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Fair today and tomorrow brisk south winds VOL IXVIINO 214 NEW YORK WEDNESDAY MAY 2 1900COPYRIGHT moo BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICE TWO CENTS t I rr l Y I w ii == = THE MESSAGES toM nTKE ov DISTRIRVTIOX LOSES A WIT TO COLLECT AM- unier Defendant Hwears Kltbifdion Agent Told Him It W 1 liovernrnent Publication DIMrlbnted Fre- HI Aul grpb He Signed No Contracl- TV flrt casein which the Commit or- Ditrlbulinn of Wiihlnglon D C ha at ttmi t enforce payment on an allegei trill inntrncl for The Messages and Taper of tin Presidents blamed from a resident 01- jViv York nty by ont of llw members of thi- coini pt j w vi- JluLlnpil District Court and the commlttey lot cai v llie suit wnH brounht by John J Conklln ii assignee against Vllllain II Dan ter ofUI Went Fiftyeighth street and 134 th priiiof und costs Jusllc Finn without leaving the Inch and afle- hirinc only lhe testimony of Mr Danvers gave Judgment a alti t the committee und H- Hawlsno Thero ar a irreat many other per w ncalnst whom the Committee on Distribut- ion hts clnlnun nd It WHS declared In alter Jutice Kltin bad mod M inanyof ihesi person would refuse to pay called to the stand by Iho- sttorneys for Ihn plaintiff und testified volunt- arily not hnvlw been subponaed The at- torney for th plaintiff exhibited In court n- wntriit bearing name William 11 Dan vpr which llie defendant was alleged to have neiH The signature resembled Mr Dan vnti closely but he testified that he hud never pad the rontract He mild in nil 1U dealings with hm ih Committee on Distribution had pursued pocullnr method which seemed to him to be marKed by fraud and false pretence and In hi answer he wit up fraudulent and fals pre tflKt- tMr Ianvers te tlled that In November he received a letter on note paper head Com- mittee on Distribution and bearing the names congressman James 1 Richardson of TennesN Editor nnd Alnsworth K- Spolford Oineral Secretory The letter had resembled that on Government eta The letter Informed him that he hid been HclecUu one to whuiu a Mtt- if The MixiiKiHand Paper of the Presidents had been tted ami I II Hlckard a number of tin committee would call upon him to explain the whole matter Mr ii few days later a man called on linn n curd the name P 1 Hick nril on it and said tha h was ft member of tho- imniitten on Distribution This man ex Mr DanveM that the book were a eminent publication Me laid on Pan viv a on was printed thn word chances What are theso charge Mr Danvenf- inkid I were no charge Thn e are the express charges HIM cciinmlttcetnnn- Is that the only charge there is Mr Dan asked tho agent Thereupon Mr slued the card urn scent Borne general rose Hu walked to th and stopped Then he returned to Mr ih by the way ho said our Mr lift gr crank on autographs IIx llkw all Mirt oi autograph and we to get them for hUn giving yours to him The iijunt drew a long narrow note book number of sUnaluiei In tho book and Mr Uanvers signed It The agent went away Mr Panvers wore that ho had nn contract produced in court and nothing except on which he album carried the He had to hews to receive a set of book gratuitously through Urn generosity or mid no Idea of pay- Ing for them hint entered head When pay- ment of ill wa demanded he refused on ground that ho had never contracted tho Ho left books in the hands of the Charles J OConnell counsel for Mr Danvera moved that complaint In the case and entered for Ih de- fendant Mr OConnell said he tad hoped that complainant would put on the in order Including the use of letterheads simulating iovernment tnllon ry and all the method which he had not contracted might have been goon Into Justice Finn the com efforts which Committee on Distri- bution in Its to force Mr Dan vers to Involved an Immense amount of correspondence constating of to attack standing as an htnorable citizen All of tho letters of the committee were written on paper headed Committee on Distribution of the President D Richardson Editor Alnsworth It General Secre- tary printed In Government blue Ink In type similar to used committees of Th firtt letter was dated at Washington Dec 17 In part It wan AS follows Wt do not know lust what ronttructlon to place son your action In not tTtng nltratloa touiit w- tr account pnrtlo and bating the ability upon your obllrsuon to the e ot said contrart Your non oolu tm tos that yoU do not morally or uiallyoblKatrd tnluini the ttrmi of agreement we known wee any uncertainty rontln you v J we certainly DOW not hue the books and II you tailed v atlrlM ns and still refuse to give this attention II Lt dear that you la the best at any raW It Is obtlnua- lh iu you do thu matter proper attention lad auumr that you haTe sp r Iflc authority and Cower to term nate your your tion Uut we ate justified In taking such dies to rompel and en torn tu complete and ipeeJDc performance of your timid Sow I went an you at- one fiu you pay our Mr C B Palmer attorney This was signed by Rodmer of the on Distribution tone did not Mr Panvers On Jan 4 wrote acaln saying that a payment of 34 was dun On Feb 27 er great length In this communication he We ctn vll the wt of books providing tile wwtleh we have amounting to J fall m TV bwVs however are not rreclrcd In It udatloa o your Indebtedness UeASuren will be ln tltuUii jr the expre i of reaching your irrlnj1 It payment not Mr Danrers wasnt frightened He didnt roy On March 5 received n letter from the firm of l t Donovan offering to take books back nnd It square for 10 Then Intheeomphint It l nlleed that Mr Dan written contract with Alnswort- hJMrnvrKv or irnsnirs ntv4neo llemlt of Ordering to Line Duty So Many Engineer Offlcers- WsiiixoToN May I The Snvy Department kareceived ret rt of damage to the machln- rv nf fi naval ships three attached to the Alaur rjiinn and two on the Pacific coast w d bvihe ineftlclency of the warrant ma hirist n Charge and want of proper supervision bv nSri wr0 are now performing both line irsirecr duty One of the vessels to break r wti a r niv recently placed in commission i Mn In hr engine room ripped the machinery and will inijruj neie flry rite reaches MM in die chief of tinSteam riui Im rciiionstrntod with the 4 puiiiy of unlerlni lo- P J1 herveil ai en p r t i pn atfr of the Iersotjnel- h lerrMiiii m to the line Tftl trh IP duty of cnrlnir for the r rilv in hIP warren n iinvo neither the training nor fr uili re ponsl lt pouts hnv 10011 lr he Nnvlentlon llureau- tht 1r ll he hureui hiw i 1HIIV for in to iletnllas to fr r i On ui r lierr were from tlllee to ft fe- ii r ir gfi 11 tin PP i tOW title engineer In f Aiirtirt ninrlilnHt1 who V nKiriet On eieral thiw vvxrrant machinists stand all r practically complete n he room force l rpnn Plaits Chlorides 4 tAr H ux drjlnj alfr closets flnki t O FOIl W II That tile In th WM for book cut dd r a th r n t to Ir k hlh thlr sid I m nd There weria to x and the b led ht debt th b th to force to dl ml e plaint the u e ana L Conr lor U to mtet the ret oar the refusal ot the fee bee renc or was 1 pay M malt null the 1 alI pl8 1 b llnUlo of ta h pup Is h cal over r In ond J Uodner doing tl name of lomm ttA on the fa and nw on B Whcn days II h r Ifl i It h 10 I of taI j ra b al I r hOn un 1 ihl lao II I r I 0 r U I I I ntt 1AY tflIflI lip ptprday I3flVr nil ianvere wI t Ii pled simply trY to- n tr trofli uk and Mreecl charged hefl believe thot cumpany die the Mr a bill i1Ml you wets recommended us as effl sleet to attetlion to Ietter and hat tht the did cot rocse not give Ut iai q conditions warreni corn letter It been OcuIced our pert the contract the Mr cae tnhte lasyr I R Rtutoltih i tLtr1buin i an long voyage three titer an ti iII t iI flirt a i t t t ii a o t t itItltjttI i P t I H Itirt et itt r pro c i fl1i SU1rTb Its < > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > = > ° + 514 PUNCHED HgR KSCORTS SOSK- Womai Com Angrily Oat or lpho After Elect Art Sjipho at Wallack last night a man and a woman cine out of the theatre lobby to the street The ln evening drtwa and had a block mil ache The woman wore no hat but wa- dri ed In an evening gown and had a cape over her shoulders n number rings liar none was In the air and the man WM talking to her In a very apologetic manner Site to a hansom cab nnd got In The to follow her and she pimhed him back He tried again mid got an- other ptuh All said and started to cross the street The young woman jumped out of the cab pursued him As he reached the car tracks Flu caught up and grave him a resounding box tho ear with her open hand Then she double up her fist nod hit him In the nose ring on fingers cut his nose and the blood to run Oh dont dont ejaculated the roan end the woman ran and got Into the cab nutiln A- Hhndld so nhd dropped her cnpo and a flfl cent piece A newsboy handed her the mon and Manager Burnham of the theatre handed berths cape Then the man who was holding a handkerchief to his note whispered an ad dreita to the driver and the woman departed The man pushed way through the crowd that had gathered walking to Thirtyfirst street turned toward Fifth avenue SKXGT DOUGLAS rtxn Andrew Carneflc Adds IOOOHeneflt This Week and x Andrw Carnegie who sails today for Europe to spend most of the summer In Scotland sent to THE HITS yesterday a check for IIOuO wllh tItle note To TKF EDITOR Wr Please receive enclosed 11000 for the fund In aid of the widow and family of thelate 8 rgt Doualass who fought not for foreign conquest hut for peace and order at home Very truly ANDHFW StN received yesterday also IS for the E 0 sent to SCN to date amount to i3ie and have received from the following t E G Co K7thRt 100 O llerrog 3 CoH7tBHgt 100 A II K I Fellow Passengers 30 Old Veteran 1 i W W Another Cltlten I O W to le I WO U 10 Cltlllaa I 25 t F II Taylor 10 Cash I The 6 Cash S Then S A E L 8 Total JIS18 Nearly 12000 has been subscribed at Mount and tho fund will beuweied consider- ably It Is hoped by the benefit performance on night Mount llouwe Julius Cahn manager for t- Frohman will produce llecause She Loved Him So a comimny pay all ex and make over the entire On Wednesday evening May 8 members of the A and Troop- C will give a benefit performance for the at street near Third avenue Military exhibitions- and music the members those three or- ganizations form the Tickets are on sale at the armories and many box parties havo already been arranged for 18 Wet 103d street information to all Still another branch of the fund Is endless chain started Miss Imogen Hoyt the almoct overwhelmed the letters she re- ceived and each letter contains a dime FTWARD O LXKCn DEAD Was Second Tlc Preitd at f the flank of Comment ni Career Edward 0 Leech Second VicePresident of the National Bank of Commerce died last nIght at the Mount Sinai Hospital where he had been since April 12 Mr Leech went to the hospital from his home at the San llemo The operation was performed April tJ by Dr hit physicians only Mr him to withstand them an long as he did Mr was born In Washington In 1851 and was the son of a professor Several of his minister Mr Unlverf at Washington and was a graduate of the law school of that Institution He began his buMnejs In Department as clerk He- WM finally made an Mints brought him Into some prominence He gained more prominence later Harri- son ofllce made him Director of the Mint ThU he tilled until tho advent of the Cleveland Administration when he of the Mint he appointed one of the delegates from this country to International Monetary Conference at Bruvels In IMIJ effort was made to rehabilitate silver As Director of Mr Leech rnado wveral reports which attracted attention In financial circle both here nnd abroad He aLso contributed articles for maga- zines which to bo tin expert gov- ernment After nw as Director of the Mint Mr Leech In tb03 became Union flank After the consolidation of that bank with the flank of Commerce ha accepted- the WACO of Second VIM President n Mr Leech married Miss Cells Kent of One and two daughter sur vive him Mr Leech was a member of the Union league Club JTPJMV hONES IN me STRKET Flniteln Wai sure That lie Uad nil covered Murder Benjamin Flnsteln Ii years old of IM elancey street rushed Into the Fifth street iollce station lat night and asked for Cnpt Diamond He won holding at arms length