1. COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR 2. DISPOSITION OF THE MINUTES October 1, 2009 Page. 3 (Attach. 2) 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF October 1, 2009 4. MATTERS FORWARDED FOR INFORMATION 4.1. Statement of Intent: Doctorate of Psychology (PsyD) in Clinical Health Psychology was submitted to COPSE in November 2009. 4.2. Master of Fine Art has been approved for implementation effective September 2010. 4.3. Executive Committee Report on Course & Curriculum Changes October 28, 2009 Page.12 Items fast tracked to Senate (or SPPC where the net credit hours changed > 9 CHS) (Attach. 3) i) Dept. of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning: Course modification Page.12 4.4. Executive Committee Report on Course & Curriculum Changes January 26, 2010 Page.13 Items fast tracked to Senate (or SPPC where the net credit hours changed > 9 CHS) (Attach. 4) i) Asper School of Business: Course modification Page.13 ii) Masters of Physician Assistant Studies program: Course deletions and introductions Page.13 iii) Dept. of Family Social Sciences: Course introductions Page.13 iv) Dept. of Human Anatomy & Cell Science: Course deletion and introduction Page.14 v) Dept. of Oral Biology: Course introductions Page.14 vi) Deletion of Lapsed Courses Page.14 4.5. Executive Committee Report on Course & Curriculum Changes February 17, 2010 Page.17 Items fast tracked to Senate (or SPPC where the net credit hours changed > 9 CHS) (Attach. 5) i) Dept. of Psychology: Course deletions and introductions Page.17 ii) Department of Philosophy: Course introductions Page.17 iii) Faculty of Nursing: Course modification Page.17 5. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE EXECUTIVE CTTE. OF FGS: 5.1. Executive Committee Report on Regulation Changes October 28, 2009 Page.18 (Attach. 6) Recommendations: i) Section 4.2: [Master’s]: Thesis/Practicum Examination Procedures Oral Examination; and Section 5.2: [Ph.D.] Thesis Examination Procedures Oral Examination Page.18 ii) Section 4.2: [Master’s] Thesis/Practicum Examination Procedures – Final Approval/Rejection; and Section 5.2: [Ph.D.] Thesis Examination Procedures Report of the Committee Page.18 iii) Section 5: General Regulations: Ph.D. - Advance Credit Page.18 FACULTY COUNCIL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 9:30 a.m. Senate Chambers, E3 262 EITC



2. DISPOSITION OF THE MINUTES – October 1, 2009 Page. 3

(Attach. 2)



4.1. Statement of Intent: Doctorate of Psychology (PsyD) in Clinical Health Psychology was

submitted to COPSE in November 2009.

4.2. Master of Fine Art has been approved for implementation effective September 2010.

4.3. Executive Committee Report on Course & Curriculum Changes – October 28, 2009 Page.12

Items fast tracked to Senate (or SPPC where the net credit hours changed > 9 CHS)

(Attach. 3)

i) Dept. of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning: Course modification Page.12

4.4. Executive Committee Report on Course & Curriculum Changes – January 26, 2010 Page.13

Items fast tracked to Senate (or SPPC where the net credit hours changed > 9 CHS)

(Attach. 4)

i) Asper School of Business: Course modification Page.13

ii) Masters of Physician Assistant Studies program: Course deletions and introductions Page.13

iii) Dept. of Family Social Sciences: Course introductions Page.13

iv) Dept. of Human Anatomy & Cell Science: Course deletion and introduction Page.14

v) Dept. of Oral Biology: Course introductions Page.14

vi) Deletion of Lapsed Courses Page.14

4.5. Executive Committee Report on Course & Curriculum Changes – February 17, 2010 Page.17

Items fast tracked to Senate (or SPPC where the net credit hours changed > 9 CHS)

(Attach. 5)

i) Dept. of Psychology: Course deletions and introductions Page.17

ii) Department of Philosophy: Course introductions Page.17

iii) Faculty of Nursing: Course modification Page.17


5.1. Executive Committee Report on Regulation Changes – October 28, 2009 Page.18

(Attach. 6)


i) Section 4.2: [Master’s]: Thesis/Practicum Examination Procedures – Oral Examination; and Section 5.2: [Ph.D.] Thesis Examination Procedures – Oral Examination Page.18

ii) Section 4.2: [Master’s] Thesis/Practicum Examination Procedures – Final Approval/Rejection; and Section 5.2: [Ph.D.] Thesis Examination Procedures – Report of the Committee Page.18

iii) Section 5: General Regulations: Ph.D. - Advance Credit Page.18


Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 9:30 a.m.

