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    Exploratory study: Internet helps in enhancing pre

    purchase information in film industry

    Final Year Project

    Submitted toDr. Manzoor Khalidi

    Submitted byFahad Ahmed Farooqi (09-2650)

    December 20, 2011


    FALL 2012

    National University of Computer & Emerging ScienceManagement Science Department, Karachi


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    Recommendation for External Examination

    This final year project, here to attached, titled, internet helps in enhancing pre purchase

    information search in film industry, prepared and submitted by Fahad Ahmed Farooqi, inpartial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelors of Business Administration

    (BBA), is hereby forwarded for appropriate action.

    Mr. Hasan Javid



    Mr. Manzoor Khalidi

    H.O.D. Management Science Department

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    Certificate of Completion

    The final year project, Internet helps in enhancing pre purchase information search in film

    industry, prepared and submitted by Fahad Ahmed Farooqi, in partial fulfillment of the

    requirements for the degree of Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) has been accepted

    and approved.

    Mr. Hasan Javid



    Mr. Manzoor Khalidi

    H.O.D. Management Science Department

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    All praises and thanks are for Almighty Allah Who is the source of

    all knowledge and wisdom endowed to humankind and to the

    humanity as a whole. I would particularly like to thank my project

    advisor Mr. Hasan Javid and project coordinator for many insights

    that they provided throughout this report. Their guidance and

    support proved to be useful tool in making the repot a quality one.

    The encouragement and assistance of our parents and friends

    provided us a great deal of wisdom towards the completion of this


    Thank you.

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    Abstract: ........................................................................................................................................ 10

    Chapter # 1 .................................................................................................................................... 12

    1. Introduction: .......................................................................................................................... 12

    1.1 Preface: ........................................................................................................................... 12

    1.2 Overview: ....................................................................................................................... 13

    1.3 Historical Background: .................................................................................................. 14

    1.4 Major Core Findings ...................................................................................................... 15

    1.5 Word of Mouth: .............................................................................................................. 15

    1.6 Advertising and marketing strategy (traditional Media) ................................................ 16

    1.7 Online information ......................................................................................................... 17

    1.8 Product information........................................................................................................ 18

    1.9 Consumer Pre purchase decision.................................................................................... 18

    Chapter # 2 .................................................................................................................................... 20

    2 Literature Review.................................................................................................................. 20

    2.1 Film Industry .................................................................................................................. 20

    2.2 Promotion tools .............................................................................................................. 22

    2.2.1 Trailers .................................................................................................................... 22

    2.2.2 Standees .................................................................................................................. 22

    2.2.3 Product Placement .................................................................................................. 23

    2.2.4 Viral Marketing ....................................................................................................... 232.2.5 Blogs ....................................................................................................................... 24

    2.2.6 Word of Mouth (Buzz Marketing) .......................................................................... 24

    2.2.7 Social Media Marketing .......................................................................................... 24

    2.3 Film Promotion: ............................................................................................................. 25

    2.3.1 In theater ................................................................................................................. 25

    2.3.2 Television and Radio .............................................................................................. 27

    2.3.3 Internet .................................................................................................................... 27

    2.3.4 Print Advertisement: ............................................................................................... 282.3.5 Merchandizing ........................................................................................................ 28

    2.3.6 Promotional Tour .................................................................................................... 29

    2.4 Pre purchase information search: ................................................................................... 29

    2.5 Internet User ................................................................................................................... 30

    2.6 Online Product Information ........................................................................................... 30

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    2.7 Consumer Information ................................................................................................... 31

    2.8 Decision Making Skills .................................................................................................. 32

    2.9 Globalization .................................................................................................................. 32

    2.10 Customization as Information Source ........................................................................ 33

    Chapter # 3 .................................................................................................................................... 35

    3 Scope of research .................................................................................................................. 35

    3.1 Scope: ............................................................................................................................. 35

    3.2 The Problems: ................................................................................................................ 35

    3.3 Questions: ....................................................................................................................... 35

    3.4 Theoretical Framework: ................................................................................................. 36

    3.5 Rationale of Research: ................................................................................................... 37

    3.6 Objectives: ...................................................................................................................... 37

    3.7 Justifications: .................................................................................................................. 38

    3.8 Stakeholders: .................................................................................................................. 38

    3.9 Benefits: ......................................................................................................................... 39

    3.10 Limitations: ................................................................................................................. 39

    Chapter # 4 .................................................................................................................................... 40

    4 Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 40

    4.1 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 40

    4.2 The Procedure of the Research ....................................................................................... 40

    4.3 Population: ..................................................................................................................... 404.4 Sample and Sampling Method: ...................................................................................... 41

    4.5 Measurement: ................................................................................................................. 41

    4.5.1 Primary:................................................................................................................... 41

    4.5.2 Secondary:............................................................................................................... 41

    4.6 Variables: ....................................................................................................................... 42

    4.6.1 Independent Variables: ........................................................................................... 42

    4.6.2 Moderating Variable ............................................................................................... 42


    Dependent Variable ................................................................................................ 42

    4.7 Software Employed: ....................................................................................................... 42

    4.8 Method of analysis: ........................................................................................................ 42

    Chapter # 5 .................................................................................................................................... 43

    5 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 43

    5.1 RELIABILITY: .............................................................................................................. 43

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    5.2 Frequency Analysis ........................................................................................................ 43

    5.3 Crosstabs Analysis ......................................................................................................... 47

    5.3.1 For Objective 1 ....................................................................................................... 47

    5.3.2 For Objective 2 ....................................................................................................... 58

    5.3.3 For Objective 3 ....................................................................................................... 64

    5.3.4 For Objective 4 ....................................................................................................... 70

    5.3.5 Comparison between Male and Female on the Basis of Age and Promotionmediums: ............................................................................................................................... 74

    5.3.6 Correlation .............................................................................................................. 82

    6 Findings: ............................................................................................................................... 84

    Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................... 87

    Recommendations: ........................................................................................................................ 88


    Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 89

    8 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 92

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    Table of figures

    Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the research .................................................................... 36

    Figure 2: Gender Distribution of Respondent.......................................................................... 44Figure 3: Age Distribution of Respondent ................................................................................ 44

    Figure 4: Income Distribution of Respondent .......................................................................... 45

    Figure 5: Marital Status Distribution of Respondent .............................................................. 46

    Figure 6: Crosstabs between gender and Reviews about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it ....................................................................................................................... 47

    Figure 7: Cross tabulation of age and reviews about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it ....................................................................................................................... 49

    Figure 8: Cross tabulation of Income and Review about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it ....................................................................................................................... 50

    Figure 9: Cross tabulation of marital status and Reviews about movies on internet increase

    your interest towards it .............................................................................................................. 52Figure 10: Cross tabulation of Gender and Internet and other online resources willenhance your decision making skill ........................................................................................... 53

    Figure 11: Cross tabulation of Gender and Internet and other online resources will

    enhance your decision making skills ......................................................................................... 54

    Figure 12: Cross tabulation of Income and Internet and other online resources will enhanceyour decision making skills ........................................................................................................ 56