a don up In newspaper Ho told the It tilled with human bones he nslri and gurus I have discovered a murder apt Diamond the and found contained a number of human hones neatly painted with red and lines indlcat- ng muscle and veins crossed when were covered with flesh It Is likely that they came from a museum FIVES FOR ttVCKLKDKRRV ROAD lasnt Run Cart All Night and MmtAnd There a lug Itlll to Pay A Judgment of 100 obtained by the city against the Union Railway Company M a pen ilty for disregarding a corporation ordinance about running com on tie all night at leat minutes been affirmed jy the Appellate term the Supreme Court In i decision Justice It ap that tho defendant hud not been run ling cars nt all from 130 A M on Westchestor avenue branch The ordinance of lioo for each only one WM embraced In the suit WORW1FR SEAUVRtAl LOW of the Alleihany Says It Wai a Matter of cet lty Capt Low of the Atlas Line steamship Ails hany from Kingston and other Wes Indian said yesterday that he was practically forced to bury at A J Wormer who died n the aKe- Wo were bound to a port In a tropical climate said we bourn out when Mr onnser died Ve had no embalming material or coffins If I tent aboard without embalming would have l endeinln uaran My authority In such a matter never has Codified ritr Ordinance Assistant Corporation Counsel Kollln M to whom was avlgned the duty of the ordinances of tilt city when the went Into effect hn1 finished hU and o soon as all of the ordinance have odn will be pu- KlelnlU Again In the Insane Asylum William Stelnltr the veteran chess pUyer S5 East rod was again sent to In on Wards Island Jut the of mAn She h on of waked he on Tie bio Ion TiE or THE our TiE TiE ChSI John Ir 11 the h of Mount S to for A of and in opinion ot brother bole was prove m on Young a I rn that 82 I one to A M and Capt port were onl lied h at been lore work by the Munleipai the of- t an the a first Aol was right end her the Assist- ant C1t Clerk Vernon has been has Hotel followed the the Leech re- signed the S loe President Idle litte org package he Avenue It I hum the bones line 530 its fliesa violation sea the ceptal the hotly the tin Morgan Assembly the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TO BE A FOURDAY BOAT NORTH B JMV LIOVU CO ORDERs A MAMUOTIt SHIP Planned to tie the Fattest of Ocean flrejr hounds and Nearly Fifty Vet Than Any Now AfloatSB Is Expected to Make at U l 34 Knots an Iloar The fourday U more than dream of the marine architect Her precursor will soon b nn the stocks If she Is not there already What her name may be and what may be the tremendous power In her gigantic steel hull to drive her 2Jfoot twin screws will not be revealed until the summer comes she ha been ordered from the Vulcan Snip building Company of Htettln by the North Lloyd Line and within two years the will be on the route between Ureinen a nd Soulhamp ton and New York The agents of the linn here know very little about her except that she will be 753 feet long and that she It designed to bo faster than Deulschlnnd of ihi HamburgAmerican Line twentythree knottcr that will be teen for tin first time In month land Is guaranteed by her builder the Vulcat Company to average at lea l twentythrei knots on the voyage front Southampton Cher- bourg or Plymouth Hook That means that she readily heat the record of the Kaiser Wllhelm der rosw which Is tits days seventeen hours ond twentyseven minutes It has become utmost an ailom among folks that whenever one of the German lines builds a recordbreaker the other line will make n effort to better The competition Is so between tho Teuton that the Ilrlllsh lines have practically dropped out of the contest to hold the trident on corn merclal seas Only hint of what the new ship may be can be gathered now tier horsepower will be40001 or more She wilt develop at least knots an hour and that means that wll cover the route from Queenstown to Sandy Hook about 270 knots In four days twenty hours anda fraction The ben voyage on that route mado by the Iucanla of the Cunnrd Line Ii five days seven hours and twentythree intn utes Over the route of SOSO arupton space annihilator going at the rate of twentyfoul an hour would wake Oils port In flveday seven hours After the great ship Is In service we may ex- pect to hear that the HamburgAmerican Lin has another colossus under way designed to make maybe twentylive knots an hour This will somewhat confuse the nautical prophets who have been declaring for tin last peveral years that the order of the future on commer- cial seas would be big ships of great urge rapacity and moderate speed The prophet who nre not nautical say look out for the 1000 thirty knots INSURGENTS AniWT COOV Colombian Rebel Threatened the Town Whet the Steamer Fulton Salted SEW ORLANR May I The steamship Fill ton Capt of the United Fruit Com panys here this morning direct from Colon and brought details of of Bocas del Toro Colombia by Insurgents The Fulton left Bocaa just as the revolution entered the town and bore despatches from the Government commander calling on the Colon to send reinforcements at Colon offered to send on the Fulton but Cnpt Jarobson declined to use his vessel as a When the Fulton reached Colon April 10 that town was still In the of lov- ernment forces but the situation was critical Some 300 were quartered In neighboring town of David sun were In the mountains back of Colon and were expected to attack tho place In spite Colombian Governor at sent a con idero- b part of hli garrison to liocas del Toro rPT CHADWICK RCPRIXAXDKn The Navy Departments on Ul Cult clam of Rear WASHIXQTOS May i Secretary Iing has written a letter to Capt F E Ghadwlclt repri- manding him for his of Hear Admiral fichley After a careful study of naval regulations the Department officials were con vinced that it was no offence a nln t naval dis- cipline for an officer to criticise another officer In a private conversation with a friend The fact that the remarks of Cnpt Chndwlck were published however made It necessary for the Department to take sonic letter of reprimand has been written The lakes thi ground that were extenuating circum- stance In case fortild the of harsher measures He ac- knowledged having made In the re- marks to him in the published Inter- view but denied that were for publication This explanation was accepted by of will be taken In the case rmiAnEirniA TIMES SOLD U Will Support the Ilrpnbllran Party and May Oppose Quay IltlUUiKUMIM May I The Tina with which Col Alexander K McClure has been as- sociated since Its establishment In IH75 hns been sold So far as ran be ascertained Charles F Kindred special agent of Philadelphia and Heading Railroad Company Is at the head of a lot of State politicians wto have pur chased the property Who those associated with Mm are Is not known Mr Kindred lies had some trouble with State Insurance CommlsMnner Durham nod local Quay lenders and It presumed that the Intention Is to discipline In an editorial to morrow the Tmta will say that It will the Republican financial mention- of the McKinley Administration As to State It says that power has been too tong In of one man it fight to end the property approximates 20ioon STANDARD OIL RAISES WAttES Ten noon Pay for flour Work Given to Employer In Writ Virginia PARKKnsBurto W Va May 1 When the men employed by the Standard Oil Company West Virginia went this morning they found themselves confronted with a notlcn which Informed them that beginning May t they would receive an increase In wages The will bn based on ten pay for nine hours work antI men of twelve hours each will receive an tncreav of 0 percent The Standard Oil men than any other corporation doIng In the Htato nnd the affect several thousand men and boys LET rRAXTIERRr V J Yarning Sent Hay Out to San Francisco of tthut I In Store for the Mew lerley Town SAN KBAXCISCO May I The town of N J evidently has a crank who will watching A letter was received today Chief of Police Hulltvnn bearing at the head the sheet a skull nnd crwubonm done In wllh a paint brush The letter reeds as follow 1 shall make matters exceedingly warm for hU town of Cranberry N Witm D J U OnovRnC- nANBERRT NJ Ton of Silver Dollar for China El PASO Tex May t The WellaFargo Ex resu Company Is doing a big business In the of Mexican sliver dollars this On avenlng the company brought 8000 pounds of coin from last night shipment of lou 1 Hut Outlch to Sand hut onthlnK twnt four to the knot I foot lner of Jar on author tit Acton th thC ton th avy I par Ipm pUll personal paid for Nine towork hour wi ron berry b of r- Ink rho money lO W ChIn Zanier o san crosser Ger- man the thkiort net The will ship- ping she Sandy hook new unnamed the capture the criticisms the the this domInation The price increase porn fllflA hit bear transportation week pounds ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < TIlE BEAR SEPARATED Philadelphia Pollc Put Them U fUparat Cells and Sorry for It Piutnriniu May I The police of North- west Philadelphia station are sorry now they arrested two Italians end two tame bears huts afternoon The Italians with an and the pair of bears came down the ter pike and started to perform near the station There ordinance against organ grinders having bears uomuiiled In the limits and so half a dozen patrolmen went and captured the quartette The men were Bnptlsta and John Boned the wer stated an Frank and Jennie the Italians saw that the bears were to be In separate cells they Jabbered out a but they were roughly silenced The bears hi been sleeping together for years mid had gotten Into the habit It was not long before Frank started to growl and Jennie growled In sym- pathy This brought no relief and Frank lost his temper He grasped the bars In hits paws pushed twisted and shook them In stilts of a stream of water that was played him nnd suddenly the front of cell dropped out With a roar of triumph enraged animal started for the policemen drove them Into the sergeants room It clawed at the door of until It was spoiled and then walked back torn out two of the hare In front of Jennies cell slipped In and peacefully down beside her and went to sleep It will at least repair the damage vctr SOURCE OF XRAVS A DIscovEry Relieved to Be of the Greatest Importance to Surgeons CAMBRIDGE Mass May ProfTrowbridgi director of tho Jefferson Physical Laboratory perfected a new method of obtaining xrays Heretofore the currents of electricity used In malting photographs have been making the pictures uncertain value surgeons Prof Trowbrldge has succeeded getting a steady current and the pictures taken his are remarkable for the clear distinct outlines of the muscles and bones of From all appearances this discover will be of the greatest u e to surgeons and the study of anatomy 3EAXT TO DROWX iVO UjtOlfXED Wouldnt Grab Life Preservers and Evaded lloathooks A man with a dingy black coat dusty trousers and a shabby brown hat walked out to the cm of the pier nt the foot of Weft riflysecom- btreet last evening looked nt the river for a mo- ruvnt or two and then out Into water men on the pier ran to the end Policeman McCormlck joined them The tugboats hobo and E L Austin ran from tho of the river They were tints to see the man rise to the surface for the third time The crews of the tugboats threw life preser vets to hIm and yelled nt thlm to He shook his head not so much as react out his hands toward the life preservers The tugs closed In on him and with boathookn He dodged the boathooks antI water Peter Moran of 152 Wrist Street llthcd the out of the river near the pier nl- tt oclock last night It was taken to West Fortyseventh street nolle station In one o was found a card of this Vanderbllt clinic bearing the name John Encson or Fricsor and the address almost appar- ently lexington avenue where the nun not was about old FAMlffE fV SfRAfVsB The Dairymen Carry Oat Their Threat to Boycott the City STIUCVSC May 1 The milk consumers ol the city are beginning to experience the hard- ships of the milk famine which began today by the refusal of dairymen takeout licenses granted only on conditions that their herds be RUblected to the tuberculin test Less than looo quarts of milk were delivered to consumer in the city today though Rome of the groceries kept a stock on hand for sale over the