Facts, Figures, Smiles. - Jill's...

Facts, Figures, Smiles. Our 2013 Annual Report

Transcript of Facts, Figures, Smiles. - Jill's...

Facts,Figures, Smiles.

Our 2013 Annual Report

The Mission of Jill’s House:

To change the face of disability ministry

in America by ensuring that every family

of a child with an intellectual disability

has respite within reach and a church

that embraces them.

A Letter From Our President 2

Jill’s House Programs 4

National Programs and Weekend Adventures 5

Impacting Families 6

Special Events 8

Volunteers and Fellows 10

Corporate Sponsors 11

Respite! Spreading the Word 12

Looking Ahead 13

Senior Leadership and Board of Directors 14

Financial Statement 16

Corporate and Foundation Partners 18

Thank You to Our 2013 Donors 20


in 2013 Jill’s Houseprovided

135,000 hours of respite.

As I look back at our journey in 2013, I’m

incredibly grateful for your partnership

with Jill’s House. Hundreds of families

have experienced the precious gift

of time. Children are safe and happy.

Parents are renewed!

I want to share with you what you made

possible in the lives of families raising

children with special needs because of

your generosity to Jill’s House.

You helped save marriages.

Katie, a child we serve, does not sleep.

Before connecting with Jill’s House,

Katie’s parents were ready to give up on

their marriage. They tried to keep their

family, job, and marriage strong on little

to no sleep, but they were at a breaking

point. Now, during Katie’s visits to Jill’s

House, her parents get regular rest and

the chance to connect with each other

and their other daughter. Katie’s mom

recently told us, “Jill’s House saved our


You kept families together.

One child we serve has severe

behavioral issues stemming from his

intellectual disability. He was very close

to being institutionalized prior to coming

to Jill’s House. Thanks to you, his family

is renewed during his Jill’s House visits,

giving them the strength they need to

keep him home, where he belongs.

You made spiritual impact.

The father of one of the children we

serve recently joined God’s family

because, in his words, he saw the people

of Jill’s House (like you!) “walking the

walk and not just talking the talk.” Other

parents, children, donors, volunteers,

and even strangers open their hearts to

God when they see His love reflected here. In fact, the father of one of our

volunteers accepted God after a visit

to Jill’s House, just two days before he

passed away.

You created “ordinary experiences” for

extraordinary families.

Through events such as our Joy Prom

and Variety Show, your generosity helps

give families normalcy and provide

typical experiences they otherwise

would not have. “I never believed it

would be possible for my son to stand

up in front of a group, sing his heart

out, and have people clap for him,” one

mother told me. “Thank you for making

this ordinary experience possible for my

extraordinary son.”

You helped build relationships.

During the Christmas season, we share

gifts and the Gospel message with some

of the Jill’s House families we serve.

As I sat in the home of a Muslim family

along with my children, my wife, and

another Jill’s House team member, the

parents woke their son and brought him

downstairs to receive his Christmas

Dear Friends of Jill’s House:

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gift from us. They extended warm

hospitality and offered candy to my

children. Without the Jill’s House link, I

cannot imagine how my family would be

able to connect with this family.

You have been God’s instruments.

You’ve impacted families of children

with special needs in so many powerful

ways: by preserving marriages, keeping

families together, and making spiritual

impact. As part of our diverse donor

family—which includes Fortune 500

companies all the way to a group of

fourth graders with lemonade stands

and everything between—in 2013,

donors also made it possible for Jill’s

House to:

• Provide over 135,000 hours of respite

in this year alone, with more than

300,000 cumulative hours of respite

since we opened our doors in 2010.

• Serve 345 families, including 74 new

families who have received the gift of

hope and renewal.

• Expand our national programs to serve

families in Colorado Springs, CO and

Los Angeles, CA and Austin, TX.

But there is still so much work to

be done. The need for respite is so

overwhelming that a new family registers

to visit Jill’s House every day. The

families we serve need you now, more

than ever.

Jill’s House receives

no direct state or

federal support,

meaning that more

than 70% of our

funding comes from

gracious donors. It

costs nearly $600

per night to provide

respite for one child

at Jill’s House. Most families pay just $3

per hour. Generous partners provide

the difference, making rest a reality for

families—often for the first time since becoming parents of children with

special needs.

Looking ahead further, by 2020 Jill’s

House will launch 20 programs to serve

1,000 families. That vision is changing

the face of disability ministry in America

so that each family of a child with

intellectual disabilities has respite within

reach and a connection to a church that

embraces them. You make it possible.

I pray you will continue to play a crucial

role in this amazing transformation.

Thank you.

With gratitude,

Cameron M. Doolittle

President and CEO


Cameron M. Doolittle

Jills House Programs

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Families love Jill’s House.

When asked to state, on a scale of 1 to 10,

how likely they are to recommend Jill’s House

to another family raising a child with special

needs, the average score in 2013 was 9.94.

We also asked families to grade their stress

levels on a four-point scale. The average

family’s stress fell one full point during its

respite stay. Amazingly, once families begin to

experience a steady rhythm of respite, stress

levels come down and stay down.

We provide four respite programs at Jill’s


Weekends at Jill’s House. This is by far our

most popular program. The children stay with

us from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon.

Weeknights at Jill’s House. Through this

program local schools send children to Jill’s

House for a weekly night of respite. Children

spend the night at Jill’s House, and we take

them back to school the next morning.

Days at Jill’s House. We offer this program

whenever schools close for a holiday or

summer break. The children love spending

their vacation days at Jill’s House!

National Programs. We currently offer this

program in Virginia, Colorado, Maryland,

California, and Texas. Through our National

Programs parents enjoy a full weekend of rest

while their children enjoy an exciting weekend

with our staff at a Christian camp facility.


Total Child Stays Scheduled 1,378 1,585 1,206 1,406 5,575

Weeknights at Jill’s House 572 548 119 483 1,722

Weekends at Jill’s House 930 904 895 821 3,550

Days at Jill’s House 227 630 2,230 199 3,286

Jill’s House Chesapeake Bay and Blue Ridge

48 133 192 102 475

Total New Children 11 22 20 15 68

Total Unique Children Served in 2013

230 247 286 279 345

Total Families Served Since Opening in October 2010

347 370 390 405 1,512

National Programs & Weekend AdventuresBreathing Life into Special Families. Seeing God’s Heart for Disability.


The amazing impact and growth of our

local programs led us to look for ways to

bring weekend respite to other parts of the

country. We found our answer in Jill’s House

National Programs and Weekend Adventures.

Our National Programs are similar to our

weekend program at Jill’s House. Parents still

get a full weekend of rest, but their children,

instead of staying in our facility, stay at

Christian camps. They enjoy traditional camp

activities, like high ropes course, archery,

canoeing, campfires, and s’mores, and their parents get the rest they need.

These weekends would not be possible

without our Weekend Adventure

volunteer teams. The Jill’s House childcare

professionals who supervise the weekend

assign each volunteer to care for one child

and lead him or her through the weekend

activities. Through the Weekend Adventures

experience, volunteers have the opportunity

to breathe life into special families and see

God’s heart for disability. It’s an awesome

opportunity for youth groups, small groups,

and college groups to spend a weekend

learning and serving together.

This year, in addition to serving in Virginia,

Maryland, and Colorado through our National

Programs, Jill’s House began serving in Texas

and California. We are grateful to the local

churches, organizations, and volunteers

who have partnered with us in our mission to

serve families raising children with intellectual

disabilities across the country.

Colorado SpringsLos Angeles


Washington DC

Jill’s House loves the chance to care for

children while reaching their families

with the life-giving news of Jesus. While

children are at Jill’s House, parents

experience a wide array of great additional

services designed to help them get to

know one another—and God—better.

Encouraging friendship and fellowship

among the families we serve is critical

to building a community where families

raising children with special needs can

exchange ideas, share joys and concerns,

and gain comfort in knowing they are not

alone. Here are a few of the ways we did

this in 2013:

Marriage Conference. In October, we

hosted a marriage conference specifically targeted at the marital needs experienced

by families raising children with intellectual

disabilities. While their children were at Jill’s

House, couples were at McLean Bible Church,

participating in a session delivered by Tangled

House, a group focused on strengthening

the marriages of these families. The session

won rave reviews, and couples opened up

to one another, and to God, about the pain

and struggles that come along with parenting

these amazing (but challenging!) kids.

Friday Night Family Dinners. Friday

Night Family Dinners create a moment of

community in which families connect once

they drop their child off for their weekend

at Jill’s House. After one of the dinners, two

mothers in attendance connected to share

how they believe their frequent breaks while

their children are at Jill’s House change their

perspectives, creating appreciation for the

joy their children bring and for how lucky they

are to be their parents. These are the kinds

of positive realizations and connections we

hope families we serve continue to make.

Joy Prom. In May, we

hosted our first Jill’s House Joy Prom. It

was a night of dancing,

food, and fun for

many of the children

Jill’s House serves

and their parents. The

children were greeted

by cheering crowds

as they walked (or, for

those in wheelchairs,

rolled) the red carpet,

and were treated to limousine rides, a photo

booth, live music, tiaras and corsages for the

girls, and boutonnieres and shoe shines for

the boys. One single father lifted his child out

Impacting Familes

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of his wheelchair, held him in his arms, and

danced with him.

Talent Show. In October, the children of

Jill’s House shared their talents with their

parents and staff at the inaugural Talent

Show. Children enjoyed a pizza party and

showcased their talents, including singing,

painting, playing musical instruments, magic

tricks, comedy, and dancing. The mother of

a child who sang a beautiful song shared this

was the first time her son ever stood up in front of a group.

Morning Coffee. During Summer Days at

Jill’s House, parents who had some time

to spare were able to enjoy coffee and

conversation in our lobby. We shared

laughter and tears as parents talked about

their children. One dad confided, “We wouldn’t be married now if it wasn’t for Jill’s


Summer Bible Study. During the summer,

Jill’s House hosted a Seekers Bible study

open to all parents of any faith. The six-

week study, facilitated by Carole Schryber,

assistant teaching director for Community

Bible Study at McLean Bible Church,

created a safe place for parents to discuss

the relevance of the Bible, faith in today’s

culture, and the Christian faith.

Single Moms. Two parents raising a child

with special needs is impressive; one parent

raising a child is astounding. To encourage

some of our single moms, we hosted an

evening at which moms got the chance to

connect about their children, share their

stories, enjoy a great meal, and receive

some donated pampering, including gift

cards for a facial and massage.

Christmas Gifts. Many of the children we

serve received personalized gifts delivered

to their homes, along with information

about the meaning of Christmas and an

invitation to attend Christmas Eve services

at McLean Bible Church.


At the Talent Show

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Jill’s House extends its deepest thanks to

committee members, sponsors, participants,

donors, and volunteers who made the 2013

events possible, allowing us to reach and

serve many more families raising children

with special needs.

Big Band Dance to Benefit Jill’s House: April 13, 2013

The sounds of the D.C. area’s most exciting

big band, Radio King Orchestra, provided the

backdrop for 120 guests at the Sixth Annual

Big Band Dance. Generous sponsors and

donors raised $50,000 for one of the Jill’s

House buses to safely transport children

participating in our Weeknights at Jill’s House,

Jill’s House Blue Ridge, and Jill’s House

Chesapeake Bay programs.

Celebration of Special Children, an Evening

of Inspiration: May 4, 2013

Wayne and Catherine Reynolds hosted the

inaugural Celebration of Special Children,

bringing more than 450 guests together for

a wonderful evening to celebrate the impact

of Jill’s House on the courageous families

and inspiring children we serve. A special

performance by Amy Grant and the McLean

Bible Church Orchestra highlighted the

evening, along with an exquisite dinner and

inspirational stories of hope. The inspiring

evening raised $800,000 for Jill’s House.

The Ride for Jill’s House:

June 15, 2013

More than 150 motorcycle riders, passengers,

and volunteers joined forces for the 100-mile

Fifth Annual Ride for Jill’s House. Thank you

to Joe Livingood for chairing the event and

leading the committee to raise $70,000 for

Jill’s House.

Thanks to funds raised at the Big Band Dance to Benefit Jill’s House, a contribution from the KOVAR Foundation, and other gifts from various partners and friends of Jill’s House, we purchased two new buses to safely transport our children to and from Jill’s House.

The 100-mile Ride for Jill’s House raised over $70,000.

Jill’s House reached hundreds through its 2013 special events.

