Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and...

Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics Guide for applicants

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Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and PhotonicsGuide for applicants

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A word from the Dean

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics


Electronics, telecommunication and computer science shape

the image of contemporary civilisation. Electronics creates tools

which allow to build modern computers, robots, scientific and

medical equipment, and also to develop telecommunication us-

ing optical fibre. Electronics and optoelectronics develop thanks

to miniaturisation. The Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and

Photonics (W-12) is the youngest faculty of the Wrocław Univer-

sity of Technology. It offers education to students of the follow-

ing courses: Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechatronics

(the course is run together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineer-

ing and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering). The curriculum of Electronics and Telecommunication encom-

passes knowledge in the field of electronics, computer science, optoelectronics, microsystems and telecom-

munication. The mechatronics curriculum encompasses knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering,

electronics and computer science with the basics of automatics and control techniques. The curricula for both

courses were developed in such a way that they allow students to learn about new, dynamically developing

fields of science and technology, and at the same time give them versatile basic knowledge sufficient to be

flexible in the demanding job market. The graduates of the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics

have ample choice of jobs both in Poland and the EU as well as in other countries outside Europe; they are

well prepared to solve problems which are yet to be defined.

DEANFaculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics

Prof. Andrzej Dziedzic, Ph.D., D.Sc

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Faculty courses and specialisations

the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Pho-

tonics was established on January 1st, 2002. the first

students were admitted in the academic year 2002-

2003. the Faculty offers two courses of studies:

• ElectronicsandTelecommunication

• Mechatronics

the Faculty is authorised to issue doctoral and post-

doctoral degrees in the field of Electronics.

the faculty activity has largely contributed to

the fact that today Wrocław is considered a leading

academic centre of the so called highly advanced

technologies in Poland.

ElEctronics and tElEcoMMunication

• firstdegreestudies,fulltime, specialisations:

Electronics and Photonics Engineering

Digital Electronics

• seconddegreestudies,fulltime, specialisations:


Optoelectronics and Optical Waveguide


Electronics, Photonics, Microsystems

• seconddegreestudies, extramural, specialisa-


Electronics, Photonics, Microsystems

• thirddegreestudies, Phd studies:


students in this course learn about technologies,

design and exploitation methods of devices, equip-

ment and systems in the area of electronics, com-

puter science, optoelectronics, microsystems and



(the course is run together with the Faculty of Electri-

cal Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engi-


• firstdegreestudies, fulltime

in this interdisciplinary course of study students gain

knowledge in the field of: mechanical engineering,

electronics and computer science with the basics of

automatics and control techniques.Adress: 11/17 Z. Janiszewskiego st.,

50-372 Wrocław

Website: www.wemif.pwr.wroc.pl

Dean: Prof. andrzej dziedzic, Ph.d., d.sc.


Jacek radojewski Ph.d.


ryszard Korbutowicz, Ph.d., d.sc.


Prof. Zbigniew W. Kowalski, Ph.d., d.sc.


opening hours: 11.00 aM – 2.00 PM

Building c-2, room 216

tel. +48 71 320 40 47, fax +48 71 328 35 04

e-mail: [email protected]

about the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics

Classical electronics is mainly interested in the themes related to in-

formation transfer with electrons. Nowadays, when the volume of

information transferred using telecommunication lines is huge, elec-

trons are no longer sufficient. More and more often we reach for

light and send information with photons. In modern telecommunica-

tion lines, in thousands of glass threads there are streams of speed-

ing photons injected by incredibly small lasers. Each photon has

ħω energy. No wonder, the new faculty of electronics is also called

the faculty of photonics.


Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

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Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

Microsystems Microsystems are miniature structures of sensors and

actuators with dimensions varying from micrometers

to a few centimetres. they are made using micro-

electronic and microengineering techniques, most

often they are made of silicone (just like, e.g. inte-

grated circuits). Microelectronics and microsystems

form a bridge to nanoelectronics and nanosystems

(nanomachines). their widespread popularity in

all areas of life and human activity will be growing

with the development of science and technology as

well as modern manufacturing methods. students of

Microsystems learn about microelectronic technolo-

gies which are the foundation of the development of

microsystems and integrated optoelectronics. they

gain knowledge on the construction, functioning,

manufacturing and using various semiconductor

devices, integrated circuits, microsensors, solar cells

and also micromechanical devices. the technologi-

cal trend represents a very high level and a modern

nanotechnology and semiconductor structures labo-

ratory is unique on a national scale. students obtain

thorough knowledge of computer science, design,

making and applying microelectronic systems, smart

microprocessors and asic and asiM systems co-

operating with them. they learn about techniques

and equipment related to modern microbonding

of electronic systems and special techniques used

in microsystem production. thus graduates have

interdisciplinary knowledge combining overall pro-

duction issues as well as applications with market

strategy elements so they are well prepared for

the contemporary job market. they can be em-

ployed in large and medium sized industrial corpo-

rations, start their own business or have a career in

medicine and natural environment protection.

optoelectronics and optical Waveguide technology More and more often modern technology uses light

to transfer and process information. optical fibre,

lasers, electroluminescent diodes, light detectors,

switches and modulators are revolutionizing con-

temporary electronics. nowadays no computer and

telecommunication networks are built without opti-

cal fibre. so this specialisation is a reply to the grow-

ing need for experts in optoelectronics and optical

waveguide technology who can put their knowledge

to practice. students in this specialisation are well

educated and prepared to built and exploit optical

networks of various types, they can also design and

operate optoelectronics equipment. they are fami-

liar with lEd lighting including: the basics of lEds,

the control of colour and white lEds, incorporation

of lEds into modern lighting systems and finally

the standard applications for lEd control. Graduates

obtain thorough general education in electronics,

telecommunication and basic programming. this al-

lows them to work also in other sectors of economy

not related to optical waveguide technology.