counter None of this few who have with the ordinance was Interfered with though each one took the precaution to have nn exir man on the wagon in ctuu violence Policerren were stationed on the principal street leading Into the city to prevent entrance of of these however to come In Several drove to the city line And sold milk to such ax came after It At a meeting of the dairymen this afternoon this cotirso was to member of the association who were also forbidden to sell at their farms except to pur chasing the hospitals or In Asuclatlon to region surrounding the and see that the boycott was lived to Grocers did a larc- hulness In sale of condensed milk other preparations of milk and Infant foods show any Indication of giving in and according to the outlook the situation to continue Indefinitely The health authorities are now talking about prosecuting the dairymen for conspiracy to a but regard this as a Muff VAIVABLK IIREAKS HER NECK MlM Drown a Illue Ribbon Winner From a Trestle at Meadow Brook HCMPSTXAD L I May I The hunter Miss Brown owned by Harry Hull broke her neck at the Meadow Brook Club today Last week she with other horses was turned out for the season and put In a pasture adjoining the Long Island Hallroad track which at this point- Is on a high embankment The horses broke through the fence n rickety rail affair and gal- loped up this embankment on the track They the track n short distance and the other crowed over and went down the other Miss Brown however kept on until she reached a trestle SpOILS road the clubhouse to Several times her online hut on and was across when she stumbled and went headfirst to the road below Sho was killed In This other horses galloped were caughtnear Mr Hull will hold the railroad liable a the embankment Is not In Miss was a gray rants by Barrett and was 7 James L Her bought her from Sam as a three yearold and Mrs her to hunts sea ons Ralph N Kills then bought her nnd last year her to Mr Bull for 11000 In l s she won the blue ribbon In the green hunter In Madison Square Garden Yfedt a Cousin of Cecil Rhodes SAX FnANrisco May I It leaked out today that Dr J Radford Kenrn of Oakland Cal was secretly married on Marcb 10 to Mary Mlcklethwatte a young English woman here She Is a cousin of Cecil Rhodes A week after the marriage the bride left for England where the doctor expects to meet her October Two years ago Fearn was divorced from his wife but this divorce would English laws so the marriage was arranged lucre Aid for Ottawa and flail Comptroller Coler Treasurer of fund for the relief of the hoinvlnw persons of Ottawa antI Hull received the following con- tribution yesterday P J Mothers John Chandler A Combo IV II Kohn Co IJV Alexander Stint Grin S Wood 110 K T Mathews 125 B 11 II A Canadian Girl 12 James J Coogan sire Thomas S 2S Total lo late Stiles at Handy nook MajorGen Nelson A Mllei went to Sandy look yesterday and witnessed some subcaliber r 10 and 12Inch guns The tests were described as satisfactory He also In some new gun and later weut Wadiiworth here a trial ut was made two electrical systems for moving gun tests hen Miles saId afterward were very satisfactory soil Exclaitve Waterlog America U RUhdeld Springs Ullroad Fine vain nortTalUd A suiT JOV LDNtr Are oran lean lear bar d on the anti cst Ito to In and the In jump the Sera and In In sank for and hat on the MIl of on WM th I MAlE Fall lot Iron AIn caM MIA tan 178 25 len to Fort of In Pac In lIE that city out pull protest the this lay has fluctu- ating subJect good floated off lie 3 years one uWcflis special distress A committee appointed cit was ran she offend the Mayors IS gay ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ 137 DEAD IN A UTAH TINE THAT XVMHKR OF hOllIES REMOV- FIAl MORN TO UK ACCOUNTED FOR More Than 110 Men Were at Work In the Win Ur Uoarteri Coal Mine at Scofleld When Explosion Occurred Among Kegs of log Powder Progren of the Re cn SALT LAKK Utah May explosion oc at 10 oclock this In the Winter Quarters coal mine at Scofleld a hundred miles south of this city and probably one hundred and fifty miners were killed und many more Injured Tho bodies of UJ miners have teen brought out and this work of rescue Isgolng on The mine Explosion Is believed to caused by the blowing up of a number ol kegs of blasting powder but the point at which tin Initial explosion took not yet known The scene before the mouths of the tunnels pitiful as UAiial In mining disasters weeping women and children waiting to each man brought out of the mine on stretcher Th bodies of twenty miners were brought out early In the day and placed upon the ground awaiting Identlllcatlon More than ISO miners are known to have gone to work tills morning There I hardly a doubt but that every miner In No shaft was killed for that particular shaft wa tilled with rmokc dust and debris Miners front Clear Creek have been summoned and possible assistance In rescue work U being given The loss to the Pleasant Valley Coal Company ls great but the extent will not be positively known for some time The officials of the company ore doing their best to save any may be alive In the mine There Is much confusion at the mine all sorts of reports are coming In Sco held Is on the Itlo Grande Western Railroad near known dead are Kocer Davis Jack Wilson ST Evans Pete John Anderson James Wilson Will Hoddow and son A later report says that Thomas Hunter his two sons are among the dead brought out Tho explosion U now supposed to have oc- curred In No 4 and extended by connection tc No 1 Those In No 1 are choked those In No 4 burned and scarred The work of removing th dead and Injured was still going on late tonight The Injured- are few compared to the dead Two hundred coffins have been ordered ARREST AFTER MAX FIRES Small Boy With Matches Said to Have Bee Seen at rive of Them Six flies In Harlem last night called out de tectlves as well as firemen At 830 oclock was a lot of rubbish In the basement at 15 East I20th street At 655 oclock a faLse alarm came and Third venue At 780 rubbish in the basement the flvectory brick tenement 255 125th street was afire When this had been put out another WM In tho house at 242 across the street difficulty In extinguishing this but the damage won slight An hour later an alarm called the department to 2386 Second avenue between 122d and 23 streets On the first floor Is the stove tore Adolph Fuchs The fire was In a lot of barrels In basement Detective Maher got to building before the firemen did and saw two boys come out of the basement One proved that he lived In the house and let go The a lot of stories and had a pocketful of matches When the firemen Capt Lawler of U Truck declared that he had seen the same at fire that evening The police put the under arrest and split him to society for the night He said that he was 13 old of 201 11Mb street and that his father was a re- tired contain of the Fire At 950oclock there was arn her lire In the basement of the tenement at 2313 Second aye flue of the tenant at 212 East lOOth street went to the police last night and asked that Mrs Augusta 35 years old another tenant be arrested They she had set her rooms on flue four In the afternoon Mrs Rovell was locked up Axn ALDERXAX SUOOT Street Fight at Jacksonville Over a Contest for a Franchise JACKSONVILLE Fla May fight be- tween the Plant system nnd the Atlantic Val- dosta anti Western Hallway to obtain new franchisee for street railways lucre resulted today In a shooting affray In the street be- tween C W Stanzell Alderman from the Seventh Ward and A W Williamson publisher- of the Florida Journal Slonzell was badly In the back while Williamson re- ceived a hvero wound In the thigh This context for the franchise hits been On Sunday Williamsons paper had an editorial bribes stanzell was culled thief and bribe taker nnd the editorial wound up with title If than charges were made against nn hon U would mean a funeral Williamson today rode up In of Post Office on street on lila bicycle Stanrell suddenly appeared knocked shots at him Williamson arose drawing his revolver ant arrow the Street Williamson tired and the hot struck Stnnzell In the hack Stanzell Is said to be Inn critical condition Williamson wound while painful and severe- Is not dangerous WAITS TO IfEO AT 74 Wealthy MlM Pierce Relatives Try to Prevent tier Marriage to a Young Man BOSTON May I Miss Louise Pierce of Newton who is 74 years old and wealthy and Charles Hall Barnes S2 years old a resident of Boston applied for n marriage license today At distant Registrar Hideout did not grant the license although ho d d not actually refuse to Issue one Later In the day the couple again vUlted the old Court House building hut Mr Hideout had In the meantime communicated with tho New- ton Chief of Police and also with a relative by marriage of the wouldbe bride Both to be very careful about granting When Dr She of the Board of Health at- tempted to oak Pierco a few uueniions hurriedly led her out to a cordage and away To question Mr Pierce I came here to meet Dr Barnes although that person was standing beside her A ago Barnes secured a marriage li- cense In West Newton but owing to tho fact that be gave his place of residence a Boston another license was necessary from this city ceremony be legally per- formed Friends of woman tried to prevent venture but without success She has known Parties only a rhort Is Kild to be worth nsoonu- MOimS SEARCHEn FOR 1 URL IYearOld Carrie WaUnn Last Seen a She Started to Drive Home rRHanitirHU May I There Is a pirty of farmers searching the woods In the vicinity- of Bridgetun N J for th body of Carrie Wat ton a seventeenyearold girl who disappeared- on Monday afternoon and who It Is feared bos murdered She livsd at Jericho David the house yester- day In good to to the Poet Office at She arrived titers got the mail anti made purchase at the store In the evening walked Into the yard with the buggy but the girl was missing were no of a struggle and the purchased articles were on the bottom of tim girt was well contented Mur no known reason why she an lat IAn curd have pIle hue a t lbs coal who and Colon rocket WI and It from of found The of the r I A EDrTOR and Idrmnn of I I bits I I I I a I dIve nr II her i hen tramP I J and away 01IntrI1 been see all 125th street East tire tire men lad come this was ever i The accusing no I I I first Miss asked by hue tIme some a rays there is have cone ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ six rniAaKs DESTROYED Others In From Michigan Fort Firs Damage to Lumber MARINKTTK WIs May I Six villages northern Michigan just across the State line have now been wiped out by forest tires whlli others are In great danger Those destroys are Ames Nathan Tabor Gardner Swanzoi and Arnold all on the Wisconsin and Michigan Railroad The Inhabitants were all saved special trains being run to their aid The tires are reported to be the fiercest north of Fishier Mich Railroad traffic north Fisher Is entirely cut off and no news conies from this fireswept district except such 04 I brought by burnedout farmers Scores lumber have been destroyed and the losses to Industries will b heavy- In addition thousands of acres of valuable timber tract have been fireswept entnlllni great losses A Moo passenger train which left here on Sun- day evening had a remarkably close escape from being burned It got hemmed In between two patches of burning forest and It required this greatest efforts of the crew and passenger to get U out The train badly scorched reached Foilhorn early this morning Menom- Inee Mien reports that a train came In from the north for the first In two days this morning The were scorched blistered fires fifty up the road Much alarm Is felt for many small towns Qulnefeo the Kimberly and Clark paper milt are In great danger flALLAST LIEVT JfARTlN- He Hives Into the Sea at Sandy nook an Says a Little Girl Lieut Edward H Martin of the Fifth United States Artillery while standing at the end of long pier at Sandy Hook yesterday afternoon heaid a splash and saw Alma Simpson threeyearold daughter of William Simpson life saver of the Sandy Hook station struggling In the water had fallen In while lena log over the string piece Lieutenant dived overboard after the came with her He swam to the plot and clung to pile ten minutes