Special Events


3rd Annual Open House:

October 13, 2013

Our 3rd year birthday event brought

more than 400 guests to celebrate God’s

faithfulness through our annual Open House

that included guided tours and opportunity

to meet the families served.

Links for Little Ones Golf Tournament:

October 14, 2013

The 13th Annual Links for Little Ones

Tournament featured 18 holes at 1757 Golf

Club, a premier northern Virginia course, a

celebratory banquet, and prizes for all flights. Thank you to Joe Livingood for chairing the

event and leading the committee to raise

$50,000 to directly benefit Jill’s House.

Marine Corps Marathon and 10K:

October 27, 2013

2013 marked the sixth consecutive year a

team of runners participated in the Marine

Corps Marathon and 10K and secured

sponsors to benefit Jill’s House. Forty runners raised $53,000 through Team Jill’s House.

Christmas Brunch to Benefit Jill’s House: December 11, 2013

Karen Santorum, Shannon Bream of FOX

News, Madrigal Singers from Langley High

School, public officials, and 150 guests were on hand for this elegant holiday event

celebrating the impact of Jill’s House on the

families and children it serves. Thank you

to Kelly Stuckey for chairing the event and

leading the committee to raise $120,000 for

Jill’s House.

Over 400 guests attended our open house

Jill’s House could not operate

without the hundreds of

volunteers who sacrificially give their time and energy—11,529

volunteer hours in 2013! Some

served as our amazing team of

receptionists who come every

week; others faithfully volunteered

in the kitchen, preparing healthy

meals for the kids. Some came

once as part of a group from a

corporation; others came 50

times or more!

In order to ensure the children of Jill’s House experience world-class care, we awarded

Jill’s House Fellowships to nine amazing women from around the country. The Fellows

were recent graduates of programs in nursing, special education, or social work, and

spent the year living together in community while serving tirelessly as caregivers at Jill’s

House. Along the way, they received professional development, experienced social

outings in D.C., visited other world-class facilities to learn best practices, and grew

together through Bible study.

The following volunteers provided the most

hours of service in 2013:

– Eddie Lee: 345.5 Hours

– Leena Al-Attar: 269.5 Hours

– Patti Shipley: 226.5 Hours

– Anita Naylor: 220 Hours

– Brad Phillips: 212.5 Hours

– Richard Pierce: 204.5 Hours

– Merridy Menna: 201 Hours

– Amy Hataway: 179.5 Hours

– Georgianne Rasmussen: 167 Hours

– Robin Rottier: 163.5 Hours




rs &




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Name Major School Hometown After Jill’s House

Ali Strawhun Psychology Huntington University

Troy, MI National Programs Manager at Jill’s House

Alexandra Wexler

Psychology University of New Hampshire

Phoenix, AZ Graduate school to get her MSW

Charlotte Foland English Biola University Dublin, CA Operations Coordinator at Jill’s House

Elise Roswell Early Child Development

Virginia Tech University

Richmond, VA Child Life Specialist at Children’s National Medical Center

Jordain Gagliardi Psychology Azusa Pacific University

Phoenix, AZ Occupational therapy school for her master’s

Ellen Meyer Education Taylor University Glen Ellen, IL Special education teacher in Loudoun County, VA

Aleesa Ribbens Social Work Hope College Holland, MI American World Adoption Agency

Rebecca Jensen Psychology Grove City College

Mount Bethel, PA Intake Coordinator at Jill’s House

Kayla Liminois Psychology California Baptist University

Perris, CA Childcare Specialist at Jill’s House


Corporate Sponsors

Hundreds of companies and foundations helped bring the gift of Jill’s House to children with special needs and their families. From sponsoring the Links for Little Ones Golf Tournament, to raising money through their own events, to conducting employee giving campaigns, to simply donating because they believe in the mission of Jill’s House, these generous companies and foundations have been making Jill’s House a reality for children and their extraordinary families. These key partnerships made a significant impact in 2013:

Gratitude for Acuity, Inc.

and Their Corporate

Commitment Acuity, Inc., under the leadership of President and CEO Rui Garcia and his wife Karen, graciously donated more than $110,000 to Jill’s House, but the company’s involvement went far beyond monetary donations. During a joint guest appearance on Executive Leadership Radio featuring Rui and Cameron Doolittle in August 2013, Cameron shared, “Acuity is a true partner. The involvement of Rui and his team with Jill’s House goes way beyond financial support. Rui has provided his business expertise; Acuity’s employees volunteer here, and an Acuity group even ran in the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon and 10K as part of Team Jill’s House. They have become an integral part of our community, sharing their hearts for the children we serve, making a direct impact in the lives of children with intellectual disabilities, and providing rest to the families who love them. They have

been by our side since the beginning, and our gratitude to Acuity grows year after year.” Giving back is a part of Acuity’s DNA. On behalf of the courageous families and inspiring children we serve, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Newman’s Own and the

Fisher House Foundation

Recognized Jill’s House for

Improving Quality of Life for

Military Families Out of a field of more than 300 applicants, Jill’s House was one of eight nonprofit organizations recognized for innovative programs that improve the quality of life for military families. Newman’s Own, Fisher House Foundation, and Military Times—part of Gannett Government Media Corporation—sponsored the competition, which seeks to reward ingenuity for programs that benefit servicemen and women and their families. The award was presented to Jill’s House by Vice Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral James Winnefeld at a ceremony

in the Pentagon’s Hall of Heroes.

United Way and Combined

Federal Campaign Thank you to hundreds of federal and corporate employees for giving to Jill’s House.

Hundreds of federal and corporate employees graciously donated over $120,000 to Jill’s House through the Combined Federal Campaign and United Way of the National Capital Area. Thank you for your dedication and support of Jill’s House. Through these campaigns, the team at Jill’s House presented to several federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, United States Postal Service, and Department of Interior and many others. Thank you for joining with us to share the story of Jill’s House and restore families raising children with special needs. United Way #8244; CFC #22742

Corporate partners and foundations give families rest and renewal through their gifts and talents

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In 2013, Jill’s House received national and local media coverage that revealed a rapidly growing

need for respite, and prompted many to inquire about bringing Jill’s House to cities all around

the United States.

NBC4: Barbara Harrison

featured Jill’s House during

her “12 Days of Giving” series

highlighting how Jill’s House

saves marriages and keeps

families together through her

interview with Gary Woodlin,

one of our Jill’s House

families, and Sheila Joy,

director of Advancement. —

December 17, 2013

Outcomes Magazine:

“Starting Well: A New

Ministry’s Launch” featured

Cameron Doolittle discussing

the differences between

starting a ministry and

starting a business. —

September 2013

Focus on the Family: An

article titled “Can Disability

Ministry Become a Jewel in

Your Crown Rather Than

a Thorn in Your Side?”

featured Cameron Doolittle

asking what churches are

doing about disabilities. —

September 2013

NewsChannel 8: “Let’s

Talk Live” interviewed Dana

Hecht, director of Family

Relations and Support, on

“Let’s Talk Live” to share

the Jill’s House story and

celebrate the milestone of

our 250,000 hours of respite

care delivered. — August 19,


Executive Leaders Radio:

More than seven million

listeners nationwide heard

the interview of Jill’s House’s

Cameron Doolittle and

Acuity, Inc.’s Rui Garcia as

they shared how corporate

partnership impacts Jill’s

House families and children.

— August 8, 2013

C.S. Lewis Institute:

“Knowing and Doing”: An

article titled “The Ministry of

Discipling Friendships: How

God Uses Christ-Centered

Friendships to Sustain Us in

Trials and Help Redeem Our

Suffering” featured Brenda

Solomon with Kristie Jackson,

C.S. Lewis Institute Fellow. —

Spring 2013

Respite: Spreading the Word

At Jill’s House Tysons, we have become a center of excellence, teaching the world how to bring

world-class overnight respite care to families located right in their communities. In 2014, we will:

• Continue to train the next generation to be the

future leaders of providing support and care to

families raising children with special needs.

• Continue to be the world’s greatest overnight

respite center for children with intellectual

disabilities, employing dozens of great professionals

and providing a place for thousands of volunteers to


• Make the customer experience even better for our

precious families, and deepen their connections to

a Christ-centered community.

• Continue to ensure that our safety—medically

and behaviorally— is superior so that parents have

complete peace of mind as they entrust their

children to us.

The vision of Jill’s House is to change the face of disability ministry in America so that each

family of a special child has respite within reach and access to a church that embraces them. To

this end, Jill’s House will launch 20 camp-based programs around the country by 2020. Drawing

on the training and expertise developed at our world-leading facility, Jill’s House will plant

programs that bring the gift of overnight respite—and an introduction to Jesus—to more than

1,000 families.

This combination will—we pray—allow us to move deliberately to reach hundreds of families

across the country who have never experienced overnight respite. As we write this at the

beginning of 2013, we have firm plans to, God willing, deepen our programs in Virginia, Colorado,

Maryland, California and Texas, and launch programs in Seattle, Phoenix, and Indianapolis.

Above all, we pray that wherever we go, this is not a mere service, but that it opens the door for

families of children with special needs to tangibly experience God’s great love for them and that

because you give and serve and pray, there will one day be families and children whom you see

in heaven who will seek you out to say, “Thank you for making Jill’s House possible. God used it to

find us.” Amen.

Looking Ahead:

2014 will be a pivotal year in the history of Jill’s House: opening more doors to experience God’s great love.

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Senior Leadership

Cameron Doolittle, president and CEO, is responsible for the overall

operations of Jill’s House, including fundraising and building an outstanding

customer experience. Prior to joining the Jill’s House team, Cameron used his

entrepreneurial skills to successfully launch two businesses serving finance and legal executives and later led a management consulting firm’s operations turnaround. Cameron has been recently published on Christian Post, FoxNews.

com, and Patheos.com, and interviewed on FamilyLife Today, Focus on the

Family, and The Steve Harvey radio shows. He earned his J.D. and M.B.A. at the

University of California, Berkeley, and his B.A. at Stanford University. Cameron and his wife,

Carolyn, have four young children. As president and CEO, Cameron serves under the direction

of the Jill’s House Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

Denny Harris, chairman of the board serves as the associate senior pastor of

McLean Bible Church. Prior to his current role, his career spanned more than

30 years of business management in which he served as an operating officer with several transportation entities. Denny holds a political science degree

from the University of California, Berkeley. He and his wife, Jan, have two grown

daughters and 11 grandchildren.

Lon Solomon, co-founder of Jill’s House and father to Jill Solomon, serves as

the senior pastor of McLean Bible Church. Prior to becoming senior pastor, Lon

taught Hebrew and Old Testament at Capital Bible Seminary. He holds a B.S.

in chemistry from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, a Th.M. degree

in Hebrew and Old Testament from Capital Bible Seminary, an M.A. in Near

Eastern studies from John’s Hopkins University, and a Doctorate of Divinity

from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Lon and his wife, Brenda, have four

children and six grandchildren.

Brenda Solomon, co-founder of Jill’s House and mother to Jill Solomon, serves

as a Bible study leader, speaker, pastor’s wife, grandmother, and mother in the

McLean community. After seeing the difference respite care made in the life of

her family, Brenda and Lon were inspired to found Jill’s House. Brenda holds a

degree in Christian education from Washington Bible College.

Senior Leadership and Board of Directors

Mark Gottlieb is the founder and president of Inspired Possibilities, an

invention think-tank, and founder and former president of LogicMark, LLC., a

personal emergency response and alarm systems company. Mark started his

first business in 1986 and is a prolific inventor with 25 patents to his name. He holds master’s degrees in engineering from Stanford University. Mark and his

wife, Sharon, have four children.

Carmen Jones is the director of USDA-Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization and founder of Solutions Marketing Group (SMG) in

Northern Virginia, an agency that develops disability marketing programs for

corporations and nonprofits. She holds a degree in marketing from Hampton University. During her junior year of college, she was injured in an automobile

accident, resulting in paraplegia. Carmen has two children.

Bob Vagley retired from the American Insurance Association (AIA) after

serving for 19 years as its CEO and president. Prior to joining AIA, Bob was a

partner in the Washington, DC, office of Preston, Gates, and Ellis, and served as chief counsel to the Education and Labor Committee in the U.S. House of

Representatives. He is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and

holds both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics from Penn

State University. Bob and his wife, Holly, have two grown daughters.