    Figure 13: Cross tabulation of marital status and Internet and other online resources will

    enhance your decision making skills ......................................................................................... 57

    Figure 14: Cross tabulation of gender and consumer spend less time on internet in

    identifying that movie is worth watching and worth spending than Traditional media ...... 59

    Figure 15: Cross tabulation of age and consumer spend less time on internet in identifying

    that movie is worth watching and worth spending than Traditional media ......................... 60

    Figure 16: Cross tabulation of income and consumer spend less time on internet in

    identifying that movie is worth watching and worth spending than Traditional Media ..... 62

    Figure 17: Cross tabulation of marital Status and consumer spend less time on internet inidentifying that movie is worth watching and worth spending than Traditional Media ..... 63

    Figure 18: Cross tabulation of Gender and Internet has reduced the level of confusion in

    choosing movies to watch or buy than traditional media ........................................................ 64

    Figure 19: Cross tabulation of Age and Internet has reduced the level of confusion in

    choosing movies to watch or buy than traditional media ........................................................ 66

    Figure 20: Cross tabulation of Income and Internet has reduced the level of confusion in

    choosing movies to watch or buy than traditional media ........................................................ 67

    Figure 21: Cross tabulation of marital Status and Internet has reduced the level of

    confusion in choosing movies to watch or buy than traditional media .................................. 69

    Figure 22: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through TV ads ...................................... 70

    Figure 23: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through news paper ............................... 71

    Figure 24: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through word of mouth ......................... 72

    Figure 25: Cross tabulation of age and Promotion through Internet and Social Media ..... 73

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    Figure 26: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through TV ads with respect to malerespondent ................................................................................................................................... 74

    Figure 27: Cross tabulation of age and Promotion through TV Ads with respect to femalerespondent ................................................................................................................................... 75Figure 28: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through newspaper with respect to male

    respondent ................................................................................................................................... 76Figure 29: Cross tabulation of age and promotion on newspaper with respect to femalerespondent ................................................................................................................................... 77

    Figure 30: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through internet and social media withrespect to male respondent......................................................................................................... 78

    Figure 31: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through internet and social media withrespect to female respondent...................................................................................................... 79

    Figure 32: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through word of mouth with respect tomale respondent .......................................................................................................................... 80

    Figure 33: Cross tabulation of age and promotion through word of mouth with respect tomale respondent .......................................................................................................................... 81

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    In the era of modernization internet plays a vital role in the lives of the people. Too much extent

    decisions are based on the guidance of the internet. Whereas, it further assists in acquiring

    information for up building pre-purchase decisions.

    The topic Pre-Purchase information in film industry is completely dependent upon the

    resources available for the promotion and extraction of information from the internet. According

    to the views and research conducted it can be surely said that the internet is the key place for

    interaction between promoters and consumers. Much of the knowledge is gained from this sourceas it is the most common medium of exchange with a single click.

    United States is said to be the oldest and largest in film industry in terms of revenue. India is the

    largest producer of films in the world and largest in terms of ticket sales.

    Internet is playing a great role in promotion of movies. There are several ways of promoting

    movies in which complete details are available in a fascinating manner to appeal the audience.

    Blogs and Words of mouth are also the commonly used ways for catering attention.

    Movies are made for entertainment and audience is very cautious in their preferences and

    internet provides great deal in making the right choice. It is not only beneficial for a targeted

    sector but it is profitable globally to film industry and its lovers.

    In the conducted research two corners of a situation have been dragged. The information can be

    helpful but people who completely rely on it might change their mind negatively in making up

    their decisions and the affect it makes to people those prefer traditional mediums.

    Internet is a free zone for movie lovers to surf in their interest. It has developed into a business

    chain through which communication is possible and which provide adequate information to the

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    users up to their tastes and ages. The rapid growth of technology is helpful in enhancing the

    skills of an individual to fulfill their requirement with in minimum resources and time.

    With the help of this research we also identify that how movies can be promote effectively in

    order to attract more customer. As film makers spend a huge amount of money for the promotion

    of movies so this research will help these filmmakers in order spend their investment on

    promotions in a right manner.

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    Chapter # 1


    1.1 Preface:

    In todays world internet has become the part of our life, it has been playing a vital role in our

    life. It help us in many ways whether it is used for extracting information or contacting with

    friends and office, it utilization can be seen in almost every aspect of life. This study is based on

    internet that how internet has change our life and has created ease for us. This study identify

    whether internet has improved the pre purchase information in film industry which help the

    consumer in improving their decision making skills.

    This is an exploratory study which is a qualitative study and it is conducted for a research in

    which conclusion is not clearly defined. It helps in determining the best research design, data

    collection method and selection of subject. It draw conclusion with only extreme caution. The

    problem with this type of study is that it often concludes that the perceived problem does not

    exist. It often relies on secondary research such as reviewing available literature and data, or

    qualitative approach such as informal discussion with consumers, employees, management or

    competitors and more formal approach through in-depth interviews, focus group, projective

    methods, pilot testing or case studies.

    This study (Shave, 2000-2005) has been done in U.S which is a time based study. .In Pakistan

    prospect this study is going to do on exploratory basis which identify that does internet help in

    enhancing pre purchase information of the consumer in film industry which ultimately improve

    customers decision making skills and reduced the confusion that which movie consumer should

    watch. There are certain websites available which provide information about movies before

    releasing and secondly trailers of movies are also available on these websites in order to attract

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    consumer. This study identifies that whether in Pakistan internet play this role for the consumer

    that will help the film industry in designing their marketing strategy for the promotion of movies.

    This study also identify the preference of consumer for information search which is either online

    information resources or the traditional media such as TV channels showing trailers of movies,

    newspapers and word of mouth.

    1.2 Overview:

    In this rapidly evolving era of the media environment, the success of both media and enterprise

    dependent on advertising revenue and marketers who depend on media to deliver information

    about their product to consumer depend on understanding how consumer access and useinformation in order to enhance their decision making skills.

    The traditional media is not only available source on which consumer decision making is based

    as internet has created its position in providing a lot of information about the product, these

    information available on internet is far more reliable, appropriate and enough for the consumer to

    make pre purchase decision.

    There is inherent flow in each model. In the farmer, there is an assumption that advertising is a

    sole cause of brand loyalty. In later, there is an assumption that consumer engage in exhaustive

    search and that consumer are excellent judges of the merits of competing brands (Albion M. ,

    1983). The legacy system of distribution of intellectual property commonly known in three

    layers, in first layer is creator, righter, director and film makers. In middle layer are companies

    that produce and publish content in United States they are known as entertainment societies. In

    third layer there are large corporation that have a direct access to audience and each of the layer

    play an important role in intellectual property (Hoffert, 2000).

    This study identifies what would be the appropriate way for film industry to promote and attract

    consumers before releasing the movie it improves consumer pre purchase information. It

    identifies, film industry would promote their movies through online resources such as websites,

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    blogs and social network or they should adopt traditional media such as showing trailers on TV,

    providing news and reviews in newspaper, and through word of mouth which would be more

    efficient way for film industry in promoting their films? Secondly it also identifies consumers

    preference in extracting information about movies and their favorite super stars.