before John Rice and Gloss old Sandy Hook procured rope which they lowered tied llttli Alma to It and the men hoisted her up Tin Lieutenant was cheered by the crowd that gathered to watch the rescue flIRts BRIDE SPIRITED AWAY Her JewIsh Father Sacs to Have HerMarrlag to a Chrlitlan Boy Annulled Michael W Kewsel the nineteenyearold of Adam Kewel a saloon keeper of 7 Debevols street Wllliamsburg has been trying for month to find hisixteenyearold bride Lillian She Is the daughter of Louts Levy a clothier a Broadway and Park avenue The Levy an Hebrews and Kestel Is a Christian He Is em ployed In hU brothers printing office He Lillian about a year ago On the night o April I they went to rectory of the Eplsco pal Church of the Holy Comforter In Debevolsi near Humboldt street and were married the Rev Samuel Kessel enjoined his bride and the witnesses to the secrecy until he had a home prepared for so over her marriage that h confided It to her mother on the The father teamed ot Ii and then the girl disappeared were on Kessol yesterday In i wit brought by hit for merit of the marriage on the ground that the bride Is Kernel consulted Lawyer Sol Bachrach and wl I tight the suit also begin suit against his fatherinlaw for the alienation of wifes affections Lawyer Bachrarh says that his tha I In linA K rtf f A liEn RAG OF TREASURE GONE Young Accused of Drugging Ills Mother and Robbing Her of 7OOOO CHICAnO May 1 The police are looking for Thomas Neven a seventeenyearold boy who I accused of having robbed hU widowed mother Mrs M J Neven of gold nuggets diamonds and valuable papers said to repre sent 70000 after attempting to poison her in her apartments at 290 Illinois street lost night The boy Is believed to have eloped with a woman of J8 The woman Is missing and was last seen with Neven at Grand Trunk sta- tion on M night when they purchased two tickets for Montreal Mrs seven wa lll last night and to make some tea for her She drank It and fell Into a stupor from which she not recover till 4 this When she awoke shin missed a valise which she liable paper worth Moooii several pounds of gold nuggets she up at Nouns last and jewelry enough to swell this value of bags contents to iToono She re- traced this boy and woman to the railway sta- tion OVR REQUEST DEFIED DV COREA Reported Refusal to Grant Mining Concession J Stoat FaMetts Trip Sfudat Cable Dtiixtah la THB Sure YOKOHAMA May 1 Advices from Seoul Comm say that the Corean Government hiss re- fused to accede to a request from the United States for mining concessions J Shunt FasRelt arrived from Liverpool aboard tho White Star liner Oceanic on II He Francisco sixteen months ago look after interests In Corset He painted Corean kingdom In slowing colors was a fine Americans who were not afraid to compete with hustling Germans and English MAYOR aotxa ov iMcinov Comptroller Suggests That Its a Wedding Journey cad That Makes Trouble Mayor Van Wyck said nt the meeting nf the Board of Estimate yesterday that ho was going out of town today to be gone some time He didnt tell where he was going Coler solemnly remarked that thin Mayor was probably going on his trip a large number of reporters were sent out 10 get hue details and of the bride and on was sent to watch the Mayor and follow him LARilEST PERSONA ASSESSJtEXT C Vanderbilt Estate I Down In the Tax Hooks for MOOOOOO asiewmont of personal property on the tax books this year i that of the paite- nf the late Cornelius Vanderbllt which Is There Is no assesument of aldorf Astor he having become a British subject sinro last year when he was as- sessed for 12000000 Air Astor Is now fighting assessment In the courts ROIIKRTS 11RY DlMdREES Out Nearly Twentyfour hours and Not DerlJr on the Polrpimliti Unlit SALT LAKE Itnh May I The jury In the of Hrleham II Robert on trial for unlaw- ful cohnbltnuon with Dr MnggleShlpp Itoberls while wife Sarah Louise Roberts H living disagreed after being out nearly twenty four hours and suns dlsohar So hIs been set for a retrial of the i ase Seven of Iho were Mormons and an flcijnlitnl or disagreement was exiNitcd lames Pal Dead Weighed 4OO Pounds YnxKfKx N Y May 1 James Daly fa- miliarly known a Fatty Daly n wellknown horseman of this city died at his home on the road last night after an Illnwi of weeks tp 10 thus tints he was taken sick Im welched over four hundred recent three weeks Illniw reduced him very really ailment was organic heart trouble and six children survive tutu OXelUn Mia of Garden Furnishings tar Summer Homes begIns todiye- Mbelr adrerUwaunl Ave to 21st Si Ad Pal In of of camP caches and mil At the a She Tie up a John bro a time the son a met the next served hits wire I she were not restrained elm would come to him even the the the moatler to the and they here there for and Comptroller The largest down at 1S0IOOU iliInm cold case tim Mile Square his ills hose And sib ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ BUFFALO STRIKE GROWS JlltV OF OTHER ROADS JOIN Tilt Veil VOIIJC CEXTRAL STRIKERS Car Repairers of the l irkawann sad Mcksl Plate Shops jail WorkKrU and l hlgt Men Will Quit If Tudayn Conferenc- tFslh llrntherhoud of Trainmen Meet Strikes In Many Parta of the Country ntTrAtx May I No one In Buffalo expect a settlement of the Central strike to result from the conference with Hupt Walttnt Iroquois tomorrow The wtrlkers feel HO encouraged bf the willingness of other employees to Join them that they may not consider a compromlee Tht leaders believe the Central IH trying to gala time and This after noon without consulting the officials of their order the car repairers at the Delaware Lacka- wanna and Western and Nickel Plate shops quit work Tho news reached the men In the Erin and I hlgh shop and they sent a request to headquarters to bo ordered out They were told to stay at work until after the conference Tho Laokawanna shops employ MO men Horn New York Central cars were sent to the shop this afternoon and the repairers marched out The same cause led to the strike of the ISO me- at the Nickel Plato shops The Erio and Lehlgh officials to answer the demands ot their car repairers for the same scale of wags na the Central urn ask so the men are eager t participate the strike and undoubtedly wU quit moment Wains conference fall The strike wax the subject of a meeting of Brotherhood of Trainmen this afttrnoon At the close of the cession It announced that the brotherhood would order strike In event of the roads the of the strikers If the Central It muss make an effort to do the work with nonunion men and the brotherhood will to act or recede from Its position Its strength Is said t be considerable an It In bruIcemen switch- men and conductors The ab- sence of all these employees would make thi handling of freight Little was handled hero todar except that shipped through without are clogged with the accumulat log cars of local merchandise was embarrassed today tha declaration of tht Teamsters that unloaded non union mon would not bo handled 1mthem The strikers will repr enua at tomor- row s o nferenc by the full Executive Board anti Samuel of the Federation of Labor and President Butler of the United Trades and Labor Council The Central strikers committee angered br the failure of Walttor to here was on point of call when a telegram carol from New York explaining the Union No B2U American 1200 men anti all of those employed In the transfer houses about 000 to work this morning The roads concerned In the strike of the freight handlers are the New York Central Erie Lake Shore Delaware iJicUa Western WabasnVe tern New York and Pennsylvania nnd lx hlgli Accord- Ing to Ihn statements of the strikers tran for freight house In the city Is In the trouble The result of the freight strike be that Buffalo will the scarcity of food frelcht every Thus strikers they will not freight to moved ears or from the freight houses If thojr can prevent It STRIKE IX nVItDIXa TRADES Carpenters Painters and Detnrstori Drmaid an EightHour hay UTICA N Y May 1 Three hundred and fifty union carpenter and ninetyfive unlot painters ami deooratorHIn title city struck thlt morning for n reduction of the working day from nine to eight hours The carpenters at present receive 2S cents an hour n and they de- mand M cent un hour for eight n Tim boss have oflcrtil 80 cents an hour for night hours a dot The decorators a k to have working day from to eight bourn at the Minn- pny 250 day bosses lmv orlered SI cents nn hour or 1240 for n day of eight hfUrn 10 ont les than the demand The demands of the mnons bricklayers the and understood have been the boxes The vnrlou other union In till Building Trade Council have aNo arrived at agreement with the l04sf- AlnANi May 1 Sixty union plumbers oo the former for eleht hours and carpenters for 35 rents an hour arid an eight Tonight n number of boss carpen- ters signed ttienirreemcnt to comply mens and sixty carpenters will return to work tomorrow nnFwnnr STRIKE ix IJOSTOX Fear That 110O Stay Quit Work to the Demand of Eighty Engineers BOSTON May i The brewery engineer were ordered to strike this afternoon by a committee from the Central Labor Union This was done In the face of the tmanlmoul vote of thus Boston Brewers Association to sub- mit tlx to the State Board of Arbitra- tion for settlement At present only about eighty men have quit work but It I feared that strike fever spread to other unions among this brewery employees and that by tomorrow ljno men In of the demands of this engineers Secretary Huiw of tho Brewers Association eve- ning that this strike an Injustice not only lo the brewers limit then to the engineers brewers saidwtre willing to submit to arbi- tration and this engineers were satisfied with their wages nnd hours but tho local branch of this Union of Steam Engineers outvoted the brewery engineers on the ques- tion of striking MAY DAY FICIIT AT CLEVKLAX8 for Higher Wage CirvELASD Ohio May I May Day here was marked by a tight between union nnd nonunion the Hie Four railway bridge In course of construction at Coluinbii and Leonard streets The tight was enticed by thus refusal of this nonunion men to jult work No one was small strikes oc- curred three hundred tiollennakerB struck for nn advance of 2S cent n day for nil men- The iron moulders will outt work on Thursday to decide whether or not to strike mian bakers struck todav for shorter hour and Increased wage Tho cutters easily their demands for an eighthour work day and a minimum wnce wale of t3 day from their emplnyrs- Eir STRIKES IX PHILADELPHIA Demand of Workmen Generally Granted b Their KmplojerP- iilLAnKLPitlA May I There is little pros ct that rinich tints will by workmen jecau of strikes In this city About thus men associated with the orgnnlrnI- OIIH In the Allied Hulldinc Trades tonn agreement with their em loyers and rfiid to work i were no disturbances though nod rnployers nre rtemnndl Hie men for irrren es of nnd shorter Tb I that thus tint ority of the ill beat work tornor There un no Iridlcrilun of n imoni the men wnrlnK lucy have iho pay they demnnde- arniKi i n i fioiTinrEsTKittrf- rsrkmen Slant Higher Iav Three Tbou and Men He limiUed- SiYMorK Iml May 1 Two hundred section nen of the llnltliiinriand Ohio nilroail tnick today and nre demanding IIWo II iA rebuilding road lirtrim n good niiinv extra gangs have ieen nod ll i said thom vciituftlv i Involved in tlie strike The men Jiv hint the iimturof of wages nw presented to itiiofllrirsof tlieroadnmontli The IjUe Shore Mmllrd- n train in every rested between Kw at Ja P Jt New ork Centtal Hullmiin Weeping Cars from New orU In Chtoga via lAke Itnute and to SL xiutivU bltr Voiir Ilnute miking close connectIon MM f In Ml Ijtllll thin nicans to contest the issurn have failed the was the trans er s e any appear t sin 0 Federation of labor whulch struck wanna and eel products including milk and t tat reach b t anti and I I and struir 3 50 a day of the len En- force matter I was Men AttarkdJmolleimakefs Strlk i men At j serlotil hiurt number of a l flue be let thousand were un- abte 10 collie tsuln ire the tin houir of work Itt trtkrs S row strike on the convention hinil A tIes Stut huts ceterri clay Sitice the w urk the 31d 11150 IlitLy liens art utitoince to4ste Vortt crud via S ire got tr I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < >

Transcript of… ·...

Page 1:… · Fair today and tomorrow brisk south winds VOL IXVIINO 214 NEW YORK WEDNESDAY MAY

Fair today and tomorrow brisksouth winds


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unier Defendant Hwears

Kltbifdion Agent Told Him It W

1 liovernrnent Publication DIMrlbnted Fre-

HI Aul grpb He Signed No Contracl-

TV flrt casein which the Commit or-

Ditrlbulinn of Wiihlnglon D C ha at

ttmi t enforce payment on an allegei

trill inntrncl for The Messages and Taperof tin Presidents blamed from a resident 01-

jViv York nty by ont of llw members of thi-

coini pt j w vi-

JluLlnpil District Court and the commlttey

lot cai v llie suit wnH brounht by John JConklln ii assignee against Vllllain II Dan

ter ofUI Went Fiftyeighth street and134 th priiiof und costs JusllcFinn without leaving the Inch and afle-

hirinc only lhe testimony of Mr Danversgave Judgment a alti t the committee und H-

Hawlsno Thero ar a irreat many other per

w ncalnst whom the Committee on Distribut-

ion hts clnlnun nd It WHS declared In

alter Jutice Kltin bad mod M

inanyof ihesi person would refuse to paycalled to the stand by Iho-

sttorneys for Ihn plaintiff und testified volunt-

arily not hnvlw been subponaed The at-

torney for th plaintiff exhibited In court n-

wntriit bearing name William 11 Dan

vpr which llie defendant was alleged to haveneiH The signature resembled Mr Dan

vnti closely but he testified that he hud neverpad the rontract He mild in nil 1U dealingswith hm ih Committee on Distribution hadpursued pocullnr method which seemed to himto be marKed by fraud and false pretence and In

hi answer he wit up fraudulent and fals pretflKt-

tMr Ianvers te tlled that In November he

received a letter on note paper head Com-

mittee on Distribution and bearing the namescongressman James 1 Richardson of

TennesN Editor nnd Alnsworth K-

Spolford Oineral Secretory The letterhad resembled that on Government eta

The letter Informed him thathe hid been HclecUu one to whuiu a Mtt-

if The MixiiKiHand Paper of the Presidentshad been tted ami I II Hlckard anumber of tin committee would call upon himto explain the whole matter Mr

ii few days later a man called onlinn n curd the name P 1 Hicknril on it and said tha h was ft member of tho-

imniitten on Distribution This man exMr DanveM that the book were a

eminent publication Me laid on Panviv a on was printed thn

word chancesWhat are theso charge Mr Danvenf-

inkid I were no chargeThn e are the express charges

HIM cciinmlttcetnnn-Is that the only charge there is Mr Dan

askedtho agent

Thereupon Mr slued the card urnscent Borne general rose

Hu walked to th and stopped Thenhe returned to Mr

ih by the way ho said our Mrlift gr crank on autographs IIx llkw all

Mirt oi autograph and we to get them forhUn giving yours to him

The iijunt drew a long narrow note book

number of sUnaluiei In tho book and MrUanvers signed It The agent went away

Mr Panvers wore that ho had nncontract produced in court and

nothing except on which he

album carried the He hadto hews to receive a set

of book gratuitously through Urn generosityor mid no Idea of pay-Ing for them hint entered head When pay-ment of ill wa demanded he refused onground that ho had never contracted thoHo left books in the hands of the

Charles J OConnell counsel for Mr Danveramoved that complaint In the case

and entered for Ih de-

fendant Mr OConnell said he tad hoped thatcomplainant would put on the

in orderIncluding the use of letterheads simulatingiovernment tnllon ry and all the method

which he had not contracted might have beengoon Into Justice Finn the com

efforts which Committee on Distri-bution in Its to force Mr Danvers to Involved an Immense amount ofcorrespondence constating of

to attack standing as anhtnorable citizen All of tho letters of the

committee were written on paper headedCommittee on Distribution

of the President D RichardsonEditor Alnsworth It General Secre-tary printed In Government blue Ink In typesimilar to used committees ofTh firtt letter was dated at Washington Dec17 In part It wan AS follows

Wt do not know lust what ronttructlon to placeson your action In not tTtng nltratloa touiit w-

tr account pnrtlo

and bating the abilityupon your obllrsuon to the

e ot said contrart Your non

oolu tm tos that yoU do not morally oruiallyoblKatrd tnluini the ttrmi of agreement

we known wee any uncertainty rontlnyou

v J we certainlyDOW not hue the books and II you tailed

v atlrlM ns and still refuse to give thisattention II Lt dear that youla the best at any raW It Is obtlnua-lh iu you do thu matter proper attentionlad auumr that you haTe sp r Iflc authority andCower to term nate your yourtion Uut we ate justified In taking such dies

to rompel and entorn tu complete and ipeeJDc performance of yourtimid Sow I went an you at-

one fiu you pay our Mr C B Palmer attorneyThis was signed by Rodmer

of the on Distributiontone did not Mr Panvers On Jan 4

wrote acaln saying that a payment of34 was dun On Feb 27 er

great length In this communication he

We ctn vll the wt of books providing tilewwtleh we have amounting to J

fall m TV bwVs however are not rreclrcd InIt udatloa o your Indebtedness UeASuren will beln tltuUii jr the expre i of reaching yourirrlnj1 It payment notMr Danrers wasnt frightened He didnt

roy On March 5 received n letter from thefirm of l t Donovan offering to takebooks back nnd It square for 10 Then

Intheeomphint It l nlleed that Mr Danwritten contract with Alnswort-

hJMrnvrKv or irnsnirs ntv4neollemlt of Ordering to Line Duty So Many

Engineer Offlcers-

WsiiixoToN May I The Snvy Departmentkareceived ret rt of damage to the machln-

rv nf fi naval ships three attached to theAlaur rjiinn and two on the Pacific coast

w d bvihe ineftlclency of the warrant mahirist n Charge and want of proper supervision

bv nSri wr0 are now performing both lineirsirecr duty One of the vessels to break

r wti a r niv recently placed in commission

i Mn In hr engine roomripped the machinery and will

inijruj neie flry rite reachesMM in die chief of tinSteam

riui Im rciiionstrntod with the4 puiiiy of unlerlni lo-

P J1 herveil ai enp r t i pn atfr of the Iersotjnel-

h lerrMiiii m to the line Tftl

trh IP duty of cnrlnir for ther rilv in hIP warren

n iinvo neither the training norfr uili re ponsl lt pouts

hnv 10011lr he Nnvlentlon llureau-tht 1r ll he hureui hiw

i1HIIV for in

to iletnllas tofr

r i Onui r lierr were from tlllee to ft fe-

ii r ir gfi 11 tin PPi tOW title engineer In

f Aiirtirt ninrlilnHt1 whoV nKiriet On eieral

thiw vvxrrant machinists stand allr practically complete

n he room force

l rpnn Plaits Chlorides4 tAr H ux drjlnj alfr closets flnki t


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In th

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Womai Com Angrily Oat or lpho AfterElect Art

Sjipho at Wallacklast night a man and a woman cine

out of the theatre lobby to the street Theln evening drtwa and had a block mil

ache The woman wore no hat but wa-

dri ed In an evening gown and had a capeover her shoulders n numberrings liar none was In the air and the manWM talking to her In a very apologetic manner

Site to a hansom cab nnd got InThe to follow her and shepimhed him back He tried again mid got an-

other ptuhAll said and started to cross the

streetThe young woman jumped out of the cab

pursued him As he reached the car tracks Flucaught up and grave him a resounding boxtho ear with her open hand Then she doubleup her fist nod hit him In the nose ringon fingers cut his nose and theblood to run

Oh dont dont ejaculated the roan endthe woman ran and got Into the cab nutiln A-

Hhndld so nhd dropped her cnpo and a flflcent piece A newsboy handed her the monand Manager Burnham of the theatre handedberths cape Then the man who was holdinga handkerchief to his note whispered an addreita to the driver and the woman departedThe man pushed way through the crowdthat had gathered walking to Thirtyfirststreet turned toward Fifth avenue

SKXGT DOUGLAS rtxnAndrew Carneflc Adds IOOOHeneflt This

Week and x

Andrw Carnegie who sails today for Europeto spend most of the summer In Scotland sentto THE HITS yesterday a check for IIOuO wllhtItle note

To TKF EDITOR Wr Pleasereceive enclosed 11000 for the fund In aid of thewidow and family of thelate 8 rgt Doualasswho fought not for foreign conquest hut forpeace and order at home Very truly


StN received yesterday also IS for theE 0 sent to

SCN to date amount to i3ie and havereceived from the following

t E GCo K7thRt 100 O llerrog 3

CoH7tBHgt 100 A II K I

Fellow Passengers 30 Old Veteran 1

i W W Another Cltlten IO W to le I

WO U 10 Cltlllaa I


F II Taylor 10 Cash I

The 6 Cash S

Then SA E L 8 Total JIS18

Nearly 12000 has been subscribed at Mountand tho fund will beuweied consider-

ably It Is hoped by the benefit performance onnight Mount

llouwe Julius Cahn manager for t-

Frohman will produce llecause She LovedHim So a comimny pay all ex

and make over the entireOn Wednesday evening May 8 members of

the A and Troop-C will give a benefit performance for theatstreet near Third avenue Military exhibitions-and music the members those three or-

ganizations form the Tickets areon sale at the armories and many box partieshavo already been arranged for18 Wet 103d street information toall

Still another branch of the fund Is endlesschain started Miss Imogen Hoyt the

almoct overwhelmed the letters she re-

ceived and each letter contains a dime


Was Second Tlc Preitd at f the flank ofComment ni Career

Edward 0 Leech Second VicePresident ofthe National Bank of Commerce died lastnIght at the Mount Sinai Hospital wherehe had been since April 12 Mr Leech went tothe hospital from his home at the San llemo