Anna Mergele is an attorney in the area of employment and personnel law. She

is involved with several philanthropic activities and holds a B.A. from Barnard

College and a J.D. from the George Washington University Law School. Anna

and her husband, Carl, have one son.


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Statement of Financial PositionDec. 31, 2013 (with summarized financial information as of December 31, 2012)

2013 2012


Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents $ 645143 $ 1045971

Unconditional promises to give 225572 842554

Other receivables 588055 541180

Prepaid expenses and other current assets 98610 79765

Total current assets 1557380 2509470

Property and Equipment

Building and improvements 6535 6535

Furniture and equipment 504534 409516

511069 416051

Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization (302,611) (234,109)

Property and equipment, net 208,458 181,942

Cash and cash equivalents held for long term use 280,510 138,182

Other long term assets 21,859 31,012

Right to use building and land, net 14,715,098 14,958,262

Unconditional promises to give, net 97,617 154,986

Note receivable 7,400 7,400

Total assets $ 16,888,322 $ 17,981,254

Liabilities and net assets

Current liabilities

Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 677,869 $ 638,104

Deferred income 58,113 49,359

Total current liabilities 735,982 687,463

Line of credit 2,300,000 3,150,000

Total liabilities 3,035,982 3,837,463

Net assets

Unrestricted 13,040,575 13,137,225

Temporarily restricted 811,765 1,006,566

Total net assets 13,852,340 14,143,791

Total liabilities and net assets $ 16,888,322 $ 17,981,254

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net AssetsDec. 31, 2013 (with summarized financial information as of December 31, 2012)




Restricted 2013 Total 2012 Total

Support and revenue

Contributions $ 1,722,745 $ 1,302,527 $ 3,025,272 $ 5,078,238

Interest income 1,825 1,825 3,911

Special event income 774,309 115,686 889,995 409,076

Less: direct benefit to donors (129,218) – (129,218) (23,818)

Donated goods and services 133,005 – 133,005 102,846

Service fees, net of discounts 1,183,728 – 1,183,728 709,553

Other income 44,608 – 44,608 11,732

Loss on sale of contributed property 17,737 – (17,737) (1,915)

Net assets released from restriction 1,613,014 (1,613,014)

Total Support and revenue 5,326,279 (194,801) 5,131,478 6,289,623


Program services 4,166,880 – 4,166,880 3,532,477

Management and general 515,894 – 515,894 528,633

Fundraising 740,155 – 740,155 673,435

Total expenses 5,422,929 – 5,422,929 4,734,545

Change in net assets (96,650) (194,801) (291,451) 1,555,078

Net assets, beginning

of year 13,137,225 1,006,566 14,143,791 14,143,791

Net assets, end of year $ 13,040,575 $ 811,765 $ 13,852,340 $ 14,143,791

18 | JillsHouse.org

Thank You!To our Financial Partners.

We are honored to have the support and encouragement from many individuals,

corporations, and foundations whose generous gifts transformed the lives of hundreds of

families and children in 2013. We are grateful for their support and extend a special thank-you

to these corporations and foundations for their transformational gifts.

1757 Golf Club

6158 Drum Point Road LLC

Acuity, Inc.

Acumen Mosaic, Inc.

Adele A. and Harold J. Westbrook Foundation Inc.

Allbritton Foundation

Alpha Omega Group, Inc.

Altman Kazickas Foundation

American Endowment Foundation

Amstutz Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Anschutz Foundation

Apprio, Inc.

ARC Realty, LLC

Areas Appraisers, Inc.

Aronson Foundation, Inc.

Ascot Trading Co LLC

Ashby Inn & Restaurant

AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign

Bankers Realty

Bazin’s on Church

Bellini Salon & Med Spa

Bessemer Trust Company

Beta Sigma Phi

Billy Casper Golf

Blue Duck Tavern

Boeing Company

Briarley Hill Retreat, LLC

Broad Run High School

Cafe Milano

Capital Grille

Capital One Services, LLC

Capitol Filings, LLC

Cardinal Bank

Caribbean Sun Tanning Salon

Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation

Center for Strategic Ministry

CGI Federal Inc.

Charlie Palmer DC Restaurant

Christ Presbyterian Church

Circle Solutions, Inc.

Civitan Club of Fairfax

CJM Foundation

Clark C.A.R.E.S. Foundation

Clark-Winchcole Foundation

Clifton Community Woman’s Club

Coleman Research Group, Inc.

Colman Sales Co., Inc.

Colonial Baptist Church

Community Foundation for Northern Virginia

Community Foundation Of New Jersey

Constitution Foundation

Cordia Partners

Cornerstone First Financial, LLC

Courtney’s Closet

D&B Rentals

Dalio Foundation, Inc.


Davelle by David

Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc

Denise David Agency

DentMasters, Inc.

Dermatology Associates of McLean, LTD

Design and Construction Network, LLC

Dittmar Company

Dr. McIlveen & Freedman

Early Childhood Identification & Services (FCPS)

Ed’s Tree Service

Eichorn Survivors Trust


ExxonMobil Corporation

ExxonMobil Foundation

ExxonMobil Spouses Club

Fairfax Counseling Group LLC

Fashion Styler

First Baptist Church of Norfolk

First Baptist Church of Rockville


Flemings Steakhouse

Fluffy Thoughts Bakery

Forging Positive Change, Inc.

Four Seasons Hotel

Franklin Templeton Investments

Freddie Mac Employee Funds

Freddie Mac Foundation Employee Giving Program

Friends & Family Flooring, LLC

Friends of John Tanner

Furs By Leonard Gorski Inc.

G.O.H. Merrifield LLCGannett Foundation

GARTNER The Matching Gift Center

Geico Philanthropic Foundation

Geneva Software, Inc.

Glenn and Jean Verrill Foundation

Global Impact Combined Federal Campaign

Glory Days Grill

Glory Days, Inc.


Google Matching Gifts Program

Gordon Insurance, LLC

Gordon V and Helen C Smith Foundation Inc.

Gray Plant Mooty

Greater Horizons

Guaranteed Rate

Halstead Foundation

Harders Financial Group, Inc.

Harry and Zoe Poole Foundation

Harwood House Thrift Shop

Henry E. Niles Foundation

Highline Wealth Management

I Do Photography

IBM Employee Services Center


II Corinthians Foundation


Individual Health Solutions, LLC

Infant & Toddler Connection


J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation

J.B. Shotwell & Son

JCM Foundation

Jeff Lubin Portrait Studio

JK Group

Jones Group International

Jordan Fund

Just Give

Kelcor, LLC

Kessler Soils Engineering Products, Inc. (KSE)

Kidtime Daycare, Inc.

Kimmy’s House

Kings Christian Academy

KLS Studios Inc.


Koons Tysons Toyota


KPI Investments, LLC


Laminate Company, Inc.

Larry Miller Inc. Window Cleaning Services

Leros Technologies Corporation

Lizluke LLC

Lockheed Martin Employee’s Political Action Committee

Main Street Landscape

Mandala Healing Arts

Markel Corporation

Mary And Daniel Loughran Foundation

Masonic and Eastern Star Home Charities Inc.

Mathews High School Class of 1945

MAXIMUS Charitable Foundation

McFadden, Inc.

McLarty Associates

Medallion Financial Strategies, Inc.

Memco, Inc.

Meyer Family Foundation

Michael Meyer & Associates

Microstrategy Incorporated

Mid Atlantic Construction of VA

Miller & Long Co., Inc.

Miller & Long DC, Inc.

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc

Morningstar Foundation

Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

My Tribute Gift Foundation Inc.

National Christian Foundation

National Philanthropic Trust

Network for Good

New Image Plastic Surgery Assoc., PLC

New Life Church

New River Community Church

Newman’s Own Inc.

Norman G Miller Trust

Northrop Grumman Corporation



NRA Foundation

Nu Sigma Chapter

Nysmith School for the Gifted, Inc.

Oakcrest School

OMNIPLEX World Services Corporation

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLC

P & M Gift Fund

PECF-National Cathedral School

Persistent Agility Inc.

Phoenix Financial and Advisory Services, LLC

Pohanka Lexus

Potomac Baptist Church

Practical Alternatives LLC


Quest Fine Jewelers, Inc.

Realm Consulting Inc.

Realty Capital Securities

Red Door

Reinsch Pierce Family Foundation, Inc.

Richard and Caroline T. Gwathmey Memorial Trust

Ritz Carlton, Tysons

Rob Ferguson & Associates

Robeks Fruit Smoothies & Healthy Eats

Rob’s Used Harley Parts

Rodi Salon

Roz Spoto, Inc.


Safeway Foundation

Salamander Resort & Spa

Salona Jewelers

Sanofi USSassoon Salon

Schwab Charitable Fund

Scitor Corporation

Sevila Coan Financial Group

Shippensburg Church of the Nazarene

Silpada Foundation

Slingerland Woodcrafts

Solutions Marketing Group

Sovereign Insurance Group

Springfield Church of ChristSt. Stephens United Methodist Women

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company

Sterling Financial Partners, Inc.

Stone Energy Corporation

Stonehall Farm

Stuart Education Systems

Summerhouse Land Company Inc.

SunDial Foundation, Inc.

T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving

Tavern at Great Falls

Tea Tyme & What Nots

Team Network Corporation

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

Time Warner Cable Shared Service Center

Tolleson Wealth Management

Truist Comprehensive Distribution

Trump National Golf Club

United Airlines

United Methodist Woman Dulin United Methodist Church

United Way Heart of West Michigan

United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut

United Way Of Central Maryland

United Way of Metropolitan Chicago

United Way of New York City

United Way of the National Capital Area

Vail Technologies LLC

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program


Vienna Elementary School

Virginia Hill Social Committee

Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.

V-Tech Solutions

Walmart Foundation

Washington Fine Properties

Washington Forrest Foundation

Washingtonian Interiors

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Westwood Country Club

Wheat’s Landscape

Wiley Rein, LLP

Winston Partners Group, LLC

Women Alliance For Finance

Woody’s Golf Range

WPO US Capital

Xenith Bank

Yantz Bradbury Associates, LLC

Young Scholars Circle, LLC

YourCause LLC

20 | JillsHouse.org

Kate AlanyBarby AllbrittonBill and Kimberly AlmsBrad and Michaela BerksonBob and Susie BuckDan and Alison BukowskiDennis and Nancy BurkeAngela BurlesonBuffy and William CafritzJohn CartRaymond and Barbara DalioCharley DuBoisJohn and Debbie EdwardsGlenn and Kim FinchRui and Karen GarciaPeter GuilmetteDave and Eileen HelmerMark and Jayne HowellDave and Amy HuntJim and Miriam JensenBob and Joyce JohnsonSheldon and Chrissi JonesJeong and Cindy KimRicky and Angela KooDavid and Jill LeeJacqueline LewisJim and Cheryl MacGuidwinDavid MathewsonThomas McLartyCarl and Anna MergeleConstance MilsteinJoe MinerErin MoseleyTony and Carol OffuttBill and Denise OorbeekDon and Rita PowellDon and Twanna PowellGreg and Sandy PraskeGary and Daphne RappaportWayne and Catherine ReynoldsClif and Carolyn SaylorDustin and Rebecca SchneiderPaul and Kathy SmithStu and Gina SolomonSteven and Theresa SpencerKen and Alice StarrRob and Kelly StuckeyMichael and Andrea TherrienBrian and Amy ThomasBob and Holly Vagley

Steve and Jenny VranasJackie WolcottAndrew and Millicent YimCameron and Carolyn DoolittleBruce and Janice BucksonBob and Cyndy FerrettiKristin and Edward BrownDan and Laura MurphyAdam and Adella BrownJim and Joan FergusonDan HutchinsonMark and Georgianne RasmussenLaurence and Katharine McKennyJim and Michele TriantosMartha and Brad TaishoffEdward VaughanGuenther and Nancy WilhelmBrett and Alena RiceLorna LagardeStanley IdicullaSusan EldredgeMartha and Lawrence DewberryJan and Ron McKenzieMichael and Sandra ZimmermanJonathan and Elizabeth SmithDennis and Dawn MorrisCraig ElliottMonique and Dewayne MinnickJudy and Richard WilliamsCheryl and Randall ByrnesMr. Amy R. MillerLuther and Jabij TupponceDoug and Livi HendersonDaniel KroukBob and Pat JepsenBill Blood and Ann TrincaJoan SeppalaJudy IrelandSam and Jennifer HodgesFred JusticeJohn and Lee Ann BrownleeMark and Jane ChamberlainKenneth and Lauren CrumKatie PreislerJack and Donna HughesJohn and Carole SchryberDrew and Denise Daffron