    This study will examine and identify the role of internet in pre purchase information on which

    consumer decision is based on. As internet (Shave, 2000-2005) are playing a vital role in our life

    and it has revolutionized the different aspect of the world this study will examine that how and to

    what extend internet has revolutionized the consumer pre purchase information and their

    decision making skills in Pakistan market

    1.3 Historical Background:

    The study by (Shave, 2000-2005) was conducted as the time based study on the topic impact of

    internet on consumer information search behavior in United States

    This study identifies the impact of internet search capabilities on consumer pre purchase decision

    making. This study identify the change occur in the U.S in internet search capabilities and it has

    enhances the consumer pre purchase decision making skills with the passage of time from 2000

    to 2005. It also identify that with the passage of time people adopt online information search for

    seeking pre purchase information seeking for major financial commitment, that those who

    engage in online search perceive it to enhance their decision making skills spent less time with

    traditional media for seeking information and despite the fact that it has increased the

    information sources available online that help in reducing in confusion of the consumer by that

    information option. In the conclusion of this research the strategies for both marketing and media

    firms were suggested

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    1.4 Major Core Findings

    It has been found that the e-commerce has a rapid growth, its pace of growing is very fast

    (Michael R. Ward, 2000) as on internet it there is in-depth product information available whichhelp consumer in making pre- purchase decision. In depth information has created an ease for the

    consumer which help them in improving their decision making skills (Michael R. Ward, 2000;

    Michael R. Ward, 2000).

    Many consumer visited retail websites in order to purchase it for that these retail websites need

    to provide in- depth information of the product in order to motivate, clear the confusion and

    increase the sales of theses retail outlets. (Soyeon Shim, 2000).

    Due to these major core findings from previous researchers found that it is very important for the

    companies need to provide in-depth information of the product which help the consumer in pre

    purchase decision making and it also benefit companies for creating marketing strategies and

    attracting more customer

    1.5 Word of Mouth:

    Word of Mouth is the passing of information from person to person by oral communication.

    Story telling is the oldest form of word of mouth communication where one person tells others of

    something whether a real event of something made up. Oral tradition is cultural material and

    traditions transmitted by word of mouth from one generation to another

    Word of mouth is also an important area of marketing which relies on the added credibility of

    person to person communication, a personal recommendation.

    Word of mouth marketing, which encompasses a variety of subcategories including buzz, blogs

    viral, grassroots, brand advocates, cause influencers and social media marketing, as well as

    ambassadors programs work with consumer-generated media and more can be highly valued by

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    product social media and performance marketers. Because of the personal nature of the

    communication between individuals it is believed that product information communicated in this

    way has an added layer of credibility. Research points to individuals being more inclined to

    believe than more formal forms of promotion methods; the receiver of word of mouth referrals

    tends to belie that communicator is speaking honestly and is unlikely to have an ulterior movies

    (i.e. they are not receiving an incentive for that their referrals). Word of mouth depends on

    extend of customer satisfaction with the product or services, and on the degree of its perceived


    Word of mouth or viral marketing efforts are not always a sure bet. But a well-placed, calculated

    and provocative campaign can spark a firestorm of buzz that sometimes can be effective for

    years in non-terminal new mediums like the internet. While the jury is still out on finding hard

    quantitative ROI measurement fortes campaigns, they can produce hefty return for brand

    awareness (Ferguson, 2008).

    1.6 Advertising and marketing strategy (traditional Media)

    Advertising and marketing strategy are used to promote the product in the eyes of the consumers,

    in order to attract consumer to buy the product of the company. Advertisement is the traditional

    way of marketing the product. Advertising are the paid medium of communication in

    manufacturer pay to communicate their message through which he can create awareness and

    make consumer to buy his products. In advertisement manufacturer focuses on the feature and

    benefits of the product in order to attract their customers.

    The mean end approach to understanding consumer decision making and show how such

    understanding can inspire and guide managers decisions about marketing and advertising

    strategy. The fundamental idea of underlying the means end approach is that decision makers

    choose courses of action (including behaviors such as the purchase of particular brands) that

    seem most likely to achieve important outcomes (Olson, 2008).

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    Film Makers also advertise their trailers on TV in order to attract as TV is the medium which has

    the greatest reach of consumer. Through this medium we can forward the message and attract the

    greatest number of consumers. Film Makers also utilized this medium with a great manner in

    order to attract more and more customer and provide them the information before releasing in

    order to attract consumer at prerelease stage or even on post release so that more and more

    consumer get attracted and buy the movie.

    1.7 Online information

    Online information has revolutionized the decision making skills of consumers. Participation in

    social networking sites has dramatically increased in recent years. Services such as Friendster,Tribe or the Face book allow millions of individuals to create online profiles and share personal

    information with vast network of friends- and often, unknown number of strangers. (Gross,


    In real life searches is manual sources, end users may begin with just one feature of a broader

    topic, or just one relevant reference, and move through variety of sources. Each new piece of

    information they encounter gives them new ideas and directions to follow and, consequently, a

    new conception of the query. At each stage they are not just modifying the search terms used in

    order to get a better match for a single query. Rather the query itself (as well as the search terms

    used) is continually shifting, in part or whole. This type of search is here called an evolving

    search (Bates, 1989).

    In Film industry online information creates a great impact on consumers decisions. Consumers

    usually read movie reviews a lot and extract in formation which is used for making decision to

    watch movie or not. By providing detail information on internet of movies can effectively be

    utilized in developing interest of consumers.

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    1.8Product information

    Product information is very important for consumer because if consumers do not have the

    information of product they will never buy it. Product information is based on price, purpose,features and benefits of products, it also include other necessary knowledge of product so that

    consumer can easily understand differentiate the product.

    Product information concerns the relationship between memory and evaluative judgment. One

    might intuitively assume that the judgments that are made at any given time are a direct function

    of the implication of the information that is recalled at that time. In fact, however, the few studies

    that have explicitly examined the two have found only a very weak relationship. However, they

    will also provide evidence that memory and judgment are often affected by separate variables or

    by the same variable in different says. Thus, the lack of any systematic relationship between the

    two becomes somewhat less of mystery (Srull, 1983).

    In Film industry product information is very important in order to motivate consumer to watch or

    buy the product. Film makers have to provide detail information to consumer so that they can

    effectively attract consumer to make purchase or experience the movie

    1.9Consumer Pre purchase decision

    Consumer pre purchase decision is the stage in which consumer actually decide which product to

    buy, this decision of consumer is based on the information consumer extract before buying it, to

    identify the best product according to the desire of consumer which satisfy their need. Consumer

    pre purchase decision is very important for consumer in order to make rational purchase decision

    and get the product according to their need. In consumer pre purchase decision making stage

    consumer evaluate the features and benefits of all the products on the basis of information

    extracted by consumer and after evaluating these alternatives consumer finally make decision

    what to buy or what not to buy.