Electronics, Photonics, Microsystemsthe development of science and technology in

the world results in the fact that the employees of

construction and design companies, laboratories,

manufacturing plants and also in marketing and

service companies have to face and solve interdis-

ciplinary problems the most modern part of which

encompasses optoelectronics, photonics and mi-

crosystems. in the curriculum a lot of space has been

devoted to the achievements of optoelectronics and

optical waveguide technology which play an im-

portant role in today’s telecommunication, photo-

voltaics (an alternative energy source – solar cells),

design of optoelectronics devices and systems as well

as optoelectronics metrology. a significant place in

the curriculum is occupied by subjects related to

sensor electronic and optoelectronic systems as well

as systems made in optical fibre technology.

a lot of attention is paid to the Microsystems which

create new progress opportunities in nearly all areas

of human activity from motor industry (air bags, aBs,

etc.) and banking (security systems, smart credit cards)

to medicine and natural environment protection (e.g.

microanalysis of gas, blood). a complementary sub-

ject is microprocessor control systems which perform

important functions in all types of electronic and op-

toelectronic equipment. the graduates will possess

multidisciplinary knowledge in electronics (including

microelectronics), photonics and microsystems.

they will be prepared for solving technical and tech-

nological problems in those fields.

they will gain experience in technology and re-

trieving information from the literature and other

sources. a wide spectrum of novel technologies

– from nanotechnology and photonics, through mi-

croengineering to microelectronic and information

techniques – are discussed in detail during lectures

given by experienced teachers.

Well-equipped laboratories will help students to

understand new knowledge and learn new skills in

the field of high-tech. Graduates will be able to play

the role of team leaders, organize and run research


they will have acquired the experience necessary for

professional career at research units, in industry and

at universities. the second degree extramural studies

in the specialisation of Electronics, photonics, mi-

crosystems offer students an opportunity to extend

their knowledge and learn skills related to state of

the art equipment and technologies thus increasing

their chances for achieving professional success and

their competitiveness in the contemporary, highly

changeable job market. it is a specialisation for am-

bitious students.

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Graduate’s perspective

Well equipped laboratories and excellent scientific staff at the faculty

were the key which opened for me the door to the European job

market. The level of education obtained at Wrocław University of

Technology can be compared with that of the world centres without


Rafał Wilk

PhD student, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

organisation of studiesthe curriculum forms the basis for the educational

system of our university. it is pursuant to article 26,

item 3 of the regulations Governing studies stat-

ing that “(...) Wrocław university of technology

diplomas are awarded to the graduates who have

completed the curriculum and passed the diploma


thus a student who has done all the compulsory

courses with the required number of points (and

the required number of hours), takes the necessary

exams and writes their diploma thesis to later take

the diploma exam. on the basis of the curriculum

the Faculty council adopts the plan of study for

a given course and specialisation.

registration of students for the given semester is car-

ried out in a credit system, 30 credit points must be

scored by a student each semester (certain deficits

are acceptable). credit points are summed up every

semester (except for the first semester). in order to

be registered for the next semester students cannot

exceed the deficit defined for a given semester.

the deficit must be eliminated during revision cour-

ses (for an extra fee).

What do we teach?in one course there are several subjects. they are

taught in semestral blocks in the following forms:

lectures, classes, laboratories, projects, seminars, in-

ternships. during one semester there may be one

course or a group of courses taught in various forms.

university-wide courses are fundamental courses

such as maths, physics, languages, sport, humanities

and managerial courses. this block encompasses

also computer science, basics of engineering, in-

troduction to electronics and telecommunication,

electronic metrology. university-wide courses (orga-

nised similarly at the whole university) make a part

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

Master’s perspective

Nearly the whole of both the curriculum at the faculty and the scope

of research, in which the most gifted and the most active students

should participate (thanks to their active work in scientific circles),

belongs to the area described in publications as “high techonology”

(the most advanced technology). Major funds are earmarked for this

area in Polish and world scale. This means creating new jobs. From

this perspective, choosing our faculty should seem obvious.

Prof. Jerzy Zdanowski

the education of a contemporary engineer; they

allow to better understand specialist knowledge.

courses in the major area of study, i.e. what makes

electronics, encompass e.g. microelectronics, semi-

conductor devices, dielectric and magnetic materials,

optical fibre, semiconductors, analogue technique,

signal processing, introduction to telecommunica-

tion, maths application in electronics, electricity and

magnetism, electronic systems, programming lan-

guages, basics of digital and microprocessor techno-

logy, optoelectronics, microsystems, microprocessor

control systems, signal processors, neural networks,

Vlsi systems design, bonding in electronics, super-

vised own work, image optoelectronics, production

engineering, system reliability, microwave applica-

tion, computer networks. specialisation courses:

optoelectronics and optical Waveguide techno-

logy encompasses e.g.: optical fibre telecommu-

nication, photovoltaics, laser technology, optical

networks, optoelectronic systems design, optical

fibre ii and optoelectronics ii, basics of optical in-

formation processing. Microsystems encompass the

following courses: thin-film and thick-film sensors,

microsystems application in motorization, analytical

microsystems, microsystem modelling, micropro-

cessors and microcontrollers, building security sys-

tems, application of analogue and digital integrated

circuits, application of microsystems in medicine,

diagnostic methods. For detailed curricula see our

website: www.wemif.pwr.wroc.pl

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Student’s perspective

In comparison with other faculties studies at the Faculty of Microsys-

tem Electronics and Photonics are characterised by more variety of

the discussed issues, starting with electronic systems and program-

ming, through microsystems and finishing with nanotechnology. Well

equipped faculty laboratories and the experience of teachers help fu-

ture graduates to prepare for work in these industry sectors in which

interdisciplinary education is especially important.