Senate Chambers, E3 – 262 EITC

Text Box
Attach. 1

5.2. Executive Committee Report on Program & Curriculum Changes – January 26, 2010 Page.22

(Attach. 7)


i) Family Social Sciences: Increased credit hours Page.22

ii) Dept. of Landscape Architecture: Course deletions and introductions Page.23

(Attach. 8)

iii) Faculty of Dentistry: Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Registry Check Page.105

(Attach. 9)

5.3. Executive Committee Report on Program and Curriculum Changes – February 17, 2010 Page.107

(Attach. 10)

i) Sociology: Increased credit hours Page 107

ii) Master of Fine Art: Course deletions and introductions Page 107



REGRETS: Pam Yarushinsky; 474-8089, [email protected]

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009


October 1, 2009, 2:00 p.m., Senate Chambers, E3 – 262 EITC


Present: Doering, J. (Chair) Adams, K. Albensi, B. Atleo, M. Aukema, H. Ballance, M. (for M. Pritchard) Bhatnagar, N. Buse, C. (HGSA) Carlberg, J. Chen, Y. Edwards, M. Eigenbrod, R. El Salakwy, E. Etcheverry, E. Fedirchuk, B. Ferguson, L. Frederiksen, A. (for N. Chow) Gericke, M. (for G. Gwinner) Halonen, D. Heckman, G. Hegmann, T. Hudson, I. Jiang, J. (for B. Brown) Johnson, B. Koper, N. Kroeger, E. Lawall, M. Leboe, J. MacNeil, B. Manga, D. McClement, S. Moroz, D. Morrill, J. Muller, A. Pind, S.N. Porter, M. Prentice, S. Redhu, N. Sabouni, A. (GSA) Scanlon, M. Shay, B. Stasolla, C. Wiltshire, B. Wojnarski, K.

Guests: James, Steve (Management) Mondor, Todd (Psychology)


Anderson, G. Axworthy, C. Bjarnadottir, B. Bruce, S. Brule-Babel, A. Buchanan, D. Byrne, S. Calder, A. Cameron, H. Collins, D. Crooks, D. Fowke, K. Galloway, T.D. Gardiner, P. Graham, P. Halas, J. Halden, N. Hann. B. Hansen, N. Hanson, M. Hassard, T. Hershcovis, S. Jaeger, S. Jensen, K. Kopotun, K. Kouritzin, S. Lutfiyya, Z. Milne, B. Morrison, J. Powell, C. Rivard, L. Sandham, D. Scanlan, J. Sorensen, J. Thompson, S. Wight, I.


Alexander, M. Alexandrin, E. Arthur, G. Bergen, H. Brownlie, R.J. Chalmers, L. Churchill, D. Czubryt, M. Dawe, E. Deane, L. Elgazzar, R. Ellison, C. ELMekkawy, T.

Absent Cont’d: Eskin, M. Feltham, G. Forget, E. Frankel, H. Golsalves, L. Greenfield, H. Iacopina, A. Irani, P. Joyal, M. Kirouac, G. Krause, D. Landrum, L. Lecce, S. Lekic, C. Litz, R. Lobb, D. LoVetri, J. Mallory-Hill, S. Mani, P. Marshall, A. Mason, R. Matthews, M. McArthur, N. Mignone, J. Milgrom, R. Morin, F. Namaka, M. Oduntan, I. Oresnik, I. Papakyriakou, T. Paterson, P. Piercey-Normore, M. Ratuski, S. Russell, K. Ruth, D. Seifert, K. Sepehri, N. Sevenhuysen, G. Simons, K. St. Martin, A. Stadnyk, T. Trevan, M. Turner, N. Van Vliet, D. Wener, P. West, M. Whitmore, M. Wiens, J. Wilson, R. Witty, D. Yao, X. Zhong, W.

Text Box
Attach. 2

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009 (/py) 2


The Chair welcomed all members and reminded speakers to state his/her name and affiliation when recognized by the Chair.


The following correction was noted: (Underline indicates added text, strikethrough indicates deleted text)

Under 5.2.d: The Motion should state “ALUKO/COOMBS THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies recommends that the proposed Ph.D. in Food Science Human & Nutritional Sciences be forwarded to Senate for approval.”

MOTION: PRENTICE / MORRILL THAT the Minutes of May 21, 2009 be approved with the above noted correction.






4.1.1. DISCIPLINE Academic Dishonesty:

Offense: plagiarism in paper (1 student) Penalty: "0" on assignment (result is F in course); transcript comment (min. 6 months); research paper on plagiarism; apology; replace with equivalent course Note: Mitigating Factor(s): Misunderstood specifics regarding proper citation. Offense: academic dishonesty in paper (1 student) Penalty: "0" on assignment (result is B+ in course); transcript comment (min. 9 months); research paper on academic dishonesty; apology; complete new assignment for no credit; not able to graduate until after April 2010 Note: Aggravating Factor(s): Used a significant amount of an answer to a question provided by a former student and neither sufficiently modified the answer nor acknowledged the source of the answer

Offense: academic dishonesty in paper (1 student) Penalty: "0" on assignment (result is C+ in course); transcript comment (min. 9 months); research paper on academic

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009 (/py) 3

dishonesty; apology; complete new assignment for no credit, not able to graduate until after April 2010 Note: Aggravating Factor(s): Used a significant amount of an answer to a question provided by a former student and neither sufficiently modified the answer nor acknowledged the source of the answer

Offense: plagiarism in take-home exam (1 student) Penalty: "0" on exam (result is F in course); transcript comment (min. 9 months); research paper on academic dishonesty; apology; repeat same course Note: Mitigating Factor(s): Misunderstood specifics regarding proper citation

Offense: plagiarism in paper (1 student) Penalty: "0" on assignment (result is F in course); transcript comment (min. 9 months); research paper on plagiarism; complete course on research writing; apology; repeat or replace with equivalent course Note: Mitigating Factor(s): Misunderstood specifics regarding proper citation

4.2. Executive Committee Report on Course & Curriculum Changes – June 10,


A summary of courses fast tracked to Senate was circulated to the membership for information only:

Course modifications and introductions were received from the Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning.