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    In recent years a considerable amount of effort has been devoted to understand the processes by

    which consumer arrive at some type of decision (usually a purchase). Although a broad

    generalization can be made regarding choice processes, our ability to predict and understand this

    behavior is still at a less than desirable level (Hoyer, 1980).

    Despite the explosive growth of electronic commerce and the rapidly increasing number of

    consumer who use interactive media (such as World Wide Web ) for pre purchase information

    search and online shopping, very little is known about how consumer make purchase decisions in

    such settings. A unique characteristic of online shopping environment is that they allow venders

    to create retail interfaces with highly interactive features. One desirable form of interactively

    from a consumer perspective is the implementation of sophisticated tools of assist shoppers in

    their purchase decisions by customizing the electronic shopping environment to their individual

    preferences. The availability of such tools, which we refer to as interactive decision aids for

    consumers, may lead to a transformation of the way in which shop peers search for products

    information and make purchase decision (Haubl & Trifts, 2000).

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    Chapter # 2

    2Literature ReviewThis study internet helps in enhancing pre purchase decision making in film industry it identify

    whether internet play a role in enhancing consumer decision making in film industry.

    2.1 Film Industry

    The film industry consist of a technological and commercial of film making that is film

    production companies, film studio, cinematography, film production, screenwriting,

    preproduction, postproduction, film festival, distribution, film actor ,directors and other film

    crew personnel.

    Though the expenses involved in making movie, almost led film production to concentrate under

    the spices of standard production companies, advances in affordable film making equipment, and

    expansion of opportunities to acquire investment capital from outside the film industry itself and

    allowed independent film production to evolve.

    Movies success or failure is often determined in its first weekend of play. To make this opening

    successful, movie producers and successful must employ emotional branding to hype the movie

    for a significant period of time prior to its release. Movies trailers are the main mean by which a

    new movie is introduced to the public and today the primary medium for presenting these trailers

    are via web streaming, which does not fully leverage the interactivity of the internet.

    (Christopher B. Stapleton, 2000)

    The major business film making center is in United States, Nigeria, Hong Kong and India.

    Distinct from the center are the location where movies are filmed because of low labor and

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    infrastructure cost, many film are produced other than the countries in which film making

    company is located

    United States has the oldest and largest in term of revenue film industry and Los Angeles

    (California) is the primary nexus of the U.S film industry and the four of the six major film

    studios are owned by East Coast companies. India is the largest producer of films in the world.

    Indian film industry is a multilingual and the largest in term of ticket sales and number of film

    produced. The industry is supported by vast film-going Indian public, and Indian films are

    gaining increasing popularity in the rest of the world-notably in countries with large number of

    expatriate Indian. Largest film industry in India is a Hindi Film Industry mostly concentrated in

    Mumbai and is commonly referred to as a Bollywood which is very popular in the world. Hong

    Kong is a filmmaking hub for Chinese- speaking world and East Asia in general. For decades it

    was the third largest film industry in the world and second largest exporter of films.

    Internet has completely revolutionized the film industry completely in almost every dimension of

    it. The promotion of movies through internet has created a great influence on the consumer to

    buy movies.

    The most common ways for the promotion of movies through internet are trough blogs, social

    media, websites like YouTube which helps in viral marketing of the movies and other websites

    such as IMDB and movies.com they play very important role in promoting movies, pre-

    production as well as post production. This study will identify that whether or not internet impact

    on pre purchase decision making of consumer specially in film industry which will benefit these

    production companies and over all film industry globally.

    The biggest issue facing by the industry which turn out to be a great loss for filmmakers but UK

    Film and television industry is calling on the Government to introduce online speed Hump that

    would slow down or restrict the broadband access of people who illegally share copyrighted

    material, and slap pop up warning on websites to stem rising tide of internet piracy (Wray,


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    2.2 Promotion tools

    A huge amount of budget is invested on the promotion of movies. The tools which are most

    commonly used for the promotion of the movies are disused below.

    2.2.1 Trailers

    A trailer is a commercial or advertisement for a feature film that will be exhibited at the cinema

    in future. The term trailer comes from their having originally being showing at the end of the

    feature film screening. That practice did not last long, because patron tends to leave the theatre

    after the film ended, but the name has stuck. Trailer is now showing before the film begins.

    Moreover movie trailer are also frequently shown on TV for the promotion of movies and in

    order to attract the consumer and in the era of internet it is also uploaded on websites such as

    YouTube and social network in order to attract more and more consumer .

    Movie trailers are the basic source of creating hype of the movie at pre release (Christopher B.

    Stapleton, 2000). The movie trailers has the greatest reach of consumers due to which it is a best

    and most attractive way of creating a hype of movies (Hughes, Smith, Stapleton, & Hughes,


    2.2.2 Standees

    Standees are a large self-standing display promoting a movie. They are typically made of

    cardboard and may range from a large self-standing poster to three-dimensional devices with

    moving parts and lights. It usually display in theatre lobbies or in music store for the promotion

    before the release of the movie.

    In movie business the more booking a theatre makes in advance for a given film, the more likely

    it is to place standee in the lobby of the theatre.

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    2.2.3 Product Placement

    Product placement is a form of advertisement, where branded goods or services are placed in a

    context usually devoid of ads such as movies, music videos, and the story line of television

    shows or news program. The product placements not disclosed at the time that the goods or

    services are featured. Product placement also play vital role in the promotion of film in this era

    different brand do co-branding with movies which also promote the movie as well as their

    product. It enhances the equity of both the brand which is involved in product placement and the

    movie in which product placement is done.

    2.2.4 Viral Marketing

    Viral marketing or buzz marketing are referring to marketing technique that use preexisting

    social network to produce and increase brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives

    through self-replicating viral process, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses. It

    can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the internet. Viral

    marketing may take the forum of video clips, interactive flash games, averages, eBook, brand

    able software, images or text messages.

    Viral marketing is a very useful tool for the promotion of the movies. Doing viral marketing on

    prerelease as well as post release of the movie grab the attention of consumer with great pace the

    most common website used for viral marketing of the movies is YouTube on which hundreds of

    movie were uploaded about specific movie or brand. In this era of modernization viral marketing

    play vital role in the promotion of the movies because it attract the consumer with the great

    phase because when searching about any movies it display various other clips which provide

    detail information as well as it also become source of entertainment which attract the consumer

    towards the movie.

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    2.2.5 Blogs

    Blogs are also used for the promotion of movies. In the era of internet there are lots blogs

    available on internet which have detail reviews about the movies and the comments of people

    who experience that movie is also an enticing feature of blogs for grabbing consumer attention.

    2.2.6 Word of Mouth (Buzz Marketing)

    Word of mouth plays a very important role in the promotion of movies in prerelease as well as in

    post launch also many people attract towards movies with this word of mouth or BUZZ

    marketing. Bad BUZZ marketing will destroy the image of the product even before its widerelease. The entertainment industry found that rapid spread of word of mouth with the help of

    internet or other state of the art technology is shrinking the life of movies and causing to re think

    its pre and post launch marketing strategies (Munoz, 2003).