Maciej Gruszka

Second degree studies, Electronics and Telecommunication

Educational facilities didactic rooms are located at 11/17 Janiszewskiego

st. and at 61/65 długa st. some of them are large

(for 110 and 120 students) with state of the art au-

diovisual equipment facilitating teaching and making

presentations. there are also a lot of smaller lecture

halls, computer rooms and specialist laboratories.

timetables are prepared in such a way that on one

day students have classes in only one building.

Education quality assessment systems teaching results allow to assess the implemented

education quality assessment system. Every semester

students complete questionnaires in which they ex-

press their opinion on teaching and the contents of

particular courses. Moreover the representatives of

the student Government can express their opinions

at the Faculty council meetings and in informal con-

versations with academic teachers.

social conditionsthe main forms of financial help are scholarships

and allowances. students can receive social scholar-

ship if their family income is low, they are disabled

or they can be offered recor’s scholarship award-

ed based on merit. the best students are awarded

with the scholarships from the Ministry of science

and higher Education. it is possible to use bank en-

dorsement offered by one of the crediting banks,

this means that students from destitute families

who usually were not able to obtain a loan due to

the lack of a loan guarantor, now have an opportu-

nity to do so. the top graduates who obtained loans

or credits may apply for partial redemption of a loan.

students interested in research work can participate

in research programmes run at the faculty and start

Phd studies.

learning conditions the main faculty building is located at 11/17

Z. Janiszewskiego st. there are mainly lecture halls,

a library, computer rooms, dean’s office. some spe-

cialist, scientific laboratories – used also in educa-

tional activity – are located at 61/65 długa st. there

is the modern laboratory of nanotechnology and

semiconductor structures, Photovoltaics labora-

tory, thick-film Microsystems laboratory – they

are unique on a Polish and world scale. in długa

st. there is also an open electronic laboratory used

for educational purposes. in the laboratory 3rd and

4th year students, under the supervision of scientific

and education staff, learn about equipment used

in technological processes used to make electronic

elements, they work on their projects and build test

benches. all students have internet access and an

e-mail account at the time of their studies. our

faculty students can use materials prepared by our

staff in the form of course books, lectures printed as

manuscripts, internet didactic materials. the exten-

sive resources of the Main library and interfaculty

laboratories are available to them and offer books

and journals in Polish and in foreign languages in-

cluding the major worlds journals in the field of elec-

tronics and computer science.

specialist laboratories

Education laboratories:

• “open” electronic laboratory

• semiconductor equipment laboratory

• computer science laboratory

• Microprocessor laboratory

• optoelectronics laboratory

• Waveguide technology laboratory

• Electronic systems laboratory

• Microbonding and bonding laboratory

• dielectric, magnetic and semiconductor

materials laboratory

• image optoelectronics laboratory

science and education laboratories:

• nanotechnology and semiconductor structures


• close interaction microscopy, nanostructures

and nanometrology laboratory

• Photovoltaic laboratory

• Electrical research laboratory

• thick-film microsystem laboratory

• Electronic equipment technology laboratory

• Vacuum technology laboratory

• submicron structures technology laboratory

• hybrid microsystems technology laboratory

• structural research laboratory

• Vacuum equipment technology laboratory

• Electron optical equipment laboratory

• semiconductor surface research laboratory

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

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Faculty units • DivisionofMicroelectronicsandNanotech-


head of division: Prof. Marek tłaczała Ph.d.,


• DivisionofVacuumandPlasmaTechnology


head of division: associate Prof. Witold Posa-

dowski Ph.d., d.sc.

• DivisionofMicro-andNanostructures


head of division: associate Prof. teodor

Gotszalk Ph.d., d.sc.

• DivisionofTechnologyandDiagnosticsof


head of division: Prof. tadeusz Berlicki Ph.d.,


• LaboratoryforInterconnectingandPackaging


head of division: Prof. Jan Felba Ph.d., d.sc.

• DivisionofMicrosystemsandPhotonics


head of division: Prof. leszek Golonka Ph.d.,


• DivisionofMicroengineeringandPhotovoltaics


head of division: Prof. Jan dziuban Ph.d.,


Principal research areas of Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics– Microsystems