The operation was performed April tJ by Dr

hit physicians only Mrhim to withstand them an

long as he didMr was born In Washington In 1851

and was the son of a professor Severalof his ministerMr Unlverf atWashington and was a graduate of the lawschool of that Institution He began his buMnejs

In Department as clerk He-WM finally made an Mintsbrought him Into some prominence He gainedmore prominence later Harri-son ofllce made him Director ofthe Mint ThU he tilled until tho adventof the Cleveland Administration when he

of the Mint he appointedone of the delegates from this country toInternational Monetary Conference atBruvels In IMIJ effort was made torehabilitate silver As Director ofMr Leech rnado wveral reports which attractedattention In financial circle both here nndabroad He aLso contributed articles for maga-zines which to bo tin expert gov-ernment After nw asDirector of the Mint Mr Leech In tb03 became

Union flank After the consolidation of thatbank with the flank of Commerce ha accepted-the WACO of Second VIM President

n Mr Leech married Miss Cells Kent ofOne and two daughter sur

vive him Mr Leech was a member of theUnion league Club


Flniteln Wai sure That lie Uad nilcovered Murder

Benjamin Flnsteln Ii years old of IMelancey street rushed Into the Fifth streetiollce station lat night and asked for Cnpt

Diamond He won holding at arms length adon up In newspaper Ho told the

It tilled with human bones he nslri andgurus I have discovered a murder

apt Diamond the and foundcontained a number of human hones

neatly painted with red and lines indlcat-ng muscle and veins crossed

when were covered with flesh It Islikely that they came from a museum


lasnt Run Cart All Night and MmtAndThere a lug Itlll to Pay

A Judgment of 100 obtained by the cityagainst the Union Railway Company M a pen

ilty for disregarding a corporation ordinanceabout running com on tie all night at leat

minutes been affirmedjy the Appellate term the Supreme Court Ini decision Justice It ap

that tho defendant hud not been runling cars nt all from 130 A M on

Westchestor avenue branch The ordinanceof lioo for each

only one WM embraced In the suit


LOW of the Alleihany Says It Wai aMatter of cet lty

Capt Low of the Atlas Line steamship Ails

hany from Kingston and other Wes Indiansaid yesterday that he was practically

forced to bury at A J Wormer who diedn the aKe-

Wo were bound to a port In a tropicalclimate said we

bourn out when Mr onnser diedVe had no embalming material or coffins If I

tent aboard without embalmingwould have l endeinln uaran

My authority In such a matter never has

Codified ritr OrdinanceAssistant Corporation Counsel Kollln M

to whom was avlgned the duty ofthe ordinances of tilt city when the

went Into effect hn1 finished hUand o soon as all of the ordinance have

odn will be pu-

KlelnlU Again In the Insane Asylum

William Stelnltr the veteran chess pUyer

S5 East rod was again sent to Inon Wards Island

Jut the of


She h on of






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Planned to tie the Fattest of Ocean flrejr

hounds and Nearly Fifty VetThan Any Now AfloatSB Is Expected

to Make at U l 34 Knots an Iloar

The fourday U more thandream of the marine architect Her precursorwill soon b nn the stocks If she Is not therealready What her name may be and whatmay be the tremendous power In her giganticsteel hull to drive her 2Jfoot twin screws willnot be revealed until the summer comesshe ha been ordered from the Vulcan Snipbuilding Company of Htettln by the North

Lloyd Line and within two years the willbe on the route between Ureinen a nd Soulhampton and New York

The agents of the linn here know very littleabout her except that she will be 753 feet long

and that she It designed to bo faster thanDeulschlnnd of ihi HamburgAmerican Linetwentythree knottcr that will be teen for tinfirst time In monthland Is guaranteed by her builder the VulcatCompany to average at lea l twentythreiknots on the voyage front Southampton Cher-bourg or Plymouth Hook That meansthat she readily heat the record of theKaiser Wllhelm der rosw which Is tits daysseventeen hours ond twentyseven minutes

It has become utmost an ailom amongfolks that whenever one of the German

lines builds a recordbreaker the other line willmake n effort to better Thecompetition Is so between tho Teutonthat the Ilrlllsh lines have practically droppedout of the contest to hold the trident on cornmerclal seas

Only hint of what the new ship may be canbe gathered now tier horsepower will be40001or more She wilt develop at leastknots an hour and that means that wllcover the route from Queenstown to SandyHook about 270 knots In four days twentyhours anda fraction The ben voyage on thatroute mado by the Iucanla of the Cunnrd LineIi five days seven hours and twentythree intnutes Over the route of SOSO

arupton spaceannihilator going at the rate of twentyfoul

an hour would wake Oils port In flvedayseven hours

After the great ship Is In service we may ex-

pect to hear that the HamburgAmerican Linhas another colossus under way designed tomake maybe twentylive knots an hour Thiswill somewhat confuse the nautical prophetswho have been declaring for tin last peveralyears that the order of the future on commer-cial seas would be big ships of great urgerapacity and moderate speed The prophetwho nre not nautical say look out for the 1000

thirty knots


Colombian Rebel Threatened the Town Whetthe Steamer Fulton Salted

SEW ORLANR May I The steamship Fillton Capt of the United Fruit Companys here this morning directfrom Colon and brought details ofof Bocas del Toro Colombia by InsurgentsThe Fulton left Bocaa just as the revolutionentered the town and bore despatches from theGovernment commander calling on the

Colon to send reinforcementsat Colon offered to send

on the Fulton but Cnpt Jarobson declined touse his vessel as a

When the Fulton reached Colon April 10

that town was still In the of lov-ernment forces but the situation was criticalSome 300 were quartered Inneighboring town of David sun were In themountains back of Colon and were expected

to attack tho place In spiteColombian Governor at sent a con idero-b part of hli garrison to liocas del Toro


The Navy Departments on Ul Cultclam of Rear

WASHIXQTOS May i Secretary Iing haswritten a letter to Capt F E Ghadwlclt repri-manding him for his of Hear Admiralfichley After a careful study of navalregulations the Department officials were convinced that it was no offence a nln t naval dis-

cipline for an officer to criticise another officerIn a private conversation with a friend Thefact that the remarks of Cnpt Chndwlck werepublished however made It necessary for theDepartment to take sonic

letter of reprimand hasbeen written The lakes thiground that were extenuating circum-stance In case fortildthe of harsher measures He ac-knowledged having made In the re-marks to him in the published Inter-view but denied that were forpublication This explanation was accepted by

ofwill be taken In the case


U Will Support the Ilrpnbllran Party andMay Oppose Quay

IltlUUiKUMIM May I The Tina withwhich Col Alexander K McClure has been as-

sociated since Its establishment In IH75 hnsbeen sold So far as ran be ascertained CharlesF Kindred special agent of Philadelphiaand Heading Railroad Company Is at the headof a lot of State politicians wto have purchased the property Who those associatedwith Mm are Is not known

Mr Kindred lies had some trouble withState Insurance CommlsMnner Durham nod

local Quay lenders and It presumedthat the Intention Is to discipline In aneditorial to morrow the Tmta will say that Itwill the Republican

financial mention-of the McKinley Administration As to State

It says that power has been too tong Inof one man it fight to end

the property approximates 20ioon


Ten noon Pay for flour Work Givento Employer In Writ Virginia

PARKKnsBurto W Va May 1 When themen employed by the Standard Oil CompanyWest Virginia went this morning theyfound themselves confronted with a notlcnwhich Informed them that beginning May tthey would receive an increase In wages The

will bn based on ten pay fornine hours work antI men oftwelve hours each will receive an tncreav of 0percent The Standard Oil

men than any other corporation doIngIn the Htato nnd the affect

several thousand men and boys

LET rRAXTIERRr V JYarning Sent Hay Out to San Francisco of

tthut I In Store for the Mew lerley Town

SAN KBAXCISCO May I The town ofN J evidently has a crank who will

watching A letter was received todayChief of Police Hulltvnn bearing at the headthe sheet a skull nnd crwubonm done In

wllh a paint brush The letter reeds asfollow

1 shall make matters exceedingly warm forhU town of Cranberry N


Ton of Silver Dollar for ChinaEl PASO Tex May t The WellaFargo Exresu Company Is doing a big business In the

of Mexican sliver dollars thisOn avenlng the company

brought 8000 pounds of coin fromlast night shipment of lou




to Sand

hut onthlnK

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to the


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pUllpersonal paid for






bof r-


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Sandy hook new unnamed

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this domInation The price



fllflA hit
















Philadelphia Pollc Put Them U fUparatCells and Sorry for It

Piutnriniu May I The police of North-west Philadelphia station are sorry nowthey arrested two Italians end two tame bearshuts afternoon The Italians with anand the pair of bears came down theter pike and started to perform near the stationThere ordinance against organ grindershaving bears uomuiiled In thelimits and so half a dozen patrolmen wentand captured the quartette The men wereBnptlsta and John Boned the werstated an Frank and Jenniethe Italians saw that the bears were to beIn separate cells they Jabbered out abut they were roughly silenced The bears hibeen sleeping together for years mid had gottenInto the habit It was not long before Frankstarted to growl and Jennie growled In sym-

pathy This brought no relief and Frank losthis temper He grasped the bars In hits pawspushed twisted and shook them In stiltsof a stream of water that was playedhim nnd suddenly the front ofcell dropped out With a roar of triumphenraged animal started for the policemendrove them Into the sergeants room It clawedat the door of until It was spoiled and thenwalked back torn out two of the hare In frontof Jennies cell slipped In and peacefullydown beside her and went to sleep It willat least repair the damage


A DIscovEry Relieved to Be of the GreatestImportance to Surgeons

CAMBRIDGE Mass May ProfTrowbridgidirector of tho Jefferson Physical Laboratory

perfected a new method of obtainingxrays Heretofore the currents of electricityused In malting photographs have been

making the pictures uncertain valuesurgeons Prof Trowbrldge has succeededgetting a steady current and the pictures taken

his are remarkable for the cleardistinct outlines of the muscles and bones of

From all appearances this discoverwill be of the greatest u e to surgeons andthe study of anatomy


Wouldnt Grab Life Preservers and Evadedlloathooks

A man with a dingy black coat dusty trousersand a shabby brown hat walked out to the cmof the pier nt the foot of Weft riflysecom-btreet last evening looked nt the river for a mo-

ruvnt or two and then out Intowater

men on the pier ran to the endPoliceman McCormlck joined them

The tugboats hobo and E L Austin ranfrom tho of the river They weretints to see the man rise to the surface for thethird time

The crews of the tugboats threw life preservets to hIm and yelled nt thlm toHe shook his head not so much as reactout his hands toward the life preservers Thetugs closed In on him and withboathookn He dodged the boathooks antI

waterPeter Moran of 152 Wrist Street

llthcd the out of the river near the pier nl-

tt oclock last night It was taken to WestFortyseventh street nolle station In one o

was found a card of this Vanderblltclinic bearing the name John Encson or Fricsorand the address almost appar-ently lexington avenue where the nunnot was about old