    The fact is that word of mouth is playing a crucial role in success or failure of the movies after it

    release. The motion picture industry is perfect for studying online reputation and diffusion of

    movies because studio has to plan everything strategically before the release of the movies.

    (Xiaoquan Micheal Zhang, 2004).

    2.2.7Social Media Marketing

    In this era of internet film industry is effectively utilizing social media for promoting movies by

    creating pages with name of movies on which film makers provide detail information about

    movies and their reviews secondly people comment on these reviews about their experienceswhich can enhance pre purchase decision making skills of consumers.

    Social media is the medium which has a large number of reach of consumers globally, so it is

    more beneficial for filmmakers to effectively promote their movies in order to attract more and

    more consumers globally.

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    Social media has changed three areas of film industry. These changes has created a revolution in

    film industry, the y have affected movies and the way they are made and seen in a way more

    dramatic then the introduction of sound of movies. Filmmaking is the collaborative art form,

    which will not ever change. But social media has changed the collaboration has shifted from

    collaboration solely during the production process to collaboration story teller, film making and

    audience. This shift will have a seismic effect on the film making industry and the traditions we

    have inherited and it will create a new order where the film traditions will no longer work

    2.3 Film Promotion:

    It is a promotion specifically in the Film industry. As with all business it is an important part ofany release because high financial risk is present there. To maximize revenue film studio invests

    in expensive marketing campaign in the release cycle. Marketing budget is tend to equal

    anywhere between half or three time the production budget. Publicity is generally handled by the

    distributer and exhibitors.

    The legacy system of distribution of intellectual property commonly known in three layers, in

    first layer is creator, righter, director and film makers. In middle layer are companies that

    produce and publish content in United States they are known as entertainment societies. In third

    layer there are large corporation that have a direct access to audience and each of the layer play

    an important role in intellectual property (Hoffert, 2000).

    There are some common techniques involved in promotion of movies globally (in Hollywood,

    Bollywood and film industry) that are

    2.3.1 In theater

    Trailers are shown in theatre for the promotion of the film; because they are directly delivered to

    movie lover and secondly captive audience were there which can attract them very well. They

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    usually screen in theatre before other movie showing. It generally tells the story of the movie in

    highly condensed fashion compressing maximum appeal in two and half minute.

    Moreover film posters also used for the promotion of the movies film poster is usually place on

    the walls of theatre which are being exhibited or will be exhibited in near future a good poster

    can also attract the consumer to watch movies. Standees are also used for the promotion of the

    movies in theatre. Cardboard 3D display are also commonly used for the promotion of the

    movies in theatre, it is usually done for the movies which are produced in 3D and it is done in

    order to attract consumer and showing message that movies is being or will be exhibited in 3D


    In U.S movie theater industry includes about 2,000 companies that operate about 5,000 indoor

    theatres and 300 drives in cinemas with combined has accumulated revenues of about $ 12

    billion. The industry is highly concentrated and the 50 largest companies generate 85 percent of

    industry revenue. The major services of this theatre are sales of tickets of movies which have

    almost 70 percent of industry revenues, food and beverages sales are more than 20 percent and

    other services include on screen advertisement and showing movies. Movie theatre operation

    center depend upon licensing and showing films to consumer. These theatres acquire rights

    (license) for distributers to use movie and show to consumer in specific geographic zones which

    are pre-defined by the distributer for determined duration.

    Technology has played dramatic role in theatre. It is become important for selling tickets and

    measuring performance, companies which have Ecommerce facility in their websites can

    facilitate consumer to buy and print tickets in advance or pick them up at the theatre. Point of

    sale system tracks the tickets and concessions sales, triggering automatic replenishment order to

    Supplier. System also integrate sales data real time from a theatre, its website and third party

    ticketing service to provide staff with current seating and ticket availability

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    2.3.2 Television and Radio

    Television is used for the promotion of movies Hollywood movies distributer spent about 4

    billion dolor to buy a paid 30 second TV commercial and newspaper ads and over half that total

    is placed on broadcast and cable TV, which are the main vehicle for advertising movie to

    audiences. As TV is an audio visual medium -like film and can deliver a vast audience quickly,

    which is crucial for film maker because films typically dont linger in theatres more than 4-6

    weeks according to Marketing to moviegoer?

    Product placement paid active role or passive insertion of film brand in drama or sitcom shows,

    or as passing mention in dialogues. Moreover interview with directors and actors by the local or

    international entertainment reporters are also display on television in order to attract more and

    more people. Other shows such as documentary on movies and behind the scene are shown on

    TV which is used for the promotion of the movies.

    2.3.3 Internet

    Internet is playing a great role in the promotion of movies. There are many ways of promoting

    movies in which website with the name of movie are created in which detail reviews about

    movies, its cast and have lots of stuff regarding the movie. Viral marketing is also used for

    grabbing the attention of consumers and promoting movie, viral marketing is also motivating

    feature large number of consumers to experience the movie. Free trailers on movie oriented

    websites and video user- generated websites is an effective way of promoting movies.

    Now days social media has also become a very important medium for promotion, a large number

    of people around the globe are using these social media on daily basis, so social media is now

    becoming an effective tool for the promotion of movies. It is a forum from where we can attract

    large number of consumers around the globe to enhance their shopping and decision making


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    Many blogs are written on movies in which people discuss their experience about movies which

    are also an attracting feature of internet in promoting the movies around the globe. In these blogs

    people mostly write reviews their experiences about movies and their criticism on that if it is not

    up to their expectation which eventually attracts consumers and enhances their shopping and

    decision making.

    One problem arise because of internet is piracy problem. It has become very easy with internet

    there are many websites from where we can download pirated movies specially torrent is doing

    piracy at very large scale. Sales cannibalization from free distribution may be particularly in film

    industry because of two reasons that are movie contend are so prone to single user consumption

    than intellectual property like music CDs or software. Secondly music studios are particularly

    relies on media sales primarily from DVD sales which bring a great chunk of revenue (Micheal

    D. Smith, 2005-2006). So it is a big matter for production houses and other key players of this

    industry because of their large chunk of revenue is eliminated or turn into expenses.

    2.3.4 Print Advertisement:

    Paid advertisement in newspaper, magazine and insert in books are also an attracting way of

    promotion because a it has a greatest reached due to which large amount of impression they can

    get on that print ads. Moreover in print ads their cost per impression is very less which identifies

    that print ads is one of the cheapest medium for prompting movies. With the help of print media

    movies can be promoted in mass media.

    2.3.5 Merchandizing

    Many companies do co-branding with movies in order to give advantage to both merchandizing

    companies and film makers. It includes tea shirts, cups, toys, fast food chains and many more.

    Handed film makers are utilizing this medium very effectively as well in order to promote their

    movies. This merchandise creates a great impact on the movies prerelease as well as post release

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    due to which it is also good medium for the promotion of movies and attracting consumer

    towards movies.

    2.3.6 Promotional Tour

    Promotional tour is also used for promotion of movies in which directors, film actors and

    producers appear on television for interviews, sometimes showing a clip or trailers of the film or

    outtake. These interviews are in person of remotely. During the production of film, these

    interviews can take place on set as well. After the film release, key personnel make appearances

    in major marketing cities or participate specially via satellite or telephone.