– optoelectronics and optical waveguide technology

– Microwave semiconductors structures

– Microbonding for electronics and micromechanics

– Micromechanic sensors

– silicon micromechanics

– MocVd

– thin-film and thick-film circuits

– ultra-high vacuum technology

– Electron-beam surface investigation

– Photovoltaics

– interconnecting and packaging electronic circuits

– ion an plasma techniques

– semiconductor structures modelling

– thin-film and thick-film sensors

– Material science for electronics applications

– Vlsi circuits designing

– artificial intelligence applications

– Electron optical instruments and imaging


Employment perspectives Electronics is a field in which the changes of

methodology, system and instrumentation solutions

are very fast. the consecutive generations of widely

understood electronic and photonic instrumenta-

tion differ not only in the achieved parameters but

also in terms of their physical and chemical basis of

activity. the graduates of the Faculty of Microsystem

Electronics and Photonics not only obtain the latest

detailed knowledge in the field but also extensive,

fundamental knowledge which allows them to ad-

just to new conditions and face new professional

challenges within the so called continuous educa-

tion. Knowledge gained in the education process in

the field of electronics, telecommunication and

computer science makes a solid basis for develop-

ment for these graduates who will be employed in

different sectors of economy outside electronics or

service entities related to it. Electronics is more and

more commonly used in all areas of human activity,

e.g. in motor industry, construction, power engi-

neering as well as medicine and natural environment

protection. sample job opportunities encompass

telecommunication companies, cable tV networks,

computer network design, installation and service,

companies and institutions involved in the design

and production of electronic equipment, companies

and institutions involved in design, production and

service or marketing of electronic and telecommu-

nication equipment, motor industry, medical tech-

nology, banking (building security, smart credit cards,

etc.). advisory service related to employment oppor-

tunities is provided for students by the career office

run by the Wrocław university of technology and

the university of Wrocław together.

Foreign co-operationthe faculty cooperates with numerous academic

and scientific centres in Poland and abroad. some of

the closest foreign partners of our faculty are: dres-

den technical university, niederrhein university of

applied science, Kassel technical university, uni-

versity of Wuppertal, slovak university of techno-

logy, iMEc in Belgium, Ecole nationale superieure

de chimie de lillein France, university of Maryland,

Eu Joint research centre – ispra, italy. scientific co-

operation is related to joint education activity and

an opportunity to study partly abroad, work there

on a diploma thesis or do an internship within

the Erasmus Programme at some European univer-

sities (France, Germany, ireland) and as part of our

co-operation with the usa. scientific co-operation

joins 16 universities from 8 European countries and

the usa. a student exchange within the Erasmus Pro-

gramme allowed the students of our faculty to write

their diploma theses at foreign universities and thanks

to this learn foreign languages and customs in other

countries. the level of the research conducted in our

faculty is confirmed by awards and honours granted

to our employees (e.g. an honorary doctorate of lviv

university of technology, siemens awards, honorary

mentions of the Foundation for Polish science).

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

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student science societiesstudent scientific association (sns) optoelectronics

and Microsystems

the association was established in december 1997

when the institute of Microsystems technology

was a part of the Faculty of Electronics. the goal of

the circle is following the latest developments in

optical waveguide technology facilitating the partici-

pation of students in scientific research. association

members participate in Polish and foreign scientific

conferences. nearly at the very beginning of its activ-

ity the association started cooperation with the dres-

den university of technology – sns members par-

ticipate in workshops organised by the German side

and take part in student exchanges, which results in

diploma theses written by our students in dresden.

so far there have been trips for example to telefonia

in Myślenice near Krakow, a manufacturer of fibre

optic cables, students repaired optical fibre connec-

tion in the Wrocław academic computer network

used in university dorms, there was a trip to the 14th

international communication Fair intertelecom, and

the lEd ProJEct, which is a part of sns activity, was

awarded with an honorary mention in a competition

for a working prototype of a lamp using lEd organ-

ised as part of the light and Electrotechnics Fair in

Warsaw. the sns is one of the best at our university

– in 2004 it was listed as one of the top five scientific

circles at Wrocław university of technology.


association of Polish nanotechnology Enthusiasts


the association of Polish nanotechnology Enthusi-

asts – sPEnt was established in autumn 2002. now

it works at the division of Micro- and nanostructures

Metrology (WZMMin). it associates both students

(including 1st year students) and diploma students

or Phd students. the ssn sPEnt activity is related

to the popularisation of nanotechnology, especially

in the field of nanometrology and nanostructures

manufacturing. the members have an opportunity

to work on student scientific projects – individually

or in teams. they often participate in research which

is a part of Polish or Euroepan projects carried out

in WZMMin. the association allows to build your

knowledge in the area of research on nanosystems

and nanomaterials and their construction, it encour-

ages students to start scientific and inventive activity

by participating in scientific conferences (the stu-

dent scientific conference, the national Electronics

conference, the optoelectronic and Electronic sen-

sors conference), to participate in trainings away

from the university (institute of Electron technology

in Warsaw) and events organised at our university

(student activity days, open days, the lower sile-

sian science Festival). ssn sPEnt organises semi-

nars and scientific schools in cooperation with other

foreign and Polish centres – a cycle of spring/Winter

scientific seminars in Karpacz, seminars in herms-

dorf, dresden, Frankfurt.


student scientific circle ”Mikrocpp”

the circle was established in February 2008 as a con-

tinuation of earlier workshops on the application of

network micro controls. the purpose of its activity

is propagating the knowledge of micro controls and

configurable circuits programming, innovative appli-

cations of micro controls in signal processing, integra-

tion with internet, telecommunication and controls,

research on smart control-measurement systems and

their construction as well as mastering teamwork

skills. students test the possibilities of practical ap-

plications for their electronic and computer science

solutions. the people who are involved in circle ac-

tivity have access to the equipment, materials and

software, they can also count on the assistance of

staff in their work on projects.


Microengineering, Microelectronics

and Microsystems scientific circle “M3”

the “M3” scientific circle started its activity in 2003,

it creates an opportunity for students and Phd stu-

dents to extend their knowledge of modelling, mak-

ing and examining microsystems. the circle activity

is connected with the research work conducted in

the division of Microengineering and Photovoltaics,

i.e. it is related mainly to the family of microme-

chanical sensors and actuators, lab-on-chip systems,

fluidic microsystems and mechatronics. circle mem-

bers participate in the “Mechatronic yacht” project

in which they are building an omega-type yacht

from scratch and equipping it with a set of sensors

which will register all voyage parameters and will

facilitate learning to sail.


Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

Student’s perspective

Optoelectronics and nanotechnology are revolutionising the world

around us. Thanks to the knowledge obtained at the Faculty of Mi-

crosystem Electronics and Photonics we can become a part of this

revolution. A wide offer of courses opens the job market not only

in Poland but also in Europe. Students of this faculty make a gang of

good friends. Every year we organize a few big club meetings, paint-

ball tournaments and integration trips which are considered to some

of the best events at Wrocław University of Technology.

Michał Trzmielewski

Second degree studies, Electronics and Telecommunication,

Head of the Faculty Students Government

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Master’s perspective

The nearest decades of the 21st century will be a period of dynamic

development of quantum engineering, including molecular biology,

quantum computer science, genetic engineering and spintronics.

The faculty offer of courses, encompassing microelectronics, micro-

systems, integrated optoelectronics and photonics, creates an op-

portunity for students to understand complex physical phenomena,

especially the quantum ones, to extend knowledge and learn skills

related to high technology. Choosing to study at WEMiF gives a real

opportunity to achieve professional success and guarantees a good

start in a competitive job market.

Prof. Maria Dąbrowska-Szata

“transparent Electronics – tE”

scientific circle was established in 2008. its goal is

the popularisation and development of the know-

ledge of electronics and photonics as well as teaching

skills related to individual solving of nanostructure

problems. the range of circle work encompasses

optical, electrical and structural diagnostics on na-

nocrystallic thin-film materials. the circle encourages

a wide exchange of experience, using state of the art

equipment in laboratories as well as participation in

scientific conferences to present research results.


student section iEEE at Wrocław university

of technology

student section iEEE (the institute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers, inc.) at the Faculty of Mi-

crosystem Electronics and Photonics has been active

since 2003. the iEEE association gathers 350.000

engineers and scientists working in the fields re-

lated to electrotechnics, power engineering, elec-

tronics, computer science, automatics, etc. all over

the world. iEEE allows for continuous upgrading of

qualifications and extending specialist knowledge

– it publishes 96 specialist journals representing

the highest level of scientific and technical

knowledge, organises courses and seminars. the iEEE

association published 30% of the world literature in

the fields of electronics, computer science and re-

lated disciplines. students’ participation in this asso-

ciation offers an opportunity to shape the profile of

the iEEE student section according to their own in-

terests. it is also an opportunity to start professional

and social cooperation with other organisations and

students. it helps to develop character traits, learn to

work in a team and offer an opportunity to organise

scientific events. student members of iEEE can ob-

tain financing for participation in conferences. there

is also a possibility to participate in international

students exchanges (including holiday exchanges)

financed by iEEE. the association provides finance

for projects and individual work, organises competi-

tions of Msc theses where you can receive awards.


international students and young scientists

Workshop “Photonics and Microsystems”

the goal of these workshops, which have been or-

ganised for a few years, is giving students and Phd

students from Polish and foreign universities an op-

portunity to present their scientific achievements,

exchange information and cooperation. in 2004

the event was organised by students from the scien-

tific circles at the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics

and Photonics (iEEE, sns, M3). it was recognised as

the official iEEE conference. conference materials

were published in a book form and conference pa-

pers are available on-line in the iEEE Xplore® data-

base (www.ieee.org/ieeexplore). For many students

these workshops were the first opportunity for a seri-

ous publication in their lives and at the same time

a chance to have good fun.

“nanotEchnoloGy and MicroElEctronics”

student scientific circle

the circle was established in the division of Micro-

electronics and nanotechnology. the activity of this

interdisciplinary circle is related to dynamically deve-

loping branches of sciences and economy such as na-

notechnology and microelectronics which undoubt-

edly belong to this group. the circle runs student

projects and organises interesting lectures and trips.


Graduate profilethe Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics

educates engineers and master engineers of science

– specialists in the filed of electronics, photonics, mi-

crosystems, computer science and telecommunica-

tion. Faculty graduates can design and use electro-

nic integrated circuits – analogue and digital ones.

they can design and use lasers, optical fibre and

photovoltaic cells in solar power plants. they know

how to design and exploit telecommunication and

teleinfomatic networks. they can design, manufac-

ture and use micro – and nanosystems, i.e. micro-

robots needed in medicine, motor industry, aviation

and pharmaceutical industry as well as the natural

environment protection, building security and arma-

ments industry. the Faculty of Microsystem Electro-

nics and Photonics has unique laboratories where

the work on the development of nanotechnology is

conducted. Faculty graduates have no problem to

find employment in electronic and computer science

companies, motor industry or research institutes of

such concerns as siemens, Philips, Bosch, delphi,

aMd. some of our graduates choose a career in sci-

ence, they start with Phd studies in both Polish and

foreign universities and institutes. others start their

own innovative businesses which are a source of not

only satisfaction but also high income for them.