The Dairymen Carry Oat Their Threat toBoycott the City

STIUCVSC May 1 The milk consumers olthe city are beginning to experience the hard-ships of the milk famine which began todayby the refusal of dairymen takeout licensesgranted only on conditions that their herds beRUblected to the tuberculin test Less thanlooo quarts of milk were delivered to consumerin the city today though Rome of the grocerieskept a stock on hand for sale over the counterNone of this few who havewith the ordinance was Interfered with thougheach one took the precaution to have nn exirman on the wagon in ctuu violence

Policerren were stationed on the principalstreet leading Into the city to prevententrance of ofthese however to come In Severaldrove to the city line And sold milk to such axcame after It At a meeting of the dairymenthis afternoon this cotirso was tomember of the association who were alsoforbidden to sell at their farms except to purchasing the hospitals or In

Asuclatlon toregion surrounding the and see that theboycott was lived to Grocers did a larc-hulness In sale of condensed milk otherpreparations of milk and Infant foods

show any Indication of givingin and according to the outlook thesituation to continue IndefinitelyThe health authorities are now talking aboutprosecuting the dairymen for conspiracy to

a butregard this as a Muff


MlM Drown a Illue Ribbon WinnerFrom a Trestle at Meadow Brook

HCMPSTXAD L I May I The hunter MissBrown owned by Harry Hull broke her neckat the Meadow Brook Club today Last weekshe with other horses was turned out for theseason and put In a pasture adjoining theLong Island Hallroad track which at this point-Is on a high embankment The horses brokethrough the fence n rickety rail affair and gal-

loped up this embankment on the track Theythe track n short distance and the

other crowed over and went down the otherMiss Brown however kept on until she

reached a trestle SpOILS roadthe clubhouse to Several

times her online hut on and wasacross when she stumbled and went

headfirst to the road below Sho was killed In

This other horses galloped werecaughtnear Mr Hull will hold therailroad liable a the embankment Isnot In Miss was a gray rantsby Barrett and was 7 James L Her

bought her from Sam as a threeyearold and Mrs her to hunts

sea ons Ralph N Kills then boughther nnd last year her to Mr Bull for11000 In l s she won the blue ribbon In thegreen hunter In Madison Square Garden

Yfedt a Cousin of Cecil Rhodes

SAX FnANrisco May I It leaked out todaythat Dr J Radford Kenrn of Oakland Cal wassecretly married on Marcb 10 to MaryMlcklethwatte a young English womanhere She Is a cousin of Cecil RhodesA week after the marriage the bride left forEngland where the doctor expects to meet her

October Two years ago Fearn wasdivorced from his wife but this divorce would

English laws so the marriage wasarranged lucre

Aid for Ottawa and flailComptroller Coler Treasurer of

fund for the relief of the hoinvlnw persons ofOttawa antI Hull received the following con-

tribution yesterday P J Mothers JohnChandler A Combo IV II Kohn

Co IJV Alexander Stint Grin SWood 110 K T Mathews 125 B 11

II A Canadian Girl 12 James J Coogan sireThomas S 2S Total lo late

Stiles at Handy nookMajorGen Nelson A Mllei went to Sandy

look yesterday and witnessed some subcaliberr 10 and 12Inch guns The tests

were described as satisfactory He also Insome new gun and later weutWadiiworth here a trial ut was made

two electrical systems for moving guntests hen Miles

saId afterward were very satisfactory

soil Exclaitve WaterlogAmerica U RUhdeld Springs

Ullroad Fine vain nortTalUd A














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Sera and


sankfor and hat on the


of onWM










178 25


to FortofIn












good floated off

lie 3 years


uWcflisspecial distress A committee appointed






the Mayors










More Than 110 Men Were at Work In the WinUr Uoarteri Coal Mine at Scofleld WhenExplosion Occurred Among Kegs oflog Powder Progren of the Re cn

SALT LAKK Utah May explosion oc

at 10 oclock this In the WinterQuarters coal mine at Scofleld a hundred miles

south of this city and probably one hundredand fifty miners were killed und many moreInjured Tho bodies of UJ miners have teenbrought out and this work of rescue Isgolng on

The mine Explosion Is believed tocaused by the blowing up of a number ol kegs

of blasting powder but the point at which tinInitial explosion took not yet known

The scene before the mouths of the tunnelspitiful as UAiial In mining disastersweeping women and children waiting toeach man brought out of the mine on

stretcher Th bodies of twenty miners were

brought out early In the day and placed upon

the ground awaiting IdentlllcatlonMore than ISO miners are known to have

gone to work tills morning There I

hardly a doubt but that every miner In Noshaft was killed for that particular shaft watilled with rmokc dust and debris Minersfront Clear Creek have been summoned andpossible assistance In rescue work U beinggiven

The loss to the Pleasant Valley Coal Companyls great but the extent will not be positivelyknown for some time The officials of thecompany ore doing their best to save anymay be alive In the mine

There Is much confusion at the mineall sorts of reports are coming In Scoheld Is on the Itlo Grande Western Railroadnear

known dead are Kocer DavisJack Wilson S T Evans Pete JohnAnderson James Wilson WillHoddow and son

A later report says that Thomas Hunterhis two sons are among the dead brought out

Tho explosion U now supposed to have oc-

curred In No 4 and extended by connection tcNo 1 Those In No 1 are choked those In No4 burned and scarred

The work of removing th dead and Injuredwas still going on late tonight The Injured-are few compared to the dead Two hundredcoffins have been ordered


Small Boy With Matches Said to Have BeeSeen at rive of Them

Six flies In Harlem last night called out detectlves as well as firemen At 830 oclockwas a lot of rubbish In the basement at 15

East I20th street At 655 oclock a faLse

alarm came and Third venueAt 780 rubbish in the basementthe flvectory brick tenement 255

125th street was afire When thishad been put out another WMIn tho house at 242 across the street

difficulty In extinguishing thisbut the damage won slight

An hour later an alarm called the departmentto 2386 Second avenue between 122d and 23

streets On the first floor Is the stove toreAdolph Fuchs The fire was In a lot of barrelsIn basement Detective Maher got tobuilding before the firemen did and saw twoboys come out of the basement One provedthat he lived In the house and let go The

a lot of stories and had a pocketfulof matches When the firemen CaptLawler of U Truck declared that he had seenthe same at fire that evening

The police put the under arrest and splithim to society for the night He saidthat he was 13 old of 201

11Mb street and that his father was a re-

tired contain of the FireAt 950oclock there was arn her lire In the

basement of the tenement at 2313 Second ayeflue of the tenant at 212 East lOOthstreet went to the police last night and askedthat Mrs Augusta 35 years old anothertenant be arrested They she had sether rooms on flue four In the afternoonMrs Rovell was locked up


Street Fight at Jacksonville Over a Contestfor a Franchise

JACKSONVILLE Fla May fight be-

tween the Plant system nnd the Atlantic Val-

dosta anti Western Hallway to obtain newfranchisee for street railways lucre resultedtoday In a shooting affray In the street be-

tween C W Stanzell Alderman from theSeventh Ward and A W Williamson publisher-

of the Florida Journal Slonzell was badlyIn the back while Williamson re-

ceived a hvero wound In the thighThis context for the franchise hits been

On Sunday Williamsons paper had an editorial

bribes stanzell was culled thief andbribe taker nnd the editorial wound up withtitle

If than charges were made against nn honU would mean a funeral

Williamson today rode up In ofPost Office on street on lila bicycleStanrell suddenly appeared knocked

shots at himWilliamson arose drawing his revolver ant

arrow the Street Williamson tiredand the hot struck Stnnzell In the hack

Stanzell Is said to be Inn critical conditionWilliamson wound while painful and severe-Is not dangerous


Wealthy MlM Pierce Relatives Try to Preventtier Marriage to a Young Man

BOSTON May I Miss Louise Pierce of Newtonwho is 74 years old and wealthy and CharlesHall Barnes S2 years old a resident of Bostonapplied for n marriage license today At distantRegistrar Hideout did not grant the licensealthough ho d d not actually refuse to Issue one

Later In the day the couple again vUlted theold Court House building hut Mr Hideout hadIn the meantime communicated with tho New-

ton Chief of Police and also with a relative bymarriage of the wouldbe bride Both

to be very careful about granting

When Dr She of the Board of Health at-

tempted to oak Pierco a few uueniionshurriedly led her out to a cordage

and away To questionMr Pierce Icame here to meet Dr Barnes although thatperson was standing beside her

A ago Barnes secured a marriage li-

cense In West Newton but owing to tho factthat be gave his place of residence a Bostonanother license was necessary from this city

ceremony be legally per-

formed Friends of woman tried toprevent venture but withoutsuccess She has known Parties only a rhort

Is Kild to be worth nsoonu-


IYearOld Carrie WaUnn Last Seen a SheStarted to Drive Home

rRHanitirHU May I There Is a pirty of

farmers searching the woods In the vicinity-

of Bridgetun N J for th body of Carrie Wat

ton a seventeenyearold girl who disappeared-

on Monday afternoon and who It Is feared bos

murdered She livsd at JerichoDavid the house yester-

day In good to to the Poet Office atShe arrived titers got the mail anti

made purchase at the storeIn the evening walked Into the yard

with the buggy but the girl was missingwere no of a struggle and the

purchased articles were on the bottom of timgirt was well contented Mur

no known reason why she






















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Others In From Michigan Fort FirsDamage to Lumber

MARINKTTK WIs May I Six villagesnorthern Michigan just across the State linehave now been wiped out by forest tires whlliothers are In great danger Those destroysare Ames Nathan Tabor Gardner Swanzoiand Arnold all on the Wisconsin and MichiganRailroad The Inhabitants were all savedspecial trains being run to their aid

The tires are reported to be the fiercest northof Fishier Mich Railroad traffic northFisher Is entirely cut off and no news coniesfrom this fireswept district except such 04 Ibrought by burnedout farmers Scoreslumber have been destroyed and thelosses to Industries will b heavy-In addition thousands of acres of valuabletimber tract have been fireswept entnlllnigreat losses

A Moo passenger train which left here on Sun-

day evening had a remarkably close escapefrom being burned It got hemmed In betweentwo patches of burning forest and It requiredthis greatest efforts of the crew and passengerto get U out The train badly scorchedreached Foilhorn early this morning Menom-Inee Mien reports that a train came In fromthe north for the first In two days thismorning The were scorchedblistered fires fiftyup the road

Much alarm Is felt for many small townsQulnefeo the Kimberly and Clark paper miltare In great danger


He Hives Into the Sea at Sandy nook anSays a Little Girl

Lieut Edward H Martin of the Fifth UnitedStates Artillery while standing at the end oflong pier at Sandy Hook yesterday afternoonheaid a splash and saw Alma Simpsonthreeyearold daughter of William Simpsonlife saver of the Sandy Hook station strugglingIn the water had fallen In while lenalog over the string piece Lieutenantdived overboard after the camewith her He swam to the plot and clung topile ten minutes before John Rice andGloss old Sandy Hook procuredrope which they lowered tied llttliAlma to It and the men hoisted her up TinLieutenant was cheered by the crowd thatgathered to watch the rescue