Course introductions were received from Natural Resources Institute and Department of Environment and Geography.

4.3. Executive Committee Report on Course & Curriculum Changes – September

17, 2009

A summary of courses fast tracked to Senate was circulated to the membership for information only:

Course deletions and introductions were received from Asper School MBA.

Course deletions, introductions, and modifications were received from the Department of Economics.

Course deletions and introductions were received from the Department of History.

Course deletions, introductions, and modifications were received from the Department of Psychology.

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009 (/py) 4


5.1. Executive Committee Report on Program & Curriculum Changes – June 10, 2009

5.1.1. Biomedical Engineering – proposed M.Sc. and Ph.D.:

No discussion arose.

MOTION: KROEGER / SABOUNI THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies endorse the proposed M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and recommends that it be forwarded to Senate for approval.


5.1.2. MBA & MPA – proposed joint “Business-Government Relations”

concentration: No discussion arose.

MOTION: MORRILL / ATLEO THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies endorse the proposed joint “Business-Government Relations” concentration between MBA & MPA and recommends that it be forwarded to Senate for approval.


5.1.3. MBA & CMA – proposed “Management Accounting” concentration: No discussion arose.

MOTION: MORRILL / PORTER THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies endorses the proposed “Management Accounting” concentration between MBA & CMA and recommends that it be forwarded to Senate for approval.


5.2. Executive Committee Report on Program & Curriculum Changes – September 17, 2009

5.2.1. Dentistry – Proposed M.Sc. Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry:

A committee member commented that this program is an important initiative for the aboriginal community. MOTION: WILTSHIRE / ETCHEVERRY THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies endorse the proposed M.Sc. Dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry and recommends that it be forwarded to Senate for approval.


Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009 (/py) 5

5.2.2. Dept. of Philosophy – Changes to comprehensive examination:

The proposed changes are in response to an external review completed in 2006. The Department of Philosophy proposes to eliminate its comprehensive examination route in the MA program and introduce two new routes: a coursework only route, and a coursework plus two research papers route. The number of credit hours required for the thesis route will increase from 12 to 15; and non-thesis students will be required to take all courses at the 3000 level or above. J. Doering commented that he has indicated to the Department of Philosophy that he would encourage students to be counselled that from a Faculty of Graduate Studies perspective, option “a” would tend to be viewed by Canadian universities as a terminal degree, option “b” less so, and option “c” would be a traditional research-based Masters. MOTION: LAWALL / PRENTICE THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies endorse the Department of Philosophy changes to comprehensive examination and recommends that it be forwarded to Senate for approval.


5.2.3. Dept. of Psychology – Curriculum changes for M.A. and Ph.D.:

The purpose for the changes is to improve programs and to address external reviewer concerns. MOTION: LAWALL / ATLEO THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies endorse the Department of Psychology curriculum changes for M.A. and Ph.D. and recommends that it be forwarded to Senate for approval.


5.3. Executive Committee Report on Regulation Changes – September 17, 2009

5.3.1. Guidelines & Policy Committee – Changes to terms of reference:

The revisions to the Terms of Reference are due to the unavailability of a CHERD representative to hold membership on the committee. A representative from the Department of Education is being sought and will need to be approved by the Executive Committee. MOTION: PORTER / ETCHEVERRY THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies approves the changes to the Guidelines & Policy Committee terms of reference.


5.3.2. Academic Guide – General Regulations, Master’s Admission:

J. Doering provided the following background information for Bologna:

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009 (/py) 6

In 1999, Ministers of education and university leaders from 29 countries agreed to create a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by 2010. Bologna was brought in for the following reasons:

1. Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees

2. Adoptions of a system essentially based on two cycles

3. Establishment of a system of credits

4. Promotion of mobility

5. Promotion of European cooperation in quality assurance

6. Promotion of the European dimension in higher education

7. Lifelong learning

8. Higher education institutions and students

The purpose for Bologna and EHEA was to improve international competitiveness of the European workforce and to promote a strong European identity within the EU and around the world. To-date, 46 signatory countries involving 5100 institutes and 31 million students have revamped their educational programs.

As a consequence of the Bologna process opportunities exist:

By recognizing the new Bologna undergraduate degrees we could expand the pool of potential graduate students for departments to consider.

By accepting the ECTS credits as a basis for recognizing elective credits, on a pass/fail basis, we could simplify study abroad process for our undergraduate students.

By becoming more engaged with European University Networks we could expand the opportunities for partnerships involving both faculty and students from the University of Manitoba.