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

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Present daycurrently attempts are being made to shape

the graduate profile appropriately. a graduate of the

Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics

is prepared to design and use electronic systems.

they can design and use lasers and semiconductor

detectors. they can design optic fibre networks for

telecommunication and computer systems. using

it tools they can design software for mobile net-

work operators, research and medical equipment

manufacturers as well as consumer electronic goods


the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Pho-

tonics can be distinguished thanks to its scientific

and educational laboratories which encompass the

whole range of micro- and nanoelectronic tech-

nology. the laboratory complex at 61 długa st. in

Wrocław is sometimes called a “small silicon val-

ley” as it is a unique solution among Polish techni-

cal universities. thanks to expensive equipment and

the skills of the scientific staff and also thanks to Phd

students, it is possible to conduct research on com-

plex quantum structures and develop microsystems

– silicon and glass micromachines, microlaboratories

or chemical microreactors, in addition to this the ar-

tificial intelligence methods are used here more and

more often.

the faculty scientific staff and Phd students coope-

rate with foreign teams in programmes financed by

the European union. We are involved in e.g. work

related to obtaining electric power using photovolta-

ics, i.e. solar cells, miniature atomic clock or portable

devices for fast biological and veterinarian analysis.

another area of dynamic development are the works

related to the application of tunnelling microscopy

and atomic force microscopy used in the analysis of

biomolecules and nano-objects realisations.

We are actively cooperating with universities and re-

search institutes in Germany, France, slovakia, Great

Britain and the usa. students and diploma students

go on scholarships lasting many months at Eu uni-

versities within, e.g. the Erasmus Programme. if they

want to, they can start Phd studies in Europe and

the usa. a great majority of our graduates want to

work in Poland. here – especially in lower silesia

– thanks to the location of manufacturing plants of

various electronic companies, there will be many

jobs for well educated engineers. the Faculty of Mi-

crosystem Electronics and Photonics has aspirations

to continuously develop and extend its scientific and

educational offer. it is not our goal to admit to many

students, the goal is to provide thorough and modern

education to the ones who have been admitted.

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

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• investigations of the phenomena occurring during

thin films vacuum deposition processes

• development of prototype deposition technolo-

gies (highly efficient magnetron self-sputtering,

reactive magnetron sputtering, impulse magne-

tron sputtering)

• design of components and parts of vacuum

equipment (magnetron sources, electron guns)

• research on the electron field emission

• charged particle optics and its applications in re-

search and technological apparatus


the division encompasses two scientific laboratories:

laboratory of Vacuum and Plasma techniques and

laboratory of Electron optical instruments which are

equipped among others with:

• systems for vacuum thin films deposition by:

evaporation, BarE method, magnetron sputtering

• Power supplies (10 kW) for magnetron sources:

dc, MF (100 khz), pulsed-dc (110 khz),

• optical Emission spectroscopy oEs system, 300-

800 nm

• Microinterferometer for thickness measurements

• system for i-V characterization of field emitters

• scanning electron microscopes sEM with lE-

sEM, lVsEM, EsEM modules and 3d topography



• carl Zeiss, Germany

• Electronic laboratory apparatus, inż. J. dora,


• aGh university of science and technology,


• Koszalin university of technology

• technical university of Łódź


• system for detection of secondary and backscat-

tered electrons and three-dimensional imaging in

the variable pressure scanning electron micros-

copy (VP/E sEM), 2010-2013

• adhesion of titanium oxide coating obtained by

suspension plasma spraying on large surface of

field cathodes for luminescent lightning element

PoloniuM, 2009-2010

• analysis of the influence of the electrical pa-

rameters of magnetron source supply signal on

the thin films deposition processes characteristics,


division of Vacuum and Plasma techniques

Towards the constantly growing requirements for deposited films

at reduced pressure, there is a constant need for new methods

for their preparation. Magnetron sputtering technology has

opened new opportunities in many branches of industry. Thin

films obtained by this method satisfy the requirements of en-

gineers and technicians – mechanics, electronic engineers and

architects. Despite the many advantages, research works impro-

ving the magnetron sputtering systems are still carried out. This

applies to both the sources and the systems which supply them.

Head of Division Associate Prof. Witold Posadowski Ph.D., D.Sc.

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

We devote a lot of time to materials engineering, among others,

fabrication of AIIIBV-N compound nanostructures and their

application into the state-of-the-art devices. Examples of our

activity are the recent research projects: one is devoted to

hydrogen sensor based on nanotechnology of semiconductor

materials, the other has a new design of power microwave

transistor, as a topic. Furthermore we have just begun work in

the field of biosensors and sensors for medical applications ba-

sed on wide bandgap semiconductors.

Head of Division Prof. Marek Tłaczała


• materials engineering

• micro- and nano-electronics

• photonics

Well-equipped laboratory of semiconductor struc-

tures allows for complete design and fabrication

processing of many advanced Gaas and Gan based

semiconductor devices. From computer simulation

and modelling (cad) to advanced technology and

comprehensive device evaluation by measurements

of their electrical and optoelectronic parameters.


clean room laboratory (200 sq. m. class 10000

and 15m.sq. class 100) equipped with advanced

MocVd and PEcVd set-ups.


