Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining · 2 3 our Faculty‘s ProFile Our Faculty of...


Transcript of Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining · 2 3 our Faculty‘s ProFile Our Faculty of...

Page 1: Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining · 2 3 our Faculty‘s ProFile Our Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining unites a unique and wide range of competences,

Faculty oF Geosciences, GeoenGineerinG and MininG





Page 2: Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining · 2 3 our Faculty‘s ProFile Our Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining unites a unique and wide range of competences,

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our Faculty‘s ProFile

Our Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining unites a unique and wide range of competences, resulting in linked teaching and research activities.

Our logo “GRIPS” stands for: GeO: reSOuRceS, inFORMatIOn, and PROceSSeS OF sySteM eaRth.

the combination of the geo-disciplines with physics, chemistry, mathematics, (micro)biology, mechanical engineering, process engineering, material science and economics is distinctive. Our profile, particularly in Applied Geosciences, results in a wide international recognition. the German Science Foundation (dFG) entrusts Freiberg with its reference libraries for geology, mineralogy, petrography, and soil science and for mining, smelting, and geodesy, making it europe’s most powerful Geo-reference library. With the Saxon Mining authority (Oberberg-amt), the State agency for environment, agriculture and Geology (LfuLG), the Geo-com-petence centre (GKZ), and about 50 geo-consultants and enterprises, Freiberg houses an exclusive array of science, administration and enterprises.

Materials—Geosciences—enerGy—enVironMentthese four core themes emerged from traditional areas of competence in the geosciences, mining and metallurgy and determine our teaching and research. Within the World‘s oldest Mining Academy, founded in 1765, our faculty today is one of the most diversified and strongest geoscience faculties in Germany.

Our students benefit from:■ the finest geo-related library nation-wide■ a productive combination of geosciences and geo-engineering■ a university owned industry-scale mine (ag-cu-Pb-Zn) for training and research■ educational and research collections■ regular top ranking in student satisfaction assessment■ substantial acquisition of third-party funds for doctoral students, post-docs and

additional technicians■ state-of-the-art technical and laboratory infrastructure

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study oPtions

Geoscience and GeoenGineerinG study ProGraMs degree Semesters German english

▪ Geoecology (earth System Science) B.Sc. 6 ■ M.Sc.1 4 ■ ■▪ Geoinformatics and Geophysics B.Sc. 6 ■ M.Sc.1 4 ■ ▪ Geology and Mineralogy B.Sc. 6 ■▪ Geosciences M.Sc.1 4 ■ ■▪ Geotechnical engineering and Mining diplom4 9 ■ ▪ Mine Surveying and applied Geodesy diplom4 10 ■

international Master ProGraMs▪ Sustainable Mining and Remediation Management M.Sc.3 3 ■

(tuition: 5000 € per semester)▪ International Master of Geoscience M.Sc.2 4 ■ (tuition: 2000 € per semester)▪ International Master Groundwater Management M.Sc.2 4 ■ (no tuition fees)

a ranGe oF oPPortunities

Freiberg offers the full range of options – from Bachelor via Master and the traditional diplom to doctoral studies (Phd) and post-doc experience. Bachelor students usually take up their studies in the winter term (October) each year. applications are then due latest in September. International students are requested to apply long before to reduce bureaucratic hurdles.

our track record

Our Faculty currently has about 1,400 full time students with 393 new inscriptions (2012) and a fine teacher-to-student ratio. We are known for a competitive and successful study environment that allows ambi- tious students to finalize their studies within the standard study periods. On the long-term average, a 100 students leave the Faculty each year with degrees (2012: 192). On top of that, about 20 Phd and Post-docs successfully defend their work each year and pursue careers.

1 a consecutive Master of science (M.sc.) program builds on a previously completed bachelor’s program in the same field. It allows students to deepen and broaden the knowledge and skills previously acquired.

2 a non-consecutive M.sc. program requires a bachelor’s degree, but provides the chance to acquire knowledge and broaden skills in a new field.

3 a professional Master’s program requires—in addition to a first degree—1 year related practical work experience.