J. Doering commented that the majority of Canadian universities have been accepting Bologna compliant degrees unofficially. York was the first Canadian University to formalize the acceptance of Bologna-compliant degrees. Dr. R. Kerr was tasked to review the Bologna process for the University of Manitoba. Information was presented to Provost Council and recommendations were made that the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies accept first-cycle Bologna compliant degrees based on the recommendations of Dr. Kerr and Provost Council. Students with Bologna compliant degrees will be eligible to be considered for direct admission; having a first-cycle Bologna compliant degree doesn’t guarantee acceptance.

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009 (/py) 7

MOTION: ATLEO / ETCHEVERRY THAT the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies endorse the changes to the Academic Guide General Regulations for Master’s Admission and recommends that it be forwarded to Senate for approval.


5.3.3. Academic Guide: Section 4.1: [Master’s] Thesis and Practicum Regulations:

5.3.4. Academic Guide: Section 5.1: Thesis Regulations, Ph.D.:

The proposal is to make the electronic copy of thesis the official copy for the Faculty of Graduate Studies and to have one bound paper copy preserved in the library. J. Doering commented that many universities are moving to a requirement that theses be submitted electronically. The library recently did a study and found that on average, for every one time a thesis is taken off the shelf, it gets hundreds of hits in M-Space. The benefits of posting a thesis in M-Space include:

Available worldwide in full-text to everyone

Can be found through Google

More citations, higher impact

Easier to share research, promote your work (include e-thesis URL in emails, personal Web site, CV)

Cheaper M-Space is an information repository owned by the University of Manitoba. It does more than capture theses. A student can deposit published papers, images, and imbedded audio and video files within documents. A subscription is not required to use M-Space. A student applies to M-Space to get permission to upload their thesis, Faculty of Graduate Studies grants permission to release the thesis, and the library then releases it. .Comments from committee members include:

A committee member asked if there was a time limit for how long a student’s thesis could be blocked. J. Doering responded that the thesis can be held for up to two years unless there is a compelling reason to hold it longer (i.e., patent issues).

A committee member asked if the University validates the authenticity of documents for plagiarism. J. Doering replied that students complete a form declaring their thesis meets all copyright requirements. Whatever rules apply to the paper version will apply to the electronic version. Student copyright forms are kept on file indefinitely.

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009 (/py) 8

A committee member commented that it would be nice to see a system where M-Space can check a thesis for plagiarism by running it through a bank of published literature.

A committee member questioned if Pro-Quest would be upset that students are using M-Space.

A committee member expressed a concern that students may be solicited by “people who want to rip them off”. Internet exposure increases the risk for e-theses being used in inappropriate ways such as plagiarism and solicitation for publishing it. K. Adams responded that the access to an e-thesis does pose some risk; however, she is not aware of any situations occurring thus far. So far submissions on M-Space have been strictly voluntary.

MOTION: SABOUNI / ADAMS THAT the Faculty of Graduate Studies endorse the changes to the Academic Guide, Section 4.1: [Master’s] Thesis and Practicum Regulations, and Section 5.1: Thesis Regulations: Ph.D. and recommends that they be forwarded to Senate for approval.

CARRIED. (3 abstentions noted)


6.1. TTC Committee

The Time to Completion committee met this week and a draft report will soon be ready to go to Provost.

6.2. Update on Committee to review reappointment of Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies

J. Doering met with Provost and has indicated his willingness to continue his appointment as Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies. A committee is in the process of being struck to review J. Doering’s continuance as Dean.

6.3. Update on recentralization of Admissions

J. Doering reported that it is anticipated that students will be able to apply on-line by December 1, 2009. There have been numerous changes to the FGS webapp server interface; the program will now allow units to address questions such as how many applications are pending scanning. In response to a committee member’s query about having a back-up plan in-the-event that the new system is not on-line by December 1, 2009, J. Doering indicated that things would work the same as they did last year. J. Doering commented that the conversion rate at the University of Manitoba is amongst the highest across Canada with approximately 77% of the offers we make converting to students registering. J. Doering noted

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies Minutes – October 1, 2009 (/py) 9

that while delays are a concern and need to be improved, we do not appear to be paying a price with respect to admission conversions.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Senate Chambers E3 – 262 EITC


The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.



Page 1 of 1

October 28, 2009

Report of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course and Curriculum Changes

Preamble 1. The Faculty of Graduate Studies has responsibility for all matters relating to the

submission of graduate course, curriculum and program changes. Recommendations for new programs or changes are submitted by the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies for the approval of Senate.

2. In October 2007, the Faculty of Graduate Studies approved a process of Streamlining

Course Introductions, Modifications, & Deletions which allows the Executive Committee to approve these changes in lieu of Faculty Council when the courses are not associated with a new program or program changes.

3. The Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee met on the above date to

consider course change(s) from the Dept. of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Education.

Observations 1. The Dept. of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Education proposes the

modification of one course, EDUB 7560 Theory and Practice of Curriculum Design and Development (3), to eliminate the prerequisite for this course.