• university of Wirtzburg, Germany

• slovak technical university in Bratislava, slovakia

• institute of high Performance for Microelectro-

nics, Frankfurt/oder, Germany

• dresden university of technology, Germany

• Kansas state university, Manhattan, usa

• institute of Physics and technology, st. Peters-

burg, russia


• Quantum semiconductor structures for applica-

tions in biology and medicine – development and

commercialization of a new generation of mo-

lecular diagnostics equipment based on domestic

solid state devices, 2008-2013

• new, sic based, technologies and their applica-

tion in power, high frequency and high tempera-

ture electronics, 2007-2010

• design and technology of hydrogen sensors based

on aiii-n/sic heterostructures for high tempera-

ture operation, 2007-2010

division of Microelectronics and nanotechnology

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division of technology and diagnostics of Microelectronic structures

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics


the aim of the scientific research is to observe and

to measure the phenomena at micro- and nanoscale.

low dimensions of the investigated objects and

quantum nature of micro- and nanostructures re-

quire application of new methods and experimental

techniques, therefore following advanced metrologi-

cal methods are used: scanning probe microscopy

(sPM), scanning electron microscopy (sEM), imped-

ance spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry (Xrd), op-

toelectronic and optical-fiber techniques.


the division of Metrology of Micro- and nanostruc-

tures comprises seven research laboratories: labo-

ratory for scanning Probe Microscopy, laboratory

for Electrical investigation of Materials, laboratory

for optoelectronics and optical Fiber technology,

laboratory for X-ray structural investigation, labo-

ratory for ion technology, laboratory for digital

systems design, laboratory for signals Processing

which are equipped among others with:

• six specialized home-made atomic force micro-


• Veeco nanoman and Multimode scanning probe


• hitachi s570 scanning electron microscope

• facility for scanning near-field optical investiga-

tion (snoM/PstM)

• ando aQ6315B spectrum analyzer, ando

aQ7250 optical time-domain reflectometer

• siemens rXs X75 and Ericsson Fsu 925 optical


• impedance spectroscopy systems, including agi-

lent 4294a and solartron Fra1260 impedance


• Philips X-ray diffractometer

• ion Etching and ion Modification of solid surfaces

set-ups, software for design and testing of FPGa



• ilmenau university of technology, Germany

• Fraunhofer institute for nondestructive testing,


• Globalfoundries inc., Germany

• cclrc rutherford appleton laboratory, united


• centre national de la recherche scientifique,


• institute of Electron technology, Poland

• institute of Microelectronics and optoelectro-

nics, Warsaw university of technology, Poland

• institute of immunology and Experimental ther-

apy, Polish academy of sciences


• Micro- and nanosystems in chemistry and in

biomedical diagnostics (Mns diaG)

• detectors and sensors for measuring factors haz-

ardous to environment – modelling and monito-

ring of threats (Eu project)


scientific-research work focuses on: thin films deposi-

tion by magnetron sputtering method, diagnostics of

optical properties of materials, diagnostics of electrical

properties of materials. the scope of conducted works

includes designing, manufacturing and analysis of new

functional thin film materials, characterised by: na-

nocrystalline structure; unique mechanical, optical and

electrical properties. Particularly, transparent thin films

of oxides with simultaneously semiconducting or con-

ducting properties are manufactured and investigated

for the purpose of ‘transparent electronics’ and for op-

tically active sensors applications. the scope includes

also studies of electrical properties of aiiiBV, aiiiBV-n,

aiiin semiconductor compounds and sic structures.

the studies provide essential information on: identifi-

cation of defects, determination of fundamental physi-

cal properties, energy structure of defects.


the division has at one’s disposal four scientific-research

laboratories: laboratory of thin Films, laboratory of

optical-Electrical diagnostics of nanomaterials, labo-

ratory of thin-film sensors, laboratory of deep-level

defects spectroscopy, which are equipped in:

• workstation for vacuous deposition of thin films,

Pls 5704 hV, Pfeiffer

• workstation for measurements of optical proper-

ties by transmission and reflection methods

• workstation for investigation of antistatic proper-

ties of materials equipped with Jci field meter

• i-V Keithley 4200-scs with M-100/Ers-72 cascade

Microtech probe station

• agilent 4294a impedance analyzer

• taylor-hobson optical profiler, talysurf cci

• deep level spectrometer, dls -82E, semitrap

• workstation for measurements of electrical proper-

ties of semiconductors, i-V (sMu Keithley 2601a)

and c-V (Boonton 7200) characteristics

• workstation for measurements of electrically active

defects by means of dlts method (standard and

laplace dlts )


• Jagiellonian university, institute of Geological sci-

ence, Krakow

• institute of Electrotechnics, Warsaw, division in


• institute of Physics, Polish academy of science,


• Brandenburg university of technology, cottbus,


• industrial institute of Electronics, Warsaw


• Properties of nanocrystalline gasochromic thin

films based on tio and the concept of optical gas

sensor, 2011-2013

• analysis of electrical properties of transparent mixed

ti-V oxides deposited on silicon substrate, 2011-2013

• analysis of optical properties in conjunction with sur-

face properties of tio thin films doped with terbium

division of Metrology of Micro- and nanostructures

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• reliability in microelectronic packaging

• designing and prototyping computer-controlled

measurement systems for reliability tests

• solder and adhesive joints reliability in surface

Mount technology (sMt) – numerical prediction

and testing

• numerical prototyping of microelectronic com-

ponents and micro-system packages

• nanocomposites and electrically conductive

microstructures for printed electronics

• thermally conductive composites with nano-

and micro-fillers

• heat transfer modelling in molecular- and bulk-

scale domain

• technology for electronic devices manufacturing

- design and optimization

• Packaging and recycling of materials oriented to

green electronics


the division’s laboratory for interconnecting and

Packaging of Electronic circuits (liPEc) is among

others equipped with:

• stencil printer

• semi-automatic pick-and place system

• ionic contamination measurement system

• X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

• Polarizing microscope

• climatic chamber

• tensile machine

• Vibration exciter

• infrared camera

• thermal conductivity measurement system

• nanofocus X-ray inspection system and comput-

ed tomography

• system for solder and adhesive joints reliability



• FraunhoFEr research institution for Electro-

nic nano systems Enas chemnitz (Germany)