John and Esther ChongMike and Julie CollierEric and Debbie JohnsonMatt and Amy BundyThomas and Bridgitt MorleyJohn HerrmannTed MorrisDavid NealPaul RafalaWayne and Lea BermanKyle Mosteller and Joanna MostellerJohn and Elizabeth DausMartha and Dwight ScharScott MeierAdam FechterRonald and Rhonda RifeMatthew FedowitzAllen and Deanna BoysenRudy SetiawanMark and Sharon GottliebPatrick HusarGeorge and Connie StewartJeffrey and Pamela ParsonsRobert GiannascoliDavid and Bunny VenletStu and Laura MendelsohnMatt and Stephanie RedingJames StephensJack and Thalia HagerupFred and Sheila BaerenzDenny and Jane HarrisJack and Charlotte PattersonDavid and Sheryl McAfeeChristopher and Christina GuidiTiffany ButcherFlorence and King GeeSteve and Candace GogginJason and Jane LongJohn and Martha SamuelsBob and Debby SibertWilliam and Mary DurmWayne and Kazuko FujitoGreg SullivanBradford and Jill WhitehurstChris and Samantha NimsAnthony and Kim CrispMichael VanDrielDeborah FellJoe and Susie LivingoodGary KarrSuellen Estrin

Jordan and Niki LeeJay and Gretchen NogleRosalie and Larry WilliamsJerad and Gretchen SpeigelDoyoung and Sunmi KimJames and Stephanie PottsTroy and Laura ParedesScott and Sara ClelandJustin and Kim SolomonFred and Marlene MalekLon and Brenda SolomonWalt and Bette HamiltonBuzz and Carol HeftiWilliam and Stephanie CochranBill and Kathlene GarnettVinay SelvarajJohn and Terri AdamsHarry and Flo DoughertyDaniel and Victoria GarrisonSavvas SavopoulosMichael StephensRoman and Natalie CapranoWanda YeatmanSang and Sunny AnDaniel DavisTheron and Robin SeveranceJohn and Kelly WrightKent HollandBob and Dandy KorzeniewskiBrian and Stephanie GrunenfelderPaul and Teresa MayberryScott and Amy HatawayJohn and Sharon BaberChris and Chantel SheltonScott and Kelli ParsonsMark and Lyn McFaddenLarry and Annette KellyJames and Chizu KraskaWilliam and Holly PiperRichard and Annette WingoJoseph and Margi PiorkowskiEugene and Marie DeNezzaFasika Berhane and Edward MorrisJamee and Tony AbbruscatoAnn McCabeMargaret WhiteheadBill StaciaSam YiRobert Ernst

David AyalaAmanda KammierJeffrey WeimannJames BognetCharles SmithSondra BannisterGary and Courtney RossRussell and Sandra JenkinsKayla UnderwoodMatthew PorterStuart and Wilma BernsteinMark and Michele TheissRichard and Vickie NormanEric and Carolyn StalzerAndrew RossMichael and Maureen BilbreyMatthew and Lucy AboudaraIsac and Anupama RachapudiChristopher and Susan DeMuthKyle DeemsEdward and Jeanne MellaSusan AndrewsRonald SchillereffGary KyleTimothy BonoJohn and Katie CarmanRichard and Kimberly ThompsonMary KwokBruce and Grace ChoiKenneth DonohueDouglas NeagliHongying and Yin WangTony BealeKyung LeeWayne and Michele DrevetsMichael and Mary TowseyJames and Kellie BoyleSusan TrotterHuan and Daphne TainRonald DozoretzKaysteine BriggsJohn and Marilyn GumpNancy BrinkerSusan LoudenEdwin LohmeyerWilliam and Diane BowserDavid and Christy CoySarah PriceMichale and Nicole SponaugleJohn and Wendy Zangardi

Thank You!To Our 2013 Donors

We are grateful for the generosity of more than 3,300 donors who gave the gift of Jill’s House

to the courageous families and inspiring children we served in 2013. Without them, children

would not experience the joy of making new friends and being accepted for who they are, and

their parents would not experience much-needed rest and renewal. We deeply appreciate

all of your support and extend a special thank-you to these families for their transformational



Gene and Nancy BrownElizabeth NicholsKathleen WolcottThomas and Leda DiLeonardoStephen and Sue MeeksTim and Sandy BeattyKyu and Jennifer JungRobert ScofieldChalmous and Judith ReemesDouglas and Stacy CummingsDonald and Christina HouseBettye CoilRebecca SnyderJeb WilkinsonTom and Esta LippardStuart and Chalice RoyBillie-Ann EvansLaurie SkipperJeanine WinfreyPeter and Laurie WenellGino ElseaArsalan and Heidy KhanKaren HalsteadRandall SnowNorma ToenjesAndrew PittsBob BerdelleKyle and Robin EntzRobert and Helena WollardIvanhoe and Ellen LindoBen and Jacilyn SkupienMichael and Susan GallagherDavid LunsfordGeorge and Evelyne ReidyDan and Erin GreshamJames and Katrina HadleyJ. P. and Betty PakKimberly LevernierMary Ann ElliotScott LeeElizabeth DollarDaryl ThomasJoseph and Nicole HutchesonAndrew and Lomi Kil HartmanLaura JohnsonMichael and Elizabeth LeibovichBruce and Janey SmithDavid and Rachel BrooksSheldon and Shannon BreamKerry and Michelle KnottRick and Gwyn BrunnDwight AllenClinton WivellPhilippe and Allyn JonesPaul and Teresa MayberryJoanne NybergLes and Annette BellCandice LingBrad CanadaJacqueline BasileJoseph ColantuoniWilliam ByrnesJoel and Christine JenkinsKaty and Robby MoserWendell MeyerEvan ThayerBob BowdeyDaniel and Olga MarkowitzJames and Ruth HallStephen WhiteSandra RicciAndrew and Susan CreightonGary WoodlinBrian Eller

Robert and Tara DiTrolioPeter GunasElise HicksKeith and Natalie BunchChester and Lanneth LeeRanelle DuvallWayne and Kim NelsonBryan and Jennifer McGuireDavid and Jeanne RichardsonJon and Heather MihalicDale and Georgie BowmanBrian and Amber HumToni and John GormanLudmilla ParnellGary and Mary Ann AmstutzEric and Peta-Gay BoothWilson and Beth KrierWilliam and Cheryl BrunerJames ThorsenVincent and Kimberly ChenEmily MichnayJoan CooperRoger PedeMargaret KyleJohn and Bonnie DuquetteGregory and Elizabeth SlangMarvin and Sara MeindersSudjono and Yuly HadikusumoSteve and Katie GohdeJohn and Connie BrownErin and Paul MillerDavid and Rita RaymondBill and Kathlene GarnettRichard Curl and Linda StewartBill and Lani SheltonAlex ElmoreChristopher LordMarian GreavesStephen and Lynn ParadisSkip and Janice DobrinTim FinefrockFaith and Mark McCoyKevin and Jennifer HanatPaul and Lynnea WilliamsKendal and Brittany FlemingRod and Mary MacAlisterThomas and Judy VickersDaniel and Christine GatesWilliam and Nancy AngleHaeng-Shik and Nicole KimDana LarkSamantha McKenneyJames BrundigeMichele GralakAnonymousJack GerstenfeldJami and John OjalaHenry MayJohn and Christian EnloeGreg and Angela PierceGregory BaileyChris and Molly NagelGissa and Matthew NobelDaniel BatesPaul RichDiane DevickMary NortonPete BuczynskiThomas CallahanMagda CandelariaKristen LewandoskiValerie StalnakerLinda RobinsonAlma EdgerlyAmie BurkholderJean NixonEvagelia and George Papakostas

Marietta BradberryAmy VaccaroCindy JenningsKerri CornYukki LamMelanie McFarlandNathaniel SandellJames RekasJames HeckmanNathan SheersDavid SmithDavid CowanJoo ChungCharles GrittonLynn KennedyMary RouseCheryl GottesfeldJill FeatherstoneHowie and Teri L’HeureuxRandy and Mary FoltzTom and Glee McMahonTad and Sandy MacDonnellDave and Pam McGregorBill and Trisha Steele, Jr.Martin and Barbara O’MearaKirk and Leslie JohnsonEdward and Phyllis KingKen and Lyn HunterDavid and Elizabeth McDanielPeter and Cheryl RiceBruce and Judith FulcoRobert and Holly MarcarioMichael and Debby TalieferoRichard and Margaret CampbellDavid and Kimberly BrannonMark and Jan McEwenCharles and Barbara GrimsleyJoel and Barbara WallenPeyton and Lynne SmithWalter and Nancy GembaczWilliam and Lynne BrumDavid and Linda HoffsisRobin and Karen WulffBrent and Alisha CarpenelliJames and Sharon FinkThomas and Lois GarinAaron and Tracy BoykinEilman and MaryDane KabigtingJonathan and Deborah FowlerDarrell and Angela JohnsonMark and Mary SmithJohn and Marcia ChapinKenneth and Sandra DavidsonHarold and Joan Vander MolenMutsuko KwitchoffMark MaiewskiDane AvillaThomas LoganRichard MortensonMatthew GuastaferroKim SwalboskiBrian NicholsDavid SampsonEd KochKevin WilliamsBecky WagnerThomas and Mary Catherine OverbyMary CarterAmy and Alex SabatiniPhillip and Rachel DeschTim and Jen WinterChris and Mary WilkinsonChristopher and Lindsey Lopez

Spiro and Wendy FotopoulosCharles and Barbara ShumateClayton and Kathleen McCuistionSteven and Heather ZwickerWilliam and Helen WeilerMartin and Darlene QuinnPhillip and Lisa VogelJon and Lori RoopDavid and Tina LeSteven and Meredith AumackDavid and Jeannie BordenZachary DeckAndrew CalvertBruce and Rita ConnollyAndrew and Jerusha MitchellBenjamin and Colleen AlexanderJonathan and Heather AnsleyCharles and Kammi WebbDavid and Carol LeeMark and Carolyn JohnsonKi and Jackie HongBilly and Karen SmithJoe and Joyce DalfonzoEleanor KimCraig and Teresa LudwigColleen and Daniel SanfordKaryn and James HannumSuzanne and Michael EwertDaniel and Christine GoldsmithSam and Connie ShabshabStanley KingDavid PayneChristine WilsonShereef HenienFrancis SkrobiszewskiDee TeskeRyan ReeseKatherine FinelliAnthony YimPaul ShermanBurdell SchwartzWael and Jussara TaneslJeffrey A. ManuelJames and Diane JonesBrian ChiltonMatthew BatesLoren SadlackKristin CrosbyKirstin HopkinsDavid TjaderHyang CarmodyJudd KrierStephen and Michelle MasonChristopher and Julie ReiterJohn and Elsa BoyleMary SinghGreg WhislerScott BrownDavid and Katie UrtonFred and Melissa CunninghamKen and Faye MorrissetteJacqueline MarsBrian LeeRebecca WhitmoreLisa WilliamsCynthia GannawayRobert and Betty GatesEric and Jessica ToyJoe ScottKelly and Paul OlafssonStephen PointerEudora and Andrew MillerJared and Melissa Townshend

Robert HarrisMarlene StevensMegan BeiswengerScott SportJim Gladden and Donna ForshtSarah SchandlerGreg SharpRonald ShankJason MeyerBen and Jean LinSusan GeislerJenny and Matthew ThornettJohn and MedlockAlan and Leitha UmsteadGrey and Linda CarterBrian and Cheryl FischerBob and Jo Ann RothenhoeferLeon and Marysia ThomsenKevin MezeiTina and Gregory McPheeWeimin ZhangBrian and Samantha MillerBill Schafer and Shari CohenTom WilliamsPhillip ZalewskiAmanda Lee-FrazeeAmanda McKinneyStacy MillerRu SunJenna and Dave KriegerAaron NewportChristine GerthAdam IezziEdward and Sue MillerEun LeeVeronique DerugyPatrick MaloneyBasil and Stella NkenchorClaudia CallisEd and JJ FewNorman and Tandy KraftJohn MurphySharon PribadiJohn and Mary McElroyBrian and Kristen WilsonKent ElliottMartha SandovalFred and Rika ClarkFrench and Lucia BooneHenry and Faybian MullenGary and Nancy TaylorBrian and Valerie SkaretPaulina HoangHwangji LuTravis and Kelly SpeckMike and Karen LoulakisAndrew and Emma DavidsonMilinda BalthropJeff McIntoshRaj and Mary ThomasJames and Jayne EckloffNicholas MudrezowYolanie JosephKatie WacekJane KeeJennifer LeeMark LivingstoneRex K. SniderAndrew and Yoon YeoBetty BaronKimberly AbodMaureen BabcockCharles and Mary Ellen FurmanRichard ThomassonJames and Jeanette ChengShane and Amy TilsonWarren and Annamaria