Text Box
Attach. 3



Page 1 of 4

January 26, 2010

Report of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course and Curriculum Changes

Preamble 1. The Faculty of Graduate Studies has responsibility for all matters relating to the

submission of graduate course, curriculum and program changes. Recommendations for new programs or changes are submitted by the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies for the approval of Senate.

2. In October 2007, the Faculty of Graduate Studies approved a process of Streamlining

Course Introductions, Modifications, & Deletions which allows the Executive Committee to approve these changes in lieu of Faculty Council when the courses are not associated with a new program or program changes.

3. The Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee met on the above date to consider course change(s) from the Asper School of Business and Masters of Physician Assistant Studies program, and Depts. of Family Social Sciences, Human Anatomy & Cell Sciences, and Oral Biology.

4. The Senate-requested Deletion of Lapsed Courses was also considered. Several

observations were noted as below. Observations 1. The Asper School of Business proposes the modification of one course, MIS 7330

Theory of Information Systems (3) to add to the course description that the course is not offered every year.

2. The Masters of Physician Assistant Studies proposes the deletion of three courses,

PAEP 7062 Adult Medicine for Physician Assistants I (4), PAEP 7064 Adult Medicine for Physician Assistants II (4), PAEP 7066 Adult Medicine for Physician Assistants III (4), and the introduction of two courses PAEP 7070 Adult Medicine for Physician Assistants II (6) and PAEP 7068 Adult Medicine for Physician Assistants I(6). Previously, the Adult Medicine course sequence was delivered as three, 4-credit hour courses, but is proposed to be delivered as two, 6-credit hour courses to delay the introduction of this clinical material from semester 1 of year 1 to semester 2 of year 1 as the students are not ready for such intensive clinical material in their first semester.

3. The Dept. of Family Social Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, proposes the

introduction of two courses, FMLY 7002 Family Social Sciences Seminar I (0) and FMLY

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Attach. 4



Page 2 of 4

7004 Family Social Sciences Seminar II (0), to prompt students to commence working on the thesis earlier, during their first term in the department.

4. The Dept. of Human Anatomy & Cell Science, Faculty of Medicine, proposes the deletion

of one course, ANAT 7270 Neuroscience 1 (6), and the introduction of one course, ANAT 7260 Human Neuroanatomy (3), to focus specifically on Human Neuroanatomy and therefore attract a wider range of graduate students engaged in neuroscience research. (Note: existing course IMED 7100 teaches the fundamental principles of neuroscience, essentially “picking up” the curriculum dropped by ANAT 7270.)

5. The Dept. of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, proposes the introduction of two courses,

ORLB 7150 Mechanisms of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases (3) and ORLB 7160 Neurophysiology of Pain (3), due to research expertise in the department and the increasing interest of graduate students associated with the research and clinical based graduate program in Dentistry.

Deletion of Lapsed Courses 6. A list of courses not offered in the past five years was compiled by the Registrar’s Office

and distributed to faculties by the Office of The University Secretary on September 22, 2009.

7. Approx. 424 graduate level courses (6000 or higher) were identified by the Registrar’s Office as not having been offered in the past five years.

8. It was noted that units identified a number of reasons for wishing to keep courses on the list active:

a. Due to the research interests of existing or newly hired staff, several courses will be added to the teaching program in the near future;

b. Due to prospective program changes, it would be premature to delete several courses;

c. Due to upcoming program reviews, it would be premature to delete several courses;

d. Courses offered in rotation due to the varying specializations of annually admitted cohorts

9. The Committee did not grant two units their requests to retain specific courses:

a. One unit was not specific about when several courses would be offered again; b. One unit felt the need to retain several courses so that students admitted under

the old curriculum who are still in the program could access information about courses they took. The Committee denied this justification and relayed to the unit that graduate Calendars are archived and therefore keeping them in Aurora was unnecessary.



Page 3 of 4

10. Some units commented that the list provided by the Registrar’s Office in September

2009 contained some courses that had already been deleted or were currently in the process of being deleted.

11. Some units did not respond to the list distributed by the University Secretary despite a reminder email distributed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. These units’ courses were deleted.

Course Deletions: Faculty of Agric. and Food Sci. NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -3 Faculty of Architecture NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -1 Faculty of Arts NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -133 Faculty of Dentistry NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -4 Faculty of Education NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -10 Faculty of Engineering NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -7 Faculty of Env., Earth, & Res NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -12 Faculty of Graduate Studies NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -1



Page 4 of 4

Faculty of Human Ecology NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -12 Faculty of Kines. & Rec. Mgmt NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -7 Faculty of Management NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -27 Faculty of Medicine NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -15 Faculty of Music NET CHANGE IN COURSES: 0 Faculty of Science NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -28 Faculty of Social Work NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -5 School of Agriculture NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -1 School of Medical Rehab. NET CHANGE IN COURSES: -1



Page 1 of 1

February 17, 2010

Report of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Course and Curriculum Changes

Preamble 1. The Faculty of Graduate Studies has responsibility for all matters relating to the

submission of graduate course, curriculum and program changes. Recommendations for new programs or changes are submitted by the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies for the approval of Senate.