    2.4 Pre purchase information search:

    The pre purchase information will be defined as a series of data processed according to consumer

    specific purpose. Consumer has special characteristic that recognize optimal from resources and

    consumer act depending on their own given situation (Hoffman, 1998)In particular, the ability to

    collect product information and make comparison between different products offering from

    different providers which may be either across the nation or across the boundaries of currency is

    often view as one of the main competitive challenge of e-shopping. To enhance pre purchase

    information processing, companies offer other information sources to consumer (Dholakia, 2000)

    In film industry pre purchase information search has a great impact on consumer, it helps

    consumer in identifying that whether movie is worth watching and worth spending before

    purchasing it. It start attracting consumer even before the release of a specific movies through

    reviews, blogs, advertisement on social media, through uploading trailers on websites like

    YouTube and other websites having detail information about movies like IMDB and movie.comwhich will create a great influence on consumer and their purchase and decision making skills.

    Hence pre purchase decision of consumer about movies can be influence at a great level by this

    promotion, especially in this era of internet online resources have a great impact on the pre

    purchase decision making of film industry. Internet has made our life very easy; information

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    about anything is just a click away. Moreover it has speed up the phase of our lives, there are

    many ways on internet through the information is transferred at very fast phase in which social

    media and search engine are playing dramatic role in transferring information, due to which

    internet can effectively enhance the pre purchase decision making skills of consumer.

    2.5 Internet User

    Internet users are defining as entry gives to the number of users with in a country that access the

    internet users are the users who use internet for surfing on websites browsing different search

    engine and websites, use social media, watch videos and read articles, blogs and different

    reading material and engage in any one of the above mention activities.

    Internet users are those people which use any kind of online resources that are either they are

    using social media interacting with different people, playing games on social media or using it

    for anything secondly they are using search engines of finding information about different things

    or going online for any reasons are internet users. Some people write a large number of blogs in

    which they share their experiences or write their reviews they all are internet users which are

    effectively utilizing internet in order to convey communicate with the globe and telling people

    about their views they all are internet users. Hence internet users are the people which use online

    resource medium.

    2.6 Online Product Information

    Online product information is detailed information of different product available on internet. The

    research found that 91% of shoppers said that it is very important for retailer to offer in-depth

    product information online which benefit the consumer a lot in making pre purchase decision

    making according to (Sachoff, 2007).

    There are huge amount of information available on internet about anything you want. This online

    information helps consumer in many way they can have complete knowledge about anything

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    through which people can increase their knowledge. Secondly it also used for enhancing pre

    purchase decision making of consumer, that is consumer can read in detail about products and its

    alternative product and then choose the product which suits best according to their need.

    In film industry online product (movies) information has a great impact on consumers it helps

    consumer in identifying the movie which are worth watching and worth spending. People use

    online product information a lot in this era of internet in order to spend their money efficiently

    (Sachoff, 2007).

    2.7Consumer Information

    The information consumer get about the product on which its preference is made about different

    product, this product information is also the base on which their decision making is depend.

    Consumer gets this information from many sources about any product or services.

    In Film industry some of the sources (medium) from where consumer get information about

    newly release movies or identifying which movie is worth watching and worth spending.

    Consumer decision making is also based on these informations. Internet has played a dramatic

    role in this area, now consumer can easily access the detail information about any movie or

    product around the globe. There is an assumption that advertising is sole cause of brand loyalty.

    In the later stage, there is an assumption that consumer engage in an exhaustive search and that

    consumer are excellent judges of merits of the competing brand (Albion M. , 1983)

    Advertising plays a large, but not exclusive roles in providing facts on specific products and as

    key provider of the information needed to reduce difficulties involve in consumer choice

    (Nelson, 1974).To the advertising consumer perception of price, quality, services and

    differentiation, it has traditionally been particularly successful because consumer tend to make

    decision on the least effort principles, especially if the purchase involve low level of risk.

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    2.8 Decision Making Skills

    It has been found that internet has enhanced decision making skills of consumers as it is a

    medium which can provide detail information at any time, at any place and of any productglobally. The internet appears to substantially modify the relationship of information flow in

    search process. The consumers ability to access the broad range of information regarding key

    products or services factors is considerably enhanced. Strengthens the role of consumer as an

    information seeker and reduce the ability to control and focus information flow (Shaver, 2000-


    Films remain one of the most powerful media for storytelling for which consumers required a

    great decision making skill and information search in order to buy or watch the movie which can

    entertain them and satisfy them from their purchase of the movies (McKee, 1997)


    Film industry has been globalized; there market has been expanding around the world. Internet

    has played an essential role in the expansion of the market of these cities. With the help ofinternet Filmmakers can now easily and cheaply attract the consumer around the globe,

    effectively promoting their movies on internet can be more profitable for them as they can attract

    more consumers around the globe. The first observation was that feature film have highly

    development cost, they also have relatively large minimum market size for marketing profit

    (Vogeal, 1998). The small home market means that when producers here hold production down

    by opting for low production values, the production of most films hinges upon states subsidies

    (Moran, 1996). Countries which have become specialized in film production are those with a

    high annual number of non-subsidized feature films release, countries with vast home audience

    such as India, USA, Japan and China. Of course, what matter for such specialization is not

    merely the size of the home consumer base, but also its purchasing power. During the first half

    of last century Hollywood was the largest producer of films on the basis of an increasingly

    wealthy US population the time dependent mostly on cinemas for mass entertainment. But in the

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    latter half of the century, India where the audience remain hugely attached to cinema going, over

    took USA as world largest film producers, Due to consumer stylistic and language preferences,

    imported films generally suffer from liabilities of foreignness, and smaller countries exporting to

    larger market are at disadvantage compare to large countries exporting to larger markets

    (Lorenzen, february, 2008).

    Hence because of internet, the expansion in the markets of film industry is become very easy and

    it provides great benefits to film makers that they can more revenues by doing business around

    the globe.

    2.10Customization as Information Source

    Internet has given ease to consumer to get information about anything according to their need at

    any time they want which facilitate consumer in enhancing pre purchase decision making skills

    and reducing their level of confusion Most of the customer are likely to pay greater attention to

    message that relate deeply to their own interest . It has been found that irrelevant information

    weaken consumers beliefs in the products ability to deliver the benefits. The customized

    information by customer segmentation in E- commerce offer optimal information to individual

    customer and reduced the perceived risk associated with their purchase of a specific brand

    (Haubal & Trifts, 2000).

    Online purchase allow companies to reduce the perceived risk associated that are financial, time,

    performance, and psychological risk by providing customized information to each customer . It

    has been noted that consumer are generally interested in message that are adding value to their

    relevance of promotional message. This factor is closely related to customization of information

    to each customer because if this information seems negative to the customer there will be loss of

    interest in information of the product. More recently customized information is being changed by

    another new development in internet technologies that are virtual 3D products. Such customized

    information is greatly facilitating by relationship between the company and customer. Such

    relationship consists of a series of repeated exchanges with both parties, they should know to

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    each other. They evolve in response to these interactions and to fluctuation in contextual

    environment in order to establish a good relationship with their customers (Ha, 2002)

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    Chapter # 3

    3Scope of research

    3.1 Scope:

    This research report will use different sampling units which are more generalizing

    and the study will be conducted in Pakistan.