22 | JillsHouse.org

DymondDavid BlackistoneJanette AdamsJonathan and Rachel GlennRosa SheltonHyue KwonShannon HylandWilliam and Claudia KoenigNancy HsiungRyan SprowlsJudy HewittKaren ClarkCheryl JenningsLynn SchuttPhilip and Katherine HaysMike PalloDavid RitcheyNancy MeiersChin YooCaren and Phillip MerrickEvan and Alice AlfordJohn and Terri HarrisMargaret ByrneHenry HsiungStephen and Terri MinshewJames and Barbara HillKwang ChongAlexander and CarolinaMichael MeyerGeorge and Avis StraderMichael and Bokhee MussiEdward and Lisa HillNeil and Elizabeth WalshJerry and Kathy DeMuroScott and Sara CooperNathan JohnsonLaura MagyarSiebrand NiewenhousSharon GodfreyChristine KimLucy SmithTravis LauverChristopher HarrisKarl DeckerYoonmee PaekCynthia EdwardsHolly BhargavaKathy BunnSarah NiesKimberly McClainKaren KatnichNeninta HutabaratPatricia and Christopher BrunnThomas and Karen HutchingsShelly and Gary KaiharaArt SingletaryGregory HolmesFrank and Margaret DonivanEdward and Thelma CarwiseTim and Carolyn LugbillAudrey CockrellJohn and Karen HeermansGraig JacksonGary KoehmstedtJohn and Heather BrennanJonathan and Ericah SchmuckerJosh and Suzette HartzellPreston CampbellCyndy IsibelHeather ChaseAbigail HagarRyan KoppelShane and Lisa WomackYonjae KimGussie LordGarrett DjeuRobert McGoffCaroline HendersonJanyce Sugui

Mahesh GidwaniCharlotte CrabbDelbertChristopher RhotonLarry Crosen and Karen FinnelleMargot KraussDonni and Gene LeboeufElizabeth GiraJustin and Claire BoswellChima and Sunbo EzeGary and Kiris PowellWayne and Marie ArringtonWilliam and Kimberly McLeodPhil SpradlinJacob RansJames WilliamsJohn KonisiewiczDavid and JinJennifer ClarkGlenn McCowanTravis and Kelly SpeckDana SmithKellie KimCharlotte PriceHa Thi Thu NguyenMaria ErchulDebbie HerndonSunny BenderColin and Alma PowellMildred ThompsonDavid and Carrie NicholsonGary UnterbergFairmount McCulloughJohn SpeigelMichael and Jacqueline KostickStephen and Elizabeth JohnsonAdrienne and Kelly JohnstonSteve and Terry LargentStephen and Ellen ClouseNorman and SnyderJames and Kemi EniolaMark and Jean GarrellDean and Joyce McPheeJay and Lisa DoneganLee and Heather CovingtonManny and Cecile HernandezDave and Rose JallitsLou and Cindy KleimanAdam and Sarah MagaryLaurent and Erin MyersGary and Lyn SandersRobin and Carol KingChristopher and Trang GulianJifang Von KlitzingBrian and Natalie NguyenRobert and Linda EbyJames and Mary HansenStephen B. ShowPeter KlarfeldKeith and Cindy DavisJeff StrengeErik HotmireRobert and Bette ThomsonCatherine and Frank DelanoKen and Jane DanielKathy Braun and Steven KingRebecca and Norton ComptonJason and Julee DanielsHeather HollerbachLarry and Colleen CombsSusan RishebargerThadd and Stephanie KezarMonica FlemingGinny LeeMarcyne BellGary and Karen Anderson

Stewart Van ScoyocKate HurstBrian DennyMatilda ChiuEugene HallinanDavid and Ae Cha VillyardDeborah CarrAnna GillSanta and Regina WiryamanJeanne B. BradleyB. C. PrattCarrie KirschnerSteve and Karen UptonYok Wue SohMatthew Derrick and Ashley BaddourSherwin and Meredith HaskellPatsy BrutonWiley and Mercy ClarkAlbert and Michele MaghamezCarsten and Kristina ScharfJean-Paul CaumeilMatthew and Ronne LancasterMin and Jong ChoiLynn HambergerJohnny and Lina YunKevin and Mercedez LaudanoBrian and Bethel TanBeth BargerLori ChristRonnie and Pamela MarkelDayton and Marie MaxwellChristopher and Rebekah PoirierRyan and Julia LookabillTroy MillerCourtney McClainBradford GeeLauren JolliffRebecca ThorsenSuzanne PidgeonGary and Daphne RappaportJ. D. and Sharon JorgensonDan and Donna RobertsonJustin DavidsonChun and Lili ChanTeisha AtkinsCharlyne RothmanJennifer HsiaHolly WilliamsAugustine LimMaxine ShannonSteve and Dolores RaderJustin and Kim SolomonGregory LopezDrew and Victoria HarkerSusan FergusonJoseph GelsominoEmily G. LawyerLucelo DelgraDarren IrvineTimothy and Molly LongStephen and Diane AndersonEric and Karen DuvonJoyce and Steven WallenMeredith YoheyDavid CallahanPeter and Pamela RockxDavid BrieleAmit and Vandana PamechaSamuel and Mary ThompsonMatthew and Stephanie BradleyJohn and Susan HardyKenneth and Jayme Tomlinson

Steve and Manjali VlcanJennifer ReadJanie YoungRobert ReineckeJoy MeadowsGeorge and Betty LoffredoJeet and Jennifer BhideJames and Amy AdkinsKaren MckeeDiane W. RappMeghan M. BreenJohn BantherJames and Beccie CollierScott and Julie BrothertonJerome and Becky ClerDave and Diane RobieRobert and Sally UptonChristopher and Gillian ButtersRudolph and Jennifer ZadnikMatthew and Pritiben DerrickLinda and Daryl WiltonTammi SmithHalima and Bessie AlkisswaniRonald and Luzdary WaltersIsabelle BrugereAlexandra BudiElaine DubroskyDurwin SmithSteve McKennonConnor SchaarsSteve and Deborah LayJim and Cyndi ColmanJames and Gwen TraficantRosie and Wing GeeJeff and Lisa FranzenAnn SohnMark WhitakerSteven and Starr ParnellBradley HodgsonDavid and Susan GuyreChristopher TrotmanNicholas DeniBrad LangguthElmer and Alta NylundKi and Joyce KimPatrick ReardonVincent RandazzoLydie EssamaCourtenay MatonCynthia GaregnaniBrendan and Lisa MonaghanDerek Brown and Kimberly SevernJim and Janet MonroeMichael HallJessica VenletDerek and Hatsumi SmithSandra ZimmermanJenny ParkArthur and Emily AthensKent and Leeann GibsonChristopher EadsWarren GravesDoug WatermanDavid and Elizabeth SworobukDeirdre HarveyRebecca LewisMary Lou KnissLisa WoodGarth and Deborah RiemanJohn and Jean KimHenry SuJody WilliamsGordon and Cathy MilbournThomas and Jona ArmstrongApril RussoDanisha DunnEmily Miller

Justine KimElsa NygardTricia TaylorRose ShukrallahJ.C. WalkerDavid ThompsonBradley and Barbara MacomberMark and Janelle SpraggScott and Jen AndrewsPatricia FarleyXiao Zhang and Yuecheng LiJon and Brooke AckermanLaura JohnsonEdward JonesRoland and Janice SmithAshlyn WhyteVance and Rachel LessardLynn Martin and Reuben ThomasLina CiarleglioMark HollinsheadSteven PickeringLeland GrahamRonald and Georgie GoodSamuel and Sharon LeeBruce MontroseJoy DahlCindy SumnerSharon ShultzDana DouglasSelden von der HoffJonathan MorsteinGerard DelaneyJames HolcombKaren and Michael BrownDerek and Hatsumi SmithCraig and Robin JohnsonDeborah StankoJoseph and Amy UglialoroSusan SozaCharles D. ReedAnthony P. NaderJim and Joan FergusonBrian and Cheryl BeebeCasey John JasonJoshua and Christin StoverNathan SherrardChristopher HurstNancy MillerLloyd and Christina ChadwickDeborah ScottRobert and Laura CranstonElmer and Leslie SinsayMike and Gayla CauldwellFred PriceAllison MathisPaul and Becky SalehRobert and Roberta ChavesJonathan and Mechelle BrayTerrance and Kimberly BlairLisa PhaneufRebecca CvikotaJoe and DeborahRobert FosterStephen and Kelli LeeChurchill CarterTimothy GhormleyPaul and Mary LeidyPaul DaebelerJim and Lelia IveryBurton and Kim KlosterTony and Nancy ZipfelJonathan HutchfulMark BatesSheldon and Tujuanna MayoJennifer CozensTae Ho and Seonghee KimSasha VargheseCrystal SingletonLinghao and Ann Wang


Joel HaasSelfida PastoraCharlotte EdelenDaniel and Heather ReillyErich ChanRonald and Felicia Chung-A-FungSam KochSheryl StokesRussell and Ann BanthamJeffrey PerryRenee ThoburnKatie KruegerOlayiwola and Kifayat AyodejiSteven HawkinsMark HooleyAhmed AlibrahimLauren PermuyJohn and Gail HiserBarbara StecRobert LemonBryan and Katharine PittmanEdward and Caren CohenJohn and Joy WhippleJohn and Sue SmithKeith GlennJim DyrebyCarolyn A. WilsonVictor RogersAnna GaleThomas L. MonahanDan UsherMei I. GreerRobert P. ThackerRobert WoodDouglas TranAgnes and Johnnie ChenRyan and Kelly CallaghanHope WojciechGeorge and Regina CharuhasJennifer FletcherAndrew Cebula and Eileen CarrDennis and Denise GarbisWilliam and Katrina DavisWendy ChenJohn and Betty Ann TannerClyde and Susan TrumboreScott and Julie BrothertonAimee PalumboBilly White and Penny Rippons-WhiteCraig and Kathleen StreettBrian and Jennisse SilvestriSamir HansBarry and Kendra MorrowMrs. David MillerKaren SweetJames DauschShawn and Yvonne McAteerXanthe LarsenHannah KosirogPauline ThompsonTimothy and Laura HannonJennifer BradyDavid and Ida BrunnerStephen and Lisa FoxGeoffrey and Paula GouldLynn JepsenAndria and John GarbisJoanne CoxLucile FlemingDeborah LemboJoshua and Catherine BealRebecca MahoneyTauna SzymanskiAmber HalakaTracy BowenAmanda WoodDaniel Murphy

John LorahKalani RacomaJohn MyersAbraham GeorgeDavid ReichardtLance and Kathryn GilmoreSalvi MugolStephen CruzeChristy TinnesMarie MaroshekJeanie HansenAngelo and Amy BaskaranMaria and Daniel GildeaNicholas and Yvette LegaTheresa WorshamDavid and Jennifer EasleyLarry and Elizabeth CreefGregory SchroederCarol MountJohn CoyleChristopher CloverBill and Laura HowellMichael and Shelly KachuraStephen and Jennifer HinesBrad and Tara CarmanAndrew and Kelly HoagEarl and Lelia BrownDonald and Dana PhanJames and Lynne JaxtheimerRobert and Merridy MennaKeith and Bonnie MifflinDavid and Judith HudakMark and Lisa BronfmanJoshua BlowerMike BrillVinny and Patti BuggeMichael and Kelli ReeseJohn and Kathryn ScottStephen and Kathleen MatsonAlvin and Anita ParkerRobert and Monina DavidsMalcolm and Kathleen SchweikerStuart and Stacie SperryWilliam and Amanda ZimmermanEdward and Marianna HeerschapJR and Jessica ScritchfieldMike and Charisse McElroyScott and Wendy BrewerChuck and Nancy “Dabney” O’DellJack and Kathy SodergrenGlenn and Kim FinchJohn and Emilie ZahurancikCraig and Haoua DunbarArnold and Lori WellsScott and Sharon HubbardRobert and Sara PhelanBrian and Darla HarrisLindsay McAvineyL Brent BozellStephen HudsonJohn McGowanDean LeeCourtney and Brian RieseRosemary McArthurPeter LackeySiong and Santi ChuaJohn DolanKristine SnyderTeChera RandolphJettie NorfleetErwin and Cindy BurbachWilliam and Claudia RehanekDavid J. BrownGrace LeeAndrew and Katie Joy