2. In October 2007, the Faculty of Graduate Studies approved a process of Streamlining

Course Introductions, Modifications, & Deletions which allows the Executive Committee to approve these changes in lieu of Faculty Council when the courses are not associated with a new program or program changes.

3. The Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee voted via email on the above

date to consider course change(s) from the Depts. of Psychology and Philosophy, and Faculty of Nursing.

Observations 1. The Dept. of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, proposes the deletion of two courses, PSYC

8150 Personality and Intellectual Assessment I (3) and PSYC 8160 Personality and Intellectual Assessment 2 (3), and the introduction of two courses, PSYC 7550 Intellectual and Cognitive Assessment (3) and PSYC 7560 Personality and Psychological Assessment (3), to essentially delete and reintroduce the courses with updated titles and course descriptions.

2. The Dept. of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, proposes the introduction of two courses, PHIL

7400 Independent Research Paper 1 (0) and PHIL 7410 Independent Research Paper 2 (0), to assist with the administration of the newly approved M.A. route in Philosophy, whereby students can opt to complete coursework plus two research papers towards the fulfillment of the M.A. degree.

3. The Faculty of Nursing proposes the modification of one course, NURS 7320 Philosophy of Nursing Science (3) to reflect a change in the course description.

Text Box
Attach. 5

October 28, 2009

Report of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Regulation Changes

Preamble 1. The Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) has responsibility for all matters relating to the

revising of the FGS Academic Guide. Recommendations for most academic changes are submitted by the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies for the approval of Senate.

2. The Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee met on the above date to

consider changes to:

i. SECTION 4.2: [Master’s] Thesis/Practicum Examination Procedures –

Oral Examination; and SECTION 5.2: [Ph.D.] Thesis Examination Procedures – Oral Examination

ii. SECTION 4.2: [Master’s] Thesis/Practicum Examination Procedures – Final Approval/Rejection; and SECTION 5.2: [Ph.D.] Thesis Examination Procedures – Report of the Committee

iii. SECTION 5: General Regulations: Ph.D. – Advance Credit

Observations 1. Master‟s and Ph.D. Oral Examination Sections: To explicitly state the expectation that all

members of the examining committee (or internal members at the Ph.D. level) be present at a student‟s oral defense.

2. Master‟s and Ph.D. Thesis Final Approval/Rejection Sections: To explicitly state at which

stages (or a combination of stages) a student can fail his/her thesis (practicum) and therefore be required to withdraw from the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

3. Ph.D. Advance Credit: This change prevents students from transferring in more than 50% of completed coursework taken at the University of Manitoba, e.g., taking additional courses at the Master‟s level and “banking them” for the Ph.D. The Master‟s section currently reflects this 50% rule.

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Attach. 6

Page 2 of 4


The Executive Committee recommends THAT: the regulation changes listed below be approved by FGS Council: [Note: Underlined items have been added to the section; strikethrough items have been deleted]

(1) 4.2 [Master’s] Thesis/Practicum Examination Procedures Oral Examination

Normally, students must pass an oral examination on the subject of the thesis/practicum and matters relating thereto. The form of the oral examination will be as prescribed by the Supplementary Regulations of the major department. The oral examination shall be open to all members of the University of Manitoba community except in exceptional cases. The oral ex-amination may be closed, for example, when the results of the thesis/ practicum research must be kept confidential for a period of time. In such cases, the examining committee and Department head shall recommend such action to the Dean of Graduate Studies who shall then approve that the final examination be closed to all but the examining committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies (or designate). It is expected that all members of the examining committee be present at the defense.

5.2 [Ph.D.] Thesis Examination Procedures Oral Examination

A student must pass an oral examination on the subject of the thesis and matters relating thereto before he/she may obtain the Ph.D. degree. An oral examination committee consisting of not fewer that four persons shall conduct the examination. One of these shall be the Dean of Graduate Studies or his/her representative (chosen from among senior scholars at this University) who shall be Chair. The other members shall normally be the thesis examiners. It is expected that all internal members of the examining committee be present at the defense.

(2) 4.2 Thesis/Practicum Examination Procedures Final Approval/Rejection

Following completion of the examination of the thesis/practicum, examiners will consider the oral examination and the written thesis/practicum to determine the nature of and procedures for approval of any revisions that will be required prior to submission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The advisor is normally responsible for ensuring that revisions are completed according to the instructions from the examining committee. The Faculty of Graduate Studies will accept

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the thesis/practicum only when it is submitted with a signed statement from the advisor that the required revision has been completed.

Note: A student whose Master‟s thesis or practicum has been rejected twice will be required to withdraw.

Note: A student will be required to withdraw when the Master‟s thesis or practicum has been rejected twice at the stage where:

a. The examining committee reports on the merits of the written thesis;

b. The defense; or

c. A combination of both stages.

5.2 Thesis Examination Procedures Report of the Committee

The final judgment of the examiners on the thesis and the oral examination shall be reported to the Dean of Graduate Studies in the terms „approved‟ or „unapproved‟. An approved verdict must be unanimous, and each examiner must indicate, by his/her signature, concurrent with the verdict. In the case of a failure for the thesis at the Ph.D. level, a detailed written report will be prepared by the Chair and made available to the candidate and also submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Note: A student who receives a failure on either the thesis or the oral examination twice shall be required to withdraw from the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Note: A student will be required to withdraw when the Ph.D. thesis has been rejected twice at the stage where:

a. The examining committee reports on the merits of the written thesis;

d. The defense; or

e. A combination of both stages.


