-Again, reheat the remaining 1/3 of fudge over low heat until melted and smooth. Whisk in yellow food coloring and pour over orange layer in baking dish.-Let chill for 3-4 hours or overnight (best results).

1 bag mini pretzels {you won’t use the whole bag, only about 1/4}

1 bag M&M’s candy, needing only the green ones {fun separating activity for kids!}orange food coloring, I used about 1/8th tsp of Wilton’s gel colors1 bag White Chocolate chips, melted slowly {directions below}1 TBSP shortening, to thin out chocolate

-First step is to melt the chocolate. I used 10 oz of baking chocolate squares, but you can use a bag of white chocolate chips- the process is still the same. Before you even put it in the microwave, add about 1 TBSP shortening. You need to thin out the chocolate prior to dunking the pretzels or else the chocolate will be so thick you won’t even be able to tell it’s a pretzel under there! Shortening is the ONLY thing that will do this- don’t add water, butter, etc. Shortening!-Go slowly! White chocolate seizes easily, and you don’t want to coat your pretzels with grainy chocolate, right? Go slowly and stir minimally. I put mine on for 1 minute, stirred gently, then put it in for an additional minute. When I took it out, the chocolate still looked solid. It wasn’t! Add your orange coloring and stir gently, until it’s nice and smooth. -Once you’ve dunked your pretzel, adding a nice coating, lay it out on a piece of wax paper. While it’s still wet, take a green M&M and set it in the crook of the pretzel, on it’s side. See? Now it’s a cute little green stem.

chocolate squares, but you can use a bag of white chocolate chips- the process is Pretzel Pumpkins

1 bag mini pretzels

1 box of brownie mix (for a 9x13 pan)24 pumpkin spice kisses12 oz. melting chocolate (like Candiquik)1/4 c. white chocolate chips1 1/2 tsp. shortening

-Bake the brownies according to the 2 egg directions on the back of the box. Cool completely. Cut into 24 squares. Place 1 unwrapped kiss in the center of each brownie. Roll the brownie around the kiss. Place in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.-In a microwave safe bowl, place the melting chocolate and 1 tsp. shortening. Heat for 30 seconds and stir. Repeat until melted and smooth. Remove the brownie bites from the freezer. Place one bite at a time in the chocolate and swirl it around until coated. Remove with a fork and tap off the excess chocolate. Place on a wax paper lined tray.-In another small microwave safe bowl, heat the white chocolate chips and 1/2 tsp. shortening for 20 seconds and stir. Repeat until melted and smooth. *If you want you can add a little bit of orange gel color and stir it in. Place in a plastic bag and cut a tip off. Drizzle the tops of the brownie bites.

-Bake the brownies according to the 2 egg directions on the back of the box. Cool completely.

Pumpkin Spice Brownie Bites

1 box of brownie mix


6 cups white chocolate

Fudge Candy Corn

Page 20: Faith & Famliy

At the beginning of the summer, I had coff ee with another mom from school.

She is a Christian, and at the time was looking for a new church to join. I knew she had been trying diff erent ones out and asked her how her search was going. She told me about one she had been attending for the last couple of months.

Our conversation went something like this:

She said, “I went there for awhile and everyone was really nice, the pastor was really good but...”

“But what?” I asked.“I don’t know, after a couple months, I

just felt like I didn’t fi t in. It’s weird, everyone goes to Bible study on Wednesday nights and quotes Scriptures, but then we leave and they talk like truck drivers. It was a big turnoff .”

She went on to tell me how she felt like she got more out of the Bible at home and was going to keep searching. I immediately whispered a prayer begging God to forgive me if I have ever chased someone from Him with my big mouth.

I will admit that back in the day, I suff ered from some serious pms. Potty Mouth Syndrome, of course. In 1998, when I started really looking into what our Faith was, I began to realize what a nasty habit I had. A habit, I never even realized was so, well, nasty. I was suddenly so embarrassed by the way I spoke.

I had all this new zeal and I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. And I did. But no one really listened. Some people seemed interested, but not for long. Finally, I realized why. I was shouting from the rooftops alright, but my choice of words wasn’t very appealing. I was making very little eff ort to “practice what I preached.”

To this day, whenever I read quotes and prayers like the following, I cringe at myself because of the things I know I’ve said and beg for forgiveness.

What do you think when you read these verses?