    The proposed model can also be extended in nationwide.

    3.2 The Problems:

    The issues that are the basis of this study are as under:

    Although researchers and managers pay increasing attention on consumer

    information search behavior, online information resources and internet but there is

    not enough information available about their interrelationships.

    The pre purchase information can go either way whether it can confuse consumer

    or it clear the consumer about what movie to buy or watch in cinemas but if it

    confused the consumer it is a big issue for this study.

    3.3 Questions:

    The questions, which would be answer through this study, are:

    Does online consumer information seeker will perceive that online resources

    enhance their decision making skills?

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    Does consumer who relies on online resources for information acquisitions will

    spend less time with traditional media?

    Does consumer making major consumer decision who relies heavily on online

    information sources should report lower level of confusion regarding the

    information available to them than consumer who relies primarily on traditional

    information sources?

    3.4 Theoretical Framework:

    Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the research

    This is an exploratory study which will determine whether internet help in enhancing pre

    purchase information and this above figure is showing the consumer information flow which

    helps in consumer pre purchase decision making. The above figure is the research model which

    Product informationFilm industry

    Advertising /Marketing

    Online informationportals

    Word of mouth

    Consumer pre purchasedecision

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    explains that consumer decision making is based on product information and in this research the

    three basic medium from which consumer get information includes advertising and traditional

    media, word of mouth and online information portals. In this research, the comparison of these

    three medium will also be done in order to identify the best medium for the promotion movies

    3.5 Rationale of Research:

    This research report will give insight to the following issues:

    A simple tool is taken to identify that the internet is playing a vital role in providing

    product information which benefit people in pre purchase decision making. It is far less costly for both consumer to have pre purchase product information (movies)

    which enhances their decision making skill and for film industry to provide this

    information, reviews and trailers to motivate and target their consumers to purchase their


    Film industry can create their marketing strategy by efficiently utilizing online resources

    to enhance their sales and target more and more customer.

    It also help film industry, directors and other people related to this industry in identifying

    demand of their customers and also reviews of consumers who watch movies and other

    news related to that.


    1. Online resources will enhance their decision making skills.

    2. Consumer spends less time with online resources in extracting information than traditional


    3. Online resources reduces the level of confusion as compare to traditional media

    4. To identify internet enhances pre purchase information about movies in film industry

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    3.7 Justifications:

    The reasons of conducting the research on this particular issue are:

    With better understanding of customers' information flow and importance of internet in

    pre purchase decision making, film industry can determine the actions required to meet

    the customers' needs.

    They can identify their own strengths and weaknesses, chart out path future progress and

    they can target consumer easily by providing more information on internet.

    As internet is becoming very important source of information so it is more beneficial for film

    industry to provide information about movies which are being release in future. Before releasingthe movies film industry should provide more and more information about movies before

    releasing it in order to attract more and more people to watch that movie.


    The basic stakeholders of this research would be all the persons that are from middle and upper

    class people of Pakistan and the user of internet. Few of the identified stakeholders are as


    1) Online Product information.

    2) Internet users.

    3) Producers, directors and other people of this industry.

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    3.9 Benefits:

    This research is going to be beneficial in many ways such as:

    1) The end users can have more information of movies before purchasing it.

    2) It is far less costly to provide information, target their customer and they can easily create

    demand of movies before it release, this pre purchase information helps them in

    enhancing their decision making skills.

    The data will be authentic as the questionnaire will only be given to the interested stakeholder

    who wants to share their views.


    Limitations of the research might be the following:

    2. The views of one stratum might be different from other depending upon the different

    expected results from this study.3. The information available on internet about movies might not be enough in clearing the

    view of customer about specific movies and confuse the consumer.

    4. Information of the movies on internet might not be updated on regular basis which effect

    the consumer pre purchase decision making.

    5. Consumer does not utilize internet in extracting information of the movies which they are

    willing to purchase.

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    Chapter # 4


    4.1 Research Design

    The type of the study will be exploratory (qualitative research), since it will measure the

    relationship between the variables and identify experience of different people on the basis of

    these variables. This qualitative research will go through with following procedure.

    4.2 The Procedure of the Research

    The research is conducted according to the following steps.

    Step 1: Pre-Information gathering

    Step 2: Developing hypothesis

    Step 3: Determining the population

    Step 4: Determining the sample size

    Step 5: Collecting the data

    Step 6: Data analysis

    Step 7: Drafting results of the research

    Step 8: Giving recommendations for the problem

    4.3 Population:

    The population of this exploratory research is the people enjoying status of middle and upper

    class and have income bracket of 40,000 and above per month in Pakistan and the sample size

    for this study will be taking from 200 people. This study will be conducted through random

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    sampling in different malls and other places where the target audience of this research is easily


    4.4Sample and Sampling Method:

    The sample size of my study will be around 200 and there will be a margin of error + 4

    with a confidence level of 99%.

    Sampling method was convenience sampling model at different Cinemas (theatre) of

    Pakistan and the reason for using this sampling method is that it would provide the data

    from all demographics of the target audience which is required for this study.

    4.5 Measurement:

    4.5.1 Primary:

    Primary data would be collected through questionnaires and the data provided by the consumer

    of middle and upper class people of Pakistan from different malls and places where the target

    audience is easily available. The questionnaire would be structured.

    4.5.2 Secondary:

    Secondary data would be collected from different articles, different research papers, blogs and

    different sources on internet.

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    4.6 Variables:

    4.6.1Independent Variables:

    Word of Mouth

    Advertising and marketing strategy (traditional Media)

    Online information

    4.6.2Moderating Variable

    Product information

    4.6.3Dependent Variable

    Consumer Pre purchase decision making

    4.7 Software Employed:

    The software that will be employed in this research will be Microsoft Excel, Spread Sheet and

    SSPS for analysis and finding result of this research.

    4.8 Method of analysis:

    Pearson Correlation analysis.

    Frequency distribution

    Cross tabulation

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    Chapter # 5

    5Data Analysis


    The reliability of the research data is 0.645

    Table 4.1.1: Reliability Test

    Reliability Statistics


    Alpha N of Items

    .645 26

    5.2Frequency Analysis

    This section provides the information of the frequency distribution of the respondents.

    Table 5.2.1 Gender Distribution of Respondent


    Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


    Valid Male 106 53.0 53.0 53.0

    Female 94 47.0 47.0 100.0

    Total 200 100.0 100.0

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    Figure 2:Gender Distribution of Respondent

    Respondent of this research are 53% male and 43% are female

    Table 5.2.2 Age Distribution of Respondent


    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    Valid 15 to 24 years 76 38.0 38.0 38.0

    25 to 34 years 54 27.0 27.0 65.0

    35 to 44 years 39 19.5 19.5 84.5

    45 and above 31 15.5 15.5 100.0

    Total 200 100.0 100.0

    Figure 3: Age Distribution of Respondent

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    The above graph shows that 38% of respondents fall into 15 to 24 years of age bracket, 27% of

    respondents were of 25 to 34 years of age, 19.5% of respondent were of 35 to 44 years of age

    and 15.5% of respondent were of 45 and above age.