Section 5: General Regulations: Ph.D. Advance Credit

Advance credit for courses completed prior to admission to a Ph.D. program will be considered on an individual basis. The student‟s major department makes the request to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by completion of the “Recommendation for Advance Credit (Transfer of Courses)” form.


1. Application for advance credit must be made within the first year of the program (see Lapse of Credit of Courses in this section).

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2. No more than half of the required course work for the program can be given advance credit from exterior institutions.

3. A course may not be used for credit toward more than one degree, diploma or certificate.

4. The student must register at the University of Manitoba for one academic year as a full-time student and must also complete the thesis at The University of Manitoba.

5. Regardless of the extent of advanced credit received, all students are required to pay the program fee.

January 26, 2010

Report of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Program and Curriculum Changes

Preamble 1. The Faculty of Graduate Studies has responsibility for all matters relating to the

submission of graduate course, curriculum and program changes. Recommendations for new programs or program changes are submitted by the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies for the approval of Senate.

2. The Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee met on the above date to

consider proposals from the Depts. of Landscape Architecture and Family Social Sciences and Faculty of Dentistry.

Observations 1. The Dept. of Family Social Sciences (FSS), Faculty of Human Ecology, proposes to

increase its minimum credit hour requirement in the M.Sc. from 18 to 21 due to increasing the statistics/research methods requirement from 6 to 9 credit hours. Two of the reasons FSS Master’s students often take longer than two years to complete their degrees are a delay in choosing a thesis topic and uncertainty in the area of statistics/research methods. FSS is addressing the matter of choosing a thesis topic by proposing a required seminar course (0 CH) that is designed to get students working on their thesis during his/her first term in the department. The increase in credit hours of statistics/research methods courses is to ensure students have the tools and developed skills to conduct their thesis research in a timely manner. Despite an increase in required coursework, this proposal will have a favorable impact on reducing time-to-completion.

2. The Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, proposes curriculum changes to the M.Land.Arch. program which encompasses seventeen (17) course deletions and ten (10) course introductions. This major program revision is in response to incremental changes in the University, discipline, and profession. It follows the introduction of the landscape plus urbanism two-year option in the undergraduate environmental design program. Please see Attach. 8.

3. The Faculty of Dentistry proposes that its clinical graduate programs add a requirement for an Adult Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Registry Check. Please see Attach. 9.

The Guidelines and Policy Committee felt that a university-wide policy on requiring record checks should be put in place.


The Executive Committee recommends THAT: the program changes from the units listed below be approved by FGS Council:

Dept. of Family Social Sciences Dept. of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Dentistry

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Attach. 7
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Attach. 8

Report to Dental Faculty Council concerning a proposal from the Committee for Selection (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics & Periodontics) for the Clinical Graduate Programs to add requirements for an adult criminal record check and a child abuse registry check to the admission and registration processes of the Faculty of Dentistry.


This policy proposal is similar to those of other health programs, including the Faculty of Medicine. Also, this proposed policy is compliant with the requirements of the Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) and other facilities in which Clinical Graduate Program participants are educated.


1. This proposed policy, if approved, will require that the Adult Criminal Record Check and the Child Abuse Registry Check be submitted by the time of initial registration to the Clinical Graduate Program and annually thereafter. Also, a signed self-declaration of previous adult criminal convictions or appearance on the Child Abuse Registry will be required at time of application to the Clinical Graduate Program.

2. Clinical Graduate Program participants who have adult criminal convictions which indicate they may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of children and others, and applicants who appear on the Child Abuse Registry as offenders, will be denied admission and registration.

3. The documents must be verified by the Committee for Selection (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics & Periodontics) after which they will be returned to the student, as the formal check documents are the property of the student.

4. An Adult Criminal Record Check application form can be obtained from the Winnipeg Police Service, Public Safety Building, 151 Princess St., Winnipeg, or at www.winnipeg.ca/police/bpr/info_request.stm#agencies, or from a local law enforcement agency. A Child Abuse Registry application form can be obtained from Child and Family Services, Child Protection, 201 - 114 Garry Street, Winnipeg, or at www.gov.mb.ca/fs/childfam/child_abuse_registry_form.html#form. The cost of these checks is the responsibility of the Clinical Graduate Program participant, a practice that is consistent with other programs where checks are required.

5. Although the Province of Manitoba notes on its webpage that for any individual applying for an unpaid position which involves the working with children, that the individual is to make his/her application “through the employer/agency as a fee exemption may apply”, the Faculty of Dentistry is requiring all Clinical Graduate Program participants to complete a Child Abuse Registry check directly through the Registry itself.

6. Clinical Graduate Program participants who appear on the Child Abuse Registry as offenders will be withdrawn from the program.