4 traditional German diplom, equivalent to M.eng./M.Sc.

deGrees with Versatility

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research directions at a Glance

institute oF MininG and sPecial ciVil enGineerinG

Structural design and concrete Structures – Prof. dr.-Ing. Frank dahlhausSurface Mining – Prof. dr. carsten drebenstedtRemediation Mining – Pd dr.-Ing. dietmar Grießl (Guest Professor)Mine Water Management and dewatering – dr.-Ing. nils hothSoil engineering and Special civil engineering – Prof. dr.-Ing. Wolfram Kudladeep underground Mining – Prof. dr.-Ing. helmut MischoMining Safety and Licensing – dr.-Ing. Reinhard Schmidt (honorary Professor)

institute oF drillinG technoloGy and Fluid MininG

Geofluids, Materials Handling and Storage Technology – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohammed Amrodrilling technology, equipment and Mining Machines – Prof. dr.-Ing. Matthias ReichSoil and Water conservation – Prof. dr. Jürgen SchmidtGeofluids Modelling – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Wagner

institute oF Geotechnics

Soil Mechanics, Geotechnics and Soil engineering – Prof. dr.-Ing. herbert KlapperichRock Mechanics and Construction – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Konietzkyengineering Geology – dr. Günther Meier, detlev tonderaFoundation engineering – Pd dr.-Ing. Peter andreas v. Wolffersdorff (Guest Professor)

institute For Mine surVeyinG and Geodesy

Mine Surveying and Subsidence engineering – Prof. dr.-Ing. anton Sroka

Photo: Eckardt Mildner

institute oF GeoloGy

General and Historical Geology – Prof. Dr. Christoph BreitkreuzMicropalaeontology and Palaeoecology – Prof. dr. Olaf elickiunderground Remediation – Pd dr. helmut Geistlinger (Guest Professor)Remote Sensing – dr. Richard Gloaguenhydrogeology – Prof. dr. Broder Merkeltectonophysics – Prof. dr. Lothar RatschbacherPalaeontology – Prof. dr. Jörg W. SchneiderRegional Geology – Prof. dr. Klaus-Peter Stanekcoal Geology, Oil and Gas Geology – Prof. dr. norbert Volkmann

institute oF MineraloGy

Technical Mineralogy – Prof. Dr. Jens GötzeMineral Resources and Petrology – Prof. Dr. Jens GutzmerGeneral and applied Mineralogy – Prof. dr. Gerhard heideGeochemistry and Geoecology – Prof. dr. Jörg MatschullatPedogeochemistry and urban Geochemistry – Pd dr. Stefan norra (Guest Professor)Petrology – Prof. Dr. Bernhard SchulzMineral Resources – Prof. dr. thomas SeifertIsotope Geochemistry and Geochronology – Prof. dr. Marion tichomirowa

institute oF GeoPhysics and GeoinForMatics

Prospection Geophysics, Seismics – Prof. dr. Stefan BuskeMathematical Geology and Geoinformatics – Prof. dr. helmut SchaebenApplied Geophysics/Electromagnetic Techniques – Prof. Dr. Klaus Spitzer

Photo: Detlev Mueller

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1 Institute of Mineralogy GeoscientificCollections InterdisciplinaryEnvironmentalResearchCentre(IÖZ) Abraham Gottlob Werner Building Brennhausgasse 142 AlteElisabeth(exhibitionmine) Fuchsmühlenweg33 AlteMensa(hall) Petersstraße54 Audimax(auditorium) Winklerstraße245 Lessingstraßearea Lessingstraße456 Institute of Mineralogy GeoscientificCollections Brennhausgasse57 ClemensWinklerBuilding LeipzigerStraße298 ErichRammlerBuilding LeipzigerStraße289 GellertBuilding LeipzigerStraße2310 Gustav-Zeuner-Straße311 Moulding/shapingtechnologyhall Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße412 Metallurgyhall Gustav-Zeuner-Straße513 Silicatetechnologyhall Agricolastraße1714 Institute of Geotechnics Helmut-Härtig-Building Gustav-Zeuner-Straße115 InstituteofGeology GeoscientificCollections HumboldtBuilding Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße216 JuliusWeisbachBuilding Lampadiusstraße417 KarlKegelBuilding Agricolastraße1

18 Kindergarden–StudentServices Hornmühlenweg419 LampadiusBuilding Gustav-Zeuner-Straße720 LedeburBuilding LeipzigerStraße3422 Mensa,Cafeteria/Canteen Agricolastraße10a23 InstituteofGeology Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics DeansOffice,FacultyofGeosciences,GeoengineeringandMining OttoMeißerBuilding Gustav-Zeuner-Straße1224 Physicslecturehall Silbermannstraße125 InstituteforMineSurveyingandGeodesy Lithothek(rockcollection) ReicheZeche(teaching/experimentalmine) Fuchsmühlenweg926 “terramineralia”andKrügerHouse –GeoscientificCollections FreudensteinCastle Schlossplatz427 Studentresidences Agricolastraße14/16, Winklerstraße12-2228 InstituteofMiningandSpecialCivilEngineering Surfaceminingtechnicallab Gustav-Zeuner-Straße1a29 Universitylibrary Agricolastraße1030 Universitymainadministration Akademiestraße631 Universitycomputingcentre Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße132 InstituteofDrillingTechnologyandFluidMining WernerArnoldBuilding Agricolastraße22

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