    Table 5.2.3:Income Distribution of Respondent


    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

    Valid Less than Rs 14,999 68 34.0 34.0 34.0

    Rs 15,000 to Rs 29,999 52 26.0 26.0 60.0

    Rs 30,000 to Rs 59,999 29 14.5 14.5 74.5

    Rs 60,000 and above 51 25.5 25.5 100.0

    Total 200 100.0 100.0

    Figure 4: Income Distribution of Respondent


    34% of respondent are of less than 14999Rs of income, 26% of respondent are between the

    income from 15000 to 29,999Rs, 14.5% of respondent are between the income from Rs 30,000

    to 59,999 Rs and 25.5% of respondent are having income of Rs 60,000 and above.

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    Table 5: Marital Status Distribution of Respondent

    Marital status

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

    Valid Married 96 48.0 48.0 48.0

    Single 104 52.0 52.0 100.0

    Total 200 100.0 100.0

    Figure 5: Marital Status Distribution of Respondent


    48% of respondent were married whereas 52% of respondent were singles.

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    5.3Crosstabs Analysis

    Crosstab Correlation analysis of this research is as fallow

    5.3.1For Objective 1

    Table 6: Crosstabs between gender and Reviews about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it

    Gender * Reviews about movies on internet increase your interest towards it Cross tabulation


    Reviews about movies on internet increase your interest towards it




    Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



    Gender Male 23 55 17 5 6 106 3.7

    Female 20 46 15 10 3 94 3.7

    Total 43 101 32 15 9 200

    Figure 6: Crosstabs between gender and Reviews about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it

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    11.5% male and 10% female strongly agree that is 21.5% of total respondent strongly agree that

    reviews about movies on internet increase their interest towards it and 27.5% male and 23% of

    female agree that is 50.5% people think that reviews about movies on internet increase their

    interest towards it, 8.5% male and 7.5% female that is total 16% of respondent have neutral

    view, whereas 2.5% male and 5% female that is 7.5% of respondent disagree and 3% male and

    1.5% female that is total of 4.5% of respondent strongly disagree that reviews about movies on

    internet will increase their interest towards it. It shows a positive result. The weighted average

    for male and female are 3.7 which shows that result is on positive side on basis of gender.

    Table 7: Cross tabulation of age and reviews about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it

    Age * Reviews about movies on internet increase your interest towards it Cross tabulation


    Reviews about movies on internet increase your interest towards it




    Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



    Age 15 to 24 years 13 37 13 6 7 76 3.5

    25 to 34 years 8 36 6 3 1 54 3.8

    35 to 44 years 9 18 8 4 0 39 3.8

    45 and above 13 10 5 2 1 31 4.0

    Total 43 101 32 15 9 200

  • 7/31/2019 Fahad Fyp Final Edited Final Full and Final



    Figure 7:Cross tabulation of age and reviews about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it


    6.5% of respondent within the age bracket of 15 to 24, 4% of respondent within the age bracket

    of 25 to 34, 4.5% of respondent within the age bracket of 35 to 44 and 6.5% of respondent within

    the age bracket of 45 and above, strongly agree that is 21.5% of total respondent strongly agree

    that reviews about movies on internet increase their interest towards it and 18.5% of respondent

    within the age bracket of 15 to 24, 18% of respondent within the age bracket of 25 to 34, 9% of

    respondent within the age bracket of 35 to 44 and 5% of respondent within the age bracket of 45

    and above, agree that is 50.5% people think that reviews about movies on internet increase their

    interest towards it, 6.5% of respondent within the age bracket of 15 to 24, 3% of respondent

    within the age bracket of 25 to 34, 4% of respondent within the age bracket of 35 to 44 and 2.5%

    of respondent within the age bracket of 45 and above, that is total 16% of respondent have

    neutral view, 3% of respondent within the age bracket of 15 to 24, 1.5% of respondent within the

    age bracket of 25 to 34, 2% of respondent within the age bracket of 35 to 44 and 1% of

    respondent within the age bracket of 45 and above disagree that is 7.5% of total respondent

    disagree and 3.5% of respondent within the age bracket of 15 to 24, 0.5% of respondent within

    the age bracket of 25 to 34, 0% of respondent within the age bracket of 35 to 44 and 0.5% of

    respondent within the age bracket of 45 and above, that is total 4.5% of respondent stronglydisagree that reviews about movies on internet will increase their interest towards it. It shows a

    positive result.

  • 7/31/2019 Fahad Fyp Final Edited Final Full and Final



    Table 8: Cross tabulation of Income and Review about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it

    Income * Reviews about movies on internet increase your interest towards it Cross tabulation


    Reviews about movies on internet increase your interest towards






    Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



    Income Less than Rs 14,999 15 33 11 4 5 68 3.7

    Rs 15,000 to Rs

    29,9994 33 7 5 3 52


    Rs 30,000 to Rs

    59,9994 16 6 3 0 29


    Rs 60,000 and above 20 19 8 3 1 51 4.0

    Total 43 101 32 15 9 200

    Figure 8: Cross tabulation of Income and Review about movies on internet increase your

    interest towards it

  • 7/31/2019 Fahad Fyp Final Edited Final Full and Final




    Within the bracket of income less than 14,999 Rs 7.5% respondent strongly agree, 16.5% were

    agreed, 5.5% of respondent have neutral veiw,2% people disagree and 2.5% people strongly

    disagree that reviews on internet about movies increase their interest towards it, Within thebracket of income 15,000 Rs to 29,999Rs, 2% respondent strongly agree, 16.5% were agreed,

    3.5% of respondent have neutral veiw,2.5% people disagree and 1.5% people strongly disagree

    that reviews on internet about movies increase their interest towards it, Within the bracket of

    income 30,000 Rs to 59,999 Rs, 2% respondent strongly agree, 8% were agreed, 3% of

    respondent have neutral veiw,1.5% people disagree and 0% people strongly disagree that reviews

    on internet about movies increase their interest towards it, Within the bracket of income 60,000

    and above Rs 10% respondent strongly agree, 9.5% were agreed, 2% of respondent have neutral

    view, 1.5% people disagree and .5% people strongly disagree that reviews on internet about

    movies increase their interest towards it.

    That is 21.5% of respondent strongly agree, 50.5% of respondent agree, 16% of respondent have

    neutral view, 7.5% of respondent disagree and 4.5% of respondent strongly disagree that reviews

    on internet about movies increase your interest towards it.

    Table 9: Cross tabulation of marital status and Reviews about movies on internet increase

    your interest towards it

    Marital status * Reviews about movies on internet increase your interest towards it Cross tabulation


    Reviews about movies on internet increase your interest towards it




    Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



    marital status Married 27 39