7. Any changes in a student’s status while in the Faculty of Dentistry, Clinical Graduate Program, during the time between annual checks, must be reported to the Program Director, who will then consult with the Faculty.

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Attach. 9


The Committee for Selection (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics & Periodontics) of the Clinical Graduate Program recommends that Dental Faculty Council approves the proposal for the Clinical Graduate Program participants:

1. to require all Clinical Graduate Program participants submit an Adult Criminal Records/Child Abuse Registry self-declaration form, and

2. to require all applicants accepted to the Faculty of Dentistry, Clinical Graduate Program submit and be cleared on a formal Adult Criminal Record check (including vulnerable sector screening) and a formal Child Abuse Registry check by the time of their initial registration and at subsequent annual re-registrations while in the Clinical Graduate Program.

3. After approval from Dental Faculty Council, this recommendation will be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for approval.

February 17, 2010

Report of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies on Program and Curriculum Changes


1. The Faculty of Graduate Studies has responsibility for all matters relating to the submission of graduate course, curriculum and program changes. Recommendations for new programs or program changes are submitted by the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies for the approval of Senate.

2. In October 2007, the Faculty of Graduate Studies approved a process of Streamlining Course Introductions, Modifications, & Deletions which allows the Executive Committee to approve these changes in lieu of Faculty Council when the courses are not associated with a new program or program changes.

3. The Faculty of Graduate Studies Executive Committee voted via email on the above date

to consider proposals from the Dept. of Sociology and the Master of Fine Art program.

Observations 1. The Dept. of Sociology proposes to increase the minimum required credit hours in the

M.A. from 12 to 18, with 3 credit hours to be a Sociology methods course and 3 hours to be an additional elective. The proposal stems from a recommendation in the department’s 2008 graduate program review and brings the course requirements more closely into line with major Canadian sociology programs (Toronto, Alberta, Carleton, Victoria, and Calgary; McMaster and UBC have even higher requirements). Students will be able to complete the 18 CHs of coursework in one year. Their education will be improved in the sense that they will have a wider range of course options. Students will also be able to begin the thesis phase of their work with a stronger set of methodological, substantive and analytic tools. They will thus be better positioned to move through the proposal preparation and presentation, data collection and analysis, and thesis finalization stages. The proposal will have either a neutral or positive effect on time-to-completion rates and requires no additional course development and therefore no additional resources.

2. The School of Art (Master of Fine Art program) proposes the deletion of nine courses,

STDO 6DDD Studio Concentration 1 (6), STDO 7DDD Studio Concentration 2 (6), STDO 6BBB Visiting Artist Program 1 (3), STDO 7BBB Visiting Artist Program 2 (3), STDO 6CCC Art Theory (3), STDO 7CCC Contemporary Art Theory (3), STDO 7EEE Cultural Studies in Studio Art (3), STDO 7FFF Interdisciplinary or Intermedia Studio (3), and STDO 7HHH Image and Word (3), and the introduction of six courses, STDO 7010 Studio Concentration 1 (3), STDO 7020 Studio Concentration 2 (3),

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STDO 7030 Studio Concentration 3 (3), STDO 7040 Studio Concentration 4 (3), STDO 7130 Graduate Seminar 3 (3), and STDO 7230 Contemporary Art Theory (3), to remove some of the spanned courses and review the curriculum for currency in the field as the MFA proposal first went to committee in 2005.


The Executive Committee recommends THAT: the program changes from the units listed below be approved by FGS Council:

Dept. of Sociology School of Art (Master of Fine Art)

Dept. of Sociology

Proposal to increase in credit hours as explained in the Observations section above. School of Art (Master of Fine Art) Course Deletions STDO 6DDD Studio Concentration 1 -6 STDO 7DDD Studio Concentration 2 -6 STDO 6BBB Visiting Artist Program 1 -3 STDO 7BBB Visiting Artist Program 2 -3 STDO 6CCC Art Theory -3 STDO 7CCC Contemporary Art Theory -3 STDO 7EEE Cultural Studies in Studio Art -3 STDO 7FFF Interdisciplinary or Intermedia Studio -3 STDO 7HHH Image and Word -3

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Course Introductions STDO 7010 Studio Concentration 1 +3 Advanced individual instruction and critique in the student’s chosen studio area by faculty and visiting artists. STDO 7020 Studio Concentration 2 +3 A continuation of Studio Concentration 1. Advanced individual instruction and critique in the student’s chosen studio area by faculty and visiting artists. STDO 7030 Studio Concentration 3 +3 A continuation of Studio Concentration 2. Advanced individual instruction and critique in the student’s chosen studio area by faculty and visiting artists. STDO 7040 Studio Concentration 4 +3 A continuation of Studio Concentration 3. Advanced individual instruction in the student’s chosen studio area, culminating in the thesis exhibition. STDO 7130 Graduate Seminar 3 +3 A continuation of Graduate Seminar 2. A further investigation of contemporary art concepts in the context of the studio program of work. STDO 7230 Contemporary Art Theory +3 An examination of art theory from structuralism, post-structuralism, semiotic, sociological and psychoanalytic methods. NET CHANGE IN CREDIT HOURS: -15