Her JewIsh Father Sacs to Have HerMarrlagto a Chrlitlan Boy Annulled

Michael W Kewsel the nineteenyearoldof Adam Kewel a saloon keeper of 7 Debevolsstreet Wllliamsburg has been trying formonth to find hisixteenyearold bride LillianShe Is the daughter of Louts Levy a clothier aBroadway and Park avenue The Levy anHebrews and Kestel Is a Christian He Is employed In hU brothers printing office HeLillian about a year ago On the night oApril I they went to rectory of the Eplscopal Church of the Holy Comforter In Debevolsinear Humboldt street and were married theRev Samuel Kessel enjoined his brideand the witnesses to the secrecyuntil he had a home prepared for

so over her marriagethat h confided It to her mother on the

The father teamed ot Ii and then the girldisappeared

were on Kessol yesterday In i

wit brought by hit formerit of the marriage on the ground that thebride Is Kernel consulted LawyerSol Bachrach and wl I tight the suitalso begin suit against his fatherinlaw for thealienation of wifes affections LawyerBachrarh says that his tha

I In linA K rtf f A


Young Accused of Drugging IllsMother and Robbing Her of 7OOOO

CHICAnO May 1 The police are looking forThomas Neven a seventeenyearold boy whoI accused of having robbed hU widowedmother Mrs M J Neven of gold nuggetsdiamonds and valuable papers said to represent 70000 after attempting to poison her inher apartments at 290 Illinois street lost night

The boy Is believed to have eloped with awoman of J8 The woman Is missing and waslast seen with Neven at Grand Trunk sta-tion on M night when they purchasedtwo tickets for Montreal Mrs seven wa llllast night and to makesome tea for her She drank It and fell Into astupor from which she not recover till 4

this When she awoke shinmissed a valise which sheliable paper worth Moooii several pounds ofgold nuggets she up atNouns last and jewelry enough to swell thisvalue of bags contents to iToono She re-

traced this boy and woman to the railway sta-tion


Reported Refusal to Grant Mining ConcessionJ Stoat FaMetts Trip

Sfudat Cable Dtiixtah la THB SureYOKOHAMA May 1 Advices from Seoul

Comm say that the Corean Government hiss re-

fused to accede to a request from the UnitedStates for mining concessions

J Shunt FasRelt arrived from Liverpoolaboard tho White Star liner Oceanic onII He Francisco sixteen months ago

look after interests In Corset Hepainted Corean kingdom In slowing colors

was a fineAmericans who were not afraid to

compete with hustling Germans and English

MAYOR aotxa ov iMcinovComptroller Suggests That Its a Wedding

Journey cad That Makes TroubleMayor Van Wyck said nt the meeting nf the

Board of Estimate yesterday that ho was goingout of town today to be gone some time Hedidnt tell where he was goingColer solemnly remarked that thin Mayor wasprobably going on his trip

a large number of reporters weresent out 10 get hue details and of thebride and on was sent to watch the Mayor andfollow him


C Vanderbilt Estate I Down In the TaxHooks for MOOOOOO

asiewmont of personal propertyon the tax books this year i that of the paite-nf the late Cornelius Vanderbllt which Is

There Is no assesument ofaldorf Astor he having become a

British subject sinro last year when he was as-

sessed for 12000000 Air Astor Is now fightingassessment In the courts


Out Nearly Twentyfour hours and NotDerlJr on the Polrpimliti Unlit

SALT LAKE Itnh May I The jury In theof Hrleham II Robert on trial for unlaw-

ful cohnbltnuon with Dr MnggleShlpp Itoberlswhile wife Sarah Louise Roberts H

living disagreed after being out nearly twentyfour hours and suns dlsohar So hIsbeen set for a retrial of the i ase Seven of Iho

were Mormons and an flcijnlitnlor disagreement was exiNitcd

lames Pal Dead Weighed 4OO Pounds

YnxKfKx N Y May 1 James Daly fa-

miliarly known a Fatty Daly n wellknownhorseman of this city died at his home on the

road last night after an Illnwi ofweeks tp 10 thus tints he was taken sick

Im welched over four hundredrecent three weeks Illniw reduced him veryreally ailment was organic heart trouble

and six children survive tutu

OXelUn Mia of GardenFurnishings tar Summer Homes begIns todiye-

Mbelr adrerUwaunl Ave to 21st SiAd





caches and




Tie upa


bro a









hits wireI she were not restrained elm would come to him



thethe moatler to the and they


there for

and Comptroller

The largest

down at 1S0IOOUiliInm




Mile Squarehis















Car Repairers of the l irkawann sad MckslPlate Shops jail WorkKrU and l hlgtMen Will Quit If Tudayn Conferenc-tFslh llrntherhoud of Trainmen Meet

Strikes In Many Parta of the Country

ntTrAtx May I No one In Buffalo expecta settlement of the Central strike to result fromthe conference with Hupt Walttnt Iroquoistomorrow The wtrlkers feel HO encouraged bfthe willingness of other employees to Join themthat they may not consider a compromlee Thtleaders believe the Central IH trying to galatime and This afternoon without consulting the officials of theirorder the car repairers at the Delaware Lacka-wanna and Western and Nickel Plate shops quitwork Tho news reached the men In the Erinand I hlgh shop and they sent a request toheadquarters to bo ordered out They weretold to stay at work until after the conferenceTho Laokawanna shops employ MO men HornNew York Central cars were sent to the shopthis afternoon and the repairers marched outThe same cause led to the strike of the ISO me-at the Nickel Plato shops The Erio and Lehlghofficials to answer the demands ottheir car repairers for the same scale of wagsna the Central urn ask so the men are eager tparticipate the strike and undoubtedly wUquit moment Wains conference fall

The strike wax the subject of a meeting ofBrotherhood of Trainmen this afttrnoon Atthe close of the cession It announced thatthe brotherhood would order strike Inevent of the roads the of thestrikers If the Central It mussmake an effort to do the work with nonunionmen and the brotherhood will to act orrecede from Its position Its strength Is said tbe considerable an It In bruIcemen switch-men and conductors The ab-sence of all these employees would make thihandling of freight

Little was handled hero todar exceptthat shipped through without

are clogged with the accumulatlog cars of local merchandise wasembarrassed today tha declaration of thtTeamsters that unloaded nonunion mon would not bo handled 1mthem

The strikers will repr enua at tomor-row s o nferenc by the full Executive Boardanti Samuel of the Federation ofLabor and President Butler of theUnited Trades and Labor Council

The Central strikers committee angered brthe failure of Walttorto here was on point of call

when a telegram carolfrom New York explaining the

Union No B2U American

1200 men anti all of those employedIn the transfer houses about 000 towork this morning The roads concerned In thestrike of the freight handlers are the New YorkCentral Erie Lake Shore Delaware iJicUa

Western WabasnVe tern New Yorkand Pennsylvania nnd lx hlgli Accord-Ing to Ihn statements of the strikers tranfor freight house In the city Is In the troubleThe result of the freight strikebe that Buffalo will the scarcity of food

frelcht every Thus strikersthey will not freight to moved

ears or from the freight houses If thojrcan prevent It


Carpenters Painters and Detnrstori Drmaidan EightHour hay

UTICA N Y May 1 Three hundred andfifty union carpenter and ninetyfive unlotpainters ami deooratorHIn title city struck thltmorning for n reduction of the working dayfrom nine to eight hours

The carpenters at present receive 2S cents anhour n and they de-mand M cent un hour for eight nTim boss have oflcrtil 80 cents anhour for night hours a dot The

decorators a k to have working dayfrom to eight bourn at the Minn-

pny 250 day bosses lmv orlered SIcents nn hour or 1240 for n day of eight hfUrn10 ont les than the demand

The demands of the mnons bricklayersthe and

understood have been the boxesThe vnrlou other union In till Building TradeCouncil have aNo arrived at agreement withthe l04sf-

AlnANi May 1 Sixty union plumbersoo the

former for eleht hours andcarpenters for 35 rents an hour arid an eight

Tonight n number of boss carpen-ters signed ttienirreemcnt to complymens and sixty carpenters will returnto work tomorrow


Fear That 110O Stay Quit Work tothe Demand of Eighty Engineers

BOSTON May i The brewery engineerwere ordered to strike this afternoon by acommittee from the Central Labor UnionThis was done In the face of the tmanlmoulvote of thus Boston Brewers Association to sub-

mit tlx to the State Board of Arbitra-

tion for settlement At present only abouteighty men have quit work but It I fearedthat strike fever spread to other unionsamong this brewery employees and that bytomorrow ljno men Inof the demands of this engineers SecretaryHuiw of tho Brewers Association eve-ning that this strike an Injustice not onlylo the brewers limit then to the engineersbrewers saidwtre willing to submit to arbi-

tration and this engineers were satisfied withtheir wages nnd hours but tho local branchof this Union of Steam Engineersoutvoted the brewery engineers on the ques-tion of striking


for Higher Wage

CirvELASD Ohio May I May Day here wasmarked by a tight between union nnd nonunion

the Hie Four railway bridge In courseof construction at Coluinbii and Leonardstreets The tight was enticed by thus refusal ofthis nonunion men to jult work No one was

small strikes oc-

curred three hundred tiollennakerB struckfor nn advance of 2S cent n day for nil men-

The iron moulders will outt work on Thursdayto decide whether or not to strikemian bakers struck todav for shorter hourand Increased wage Tho cutterseasily their demands for an eighthourwork day and a minimum wnce wale of t3day from their emplnyrs-


Demand of Workmen Generally Grantedb Their KmplojerP-

iilLAnKLPitlA May I There is little prosct that rinich tints will by workmen

jecau of strikes In this city About thusmen associated with the orgnnlrnI-

OIIH In the Allied Hulldinc Tradestonn agreement with their em

loyers and rfiid to worki were no disturbances though nod

rnployers nre rtemnndlHie men for irrren es of nnd shorter

Tb I that thus tintority of the ill beat work tornor

There un no Iridlcrilun of n

imoni the men wnrlnKlucy have iho pay they demnnde-

arniKi i n i fioiTinrEsTKittrf-

rsrkmen Slant Higher Iav Three Tbou andMen He limiUed-

SiYMorK Iml May 1 Two hundred section

nen of the llnltliiinriand Ohio

nilroail tnick today and nre demanding IIWoII i A rebuilding

road lirtrim n good niiinv extra gangs haveieen nod ll i said thom

vciituftlv i Involved in tlie strike The menJiv hint the iimturof of wages

nw presented to itiiofllrirsof tlieroadnmontli

The IjUe Shore Mmllrd-n train in every rested between Kw

at J a P Jt New

ork Centtal Hullmiin Weeping Cars from NeworU In Chtoga via lAke Itnute and to SL

xiutivU bltr Voiir Ilnute miking close connectIonMM f In Ml Ijtllll


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