Failure Mode and Cause Code in SAP

Maintenance Excellence Failure Modes


Use of failure modes and cause codes in SAP

Transcript of Failure Mode and Cause Code in SAP

  • Maintenance Excellence

    Failure Modes

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 2

    Update status of Failure Mode Development

    What are Failure Modes?

    Why use Failure Modes?

    How are they used in SAP

    How are they used in PMO

    SAP Reliability Reports

    Review of Components, Parts and Damage

    Cause Codes MPC approval to change SAP List

    Where to next?

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 3

    Failure Mode Definition

    What is a Failure Mode?

    Any event that causes a 'Functional Failure' ie the asset is no longer able to perform its original function

    Made of four sections

    Component e.g. Gearbox

    Part e.g. Bearing

    Damage e.g. Worn

    Cause e.g. Expected use, wear or tear

    GEARBOX, Bearing worn due to expected use, wear or tear

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 4

    Failure Mode Benefits

    Why use a Failure Mode?

    Enter Reliability Data when completing a SAP Work Order listing failure mode and cause

    Feedback from Tradesperson on what failed and why (To be read in conjunction with Work Description)

    Basis for developing Maintenance strategy tasks to prevent failure modes which have happened in the past or that could happen and cause a hazard

    PMs are then developed to efficiently plan and undertake these strategy tasks

    Able to undertake review of all failure modes and strategy tasks against a particular functional location

    In future able to use BW Reliability reports

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 5

    How we use Failure Modes in SAP

    There are three main types of Notifications

    M1 Maintenance Requests

    M2 Malfunction Reports

    M3 Activity Reports

    Notifications initiate any request for maintenance

    Notification contain the failure codes

    Notifications capture the tradesmens feedback (text and codes)

    Notifications are used to report all equipment failures and reliability information

    Subsequent Notifications contain the maintenance plan number and are used to validate the Preventative Maintenance Activities.

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 6

    How we use Failure Modes in PMO

    Develop Maintenance Strategy tasks aimed at preventing

    Failure Modes

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 7

    SAP Reliability Report

    Reliability Report for Maintainable Item 24/05/2005

    Functional Location Floc1

    Description X Cylinder System XYZ Plant W

    Predicted Life (yrs) 5 Current Age (yrs) 1.1

    Average life achieved (yrs) 2.9 Condition Assesment at last inspection Very Good

    Std Dev (yrs) 2.2 Next Restoration based on predicted life Mar-09

    Maximum Life (yrs) 4.7 Next Restoration based on average life Feb-07

    Minimum Life (yrs) 0.4

    Repa ir / Restora tion History


    Activity Code






    T ime Since


    Restora tion


    Cause Code Group


    Cause Code


    Fa ilure Mode


    Fa ilure Mode

    Description Damage T ext

    22/08/1995 Restoration On failure Normal ageing & usage Guide bush Worn

    27/08/1995 Repair On condition 0.01 Material / Installation Problem Incorrect assy / installation Hose connection leaking

    30/12/1995 Restoration On failure 0.36 Damage / Overload external force Mounting Broken Crane tore cylinder off mounting

    16/07/1999 Restoration On failure 3.55 Damage / Overload unknown Rod Broken

    12/03/2004 Restoration On failure 4.66 Damage / Overload external force Mounting Broken Crane tore cylinder off mounting

    31/03/2004 Repair On condition 0.05 Material / Installation Problem Incorrect assy / installation Hose connection leaking

    Reasons for Restoration

    Normal ageing & usage

    Damage / Overload

    Distribution of Lives Achieved





    0 - 1 yrs 1 - 2 yrs 2 - 3 yrs 3 - 4 yrs 4 - 5 yrs

    Failure Mode Summary















    e b



    Rod B


  • Failure Modes Jan 08 8

    PMO and SAP Failure Mode Data Coordination

    Aim - have the same pick lists for Failure Modes in PMO & SAP

    Benefit facilitates comparison of actual failures with strategy to manage those failure modes

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 9

    PMO Structured Failure Mode Library

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 10

    3 Types SAP Reliability Data Codes

    Based on the nature of the equipment (Object type) Used to capture the component that failed and the Mode of failure. The PMO strategy and identified failure modes will form the basis

    of the failure Mode codes. Are equipment specific and will only be configured once a strategy

    review for the equipment has been completed in PMO.

    Common for all equipment. Used to describe the nature of the action taken in terms of its effect

    on the item life cycle Restoration Repair Modification Not related to an installed item

    Common for all equipment. Used to understand the nature of the failure Groupings are based on the Bath tub curves

    Material or Installation Problem (Infant mortality)Damage / overload (Random)Normal ageing & usage (Wear out)Accelerated Deterioration (Wear Out)Not Failure Related

    Failure Code

    Cause Code

    Activity Code

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 11

    SAP Reliability Data

    Failure Code

    Cause Code

    Activity Code Able to add

    Long Text

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 12

    Tradesperson Access to Failure, Cause & Activity Fields

    2. Click on Edit

    Job Notes

    3. This opens Work/Breakdown

    Details screen able to enter Description information

    4. Open Reliability Data screen

    able to enter Failure, Cause and Activity information

    1. Highlight the job

    after hours

    entered and job


  • Failure Modes Jan 08 13

    Component List Status

    Components form Device level of Functional Locations e.g.NZ/153/H02/GBX002

    Comparison made to PK

    NZS and PK have variations of alpha/numeric coding

    Further discussions needed with BSL sites to reach consensus on how to handle Component Lists. Either

    Try and get commonality against BSL

    Agree on variations able to be used

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 14

    Part List Status

    Parts List reviewed to

    Eliminate double ups

    Bearing / Bearings

    Incorrect items

    Water cavities

    Use generic term

    Lining becomes Liner

    Motor Bearing become Bearing

    Lead Screw become Screw

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 15

    Damage List Staus

    Damage List reviewed to

    Rationalise items

    Arc becomes arc damaged

    Bent becomes damaged

    Fouled becomes blocked

    Eliminate double ups

    Cracked and cracked weld

    Depleted, empty and discharged

    Become master list for SAP

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 16

    PMO Failure Mode - Cause List

    Eg: pump bearing seized due to lack of lubrication

    Note: used to be 45 causes, now rationalised down to just 12

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 17

    Compare PMO Causes to existing SAP Cause list

    PMO Causes mapped to existing SAP Cause list

    Showed that there were serious gaps need to change SAP list

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 18

    Recommend change SAP Cause list to:

    MPC to approve change to SAP list

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 19

    Develop SAP Equipment Catalogues

    Able to allocate Functional

    Location Devices to a Failure

    Mode Catalogue in SAP

    Reduce selection when

    allocating Failure and Cause

    Codes in SAP

    e.g NZ/153/H02/GBX001

    Only see the following

    Failure Modes in SAP

  • Failure Modes Jan 08 20

    Where to next

    1. Distribute SAP Cause recommendations to MPC for review and comment

    2. Complete PMO Part/Damage lists for review by MPC (These form Failure Mode list in SAP)

    3. Load to SAP Test (BRT) for review

    4. Communicate with PK and WP regarding our intentions

    5. Load to BR0 and load

    6. Continue to develop SAP Catalogues