• calcE Electronic Products and system center

• university of Maryland (usa)


• application of adhesives in modern electronic

packages and assemblies (adhesives in Electro-


• novel nano composite polymers and joining

technologies for reliable and efficient assembly

of electronic components (nanoJoininG)

• innovative thermo-mechanical prediction and

optimisation methods for virtual prototyping of

miniaturised packages and assemblies (MEVi-


• downscaled assembly of Vertically interconnect-

ed devices (daVid)


• thick film and ltcc (low temperature cofired

ceramics) microelectronic technologies

• application of the ltcc modules in optoelectro-

nics, microsystems and microwave devices

• Miniaturization and integration of the electronic

components and sensors in 3d ltcc modules

• synthesis of the materials for chemical sensor ap-


• investigation of the electrochemical sensors

• design, measurements and analysis of photonics

devices (optical fibers, optical waveguides, pho-

tonic crystals, optical-bandgap materials etc.)


• screen printers (dEK 1202, aurel Vs 1520a)

• laser system naVs 30

• Flip chip assembly device (Fc300 cammax Pre-

cima ltd)

• tunnel oven (Btu Qa41-6-54)

• chamber oven naberthem (1600oc)

• cnc milling machine

• Gas sensor diagnostic system (gas analyser Ftir

dX4015 Gasmet, sMu 2400 Keithley, Fra1260

solartron / schlumberger, 34970a agilent).

• Profilers (optical and mechanical, taylor-hob-


• Ellipsometers (spectral ellipsometer, single beam


• laser systems (350 nm, tunable 1530-1630 nm,

pulsed nd:yaG, argon and other)


• the European institute of Piezoelectric Materials

and devices

• Josef stefan institute, slovenia

• Wrocław Medical university

• Wrocław university of Environmental and life


• aGh university of science and technology

• institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engi-

neering Polish academy of sciences, Warsaw


• detectors and sensors for measuring the factors

that are risks to the environment-modelling and

monitoring of risks, Eu project, 2008-2012

• rolled multi material layered 3d shaping tech-

nology, MultilayEr, FP7 Project ict large-

scale iP

• Fabrication and characterization of passive com-

ponents for low- and high-temperature electronics

• technology and properties of integrated ltcc


Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

laboratory for interconnecting and Packaging Electronic circuits – liPEc division of Microsystems and Photonics

Division of Microsystems and Photonics consists of 3 Laborato-

ries. LTCC (Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics) multilayer mo-

dules are investigated in Thick Film Microsystems Laboratory.

It is possible to make 3D microstructures with integrated elec-

tronic components, sensors and actuators. Chemical Sensors

and Nanomaterials Laboratory investigates synthesis of the ma-

terials for chemical sensor application. Photonics Laboratory is

interesting in design, measurements and analysis of photonics

devices (optical fibers, optical waveguides, photonic crystals,

optical-bandgap materials etc.).

Head of Division

Prof. Leszek Golonka

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• development of microsystems and micro-mech-

anisms by microengineering methods

• solid state surface nanoengineering and nano-


• Vacuum nano- and microelectronics

• Microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip systems and analyti-

cal microsystems

• “intelligent” microreactors, chemical microde-

vices, sensors and systems

• Micromechanical sensors for physical, chemical

and biological measurements

• a computer controlled single-purpose embed-

ded systems

• Photovoltaic systems, environment impact on

photovoltaic systems

• Modelling and long-term predicting of photovol-

taic systems parameters

• Modelling of microsystems by coMsol platform


the division has two laboratories: Microengineer-

ing laboratory (MEMslab, www.memslab.eu), Pho-

tovoltaics laboratory (solarlab, www.solarlab.pl),

which are equipped with:

• clean-room facilities for micromachining of silicon

and glass and fabrication of silicon/glass microsystems

• Multilayer, controlled atmosphere anodic bonding


• apparatus for plasma-based micromachining of

thin films

• apparatus for monitoring of on- and off-grid

photovoltaic systems


• université de Franché-comte, cnrs, FEMto-

st, France

• université det neuchâtel, switzerland

• danish technical university, denmark

• Fraunhofer intitutes: ict Karslruhe, iPMs dres-

den, Germany

• dottikon Exclusive synthesis aG, switzerland

• ikerlan, spain

• Biosensi, ireland

• oscilloquartz –swatch Group, switzerland

• sEas Getter, italy

• institute of Electron technology, Poland

• the Genaral Karol Kaczkowski Military institute

of hygiene and Epidemiology, Poland

• Poznań life science university, Poland

• institute of immunology and Experimental thera-

py of Polish academy of sciences, Poland


• laBonFoil – laboratory skin Patches and

smartcards based on foils and compatible with

a smartphone (Eu FP7)

• Mac-tFc – MEMs atomic clocks for timing,

Frequency control & communications (Eu FP 7)

• aPoZar – diagnostic instrumentation for cheap

and fast quality assessment of bovine embryos

(Eu project)

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics

division of Microengineering and Photovoltaics


















F-2 F-3







C-4 C-3
















A-2 B-1B-3














A-6 A-7









ul. J. Chełmońskiego

ul. Gdańska ul. B. Prusa

pl. Teatralny

ul. Długa



ul. E. Wittiga

ul. Grunwaldzkaul. Braci Gierymskich


Wrocław university of technology

Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics

11/17 Z. Janiszewskiego st.

50-372 Wrocław

Building c-2 (entrance through building c-1)


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[email protected] www.wemif.pwr.wroc.pl

Faculty oF MicrosystEM ElEctronics and Photonics