GardnerMelissa TrotmanAlison RobinsonMatthew LeggCarolyn NuckollsChristopher HarrisAlfroda AdekpuiColen LaPlanteKahlita ChaseMark McCabeEdgar Dunn and Alicia VenturiPeri RossRonald NicklasMitchell and Tara BarcellosGlenn HayesSamantha BaileyJamie ChoiRonald SchusterGregory WaltersCraig HillAndrew DunbarMageswari ShunmugamKathleen G. SullivanJohn and Anne JacobMargaret GossDavid SchwengelMichael and Oana BalasaTodd and Lisa WalmsleyPaul and Carol CuddihyKaren SchandlerArchie SimpsonNicolette BouwerMatthew SweetAsh and Amy RofailFelix GbeeKimberly MillerDarren and Julie LeapRonald and Michele LeazerStuart BeltCarmen JonesRebekah ArmourBen and Ashley CannattiJames CowellFrances Dunbar-KingNancy YoheyAnna SwensonGabriel McCorkleMarilyn ZettLeo and Lisa AnzoleagaJerry and Holly LeachmanAmy MumoJohn HayesFred WongVictor LopezJames and Sharon CreedonRich and Kimberly HurstC. Fadden and Donna MacNeilDean and Monica ColeBrett and Laurie BurinGeorge and Emily WaiteHallie BarrJohn and Maryanna ManningPolly WelchCody WoodNancy SieberDallas and Kathy LeeJed ChangTammy HenryBenjamin GuyTamala W. FingerAlfred BadgerErin ParkDale and Demetra MatthewsRussell and Elizabeth RayScott DukesGeraldine GattonDave JonesJohn PloetzMargaret Lo

Heather CarterDionisio and Beverly De LeonSheila KimPatti ErfanEdith SolanoJim BarrowLaora LeoneAnn GreasleyFrank MarshallJack and Margaritha ColeGeorge and Connie StewartHenry ChanDennis HudsonJonathan and Jennifer BalmosJohn EverettDave and Tiki GauglerKimberly HendersonLauren HaasbroekStephanie RobbinsMr. Pam RayPaul and Laura SlingerlandFrances GarciaScott PettitWayne and Kim NelsonJohn and Esther ChongBrett and Dawn DetrickDawn and George OpieJerome BryantJane DeschakMichael CushwaStephen MarshallLee FreemanTimothy and Denalda AlexandreBradley and Kristie WhitfordRobbie and Sherlene BradburyTony and Sherry SharpJohn and Renate AlisonErin GannieRoberta SimpsonHong GuoKara Swensson-RosenquistKachi and Orieji IllohJohn and Julia LandryGordon and Duk-soon BurkeBen and Rosalind FairfaxSheldon RamaiBenjamin YangZach GelnettLisa DonnellyJeff MascarinasJacqueline MitchellRebekah OverstreetBruce and Darby SmithSanto and Inge WiryamanSharon PattersonDuaine and Iliana ThompsonPatrick StapletonWilliam and Kristie JacksonFrank and Jean DyerJanet BuckleyLeslie SchultzBridget KostelnikRobert and Mary WitzlebMichael KowalskiCheryl TaylorAubrey HowardMary YatesScott and Katie SweatmanRobert MurfreeShonda WerrySally HeckathornDonna SniderLeigh CowperBarbara LoprestiDerek KelleyJereme DonnellyJulia Schiff

Woody and Joan FitzhughGary and Jennifer KarrTerry and Claudia ZaccarinoStephen and Mary RusevlyanDavid and Debra AnewaltChris and Helen ColeCharles and Barbara CroweMichael and Patricia GleasonRick NortonShawn HoffmanDave and Wilma MizenerJeff and Catherine SatreBob and Tara DiTrolioDavid Le and Phuong NguyenMichael and Karen BrownPaul and Julie BorrorYungning and Luichien ChenGene and Nina HodgesRobert NehringEric and Cosette LoachCraig BrownRichard and Brenda JacobsScott and Kerri MitchellDavid and Linda MarshHallie BarrMarie SepeMahesh and Vilma SrinivasanRyan BryantDavid and Elisabeth LivelyDavid ManDeborah OutlawMark and Allison HoffmanStephen and Myung CharlesRon and Claudia DanielRebecca HagelinChuck and Inger-Marie PuDavid RixGlenn and Lynn MillerEugene N. BorrelliMark A. HjelleErnest KanChaitanya VenamadalaNancy J. MartinRobert SilbaughDavid McWilliamsVictor and Lynette MinakPamela and Michael LynchPeter KingLisa PoulterJulie LeeRoy and Theresa KelleyHenry E. HornbeckChristian BarrelleKristin MaghamezStephen KoscheLaura KochTonya EdwardsMatthew HughesTodd LaborwitAnne WeinbergSue WellsJoseph and Joan PerryMatthew ClaytonSteven ArringtonJohn FineganAdam JonesDavid and Vicky ChanDavid McLucasLynn FanelliPeter and Linda HillAlthea KatonaEric HeighbergerRobert ThackerNeil GambillLee O’ConnorMichael and Charisse McElroyMarch and Mariam BellNarendran and Patricia Gaitonde

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Roderick and Robin SquellatiJoe and Susan GoldenGregory and Dana TurnerWilliam and Nancy BeibleJoseph and Thomasina SquerciatiCharles and Allison O’BrienDavid EvansGeorge and Judy BrodieChip and Barbara ComstockRick and Robin GordonJoseph and Annette JanikNorman and Dixie RichardsShirley KimballStephanie SpeismanGene and Erin WilliamsHeather LocyAbigail WillieBarbara and Francis GreenDena PatelMonica FlemingWilda HollenAllison GeeSonya StoneStephen RoseTom FoustGregory DavisScott DeanDerrick PrigmoreChristine VothJoy RobertsonSandra LukowskyPete and Lorriane GrossmanKathy SebuckLisa MartinezKevin CookeGrace YangSherri QueenerMaureen BabcockSandra RatherAnna NoteboomCynthia LeoroTraci WallerMichelle KimJoseph FaberMatthew SughruePaul BiceRobert and Kate BrownMac and Cindy CurtisMatthew MurrayMatthew McDermottFrank AngusDunlop Scott and Cathy TrauernichtSusan Chhabra and Robb DuraiJerry HahneLarry CrabtreeVivienne GranadoRoyal and Marta JonesBrent and Michelle QuinnRobert and KathleenWilliam and Ada YungMarc and KristenIrina ZhukovaJames and Ellen LawlerLinda JohnsonLorraine OndrasikDaryl and Jane ButcherCarolyn ChandlerEvan HeldOliver and Elizabeth NorthWayne and Joanne BobbyTheresa RileyTed and Beverly GroomMs. Rhonda MarstellerMichael and Cheryl AllenDenise DownsJames GreinMatthew WilsonErica ZajacScott and Elizabeth Duncan

Michael TangertHenry ChamberlainMatthew NeumeyerDaniel AdamsShannon RobinsonJay YassJanice ChartoffRobert RobertsonKai ZhangDiane MarsdenDavid and Judith CooperDouglas and Eileen GwinEddie MasonStephen WorrallJohn K. CunniffAmy K. AdamsHarold GladdingJonathan DwyerTom and Anne DiBenedettoJana L. MillerWilliam A. TothPaige L. HahnThomas S. SwanbergCraig A. SummersJosie SchiavoneMindy KelleyKaren A. DanisewiczDaniel KaileyNathaniel BrownKathryn C. WoodsKenneth C. RiederJennifer B. KidwellJoel C. SuscoMargaret H. CogginsJohn W. HouckJames KohlerDarlene M. RogersPaul J. O’LearyMrs. Richard CoffeyEmily RichwineKira HamrinSharon BurrowsCody BouseMr. Patti LucasAnn EngKathryn KloveLeslie ShimerJeremiah CoderLance WrightRonald and Dawn GarrettWilliam and Cynthia RussellTony and Susan PowellMegan TownsendLloyd and Barbara RameySarah BeginCraig SchwaitLelia M. MeyerVito and Cathy LottaLinda PrincipeWhitney BookSteven and Kimberly MislockLowell and Bonita WeinsteinJohn and Karen ForsterKen and Mary Anne O’MalleyJohn IrelandRhode and Ernest StoneRachel HedrickDoris EichornCharles AdamsPeter and Mary EdwardssonReza KhadiriRoxanne TappRuth MolyneRuth SmithKendra KielbasaThomas ZedanR. S. ThorntonMarina ScottAnna GoldsworthyWilliam and Doris SpeightKevin and Denise ColinaEmilie Hertzog

Stephanie GrimesJames MendellAlice FernandesJo-Anne KellyEva PayneCharles ThomasChris FordRomina FincherTroy and Lydia McCamishCalista LockeChad HanesLane CreamerSandra RygalskiSarah HudginsAndy and Eleanor HayJean and Marie ProsperMicah ReynoldsKatie SchaeferJeff ShoafRobert and Sarah ChesneyGene and Linda BarronEmily MatsonRyan NoblesRonald HaysRose and Richard SchwartzCarolina MejiaMin LeePatricia EricksonJonathan and Amy StehnJoe and Fran SmithYifan and Linh ZouRoy HoffmanJennifer DeckerKatie DiveleyLinda LindseyTimothy HemstreetPhilip OftonThomas JohnsonBarbara Geiger-GreenNadine SicatJulie KimM. Devereux CarterLaurel SnapperCharlotte RichZivan and Lynn HertzogRachel KlingJames PickerellMary PapadopoulosLaura FlorekAmalia ArbuluJulia and Michael PerkinsKevin GatesmanKenneth ByersJames and Janet RogersJerry and Holly LeachmanDonna NeulandDavid TangBob Gilbert and Nancy BroyhillWilliam and Karen McNeilKurt SnapperJoseph CrivelloChanel CablerScott JungMarc McAlpineDavid and Shirely BedardDavid and Tara FellDuffin and Heidi NewmanJames and Tina TongLee and Suzanne CarrickRay and Anne RitcheyCharlie and Katie InmanTony and Cheryl DuvallKarunakaran and Rachel ArulanandamJerome and Pennie RossMichael and Jennifer GeimerRichard and Linda WestGeorge and Carolyn SagatovDonovan and Shawna McKeownBrandon and Barbara

SchelhornHyun and Sang PakMichael and Maria AsbillHoward and Janet FauverJohn and Carolee JakesAnthony and Patricia Van SchaickDonald ZimmermanAndrew and Jean VarneyFrank RossTerence O’ConnorTeresa LambJill EtheredgeCheryl KrichbaumAndy BlommeBeverly GeserickKelly GeerDavid DavisAnthony M. BazziniAnn R. NecessaryWilliam BisbeeJamie FinchNikki DimmickChessy WestIanthe ZabelRodney N. WoodruffBrian DudleySheryl ChapinCharles J. MaguireJoyce AlimusaAndrew K. TurnerJeremy and Louise GoodwinTheresa Rozzano-PrestonKaren BailorShannon ReadyLorne M. GreeneAnthony and Catherine FuscoRobert BusslerSusyrati BunantaSueyla OzdemirCharles MartinJack and Suzanne ApwischOliver D. ZandonaJulie BlinnBruce StanlyBetty WrightVicki KishSeung UmFiona CorsoJordan CunninghamJack and Charmaine YoestAllison TirjanNeva GebeleinInez and Charles TraylorTravis BourneRobert and MarinaNick LondinoRonalda J. MesonDurshawn SewardAbimbola AdebowaleEllie and Frank LofaroLorraine BrowerNaomi MatthewsHal and Cheryl MetcalfeMike and Jackie KnightColby and Nina MayJerico McInnisShelagh LabicheRichard MastGeoff and Trish SmithKevin WilliamsMatthew and Tracy GishShirley DuVallJustin PraskeDavid KinneyBrian KaislerHelena GriswellSarah KosbobAnne LeeJose GonzalezBrian and Cathy Bernasek