“Let nothing unwholesome come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up others, so that it might help those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

“Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.” James 3:10

“O Lord my God, I know that I am not worthy or suffi cient that You should come under the roof of the house of my soul, for all is desolate and fallen, and You have not with me a place fi t to lay Your head. But as from the highest heaven You humbled Yourself for our sake, so now conform Yourself to my humility...”

I read them and all of my sins begin to appear before me. The overwhelming realization of what a hypocrite I really am, shows itself and covers me in shame.

So many times I wonder why things aren’t happening in my life as they should be. Why am I not progressing spiritually as I should be? I’m reading spiritual books, I’m praying more, I’m doing my very best. But am I? No. Not really. I’m doing what comes easily, what my soul yearns for, but it stops at every door that requires sacrifi ce to open. St. Seraphim of Sarov said, “Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved.”

And this is what we should be striving for. To save thousands around us, beginning with the people closest to us. Beginning with ourselves.

For so long, I seriously thought that wasn’t my job. It wasn’t MY job to save the world. But really it is. It’s all of our job. Christ told us the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. So, if we love them, don’t we want them to be saved? Now, this *does not* mean it’s our job to correct them. It means that our job is to correct ourselves, and God-willing through His Grace, we will all fi nd salvation.

Sometimes it’s true, old habits die hard, but, they can die. They do die. Every single day through prayer and struggle. You have to cut it off . People will never take you or your faith seriously, if you don’t. Think about how it looks to be asking Christ for his mercy and blessings in one breath and then making jokes or having “normal” conversation using foul language in the next.

We don’t realize what an impression we make by the way we speak and carry ourselves. That alone, makes people decide if we’re worth being around. Scripture also tells us to let our lights shine before men, so that men seeing that light will glorify our Father in Heaven. Are we allowing Christ’s light to shine through us? Or are we snuffi ng His light out ourselves?

This also reminds me of Elder Paisios’ homily on The Fly and The Bee (which I don’t think I’ve ever posted, but will soon.) We attract what we put out. If we put out cursing and ungodliness that is exactly what we will attract. We reap what we sow.

We need to remember, that every time we cuss or post something online, or text message something with nasty language in them, not only are we sinning but we’re causing our neighbors to stumble as well. And it’s a domino eff ect. They’ll pass it on to someone else and then someone else and the cycle never stops. You have to be big enough to stop it yourself. We will answer for all of these things someday. The Scriptures tell us,

“Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” Matt. 12:36

So, stop and ask yourself: Are blessings and curses coming from your mouth? How do you think that makes God feel? Are you trying to control it? If not, today is the perfect day to begin.

Slyvia LeontaritisAdventures of an Orthodox Mom

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What do you think when you read these Sometimes it’s true, old habits die hard,


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Bring your pets to be blessed on the Feast of Saint Francis!

If you have any questions, please call:Mary Anne Moore- 687-4799 or 286-5394

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You are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed. Luke 10:41-42

“He has shown you, O mortal at is good; and at do the LORD require of you? but to do justice, to live kindn , and to walk humbly with your God.”

—Micah 6:8

He who busies himself with the sins of others, or judges his brother on suspicion, has not yet even begun to repent or to examine himself so as to discover his own sins.

-St. Maximos the Confessor

A brother asked Abba Poemen, “If I see my brother sin, is it right to say nothing about it?” The old man replied, “whenever we cover our brother’s sin, God will cover ours; whenever we tell people about our brother’s guilt, God will do the same about ours.”

—Abba Poemen

Remember, never to fear the power of evil more than your trust in the power and love of God.-Hermas, one of the Seventy

National Chili Month – As the weather is changing, the color of the leaves are turning, a nice big bowl of chili might just hit the spot while you watch the game. Or you could have a cook off in your neighborhood, town, at one of the fairs, or even in your own kitchen. But no cheating, especially on the last one; remember, you still have to live with them! There are plenty of places to fi nd recipes for making chili, or perhaps you have one thatʼs an old family tradition or you want to experiment and come up with something new. If youʼre looking for ideas, check out

National Popcorn Poppinʼ Month – After being celebrated for more than 25 years, Popping Popcorn became an offi cial holiday in 1999 when it was declared so by then Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman. Popcorn is a health friendly snack and many artsy and crafty things can be done with it, such as making a popcorn necklace or Popcorn Con Pesto, the recipe of which can be found at

Some things you may not know about


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