Facts about Automotive Businesses

Sustain local automotive businesses to build a thriving economy Small businesses in Arizona offer good-paying, local area jobs that help the local area. Arizona’s automotive businesses, the majority of them locally-owned, depict a growing sector that jointly has contributed millions towards the state’s tax base. All those taxes help pay for schools, roads along with very important state services. That’s how promoting the local auto industry helps the local economy blossom. Studies show exactly how much impact buying auto parts and having auto repair from a locally owned or operated automotive business will affect the overall economy. In accordance with Local First Arizona, a buy-local advocacy group, $73 from every $100 that consumers commit to locally owned firms stays locally. Compare that to just $43 that stays on in the local current economic climate as soon as residents buy products from companies with out-of-state entrepreneurs. When looking at the numbers, it is crystal clear that assisting local business owners, like car dealers and auto repair shops, repays. Spending cash in your community may seem like a little thing, but it surely obviously will make a improvement. To what can the impact be credited? Locally owned small businesses, such as car dealers, often buy a greater percentage of their supplies, including computers, paper and other office goods, in your community. Also, locally owned or operated automotive businesses employ more local staff. A few of these staffers earn good, middle class pays, after which spend all those salaries in state, creating a much bigger impact. Within a out-of-state-based business, those positions, which includes marketing and advertising specialists, accountants and business development personnel, would probably be housed in a faraway headquarters, earning and spending cash faraway. That does nothing to boost the local economy thrive. Other than the wages non-locally owned companies pay, business owners also purchase office materials out of state, sending thousands of dollars worth of tax revenue outside the state. The amount of money these businesses pay for business- related services, like consulting, at the same time go outside of the state. Non-local businesses create fewer local, high wage, management level jobs, in turn weakening the middle class and creating significantly less opportunity for local residents. Supporting locally owned or operated businesses produces a multiplier effect. Progressing automotive businesses spending thousands of dollars on local support services and companies ripples throughout the greater economy. That generates a thriving economic climate for all to benefit from, and helps individuals find jobs. This


When looking at the numbers, it is crystal clear that assisting local business owners, like car dealers and auto repair shops, repays. Small businesses in Arizona offer good-paying, local area jobs that help the local area. Visit: http://arizonacentennial.org/?p=6

Transcript of Facts about Automotive Businesses

Sustain local automotive businesses to build a thriving economy

Small businesses in Arizona offer good-paying, local area jobs that help the local area. Arizona’s automotive businesses, the majority of them

locally-owned, depict a growing sector that jointly has contributed millions towards the state’s tax base. All those taxes help pay for schools, roads along with very important state services. That’s how promoting the local auto industry helps the local economy blossom.

Studies show exactly how much impact buying auto parts and having auto repair from a locally owned or operated automotive business will affect the overall economy. In accordance with Local First Arizona, a buy-local advocacy group, $73 from every $100 that consumers commit to locally owned firms stays locally. Compare that to just $43 that stays on in the local current economic climate as soon as residents buy products from companies with out-of-state entrepreneurs. When looking at the numbers, it is crystal clear that assisting local business owners, like car dealers and auto repair shops, repays.

Spending cash in your community may seem like a little thing, but it surely obviously will make a improvement. To what can the impact be credited? Locally owned small businesses, such as car dealers, often buy a greater percentage of their supplies, including computers, paper and other office goods, in your community. Also, locally owned or operated automotive businesses employ more local staff. A few of these staffers earn good, middle class pays, after which spend all those salaries in state, creating a much bigger impact.

Within a out-of-state-based business, those positions, which includes marketing and advertising specialists, accountants and business development personnel, would probably be housed in a faraway headquarters, earning and spending cash faraway. That does nothing to boost the local economy thrive.

Other than the wages non-locally owned companies pay, business owners also purchase office materials out of state, sending thousands of dollars worth of tax revenue outside the state. The amount of money these businesses pay for business-related services, like consulting, at the same time go outside of the state. Non-local businesses create fewer local, high wage, management level jobs, in turn weakening the middle class and creating significantly less opportunity for local residents.

Supporting locally owned or operated businesses produces a multiplier effect. Progressing automotive businesses spending thousands of dollars on local support services and companies ripples throughout the greater economy. That generates a thriving economic climate for all to benefit from, and helps individuals find jobs. This

helps make supporting local small companies, for instance automotive dealers, an easy way to promote a thriving community.

Automotive businesses owned by Arizona residents provide same quality and repair for auto repair and auto parts that you'd expect to have from any other car dealership in the car sector. Purchasing auto parts from locally owned or operated automotive businesses is a straightforward way to aid the local economy and promote excellent jobs for all residents.

The very next time you need auto repair, auto parts or a visit to a car dealer for a shiny brand new automobile, think about going to a locally owned and operated business. You will do more than fill your automobile demands - you will even be supporting the local overall economy, putting together work opportunities and helping a local small business operator and his family thrive.

Tags: automotive business, small business, auto industry, car dealers, auto repair, auto parts