Deborah BlyskalKajal NarangJohn MurphyNancy WebsterJoseph ColaoGarrett HubbardFrans B. HorjusLawrence and LoisJohn and Anne ScroggsWalt VirkusJoanne PomponioAnna EdkhilDaryn AlldayNeil and Caryl BreithauptGary SandmanDavid MetzlerCraig MasseyKathy KuharWilliam and Dominique FergusonMr. Carrie VaughanKatherine CloverScott SchuleinTae and Jong-yoon KimApril McCullohJeffrey and Maggie WhallRodney and Katie HarmonRonald HochstetlerRachel KennettKatie VeatchRebecca ShawAnnie SampsonAmy BowdenTimothy and Sarah CornwellStephen and Mildred HaleyRichard and Eileen LoriaAbigail HoryczunMark BerumenJohn JoannouBarbara Fink-OsterSteven and Roxann CoePaul and Betsy MontgomeryJia-Jeng and Li-Chen ShiauWilliam and Muriel WebbDouglas Gallo and Carmelita ChadwickBilly WelchDenise WattersSteve and Martha SugrueKatherine AbruzzinoHarry and Helga WarrenAndrea BenjaminArthur CameronTodd and Diane HaraRoger and Margie SmithSimon and Silke KoenigJoe GoodrichWilliam and Margaret BruckartTsu YenJoachim and Teresa OteroMichael and Katrina GerlingCharles SimpsonJonathan ThatcherDavid and Lorainne WardAnnmarie MandarinoAndrew JonesWilliam HamAe Ran ChunClark and Joanna SilvaJames and Liz PodgorskiVincent ZamoraChristopher PochZelda ArtzRoderick and Vickie HustonApril CraigBrad ColavecchioLinda Elstad VadlGary and Christine ManWilliam McCloudLaura BunyonKurt Pronske


Shana and Peter KingNathan BryanRachiel QuiboteSandy PetersonFareed KassirGloria SpellmanManuel DelgadoPreston and Elaine CampbellDavid and Adele ElyKaren KellyBeverly KayKristin HealyBetty GoodmanRoberta MedlockSusi DavidMinnie SchenartsRobin TomlinRichard and Susan ThomasNara and Sokhom NorngRoger BarnettFrank and Joanne GalloHardy and Christina HansenBrian and Samantha MillerEric and Tammy ThornsburyMichael and Sharon SaundersKevin and Stacey ReynoldsMark and Karla LoperRon and Claudia DanielGregory and Christina McPheeKevin and Adrienne ElwellMark and Leanne RodgersPaul and Anna LevinJuan and Marjorie VeigaGordon and Pat BanksChong and Kay LeeHolly BelairJim and Marti SchroederParkson CheongRobert BrooksCheryl HunsbergerLisa WildMargaret BondMary GimenezConnie HerrmannMatthew BeaverRhonda BorgusDereck SugimuraLarry LieMichael and Elizabeth SutoGlen and Julie RiveraMaureen and Brian BarlowJordan KlutkaJuan AlfaroJohn and Barbara PritchykSusan FeldhausenSyh MasangoElliot MghenyiAshley ChouKent ElliottAnton SchmidtDavid KirbyMike StreetAlvin and Earlene LassiterMike BilbreyChris CooperGeorge and Derian TaylorMichael and Emily SmithGarrett and Ann GrigsbyJoe and AdrianSusan MalachowskiDolores RoebuckChris and Arianne MasseyJoanne and Jack KempWarren and Linda MaslarDavid and K. StoehrDavid PayneMary SearsVicky CarrMichael Shupp

Bob and Barb RusbuldtBonnie SpeakmanPeter PrizioJonathan WickWayne ApplewhiteJeff J. RobinsonScott SweatTimothy PiersonDavid FisherAnthony ScalaGraham MorrisBrett AlbroBob HubnerMark HendersonMarie BrowneSteve ShemaRalph and Joanna ValenciaBethany DiamondDiane BradyMichael JohnsonCheryl FisherStacey BrosnanCatherine DaleyLola ReinschKim AubuchonGeri OpsahlNancy HoylerDenise RamseyTanessa GroahV MehraFrank WolfHsin-Hua KuoStuart KirbyNicholas SmeetsMarita EmperadoDouglas KruegerKenneth E. FritzJeffrey and Cathy HurlburtLih-Fang LinKari CostelloAnne CrecraftSamuel WangScott MathiasChris MoomawMark and Alison RubendallDallas NashWilliam and Cheri SchipperFrederick WebbTracye BoydJose CalderonRajeev and Debbie AgnihotriCindy VasquezEstella WilsonStanley and Margie ZenorJerry and Mary Ann AdamsKelly VogelCara StrebDawnielle CarterScot PittmanRich LaPerchMax GorePatrick HarrisGene SamburgMary RogersCatherine ScottJennifer LawlerLynne S. BallTom and Kathleen DavidsonIrving WolfeSamuel and Nancy MillerDiego PinedaChristine JacobsJames and Rhonda SpeightKirk MielenzSimon SmithAnthony FitzgeraldJames MooreEmily RuegerRoy and Christina WoodScott WaltersSidney Nance

Sterling HerschVictor BeattieAndrea BoldonKaren WarkentienKathrine CalderazziLinda ColemanLisa ByingtonPattie SteevesRobin WesnofskeSusan CarradiceMike TardognoCharles ChuDavid ButlerFrank DennistonJohn MalthanerCliff and Felicia WilkeBonny GroszBob BonshireLouis and Elizabeth BakerLinda ColeAlton DavisRichard and Susan OliverMichael and Susan HeatwoleKristen and Kevin DugasCharles RineCharles and Barbara PiontkowskiDonald and Cynthia LangguthRussell and Anita AkridgeBrian PenoyerMargaret RosenthalJames SnyderRay SchultzJennifer ElzeaJoseph BeginJeanne BereznickiAmanda BaneyAmy RomaCynthia LauermanNicole KimBarton PhillipsBlair DrydenNancy BeckMonna MadronCatherine McDonaldJane GreinMark and Liz StewartTresa OsbornJanice PeischelJo Ann HauenstineJulie MartinJohn SwiftJohn DurocherDonald MacDonaldMatthew DavisDouglas AldersonEdgar KochMark PynePetal and Josh SaariDavid and Sharon ScurlockJohn and Carolyn PflugJohn DewesWilliam and Betty ClementsCurtis W. BrandDavid OshinskiMichael A. ColandroCeleste AmatangeloVicente J. LledoDavid C. BearNicholas D. HarrisKelly FalconiRonald AnzeloneBenjamin TrotterMichael S. McWilliamsEdward F. KondisVivian A. ThompsonChristopher J. LinkJuan C. KechkianJoseph HuangChristopher S. Wilson

Brian DeSilvaTom WeirJoanne HodderMichael ConwaySteve and Frieda KristedjaJacob and Shelbie HanftCraig ThompsonJessica LynchRonald and Elizabeth SchusterLois AkinDaniel AnglinJune GladdingCatherine RyanRick LeichtweisSteve and Bridget PlittLaura MangobaStephanie SaraviaDavid BracciaDonald and Carol LeeHelen SpitlerBrian RileyElisabeth FisherJoyce SmithMaruiel PerkinsCarolyn MorelandJoanne MorrisSusan GreitzJames J. ElseaCourtney N. ClarkWilliam P. SnowMichael D. SullivanAndrew D. TurnerRichard O. DaviesSusan TurnerMartin CastroRobert F. TammeraRaymond W. UrtonGina BuserJohn R. EsserSwee Boon R. QuekCharles T. MosesNicholas F. KarimJudy PatnaudeJames E. FeatherM. E. TunisonAnn M. WestJohn and Mary Diane KleinGeorge and Joan ZeberleinStephen and Barbara KellerRaymund and Lisa FavisBilly and Joyce ButtreyLarry and Virginia SingletonTed and Ruth NelsonRobert and Nadja WardWayne and Kathleen PatulloKim and James LeeJohn KeyserKara SchlifkeJoseph KruppEvan GayGrace RissettoWilliam NunleyJoseph DanekDeborah CopeGregory LillyErin PardeeJohn and Kathryn StankoSteve and Barb PacellaJaqueline SantanaBummi OlogbenlaKenneth MossJames BaileyJered WielandJames HoffmanEric EkerothBill BlocherJohn and Diane BissetSteven DeVoeMrs. Kevin RobinsonNancy Nolan

Carmen and Elaine CiardelloRandy and Debra RoseGeza and Lydia CseriThomas and Delores CoxJohn and Barbara WhitneyDonna TesieroJoyce FosterLaura O’DeaDouglas WreathThomas WertzEric ZidenbergPete and Bertha MccClintockBarbara Meier-ConteKim CouthenPatricia PatrickRisa OzdemirJeho and Juliana KwakPeter and Gail VendtMrs. Andrew FurjanicMichael KolanskyLaurie LaychakRobert and Christa WeitkampSokhom Bou and Nara NorngEdel Van AckerThomas and Mary JohnsonTy and Nia AustinHoon RaCecile BurtonLinda HenryLarry and Kathryne FosterLuke SuhAaron and Amy FrankJeffrey and Kirsten GnippTrevor and Kristen LantzyChris GrefeJohn GeorgeAlonzo SmithCharles and Virginia ClaytonJoshua and Lindsey NagtzaamKenneth and Cecilia WilliamsClint PickettCraig ButeraEric SchnabelGreg JohnsonJohn SamuelJohnny DavisRobert CamorsChristina IkeziJudy HonigSid MillerAnn FordKat VinsonDoug and Eileen HillmuthMichael and Kathy PickettSundeep GoswamiMichael CutlerThomas and Valerie RichbourgJeannie WilloughbyAnn BoyleAdrianna Cowan-WaddyJudy MayKathleen GoodPeggy HammondSarah MurtaghThomas and Virginia HickeyLaura GrayCorey TipsJames YarrisonSahaya and Sugirtha ArulanandamJohn and Judith HamiltonRemus FeteaPhyllis MeisnerBarbara LinzMarjorie AginTom NewellAnn Cook

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Satya and Rangsei BenAmy Del ValleStephen and Peggy StillJonathon and Dusty PerrelliJohn and Anne StalfortKenneth and Patricia FortmanDouglas and Jennifer DearEmile and Suad AntounJoseph BeditzJanet HalseyJames ShipeWill and Meredith JohnsonCheryl CummingsJeffrey and Lauren JordanSusan FurickDouglas ColtonAderonke LukeSook VelascoElizabeth DaubresseEdward BorostovikSteven MullinsChristine WhalenBrenda WilliamsJohn and Joanne ForchJamie LimWilliam and Mary AlfanoPernell and Vanette ShandsThomas and Stephanie MarshMichelle and Arthur TillerSidney and Cheryl FriedenbergAlbert and Paula HallThomas and Beth D’AgostinoWilbrun HoosierPhyllis CarsonRandy McFaydenJames SmithDeborah YangMargaret KimSusan AldorferSheila HanzWayne CarteeKevin KellyThane YoungHoward KatzJohn AndersonCharles MowlPatrick CassidyBrian O’HareBruce EllisAlvin KamSeth WalkJoyce MillerKathleen PaigeTammy LylesBeth ShrinerJessica NguyKimberly BonzelaarMegan RileySally ProutyMarda RobillardCarol McDaidJulie KnightLisa DeckVivian AdkinsAlan and Rebecca BurtonLaura TaylorWilliam McElmurrayLonnie MooreJoseph WangWayne EvansBrad AitkenJack SandersJay LivingoodFred LivingoodGary and Marybeth HanelineJeanne TuroffRoland and Linda NickersonWilliam Linden

Pornoun DeJkriengkraikulJung KimA. J. StegerBrian NorbergJames FowlerChristopher and Karin CallahanGeorge and Susan AllenRobert and Karen KeoughKenneth and Carol BodwellScott and Deborah HommerJin and Jenny KimRich and Lisa HannibalKenton and Nanette DowningLarry and Donna GrayMike and Lisa TooheyBud and Jill HarperJim and Marvella PaulsJoe and Patricia KingLinh and Cindy NguyenPaula OwensDavid and Claudia ArpMichael and Grace ChangJen and Allen HerzbergMark and Janet FlanaganStephen and Christine LamosHarry and Debra MarmerShihshun and Shuna YaoJimi and Tolu PetersRavi and Reny-Thomas GeorgeEd and Eve ShapiroAllen WestMax and Sally JohnsonSonya MercerJohn FergusonMiles WitherspoonMegan AndersonLori TerryKeren CampbellWendie BanderRobert DriscollJodi HaugenEdward RoweAllan MarteneyAlexia SmallTamara CameronRobert ReedCameron SmithYu-Ling LinDaniel BrobergTom ZeberleinEmily KacsmarMiriam LizardiJill and Dave McWhorterNatha TaitChris and Kimberly KimMartin and Ruth PochDavid BrooksVictoria LuckKatie CargillKenneth SamuelsLinda LogerDaniel WhiteLloyd BillerJohn FerraraJames JulianoLeonard KowalskiJoyce KooMichael JoyceNancy ReedJohn and Anne PeacockJeremy GruberSusan StricklandDaroth CurranBrendan MattinglyJohn SacharanskiGhamartaj and Feri TafreshiTerri O’ConnellDiana Everline

Stuart CampbellMike McDevittFrancene ZeiglerAlice TurnerBernard EydtDavid FitzgeraldJonathan and Lorraine GoldenbergBarry and Beltina ThomasSheila and Robert HefnerMonique and Robert KoltermanCathy MartinDebra KacsmarAlyse MuldoonJessica BucknorKirk KellerNagwa AzizMeng LiuWesley and Ida MinamiAndrew LesterAngie KigerJason HartDaniel F. BradyDavid M. PoppJoseph CieriBill and Suzanne PerryFranklin and Margaret CateWilliam LashLarry and Estelle JacksonJim and Susan AlleyDonald TillarSamantha BillerJuliana AckermanConley RickerMaura RollPhilip GrzewinskiMarci FisherErik ZahnenMichelle LovgrenBenjamin and Anna AustinTom ReeseRonald and Kathy RohrbaughRobert and Tammie GousyThomas MoyerNeil and Tammy ZimmermanCarlos and Karen LagunaFrank and Rebekah CampbellNisha OommenEls Van HeirseeleStephen ChanMark and Catherine BurghardtPeter JeeDennie and Rizah ValdezChristopher HarrisGeorge and Leslie BanksJohn and Laurel PlattJeffrey and Claudia HaynesCatherine RunkleSandra MartinBrian and Marcie TurnauRosalina HartonoPerry and Florence PayneJohn and Susan YatesLee and Ellen VaughnJames and Joann PiperPeter G. CahnVirginia R. TaussWilliam B. LewisKelly BrennanValori BorlandDianne ReedBridget GonzalesKeith FavaLou LawrenceMartin PullmanGradon KamElaine LuCarol Feaga

Shelly VostersStacy MearesMichael CrottyRobert GoeltzKenneth WhittedKevin and Christine CorrellBarbara ConklinCraig RiceJune MeyersNancy SayersGeorge YoungJessica HuangAaron LeicherThuy NguyenJulie AitkenDan CaroWilliam Ashton IIPatricia StathopoulosJanet EwellJodi HustonSusan MoranRebecca CowanBeverly NuzumJennifer KimballSara BamblingMarcia EverettPatricia FerraraVirginia MerrillPamela SanchezDaphne MintzJames RobertsJasper ThomsonGreg Van ScoyocEric and Kristine BertWayne and Cindy WuThomas and Laurie LankfordDavid and Denice BrittonBrian and Michelle HaasWesley and Tanya HazelworthMichael and Brett MoselChristian DownwardTerrence CogdillAlan and Carol KellyJames BellEugene MorrisGerry and Jeanne TitusGerard and Kathy DacheTodd and Cynthia KilbourneWilliam and Joan HiggsEarl and Linda RitterTimothy and Robin PaolangeliMark and Kristina PagetJerome and Nancy BakerTerry and Brenda BookerRobert LippChristine RiveraBarry JohnsonMarsha AshleyJulie DominguezLina CheikhaSandy ChungVincent and Terry ZalenskiMichael LenkinStephanie LangitSusanne PickettKathy AndersonRobert and Valentine BlakeAnne KoralovaCindy GiseShannon BlaisdellNicole PayneJack CowanEverette WamplerGary and Vikki LanziseroPatrick and Janet KennedyJohn and Patricia McCuneJack Ansaldi and Lori BernsteinJoseph Rose

Joseph and Lynn BurkeLynne McDowellDori TapperKara JohnsonCarmen ColonPaul DoerrerSteve RadosBill and Jane MillwardBrooke and Sandra BerryRoger and Linda ZirkleSteven and Nancy ZimmermanErnie ClarkTamara TalottaJoan MichelsonJane SteinbergJudy ShortKathleen CoxMargaret EdwardsDuy TrinhRonald and Joyce ReeseJoseph BowserPatrick WilkinsJason ClarkRyan PhelpsBrian BashMary WeybackTemi AkinolaJoel RossignuoloJames MullerMatthew McBrideJoe VoorheesWayne HulitDiana and Jay ChevalierJoel BaconWilliam FosterKatie VanlandinghamPeery LewisGayle NovigGretchen HoltzerNanette BinderCarole WhitereeSteve and Kelly NicholsJames and Megan LawtonDaniel GilmoreGail MillsSteve RadloffElizabeth and Joe FemiaJohn and Darlene EhlersJohn and Diana MartsonAlison WrightLinda ColeDuane and Sandra PhillipsSora Taye and Wubalem TsigeThomas and Patricia FieldsStephen and Lonna LicciniJohn and Elizabeth SeabreezeThomas and Mary BracyJames and Jill LivingoodPeter and Kathy HillJeremy HuangBin ShenBua and Edward JonesMichael and Catharine HoyeHenry and Gabrielle BinghamLloyd and Kalaivani KoenigDonald and Diane CreedJill KendrickRonald PritchettJames McQuarrieEdward MadonnaScott and Nancy PattersonJorge TrigoBonnie KotapishLauren MyersGambrelle SnyderTighe and Christine PearsonJim and Kay BurrierRobert and Sandra Baker


David and DianePaul and JennaRocky and Carol RuoffMike and Caren ToloczkoAlvis and Iveta HagelisJames KolbLinda SpauldingMeriwether BroaddusRobert and Paula KlimaNick BednarJames BellDaniel SchirmannBrad LargentJay KaplonBruce YoungAndrae BalyDonny GarneauArt CasoniJeff Hamond and Mauri ZiffRick and Patricia GrantWalter WoodringAmanda VanMatreApril KritsbergKristin BennettLaura FriedlandCarrie PedrozaMichelle EvansHannah FieldHollly ChildsRobert AndersonRoger KoeppeRichard UchicPat NewlandEdward and Nancy HoegJohn and Ardemis JerikianRussell and Carolyn NewportPatrick FlahertyRick CorriganDenise NaguibJane JosephsonKatherine GruellLinda JoyceTami CordayMaurice and Alice BransfieldThomas and Joann WolfeWilliam and Sandra HunterTony OheGerman ParejaJonathan LeeTiffany ChudySharon EmerlingDonna Baker-NotterDavid and Stephanie MeekerGeorge EvansHardeep S. GrewalGary EmerlingLeia WarrenSteven LelbachEric and Jane LawtonJohn and Jessi LightfootJohn and Anna TaylorKevin and Shannon O’ConnorRaymond and Diane LemeshElisabeth GreenJeanmarie KlitznerJessica MolesworthKelli FitzgeraldLeigh MacDonaldLynne ValdesMargaret CorlMargaret StrangRhonda LevineStephanie HattixAndrea HowellDeborah MalkinRobert FisherRobert HeiberRonald TuckeTimothy WhiteVicky Sloan

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Greg and Becky GaultSusanne ZimmermanVictoria HatchDale and Rebecca PiggRobert CostelloKathy DonadioSinclair LiGary FreedmanSanny Lesmana and Linda BudhinataRichard VirkusChristine CarlsonKathleen FarmerVirginia KinnemanSusan MorrowRebecca MillerKathleen SmithDeborah WilsonDavid HarveyJeffrey GoodellKenneth SwensonMark VigrenJennifer CraneMarcia FisherMahnaz MazakKaren FergusonJean P. AndreLorraine C. SawkaLuc E. Van VoorenYolanda H. MeyerTheodore C. OngRobert A. PutchJeffrey H. SiegellJohanna MittonLisa ChauJohn R. PetersonAlicia CookMary Beth SkupienMichael SanzanoMarjorie B. HamBeth Ann ColfordBrian D. CampbellStuart AferiatMark HowshamDiana AddeoMarge StalzerSara MooreJarrod ThompsonStephen A. OttoCarla DurneyJeffrey A. TabakAndrew KishCheri PanagiotopoulosRichard L. WhiteRalph A. BrileyJohn F. KingAndrew D. WellsRobert W. SchreiberMaria SupkoJohn M. BurkeTak K. SungJames E. McLaughlinMark A. BloughJohn F. GarveyKendra McMurrayJohn F. CashmanEarle M. LaymanDouglas T. JohnstonFred D. GrosseRoland SchusterederSarah DiGioiaNeil A. FisherRandy L. ReeseCathleen S. NickelsKenneth E. LorangJeffrey S. SpalterMichael GaitherNorma K. WangRobert M. GoldsmithRichard P. BrownMark Van Hout

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Ollie HensonDarla and David AndersonMr. Joanne ShinWilliam and Sarah LuseCharles and Anne GregorskiStephen and Kathleen BakerDavid and Kathleen WalkerMarina RosasStanley and Brenda BowlerLawrence and Carmen LaymanAshley BrennerCindy PleytezTait LivingoodBrian McNicholasSterry McGeeVictoria WilsonRamonda TalkieCynthia AloiseRumuhut SimanjuntakLarry and Sarah ThompsonArthur and Marcia CloseWilliam and Andrea CreightonBeverly MattsonJoyce D’AndreaJoann RedmondKaren HarveyJudith PendergrassJustin HemingerEmma Mangano-ThurlowDennis DaxonVelan and Lisa ThillairajahSarah BunchDonald and Immaculada CreegerRichard ParkeGloria MumawDonald HilbertEdward and Margaret ColbertMichael ForresterDouglas and Tammy CongdonRichard and Holli PalmerGeoffrey and Meredith EhlerRobert and Sue BenningMaria MilellaCharlene GatewoodThomas BensonKhwaja Faraz AhmedAllison HamrickAlvin and Betty McNeilRichard and Judy SeltmannDavid and Sarah KaczorSiebrand and Susan NiewenhousSandra SweitzerDeborah BlackstenAlexander CovingtonJarett LishinskyYogita DhondSabrina Rodriguez-HarteMargaret DiBiaseKavita KalaturKatherine MacholJennifer WeisbergerMaggie McOmberRachel DamelinKimberly DreyfusMarie AndrewsAllen BrindleMichele GirouxJill R. MerrittJohn L. TozziSherri Di LorenzoMarie MorrisErin MontgomeryRochelle SalzmanJay H. WaldJeff IudicelAnna J. WarrenMichael N. Matton

Maryanne SmythJanice MelloBob and Sally DunganMatino MertusSandra JohnstonSusan MenzelJohn DayJonathan MahaffeyBrian SchultzLara TalLauren CaffertyAlex BarrosNancy WittigDean SowersAlbert EdwardsMelvin and Alice GardnerNeal SolomonPhillip ImelRobert SaurSteven LioneRolando MangobaPeirce WardJason HamiltonJill MitchellMarcia PokrantLaura HymelLiane KerryKristen FloryDenise ForrestLeslie MooreLanae HolmesJames HigginsDimitri HenryCaye SerlingYvonne DownieHeather HarinsteinTracy KristensenDanny GuengerichPhilip RomanelliSteve ViukerDavid HainesChris FruitrichMichael and Wendy NagyRosette KasemCassie BlakelyStephen and Kathy KenderishBryan JonesCharles CloptonDavid BlascoJohn FultzKeith MorrisonMarc FriedmanThomas QuinnAnnette GuariscoCarolyn LylesCynthia GardnerKarin SadowskiMelissa CleggNancy ConnorsStephanie RoehlValerie MascittiVeronica RichardsonGeorge and Julia CrullJames and Christine DeyuliisAlice CarlsonFrancine DehaanKathleen O’NeillWilliam CarterNina DurhamMikelle WallaceClyde McPheeRichard and Theresa SpadeTracey Oliver-DavisJustin BodakChristina MandalMatt and Connie PundmannMark TaftJacqueline DavisLaura CrossSharon KimMary Hawkins

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